Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard...

1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014 The Philosopher Archetype Reference notes by Richard Unger IIHA prints: 9920-R, 5007-L, 5006-L, 019-RG, Jacque Cousteau ______________________________________________________________________________ The Philosopher Hand is an exaggeration of the Air type. It is usually quite large with long upper sections to the fingers and enlarged knots of order. When women have this hand type, the rectangular shape of Air is usually narrowed a bit. Philosopher persons are seekers of truth. Eminently reasonable, Philosophers are not insulted if you disagree with their theories. Actually, they are pleased that you have taken the time to pay attention to that which is so important to them; few people seem to care about truth anymore. Besides, what could possibly be more fun than a spirited debate among deep thinkers? With a broad historic scope, taking the long view of current events and future possibilities, it is hard to understand why government programs and personal behaviors are so short sighted. Philosophers have been upset with the low level of public discourse from time immemorial, however, that is not the big frustration facing the Philosopher type. Advanced Philosophers are challenged to meet the simple criteria of “a good life” enumerated by Freud over a century ago: find suitable employment and enjoy a good love life. It is too bad that a high percentage of Philosophers find themselves in grotesquely unsuitable jobs (professor, author, museum curator would be good) and their romance IQ tends to be in the lower third of the population. © Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype 1

Transcript of Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard...

Page 1: Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014 The Philosopher


Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014

The Philosopher Archetype

Reference notes by Richard Unger IIHA prints: 9920-R, 5007-L, 5006-L, 019-RG, Jacque Cousteau ______________________________________________________________________________

The Philosopher Hand is an exaggeration of the Air type. It is usually quite large with long upper sections to the fingers and enlarged knots of order. When women have this hand type, the rectangular shape of Air is usually narrowed a bit.

Philosopher persons are seekers of truth. Eminently reasonable, Philosophers are not insulted if you disagree with their theories. Actually, they are pleased that you have taken the time to pay attention to that which is so important to them; few people seem to care about truth anymore. Besides, what could possibly be more fun than a spirited debate among deep thinkers?

With a broad historic scope, taking the long view of current events and future possibilities, it is hard to understand why government programs and personal behaviors are so short sighted. Philosophers have been upset with the low level of public discourse from time immemorial, however, that is not the big frustration facing the Philosopher type. Advanced Philosophers are challenged to meet the simple criteria of “a good life” enumerated by Freud over a century ago: find suitable employment and enjoy a good love life. It is too bad that a high percentage of Philosophers find themselves in grotesquely unsuitable jobs (professor, author, museum curator would be good) and their romance IQ tends to be in the lower third of the population.

© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype 1

Page 2: Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014 The Philosopher


Philosopher Themes Philosopher Careers• Philosophic, long term view, high principles Professor, Teacher• Purity of perspective, Utopian idealism Writer, Publisher, Editor• Fairness, greatest good for greatest number Museum Curator, Research• Read, Write, Teach, Learn Archeology, History• Anti-political, anti-melodrama Driving Taxi, Waiting Tables

Philosopher + Finger Tips

Square: Research Conic: Art History Spatulate: Whistle Blower Pointy: Metaphysics

Philosopher + Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Moon

Jupiter: College President Saturn: Archeology Apollo: Famous Philosopher Mercury: Read, Write, Teach Mars: Indiana Jones Venus: The History of Sex Moon: Spiritual Studies

Be on the lookout for: Lines of Genius, Writer’s Fork• Validity of the Personality, Rule #1: Be Your Type – Not usually a problem• Validity of the Personality, Rule #2: Integrate Your Opposite – Ahh, here’s the rub

Make a living as philosopher? Get a date for the Prom?

• The Paradox Principle - Delicious Dilemmas Gina + Spatulate Tips = Action vs. Contemplation HAL / Long Mercury + Line of Clairvoyance = Reason vs. Intuition

Hands of Jacque Cousteau

© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype 2

Page 3: Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014 The Philosopher


Questions and Answers

9920-R-: Philosopher with long Mercury = Read, Write, Teach A tiny Line of Clairvoyance + HAL = Hermetic Intelligence Add in the strong Upper Saturn and that cinches the deal – why?

What do you make of the crack in Mid Jupiter? How do you think a Philosopher type deals with Lone Tree issues? What about this particular Philosopher?

© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype 3

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© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype 4

Discussed in second call from 1.00.00 :Tall Mercury finger1.01.50 Hal HeadlineStar on line of clairvoyance

Lone tree on the plain (ten whorls)1.05.30 crack in middle Jupiter1.06.00 Big upper Saturn1.07 Lone tree 1.07.20 Jupiter starfuzzy lines and in thumb1.08.50 Mercury line goes through life line.(gut feel intuition)

Page 5: Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014 The Philosopher


5007-L: High Set Jupiter + Water on a Philosopher Hand Add in a tall Saturn finger

What kind of mischief is this?Where can 5007 be happy?

Music Teacher? Literature Professor? Tough-looking horizontal on Mid-Apollo validate niche issues theory.

Relate this Philosopher to his/her fingerprints:

© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype 5

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© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype

High set thumb



1.10.28 Print 5007 pagePhilosopher + Water1.11.40 Venus girdles under Saturn instead of Apollo1.12.40 middle Apollo horizontals1.13.20 Big shot innovator purpose 1.14.30 high set thumb

1.17.10 Pluto verticals - possible chemical imbalance.1’19.30 bubbles on lifeline and heart line1.20.20 strong upper thumb

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5006-L: Short fingered Philosopher with Fire Lines = The Whistle Blower Short Saturn adds a rebellious edge Is that a Pluto Attack Line? How would that play out? The Jacob’s Ladder looks edgy to me.

Possible Venus Star in the Inner Child Zone Relate all this to this Philosopher’s fingerprints:

© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype



Page 8: Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014 The Philosopher



© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype

81.24.10 short Saturn

1.20.55 print 5006 Fiery philosopher = “The Whistle-blower”eg Michael Moore1.24.00 Pluto attack line1.24.10 short Saturn1.25.20 Wounded child star

Service purpose, will they find their voice?sacrifice for love?


Page 9: Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014 The Philosopher


019-RG: Water blends with The Philosopher What good news / bad news possibilities come to mind?

Is that a Via Lascivia, a Co-Dependency line or an Addiction Line? Maybe some of each. Tippy-toe Neptune Frown ends in a Moon Star – what to do with this? Dominant Saturn adds Literature to the mix

Pull these threads together with 019’s fingerprints?

© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype



Page 10: Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger · 2014. 2. 28. · 1 Advanced Hand Shapes with Richard Unger Jena Griffiths interviews Richard Unger - February 18 & 25, 2014 The Philosopher



© Earth School [email protected] Richard Unger on the Philosopher Archetype


Not discussed except briefly at 15.45