Adding Questions to the Assessment below lopment and In iversity of Hou estion type ically the m...

Adding Q 1. Be sur 2. Locat select 3. On th differ Copyright © 54 Questions to re to be in th te the assessm t the Go to A e next screen rent question 2009 Office of M.D. Anderso o the Assess he Build Tab ment that yo Assessment m n, click on th n formats tha f Faculty Deve on Library, Un sment b of Blackbo ou want to ad menu option he Create Q at you can ad elopment and In niversity of Hou oard Vista. dd questions n. Questions bu dd to your as nstructional Su uston, TX 7720 s to. Click o utton and a m ssessment. upport 04-5046 on the icon ( menu will ap ) and the ppear with th 1 en he

Transcript of Adding Questions to the Assessment below lopment and In iversity of Hou estion type ically the m...

Adding Q 1. Be sur

2. Locat select

3. On th differ

Copyright © 54

Questions to

re to be in th

te the assessmt the Go to A

e next screenrent question

2009 Office ofM.D. Anderso

o the Assess

he Build Tab

ment that yoAssessment m

n, click on thn formats tha

f Faculty Deveon Library, Un


b of Blackbo

ou want to admenu option

he Create Qat you can ad

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oard Vista.

dd questionsn.

Questions budd to your as

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s to. Click o

utton and a mssessment.

upport 04-5046

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menu will ap

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4. Black The m the un menu

5. Type text f

Copyright © 54

kboard currenmultiple choiniversity. Clioption.

a title for thefield. Please

2009 Office ofM.D. Anderso

ntly has nineice question ick on the C

e question ine see the exa

f Faculty Deveon Library, Un

e different quformat is typreate Quest

n the Title fiample below

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uestion typepically the mtions button

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enter the que

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Multiple Cho

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6. If you


A new butto 7. When corre quest

Copyright © 54

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2009 Office ofM.D. Anderso

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n the Open g.

f there is ono answer the it.



8. After creati answ steps answ Answ Look Answ point

Answ Like as the wish.

Copyright © 54

entering a tiing a test qu

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Answer 1, tye incorrect a.

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rrect answerswer alternating a multipw to create th

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Copyright © 54

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2009 Office ofM.D. Anderso

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type in feed

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12. Unde your test. chap If yo categ To c categ

13. Click

Copyright © 54

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Sectional Dnstructor or igner notes t

er the Morer test questio This functio

pter or are re

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k Save.

2009 Office ofM.D. Anderso

Options mey text to youGeneral feed

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Options meon. Using a conality is uslated to the s

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a category prhe already cr

ick the Crea1 Questions.

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xt fields will when they seefield, this is o

be used for date. Type y


a Categoryn group simiuping test qupt.

reviously, sireated categ

ate a catego.

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to enter any your text me

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14. Afte on th ques value

To c Poin numb

Repeat t 15. It ma your exam you w posit next

Copyright © 54

r you press the picture bestion. A red e for this qu

hange the pont Value fiel

mber in the fie

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ay also be ner questions, cmple, look atwant the quetion, simply to question

2009 Office ofM.D. Anderso

the Save butelow that thearrow showestion is 10.

oint value ofld. Highligheld. Click th

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ecessary to ccheck the cht the circled estion to mocheck the ch1. The resul

f Faculty Deveon Library, Un

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f the questioht the value ohe Update T

r each test q

change the oheckmark bocheckmark b

ove to. So if heckmark bolt will be tha

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uestion will be question appoint value

d to change t

n from 10 toof 10 with yoTotal button.

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f you wantedox of questioat question 2

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o another numour mouse an.

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mber, simplynd delete it.


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