A Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Indonesia 2010 USAID

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  • 7/30/2019 A Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Indonesia 2010 USAID


    Althouh Indonesia has 150 septae treatment plants, 90 percent are no loner in operation and only four percent of collected septae

    is treated at a facility. As the government of Indonesia strives to rehabilitate the countrys STPs, the country will need reater

    emphasis on policy development, aency coordination, local capacity buildin, and private sector enaement.


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    Coutry Populatio (i millios) 2281 nomial GDP (i billios) $5122

    Urba Populatio (i millios) 1121 nomial Icome per cap $2,2462

    Urba Populatio (% of total) 49%1 Aual Water Budget per cap $3.353

    Access to Improved Water (urba) 89%1 Aual Saitatio Budget per cap $0.373

    Access to Improved Saitatio (urba) 67%1 Fee to Desludge (per m3) $2-9

    Access to Sewerage (urba) 2.3%4 Surface Water Pollutio

    (% of samples, Jaarta)84%5

    Use of Osite Saitatio (urba) 62%6 Ecoomic Cost of Poor Saitatio (i billios) $6.37

    Treatmet of Collected Septage (urba) 4%6 Terms for Septage i Idoesia: septage, fecal sludge

    Key Challenes Key Strenths

    Lac of atioal policy ad stadard settig to guide local


    Low public awareess of importace of septage

    maagemet i wastewater treatmet

    Lac of tecical assistace, maagemet support, ad

    private participatio leave 90% of existig STPs closed or

    barely operatioal

    natioal uder ivestmet i ifrastructure, especially for


    Treatmet ifrastructure exists but is uderutilied

    Public ad private operators provide mecaie septage

    collectio i most cities

    Decetralied system allows local govermets to

    customie wastewater treatmet solutios

    Several atioal forums ad worig groups provide

    expertise, policy formatio, ad iformatio

    dissemiatio o commuity-based saitatio

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    10 SUMMARY

    Wit two-tirds of its urba residets relyig o osite

    saitatio systems (OSS) for wastewater disposal,

    Idoesia produces a tremedous volume of septage i

    its cities eac year. Sice oe i six of tese OSS leas or

    as a ope bottom, ad 40 percet are located witi

    10 meters of a well or pump, wic are major sourcesof water for urba residets, OSS cause as muc as 70

    percet of groudwater cotamiatio i Idoesia.8

    Recogiig te importace of septage maagemet,

    te atioal govermet costructed 150 septage

    treatmet plats (STPs) i large- ad medium-sied

    cities durig te 1990s. Tis is a sigificat ivestmet,

    cosiderig tat oly 11 cities curretly ave wastewater

    treatmet plats. however, tese top-dow projects

    laced local support ad correspodig local policies,

    moitorig ad eforcemet, operatios traiig, ad

    public outreac to mae tem sustaiable. Importatly,

    te decetraliatio policy of 2001 trasferred

    maagemet resposibilities to local agecies witout

    adequate traiig ad ogoig tecical assistace. As

    of 2009, 90 percet of STPs are closed or miimally

    operatioal, ad tose tat are operatioal ofte

    carge private collectio compaies a dumpig fee.

    not surprisigly, private service providers ofte dispose

    of septage i earby rivers. Lac of adequate saitatio,

    ad septage ad wastewater maagemet ave caused

    sigificat ealt ad evirometal impacts. Te

    World Ba estimates tat iadequate saitatio costs

    Idoesia $6.3 billio i ecoomic losses eac year,

    equal to 2.3 percet of its GDP.9

    To avoid past problems, saitatio iitiatives today

    stress bot top-dow ad bottom-up actios to

    develop sustaiable, commuity-based projects. Cities

    i Idoesia are icreasigly iterested i te use

    of commual septic tas ad DEWAT treatmet

    systems, i additio to addressig septage maagemet.

    Te 2008 natioal Policy ad Strategies o Domestic

    Wastewater Maagemet also igligts te eed to

    address regulatios, private sector ad commuity

    egagemet, ad ifrastructure ivestmet.

    I support of tese strategies, tis report recommeds

    tat, i te ear-term (witi tree years), te Miistry

    of Public Wors (MPW) ad te natioal Developmet

    Plaig Agecy (BAPPEnAS) itegrate septage

    maagemet ito te atioal dialogue o saitatio,

    ad promote te importace of septage maagemet


  • 7/30/2019 A Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Indonesia 2010 USAID



    i cities were tere are ogoig commuity-based

    saitatio projects. Tese atioal agecies ca elp a

    few cities tat already ave STPs develop model septage

    maagemet programs. I te medium-term (tree to

    five years), te atioal miistries ca develop, improve,

    ad dissemiate stadard guidelies, model local

    regulatios, effluet ad septage disposal stadards, ad

    traiig materials for collectio ad treatmet operators.I tese efforts, tey sould egage iteratioal

    orgaiatios support i providig traiig ad tecical

    assistace. To leverage additioal fuds for tis sector,

    local govermets sould collaborate wit private

    compaies to develop ew models of public-private

    partersips for septage collectio ad treatmet.

    Te atioal govermet sould also icrease fudig

    for wastewater ifrastructure developmet ad local

    capacity buildig, streamlie regulatios for private

    sector participatio, ad create fiacial icetives for

    cities to adopt ad improve teir capacity to maage

    ad treat septage.


    21 Nationa Sanitation Context

    As of 2006, 89 percet of urba residets ad access to

    improved water ad 67 percet to improved saitatio

    i Idoesia. Idoesias wastewater treatmet

    ifrastructure, owever, ras tird i te world after

    Idia ad Cia i terms of te gap betwee demad

    ad actual coectios, ad Jaarta ras secod to lasti a compariso of major Asia cities (see Figure 7). As

    of 2009, 11 cities i Idoesia provide a average 14

    percet of teir residets wit a sewerage system tat

    as a total desig capacity to treat just 826,000 cubic

    meters of sewage per day. I te absece of sewerage

    etwors, te majority of urba ouseolds build teir

    ow septic tas.

    Te lac of adequate wastewater ifrastructure places

    a sigificat burde o water quality, uma ealt,

    ad ecoomic productivity.10 As a example, Jaartas

    healt Agecys 2005 records sow tat 84 percet

    of groudwater samples tae from across Jaarta

    were cotamiated wit uma waste, ad te Jaarta

    Evirometal Maagemet Board foud tat all 13

    of te citys rivers are severely polluted.11 Polluted

    groudwater poses a severe public ealt aard sice

    te majority of te populatio relies o groudwater

    for teir daily eeds due to limited access to piped

    water supply.12 Every year, waterbore diseases cause

    50,000 premature deats ad 120 millio cases of

    disease. Idoesia as te igest icidece of typoid

    fever i Asia, ad aroud 70 percet cildre ave

    ad ooworms ad roudworms.13 Te World Ba

    estimates tat iadequate saitatio costs Idoesia

    $6.3 billio i ealt, evirometal, ad ecoomic

    losses eac year, equal to 2.3 percet of te GDP.14

    22 Onsite Sanitation Prevaence

    A estimated 62 to 71 percet of urba residets ad

    24 to 32 percet of rural residets use septic tas

    ad oter forms of osite saitatio systems (OSS),

    altoug tere are large disparities betwee regios

    ad i te quality of te septic tas.16 Te use of OSS

    i urba areas is expected to rise as te populatio

    grows ad as Idoesia implemets lad titlig policies

    tat will foster omeower ivestmets.17 Some of

    tese systems overflow because tey are too small or

    are rarely emptied; oters ave ilet pipes tat do ot

    fuctio; ad oe out of six as a ope bottom or is

    made from brics tat seep waste out of te ta.18 As

    40 percet of osite saitatio facilities are witi 10

    meters of a well, leas from te collectio cambers

    cause as muc as 70 percet of urba groudwater

    cotamiatio.19 Some districts, suc as Meda ad

    Parapat, ow require ouseolds to coect teir liquid

    outflow pipes to existig sewers.20

    23 Septage Coection and TreatmentCapacity

    Sice te 1980s, we te Govermet of Idoesia

    first addressed te issue of saitatio i te Five-

    Year Developmet Plas (RPJP), urba residets ave

    icreasigly used idividual latries, public toilets, ad

    toilets coected to septic tas. Over time, as tese

    systems bega to fill ad overflow, ad demad for

    desludgig rose, a umber of private compaies bega

    to appear i te 1990s to desludge OSS. Wile may

    cities ow ave public ad private desludgig serviceproviders, some commuities still desludge by ad.

    To operate, tese compaies must obtai busiess ad

    uisace permits, altoug tese permits usually do ot

    regulate ealt, safety or disposal. Durig te 1980s

    ad early 1990s, sice tere were o STPs i Idoesia,

    desludgig compaies would dump teir waste ito te

    earest waterway.

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    I respose to tis situatio, te Miistry of Public

    Wors bega buildig STPs i 1991, ad as ow built

    aroud 150 STPs trougout te coutry. I tese

    projects, te cetral agecies led te developmet

    of tese facilities, ad required local govermets to

    provide te ecessary lad. As a result, cities put fort

    teir ceapest lad, ofte i peri-urba areas tat

    mae trasportatio costs proibitive for collectio

    compaies. After te Govermet of Idoesia aded

    over te facilities to local autorities i 2001, 90 percet

    of tese facilities closed or ru o very low volumesdue to te lac of septage disposal at te facility ad

    iadequate operatios ad maiteace (O&M) fuds.21

    As a result, oly four percet of septage i Idoesia is

    treated at a STP.22 I Cetral Java, for istace, 23 out

    of 35 districts ave a STP, but oe of tese facilities is

    fuctioal.23 Istead, as see i Suraarta ad Cirebo,

    most cities sed septage to WWTPs; depedig o

    te facilitys desig, te additio of septage ca reduce

    its operatioal efficiecy. Or, as see i Badug,

    collectio compaies dispose of septage i te sewer,

    wic reduces teir trasport costs, but impedes

    te sewers ydraulic performace. I additio, wile

    ouseolds pay operators $5 to $27 at te collectio

    site, muicipal or district govermets levy a tippig

    fee of $0.27 to $0.54 per cubic meter to dispose te

    septage at public treatmet facilities. Altoug tis fee

    is a fractio of te collectio carge, collectors avoid it

    ad te complicatios of proper disposal by discargig

    te waste directly ito a river.24

    30 lEGAl FRAMEwORk

    I Idoesia, saitatio is fragmeted across te miistries

    of ealt, ifrastructure, plaig, ad te eviromet,

    eac of wic as developed laws tat impact saitatio

    practices. I te absece of a overarcig framewor,

    Idoesia faces calleges i strategically plaig for

    ad providig adequate flows of fiacial resources

    to te sector at bot te atioal ad local levels of

    govermet. Trougout te coutry, owever, tere

    is a growig recogitio of te importace of maagigOSS. I 2008, te Miistry of Public Wors issued te

    natioal Policy ad Strategies o Domestic Wastewater

    Maagemet, wic provides directio ad guidace

    for atioal ad local govermets, as well as te

    private sector ad commuities, i formulatig policies

    ad programs for domestic wastewater maagemet.28

    Wile tis policy does ot specifically metio septage,

    it otes tat ey calleges to domestic wastewater

    maagemet iclude te followig:

    Low commuity awareess ad participatio;

    Lac of laws, regulatios, operatig mauals adstadards, ad policy eforcemet;

    Lac of separatio betwee regulators ad


    Lac of coordiatio amog related agecies i

    policy formatio; ad

    Low atioal ad local fudig, low wastewater tariff

    settig, ad reluctat private sector participatio.



    In Medan, where there are over one million septic tanks, waterways are hihly contaminated with human waste. New sanitation

    initiatives in Indonesia focus on community-based sanitation to foster ownership and understandin of wasteater treatment systems.

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    Case Study of Surabaya: Mode Septage Treatment Pant

    I Surabaya, te capital of East Java Provice ad Idoesias secod-largest city wit tree millio residets,

    87 percet of ouseolds ave access to improved saitatio, icludig 60 percet from OSS. 25 Te city

    as costructed a STP ad developed permittig stadards for collectio compaies. Private compaies

    bega worig i 1983 ad ow collect most of te septage i te city. Wit growig commuity demad,

    te umber of compaies as icreased from 10 to 27 i te last 15 years, demostratig te profitability

    of septage collectio.26 Compaies must obtai a busiess licese, a uisace permit, ad a disposal permit

    tat requires private compaies to dispose of septage at te STP. however, te local saitatio agecy lacs

    te resources to eforce te requiremets of te disposal permits. Fies for o-compliace are too small

    to prevet repeat offeses.

    Surabayas STP, cosidered oe of te best i Idoesia, uses a modified form of te activated sludge

    process. Te STP as a desig capacity to treat 400 cubic meters per day ad is ope at all ours of te

    day. It is curretly ruig at capacity ad ca accommodate all of te septage it receives, altoug its

    capacity would be overwelmed if all ouseolds regularly desludged teir tas.27 Dried septage is used

    as fertilier for city gardes i Surabaya.

    I respose, te Policy aims to icrease te utiliatio

    of WWTPs ad STPs to 60 percet i accordace wit

    te 2010-14 natioal Medium-Term Developmet Pla

    to develop regulatios, stregte istitutioal capacity,

    ad icrease fiacig alteratives for ifrastructure

    developmet. To egage te private sector, te Policy

    proposes owledge dissemiatio, te developmet

    of ivestmet scemes, ad te provisio of icetives,

    suc as tax rebates ad busiess liceses. It will

    also egage commuities i tadem wit te 2009

    natioal Actio Pla, wic commits Idoesia to raisesaitatio coverage to 74 percet i urba areas ad 65

    percet i rural areas. Tese plas call for iformatio

    ad educatio campaigs to ecourage ouseolds to

    improve teir saitatio situatio ad to icrease te

    use of treatmet facilities.29

    Te decetraliatio of political ad fiscal power i

    1999 played a importat role i policy formatio ad

    implemetatio of water, wastewater, ad septage

    maagemet i Idoesia. I 1999, te cetral miistries

    tured over water ad saitatio plaig, developmet,fiacig, ad maagemet resposibilities to local

    govermets. Te cetral miistries ow focus o policy

    developmet, stadard settig, ad capacity buildig. At

    te atioal level, owever, guidace o saitatio ad

    septage maagemet remais vague ad icomplete.

    Wile tere are atioal codes for septic ta desig ad

    guidelies for te desig, operatio ad maiteace

    of septage treatmet facilities, tere are o atioal

    guidelies, tecical assistace, or moitorig of septage

    collectio, treatmet, ad disposal. Local govermets

    tat ave WWTPs or STPs may regulate septage

    isofar as tis pertais to te plats operatios; few

    cities ave compreesive septage ordiaces. Some

    local govermet uits (LGUs) tat actively maage

    septage, suc as Surabaya, ave issued local regulatios

    for uisace permits, tippig fees at WWTPs ad

    STPs, water quality maagemet, ad water pollutio

    cotrol. Most LGUs, owever, are uable to provide

    compreesive septage maagemet.

    31 Septic Tan Design

    Te Idoesia natioal Stadard Code for Plaig

    Septic Ta wit Absorptio System establises desig

    stadards for costructig septic tas.30 Tis code

    states tat materials used for costructio must be

    impermeable, acid proof, strog, ad use bric, stoe,

    cocrete, polyviyl cloride, ceramic, cast iro, plastic

    or iro. It also sets te volumes of septic tas based

    o te umber of users ad expected liquid waste

    flow rates, ad gives specific dimesios for a small,

    oe-family septic ta tat sould be emptied oce

    every tree years. Te code specifies te locatio,

    slope ad materials of te ifluet ad effluet pipes,

    maoles, cotrol box ad ta cambers. however,

    local govermets do ot eforce tese codes, ad

    most idividual OSS are ot built to code.

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    32 Septage Coection

    Tere are curretly o atioal or local laws tat require

    frequet or sceduled desludgig.31 Te most relevat

    atioal policy is te requiremet tat all private

    compaies obtai a nuisace Permit (also ow as a

    hider Ordoatie permit) from te local govermet

    we coductig potetially aardous activities, sucas septage collectio. Tis permit allows govermet

    officers to coduct impromptu ispectios to esure

    compliace wit safety ad evirometal regulatios.

    At te local level, a few cities ad districts ave issued

    regulatios o septage trasport ad disposal. Te City

    of Malag, for example, requires collectors to coduct

    due diligece to esure tat waste does ot lea out

    of trucs durig trasport ad to discarge waste at a

    treatmet facility. Te ordiace also requires te police

    ad saitatio ad evirometal agecies to moitor

    ad eforce tese regulatios, ad allows tem to issue

    pealties for o-compliace.32

    33 Septage Treatment

    STPs i Idoesia, called Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur

    Tinja (IPLT) i Baasa, use a variety of tecologies, suc

    as Upflow Aaerobic Sludge Blaet (UASB), oxidatio

    ditc, Imoff ta ad stabiliatio ta. Te Miistry

    of Public Wors Departmet as developed guidelies

    for eac system tat is used for septage treatmet.

    Some STPs use te dried septage as fertilier. Give

    te decetralied ature of maagemet, tere is ocosolidated iformatio o wat eac STP is doig i


    Several miistries ave created tecical guidelies for

    te plaig, desig, materials, ad O&M of wastewater

    treatmet facilities, icludig STPs. Tese documets

    provide guidelies for activated sludge, stabiliatio

    pods, ad (UASB) tecologies.33 Despite te

    availability of tese guidelies, owever, may facilities

    do ot operate effectively. Te WWTP i Jaarta, for

    istace, produces eff luet wit 211 milligrams per liter

    of total suspeded solids, more ta double te atioalcap.34 Govermet Regulatio 16/2005 also proibits

    discargers from releasig utreated wastewater

    directly ito water bodies tat are desigated sources

    of potable water, ad requires operators of cetralied

    treatmet plats to moitor liquid effluet ad solid

    waste quality o a regular basis. I practice, owever,

    few cities ave implemeted tese regulatios.

    34 key Caenges

    Challene:Altoug 66 percet of urba residets use

    septic tas, te atioal govermet as ot developed

    a legal, istitutioal, or fiacig framewor for septage

    collectio, treatmet ad disposal.

    Challene: Local regulatios o septage maagemetare limited to STP operatios ad maiteace. After

    decetraliatio ad te witdrawal of atioal tecical

    ad fudig support, most local govermets ave bee

    uable to improve wastewater services.



    Today, a umber of atioal agecies are ivolved

    i developig policies ad programs o water ad

    saitatio. I te decetralied system of wastewater

    maagemet i Idoesia, local govermets typicallycreate two to four departmets to maage water

    ad saitatio, depedig o te district leader

    or city mayors objectives. Commo departmets

    iclude: public wors, ealt, evirometal saitatio,

    settlemets ad eviromet, ad pollutio cotrol. A

    recet study of ietee cities ad two districts i seve

    provices of Idoesiafoud tat 99 percet of cetral

    trasfers to te LGU wet to eiter public wors or

    ealt departmets.35 Sice septage maagemet as

    ot bee idetified as a atioal priority i wastewater

    maagemet, most local govermets do ot allocatestaff for tis issue beyod STP operatios.

    Te lac of istitutioal capacity ad staff expertise

    i saitatio remais a major callege for Idoesia.

    Before decetraliatio, owledgeable professioals

    from te cetral govermet sat i local govermet

    offices to develop local projects. Sice decetraliatio

    efforts i 1999, tese staff members ave retured

    to te atioal govermet, leavig a gap i tecical

    capacity at te local level tat as yet to be replaced.36

    41 Major Nationa Agencies37

    National Development Plannin Aency (BAPPENAS):

    BAPPEnAS, te atioal plaig agecy for all

    sectors, develops ad moitors policies, strategies, ad

    programs to icrease access to saitatio. It ouses two

    major water ad saitatio programs tat provide local

    govermets wit te tools to iitiate efforts to icrease

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    Program higigt: ISSDP

    Te Idoesia Saitatio Sector Developmet Program (ISSDP) bega as a tree-year program i 2006

    wit fudig from te Govermet of te neterlads. Te program as two compoets: (1) to coduct

    pilot projects i wic te commuity provides matcig fuds to istall saitatio systems; ad (2) to eable

    muicipal matcig cotributios for te desig ad implemetatio of primary ad secodary solutios.

    I te first pase of te program, wic lasted two years, six cities agreed to devise saitatio strategies

    for teir immediate ad log-term eeds. Tese cities icluded: Suraarta ad Blitar i Java, Depasar i

    Bali, Jambi ad Payaumbu i Sumatra, ad Bajarmasi i kalimata. I pase two, ISSDP as expaded

    its wor to aoter eigt cities (Buit Tiggi ad Padag i Sumatera; Semarag, Tegal, ad Pealoga i

    Cetral Java; ad Batu, kediri, ad Malag i East Java). I additio, 18 oter cities ave also adopted te

    ISSDP approac uder programs fuded by iteratioal agecies, suc as USAID ad UnICEF.

    access ad treatmet te Water ad Saitatio Policy

    Formulatio ad Actio Plaig Project (WASPOLA)

    ad te Idoesia Saitatio Sector Developmet

    Program (ISSDP). For bot programs, BAPPEnAS

    leads multi-miisterial worig groups tat cosist of

    te Miistry of Fiace, Miistry of healt, Miistry

    of Public Wors, Miistry of home Affairs, Miistry of

    Idustry, ad Miistry of Eviromet. BAPPEnAS asalso developed a atioal policy for Commuity-Based

    Driig Water Supply ad Evirometal Saitatio,

    wic sets guidig priciples for addressig geeral

    saitatio services, but does ot specifically address

    septage maagemet. I Idoesias decetralied

    cotext, tese programs offer local govermets

    guidace documets ad tools, but ot madates.

    Ministry of Public Works (MPW):Wereas BAPPEnAS

    provides coordiatio ad plaig support, MPWs

    Directorate Geeral of huma Settlemets provides

    local govermets wit ifrastructure developmet

    ad reabilitatio, tecical assistace, ad tecical

    ad service performace stadards.38 Tis miistry

    plays a critical role i te sector ad is istrumetal i

    developig te natioal Actio Pla for Wastewater.

    Te MPW guides te developmet of large-scale, off-

    site saitatio systems. I te past, te MPW costructed

    STPs i major cities across te coutry wit cetral

    govermet fudig. Te MPW te trasferred

    facilities to local govermets, may of wic could ot

    provide te fudig ad staff to operate ad maitai

    tem. Te MPW also collaborates wit te Miistry ofFiace (MOF) to admiister budgets for developig

    saitatio ad wastewater facilities at te atioal,

    regioal, provicial, local, ad project levels.

    Ministry of Health (MOH): Te Miistry of healt is

    resposible for providig wastewater facilities, saitatio

    emergecy respose systems, ad ygiee promotio,

    especially to low-icome commuities. Tis miistry

    also sets te stadards for water quality, ad, troug

    te Directorate of Water ad Saitatio, moitors

    water quality.39 I cojuctio wit te Miistry of

    Eviromet ad te Miistry of Public Wors, MOhadmiisters ad eforces regulatios for sources of

    domestic wastewater, icludig septic ta desig, STPs,

    WWTPs, ad commuity-based systems. Give te

    sie of Idoesia, MOh faces cosiderable calleges i

    moitorig ad eforcig tese stadards.40

    Ministry of Environment (MOE): I te water sector,

    tis miistry is resposible for regulatig water quality

    maagemet ad water pollutio prevetio. Te

    MOE moitors iter-provicial water bodies, wile

    provicial agecies moitor iter-district water bodies,

    ad districts moitor itra-district waters.

    Forum Komunikasi Air Limbah (FORKALIM):

    Establised i 2003 by te Idoesia Associatio

    of Waterwors ad U.S. Asia Evirometal

    Program, FORkALIM is a commuicatio etwor

    for wastewater treatmet operators, suc as water

    utilities ad saitatio agecies. Te forum aims to

    improve members performace i te delivery of

    wastewater services by icreasig operatig efficiecy,

    acievig fiacial viability, ad advocatig for sector


    key parters iclude door agecies,cetral govermet departmets, local parliamets

    ad govermets, ad ogovermetal orgaiatios.

    Te curret orgaiatios activities iclude owledge

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    Program higigt: SANIMAS

    Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (SAnIMAS), or Saitatio for Commuities, is a coutrywide program tat

    implemets commual saitatio systems for domestic wastewater treatmet. SAnIMAS bega i 2004

    uder te AusAID-supported, Water ad Saitatio Sector Policy Formatio ad Actio Plaig Project

    (WASPOLA). As part of tis program, nGOs wor i selected cities to provide tecical assistace to

    participatig commuities ad local agecies. A typical commual saitatio system ca treat te waste

    of 75-200 domestic users i a small area. Te system, wic costs about $30,000 to $36,000, cosists

    of a sewerage etwor wit idividual ouse coectios, wit a aaerobic treatmet system at tereceivig ed. Geerally, te local govermet cotributes te majority of te cost (about 65 percet),

    te cetral govermet cotributes 30 percet, ad local commuities provide five percet.57 Tis cost

    sarig ecourages owersip, sustaiability, ad sared resposibility for project success.58 Betwee 2004ad 2008, SAnIMAS implemeted projects i 345 locatios i Idoesia.59 Tese projects operate i may

    commuities tat ave o-operatioal STPs. Rater ta reabilitate te STPs, tese commuities are

    ow ivestig i decetralied treatmet systems lie SAnIMAS or BORDAs decetralied wastewater

    treatmet systems (DEWATS).

    sarig, studies, pilot projects, capacity buildig, ad

    public iformatio campaigs.

    42 Major Sub-Nationa Agencies

    Typically, cities address saitatio cocers troug

    saitatio agecies ad worig groups or committees

    formed by relevat local departmets. Wastewatertreatmet facilities, if available, are maaged eiter

    by te saitatio agecy or te local water utility.

    Te availability ad capacity of staff at local agecies

    varies from city to city, ad directly impacts te citys

    ability to maitai fuctioig programs.42 Te coice

    of treatmet tecology also as a major impact

    o project outcomes. Simpler tecologies, suc as

    rotatig biological cotactors ad aerated pods, ave

    prove to be more effective ta activated sludge due

    to lower maiteace ad staff capacity ad traiig

    requiremets. For example, i Tagerag ad Balipapa,

    te activated sludge facilities are well-desiged to meettreatmet stadards, but are ot maitaied because

    PDAM employees do ot ow ow to operate ad

    maitai te facilities. however, i Bajarmasi ad

    Yogyaarta, were more simple tecologies are used,

    facilities perform muc better.

    Local Environmental Aency (BLH): As te local

    extesio of te Miistry of Eviromet, te BLh

    protects water resources from domestic ad idustrial

    pollutio by developig policies ad regulatios, ad

    coordiatig efforts i pollutio prevetio, cotrol

    ad moitorig. I Surabaya, te BLh operates a city-

    level committee to cosider wastewater ifrastructure

    developmet, promote cooperatio betwee busiesses

    ad te commuity, ad moitor ad evaluate

    te implemetatio of wastewater ifrastructure

    developmet.43 It collaborates wit te local Public

    Wors ad Spatial Plaig Agecy i maagig te

    desig ad costructio of saitatio facilities suc asSTPs ad establisig tecical guidelies related to


    Sanitation Aency (Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan,

    DKP): To maage day-to-day facility operatios, local

    govermets usually create a Saitatio Agecy tat

    sometimes provides septage collectio services, but

    more ofte provides wastewater treatmet services.

    Te DkP i Surabaya, for example, employs 22 staff

    wo eep te plat operatioal 24 ours a day. I

    additio, Surabayas DkP collects tippig fees from

    septage collectio compaies eac mot at a rate of$0.30 per cubic meter ad tries to esure tat every

    collectio compay tat disposes septage at te STP

    as a disposal permit.45 I ig-desity areas were

    desludgig trucs caot eter, te DkP moitors

    traditioal lad disposal metods, suc as te use of

    lime. DkPs typically face calleges i eforcig proper

    disposal ad collectig tippig fees.

    Water Utilities (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum, PDAM):

    Out of te te cetral wastewater treatmet facilities

    i Idoesia, six are maaged by te local water supply

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    Representatives of national and local sanitation aencies

    in Indonesia study the rotary screw press at Indah Water

    Konsortiums slude treatment facility in Kuala Lumpur. Althouh

    Indonesia has a number of wastewater and septae treatment

    plants, most facilities face O&M challenes.



    agecies (PDAM). Across te coutry, PDAMs face

    calleges i wastewater O&M sice local govermets

    set wastewater tariffs far below cost recovery. Terefore,

    we PDAMs must subsidie wastewater services wit

    water supply reveues, tey face calleges i improvig

    services ad expadig coverage. Te case study o

    page 57 details te experiece i Meda, Idoesias

    fourt largest city, ad igligts te calleges tatPDAMs face i implemetig wastewater treatmet


    43 Oter Organizations

    Private Service Providers: Private service providers

    are icreasig i umber ad collect te majority of

    te septage i most cities due to te limited capacity

    of most DkPs ad PDAMs. I Malag, for istace, te

    DkP operates oly oe vacuum taer for a city wit

    2.2 millio people; te citys residets must terefore

    deped o private service providers for a quicrespose. Wile operators eed a permit to operate,

    o cities require ealt or safety practices, or eforce

    desludgig regulatios were tey exist.

    International Oranizations: Tese orgaiatios are

    actively ivolved i Idoesias saitatio sector, bot

    i policy developmet ad treatmet plat fudig

    ad costructio. For istace, official developmet

    assistace as elped fud te costructio of eigt out

    of te te WWTPs i te coutry, as well as o-site

    treatmet systems lie SAnIMAS ad policy worig

    groups lie WASPOLA. I geeral, owever, tese

    programs do ot address septage maagemet.

    Academic Institutions: Tere are a umber of academic

    istitutios ivolved i te water ad saitatio sector,

    suc as Badug Istitute of Tecology, Istitute

    of Sepulu november Surabaya, ad te ceter

    for evirometal studies i some uiversities. TeIdoesia Society of Saitary ad Evirometal

    Egieers also provides tecical assistace ad


    44 key Caenges and Strengts

    Challene: Local govermets lac te capacity to

    maage ad maitai existig septage treatmet

    facilities, causig tese systems to fall ito disrepair.

    natioal agecies ave also ot provided sufficiet

    policy guidace or fudig for cities to develop te

    ecessary istitutioal ad pysical capacity.

    Challene: Te fragmetatio ad overlap of

    autority amog so may agecies maes it difficult to

    create itegrated plas for sewerage ad septic ta

    maagemet ad developmet.

    Strenth: Te atioal worig groups (ISSDP ad

    WASPOLA) ca serve as a odal group for creatig

    septage maagemet policies, guidelies, pilot projects,

    ad owledge excage ad dissemiatio.


    I te aftermat of Idoesias 1997 fiacial crisis,

    te govermet accepted austere fiscal ad moetary

    policies as part of te coditios of its IMF loa tat cut

    fudig for may ifrastructure ad social programs.

    Tis austerity ad Idoesias low ecoomic growt as

    caused te atioal govermet to sigificatly uder

    ivest i all sectors of ifrastructure. As of 2009, Idoesia

    speds oly 3.4 percet of its GDP o ifrastructure;

    as a compariso, Vietam speds 10 percet of its

    GDP o ifrastructure.47 Despite atioal saitatiotargets ad actio plas, saitatio is a low priority for

    bot cetral ad local govermets. Moreover, te

    water sector receives te majority of fudig. Witout

    atioal support, may local govermets eiter feel

    tat saitatio ad wastewater treatmet are priorities,

    or ave te fudig to develop ew iitiatives.

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    51 Nationa Funding Sources

    Tere are two major atioal sources for water ad

    saitatio fuds; (1) miisterial fuds, ad (2) te

    Special Allocatio Fud (DAk). Tese loas empasie

    capital ivestmets, wit limited support for tecical

    assistace ad uma capacity buildig. Te sort-term

    ature of tese loas maes it difficult for cities to use

    tem for water ad saitatio projects.

    Te Miistry of Public Wors (MPW) ad Miistry

    of healt (Moh) disburse te miisterial loas, wic

    togeter provide aroud 20 percet of te fuds for

    te water ad saitatio sector. 48 Of te MPWs $8.3

    millio allocatio for te sector, two-tirds address

    capital ivestmets, ad oe-tird is caeled towards

    tecical assistace ad awareess raisig.49 Troug

    its Water Supply for Low Icome Commuities Project,

    te MOh provides $3.3 millio i loas ad places a

    greater empasis o saitatio.50 I areas were tereare WASPOLA projects, MPW ad MOh provide four

    percet of te total saitatio budget, igligtig te

    empasis tat cities draw o teir ow reveue to fud

    saitatio projects. Miisterial fuds are ot guarateed

    from year to year, maig it difficult to utilie tem for

    large, multi-year projects commo i te water ad

    saitatio sector.51

    Sice 2005, BAPPEnAS as also issued Special

    Allocatio Fuds (DAk), wic are coditioal grats

    for poor districts ad cities wose budgets total less

    ta oe percet of te average. To use tese grats,

    LGUs must cotribute 10 percet of te grat amout

    ad cover O&M costs. I 2008, DAk allocated $11

    millio for te water ad saitatio sector, wit water

    projects receivig 75 percet of te fudig, ad

    saitatio projects 25 percet. Fudig is oly provided

    for oe year ad extesios are ot guarateed, wic

    agai maes tese grats less coducive to log-term

    wastewater ad septage maagemet programs.52

    52 loca Funding Sources

    As wit te cetral govermet, wastewater treatmet

    is oe of local govermets lowest priorities. I

    Surabaya, for example, te local govermet allocated

    oe percet of its $360 millio budget i 2009 to te

    evirometal sector, wic icludes bot water ad

    saitatio.53 Cities, districts, ad provices allocate o

    average 85 percet of sector fuds to water supply

    ad draiage projects, ad 11 percet to saitatio

    projects.54 niety percet of local ivestmet i tesector is for capital expeditures, wic typically meas

    toilet costructio ad STP reabilitatio.55

    Idoesia as ot succeeded i attractig private

    ivestmet to WWTP ad STP costructio, i part

    because local govermets set tariffs below O&M

    cost recovery. As a result, govermet fuds for tese

    projects are quicly draied, wic i tur prevets

    proper maiteace ad service expasio. Policy

    ambiguity, corruptio, ad te ig cost of doig

    busiess furter deter private sector etry.

    53 Pubic Aareness and wiingness to Pay

    I geeral, ouseolds are ot aware of te eed to

    desludge ad treat wastewater, wic results i low

    willigess to pay ad low demad for desludgig. A

    few cities i Idoesia, owever, provide models o

    raisig public willigess to pay ad reducig te levels

    of public subsidy. Jaarta ad Bajarmasi acieve ig

    cost recovery by cross-subsidiig domestic wastewater

    rates wit paymets from idustrial cliets.56 Medas

    PDAM attais a ig collectio rate of 98 percet bybillig wastewater treatmet togeter wit te water

    bill. Tose PDAMs tat sed separate water ad

    wastewater bills ave muc lower collectio rates.

    As part of a WASPOLA proect, community members in East

    java ather to learn about pathoen pathways and how to improve

    the areas sanitation and hyiene. Proects like this are small in

    scale, but more effective than earlier, top-down initiatives.


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    54 key Caenges

    Challene: DkPS ad PDAMs eed to develop ad

    build public acceptace for wastewater billig systems

    tat allow tem to improve services, expad treatmet

    capacity, ad icrease desludgig frequecy.

    Challene: Local govermets face calleges i

    developig wastewater treatmet iitiatives because:

    (1) tere is isufficiet atioal fudig for local

    govermets to develop compreesive septage

    maagemet programs, forcig cities to rely o local

    reveue sources; ad (2) te private sector is otiterested i wastewater treatmet service provisio,

    i part because local govermets typically set tariffs

    too low to acieve cost recovery.


    Wit 150 STPs aroud te coutry, Idoesia as

    created a strog ifrastructural base for septage

    maagemet. however, most facilities are out of

    operatio because tey are ot cetrally located ad local

    govermets do ot prioritie septage maagemet.

    Tis report recommeds tat te atioal govermetstregte its leadersip ad tecical support for local

    implemetatio troug clear regulatios ad guidelies,

    traiigs, worsops, ad for te reabilitatio of STPs.

    Te atioal govermet also eeds to tae a strog

    role i issuig guidelies for private sector egagemet

    ad icrease its fudig support for local septage

    maagemet programs.

    Case Study of Medan: Treating Septage at wasteater Treatment Pants

    Meda, te capital of nort Sumatra Provice, as a total populatio of over two millio people. Idicative of

    te political bias i favor of cetralied sewage treatmet facilities, Meda as a WWTP, altoug oly 11,000

    omes, or two percet of Medas populatio, are coected to a sewer system. I aticipatio of future

    sewerage coectios, te facility is curretly operatig at less ta 27 percet capacity. Meawile, eve

    toug 50 percet of its residets use septic tas, Meda lacs a operatig septage treatmet facility.

    Te WWTP i Meda uses UASB tecology, a difficult tecology for te few PDAM staff wo

    operate ad maitai te facility. Te local saitatio agecy ad private collectio compaies also

    use te WWTP to dispose of septage, wic ca create problems i a facility ot desiged to treat

    partially digested septage. I additio, te local govermet carges ouseolds seve percet of te

    cost of istallig a sewerage coectio ad subsidies te remaider.46 Give budget limitatios, te

    govermet ad PDAM may face calleges i furter expadig ad improvig wastewater services.

    61 Sort-Term Recommendations

    Make Septae Manaement Part of the National

    Dialoue on Sanitation. As te leadig miistry i water

    supply ad saitatio policy developmet, BAPPEnAS

    sould address septage maagemet, demostrate

    its support for cities to develop septage maagemet

    programs, ad itegrate septage maagemet ito

    ogoig efforts for commuity saitatio. Sice te

    atioal govermet o loger madates saitatio

    actios, BAPPEnAS sould tae a lead i promotig

    awareess of te importace of septage maagemet

    amog local govermets ad DkPs, ad sare bestpractices from Idoesia or oter cities i te regio

    troug groups suc as te Associatio of Idoesia

    Muicipalities (Asosiasi Pemerintah Kota Seluruh


    Develop Comprehensive Local Manaement

    Prorams.Citiesad DkPs ca improve teir public ad

    evirometal ealt by rebuildig septage maagemet

    programs, especially i areas tat already ave septage

    treatmet facilities. To do so, tey ca orgaie septage

    maagemet worsops ad create worig groups

    tat address policy settig, private operator compliace,ad public awareess. Tese groups must address

    ew strategies to build local budgets for wastewater

    treatmet, for istace by raisig tariffs, combiig

    wastewater fees wit water bills, or cross-subsidiig

    wit te water sector or commercial ad idustrial

    customers. Local govermets ca wor wit ESP,

    ISSDP, MPW, ad BAPPEnAS to elp develop ad test

    model regulatios ad implemetatio models.

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    62 Medium-Term Recommendations

    Develop a National Septae Manaement Action

    Aenda. Te atioal govermet, troug

    BAPPEnAS, or project orgaiatios, suc as ESP,

    ISSDP, or WAPSOLA, ca elp orgaie a atioal-

    level worsop to discuss root causes of calleges i

    septage maagemet ad develop a log-term actiopla. Tis worsop sould, at a miimum, address te

    followig issues.

    Create National guidelines and Standards. Te

    Miistry of Public Wors (MPW), worig i

    cojuctio wit BAPPEnAS ad its local brac

    offices, sould update ad dissemiate atioal

    guidace documets o compreesive septage

    maagemet, descriptios of implemetatio

    models, sample local regulatios, effluet ad

    septage disposal stadards, ad traiig materials

    for septage collectio compaies.

    Clarify the Roles for National and Local

    governments. Te atioal govermet i

    cojuctio wit te local govermets must wor

    togeter to idetify ecessary actios ad gaps i

    resposibility, ad delegate roles based o te most

    appropriate level of implemetatio.

    Develop Trainins and Technical Assistance for

    Local Implementers. BAPPEnAS ad MPW

    sould tae te lead idevelopig regioal capacitybuildig ad traiig programs for local govermet

    agecies ad service providers. Traiigs ad

    tecical assistace sould address eablig policies

    ad regulatios, as well as ifrastructure eeds.

    BAPPEnAS ad MPW ca pilot tese capacity

    buildig iitiatives at a few ESP or ISSDP project

    sites before scalig up efforts aroud te coutry.

    Develop Incentives for Positive Local Initiatives

    and Disincentives for Inaction. Te atioal

    govermet sould stimulate local iitiatives to

    promote improved saitatio. For example, te

    atioal govermet could tie fudig for iger

    priority issues, suc as ealt, educatio, ad

    ifrastructure, to local govermets progress

    i icreasig access to improved saitatio ad

    developmet of sustaiable septage maagemet


    Increase Fundin for Water and Sanitation. Te

    Miistry of healt ad Miistry of Public Wors eedto sigificatly icrease fudig for saitatio projects,

    ad provide loas tat are more suitable for log-term

    ifrastructure ivestmets. Tis fudig sould ot oly

    address ard costs, suc as STP reabilitatio ad te

    purcase of collectio veicles, but also set aside fuds

    for traiig ad public outreac. Tese projects ca be

    clearly coected to public ealt, especially cildres

    ealt, i order to gai political ad public support.

    Promote Public-Private Partnerships to Reulate

    Proper Disposal. To improve moitorig ad

    eforcemet of septage disposal amog private

    collectio compaies, local govermets sould egage

    private operators troug public-private partersips.

    As a first step, local govermets ca require

    ouseolds to regularly desludge teir septic tas,

    wic builds public demad for services. Tied to tis

    iitiative, local govermets ca te require private

    collectio compaies to properly dispose of septage at

    treatmet facilities. Te govermet ca eforce tis

    policy by collectig te ouseold paymets ad payig

    collectio compaies after tey deliver septage to a

    treatmet facility.

    Promote Public Awareness and Willinness to Pay.

    To foster willigess to pay ad willigess to address

    septage maagemet, local govermets eed to build

    local awareess of te value of wastewater treatmet

    amog public officials, govermet staff, ad te geeral

    public. Govermets ca promote tese ideas troug

    promotioal campaigs for water, saitatio, wastewater

    treatmet ad ygiee, coducted i cojuctio wit

    BAPPEnAS ogoig saitatio strategy developmet

    programs, suc as WASPOLA ad ISSDP. Evetually,

    local govermets eed to raise tariffs to a level tat

    recovers O&M costs for saitatio projects.

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    World healt Orgaiatio ad Uited natios Cildres1.

    Fud Joit Moitorig Programme for Water Supply ad

    Saitatio (JMP). Progress o Driig Water ad Saitatio:

    Special Focus o Saitatio. UnICEF, new Yor ad WhO,

    Geeva, 2008.

    Iteratioal Moetary Fud. World Ecoomic Outloo2. Database: nomial GDP. Apr. 2009.

    Idoesia Public Expediture Review. Spedig for3.

    Developmet: Maig te Most of Idoesias new

    Opportuities. 2007, (ereiafter Indonesia Public

    Expenditure Review, 2007). See also, Utomo, nugroo.

    Persoal Commuicatio. natioal Developmet Plaig

    Agecy (BAPPEnAS). May 2009, (ereiafter Utomo, 2009).

    Govermet of Idoesia, Miistry of Public Wors.4.

    Miisterial Decree no. 16/PRT/M/2008 o natioal Policy

    ad Strategy of Domestic Wastewater Maagemet System.

    Jaarta: Govermet of Idoesia, 2008, (ereiafter

    Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Public Works, 2008).

    Simajuta, Tertiai zB. City Beid i Saitatio:5.Experts. Te Jaarta Post, 31 Mar. 2008, (ereiafter

    Simanjuntak, 2008).

    Idoesia Saitatio Sector Developmet Program (ISSDP).6.

    ISSDP Program Iceptio Report. Aug. 2006, (ereiafter

    ISSDP, 2006).

    World Ba. Ecoomic Impacts of Saitatio i Idoesia.7.

    World Ba Water ad Saitatio Program, 2008,

    (ereiafter World Bank, 2008). Urba areas ad a iger

    per capita loss of $31, wile rural areas ad a loss of $25 per


    Idoesia Public Expediture Review, 2007.8.

    World Ba, 2008.9.

    Asia Developmet Ba. Coutry Paper Idoesia: Asia10.

    Water Developmet Outloo: Acievig Water Security for

    Asia. Maila: Asia Developmet Ba, 2007. Tese cities

    iclude: Balipapa, Bajarmasi, Badug, Cirebo, Jaarta,

    Meda, Prapat, Suraarta, Tagerag, ad Yogyaarta.

    Simajuta, 2008.11.

    Rumaa, Dede. Jaartas Vulerability to Global Warmig.12.

    The Jakarta Post, 28 Apr. 2007.

    Govermet of Idoesia, natioal Developmet Plaig13.

    Agecy (BAPPEnAS). Urba Saitatio: Portraits,

    Expectatios ad Opportuities Its not a Private Matter

    Aymore. Jaarta: Govermet of Idoesia, 2007,(ereiafter Government of Indonesia, BAPPENAS, 2007).

    World Ba, 2008.14.

    World Ba. Avertig Ifrastructure Crisis: a Framewor for15.

    Policy ad Actio. 2005.

    WhO/UnICEF, 2008. See also, Govermet of Idoesia,16.

    Miistry of Public Wors, 2008.

    Uited natios Developmet Programme. Lets Spea out17.

    for MDGs: Acievig te Milleium Developmet Goals

    i Idoesia. Uited natios Developmet Programme,


    World Ba, 2008.18.

    Idoesia Public Expediture Review, 2007. See also, Utomo,19.2009.

    Uited States Agecy for Iteratioal Developmet20.

    (USAID). Comparative Study: Cetralied Wastewater

    Treatmet Plats i Idoesia. Jaarta: Evirometal

    Services Program, 2006, (ereiafter USAID, 2006).

    A Excerpt of Regioal Symposium-cum-Traiig Worsop21.

    o Sustaiable Faecal Sludge Maagemet (FSM) i Asia ad

    te Pacific. Asia Istitute of Tecology, 24-26 nov. 2006.

    See also, Utomo, 2009.

    ISSDP, 2006.22.

    Isadar, Sofya. Persoal Commuicatio. Water ad23.

    Saitatio Program: 2 Apr. 2009 (ereiafter Iskandar, 2009).

    Tis iformatio comes from te followig tree local24.


    Malag Local Ordiace no. 10(2001): IDR 6,000 per cubic


    Surabaya Local Ordiace no. 4(2000): IDR 3,750 per cubic

    meter; ad

    Jombag Local Ordiace no. 10(1998): IDR 5,000 per ta.

    Departmet of Public Wors. Profil kota Surabaya. 2003.25.


    IPLT Is Overload.26. Surabaya Pagi, 25 July 2007. See also,

    Departmet of Public Wors. Profil kota Surabaya.


    Govermet of Idoesia, Miistry of Public Wors, 2008.28.

    ISSDP, 2006.29.

    Public Wors Departmet, Idoesia. Stadard Maagemet30.

    Iformatio System Civil Egieerig ad Costructio,

    Procedure of Septic Ta Desig wit Absorptio. Jaarta:

    Public Wors Departmet, 2008.

    Govermet of Idoesia, BAPPEnAS, 2007.31.

    City Govermet of Malag. Local Ordiace no. 1032.

    (2001). Malag: 2001.

    Miistry of Public Wors, Idoesia. Family tree Legislatios33.ad Stadards for Domestic Wastewater.


    USAID, 2006.34.

    World Ba. Review of Public Fiacig for Water Supply35.

    ad Saitatio i Idoesia. World Ba Water ad

    Saitatio Program, 2006 (ereiafter World Bank, 2006).


  • 7/30/2019 A Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Indonesia 2010 USAID


    Isadar, 2009.36.

    Uited natios. Saitatio Coutry Profile Idoesia 2004.37.


    World Ba Water ad Saitatio Program. Review of Public38.

    Fiacig for Water Supply ad Saitatio i Idoesia.

    Water Supply ad Saitatio Fiace Study Team, 2006.

    ISSDP, 2006.39.Ibid.40.

    PERPAMSI. Summary Waste Water Semiar by PERPAMSI41.

    & Establismet of FORkALIM. 29-30 Sep. 2003.


    I 2003, te LGU i Yogyaarta icreased te umber of42.

    staff for sewer maiteace from 13 to 29 ad measured

    a reductio of breadow maiteace by 50 percet as a

    direct result.

    Te specific roles of Surabayas LGUs are defied by te 200843.

    Surabaya Sewerage ad Saitatio Developmet Pla.

    Miistry of Public Wors, Idoesia. Family Tree Legislatios44.

    ad Stadards for Domestic Wastewater.

    City Govermet of Surabaya. Local Ordiace no.45.

    4(2000). Surabaya: 2000.

    Developmet ad Plaig Agecy of Meda Muicipality.46.

    Meda Saitatio Medium-Term Ivestmet Program

    Pla. Meda: Developmet ad Plaig Agecy of Meda

    Muicipality, 2008.

    Idoesia Public Expediture Review, 2007.47.

    ISSDP, 2006.48.

    World Ba, 2006.49.

    50. Ibid.

    51. Ibid.

    52. Ibid.

    53. Silaba, Togar. Iterview. Director of Surabaya Evirometal

    Agecy, Idoesia. 7 Ja. 2009.

    54. Ibid.

    55. World Ba, 2006.

    56. USAID, 2006.

    57. herowo, Basa. Saitatio Sector Developmet i

    Idoesia. Jaarta: BAPPEnAS. See also, Utomo, 2009.

    58. ISSDP, 2006.

    59. Isadar, 2009.