A P R Alphonsa Shabdam I Lstalphonsamissionva.org/NewsLetter/St-AlphonsaNewsletterApril-17 … ·...

“Shalom Aleichem“Shalom Aleichem” is a spoken Hebrew greeting means ‘peace be upon you’. In Bible especially when Risen Christ appears he always greets ‘Peace be with you’. Here is a story…A young man always buys shoes which is very tight, may be one number below than what really fit for him. He also did the same about his pants and shirts. One day his roommate asked about his abnormality. This young man answered “I am doing very stressful Job. Since I am from a poor family, there is no choice for me. In order to get a relaxation after the hectic and stressful day I am doing this abnormality. When I am out of this tight shoes, pants and shirts, I am so relaxed. When we hear this story it seems to be funny….Are we like this young man? Think about ourselves. How we are managing our stress, frustrations and grief? No doubt there will be some sort of stress in our life, may be difference in gravity. Anyway we cannot skip it. But the question is how we are managing our stress? Like the funny young man, are we depending on the false glitters which may give only temporary peace and satisfaction? In Bible, John 14:27 says “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. Jesus is the dependable everlasting source for peace and satisfaction. Whenever Jesus appears after his resurrection he always greets ‘peace be with you’. Peace is the great gift of Risen Christ. As we are going to celebrate Easter are we ready to receive the gift of Risen Christ, “PEACE”. The possible tragedy of the Easter is the celebration of Easter by forgetting what we gained in the season of Lent by prayer and fasting. Let us try to celebrate Easter without loosing the closeness and spirituality. There are two mandates for us: we have to receive the gift of Risen Christ, Peace and we are called to become the instruments of peace. It is worth to read the famous prayer of peace by St. Francis of Assisi. God bless you, Sunilachan. 1 Mar Jacob Angadiath, Bishop of St. Thomas Syro- Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago has been elected as the vice president of Eastern Catholic Associate USA.The election was done on Wednesday March 29th at St Louis during the annual meeting of the all Eastern Rite Bishops of USA.This is a great recognition for Syro- Malabar Church in America and Bishop Mar Jacob. Congratulations and Prayers from St Alphonsa family. Bishop was born on October 26, 1945 at Periappuram in Elanji Panchayat of Ernakulam District. Alphonsa Shabdam A P R I L Vol 3 804 404 2254 [email protected] stalphonsamissionva.org 9941 Reams Road, Richmond VA 23236 Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. Easter schedule April 9 : Palm Sunday April 13 : Pesaha Thursday April 14 : Passion Friday Easter schedule April 15 : Great Saturday April 16 : Easter Dates to Remember April 21 : Feast of Martyrs April 24 : St. George Dates to Remember April 25 : St. Mark, the Evangelist April 29 : St. Catherine of Sienna

Transcript of A P R Alphonsa Shabdam I Lstalphonsamissionva.org/NewsLetter/St-AlphonsaNewsletterApril-17 … ·...

Page 1: A P R Alphonsa Shabdam I Lstalphonsamissionva.org/NewsLetter/St-AlphonsaNewsletterApril-17 … · “Shalom Aleichem” “Shalom Aleichem” is a spoken Hebrew greeting means ‘peace

“Shalom Aleichem”“Shalom Aleichem” is a spoken Hebrew greeting means ‘peace be upon you’. In Bible especially when Risen Christ appears he always greets ‘Peace be with you’. Here is a story…A young man always buys shoes which is very tight, may be one number below than what really fit for him. He also did the same about his pants and shirts. One day his roommate asked about his abnormality. This young man answered “I am doing very stressful Job. Since I am from a poor family, there is no choice for me. In order to get a relaxation after the hectic and stressful day I am doing this abnormality. When I am out of this tight shoes, pants and shirts, I am so relaxed. When we hear this story it seems to be funny….Are we like this young man? Think about ourselves. How we are managing our stress, frustrations and grief? No doubt there will be some sort of stress in our life, may be difference in gravity. Anyway we cannot skip it. But the question is how we are managing our stress? Like the funny young man, are we depending on the false glitters which may give only temporary peace and satisfaction? In Bible, John 14:27 says “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. Jesus is the dependable everlasting source for peace and satisfaction. Whenever Jesus appears after his resurrection he always greets ‘peace be with you’. Peace is the great gift of Risen Christ. As we are going to celebrate Easter are we ready to receive the gift of Risen Christ, “PEACE”. The possible tragedy of the Easter is the celebration of Easter by forgetting what we gained in the season of Lent by prayer and fasting. Let us try to celebrate Easter without loosing the closeness and spirituality. There are two mandates for us: we have to receive the gift of Risen Christ, Peace and we are called to become the instruments of peace. It is worth to read the famous prayer of peace by St. Francis of Assisi.

God bless you, Sunilachan.


Mar Jacob Angadia th , Bishop of St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago has been elected as the vice president of Eastern Catholic Associate USA.The e l ec t ion was done on Wednesday March 29th at St Louis during the annual meeting of the all Eastern Rite Bishops of USA.This is a great recognition for Syro-Malabar Church in America and Bishop Mar Jacob. Congratulations and Prayers from St Alphonsa family. Bishop was born on October 26, 1945 at Periappuram in E l a n j i P a n c h a y a t o f Ernakulam District.

Alphonsa Shabdam


Vol 3

804 404 2254 [email protected] stalphonsamissionva.org

9941 Reams Road, Richmond VA 23236

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

Easter schedule

April 9 : Palm Sunday April 13 : Pesaha Thursday April 14 : Passion Friday

Easter schedule

April 15 : Great Saturday April 16 : Easter

Dates to Remember

April 21 : Feast of Martyrs April 24 : St. George

Dates to Remember

April 25 : St. Mark, the Evangelist April 29 : St. Catherine of Sienna

Page 2: A P R Alphonsa Shabdam I Lstalphonsamissionva.org/NewsLetter/St-AlphonsaNewsletterApril-17 … · “Shalom Aleichem” “Shalom Aleichem” is a spoken Hebrew greeting means ‘peace


Saint of the Month : വിശുd അഗസ്*ിൻ(കൃപയുെട പിതാവ്)

പാ#ാ ത% &ക ിsീ യ ത യി െല നാലു മുഖ%സഭാപിതാknാരിൽ (വി. &ഗിഗറി, വി. ആഗsീേനാസ്, വി. അംേ&ബാസ്, വി. െജേറാം) ഒരാളാണ് വിശുd അഗസ്Gിൻ (AD 354 – AD 430). മനുഷ%സJാത&n%tിന് ൈദവtിെn കൃപ ഒഴിcു കൂടാtതാെണn് അേdഹം വിശJസിcു. "പുരാതനമായ വിശJ ാസെt പുതു kി sാ പി c വ ൻ " എn ്സമകാലീനനായിരുn വിശുd െജേറാം അഗsീേനാസിെന വിേശഷിpിcി[ു\.്

കൗമാര യുവതJ കാലഘ[ŋളിൽ അേdഹം ഒരു &ക ിsീ യ വി ശJാസി ആയി രു nി l . ആtീയാnതയും , സുഖ േഭാഗŋളു െട പിnാെലയുll പരkം പാcിലുമായി അേdഹം സമയം ചി ലവ ഴി cു . അഗsീ േനാസി െn ആtീയ പുേരാഗതിയിൽ അm േമാനിk വലിയ പŋു വഹിcി[ു\്. &കിsീയവിശJാസം ആേgഷിkാനുll അmയുെട നിർbnെt ഏെറkാലം അേdഹം െചറുtുനിnു. മകെന പിnുടർn് എlാ sലŋളിലും എtിയിരുn േമാനി k അവസാ നം അ േd ഹtി െന മാന%മായ ഒരു ജീവിതtിേലkും, &കിsീയ വി ശJാസtി േല y്കുo ന യി cു . അഗsീ േനാസി െn ജീ വി ത ഗ തി േയ യും വിശJാസŋേളയും ആഴtിൽ സJാധീനിc അവെര കേtാലിkാ സഭ വിശുdയായി വണŋുnു.

&കിsുമതtിേലy്കുll അഗsീേനാസിെn പരിവർtനtിനു വഴിതുറn "കൃപയുെട ആഘാതtിേലy്കു"(Stroke of Grace) നയിcത് േറാമാkാർെkഴുതിയ േലഖനtിെല ഈ വാക%ŋളായിരുnു:

“രാ&തി കഴിയാറായി ; പകൽ സമീപിcിരിkുnു. ആകയാൽ , നമുk് അnകാരtിെn &പവൃtികൾ പരിത%ജിc് &പകാശtിെn ആയുധŋൾ ധരിkാം. പകലിനു േയാജിcവിധം നമുk് െപരുമാറാം. സുഖേലാലുപതയിേലാ മദ%ലഹരിയിേലാ അവിഹിതേവഴ്ചകളിേലാ വി ഷ യാസkി യി േലാ ക ലഹŋ ളിേലാ അസൂയയിേലാ വ%ാപരിkരുത്. &പത%ുത, കർtാവായ േയശു&കിsുവിെന ധരിkുവിൻ. ദുർേമാഹŋളിേലkു നയിktkവിധം ശരീരെtpGി ചിnിkാതിരിkുവിൻ. (േറാമാ 13: 12-14)

ദീർഘമായ ഒരേനJഷണtിെനാടുവിൽ &കിsീയ വിശJാസtിേലy്കു പരിവർtിതനായ അേdഹം തെn മുൻകാലജീവിതtിെn " അധമാവsെയ " പ#ാtാപപൂർവം ൈദവേtാട് ഏGുപറയുകയാ ണ് പിnീടുll ജീവിതം മുഴുവൻ.

അmയുെട മരണേശഷം ജnനഗരമായ താഗാെsയിൽ മടŋിെയtിയ അഗsീേനാസ്, &ബhചര%tിലും ദാരി&ദ%tിലും &പാർtനയിലും ഉറc ജീവിതം തുടŋി. ര\ു വർഷം കഴിs ്അേdഹം പൗേരാഹിത% ം സJീകരിcു. 396-ൽ വിശJാസികളുെട സമൂഹം അഗsീേനാസിെന ഹിേpായിെല െമ&താൻ sാനേty്ക് െതരെsടുtു.

െമ&താൻ sാനtിരുn ആദ%വർഷŋളിലാണ് ജീവചരി &തtിേലയും തtJചിnയിേലയും അസാമാന%രചനകളിെലാnായ “കൺഫഷൻസ്” എn കൃതി അേdഹം പൂർtിയാkിയത് . അmയും മകനുമായുll ബntിെn തീ&വത ആ കൃ തി െയ &ഗ സി cു നി ൽkു nു . ആദ%ാവസാനം ൈദവെt സംേബാധന െചy് എഴുതിരിkുn ഈ ഏGുപറcിൽ, ഒരു ലkം വാkുകൾ നീളുn "മനsാപ&പകരണം" എnു വി േശ ഷി pി k െp [ി [ു \് . അ േd ഹtി െn അ റി യ െp ടു n മ െGാരു കൃ തി യാ ണ് "ൈദവtിെn നഗരം" (DE CIVITATE DEI) ഇതിൽ മGു മതŋെള അേപkിcു &കിsിയ വി ശാസtി െn പൂ ർണത എnാ െണnു വിവരിkുnു. ഹീനാവsയിൽ ജനിkുn മ നു ഷ% വ%kി ക ൾ k് ൈദ വtി െn കൃപയിലൂെടയlാെത സJnം കർmŋളുെട േമ n െകാ\് രk െപ ടു ക സാ ധ% മ െl n് അഗsീേനാസ് പഠിpിcു. &തിതJസിdാntിന് മനശാ&sപരമായ ഒരു മാനം െകാടുkാനും അഗsീേനാസ് &ശമിcു. &തിേയകൈദവtിെn സൃ zി യാ യ &പ പ{tി ൽ &ത ിതJ ം &പതിബിംബിkുnുെ\nും ൈദവഛായയിൽ ഉ രു വാ k െp [ി രി k യാ ൽ മ നു ഷ% രി ലു ം &തിതJtിെn അംശം ഉൾേcർnി[ുെ\nും ബുdിയും sരണയും ഇcയും േചർn ഒരു &തിതJമാണ് മനുഷ%മനs് എnും അേdഹം വാദിcു . വിശJാസെt യുkി ഉപേയാഗിc് വിശകലനം െചയ%ാൻ &ശമിc അഗsീേനാസ്, യുkി േയkാ ൾ &പാധാ ന% ം ക lി c ത് വി ശJാസtി നാണ് . അറി വി െn ആരം ഭം വിശJാസtിൽ അധി�ിതമാെണn് അേdഹം കരുതി. (Prepared by: Binoy)

Reflections from our last Retreat

Our annual retreat this year was successful in our parish and in my individual spiritual life. It gave me the religious renewal I sought for and very deeply required. Asariparambil achan was amazing with his every word, and everything he said felt like it related to me in some way. I have been to retreats of all types and I can honestly say that this is one of the few that really touched me. I feel refreshed in spirit and am looking forward to the next annual retreat. Irene

The youth learned a lot of memorable lessons from the retreat. We learned about the importance of family relationships and the power we had in our selves to resist temptation. The youth have all learned to keep these lessons in mind when going forward in life. Lovell

What I took from the retreat was a reminder of what it takes to be closer to God, a reminder we all needed. Praveen

Page 3: A P R Alphonsa Shabdam I Lstalphonsamissionva.org/NewsLetter/St-AlphonsaNewsletterApril-17 … · “Shalom Aleichem” “Shalom Aleichem” is a spoken Hebrew greeting means ‘peace


The women’s association of the St.Alphonsa church has been growing everyday with Jesus through the help of our Mother Mary.Each member supports the various activities wholeheartedly and with imminent joy.The active participation and involvement of the members of the women’s ministry in the adoration, rosary , auction and other church activities is proof of the untidiness, love and the presence of the holy spirit amongst our community.We are very thankful to all the volunteers who selflessly helped the church during our yearly retreat held in March by decorating the altar, volunteering at the nursery to take care of our little ones and especially those who helped to clean after the retreat. We are also very proud to announce that the auction held for the first quarter of the year 2017 has been a huge success. Our total collection for the quarter was 2170 dollars. It could not have been a great success without the active and enthusiastic participation of the members of our church .The active involvement of our volunteers has greatly contributed to the auction. Hopefully , fundraising activities like these can help reach our dream goal of building our own church so that we can be united in jesus christ.

CCD Kindergarten team

Our Kindergarten kids reviewed our Lent season. They came to know that lent consists of 3 important parts, which are “PRAY”, “FAST” and “GIVE”. They

Youth GroupWinner : Ajay Mathew

3rd to 8th Grade Winner : Fiona George

Pre-K to 2nd Grade Winner : Alina Jomon

Bible quiz winner

Ryaan John Shiju

Pray: “I will pray for sick people”. Fast : “I will not eat banana”. Give : “I will give toys to Neha, Harry and Ryan”.

Ryan Benjamin

Pray : “I will pray for people who don't have house”. Fast : “I will not eat orange”. Give : “I will give eraser to my friends in school”.

MARCH - VOLUNTEERS 1. Bindu 2. Priyanka 3. Cicy 4. Leela 5. Sherly, 6. Julie 7. Mini Babu 8. Mini Alappat

Mia Paulose

Pray : “I will pray for my family” Fast : “I will not eat grapes” Give : “I will share toys with my brothers”

Harry Varghese

Pray : “I will pray for people to be good”. Fast: “I will not eat apple”. Give : “I will share toys with Neha and Ryaan”.

Page 4: A P R Alphonsa Shabdam I Lstalphonsamissionva.org/NewsLetter/St-AlphonsaNewsletterApril-17 … · “Shalom Aleichem” “Shalom Aleichem” is a spoken Hebrew greeting means ‘peace


St.Alphonsa Family Special up to $1000.00 off towards braces

The Saint Joseph's Day Celebration

March 19 is considered as the Saint Joseph's Day. The Feast of Saint Joseph in East, West, Orthodox, and Catholic Christianity is the principal feast day of Saint Joseph. St. Joseph is the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster-dad of Jesus Christ. Many youngsters might have questions: why we need to celebrate the St. Joseph’s Day and why everyone should love St. Joseph. Here some of the reasons are:

• St Joseph is the Patron Saint of the workers around the globe. As men, work takes up a great portion of our lives, they can ask help of St Joseph’s help whenever they need some supernatural help.

• He was an obedient, tolerant and a man of silence. In the verge of speak-up, safe-space, hurt my feelings tradition, St. Joseph shows us why we need to be obedient, tolerant, and keep silent in some occasions. He teaches us the virtues of tolerance, obedience, and silence. Whenever God the Almighty asked to St Joseph something, he obeyed politely, was eager to act according to the God’s plan. He never complained; he was selfless, kind, obedient, and not outspoken.

• His Intercession is powerful. Once a wife told me how powerful the intercession of St. Joseph was. She explained that whenever she needed some help for her family issues or guide her husband in the right direction, she asked for St. Joseph’s help. She also told me that her needs are often met. In her autobiography, St. Teresa of Avila gives us some insight into why St. Joseph’s intercession is so powerful.

• He is a Role Model for fatherhood. The way he brought up Jesus Christ, took care of Blessed Virgin Mary, making a great family, and the obedience to God are the classical example to Men: how men needs to take care of his wife, children, and the family with the obedience to God.

Many American Catholic churches celebrate St Joseph’s day with a fish fry dinner, but that’s not the tradition of Syro-Malabar Church. Though the Syro-Malabar Dioceses in India has slight difference in St Joseph’s Day celebration, all parishes in Syro- Malabar celebrate this festival.

St. Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Mission of Richmond also celebrated St Joseph’s day on March 26th Sunday. The celebration started with a Holy Mass, followed by Procession, and a “Nercha” at the end. St Joseph’s Family Unit of West End organized the event.

Thank you all St Joseph Ward members, especially Paulose, Tobin, Mathew and ladies who made the celebration a great success. -Siby Padinjarekuttu, Rep: St Joseph’s Ward.