Abundant Mystic - Interview with Joe Vitale - Transcript

The Abundant Mystic: 21Days to TRUE Prosperity www.abundantmystic.com JOE VITALE – TRANSCRIPT Edward Mills: Hello and welcome. I’m Edward Mills, the producer of The Abundant Mystic Teleseminar series. And I am so pleased and honored to have, Joe Vitale, with me today on the call. Doctor Joe Vitale is the author of way too many best selling books to mention here. I’ll mention just a few of them. They include: The Attractor Factor; Life’s Missing Instruction Manual; The Key; Zero Limits, and his latest book; Attract Money Now. Joe has also recorded a ton of audio programs. To name just a few: The Awakening Course; The missing Secret, and; The Secret to Attracting Money. Joe has also been in several movies, including the blockbuster: The Secret. He’s been on Larry King and Donny Deutsch’s TV shows. Joe also created a; Miracle’s Coaching Program; that helps people achieve their dreams by understanding the deeper aspects of the Law of Attraction, and the Law of Right Action. Joe was once homeless, but today he is a best selling author who believes in magic and miracles. Joe, thank you so much for being on the call, with me today. Joe Vitale: Of course! I’m flattered! I’m excited! I’m eager! Let’s rock n roll! Edward Mills: Let’s do it! So the first question, that I am asking all of the abundant mystic faculty members, is: How do you define abundance? Joe Vitale: I have at least two levels of a definition for you. The first is; to realize that life itself, and your existence in it, is an abundant state of being. Most people don’t realize that at all. Most people will dismiss it. But we are already alive, so we are experiencing abundance right now. It is a miracle of living. That’s the first level. The second level is that; you can acquire and attract and achieve anything that you want, that you can visualize and you can imagine having in your experience, to enrich your abundance; by using your God given – Divine given, innate talents. So


Edward Mills interviews Joe Vitale

Transcript of Abundant Mystic - Interview with Joe Vitale - Transcript

  • The Abundant Mystic: 21-Days to TRUE Prosperity www.abundantmystic.com

    JOE VITALE TRANSCRIPT Edward Mills: Hello and welcome. Im Edward Mills, the producer of The Abundant Mystic Teleseminar series. And I am so pleased and honored to have, Joe Vitale, with me today on the call. Doctor Joe Vitale is the author of way too many best selling books to mention here. Ill mention just a few of them. They include: The Attractor Factor; Lifes Missing Instruction Manual; The Key; Zero Limits, and his latest book; Attract Money Now. Joe has also recorded a ton of audio programs. To name just a few: The Awakening Course; The missing Secret, and; The Secret to Attracting Money. Joe has also been in several movies, including the blockbuster: The Secret. Hes been on Larry King and Donny Deutschs TV shows. Joe also created a; Miracles Coaching Program; that helps people achieve their dreams by understanding the deeper aspects of the Law of Attraction, and the Law of Right Action. Joe was once homeless, but today he is a best selling author who believes in magic and miracles. Joe, thank you so much for being on the call, with me today. Joe Vitale: Of course! Im flattered! Im excited! Im eager! Lets rock n roll! Edward Mills: Lets do it! So the first question, that I am asking all of the abundant mystic faculty members, is: How do you define abundance? Joe Vitale: I have at least two levels of a definition for you. The first is; to realize that life itself, and your existence in it, is an abundant state of being. Most people dont realize that at all. Most people will dismiss it. But we are already alive, so we are experiencing abundance right now. It is a miracle of living. Thats the first level. The second level is that; you can acquire and attract and achieve anything that you want, that you can visualize and you can imagine having in your experience, to enrich your abundance; by using your God given Divine given, innate talents. So

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    for me, youre already abundant. And you can have more by using some of the principles that weve been learning about; that I teach and write about. Edward Mills: So how would that have worked for you? I know in the bio... and Ive heard you talk about how there was a time when you, to the external eye, would not have appeared abundant. How would that first definition have applied to you, at that point in your life? Joe Vitale: Well the first definition would apply, but I wouldnt have agreed to it. Edward Mills: [Laughter] Joe Vitale: In other words; when Im standing on the streets in Dallas... back in 1977, 78, whenever it was, it was thirty, whatever many years ago. ...And you would have walked up and said, Hey Joe. Do you realize that you are abundant and living in an abundant universe, and that your life, right now; is the greatest miracle of all? You might have got a fist in the face, or an angry look, or me stomping off, who knows what it would be. My mind was not at a place to accept the reality. So for me, the abundance is already there. Its a fundamental underlying principle of life. But we arent in alignment with it, which causes all of the frustration which causes all of the discord the discomfort, and actually even attracts the very break in the relationship, that were trying to remedy. So for me, at that point in time, a long time ago: No, I didnt think I was abundant! No, I wouldnt have believed it, because I was looking for the outer to fulfill me. I was looking for the... Well I had nothing. I had no car. I had no home. I had no friends. I had no money. I was looking for all of those things to say, Joe, its okay for you to be happy. Joe, its okay for you to be abundant. Joe, its okay for you to relax. And you can draw a parallel to that, because theres plenty of people, that Ive met, that are homeless and are happy. They actually experience wherever they are at, as being an abundant state. But when we dont realize that; wherever we are is abundant in and of itself, thats when we start the disharmony. And thats when we actually create all of the riffs, and keep on attracting more things to make us feel like we are not abundant, and we are not in an abundant universe. And we will look all around to find all of the evidence to prove were not in an abundant universe. But underlying it all; its abundant. Edward Mills: Now, very few people listening to this call will be in a similar situation to you. Very few people will be homeless on the streets of Dallas. But many people, on this call, will probably be in the mental position that you were in; where theyre not thinking that theyre abundant.

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    What were some of the key moments, and the key insights, that allowed you to shift your mind; so that you could actually see, and believe, and feel; that you were living in an abundant universe? Joe Vitale: Well one of my favorite stories to tell, and theres a movie called: The Compass. I tell in the story... and its pretty vivid and well done, and pretty unforgettable. And its the idea; I remember struggling and hearing over and over again that; I was already abundant. And I had to realize that in order to attract more abundance in my life. And I would just keep saying out loud, or to myself, Yeah, I feel abundant, but as soon as I have a job, or I have cash, then Ill acknowledge that Im in an abundant universe. And people would say things like... you know some of the spiritual teachers of the day, You have to practice gratitude. You have to look around and say, I am grateful for my life. And I was way too bitter to say anything like that, until one day, when I finally said, Ive got to experiment, because what Im doing is not working what Im thinking is not working -what Im believing is not working. Ive got to try something else. So I experimented with gratitude. I looked around my little place, where I was living at the time. And by then, I had a little studio apartment or something like that. And, for me, it was unhappiness. It wasnt what I wanted. It wasnt the mansion. I wasnt grateful for it. I was off the streets, but I wasnt even grateful for that. And so I picked up a pencil... the only thing I could find in the room that I actually began to feel grateful for ...and I picked up a pencil and said, Okay, I can feel grateful for this pencil. I guess with this pencil; I can write a poem, or I can write a suicide note, or I can write a grocery list, or I can write a movie, or I can write the great American novel, or I can write, you know, whatever it was. And as I started to explore that; I started to feel like; wow this pencil is actually quite a miracle. I can write anything I choose to write, from affirmations, to goal setting, to visualizations, to scripts, to books. I mean, I can do anything with this pencil. I started to feel different within myself. And then I looked at the other end of the pencil, and theres an eraser. And I thought, What a marvelous invention. I can erase the suicide note. I can correct the article I was writing, or the great American novel, or the script, and change the dialogue, and nobody will ever know it. I started to change my energy. And even as I start to tell this story, now, I start to get more energy going through me. I feel a little happier. I feel a little more upbeat. And I started to move into that mind set of; gratitude. And that was a turning point. Because; I remember looking up from the pencil and suddenly the room that I wasnt grateful for was, like my oasis. And I started to think, Oh my God! There are people in third world countries that are living in the dirt. They are sleeping outside in the weather, no matter what it happens to be, and they may not have food at all for days. And theyre dying young and dying off really quick. And here I am complaining about my little air conditioned apartment, in Texas. And Ive got food

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    in my little fridge, and theres some water in it, and Ive got a pencil to write my novel, and an eraser to correct it, if it isnt right. And so; it was that kind of a technique; that I began to just play touch and go with. That began an inner transformation. Now that didnt last very long. That was not an overnight change. I had to keep going back to it, but as I said, in the movie; that was a beginning of a transformation - that was the beginning of an awakening - that was the beginning of realizing, Oh goodness! I do have abundance around me. I havent been acknowledging it. Edward Mills: Is gratitude something that you have incorporated as a regular practice, since that time? Joe Vitale: I love that question. I say that I am where I am today... which means; I have a car collection. Ive got my own little compound or estate that I live in. Im in my brand new office here, which is all wood - with some of the most amazing furniture, and equipment, and things like that, in here. I am in this place... the guy who went from homeless to this luxurious lifestyle, and best selling books, and all of these movies, and travelling around the world, largely because of the daily practice of gratitude. Ive been telling this story many times; that I now have a hot tub, which is one of the greatest investments of my life. Almost every night, I get in the hot tub... its outside. Its under the Texas sky. And cold, or warm, or whatever the weather happens to be; I sit in that hot tub and while looking at the stars just say, Thank you. And Ill look at every star and say, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,: as if I am making direct contact with the Divine. And I think; its that feeling that I constantly go back to, that causes me to attract more things to be grateful for. And thats one of the big lessons for anybody who wants to attract, experience and live from a place of prosperity and abundance; is to start feeling grateful for what you already have. And the more you move into that space; you start to live from an energy field that attracts more experiences that are either, like it or far, far, better, than the one you were just focusing on. So for me; its a daily expression. I try to do it through out the day, but its an evening meditation and evening contemplative time. Edward Mills: Now, it sounds like, at this point in your life, youve gotten to where that feeling and experience of gratitude is pretty easy to come by. But when you were making the transition out of; you know the homeless - being on the street; my guess is that there were times when it might have been a little bit difficult to conjure up that gratitude. What specific practices or tools, did you find, help you... you know, make a transition into gratitude, as a more natural state for you?

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    Joe Vitale: Yeah. Thats a great question. And I do admit that; that was really rough to do, and tough to do. You talk about a challenge. Because; Im trying to get my mind to go in a new direction, and a habitual force of nature already had my mind going in a negative way. I was very skeptical. I was negative. I was hopeful for the future. I knew I wanted to be an author. I was writing things. I was making the steps to go in the right direction. But it wasnt working out. I would focus on the; its not working out, and the unpleasantness of it. And Id look around at where I was, and I wouldnt appreciate it, and think I want something else. And I kept dismissing where I was. So trying to come from a place of constant gratitude, or even reminding myself to do it every day; was a massive challenge and struggle. So what did I do to help with that? One of the things that Ive always relied on is, reading. And even when I was homeless, one of the best places to go, and many homeless people do this; they go to the library. Ive always lived at the library. Im just lucky enough to create my own library in my home now, and I can stay there and read and do it online, of course. But way back then, Id go and read the success literature of the day: The Napoleon Hill, The Claude Bristol, The Dale Carnegie, and on, and on, and on. Id just read in that whole area, as a way to brainwash myself in a positive way. I had already allowed myself to be brainwashed in a negative way. Most of the media, most of society is keeping us in a victim mentality. Theyre not doing it necessarily consciously or intentionally, but thats the message that we grasp. And until we wake up and start to make new choices; were going to stay in that mind set. So I had to break from that mindset. And I knew enough; that if I read the wisdom of the universe, and just kept reading it, that I would soak it into my neurons. So the first thing I was doing, was reading. I was reading a tremendous amount. Ive always loved books. I was loving books then, and I am still a book-aholic, and was a book-aholic then. So I did that, at the library. The next level of doing the same thing was with audios. And back then, of course, they were cassettes. And the library started to get cassettes. When I started to get money; Id put my car... wherever I was working, whenever I had a car, whenever I had work ...into a university on wheels. And I was listening to Nightingale Conant, and Nightingale and whatever kind of self improvement self-help - optimistic thinking audios, that I could find, because again, I was trying to feed my brain. And both of these were very instrumental in causing me to have a turnaround. Now again, that wasnt overnight either. Because I had, at that point, you know thirty some years, a lifetime of programming in a negative way. And I was trying to erase the program and rewrite it. So reading helped. The audios helped. And then I

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    would also go and find support. And I now know that; I think everybody needs to have a coach in order to break through and have permanent change, or at least very fast accelerated change. But I would go to the Unity churches, the Unitarian Churches, the science of mind talk. Id go to self improvement seminars. Id go to the free ones for sure, if they had them, and listen to the teasers, and tried to hang around people who were like me; either already making a difference, or trying to make a difference in their lives. So all three of these; are very big elements that are big in changing your life. Edward Mills: And just to give the people listening on the line who, you know, may be struggling financially. Approximately how long did it take until you moved into a place where you would... you know looking back now ...you would say; you had a level of abundance in the physical external world? Joe Vitale: Thats an awkward question for me to answer, because when I tell people Im an overnight success, as long as you say overnight is twenty years... Edward Mills: [Laughter] Joe Vitale: They realize, or fall into fears like, Oh I dont want to spend twenty years doing this. And what I want to back it up by saying... my, add on statement is; that it no longer has to take twenty years. It took twenty years for me and maybe people like me, during that time period, or even before it, because we didnt have the internet. We didnt have all of the tools like; this very call, these interviews that youre doing. We didnt have all of the resources that are available either online or offline. For example my new book, Attract Money Now; I give it away. I tell people to go on line. And if they dont have a computer; go to the library and go online there, and go to attractmoneynow.com, and they can read it for free. Well its that kind of thing; I dont remember being available for me back in the seventies or early eighties. So you can speed up the process of transformation with all of these new tools, methods, support and freebies like, Attract Money Now. Edward Mills: Is there anything; that you think, could have accelerated the time it took you to become, quote unquote, an overnight success? Joe Vitale: Oh yes. Oh yes, absolutely. See the thing that would have accelerated it, at that time, would have been for me to raise my hand and say, I need help. Edward Mills: Ah! Joe Vitale: And thats the thing most of us dont want to admit. And I have found that as soon as I quit trying to run the show, control the show, and do it all by myself, and said, Look I need some help. Lead me to the books, the resources, or give

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    me a coach, or a mentor, or get me in the self-improvement class, or the mastermind group that I can go on a regular basis... And you will accelerate the process, beyond all comprehension. And that would have been true for me. But at that point in time, my heros of the day were people like; Jack London and Ernest Hemingway. They were the authors of the world and were very tough guys. They were the masculine ones who tried to say basically; Im going to beat the world. Im going to dominate the earth. Im going to hunt and kill. Im going to come out with the best selling books, and Im going to do it all by myself. Im going to say it on top of the mountain top, and raise my rifle in the sky and say, I rule the planet. Those were my heros, and both of them died of suicides. So when I realized that, Oh if I follow that path, Im going to end my life early, or Im just going to be unhappy and struggle my entire career. When I finally let go and said, Help me and quit trying to be... the phrase I remember I learned back in the eighties I think it was, at a seminar I went to is; Too many of you are trying to be a lone ranger. And when I quit trying to be the lone ranger, the character on television, and started to say, Look, I need a team, and please help me with this. Thats when the acceleration would have taken place earlier for me. Edward Mills: And what was it that enabled you to make the shift from lone ranger into being on a team, or attracting a team, to help you? Joe Vitale: Yeah. Well the first thing was awareness; which I hope is whats happening to the people listening to this. Because, Im a great believer that if youre just aware of what youre doing, and aware of your options, and make new choices, and new decisions; youre going to change your life in a heartbeat, right then and there. I had gone to an event, and it was called Power Networking. It was with Sandy Vilas and Donna Fisher. Theyre two wonderful people, and Im still friends with both of them. I believe both of them are still out there. Theyre still doing seminars. And it was at that seminar that I went to that I heard them talk about; that were all trying to do it by ourselves, and if you all work together, and start making friends right there in the room, and create a support team, right there in the room, and started to mastermind with each other, and support each other in your goals; you will advance in your careers far faster. And I heard that and I realized that I was really stopping myself from growing. And in the class they gave this wonderful example; they said, The reason that youre not asking for help, is that youre afraid to. And they asked us to pause and consider: When someone asks you for help, how do you feel? And I remember thinking,

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    well I always feel good. If somebody asks me for help, and Im actually able to help them, then I feel like Ive done a good deed. Ive been able to help somebody. Theres a nice social rapport going on. I have this phrase called: Karmic Marketing, that kicks in, and Ive earned good karmic marketing points. You know, theres all kind of good feelings. And they said, Well thats how people feel when you ask them for help. When I suddenly realized that, Oh, if I only ask for help, the people who are willing to help, and that can help are going to feel good when they do it. I had a paradigm shift. My mind opened up, and I realized that, Youve got to quit doing it by yourself, Joe! And when you ask for help, youre going to ask the people who are going to be willing to help. That was a big turning point. Edward Mills: Thats great. I want to shift gears, because there are so many areas I want to cover with you. But you mentioned something, in an answer, a little while ago about not watching news and TV, and I think thats so critical. Do you watch any news or TV, at this point? Joe Vitale: No! Which, is so bizarre because; theyre coming to me. ABC News for example; was here on Monday filming me, and theyre going to come back for an interview. Theyre doing a special, on positive thinking, thatll be airing in a few months. And I have mixed feelings about it, because I dont watch the main stream news at all. I dont... maybe if I walked through a restaurant and its on; I might catch a glimpse of something. And maybe, when Im online and I exit a webpage, sometimes, the news bulletins will show up. But unless an army invades my hill country home here; I wont know about anything going on in the world. And my rule of thumb is; the media - the mainstream media - is reporting on things that are not personally influencing me. They dont impact me. I was trained as a journalist in college, and we were trained to report on the news, and the news was defined as anything bad. So in other words; anything good, its not going to be of use to the news people, because they figure people arent really doing to watch it. And most people, especially those that are still in the victim mentality; theyre looking at it for reinforcement. It reinforces their fear. It reinforces their victimhood. It reinforces the idea; that they need to stay at home and keep their doors and windows locked, and be barricaded. It reinforces all of that. And it kicks in on an emotional level. It kicks into that part of their brain; that is all dealing with survival. And so theres not a whole lot of thinking about it, on the viewers part. On the news peoples part, all they know is that; if we keep putting out this negative stuff, well keep getting viewers, and we need to keep getting viewers. Because why? Theyre selling advertising on those commercials. And the whole thing about

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    the news bulletin is that; they want you to watch the news so youll stay long enough to hear the ads, and the ads will only be there if the news people have viewers. So theres a whole system in play, to keep the negative programming going on. And until you actually break free and realize; it is not serving you, it is not helping you, and you need to turn it off, you can be brainwashed by it. You can be deeply influenced by it. I know I talked to a billionaire a while back and he said he does watch the news, but he limits it to three minutes a day. Edward Mills: Wow. Joe Vitale: And in that three minutes, he sees whatever the top headlines are. And I thought; thats probably a smart way to do it; at least you know what is going on in the world, on a top level, and for conversation alone. You can comment on it, or at least know whats up when somebody comments on it, to you. But I dont think any of us need to go very deep into it. We should be busy focusing on our personal lives, and focusing on the wellbeing of ourselves, and doing good in the world. Edward Mills: Well and that topic ties into Hoo Pono Pono in a way, because... for people who dont know Hoo Pono Pono, youll be able to explain it better. But I kind of look at it as, sort of, an extrapolation of the Law of Attraction, in that the Law of Attraction says, Take responsibility for your own life. But in many ways Hoo Pono Pono says, Take responsibility for everything that comes into your life, everything that you perceive. And if youre watching the news, then you are ingesting a lot of negative stuff that then; if you believe that were responsible for everything, you know; youve got a lot of clearing to do. Joe Vitale: Yeah, we have a lot of clearing to do any way you look at it. Edward Mills: True. Joe Vitale: And if you start watching the news; boy are you going to stir stuff up. So first of all, yes. I say that the Law of Attraction is a law meaning that; everything in your life experience you attracted it. So you may not have done it consciously, but in an unconscious level, we live in a belief driven universe. Youve got beliefs in your unconscious mind that have caused you to attract whatever youre looking at. So if its in your reality, you attracted it. Well, Hoo Pono Pono goes a little deeper and a little further than that. I wrote about this in my book; Zero Limits... and for some people this was the most life changing book of their lives, and for other people; it was the most irritating book of their lives. Because, it was all about one hundred percent responsibility - no exceptions - no

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    disclaimers - no excuses - no nothing. If its in your life experience, you helped create it on some level. And if you do turn on the news, and there was a murder, or an earthquake, or some recession, depression, or whatever it happens to be; you cant look at it and go, Wow, they need to fix this, or Boy theres a mess out there. You actually have to look at it and go, Okay. Its in my awareness. I create my own reality. This is in my reality. I helped create this reality. And youve got to clean on it; which is the whole Hoo Pono Pono technique described in the book; Zero Limits. And, its a way of communicating with God, or the Divine, or the Life Force, whatever you want to call it - to help erase the programming thats in us that created, slash, attracted; the very thing were complaining about. So were doing it from the inside. Everything that were seeing is an inside job. And when we change the inside, miraculously, the outside changes; or at least seems to. Because, its almost like you are the projector, and youve been projecting this movie out, from the inside of your skull. So the projectors in your skull. The beliefs are whats on the film, as its shining light from inside your heart, through that projector, thats going through your eyes. And you look out in the universe, and what youre seeing is the movie that you created. So how do you change the movie that you created? Well youve got to go back inside yourself. Go back to the projector. Go back to the mental imprint that you put on the film. And, that all comes from beliefs and programming. Edward Mills: I just have a quick story to share about that. You know; I dont believe in coincidences, but last night the power went out, while I was working on my computer. The power went out... and I had noticed myself getting a little worried about whether Suzanne was going to get back to me with a time for you and I to talk, because it had been a few days. ...the power went out and I said, Im just going to go meditate. Thats a sign from the universe. Ill just go stop and meditate. And I got this really clear guidance; do Hoo Pono Pono. You know, clear that worry and just connect with Joe, on a very clear level. The power came back on, a few hours later, and there was an email from Suzanne saying, Hey can you talk with Joe tomorrow at ten? No coincidence... Joe Vitale: No, not at all, because first of all; I felt your nudge. Because I was wondering when we were going to be talking too, and that was about last night. Then, yesterday... I also want to point out that this is the ebb and flow of my world. ...Yesterday, I was to do a Rolls Royce Mastermind last night; which is a whole separate thing that I do. And people fly in, and they pay quite a bit of money to do this. And the restaurant, though, that I had already booked to do this at, had cancelled at the last minute. They had a problem. They closed their doors. They actually just closed the restaurant. And so I was tap dancing going, Okay, where do

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    I go now? We started looking on line to find different places we might go to. It has to have a private room, and it has to have certain things that I want for the mastermind. Along the way, I got an email from a restaurant that I used to go to, but hadnt been to in half a year. And the email just was beginning with the phrase, Wheres Joe? And when I open it up, it says We miss him. When can he come back to the restaurant? And to me it was like; here is the universe telling me, Here is the restaurant to go to. We went to it last night. And I told the owner; I said, I dont even know why you sent the email when you did, but it was so perfectly timed. And she said, When she woke up that morning she had gotten an intuitive impulse to just, kind of ping me, and find out; where have I been. And she also had the vision that; I was coming in that night. Edward Mills: Wow. Joe Vitale: So this is all connected. It is almost like the universe itself, and all of us; were just big characters in a big play, and were all connected in some, behind the scenes, way. The way to really make this work for ourselves better is... instead of trying to manipulate the outside, the setting, and the other characters ...is; we go inside where the script writer is, and we visit ourselves on this very deep level, where were all connected. And on that level... You almost didnt have to send your email last night, because we might have... you know in a more advanced world where we all trust each other ...you and I might have just gotten on the phone at the exact time. Edward Mills: Ive been joking about that with someone. Though, we say, Just to be sure... [Laughter] Joe Vitale: Theres nothing wrong... Theres the famous phrase, Trust in Allah, but tend to your camel first. Edward Mills: Right. Joe Vitale: Which means; trust its all going to work out, but you know what? Get the phone number, you know? It means that; youre going to call tomorrow and be sure and verify what time. Edward Mills: Well, and thats one of the themes that seems to be running through these interviews; that abundant mystics really do trust. And they do have a really strong connection to spirit and source, but they also realize the importance of taking care, handling the details, and being strategic and focusing in the physical world. Joe Vitale: Well were in both places. This is why years ago, I think it was in 97 I wrote a book called, Spiritual Marketing. And, of course, that was revised, and it came out as my

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    best selling book; The Attractor Factor. But I still think of myself as a spiritual marketer. I have a foot in both worlds, and both worlds means this world. When we look outside; we see this material. And if you just focus on the material, and you dont focus on the spiritual you think; its just a physical universe. But the spiritual or the metaphysical is on the inside of that material. I say, theyre two sides of the same coin. If you look at one side; it doesnt dismiss the other side, it just means you focused on one side. You cant focus on just the material, and you cant focus on just the spiritual. We are here as physical beings having this experience, but we are spiritual things in a physical world. So we cant eliminate one or the other in order to have the best time and the best result. And to be this abundant mystic; then we have to realize that, we are both. Thats when the magic happens. And I do find that when people trust, when they let go, when they realize that; the abundance is already here. When theyre not desperate, or needy, or addicted, or attached to end results; thats when the magic of miracles happen. I think it was in The Attractor Factor... that might be in my new book; Attract Money Now, where I say that; you can have virtually anything you want, as long as you dont need it. Need starts to engage a desperate mindset. And you start to look at the physical world as the only aspect that is for you, to survive with, and you forget that you are a spiritual being in a physical body. Youre a spiritual force in a material world. But, you have to have both of these. You cant focus on just one or just the other. If you only focused on the spiritual, you might not do very well in the physical world. Thats why many people who say, Im a spiritual person, and I meditate all day, but Im broke, and I cant pay the rent, and I have no clients, and I cant afford lunch today. Well they focused on the spiritual, and they forgot that theyre in a material world. Or the people who focused on the material or the physical, and forgot that theyre spiritual. These people end up being unhappy, miserable, Type A personalities. They end up getting sick. They have heart attacks or some sort of disease. Or they just kind of bounced through life with bloody faces and bruises, because they havent found how to go with the flow. Theres no level of bliss or gratitude, or happiness within them, because they only focused on the outer. When you do both of these... I love the phrase, The Abundant Mystic. ...thats when you become abundance personified. You are actually living this mystical experience in a material world. I was going to write a book once called; Mystic in the Marketplace. Edward Mills: I love that. Joe Vitale: And its the very same concept. Its about being able to go through life, going through the world, making money, spending money, doing your business following

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    your passion, but doing it with a sense of detachment, because you realize its only a spiritual theatrical play. Im just here to experience the divine ebb and flow, and have fun with it. When you get hung up on it; and you have a little problem; thats when you focus too much on the concrete side of it the physical side. Edward Mills: So that leads, nicely, into a question, and sort of a trigger point, that Ive seen, in many modern day mystics. When they watched the movie The Secret, that you were in... And I mean, first of all; a lot of them say that The Secret is just focused on material stuff, and its, you know, about getting more and more stuff. Then theres actually a line that you say that seems to specifically trigger a lot of people. I forget the exact words, but it was along the lines of, The universe is your catalogue. You get to just pick and choose and get whatever you want. And Ive heard people say, Well if everyone gets everything they want then, you know, were going to destroy the earth and... [Laughter] Edward Mills: Id just like to hear your take on that. Joe Vitale: Well thank you for the opportunity, because I could almost get on a soap box and rant and rave about this for a minute. Well first of all; I want to defend the movie. Its like so many people are out there starving. They cant manifest their own lunch, and here comes a movie out, that shows you how to manifest whatever you want. And people complain about it. And its like, Come on. This is helping you attract what you want. You dont have to go and attract mansions, or a line of jewelry, or you know five thousand pairs of shoes. What this is about is learning to attract what you want, that is in alignment with your own divine calling. For some people, what they want to attract, is a cure for cancer. For other people they want to attract some sort of remedy for the people in Haiti and the earthquake. And for somebody else; they might want to attract a big mansion. Well Godspeed to them. My answer, that was in the movie... that actually stemmed from a behind the scenes conversation. I was all done with my filming for the movie; The Secret, and I looked around the room and I said, Well are there any other questions? And there was a technician, who had been running a camera, and he just on his own, he said Well I have a question. And he said, If we all go for what we want; wont we just run out of things? And I said, Oh, turn the camera back on. And he turned the camera back on. Thats when I said, The universe is like a catalogue. It is abundant. Thats the first line. The second thing is: Were not all going to go for the same things. We dont all want BMWs. We dont all want Mercedes cars. We dont all want Rolex watches. We dont all want the same pair of shoes. We all want something unique to us. And when you go for what you need for you, and I go for what I need for me,

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    because the universe is abundant that will be supplied easily. And then theres going to be a checking and balancing system, with the universe itself, that were not going to run out of resources. I mean, I grew up in the period in the seventies when we ran out of gas. And we had to alternate where we were going to go and get the gas in our cars. And even license plate numbers could do it one day, and odd number license plate numbers can do it another. It looked like we were going to be out of gas in ten years. That was in the seventies. Technology got improved, and we found more gas. We didnt have another problem until more recently when we started worrying about gas prices again. Well thatll get resolved. There are companies making things like... one of the cars Im going to be buying is a hydrogen gas hybrid. Because of the need for it, out there, the universe is supplying us with new ideas, and enterprising people are jumping on those ideas. So were going to have a hybrid car coming out, and not just a batteried car, but a hydrogen car. These are examples of how the universe solves its own problems, when we get out of the way and just follow our intuitive nudges. So for me, yes; the universe is a catalog, and no were not all going to go for the same thing. And please, lets celebrate the idea that we are able to attract what we want. To me, its so amazing that when people dont have money, they start putting down people who do. But yet, when those people do start to acquire money, in their lives, as long as theyre in alignment with deserving this they can hold onto it, and now its okay to have money. And they keep flip flopping between - its okay to have money its not okay to have money its okay to attract things its not okay to attract things. I wrote a blog post recently where the question, I think at the top was; when is money bad? At one point does it become bad? At a certain point, you allow so much money to come in... and Ill just make up a figure ...maybe its fifty thousand dollars a year, for one person. Is it bad if they suddenly make one hundred thousand dollars a year? Depending on their belief system; they can judge it as bad, and theyll scramble to get rid of it. But money in and of itself is not bad. Its paper and coin. In fact its meaningless until you project meaning onto it. You know, and Im in the USA, and I can look at the dollar bill and go, Thats really cool, and, I like having hundred dollar bills. But then; I go to Russia, and I look at their money, and that looks like monopoly money. And Ill go to Poland, and Ill look at their money, and it looks like play money. And Ill go to Italy, and Ill look at their money. And its like, what is real? Which money is, actually real? None of it is, actually real, unless weve given meaning to it.

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    So my whole rant here is for people to just kind of pause and ask themselves; what do I believe about what I can attract in the world? What do I believe about the abundance of the universe? What do I believe about what I deserve in my life? What do I believe about money? Because, we are in a belief driven universe, your beliefs are causing you to create the universe youre looking at. Edward Mills: When you didnt have a lot of money were there times when you found yourself, either, feeling resentful or irritated, about people who did have money? Joe Vitale: Absolutely! Absolutely! I was so mad at them. I was so jealous of them. I was so disturbed by them. And you know in my latest book; Attract Money Now, I dedicated it to a man named Bobby Birdsall. I dont explain who he is, in the dedication or in the book, but Im going to say it right now, because it is relevant. Bobby Birdsall was probably the first prosperity teacher I ever heard. And I was back in Houston. I would save a little bit of money, most of which Id spend on books or on CDs. And I finally went to a prosperity course. And it was taught by Bobby Birdsall. There were a couple of life changing things he said in there. And one was: When you see a person driving down the road in a luxury car, you look at them and say, Godspeed to you. You look at them and you say, Bless you. You look at them and instead of feeling envious - you feel inspired. And it took me a while to make the mental shift. But, he said that as long as youre looking at them and condemning them, you are condemning yourself. You are condemning money. You are coming from judgment. You are closing off your energy. You are actually hurting your own body-mind system. You are ruining your health. You are just plain unhappy. And so I would remember starting to look at the Mercedes that was driving by and going, Wow, I dont know how that person did it, but Godspeed to them. God bless them, and I hope to join them, on whatever ranks theyre on, some day in the future. So yes! I did go through a long period, where I thought money was despicable and very rich people were evil or bad. But, those thoughts all stem from programming. They stem from beliefs; some of which I talk about in; Attract Money Now. One of the most insidious beliefs that are out there is that; money is the root of all evil. And George Bernard Shaw said, Its the lack of money. That is the root of all evil. And I go on to explore it further, and I just discover that the very wealthy people of the world, the happy, healthy, the abundant mystics of the world have a healthy relationship with money. They dont see money as what they love. Money is a tool to help them do what theyre here to do, which is do what they love. Money enables them to have time. Money enables them to have freedom. So they actually dont love money, they appreciate money. They use

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    money. But what they love is being an abundant mystic to allow themselves to fulfill their calling here on the planet. And it took me a while to get to that mindset. But fortunately, today, because of things like this very interview, and what youre doing with other people, people can speed up this process and get to a healthy mindset that; you are an abundant universe. You are an abundant mystic. And, that you can have this wonderful life when you just let go of the resentment, the judgment, the negativity, and forgive yourself and everybody else. Edward Mills: It feels like the Hoo Pono Pono technique would be really powerful, in that moment, when you feel resentment about someone who has more money than you. Joe Vitale: It is the number one technique I use, on a round the clock basis, ever since I discovered it, a few years ago. And I wrote the book, with Doctor Hew Len, on Zero Limits. And, of course, weve done several seminars together. So I know, its become more of a second nature. Its the background tape in my mind: I love you. Im sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. So Im always doing that. But I would agree that if you look at somebody that is exceedingly wealthy, and it pushes your button; you have to realize it had nothing to do with that person. The button is in you. And what youre doing is looking inside your self and saying, Okay, I dont know where the programming came from, but Im sorry. Please forgive me for allowing it to be established inside myself. Lets remove it now. And thank you, universe, for clearing it out of me. And, I love you, is a great phrase to end with, because its putting you back into the flow of the universe - of the divine - which is basically love. If theres any word to describe it; the closest I can come up with is love. So I love you. Im sorry. Please forgive me. You can cycle - recycle those. Go through those in any particular order. Or even just say one of the statements. If you just walked around saying, I love you, in your mind, all of the time; youre going to change your energy field. And if you look at somebody that is wealthy and theyre driving off in a one million dollar car... which exists, theres many cars that are over a million dollars ...when you see somebody drive off in one of those, say, I love you. I love you. I love you. And really start to feel it. Itll transform you. Edward Mills: Well and one of the things that I love about the Hoo Pono Pono technique is it takes you out of your mind. It gets you out of the space where youre trying to figure it out, which is where, I think, so many modern day mystics get stuck trying to figure out; why do I have this belief? Where did it come from? Joe Vitale: Yeah. When you say those statements; none of that matters. Youre just clearing it.

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    Doctor Hew Len is really great at repeatedly pointing out you cannot figure it out. Your conscious mind is like one percent of what is operating in your world. It is the vast unconscious mind. And probably from a unions perspective, its attached to the collective unconscious. And thats whats pushing the buttons, and running us as puppets. So, youre sitting there trying to figure it out. You will never get a clue on how the whole system works, because your pip-squeak little conscious mind cant control, let alone understand, all of the different strings that are being pushed and pulled and activated, at any point. You really do have to surrender. But what do you surrender to? Well thats when you surrender to what youre calling the abundant mystic. Its that behind the scenes... what we began by talking about at the very beginning of this call ...that underlying energy that underlying source the underlying power the underlying state of love. Thats where you want to go to, and thats where you want to come from. And repeating the phrases, in many ways, just gives your conscious mind something to do; so that you can start to rejoin remerge - reconnect with that force, the source; which is love. Edward Mills: Do you think that youre in a point in your life, now, where if something happened and everything was taken away from you; you would still be able to connect into that first definition - the first level of abundance, that you talked about that; we are in an abundant universe? Joe Vitale: I love the question. You know I dont honestly know. I would hope that I can do that, relatively quickly. In my imagination, I think and feel and possibly even a little bit fear that I would probably have to recoil and recover. Id probably have to go through a little bit of a period of like, What just happened? You know, if I really did lose everything and was standing there and had to recreate my life. I know I would recreate my life. I am not worried about that part at all. I know with what I know now, whats in my books, everything that Ive learned over the last few decades, Id recreate it very quickly and very beautifully. But, would I so easily go into a state of gratitude, and a state of abundance? I dont think I would immediately. I think Id be pausing. Id probably be a little shocked. And Id look around and Id go, Okay, how did I attract it? What was in me that did this? What needed to be purged? Id do my best to learn the lesson, because in my book, The Attractor Factor, I say, Once you get the lesson, you no longer need the experience. So, I would look for the lesson and as soon as I got it I would hope that I would get there pretty quick. I would hope that I would. Edward Mills: Great. Thank you for that honest answer. I appreciate that. Id love to talk about inspired action. Because, Ive heard you speak about that before. And its such a key concept, as people move toward abundance. And you know, its a concept in the Law of Attraction, that we need to be taking inspired action. And yet, at times, it seems like to get to where we want we have to do things

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    that maybe dont seem or feel so inspired. You know, we have to take care of the drudgery tasks as well. So what do you say to people that say, Well Im just going to do things that feel inspired? Joe Vitale: Well Ive got at least two approaches to that: First of all; you can always find people to do what you dont like to do. Find the people who think its inspired and loving to do taxes, for example, because, I dont like doing taxes. For the longest time, I did do them. I didnt do them well, and I was using up all of my energy and time until I realized that heres the lone ranger approach again. Ive got to go and surrender that and find somebody who loves doing it. When I delegated that task to somebody who is good at doing taxes, who loves doing taxes, who feels their calling is to doing taxes; I freed my energy. And as Ive told the story many times, my income multiplied almost five times when I did that. Edward Mills: Wow. Joe Vitale: Why? Because, I just freed up my time, and my energy, and my passion, and my love, to do what I was good at doing. So what I tell people is; if you dont want to do something that needs to get done, find somebody who loves to do it. Now at the same time if its something that you must do yourself... and I dont even know what that might be, maybe an exercise, and you cant really delegate that, you have to go to the gym yourself. And what I would say there is, you have to turn your mind around about what youre doing. You have to find that gratitude, in the activity itself. So if there is some sort of work you have to do, I say look for the way to enjoy it. Find a way to love it. Find a way to appreciate it. Because, thatll transform what youre doing and make it more of an inspired activity. I would say, just open yourself to it, because if youre not enjoying it; youre judging it in some way. And if its in your life, and youre judging it negatively... part of the lesson is to learn to judge everything in a positive loving way. Im a big fan of Will Bowen who wrote the books, A Complaint Free Universe, and A Complaint Free World, and the new one is, Complaint Free Relationships. Both well worth reading, especially for abundant mystics. And I would say that what hes pointing out is that, instead of complaining about what you have to do, find a way to appreciate it, thats already there, then find a way to state what you want, because, most of us complain rather than pausing, and then reformatting, and reframing the very complaint into a statement of intent. So those are a couple of things; delegate or find a way to appreciate. Edward Mills: And then, the other side of that coin is for people who have an over abundance of inspired ideas. I mean, heres someone who... Joe Vitale: Yeah.

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    Edward Mills: ...whos very creative. How do you, you know, how do you stay focused long enough on an inspired idea to bring it through to fruition? Joe Vitale: Its actually easier than what the question suggests, because what most people do is talk themselves out of their inspiration. What I do... Ive learned to do anyways ... that when the inspiration is here, when an idea comes to me, I first of all acknowledge it as a gift. I did not create the idea. It came to me. It came through me. It came from that lower level, or higher level, depending on how you look at this. It came from the source. It came from the divine. So the first thing I do is go, Oh my God, I was just given this million dollar gift. I dont know if its going to be a million dollars, but it feels like it. Its a gift. So I acknowledge, and I do what I can to start work on it right then and there. Why? Because first of all, Im sending a signal to the universe; I appreciate you. I acknowledge you. And I want ideas like this, and more of them. Im going to be a willing recipient. So keep those coming. The second is... do you ever notice that when you get a really exciting idea, that theres a whole lot of energy that comes with it? Edward Mills: Um hum. Joe Vitale: Well I ride that energy to create the idea in material form. So, in other words, if there is an idea for a book, for example; I will virtually write as much as I can, almost in one sitting, knowing I cant write the whole book in one sitting. But, Im going to do my best to get as much done as possible, because the energy that came with the idea is energy that will help me fulfill the idea. Too many people will talk themselves out of the idea. I dont have the time. I dont have the money. I dont have the skills. I dont have the experience. Ill do it later. Theyll schedule it for next week, for next month, next year. More often than not, whenever they get to the idea, if they do... because very often its going to be gone. But, when they get to the idea, the energy for it isnt there. Its still a good idea, but now they have to drum up the energy within them, to actually act on it. So, one of my big secrets, to being so prolific and productive, is the idea that comes, Thank you, God. I acknowledge it. It is a gift, and I start working on it. Now at the same time, you made the comment about what if you have an abundance of ideas? I have, very often, been in the situation where theres been like fifteen different things, and theyre all good ideas. Theyre all on my list. And, what do you do first? Edward Mills: Yeah. Joe Vitale: Well the idea that has the most energy on it is the one that Im going to do first, the one that feels the most exciting. One of my advanced tricks is I will work on it until I start to feel like, okay the energy is buzzing off a little bit now, its

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    starting to taper. And Ill look at the next idea on the list. And I might go and run with that one for a while, knowing that while Im working on the next idea, a part of me is still working on the one I started. Ill go back to it the next day, the next week, whateve,; and my unconscious mind might have been developing it, a little bit more. So, Ill juggle through a couple good ideas in an attempt to get them done. But more often than not, my secret to success is, to take action on the idea when it comes. Do my best to get it done, and do my best to get it out into the world, and let the world judge it. Dont let me judge it. Edward Mills: So, then what about for people who have inspired ideas, and they may take the first step and then the belief systems; the little voice comes in and says, Oh this isnt going to work, and it drains the energy? What would you suggest to help them find the energy, or at least take the actions to complete that? Joe Vitale: Yes. They have to become aware of their thoughts. Theres a friend of mine, Mindy Audlin, and shes been teaching What If Up Thinking, for a while. And What If Up Thinking is really brilliant. Its very eye opening, because most of us come from; What If Down Thinking. And what both of these mean is first of all when you have an idea and you say, Oh Im not the one for it, and then the little voice starts talking to us and talking ourselves out of it . thats What If Down Thinking. It means, what if it doesnt work out. You know, What if this is a bad idea? What if Im going to be wasting my time? What if I do this, and I dont make any money? Well that just feels like crap when you say those things to yourself. Your energy drops. You dont feel like an abundant mystic like that. You feel like a broke mystic, at that point. And so be aware of the; What if Down Thinking and turn it around. Thats just a voice youve been learning to listen to. Youre in charge of the voices. Turn it around and fill it with What if Up Thinking. And go, What if it works out? What if this is a great idea? What if this is the idea that transforms my life? What if its the idea that makes millions of dollars for me? What if this is the idea that ends up being the cure for cancer, or the cure for the earthquake victims, or the cure for whatever it happens to be? Well when you ask What If Down Thinking, you lose all of your energy. When you ask What If Up Thinking, you get more energy. So become aware of your thought process and focus on the thoughts that are going to take you up into action. Thats the big step. Edward Mills: I love that. And you could again, as you mentioned in the beginning; you could just feel your energy shift. Joe Vitale: Yeah, I feel it. Edward Mills: Yeah.

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    Joe Vitale: And you feel it yourself if you just start doing it for a few minutes either way. Play with The What If Down. Play with The What If Up. Youre going to know which one feels better, and which ones going to lead to action, and which ones going to lead to watching TV and eating nachos. Edward Mills: Other than the gratitude practice, do you have a specific that you do on a daily basis, related to abundance? Joe Vitale: I do my best to surround myself with a mastermind support team. So I will share ideas with people I know are not going to dismiss them or critique them, but will help me build on them. I think having a coach, a support team, a mastermind group; these are all elements of advanced success. You can certainly succeed being an abundant mystic, and do it all on your own, but for accelerated results when you start sharing with a support team... I mean you can do it by email. You can do it over the web. You can do it over the phone. You can do it in person. Thats when you start to see dramatic change. So I have that in my life. You know, Ill share with people by email. Sometimes Ill meet with people in different locations. Sometimes Ill do it by phone. But, thats one of mine. Then, of course, Im still reading. I still listen to the positive audio material. You know Ive gone from being a guy who listened to Nightingale Conant years ago, to being a guy with four programs with them, including their number one bestseller, The secret to Attracting Money. And I say this, as all evidence that if you keep doing all of this, youll keep achieving results that will just dazzle you, as you keep moving forward. So, I do all of that including writing down intentions. Ill play with possibilities. What would I love to have just show up in my life with no addiction, no attachment? It just would be a playful thing to experience. And allowing that to be in my world, allows me to actually place the order with the universe, and some day down the road itll show up. Edward Mills: Do you set specific intentions and goals, monetarily? Do you have financial goals that you set? Joe Vitale: I do. Ive learned to do it with a sense of detachment. When I have set goals for how much I want to make per month, how much I want my company to bring in per month, for example, then I just let go of it. So I put it out there for me and my unconscious mind to hear, but I put it out there for the universe to hear. I think that is what an abundant mystic is doing; youre communicating and being the universe, at the same time. So, Im doing that, but Im doing my best not to be hung up on how it will happen. Because, its real easy to go, Well how in the world am I going to do that? Or, Who has done that before? And then you try to copy them. Its far wiser for me to state the intention to the universe, and let go of it. Then when Im inspired an idea comes

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    to me in a dream, or in a conversation, or in the hot tub, I know write it down, give thanks for it, and take action for it. That could be the step that either attracts it, or a step that leads to the next step that can manifest it. Edward Mills: Do you think its important to set specific financial goals? Or do you think, for some people, setting more specific outcomes that relate to a project, or something they want to achieve in their life, might make more sense? Joe Vitale: Its actually more powerful, if you focus on the outcome that you would want. Money usually is just a means to an end. And even, when I say I set financial goals its more of a fun thing. Its like, Oh Id love to be able to hit that, and then say, Well I made this much money and these millions of dollars in a particular month. Thats more of a fun thing. What excites me even more, which has more power, which I think would be more useful to people is, what would you do with the money? You know, what would you buy? What would you experience? Where would you go? How much would you donate? What would you do with the money, to disperse it to the world? Find what excites you there. That outcome can propel you to attract the money that you need to make the outcome happen. So when I say that I put financial goals up there, yeah that is. But, thats no where near as powerful as putting a picture of a... in my case I love to attract nice cars ...but a particular car that I might want to attract, or I have a movement to end homelessness, and I want to attract a lot of people to help me with this. I want to go on national TV explaining how to end homelessness, virtually, in one day. Those are outcomes that excite me far more than a check. Edward Mills: And what about... every one of the abundant mystics, that Ive spoke to, the faculty members, is providing a huge amount of value to the world. Do you think its important to be clear and set intentions, about how many people youre going to reach, or how much value youre going to offer and bring into the world? Joe Vitale: Well I dont want to put limits on it. And I think thats part of the problems, with most peoples intention, is that actually limits whats possible for them. So I like what Jerry and Esther Hicks say - with the Abraham folks - you know, they just want to reach the people who are open to receiving their message. Edward Mills: Um hum. Joe Vitale: That can end up being the entire planet. Edward Mills: Right. Joe Vitale: It doesnt say, I want to reach five million people, which ends up sounding like a lot, but its actually a limitation when theres billions on the planet. So, Id rather come from, I want to fulfill my divine calling on the planet, and I want to reach

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    the people who want to hear my message, and I dont want to put a limitation on it by saying it has to be certain millions. I want to reach the people, who really want to hear the message and that may end up being, you know, thousands, or it could be millions, or it could be billions. I dont honestly know. Edward Mills: Right. Wow. Well, Joseph were reaching the top of the hour, and Im sure that you have... Youve mentioned some of your books, but Im sure that you have some programs, out there, that might be of benefit... not might be would be of benefit. Is there something you want to mention? Joe Vitale: Well the number one thing is: Miracles Coaching. I started a coaching program four years ago, because I realized that if youre really going to have permanent change and accelerated results, youre going to need a coach; somebody that can help you get out of your own belief system. Because, if you keep on doing what youre doing, and thinking what youre thinking; youre going to keep on getting the same results. And even with reading and audios; youll make strides in a new direction, but my experience has been, for the most part, theyre baby steps compared to when you have a coach. So I have a Miracles Coaching program. I would invite people to go to; www.miraclescoaching.com, and just check it out. And talk to somebody thats a rep for it - that youll get a connection from, when you go to; miraclescoaching.com. And then of course my book: Attract Money Now. Its free please go to; www.attractmoneynow.com and read it. And if you prefer audio, my program; The Secret to Attracting Money, has been getting rave reviews, and just changing lives, because its so interactive. Therere CDs, DVD, and guidebook. Its a complete program for understanding your beliefs, about money. And just go to; www.secrettoattractingmoney.com. And I can probably go on. If somebody just wants to check me out they can go to my main website which is www.mrfire.com. Edward Mills: Thank you, Joe. Is there one message that you would leave, you know, for modern day mystics struggling financially? Is there just one message that you would leave them with? Joe Vitale: Follow your passion and be fearless. Those two things, even though I said them in one statement, are probably the combination lock that will free you to be the abundant mystic. If you follow your passion; youre going to find your road through life. Youre going to find the high road thats spiritually directed for you. And when you act fearlessly, meaning, dont judge yourself, dont stop yourself, dont second guess yourself, dont listen to the What If Down thinking, but act from a fearless place, that youre trusting, its going to work out here. Trusting youre on the right path. Thats when the things begin to unfold. So follow your passion with a fearlessness, and watch the magic and miracles occur.

  • Transcript Joe Vitale Page 24

    The Abundant Mystic: 21-Days to TRUE Abundance | www.AbundantMystic.com

    Edward Mills: I love that. Well Joe, thank you so much. This has been such a pleasure to talk with you, today. Joe Vitale: Oh. Thank you. You are doing wonderful work, and Im very glad to be part of this. Godspeed to everybody listening! Expect miracles! And Edward, youre doing fantastic! Thanks. Edward Mills: Thank you, Joe.