ACTIVE DIRECTORY GROUP POLICY MAEDS Spring PD Day 2012 Nicholas A. Hay Jefferson Schools...

ACTIVE DIRECTORY GROUP POLICY MAEDS Spring PD Day 2012 Nicholas A. Hay Jefferson Schools [email protected]

Transcript of ACTIVE DIRECTORY GROUP POLICY MAEDS Spring PD Day 2012 Nicholas A. Hay Jefferson Schools...

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ACTIVE DIRECTORY GROUP POLICY MAEDS Spring PD Day 2012 Nicholas A. Hay Jefferson Schools [email protected] [email protected] Slide 2 LOGIN / LOGOFF / STARTUP / SHUTDOWN SCRIPTS Slide 3 WIRELESS POLICY Slide 4 FOLDER REDIRECTION User > Policies > Windows Settings > Folder Redirection Slide 5 GP PREFS - ITEM LEVEL TARGETING Allows fine-tuning of where item is applied. Reduce GPO's where a few settings may be different. Can eliminate (99.9% of the time) scripts completely and easy to implement changes Be sure to check the run in logged-on users security context when using User Policies or the PC will use the System account to process object. Slide 6 GP PREFS DRIVE MAPPINGS Slide 7 GP PREFERENCES ACTION TYPES Create Replace Deletes and recreate the item. Update This is usually the option you will use when defining items in Preferences. This just refreshes the object rather than deleting and recreating it. Delete Slide 8 GP PREFS DRIVE MAPPINGS Slide 9 GP PREFS - SHORTCUTS Slide 10 Slide 11 GP PREFS PRINTERS Printers can be added to list in one of three ways Shared Printer(only available in User Configuration) TCP/IP Printer(available in Computer and User Configuration) Local Printer (available in Computer and User Configuration) Slide 12 GP PREFS PRINTERS Slide 13 GP PREFS REGISTRY Slide 14 GP PREFS POWER SETTINGS Slide 15 HOW TO: WIN 7AUTO LOGIN Create a GPO and apply it to an OU. Any computers you add to this OU will get this policy after a reboot. There are 4 registry keys that need to be set at a computer level in the Registry GP Preferences Slide 16 ADD ADDITIONAL GPO TEMPLATES Software vendors have GPO Templates that can be added into GP to be managed. You can create GPO Templates as well Two ways to add: To add a template go under Computer or User Config and right click on Administrative Templates and select Add/ Remove Templates Copy the template files on the computer C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions Slide 17 ADDING OFFICE 2010 TEMPLATES Download at the following link below: There are two types of template formats ADM ADMX (XML version of ADM) Pre Windows Vista computers cannot load this in the GP Editor programs, but the policies will still be applied to them from the Domain server. These files are language neutral. The descriptions of each policy in these files are stored in the language folder (en-us is the English language) and are needed for the policies when uploading Slide 18 GP CENTRAL REPOSITORY GP Templates may not be available on all computers or servers. This is to due with the computers, by default, using a local repository of the GP Templates. Local copies of the GP templates will be used unless a central repository is on the server. If you are creating a GPO on a computer that doesnt have a particular template you need to add it manually to the local computer to view the properties of this. How to creating a Central Repository Windows Vista and Server 2008 and up support this. Location Local Repository:C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions Central Repository:C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies (on domain server) Slide 19 OFFICE OUTLOOK AUTO CONFIG Slide 20 OFFICE PRIVACY TRUST CENTER Slide 21 RESOURCES Jeremy Mosowitz has some online classes, for a fee, that are very helpful to become familiar with Group Policy. Group Policy for Beginners page