adolf hilter and the master race

By: Ryan Hood and Hope Winkle


Hitler, Adolf,Holocuast

Transcript of adolf hilter and the master race

By: Ryan Hood and Hope



1. Adolf Hitler was born at 6:30 p.m. on the evening of April 20, 1889.Born in

Austria, Germany. Two of his siblings died from diphtheria (An acute, contagious

bacterial disease causing inflammation of the muscle membranes formation of a

false membrane in the throat and hinders breathing and swallowing, fatal to the

heart and brain.) The other died shortly after birth. By the 1900s Hitler’s talents as

an artist surfaced. He was a Politician and the leader of the National Socialist

German Workers party or the Nazis party. He was Chancellor of Germany from

1933-1945 and the Dictator of Nazi Germany associated with the holocaust and

ww2. When he was 3 the family moved to Passau, Germany. His father died in

1903 from a pleural hemorrhage and his mother died on December 21, 1907.

Adolf Hitler


2. He oversaw the rearmament of Germany and the Invasion of Poland

which led to the outbreak of ww2 in Europe. Hitler racially motivated

the murder of 11 million people including nearly 6 million Jews. During

the Battle of Berlin, Hitler married Eva Braun. On April 30, 1945 less

than 2 days later the two committed suicide to avoid capture by the

Red Army (Soviet Russia). There corpses were burned. Both were

members of the Axis Powers. Hitler led the German Nazi Party

Throughout ww2. He was a brutal Nazi tyrant who was responsible for

many Jewish deaths.

Baby Adolf

3. Hitler believed that the pure German people, the Aryans, were the Master race.

The Nazi’s made laws that were based on the ideas of race. They also made

rumors that blamed Jews for many things. When Germany invaded other

countries in Europe, they also started putting people into concentration camps.

Aryans had to have blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler’s approach was based on the

concept that Europe was once inhabited by a blond haired, blue eyed people of

superior intelligence, and military ability and fitness to rule. He saw this as being

the basis of his concept of an Aryan Master Race, superior to all other people,

which would rule the Earth.

Young Hitler