Adar - Nisan 5772 Vol. 82, No. 7 - Beth Shalom KC · a high. The Beth Shalom communi-ty came...

12 | 913-647-7279 March 2012 Vol. 82, No. 7 March 2012 Adar - Nisan 5772 Rabbinic Candidate Rabbi Dr. Geoffrey Haber will be visiting us March 9-11. For the Schedule of events please refer to the February CBS Sisterhood has provided a fantastic, complimentary calendar to our congregants for over 30 years. Last year a congregational directory including email addresses was added. We can connect with each other and see at-a-glance impor- tant congregational events during the year. Support this useful service and major fundraiser for Sisterhood by purchasing an ad in the 2012-2013 Calendar. Everyone will receive an ad form in the mail, which must be returned by April 20. The goal this year is to have every member’s name listed in the calendar. Special occasions may be recognized with a $25 “Simcha Box” for the month in which the special event occurs. Any size ad beginning with a $5 name listing is welcomed. Proceeds from the calendar benefit our religious school, early Springtime is Calendar Time: March 12-April 20 Rabbinic Candidate Visit March 9-11 Grab your invitation postcard for priority seating and head over to the WhiteTheatre for a show you won’t G et Ready for the Unity T our T h urs. , M arch 8 th Party it Up at Purim Carnival chairpeople are Ashley Ruben and Evie and Bob Grant who will be assisted by Alex Sher, Ariel Levy-Mackay and all of KCUSY and Kadima. Sun, March 4th 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Goldsmith Hall For All Ages 2 Food 2 Games 2 Prizes Shekels are now on sale for 4/$1.00 and will be on sale for 4/$1.25 the day of the Carnival. Scroll or visit the CBS website. For more information about Rabbi Haber, visit his website: Table of Contents USY Presents Purim Carnival Shalom Sesame! At Congregation Ohev Sholom 6 p.m. A special Minchah Service 6:30 p.m. Israeli-Style Munchies 7 p.m. A full Megillah reading, Purim Shpiel & Ice Cream Social At Village Shalom (5500 W. 123rd St) 6:45 a.m. Shacharit service w/full Megillah 9:30 a.m. Princes and Princesses in Shushan featuring Princess at My Party & Prince Norman Purim Stories, Hamantashen & Singing March 7 Wed. Thurs. March 8 soon forget! When? March 8th @ 7:00 p.m. (Doors open at 6:15 for priority seating) Who? Neshama Carlebach with Calendar Committee: Standing (l to r) Donna Joseph, Judy Weinstein, Gloria Azorsky, Harryette Cooperman, Arlene Shalinsky. Seated (l to r) Esther Pearlmutter, Dini Freed, Linda Lessner, Barbara M. Katz. Purim Services Polsky Concert March 8 Reverend Roger Hambrick & Members of the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir Why? You’ll be musically moved, spiritually inspired, and thoroughly entertained!! childhood education program, USY and various synagogue committees and programs. Join the calendar committee to help solicit ads. All congregational members and Sisterhood members will have their names printed in the directory unless they ask not to be included. To do so, to join the calendar team and for more information, please contact Harryette Cooperman at 913-851-3814, or [email protected]. Second Seder ......... p. 3 RFEC ................. p. 5 PRS ................. p. 5 Sisterhood.............. p. 6 Mazal Tovs............. p. 7 Abbey Tour.......... p. 10 Passover Sched. .... p. 10 Calendar .............. p. 11

Transcript of Adar - Nisan 5772 Vol. 82, No. 7 - Beth Shalom KC · a high. The Beth Shalom communi-ty came... | 913-647-7279 March 2012

Vol. 82, No. 7

March 2012Adar - Nisan


Rabbinic Candidate Rabbi Dr. Geoffrey Haber will be visiting us March 9-11. For the Schedule of events please refer to the February

• CBSSisterhoodhasprovidedafantastic,complimentarycalendar to our congregants for over 30 years.

• Lastyearacongregationaldirectoryincludingemail addresses was added.

• Wecanconnectwitheachotherandseeat-a-glanceimpor-tant congregational events during the year.

• Supportthisusefulserviceandmajorfundraiserfor Sisterhoodbypurchasinganadinthe2012-2013Calendar.

• Everyonewillreceiveanadforminthemail,whichmustbereturnedbyApril20.

• Thegoalthisyearistohaveeverymember’snamelistedinthecalendar.Specialoccasionsmayberecognizedwitha$25“SimchaBox”forthemonthinwhichthespecialeventoccurs.

• Anysizeadbeginningwitha$5namelistingiswelcomed.• Proceedsfromthecalendarbenefitourreligiousschool,early

Springtime is Calendar Time: March 12-April 20

Rabbinic Candidate Visit March 9-11Grab your invitation postcard for priority seating and


Get Ready for the Unity Tour – Thurs. , March 8 th

Party it Up at Purim

Carnival chairpeople are Ashley Ruben and Evie and Bob Grant who will be assisted by Alex Sher, Ariel Levy-Mackay and all of KCUSY and Kadima.

Sun, March 4th 11:30 am - 2:00 pmGoldsmith Hall

For All Ages 2 Food 2 Games 2 Prizes

Shekels are now on sale for 4/$1.00 and will be on sale for 4/$1.25 the day of the Carnival.


Table of Contents

USY Presents Purim CarnivalShalom Sesame!

At Congregation Ohev Sholom 6 p.m. A special Minchah Service6:30 p.m. Israeli-Style Munchies 7 p.m. A full Megillah reading, Purim Shpiel &

Ice Cream Social

At Village Shalom (5500 W. 123rd St)6:45 a.m. Shacharit service w/full Megillah9:30 a.m. Princes and Princesses in Shushan

featuring Princess at My Party & Prince Norman Purim Stories, Hamantashen & Singing


ch 7




ch 8

soon forget! When? March 8th@7:00p.m.(Doors open at 6:15forpriorityseating)Who?NeshamaCarlebach with

Calendar Committee: Standing (l to r) Donna Joseph, Judy Weinstein, Gloria Azorsky, Harryette Cooperman, Arlene Shalinsky. Seated (l to r) Esther Pearlmutter, Dini Freed, Linda Lessner, Barbara M. Katz.

Purim Services

Polsky Concert March 8

ReverendRogerHambrick& MembersoftheGreenPasturesBaptistChurchChoirWhy? You’llbemusicallymoved,spirituallyinspired,andthoroughly entertained!!


Jointhecalendarcommitteetohelpsolicitads.AllcongregationalmembersandSisterhoodmemberswillhavetheirnamesprintedinthedirectoryunlesstheyasknottobeincluded.Todoso,tojointhecalendarteamandformoreinformation,pleasecontactHarryetteCoopermanat 913-851-3814,[email protected].

Second Seder ......... p. 3RFEC ................. p. 5PRS ................. p. 5Sisterhood .............. p. 6Mazal Tovs ............. p. 7Abbey Tour .......... p. 10Passover Sched. .... p. 10Calendar .............. p. 11 | 913-647-72792 March 2012

Opportunities Beth Shalom Adult Education





Fro m t h e R a bb i ’s S t u d y

Rabbi Alan [email protected] | 913-647-7294

AsIlookbackonmyScrollmes-sagesofthisyear,thereisacommondenominator—thatofcontinuityandtransition.Now,asIwriteoneofmylastmessages,Iwanttoonceagainemphasizethistheme. Atthistime,BethShalomliketheIsraelitesoftheTorah,looksforwardtothefuture.Forourancestors,now

wellintotheWildernessExperience,Moshe’sleadership,althoughtested,wasatitspeak.Yetbecause,werereadthenarrativeannually,weknowthatthemantlewillsoonbepassed to Yehoshua who represented new ideas and younger leadership.Therewillbeasmoothtransition,andthepeoplewillgrowinstrength.Indeed,inthefirstchapteroftheBookofJoshua,thenewleaderassuresthepeoplethatGodwillbewiththemasGodwaswithMoshe.Yehoshuastates(1:6):“Bestrongandresolute”. ThesearetransitionmomentsforBethShalom.Thein-terviewprocessforSeniorRabbihasbegun.AnewrabbiwillemergetoguideBethShalomintoitsstrongandpromising

future.Thattransitionwillbesmooth.Ourcongrega-tionhasdonethisbeforewhenittransitionedfromRabbiHadastoRabbiMargoliesandfromRabbiMargoliestome.Thisperiodhascoveredover80years—whatPirkeAvottellsusistheageofstrength(“benshemonimligvurah”). Weknowthatasynagogueismorethantherabbiwholeadsandguides.Itisthecoreofthemembershipwhotakesanactiveroleintheshapingofitsdailylifeandthefuture.AlthoughIdonotseemyselfasYehoshua,IwillechohischargewhenIsay:“Bestrongandresolute”.Thepathwillnotalwaysbewithoutchallenges,butwiththe core strength that you as a congregation have and the collaborativeeffortsyouundertake,BethShalomwillcontinuetogofrom“strengthtostrength”.

Somerecentcommentsandanarticle in our local Jewishweeklynewspaper

havebroughttomindaveryfamousquote:“Thereportsofmydeatharegreatlyexagger-ated”byMarkTwain.CBSisembarkingonanewand excitingphaseinits134yearhistory.WehavesettledintothebuildingonLamarandarecreatingahomey,cozyandcomfortableatmosphere.


officersandBoardofDirec-tors.OurExecutiveDirec-tor,ElaineLevine,ishardatworkmakingussolvent.Wehave begun the search for a newSeniorRabbi,andsoonwill interview candidates for


Thereportsofmydeathare greatly exaggerated

Editorial Commentsby Bev Newman, Scroll Editor

ThenextKabbalahHadashaservicewilltakeplaceonMarch23inGoldsmithHallfrom6:00-7:00pmThisisalayledFridaynightKabbalatShabbat/Maarivservicemodeledafterhighly successful egalitarian services inIsraelandaimedatgeneratingthevibrant energy and spirit found at AmericanJewishsummercamps.

Kabbalah Hadasha service

Mark Twain

Continuing the Transition

Adult Hebrew Classes - CBSSundays, March 4, 25

Sarah Peltman Classes - CBSTuesdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27

Eat & Educate - Village ShalomThursdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29

Mishnah Study BreakLathrop & Gage, 2345 Grand, #280Kansas City, MOThursday, March 15, 12 pm | 913-647-7279 3March 2012

Stefanie Williams, Director | [email protected] | 913-647-7292Youth & Informal Education Sara Carl, KCUSY President

Beth Shalom Youth Events:





WhenIwasin8thgrade,IgottowatchmysisterRoniplanCMT–ChapterMembershipTraining,forourchapter.Thisistheconventionwhere8thgradersarewelcomedintoKCUSYand we say goodbye to the graduates. I loved being a part of that conven-tionandknewthatIwantedtobringpeopleintotheworldofKCUSY. Thisyear,IamtheMembership/KadimaVicePresident,andhavethehonorofplanningKadimaKinnusforEMTZARegion.EMTZARegioniscomprisedofDesMoines,Omaha,St.Louis,Minneapolis,St.Paul,KansasCityandDenver.KadimaKinnusisthe regional convention for all 7th and 8thgraders.Thisyear,itwillbeheldonMarch23-25inExcelsiorSprings,MOandthethemewillbeMODERN“Jewish”FAMILY–basedontheTVshow!!Theweekendwillbefullof

fun!You’llgettomakenewfriendswhowillbecomeyour best friends in theworld,seeoldfriendsfromcamp(who are your best friendsintheworld!),beapartofgreatprogrammingandtrulyfindyourplaceinyournewfamilyofKCUSYandEMTZARegion! StartwatchingModernFamily–itwillhelpyouwithtriviaquestionsthroughouttheweekend!Hopetoseeyou there!!

Love, Ally Grant


A community family-friendly “second Seder” will be offered on Saturday, April 7 at The Temple, Con-gregation B’nai Jehudah, at 6:30 p.m. The Seder will be led by Rabbi Alan Cohen, Rabbi Arthur Nemitoff, Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner, Rabbi Scott White, Spiritual Leader Doug Alpert, Cantor Sharon Kohn and Hazzan Rob Menes. The meal will be kosher-for-Passover and prepared under supervision of the Vaad Hakashruth of Kansas City. The Seder will include both traditional and modern aspects. The community Seder is sponsored by The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City and Jewish Family Services and supported by area congregations. Spaceislimited;reservationsareduebyMarch28.Click on the link;[email protected] or call 913-327-4622orvisitthewebsiteat

Community Second

Night of Passover

Seder Planned

Wednesday Night Programs CBS 6:15-8 pm March 21, 28

Services & Special ProgramsMarch 3 Purim Carnival Set-upMarch 4 Purim Carnival 11-2:30

KCUSY Kadima KinnusMarch 23-25

USYers make hamantashen | 913-647-72794 March 2012

Execut i ve l y Speak ing

Richard SimonEducation Vice President


workedwithallofthestafftohaveev-erythingsetupattheCenterandCBSsothattheweekendproceededwithoutaproblem.Theevent,ofcourse,wasgreat,andsharingitwiththecongrega-tionmadeitspecialsinceweallsharedinthesimcha. IwasalsostruckbythefactthatsomefolksmayviewtheBatMitzvahasanend,butI’mseeingitmoreandmoreasabeginning.Ican’timaginethat students would stop their Jewish learning at the age of thirteen and that wouldbesufficientfortherestoftheirlives.Ihavebeenluckyenoughtositinonsomeoftheconfirmationclassesthisyeartohearspeakersfromotherre-

ligionstalktoourkidsabouttheirreligion,andwhatthey understand aboutJudaism.Thekidshaveaskedsomeverygoodquestions,andthespeak-ers have been very candid with their answers.Iamconvincedthatonecannever stop learning.


Learn the Music of Passover

I’m seeing it more and more as a beginning

OurBuildingsandGroundscommittee,chairedbyMikeRogovein,hasbeenworkingveryhardtomakeourbuildinghomey,comfortableandfamiliar. OurSimchaTree,formerresidentoftheCumonowSocialHallatWornall,hasbeeninplaceinGoldsmithHallforseveralmonths.Therocks,whichwerealsodedicatedbyourmembers,arenowalsoinplacecompletingtheinstallation. AnewcasetodisplaytheCongregation’sbeautifulcollec-

tionofJudaica,muchofitantique,hasbeenconstructed in the Great Hall opposite the Gift Shop.Assoonasthecaseisoutfittedwithasecuritysystem,the

Judaica,lastdisplayedinthefoyeratWornall,willagainbeexhibited.ThelistingofthePillarsoftheCongregationisinstalled on the face of the display case. TheboardfordisplayoftheYahrtzeittabletsthathungatthebackoftheChapelatWornallhasbeenresizedtofitspaceinGoldsmithHallandhasbeeninstalled.ThecornerstonefromtheoriginalhomeoftheCongregationhasbeenremovedfromWornallandisnowinstoragealongwiththefaceoftheark,themenorahs,thereaders’tableandthematchingchairsfromtheWornallSanctuary.

Boy Scout Troop 61at the Omaha Zoo

Transition Update | 913-647-7279 5March 2012

Beth Shalom RFEC In The Loop...





Polsky Religious School (PRS)Patti Kroll, Director of Education | [email protected] | 913-647-7290

Rose Family Early Childhood Education CenterJudy Jacks Berman, Director | [email protected] | 913-647-7287

Special Events March 1 LuLu Belle 10 am the clown

March 2 Purim Parade 9 amMarch 8 Purim Party Village Shalom 9:30 amMarch 13 Laughing Matters 10 amMarch 17 Tot Shabbat 10:30 amMarch 23 PreK Conference Day No School PreK only March 28 Bounce to the Moon

ClassesRuach & Roll 11:15 am Tuesdays, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27Peek-a-Boo Toddler 11 am Wednesdays, 3/7, 3/21, 3/28Shabbat Music 9 am Fridays, 3/2, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30

Beth Shalom PRS Blast:





OnSunday,March25that10:30am,thePolskyReligiousSchoolwillholditsannualKindergartenRoundUpforthe2012-13schoolyear. Howimportantisstartingyourchildinreligiousschoolinkindergarten?PRSbelievesitisveryimportanttostartchildrenasearlyaspossibleina“for-mal”religiousschoolprogramsotheycanmaintainalreadyestablishedfriend-ships begun in a Jewish preschool and continue to learn in a positive Jewish way. Whatshouldyoulookforinagoodschool?


thereasenseofcommunityandafeelingofbelonging? Theseareallveryimportantquestionsandshouldbeaddressedwhenlook-ingatanyschoolforyourchild.Welookforwardtomeetingwithprospectivekindergartenfamiliesandfullyaddressingtheirquestionsandconcerns.Pleasetellfamilieswhosechildrenarenotattendingreligiousschoolaboutournation-ally-recognizedprogram. ForinformationaboutKindergartenRoundUp,contactDeahintheschooloffice:[email protected].

Youngchildrenaredevelopmental-lyveryself-centered.Theyneedtobetaughttoappreciateandbethankfulforwhattheyhave.Theolderstudentshave been learning about Modeh Ani andthankingGodforwakingupeach day as well as the blessings in our lives.Weaskedthechildrentothinkaboutwhattheywerethankfulfor.Wegoteverythingfrompuppies,kittens,princesses,powerrangersandmom-miesanddaddies!EachFridayduringShabbatTime,wesingasongcalled“BaruchAtahAdonaiThankYouGod”.AfterwethankGodforcandles,challah,wine,mommiesanddaddies,we give the the students the opportu-nitytosaywhattheyarethankfulfor.

Wegetmanyoftheaboveanswers,andalsoanswerssuchasbeingthank-fulfordifferentanimals,butterflies,rainbowsandmanyotherthings.Itisour responsibility as teachers and par-entstohelpthechildren,alongwithallofus,thinkabouthowfortunateweareandremembertoalwaysbethankful!

Modeh Ani

Kindergarten Round Up

Monday Journeys 4:15 pm Mondays, March 5, 19, 26 PRS Hebrew High 7 pm Tuesdays, March 6, 20 7th Grade Classes 9 am Saturdays, March 3, 24, 31 PRS Spring Break No School Wednesday, March 7 through Sunday, March 18

Special Programs: Sunday, March 4 Purim Carnival Dismissal at 11:30 am Sunday, March 25PRS Kindergarten Round Up 10:30 am Wednesday, March 28 at JCC Grades 7-10 Community Wide Program | 913-647-72796 March 2012

Torah Fund Luncheon – April 11An Afternoon of Spectacular Entertainment and Delicious Food You won’t want to miss the annual Sisterhood Torah Fund Luncheon, Wednesday, April 11 at 11:30 am in Goldsmith Hall. This delectable Passover lun-cheon, catered by Steve Ellenberg, will be followed by the enchanting musical trio of woodwind artist Harold Steinhardt, pianist and accordionist Lori Levens, and drummer Ray DeMarchi. Invitations have been mailed and more information is available by contacting Milisa Flekier (913-681-9298) or Berenice Haberman (913-894-6657), Torah Fund chairs. The year’s theme is based on the concept of Hiddur Mitzvah – embellishing a mitzvah through aesthetics. With enhancement and adornment, the mitzvot appeal to the senses and the heart and sacred objects become even more precious. This resonates with many Jewish women, especially those who are involved in artistic activities that beautify their homes and synagogues.Our EntertainersLori Levens & Harold Steinhardt

Kansas City na-tive Lori Levens, is a talented piano soloist and accompanist. She is the full-time Accom-panist for Blue Valley West High School and the Temple Pianist for Congregation B’nai Jehudah. Her mar-riage to woodwind artist

Harold Steinhardt has teamed them in a joyful and distinc-tive duo, creating the opportunity for her to occasionally surprise audiences with the addition of her accordion. Harold has played in many bands, from Dixieland to Rock and Roll. He is best known for playing the wood-winds but also plays the saxophone, flute and trombone. Harold has played in local theater and in back up bands for touring artists such as Barry Manilow, Johnny Mathis, The Four Tops and others. In addition to being a perform-er, Harold operates a business, Dr. Note, providing music lessons and woodwind repair.Ray DeMarchi As a percussionist Ray has performed a wide variety of musical styles includ-ing musical theater, opera, ballet, rock and roll, jazz and others. He is a regular player with the Kansas City Symphony and a founding member of the percussion group Sticks of Thunder and Tri Percussion. Ray teaches percussion, and directs the jazz bands at William Jewell College, is the drum line instructor for various high schools, and a private instructor.

Torah Fund Events

Meet the Torah Fund Committee: Standing (l to r) Berenice Haberman, Charlotte Kessler, Staci Kahn, Linda Lessner. Seated (l to r) Rhea Nadler, Samyra Marks, Beverly Newman, Milisa Flekier

Linda Lessner, President | [email protected] s i s t e r h o o d





Upcoming Events:Beth ShalomSisterhood

Mah Jongg Tuesdays, March 1, 22 Sarah Peltzman ClassesTuesdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27Sisterhood Board MeetingWednesday, March 7Book ClubWednesday, March 21, 7 pmPrayerworksWednesday, March 28, 10 amSisterhood Volunteer Opportunities- See our new webpage or call or email Carol Yarmo, 913-642-1199.

Sisterhood Book Club... WewillmeetWed.,March21at7:00pmatRowenaTurk’shometodiscuss Disobedience by NaomiAlderman.


Mitzvah Meals, Sisterhood and CBS | 913-647-7279 7March 2012

Kiddush Korner

Howard and Linda Hirsekorn upon the birth of their granddaughter,HaleyPhilippaHirsekornonJanuary27.Haley’sparentsareJakeandShaynaHirsekorn,Chesterfield,MO.MaternalgrandparentsareSteveandTammiLaidlerman,Chesterfield,MO.GreatgrandparentsareHenryandLouiseHirsekorn,HenryandShirleyPasch,Chesterfield,MOandLorraineLaiderman,Chesterfield,MO.

Emi Adler,thedaughterofMeg and Randy,beingnamedTheChronicle’sFebruarySalutetoYouthandacceptance to the University of Missouri.

Linda and Arthur Levine upon the addition to the familyoftheirnewgrandson,ConnorWilliamMcCloy,bornonJanuary24.Connor’sparentsareMarkandMarciMcCloyofDallas,Texas.PaternalgrandparentsareAnneFarrell,Dublin,IrelandandKevinMcCloy,Methven,NewZealand.

Jessica and Aaron Kroll upon the birth of their daughter Madelyn Ava on January 19. Grandparents are Marcia Karbank and Joe Smuckler and Patti Kroll. TheGreatGrandmotherisRose Karbank.Madelyn’sbig sister is Isabella Grace.

Hannah Doliginoff who has been accepted to Indiana University.Hannah’sfatherisSteven Dolginoff and her grandmotherisMarna Dolginoff.

Harold and Janet Priceuponthemarriageoftheirgranddaughter,LisaBivenstoSamMcClintock.LisaisthedaughterofSandyPriceofPhoenix,AZ.

Tyler Kavanuagh,thesonofStephanie and Kurt,onbeingacceptedtotheRochesterInstituteofTechnology.

Gloria and Michael AzorskyupontherecentBatMitzvahoftheirGranddaughter,ChloeAzorskyatCongregationBethTorah.Chloe’sparentsareFeliceandBryanAzorsky.

Carol and Robert YarmoupontheBatMitzvahoftheirgranddaughter,AllisonKatieBoresowatTheTemple,CongregationB’naiJehudah.Allison’sparentsareStephanieandBobbyBoresow.

Mazal Tov to...

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Celebrating life CyCle events March Anniversaries March Anniversaries will be honored during services on Shabbat morning, March 17. April Anniversaries will be honored on April 28. To sponsor a Kiddush contact Norman, 913-647-7283.

DidyouknowthatthereareopportunitestosponsoraKiddushLuncheoninhonororinmemoryofalovedone?Or,aChavurahorgroupoffriendscanjointogethertosponsoraluncheon.Formoreinformation,[email protected]. March24—theFlamFamily, inhonorofPaul’sspecialbirthday.

March6 AllisonandAlanMyers 29 LindaandAllenSchick 46March11 AlisonandNormanHeisler 28 LindaandHaroldHouse 39March13 NaomiandSolDubin 36March14 LauraandJoshuaGaller 8March15 AnnandGeoffHolmes 10March18 GabrielleandMichaelHandler 23March19 JeanetteandBrianBrockman 17 JenniferandStevenPaul 18March21 BettyandDonaldKopin 61March22 JoanandLionelGreenberg 20 ArleneandLeoShalinsky 53March23 EleanorandAlanHoffmann 43 DanaandNealSchwartz 16March24 SandraandJerryFogel 11 EllenandMauriceBSoltz 44March25 DevraandBruceLerner 34March26 PamelaandThomasGlickman 12 MarlaBrockmanandJohnGoldberg 23March27 JenniferandBradleyJerwick 8March28 JamieandJeffreyWordsworth 19March29 AmyandCraigBoth 20March31 JoyceandLouisPack 27

Submit your Mazal Tov to be published. Email Elaine Levine, [email protected] so the entire congregation can celebrate with you through an eBlast.

Day Years

OnSunday,April1,oursixthgradestudentswillparticipateinamockwedding.Duringthisculminationofonefortheirlifecyclestudyunits,theywillexplainandleadtheJewish weddingceremony.

Mock Wedding for 6th Graders | 913-647-72798 March 2012

D a y a n H a E m e tPraised is the True Judge

Of Blessed MemoryWeexpresscondolencestoourBethShalomMembers,


Bertha Gutovitz,z”l, January 31 / 7 ShevatClaire Mirot Bell, z”l, February 3 / 10 Shevat

Carl Bernstein, z”l, February 4 / 11 ShevatScott Gary Phillips, z”l, February 13 / 20 ShevatMikhail Lapidus, z”l, February 19 / 26 Shevat


Monument Unveilings and Tablet Dedications

7 Adar-March 1 MorseBramsonLillianBrennerWolfCohenArthurGelphmanCarole HaileRobertHoffmanEstherKanterHarveyKantorJackLevineDavidLiebermanWolfLindenbaumLouisMackDavidMarcuvitzFrederickMarshockN.JosephPriceLeonSamazinSheldonSandlerFrankSilbergSamuelTranin

8 Adar-March 2GoldieBakerLeibFriedmanIsraelGarfinkleSamuelGolinskyIdaKellerRebeccaKlapperSophieLevinHannahMarkowitzEthelMarkusBessieRosenbergMaryeSachsMollieSamuelsonMinnieSchneiderLillianSchultzJuliusShapiroMorrisShlenskyLouisSteinJacobVinerSamWeinerLouisZevitz

9 Adar-March 3NathanFoxJosephFriedmanLibbyGoldsteinGertrude GoldsteinRichard HaberEvelynHansManuelHurwitzMaxIsenbergArthurKriegerEstherLitmanFloraRosenblumMiltonTerte

10 Adar-March 4RudyBaruchIdaBrownGertrude CohnMildred GrayMarga JosephDavidKarolAnnieLevin

FriedaPotashnerBertramRossDora RossbergSarahShopmakerLottieSpectorMeyerTaxmanWilliamWeiner

11 Adar-March 5Rose AgronIdaBirnbaumArthurBlockJeanetteBordyAnnaChoikhitMaxEaglesteinIzzyHammerDavid HochbergEstherKingJacobLevineMarthaMajorHenrietta NavranCharles NeusteinJoseph RubensteinAnnaSteinSamuelTepper

12 Adar-March 6SolBlumAnnaChaikenBenjaminDeitchmanSophieDezettelMaryGarfinkleSamGoldbergAliceGoldsmithDena GreenbergCeliaHerowitzTammieKlopperMaxKrockoverAvrohomKuzeckiEvelynLeVineRachelLiebermanShirleyMovitzAlbertSalkind

13 Adar-March 7 AnnaBerkowitzHymieBermanRuthBirnbaumMildredEllisFannieEpsteinMaggieFishmanMibbs GoldingShepardGoldsteinMorrisHertzfieldLouisKanterFannieLipsitzFrancesMarkowitzGabrielSchwarzLouisWolfberg

14 Adar-March 8 BenjaminAltshulerLeoBlonskyJennieBrownEuniceCopeland

ClaraFoxMorris FriedsonBernardHershmanAnnaKarsAnnaKatzSolKatzEliasKrigelHarryLernerDavidLitwackCharles MalcyRachelPosnerMyerShapiroSarahTempofskyShermanZinn

15 Adar-March 9SolFoxJulius FriedThomasGoldmanBirdieHakanMaxHarrisLouiseLevitchEllenMatzdorffJosephMonovitzJacob RubinLeonSchillerAnnaShanbergJosephShapiroPearlSilverforb

16 Adar-March 10 SamuelBaronSidneyBermanAnnieBobreckerMorrisDobrowskiAnnaGlazerCatherineKaplanBettyKaufmanSarahKoralchikHeniaLangnerAlexanderMallonSidneyMoskovitzJean RogersAlbertSchwartzPhilipShankmanMatildaShedorskyNancySingerHattieSupofskyStanleyYukon

17 Adar-March 11LewisBrattLouisHershmanLouisHorowitzMeyerLevinsonMaxLiebermanMolly MeyersStephenPenznerEthelPfeferEstherRogellHershelSalvayBenjaminSeigelFannieSteinWolfTurecElizabethWedlan


18 Adar-March 12SandraCohenNymanGeisterHinda GreenbergLenaKamenBessKopinKatherineOverbeckIsadoreShaftonBirdieShlyenPhilipSmolinsky

19 Adar-March 13IzzyEngelRachelEveloffSarahFeigenbaumBeatriceGershonMorris GoldMorris GordonHerbertKarbankSolLevinRoseMalmonPhilipMillmanJacobParelmanTillieSchniderJosephShaftonArnoldShanbergHelenSteinzeigJeanTaxmanHenryZimmerman

20 Adar-March 14LeonBernsteinJacobBrownEmanuelCopelandRose GordonHermanHershmanBenjaminHoffmanSolJunsbergMeirKellerHelenLoefflerRobertParelmanElizabethPfeferD.LenaRopeMollieShapiroHarryShefrinRuthSilversteinMorleySteinbergCeliaTraninSamuelWengroverErnstWertheimFrancesWinerAbrahamZacharias

21 Adar-March 15Harry AgronMary AronsonIssieBernbaumMaryBrennerJuliusBridgesRobertColemanBettyEdwards

DonaldEllisMilton FirestonePaulGoodmanRonaldGoodmanDora HarrisonGittelLevineJackPoiznerAnnaSalvayRoseSingmonEdwardStein

22 Adar-March 16EvelynAlsterRebecca CohenC.C.“Judy”CohenBeckieCohnAbrahamDavisSamuelEisenSimonFrankYetta GinsbergMinnieGolinskyGussieGoodmanHarryHerowitzSamKarosenLeahKoffmanWilliamLeffSamuelLevittRosaLippmanJuliusMarkowitzBarneyOppenheimerLilliePeltzmanTilliePlotkinEmmaSternberg

23 Adar-March 17IsidoreBernsteinBenBloustineHermanCopakenCharlesFinkelsteinAnneFishmanPearlFleiderJennie GershonAnna GrossSadieKatzmanJacobKramerHarryKrantzAdolphLoefflerMeyerPresentWilliamRothschildClaraSheftelMaryTonkin

24 Adar-March 18DoraBrennerSarahCarrollSamuelDiamantSarahGerberRebecca GoldbergMary GollerJacobGoodmanJackHimmelsteinMelvinHoffmanEttaKatzmanDavidKramerSarahKrantzVremLevensMildredLevinsonMaxMorrisHarryRittmasterWillSwerdloffHenryZinn

25 Adar-March 19Martha FleiderAbe GordonPearlJacobsRoseLevyAlbertLipseyRosaPfefferDavid RogoveinEstherShapiroSolStolovNedWeissChielWhite

26 Adar-March 20NathanBeckerArthurBrandLouisBrownDavidEpsteinJacobEpsteinMinnie FriedsonHenryGreenbaumNathanGumowitzFrances HaithJosephKatzeffGertrudeKillmnickMorrisLernerLenaLichtigerHarryMarkowitzEugeneNovorrCharles RosenthalHarriett RosenthalSaulSiegelNathanSiegelJosephSilvermanEdytheTrillin

27 Adar-March 21EllaBassinIsadoreBeckerDorisBushFannie GordonSamGreenbergEzraKowalskyPhillipLevineJuliusLevitchAdolfPuckerZlottaSchniderBenSoslandFannieStevens

28 Adar-March 22JetteBergmannRuth DavisDaveGardeskyLillianLeibsonRevaLindmanGoldie MallinJacob MyronReda NoahSusieParelmanMaxSteinJoshuaWaxenbergJosephWolf

29 Adar-March 23JackBramsHarryChaikinSophieFeinDoraFoxRea FriedEstherGalitzky

AnnaPeltzmanHelen RudnerSidneyRyweckEthelSilbermanJacobSingerAnneSingerFannieSloanWilliamSosnowMarieTraxlerRoseWeiss

1 Nisan-March 24TillieBrennerMorrisBrooksRoseBroudyLouisCohenTillieDreiseszunPerezDubinskyMaierEisemannPamelaGaleMenuha GoldbergMaynard GordonBarnettHoffmanAbrahamLeveyBesseMarksAbrahamPeltzmanPaulShaletMinnieSimonsHarryTabolskyRachelVogel

2 Nisan-March 25GoodmanAceBenBenjaminIdaBlenderThomasCohenIsidore CohenEstherGilbertFannie GlassHermanGoldwasserMorrisHammerHarry HardingVeraHershmanClaraKahnDonnaLevineLouisLevyElisabethSorkinJeanetteWishna

3 Nisan-March 26 Minnie AppleNettieBondellKatieBrownArthurChapmanTillieCohnBerthaDiamantAnnaGrossmanMarjorieJacobsSarahKahnPhenieKosovitzRebeccaLeVineSarahMilenskyFlora RiegerJackRubackWolfSchlozmanDavidSchwartzAnnaShaoulRebeccaSheskinMorrisStein

4 Nisan-March 27MelvinGoldmanAbrahamKrigelSophieLevineCarlNusbaumThomasParnessAlvinPelofskyHermanSilvermanMorrisWebber

5 Nisan-March 28MorrisBigusBenBloomAaronE.CopelmanSadieGoodrichSamGutovitzToviaLachsAbrahamLernerMollie NeusteterEttaPriceSophieRisburdGabrielSpectorJeromeStolzoffRuthZimmerman

6 Nisan-March 29RuthBakerTillieBlendSarahDayMichael FrischerCharlesFurmanIdaKornblumWalterMarchLouisRabicoffJacobShapiro

7 Nisan-March 30 HarryBergerRebeccaByersJudyChaikinMaxChemelAlbert GreenbergJacob GreenbergRubenKernSimonMnookinEdnahSheskinIkeSteinzeigBerthaTulchinskyZeevViner

8 Nisan-March 31 ErnestineBenjaminPaulBermanLeonFogelLouisGinsbergYolanGreenbaumAnnaKivovitchEvelynMarksHenry MichelsonPatNovorrRuth RosenbergBaileySchultzCarlSchwartzMeyerWechsler

March18,11:30a.m.Mt.Carmel MarilynBressel Unveiling

April1,10:30a.m.Mt.Carmel MirahRostov Unveiling | 913-647-7279 9March 2012

The following contributions have been made in honor or memory of Beth Shalom family and friendsand reflect donations thru February 9, 2012. We wish a hearty Todah Rabbah to all contributors for their support.

Donations of $10 or more per tribute are acknowledged in The Scroll. To contribute to our many funds, please contact the office at 913-647-7279 or click here. -Thank you.

To d a h R a bb a h !

Ann & Isadore Gale Scholarship

Fundin memory ofYefim SokolovRoman & Svetlana Sorkin

Ben Bell Scholarship

Fundin memory ofClara FoxBarbara Kusnetzky

Benjamin Ryweck Torah

Fundin honor ofShirley Gottstein’s Speedy RecoveryDavid Jacob’s Speedy RecoveryRabbi & Ruth Margolies’ 60th AnnDolores Sosnow’s BDJoan Marchin memory ofMary Grodsky Solomon LipskyMichael Wajcman Brett WeinerShirley GottsteinSamuel EpsteinWalter MarchSidney RyweckIsaac ZaleJoan March

Beth Shalom Chesed

Committee Fundin honor ofAccpt. of Emi Adler to MURonald & Dierdre Baker

in memory ofLouis BurnsteinDavid & Rosalyn Burnstein

Brett WeinerRoberta & Sam Goller

Beth Shalom General Fund

in honor ofAccpt. of Tyler Kavanaugh to Roch.Inst. of TechnologyDavid & Judy Weinstein

Marr. of Charlotte Ruben & Bill KesslerHarold & Joyce KochRabbi Margolies’ BDLeon LevinAdelle Mushkin’s BDPhyllis GreenbergEliana Simon’s BMJerry & Barbara Cosner

in memory ofJean & William HammerSteven & Susan Hammer

Marcus & Sonia KaswanLouis & Marilyn Kessler

Celia & Ben StockerAllan StockerAbraham AlexanderEd & Cheryl Alexander

Moishe AltmanYakov & Betya Altman

Claire BellMaxine CopperbrandMarilyn & Ronald Higgins

Steven & Susan Osman

Charlene Kaswan BratmanLouis & Marilyn Kessler

Herb BrooksBob & Jeanette Wayne

Rose CapitoAlvin CapitoMarlene CapitoSandy EisenmanHerb & Barbara Simon

Samuel EpsteinStuart & Sharon PaseRubin FriedBarbara BogradStan GoldbergJohn Goldberg & Marla Brockman

William & Lynn Intrater

David GottliebRita GershonBessie GreenbergPaul GrollmanFrancis GreenbergJeff & Wendy Sitzmann

Kalman GrollmanMeyer GrollmanPaul GrollmanAnna Lee GrossmanNorman & Charlene Meltzer

Bertha GutovitzBess Kopin Sanford H. KrugLily WinerClarence & Alice Winer

Sheldon HollubHoward & Lynda Hirsekorn

Frank JosephLynn FairbanksLouis KanterMichael GrossMorris KanterAllan KanterShirley KatzMarlene CapitoArthur KatzElliott & Kathy Hollub

Seena KaufmanLeibert KaufmanLeo KopecAbe & Arlene Kopec

Sanford KrugEd & Cheryl Alexander

Bernard & Barbara Birnbaum

Daniel & Ann HarrisElliott & Kathy Hollub

Harold & Natalie Klopper

Gary & Marcy Rydell

Louis LipszycJack LipszycMaxine MargolinLynn GordonDonna LimbaughEstelle MinkinJohn Goldberg & Marla Brockman

Gertrude MitzMelvin & Elaine Glazer

Loved OnesInge SilvermanSadie OzarI.I. OzarSteve PackJay PackEthel PfeferArvin PfeferMarti RabinGerald & Anne Rabin

Ida ReizAndrew & Zelda Reiz

Gertrude RosenthalThe Laycob FamilyMax LevineFrank RotmanRoss & Candace Tonkens

Harry RubinMelyvn & Frances Beiman

Rebecca SchorrWarren & Beth Bayzman

Michael & Barbara Katz

Michael & Samyra Marks

Milton SearlesFerne SearlesBrett WeinerJoel & Brenda Pelofsky

Herb & Barbara Simon

Earl & Shirley UnellBeth Shalom Lechem Fund

in honor ofBirths of Gabriel Goodbinder & Madelyn KrollPolsky Religious School Teachers

Birth of Harold & Renée Fuchs’ great grandsonKen & Sandi Lerner

Corrine Jacobson’s Speedy RecoveryJudy Krugin memory ofDorothy ChapmanAlan & Tina Chapman

Nancy & Steve Kargman

Jerome GainesKen & Sandi LernerBetty Jean MosesRobert & Cindy Daniels

Judy KrugRebecca SchorrKen & Sandi LernerArthur KatzRobert & Cindy Daniels

Ken & Sandi LernerSanford KrugJeff & Cathy AlpertBernard & Marcia Eveloff

Kyle & Stacy HennKen & Sandi LernerRhea Salasche & Harold Kaseff

Frederick MarshockHope & Marshall Talbot

Isaac MendellFannie MendellAlan & Tina Chapman

Abe NisenkierDanielle & Sam Levine

Harry TabolskyHope & Marshall Talbot

Michael WajcmanShira WajcmanBrett WeinerEddy BortzBernard & Marcia Eveloff

Norman & Alison Heisler

Judy KrugKen & Sandi Lerner

Beth Shalom Library Fund

in memory ofGertrude MitzRochelle MitzLena RosenbergBecky TonopolskyLester TonopolskyCharles & Rae Cohen

Beverly & Harvey Bodker

Endowment Fund

in appreciation ofJill Goldstein’s 25 Years of ServiceFred & Cindy Bodkerin honor ofRabbi & Ruth Margolies’ 60th Ann.Harvey Bodker

in memory ofArthur KatzFred & Cindy Bodker

Building Fundin memory ofRoger ShulkinMarlene Shulkin

Camp Ramah Fund

in memory ofPauline BlonskyMarilyn Blonsky

Cemetery Maintenance

Fundin memory ofDavid & Charline CooperEunice CooperRoger CooperMary & Morris DroskinJudith DroskinDoris FlamDouglas LevineSol GlassHarry & Hedra Merson

Stan GoldbergGeraldine GoldbergDan & Molly IndinMarian BerkowitzVictor LernerMichael & Sharon Milens

Mildred LipseyShirley FishmanEstelle MinkinGeraldine GoldbergRuthye & William NowickShedon & Stevie Pessin

Blanche RosenblumJulius Kantor

Daniel & Dori Aks Endowment

Fundin memory ofDaniel & Dorothy AksRobert & Tambi Aks

Eisemann Family Fund

in honor ofJoshua Eisemann’s Bar MitzvahDolores Sosnow

Eleanor & Joseph Kopin Endowment

Fundin memory ofAdele GoodmanJoseph KopinAnita Daniels

Eugene & Shirley Novorr Tots for Torah


in memory ofEugene L. NovorrShirley Novorr

Florence & Meyer Kaplan Sukkot Festival

Fundin memory ofArthur KatzMichael WajcmanFlorence KaplanGale & Maxine

Grossman Religious Schoolin memory ofAnna GrossmanMaxine GrossmanHanan Wedlan Family Fund

in memory ofHarry KaufmanEleanor AbramsDolores Wedlan

Harry & Anita Daniels Camp Ramah Scholarship

Fundin memory ofMorris GoldsteinAnita Daniels

Harry Puritz Scholarship

Fundin memory ofBessie Puritz KarsCarl Puritz

Helen Rae & Sydney

Cerier Teacher Development

Fundin memory ofCarl BernsteinJill GoldsteinSydney CerierHelen Rae Cerier & Roberta CerierJacob H & Rose Levine Teacher Development

Fundin honor ofBirths of Madelyn Kroll & Gabriel GoodbinderRita Cortés’ Speedy RecoveryPeter & Bev Newmanin memory ofBertha GutovitzBrett WeinerPeter & Bev Newman

Judaica & Art Fund

in honor ofSunnie & Lee Levin’s 60th AnnBob & Aletha SimonRabbi & Ruth Margolies’ 60th Ann.Bob & Aletha Simon

in memory ofArthur KatzBob & Aletha Simon

KCUSYin memory ofSandy KrugJeff & Linda Sander

Kiddush Fundin honor ofEarl & Shirley Unell’s Granddaughter’s BMAnne Brattin memory ofDavid GoldsteinMarvin & Carol Goldstein

Arthur KatzNeal & Elaine SingerBrett WeinerAnne BrattMichael & Laurel Rogovein

Leo & Arlene Shalinsky

Ken & Sheila Sonnenschein

Bernie & Ella UllmanJudy Wasserman

Mallin Childhood Enrichment

Fundin memory ofSolomon MendelsenRuth RosenbergLarry & Beverly Mallin

Marilyn Graubart

Scholarship Fund

in memory ofMarcia (Miriam) BlaivasRoman & Svetlana Sorkin

Miriam Romotsky Tay Sachs Fund

in honor ofGary Cortés’ BDHarold & Janet PriceNaman, Pollack,

Block Youth Fund

in memory ofSandy KrugRandy & Elyse Block

Rabbi Cohen Discretionary

Fundin appreciation ofRabbi Alan CohenNathan Ross & Ashley Morh

in honor ofBirth of Marvin & Adelle Goldstein’s GGranddaughterJerry & Barbara Cosner

Rickie Haith’s Speedy RecoveryMorris & Helen Rogozenski & Pamela Rosenberg

Carole’s Speedy RecoveryJerry & Barbara Cosner

in memory ofSeena Celia FeinsteinDr. Charles FeinsteinStephen Feinstein & Jane Klaiber

Arthur KatzRichard & Charlotte Brockman

Stan & Mary WeinerSamuel KatzmanMeyer KatzmanIdelle KopitnikShirley MalashockSandy KrugStan & Mary WeinerBernard LevitchEdwin SoltzSam SilvermanDorothy KaufmanIsadore BresselMorris & Helen Rogozenski & Pamela Rosenberg

Brett WeinerRichard & Charlotte BrockmanRose Family

Early Childhood Education

Centerin honor ofEliana Simon’s BM Susie & Paul Blackman

Birth of Gabriel GoodbinderRFECEC TeachersBirth of Susie & Paul Blackman’s GranddaughterLarry & Elaine Polsky

Morris Rogozenski’s Speedy RecoveryJoyce Bratmanin memory ofBertha GutovitzJoel & Hildy Goldman

Sanford KrugHanan & Natalie Hammer

Ed & Ellen RoseRose S Levine

& Doris L Flam Arts & Education

Fundin memory ofEsther Funk LichtorJeffrey Levine & Reed Fletcher

donations cont. p. 10 | 913-647-727910 March 2012

Sun. By AppointmentMon. 10a.m.-12:30p.m.Tues. 10a.m.-12:30p.m.Wed. 10a.m.-12:30p.m.Thurs. 10a.m.-12:30p.m.

Fri. 10a.m.-noon

Marvin GreenbergSanford KrugNoreen GreenbergBrett WeinerRosalyn Lerner & Paul Lerner

Sam & Esther Daniels Prayer

Book Fundin memory ofRubin FriedDonald & Ruthann Zurovsky

Sarah’s Family Fundin appreciation ofSteve WeinbergJudy WassermanMarr of Charlotte Rubin & Bill KesslerLee & Esther Pearlmutterin memory ofTillie GoodmanHarold Kaseff & Rhea Salasche

Arthur KatzBrett WeinerSteve & Milisa FlekierRoger & Berenice Haberman

Harold Kaseff & Rhea Salasche

Lee & Esther PearlmutterSanford KrugMarvin & Carol Goldstein

Ingredients• 11/2tablespoonshoney• 1/4cupgroundcinnamon,or

to taste • 5cupsapples-peeled,cored

and chopped • 2cupsgrapejuiceorwine• 1cupchoppedwalnutsDirections1. In a bowl, mix the honey,

cinnamon, apples, grape juice or wine and walnuts together until thoroughly combined.

Ingredients• 4onions,sliced• 1poundsmallnewpotatoes• 1(16ounce)packagebabycarrots• 7poundsbeefbrisket• 1cupbeefbroth• 1packetdryonionsoupmix• 1cupketchup• 10fluidoz.PassoverCocaColaDirections1. Layer the onions, potatoes, and carrots into

the bottom of a large Dutch oven. Place the brisket on top of the vegetables.

2. Mix the beef broth, onion soup mix, ketchup, and Coca Cola in a bowl, and pour it over the brisket and vegetables. Bring to a boil over high heat, cover, and reduce heat to a simmer.

3. Simmer the brisket until tender, about 2 1/2 hours.

Passover Apples and Honey (Charoset)

Kosher for Passover Brisket

Very Best Brisket

Original Recipe Yield 14 servings

AreyouinterestedinlearningmoreabouttherelationshipbetweenCatho-licsandJews?OrperhapsyoumightenjoyknowingmoreaboutMissourihistory.PossiblyaSundaySpringdriveinruralMissourialsopeaksyourin-terest.ThetriptoConceptionAbbey,sponsoredbyCBSandJCRB/AJC,justmaybeforyou.OnSunday,April15wewilljourneynorthofSt.JosephtothesmallcommunityofConception. TherewewilldiscoverthewonderfullywelcomingcommunityofConceptionAbbey,establishedin1873.TheAbbeyisstilloccupiedbytheBenedic-tineOrderandcurrentlyledbyAbbotGregoryPo-lan,alongtimefriendofourcommunity.WewillspendthedaywiththeAbbotandtheBrothersofConceptiontoexperiencetrueBenedictinehospital-itywhilelearningmoreabouttheAbbeyandtheOrder. ThebusleavestheJCCCampusat9:30amreturningat5pm.Costforthebusrideis$10, or Carol BurtonatJCRB/[email protected].

Trip to Conception Abbey

Friday, April 6, 2012 6:45 AM Services, Study & Siyum at Village Shalom 10:00 AM Burning of chametz at CBS 6:00 PM Minchah at CBSSaturday, April 7, 2012 9:30 AM Shabbat/Passover services at CBS 6:00 PM Services at CBS 2nd Seder at Temple B’nai JehudahSunday, April 8, 2012 8:30 AM Services at CBS 6:00 PM Services at Village ShalomMonday through Thursday morningServices at Village Shalom at regular timesThursday Evening, April 12 6:00 PM Services at CBSFriday, April 13 9:30 AM Service at CBS 6:00 PM Service at CBSSaturday, April 14 9:30 AM Service at CBS w/Yizkor No early service 7:30 PM Minchah—end of Passover/ Shabbat at CBS

Passover Schedule

Donations, Cont.Sophie LevinLee & Esther PearlmutterSidney Ginsburg

Endowment Fund

in memory ofBetty MosesStan & Janey Goodman

Stein Family Youth Fund

in memory ofRalph HyattStewart & Esther Stein

Sylvan Siegler Scholarship

Fund for Jewish Camping

in memory ofAnne SingerMerna Siegler

Tommy & Bert Rogovein Memorial Fund

in memory ofArthur KatzSalli Katz

Walter & Anita Loeb Scholarship

Fundin memory ofLeone De BrwynAnita Loeb

TheJewishCommunityArchivesofGreaterKansasCityincooperationwiththeHeritageCenteroftheJewishCommunityCenter,willpresenttwowork-shopsonTuesday,March27andTuesday,April24tocelebrateJewishAmericanHeritage Month. Formoreinformation,contactJudyParelmanat913-649-2591.

Jewish Archives Events | 913-647-7279 11March 2012

•Adar | Nisan 5772

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, asher kiddeshanu b'mitzvotav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat.

/,¨C©J k¤J r¯b eh¦k§s©v§k Ub²U¦m±u uh¨,I§m¦n§C Ub¨J§S¦e r¤J£t o¨kIg¨v Q¤k¤n Ubh¥eO¡t wv v¨T©t QUr¨CCandle Lighting Blessing

ShabbatServicesandSundaymorningserviceswillbeheldatCBS.WeekdayMinyanservices will be held at ApplemanSynagogue, VillageShalom,5500W.123St. CheckPurimScheduleforchanges on page 1.

WeekdayMinyanMinchah:Sunday-Thursday6pmShacharit: Monday-Friday7am

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday � ursday Friday Saturday





7 96 10











21 24








18 22

Service Locations:VS VillageShalom Appleman Synagogue (5500 W. 123rd)CBS LamarLM LibraryMinyanRms: 108-109

Mah Jongg RFEC Purim Parade & Shabbat Music

PRS Spring BreakSisterhood Board MeetingErev Purim Megillah Readingat Ohev Sholom

PRS Kdg-Roundup

PRS No School

Peltzman Class

Peltzman Class

Peltzman Class

Peltzman Class



MeltonRitual Committee Meeting

Purim at VSEat & EducateRFEC Mini BreakNo SchoolPolsky Concert

Warm Up AmericaEat & EducateDowntown MishnahAdvanced Torah Reading

Mah JonggEat & EducateMen’s Club Sweet 16

KCUSY Kadima KinnusKabbalahHadasha

Rosh Chodesh

Anniversary Shabbat Tot Shabbat

Eat & EducatePassover Music ClassLechem



BreakNo School

Board of Directors MeetingMelton











7 Adar

14 Adar11 Adar10 Adar

17 Adar

1 Nisan

8 Nisan5 Nisan 6 Nisan3 Nisan2 Nisan 7 Nisan4 Nisan

20 Adar

27 Adar24 Adar

8 Adar

15 Adar12 Adar

18 Adar 21 Adar

28 Adar25 Adar

9 Adar

16 Adar

23 Adar

13 Adar

19 Adar 22 Adar

29 Adar26 Adar

KCUSY Purim Carnival

Shabbat:KabbalatShabbat: Friday,6pmMainService: Saturday,9:30amLibraryMinyan: Saturday,9:30amTotsforTorah: Saturday,9:30amB’Yachad: March10,10amShabbatMinchah Saturday,6pmShacharit: Sunday,8:30am

Guest Rabbi Visit

Guest Rabbi Visit

ScrollDeadlineis March 1.

אדר | ניסן

Birthday ShabbatGuest Rabbi Visit


Congregation Beth Shalom14200 Lamar • Overland Park, KS 66223www.bethshalomkc.orgOffice: 913-647-7279 • Fax: 913-647-7277

TheCongregationBethShalomScroll(USPS531-420)is publishedmonthlybyCongregationBethShalom,14200LamarAve.,OverlandPark,KS66223.AnnualSubscription$24.00.PeriodicalPostagePaidinShawneeMission,KS.DATED MATERIAL POSTMASTER: SendaddresschangestoCONGREGATIONBETHSHALOMSCROLL,14200Lamar,OverlandPark,KS66223.ScrollDeadline:The1stofthepreviousmonth.SubmitarticlestotheAdministrativeofficebefore the deadline.

Alan L. Cohen, RabbiMorris B. Margolies, Ph.D., Rabbi EmeritusRobert Menes, HazzanElaine Levine, Executive DirectorKurt Kavanaugh, D.D.S., PresidentBev Newman, Scroll EditorMartha Hoffman, Scroll Design & Production

Congregation Beth Shalom, an egalitarian Conservative synagogue, is a welcoming community of individuals from diverse backgrounds, strengthening connections with God, Torah and the Jewish people

through communal commitment to prayer, study and acts of loving kindness.




: Monday - Thursday 8:30am-5pm Friday 8:30am-4pm Closed on Federal Holidays






y H


: Monday & Wednesday 8am-4pm

Tuesday,Thursday ClosedSaturday ClosedFriday & Sunday 8am-4pmNational Holidays 9am-4pm

Exceptions: Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day & Christmas Day

Jewish Holidays Closed

Looking Ahead:











Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday: 10am-12:30pm Friday: 10am-noon

Or, Call for an appointment 913-647-7298

Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10am-2:30pm Wednesday: 10am-6:30pm Friday: 10am-noon Sunday: 9:30am-12:30pmOr, Call for an appointment 913-647-7298

Sun. 9:30a.m.-12:30p.m.Mon. 10a.m.-2:30p.m.Tues. 10a.m.-2:30p.m.Wed. 9:30a.m.-2:30p.m.

4:30-6:30p.m.Thurs. 10a.m.-2:30p.m.

Fri. 10a.m.-noon

Men’s Club Sweet 16 Watch PartyMarch 22

Do you like College Basketball? Do you like to Eat? Do you like Adult Beverages?

If the answer to at least one of these is yes, the Men’s Club would love for you to come watch the Sweet 16 games on March 22nd in Goldsmith Hall at 6:30 pm. For questions or to RSVP,contact [email protected].

You recently had the oppor-tunitytomeettworabbiniccan-didates;RabbiDavidGlickmanandRabbiGeoffreyHaber,letusknowyourimpression,your

commentsandyoursuggestions. Pleasetelluswhoyourchoicewouldbeandwhy.Ifyoudonotfeelthatthesearethebestcandidatesforus,please advise us to consider others. Your voice and your feedbackwillhelpusplanforthefutureofCongregationBethShalom.Thankyou.Contact:[email protected]@yahoo.comorsubmityourcommentsinwritingtoCBS,c/oNormLevitan.



Looking Ahead
