Adrian Markelov Ambassador ppt

Adrian Markleov B Block 11/15/11



Transcript of Adrian Markelov Ambassador ppt

Page 1: Adrian Markelov Ambassador ppt

Adrian Markleov B Block


Page 2: Adrian Markelov Ambassador ppt

Blood diamonds: are illegal uncut diamonds used to finance rebel forces in war torn countries in Africa

Quote: “diamonds are forever it is often said. But lives are not we must spare people the ordeal of war, mutilation and death for the sake of blood diamonds,” Martin Changong.

Statistic: 4 percent of all Diamonds are conflict diamonds.

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A. War torn countries in Africa 1. Sierra Leon 2. C.A.R 3. Liberia 4. Democratic Republic of Congo 5. Ivory Coast 6. Angola 7. Zimbabwe a. Marange Field Zimbabweis the biggest blood diamond field in the world. b. Musodhi Hasha Zimbabwe is where the rebel forces have enslaved

Africans to work their field. B. Rebel controlled areas that have lots of diamonds. 1. Al Qaeda has land in the Ivory Coast and uses their diamonds for arms. 2. A group called the R.U.F. (Revolutionary United Front) created a civil war in

Sierra Leon against government.

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A. War lords want to rebel. 1. They gather an army of rebels. 2. They need weapons. a. They harvest diamonds to pay for arms. b. They used enslaved Africans to sift for diamonds on their

property. B. Civil Wars in Africa

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C. The demand for diamonds is so high 1. They own property that is loaded with

diamonds 2. Rebels can charge diamonds for high

price and easily pay for arms.

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The Kimberly Process ( a group started January 17 2001 and is used to check if traded diamonds are legitimate) is not 100% efficient.

By being sent secretly to a diamond trusted country.

1. Zimbabwe diamonds are wrapped as cookies and sent to Surat India where they are mixed with clean diamonds (not blood diamonds)

2. They are also driven to neighboring countries more easily that are trusted like Republic of Congo

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In the late 1980’s and 1990’s.1. Start in Angola in 1992 to finance UNITA rebels in

their civil war.2. Started in Sierra Leone to finance RUF rebels in

their civil war. After the diamond industry boomed in the early

1900’s.1. The first diamond, The Sedafe. Found in Sierra

Leone was in 1930.2. In 1927 the first diamonds where found in the

Ivory Coast.

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A. Government by coasting the money and makes them look bad.

1. It coast millions to pay to pay for the Kimberly Process to have to check diamonds.

2.Cost money to fight rebels and their arms.3. In liberia the government was being blamed

for not putting any effort into stopping the rebels.

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People by raising taxes and being raided.1.Raises taxes to help support military. 2.The rebels forces occasional come into

villages and slaughter the people in defiance of the government .

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When rebel forces come raid villages for slaves they would chop of the hands of children.

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African slaves are used to sift diamonds.

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There is a relation between an ambassador and blood diamonds because an ambassadors job is to represent and country and help solve issues between countries and blood diamonds are an issue between countries.◦ -salary : 150,000◦ -trends: a country always will need a representative◦ -advancement: impossible ambassador is the

highest ranking diplomat◦ Related careers: president, lawyer, journalist, and

military general

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Atholton high school Career Academy: Business and

Management I have picked this academy because it suits

my interests in organizing my self and anything I have my mind on.

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Location: Orange Town NJ Tuition: $34,000 Requirement for admission: 1.8 GPA School Mascot: Pirates Number of students: 9,592 students

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Volunteered at Days End Horse Farm Volunteered at Columbia Horse Center Participated in Food on the 15th Participated in Harvest Fest Helped in an adopt a road program

I have done these good deeds because I love horses and always want to help my community to be healthy and clean.

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◦ Worked at post office Columbia MD 2015◦ Ambitiously captained a soccer team for

S.A.C. 2010-2011 Columbia MD◦ Won dozens of horse jumping and posture

competitions 2006-2010◦ Worked at the national archives D.C. 2014◦ Performs in Piano recitals 2005-2016◦ Worked as a New York Tour guide

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US Aid. gov. Blood Diamonds . N.d. US Aid gov. geology. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.      <>.

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US Aid. gov. Blood Diamonds . N.d. US Aid gov. geology. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.      <>.