Abu Dhabi, United Arab...

Abu Dhabi University Venue for the 3 rd Biennial GRF–SPaC Conference Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Shilpa Iyanna

Transcript of Abu Dhabi, United Arab...

Abu Dhabi University

Venue for the 3rd Biennial GRF–SPaC Conference

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Shilpa Iyanna

Abu Dhabi University

 United  Arab  Emirates  (UAE)  

Abu Dhabi University

         Ecological  Footprint  of  UAE  (2008)  

Abu Dhabi University

         Ecological  Footprint  of  UAE  (2008)  

Abu Dhabi University

         Ecological  Footprint  of  UAE  (2008)  

Abu Dhabi University

     A;en<on  of  Global  Leaders  now  on  UAE  

The   Secretary   of   State   of   the   United   States   of   America,   Hillary  Rodham  Clinton    

“UAE   is   so   well   posi:oned   to   compete   in   the   21st   century  because  of  its  commitment  to  clean,  renewable  energy.”    

United  Na:ons  Secretary  General  Ban  Ki-­‐Moon    

“The   UAE   is   a   champion   in   global   efforts   to   check   climate  change”.    

He   urged   other   na:ons   to   follow   the   example   set   by   the  UAE   in  terms  of  sustainability  efforts  and  clean  energy  deployment.  

Abu Dhabi University


Households  are  responsible  for  57%  of  UAE’s  ecological  footprint  with  ligh:ng   accoun:ng   for   20%   of   household   energy   consump:on.   The  UAE  Ligh<ng  Standard  was  introduced  which  has:  

•  Reduced the country’s energy consumption by 500MW annually

•  Carbon emissions lowered, equivalent to removing 165,000 cars off the road every year.

•  Financial savings in terms of reduced electricity bills


Abu Dhabi University

   Abu  Dhabi  as  the  venue  for  the    next  conference    

There  is  lots  more  happening  in  Abu  Dhabi  and  the  other  Emirates  of  UAE:  

Masdar;   Tabreed;   Es<dama   –   just   to   state   a   few  ini<a<ves  

We’ll  wait  for  you  in  Abu  Dhabi  to  share  and  discover  all  our  other  secrets  

We   look   forward   to   learning   from   your   experience   and  exper:se,   to   exchange   ideas   and  best   prac:ces   that  will  lead  us  towards  a  sustainable  future.    

Abu Dhabi University

Local  Organizing  Commi;ee  Abu   Dhabi   University   was   chartered   as   a   private  ins:tu:on  of  higher  learning  in  the  year  2000.  

The   university   currently   serves   over   5300   students   from  over   62   different   na:onali:es   at   Abu   Dhabi   and   Al   Ain  campuses.  

College   of   Business   Administra<on:   With   almost   1500  students,  College  of  Business  Administra:on  is  one  of  the  largest  at  Abu  Dhabi  University.    

“Center  for  Sustainable  Business  Prac<ces  (CSBP)”  

Abu Dhabi University

   Proposed  Schedule    

•  Proposed  Date:  March  2016  or  December  2016  •  Local  Organizing  Commi;ee:  Faculty  at  the  College  of  Business  Administra:on,  Abu  Dhabi  University  

•  Proposed   Venue:   A   reputed   hotel   in   Abu   Dhabi,  with   accommoda:on   op:ons   and   Abu   Dhabi  University.    

•  Special  Ac<vi<es  and  Conference  Excursions:  Some  ideas   –   Desert   Safari;   Masdar   City   Visit;   Zayed  Mosque  Visit,  Half  day  trip  to  Dubai  etc.    

Abu Dhabi University

Abu Dhabi University

Thank you !!