Adding Vectors

Adding vectors When adding vector quantities remember that the directions have to be taken into account. The result of adding vectors together is called the resultant. When adding two vectors together: the greatest (maximum) resultant is equal to their sum the smallest (minimum) resultant is equal to their dierence the resultant can have any value between these limits de ending on the angle between the two vectors !n roblems" vectors may be added together by scale diagram or mathematically. Question 1 # woman walks $%m east then &%m south. 'ind the total distance travelled. ow nd resultant dis lacement. Question 2 Two forces of value *%% act on the ob+ect shown below. 'ind the resultant force on the ob+ect. Vector components #ny vector can be resolved into two com onents at right angles to each other. These com onents when added together have the same eect as the initial single vector. Horizontal and vertical components of a vector is the same as ,x ressed mathematically" - x - cos θ and - y - sin /


Adding Vectors

Transcript of Adding Vectors

Adding vectorsWhen adding vector quantities remember that thedirectionshave to be taken into account.The result of adding vectors together is called theresultant.When adding two vectors together: the greatest (maximum) resultant is equal to their sum the smallest (minimum) resultant is equal to their difference the resultant can have any value between these limits depending on the angle between the two vectorsIn problems, vectors may be added together byscale diagramor mathematically.Question 1A woman walks 40m east then 30m south. Find the total distance travelled. Now find the resultant displacement.Question 2Two forces of value 100 N act on the object shown below.

Find the resultant force on the object.Vector componentsAny vector can be resolved into two components at right angles to each other. These two components when added together have the same effect as the initial single vector.Horizontal and vertical components of a vector is the same as

Expressed mathematically,Vx = V cos andVy = V sin Question 3A force of 30 N acts on a box as shown.

Find the horizontal and vertical components of the 30 N force.Vector components for an object on an incline

Expressed mathematically:Component of weight parallel to incline =Component of weight perpendicular to incline =Question 4A 10 kg box slides down a frictionless incline. The incline is at 30 to the horizontal.Find the component of the weight acting parallel to the incline.Question 5Now find the acceleration of the box down the incline.