Actionable Insights and KPIs For Marketing Analytics in 2014

Actionable Insights and KPIs for Marketing Analytics in 2014


Most of us spend the entire month of January planning budgeting for the rest of the year. But have you agreed on the KPIs that will define your success? Implementing those metrics and reports may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn from marketing professionals from GoodData and The Pedowitz Group how you can: - Establish the top 5 KPIs that will define your success for 2014 - Identify some quick wins for your organization to start tracking progress - Prove your value and contribution to Revenue with concrete analytics!

Transcript of Actionable Insights and KPIs For Marketing Analytics in 2014

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Your Hosts

Jeff MorrisVP Product Marketing


Kevin JoyceVP Marketing StrategyThe Pedowitz Group

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What You Will Learn

Identify some quick wins for your organization to start tracking progress

Establish the top 5 KPIs that will define your success for 2014

Prove your value and contribution to revenue with marketing attribution reports

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Strategic Partnership

Full service Revenue Marketing agency

Transforms marketing from a cost to a revenue center

Cloud based, open analytics platform

Analytics for sales, marketing and social data

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Mutually set pipeline with lead rating and scoring

Integrated CRM & automation systems

Defined funnel stages & SLAs

RM dashboard

Repeatable, Predictable, Scalable

Set pipeline goals

Share definition of a lead

Nurture Marketing

Closely monitor lead conversion metrics

Enforce SLAs

Capture Revenue Metrics in arrears

Marketing and Sales managed in silos

Marketing focused on brand building and impressions

No agreement on aligned lead definition

SLAs not implemented

Implemented Marketing automation

Focus on generating leads

Focus on cost of lead acquisition

Little to no alignment between Sales and Marketing

Revenue Minimized Revenue Maximized





Revenue Marketing Journey

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Revenue Marketing Analytics Solution

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Marketing Analytics Overview

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Why Analytics Are Important For Marketing

Expose critical KPIs & trends for predictable, repeatable, scalable success.

Volume144 BILLION emails are sent every day

VelocityBrands on Facebook receive 34,722 Likes every minute of the day

Variety The average company uses 18 different marketing technologies

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Taxonomy of Marketing Reporting

Historical Pipeline/Funnel Predictive

Increasing Brand Equity #2 #2 #4

Lead Generation #1 #1 #4

Lead Nurturing #1 #1 #4

Customer Marketing, Cross Sell, Upsell

#2 #2 #4

Content, Assets #3 #3 #4

Channel Enablement, Sales Tools

#3 #3 #4

Marketing Activities

Types Of Data

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Don’t Get Dazzled by Data

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals”

Focus maniacally on what you are trying to achieve by measurement:

— Improving Marketing Effectiveness

— Increasing Revenues

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How to get started?

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Lead Sources

Define marketing sourced lead sources vs. non-marketing sourced

— Use a picklist of 20 values or less

— Re-map existing values to the picklist

— Use lead source details field for additional info

— Make it required

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Define Lead Funnel Stages and Goals



Purchase Lists




Lead Scoring & Routing


Not ready, nurture

Not ready, nurture Converted


NurtureContact / Account

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Marketing Automation and CRM Best Practices

Campaign Contact Opportunity Revenue

Return on Investment


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Top 5 KPIs for 2014

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KPI #1 – Marketing Sourced Revenue

Tips: — Create quarterly goals and

monitor performance

— Break out installed base vs. net new revenue

Data Types: — Total & sourced pipeline

— Total & sources dollars won

— Marketing sourced goal

— Filters: Net new vs. non

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KPI #2 – Number of MQLs and SQLs

Tips:— Define goals and benchmark

— Regional analysis

Data Types: — MQLs and SQLs

— Goals and industry benchmarks

— Filters: Custom timeframes, regional breakdown

SQLs By RegionMonthly MQL Snapshot

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KPI #3 – Lead Funnel Conversion Rates

Tips:— Utilize benchmarks and best


— Analyze cohort trends for a predictive funnel

Data Types: — Total Leads created


— Filters: No recycled leads

31,653 8,297 556 203 43

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KPI #4 – Marketing Influence Goal

Campaign Influence

Tips:— Campaigns connected to


— Opportunity Contact Roles

Data Types: — Multi touch pipeline

— Multi touch dollars won

— Filters: Custom time frames

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KPI #5 – Customer and Prospect Engagement

Tips:— Define engagement

— Monitor quarterly performance

Engagement by Channel

Data Types: — Leads and sources

— Campaign details

— Impressions and click through rates

— Filters: MQL time frame

Engagement by Product

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Marketing Attribution

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An Epic Love Hate Relationship

First Touch Attribution

Join us on March 25th!

Revenue Attribution Best Practices

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Questions and Comments?

Jeff MorrisVP Product Marketing

[email protected]

Kevin JoyceVP Marketing Strategy

[email protected]

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Learn More

Follow Us@revenuemarketer @gooddata

Free Revenue Marketing Analytics

Get In [email protected]

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