Adolf Hitler

ADOLF HITLER: THE UKNOWN ARTIST WHAT I NEED:- 1. HIS EARLY LIFE. 2. ENTRY INTO POLITICS 3. RISE TO POWER 4. NAZI PROPOGANDA 5. WORLD WAR 2 6. THE HOLOCAUST 7. PATH TO DEATH 8. MY VIEW HITLER’S EARLY LIFE It is necessary to understand Adolf Hitler’s early childhood and past to realize why he took such harsh policies and methods to win the war and command his supremacy. Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany , was born on April 20th 1889 in a small Austrian town called Braunau, near to the German border. his father alois hitler was 51 years old .he was short tempered strict and brutal. he adopted a brutal approach to bring up hitler. As a result hitler’s anger and strictness can be traced back to his childhood, when he himself received a dose of what he was going to be in the future. Alois was a civil servant and had a respected job . he was devastated when adolf hitler wanted to become an artist. Hitler’s mother on the other hand was supportive and kind and always came to his side when he had to face the rage of his father. Hitler was not popular in school and was lazy . he was a below average performer in school. hitler left school at the age of 15.hitler never stopped wanting to become an artist .he went to Vienna and applied for the Vienna academy of art. But his life was


a complete case study of one of the most terrifying men in the history of the world

Transcript of Adolf Hitler


HITLERS EARLY LIFEIt is necessary to understand Adolf Hitlers early childhood and past to realize why he took such harsh policies and methods to win the war and command his supremacy.Adolf Hitler, the leader ofNazi Germany , was born on April 20th 1889 in a small Austrian town called Braunau, near to the German border. his father alois hitler was 51 years old .he was short tempered strict and brutal. he adopted a brutal approach to bring up hitler. As a result hitlers anger and strictness can be traced back to his childhood, when he himself received a dose of what he was going to be in the future.Alois was a civil servant and had a respected job . he was devastated when adolf hitler wanted to become an artist. Hitlers mother on the other hand was supportive and kind and always came to his side when he had to face the rage of his father.Hitler was not popular in school and was lazy . he was a below average performer in school. hitler left school at the age of 15.hitler never stopped wanting to become an artist .he went to Vienna and applied for the Vienna academy of art. But his life was shattered again when his mother died ,further more he was rejected by the Vienna academy of art.It was during this time that his hatred for the jews increased .he convinced himself that the jews were responsible for his rejection in the vienna cademy of arts ,for his mothers death.he believed that all the rich people In Vienna were jews.he termed his life in Vienna as Five Years Of Hardship And Misery and blamed it on the jews.In august 1914 world war one was declared and he crossed the border to germany and applied for the army .he was excited for the war.he considered it a fortune and unlike other comrades, did not condemn it. Even though he was an introvert he won five medals for bravery and was even promoted to corporal. However a month before the end of the war in 1918 he was gassed and could not see. As he lay recovering in the hospital when Germany surrendered. He was devastated and blamed the jews for the submission of his country.ENTRY INTO POLITICSAfter World War I, Hitler remained in the army and returned to Munich, where he in contrast to his later declarations attended the funeral march for the murdered Bavarian prime ministerKurt Eisner...After the suppression of theBavarian Soviet Republic, he took part in national thinking courses organized by theEducation and Propaganda the July of 1919, Hitler was appointed apolice spy of anIntelligence Commando of theReichswehr, both to influence other soldiers and toinfiltrate a small party which is known as theGerman Workers Party (DAP).During his inspection of the party, Hitler was impressed with founderAnton Drexlersanti-Semitic, nationalist,anti-capitalist and anti-Marxist ideas, which favoured a strong active government, a non-Jewish version of socialism and mutual solidarity of all members of society.Similarly, Drexler was impressed with Hitlers oratory skills and invited him to join the party. Hitler became the DAPs 55th member on September 12, 1919.He was also made the seventh member of the executive committee.At the DAP hitler met Dietrich Eckhart who became hitlers mentor. He taught him how to socialize and exchanged ideas and different views with him.later the party changed its name to ns dap and hitler designed the banner of the party which was a swastika.After his discharge from the army in March 1920, Hitler began working full time for the party. In February 1921already highly effective at speaking to large audienceshe spoke to a crowd of over 6,000 in Munich.To publicise the meeting, two truckloads of party supporters drove around town waving swastika flags and throwing leaflets.In june 1921 when hitler and Eckhart were away in berlin mutiny broke out in the nsdap. And those who were against hitler wanted to join the opposing part DAP. Hitler came back on 11th july 1921, and gave his resignation . but the members understood that his departure would result in the end of this party. so he came back in under the condition of becoming the chief of the group.In the following days, Hitler spoke to several packed houses and defended himself, to thunderous applause. His strategy proved successful: at a general DAP membership meeting, he was granted absolute powers as party chairman, with only one nay vote cast.RISE TO POWERIn the early 1930s the mood in germany was grim.the country was suffering severely because of the great depression and millions of people were out of work. Some people still fretted over their loss in world war one and did not believe in their system of governance. Which was called Weimar republic . this gave a chance for otherDominant people like hitler himself to rise to power.Hitler was an exceptional and very powerful orator whos talks appealed to the people. Thus he got a large following from those who were desperste for a change. He promised a new and glorious germany.the Nazis appealed to the unemployed and disenchanted.The partys rise to power was rapid. Before the great deopression the party was relatively unknown. It won only 3% of the votes to the Reichstag(German Parliament) in 1924. But in 1932 it won 33% of the votes and won more votes than any other party. in 1933 Hitler become the chancellor of germany, many people believed they had finally found their saviour.Some key dates were:-1. June 28th 1919

The loss in world war one forced the germans to sign the treaty of Versailles.Which stated that germany would take responsibility for the war and make huge payments . it would restrict the military to 100,000 troops and would give away territories to neighbouring countries. Hitler promised to overturn this.

2. October 24th 1929

The stock market crash in New York leads to worldwide bankruptcies and the great depression. 6 million people are left unemployed in Germany . economic distress leads to the meteoric rise of the nazi party. It wins almost 40% of the votes in the Reichstag electorate. It becomes the largest party in germany .

3. November 6th 1932

In Reichstag the nazi party loses almost 2 million votes and wins only 33% of the votes in the government. It sems clear that they will not win a majority of votes in a democratic government. Hitler is forced to form a coalition government with the conservatives. After discussions hitler becomes the chancellor od germany.Upon the death of Hindenburg in August 1934, Hitler was the consensus successor. With an improving economy, Hitler claimed credit and consolidated his position as a dictator, having succeeded in eliminating challenges from other political parties and government institutions. The German industrial machine was built up in preparation for war.World war 2Germanys war strategy was assumed by Hitler from the first. When the successful campaign against Poland failed to produce the desired peace accord with Britain, he ordered the army to prepare for an immediate offensive in the west. Bad weather made some of his reluctant generals postpone the western offensive. This in turn led to two major changes in planning. The first was Hitlers order to forestall an eventual British presence inNorwayby occupying that country andDenmarkin April 1940. Hitler took a close personal interest in this daring operation. From this time onward his intervention in the detail of military operations grew steadily greater. The second was Hitlers important adoption of General Erich von Mansteins plan for an attack through the Ardennes (which began May 10) instead of farther north. This was a brilliant and startling success. The German armies reached the Channel ports (which they had been unable to reach during World War I) in 10 days. Holland surrendered after 4 days andBelgiumafter 16 days. Hitler held back General Karl von Rundstedts tanks south ofDunkirk, thus enabling the British to evacuate most of their army.

Hitler hoped that Britain would negotiate an armistice .but when this did not happen he planned the invasion of Britain and planned to take out its air power. Apart from this he also focussed on conquering USSR. Mussolinis loss in the Mediterranean forced hitler to come to his aid. His plans were further disrupted by the Yugoslavian government which broke its treaty with germany. His victories in the Mediterranean were significant but limited when compared to the invasion of USSR. Hitlers invasion of USSR took place on june 22nd 1941. His army advanced quickly into Russia .it captured more than 3 million prisoners . But failed in the overall conquering of Russia . his relations with his generals became strained and now he lacked a proper objective. A Russian counteroffensive in December 1941 finally made it clear that hitler would not be able to conquer Russia.On December 7th the next day japan waged war against the US by bombing pearl harbour. As germany were in alliance with the Japanese they too had to wage war against the US. Hitler tried to break the coalition of his enemies by making one of them surrender. He also reorganized germanys economy on a full wartime basis.Between 1933 and 1939 and during the first years of the war Hitlers main purpose was to expel the Jews from the greater German Reich. Later on expulsion changed to extermination and the Nazi concentration camps were turned into extermination camps like Auschwitz . if not outright extermination the jews were by far the most in nuber of victims. In german occupied Europe around 6 million jews were slaughtered.The defeat of Stalingrad and the arrival of the US at French north Africa was the turning point of the war. Hitlers character changed and he started controlling the operations from his headquarters, he refused to visit bombed cities. Yet he did not lose the power to react vigorously in the face of danger .Desperate officials and anti-Nazi civilians were ready to remove hitler from power. Several attempts were made on his life. Thereafter hitler became increasingly ill but he did not relax or lose control. The Normandy invasion of the allied powers on june 6th was the beginning of the end. Soon 8 capital cities of Europe were liberated. Now hitlers want for victory was only visionary, trying to use better weapons and breaking the unity of the allied powers.

PATH TO DEATHBy early 1945 Germany was on the verge of total collapse. In the afternoon of april 22nd the Hitler lost hopes of ever winning the war. When he was informed that his orders to General Steiner to protect Berlin with his troops was rejected and not carried out. He decide that he would stay in Berlin till the end and then shoot himself. He asked his psychiatrist for the best way to commit suicide, and he was told to shoot himself after taking a dose of cyanide.After midnight of 29th April Hitler married Eva Braun. At 4 o clock he dictated his last will and testament to Traudl Junge. Next morning he hosted a modest breakfast with his wife for their wedding. Hitler and Braun were married for less than 40 hours. On 30thApril his general whilhelm keital informed him that all their troops were defeated and that berlin would be seized in the next 24 hours. Later that day at around 14:30 Eva and Hitler went into Hitlers personal study. At 15:30 a gunshot was heard . then hitlers valet and his commander entered the dtudy to find two lifeless bodies . Hitler had shot himself on the temple and his wife had taken cyanide.this marked the end of ADOLF HITLER .THE NEWS OF HITLERS DEATH was spread by the germans itself. In the morning of 1st of may the normal broadcast of the german news was halted and a big announcement was made that hitler was dead.

THE HOLOCAUSTThe Holocaust and Germany's war in the East was based on Hitler's long-standing view that the Jews were the great enemy of the German people and thatLebensraumwas needed for the expansion of Germany. He focused on Eastern Europe for this expansion, aiming to defeat Poland and the Soviet Union and on removing or killing the Jews andSlavs.[306]TheGeneralplan Ost("General Plan East") called for deporting the population of occupied Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union to West Siberia, for use as slave labour or to be murderedBy January 1942, it had been decided to kill the Jews, Slavs, and other deportees considered undesirable.INTRODUCTIONAdolf Hitler( 20 April 1889 30 April 1945) was anAustro-Hungarian-born Germanpolitician who was the leader of theNazi Party(German:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party). He wasChancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 andF hrer(leader) ofNazi Germanyfrom 1934 to 1945. As effectivedictatorof Nazi Germany, Hitler was at the centre ofWorld War II in Europe, andthe Holocaust.Hitler actively soughtLebensraum("living space") for theGerman people. His aggressive foreign policy is considered to be the primary cause of the outbreak of World War II in Europe.Under Hitler's leadership andracially motivated ideology, the Nazi regime was responsible for thegenocideof at least 5.5 million Jews andmillions of other victimswhom he and his followers deemedUntermenschen("sub-humans") and socially undesirable. Hitler and the Nazi regime were also responsible for the killing of an estimated 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war. In addition, 29 million soldiers and civilians died as a result of military action in the European