Aaron's Idea pitch

IDEA 1 – Two teenagers are at home alone, one playing Play station and one watching television. Anxiously Waiting for their parents to home home from holiday. Their parents arrive and see 8 letters lying down in front of their letter box and opens them in suspense. She sees one bill, which isn’t too high, she sees a next, and a next and the price continues to rise until the electricity company threaten to cut the electricity if the bill isn’t paid within the next 5 days. The teenagers are confronted by the parents, and asked questions like if you’ve been falling asleep with the television/ game console on.. Guilty faces all around. Parents then confiscate the console and ban them from watching television for a while. MY IDEA

Transcript of Aaron's Idea pitch

Page 1: Aaron's Idea pitch

IDEA 1 – Two teenagers are at home alone, one playing Play station and one watching television. Anxiously Waiting for their parents to home home from holiday. Their parents arrive and see 8 letters lying down in front of their letter box and opens them in suspense. She sees one bill, which isn’t too high, she sees a next, and a next and the price continues to rise until the electricity company threaten to cut the electricity if the bill isn’t paid within the next 5 days. The teenagers are confronted by the parents, and asked questions like if you’ve been falling asleep with the television/ game console on.. Guilty faces all around. Parents then confiscate the console and ban them from watching television for a while.


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The aim is to save as much electricity as possible to avoid paying expensive bills


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The message is that when you use electricity make sure you turn it off because there may be consequences such as as expensive bills or in a teenagers case getting the things they love most confiscated, due to them not taking care of the amount of electricity they use.

The Message

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Target Audience

Seeing as game consoles are involved, It is likely that the target audience is to be aimed at 15-19 year olds.. The fact that bills are involved is appropriate for 19 year olds as they are old enough to take care of themselves and pay their own bills.

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Creation and campaign strategies

The strategies I may use for this idea, are guilt and humor because this suits the target audience I am aiming at. However the advert cant be too childish because it isn’t appropriate for the target audience.

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The location is likely to be indoors as indoor electricity is needed. Another reason for it being indoors is because ‘parents are going to arrive home’ and this wont be suitable for an outdoor location.

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Idea 2

I walk into my college, and I see a bin that says save energy, so I leave the room and tell everybody that they should save energy and that it is not the hard. People begin to line up and throw their electronic belongings in the bin. After this process someone says that you don’t have to throw away your belongings to save energy. But it is as easy as switching off a light.

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Aim – To raise awareness on how to save energy and what the consequences could be if a high amount of energy is saved.

Message – you don’t have to throw away your electronic belongings and that saving energy can be as easy as switching off a light switch

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Creation and campaign strategies

I would only use one strategy for this idea which is humor.. I cannot make it too humorous as it may not suit my target audience.

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My advert will be located in an indoor area (my sixth form college). I have chosen to do it in an indoor area because I need to use a light switch and possibly other electronics.