Abdul Analytics

What each company does? San francisco 49ers The NFL group's innovative Santa Clara stadium, buckle down to inaugurate in 2014, has the 49ers officially thinking innovation access most importantly else. Providing the fans with an access to information they have never had while in their seats ventures up the fan experience, particularly as approximately 30% of all fans, as such utilize technology while going to live brandishing occasions. The new stadium guarantees fans access to applications to view numerous cam points of replays, listen to radio sustains, check stadium movement, order food, and lookout the queues at franchises and bathroom. Hawk-eye The ball- tracking innovation of this British auxiliary of Sony makes use of various high-frame-rate cams put at key positions inside a tennis venue, for instance, to focus precisely where a ball was hit in connection to the outside the field of play line in simple seconds. The innovation has not just reformed moment replay in cricket, soccer, and tennis, it can likewise give inside and out bio-mechanical investigation of individual player strokes. Utilizing this pinpoint information, mentors can plan strokes and racquets to tweak an individual player's necessities. Synergy Sports



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What each company does?

San francisco 49ers

The NFL group's innovative Santa Clara stadium, buckle down to inaugurate in 2014, has the 49ers officially thinking innovation access most importantly else. Providing the fans with an access to information they have never had while in their seats ventures up the fan experience, particularly as approximately 30% of all fans, as such utilize technology while going to live brandishing occasions. The new stadium guarantees fans access to applications to view numerous cam points of replays, listen to radio sustains, check stadium movement, order food, and lookout the queues at franchises and bathroom.

Hawk-eyeThe ball-tracking innovation of this British auxiliary of Sony makes use of various high-frame-rate cams put at key positions inside a tennis venue, for instance, to focus precisely where a ball was hit in connection to the outside the field of play line in simple seconds. The innovation has not just reformed moment replay in cricket, soccer, and tennis, it can likewise give inside and out bio-mechanical investigation of individual player strokes. Utilizing this pinpoint information, mentors can plan strokes and racquets to tweak an individual player's necessities. Synergy Sports

By breaking down more than one thousand data points of a player's development amid a challenge, Synergy Sport's Digital DNA can bolster "AI-like" illustrations of players and groups. The data can drive virtual encounters additionally joint with figures to give ongoing upgrades as well as measurable perspectives of a player in any circumstance.

How are they similar?

All these companies are using similar data analytics technology to make the sports vision more clearly and see the players action. All the above companies are using efficient technology and cameras to catch every movement in the stadium and make it easier for the viewers to choose the right winner.

How they are different

All these companies are not adopting any different technology nor do they have different goals to pursue data analytics. They are implementing this approach in a same way for the same purpose. The only difference is, each company is supporting the vision of a different game however, keeping track of games each moment is the goal of all these companies.

Which companys approach you think is the best

San Francisco 49ers have the best approach among rest of the two companies because they have provided their fans with a clear access to the information and they can also use this in the stadium by replying the previous actions, listening to the radio and lots more.

Finally, give some ideas on what a new company entering this industry can do differently.

The companies can modify the data in order to bring more real-time services and there are several companies already offering data streaming to the smartphones and televisions. So, this technology can be enhanced further by adding in more features like tracking the ball movements, players expressions and lots more