A-OK! Weekend Project Registration Form


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Form for people interested in organizing a project for the A-OK! Acts of Kindness Weekend in Syracuse, New York, September 11-12, 2010

Transcript of A-OK! Weekend Project Registration Form

Page 1: A-OK! Weekend Project Registration Form

A-OK! Acts of Kindness Weekend--September 11-12, 2010 Please provide information on your project for Acts of Kindness Weekend

Name of Organization: Organization Website:

Name of Contact: email:

Phone: (W) (C) (H)

Project idea:

Dates(s) of Project: Hours:

Location of Project:

Specific Needs for project:1. What do you need from other groups?

(volunteers, materials, food, etc.)

2. What can you supply for your own project or for another’s project? (volunteers, materials, food, etc.)

Thank you for your information and your vision. Please return form one of the organizers listed below and you will be contacted personally by one of the anchor committee. Jennifer Roberts Crittenden (315-633-2817, [email protected] Daryl Files (315-478-0508, [email protected]) Gay Montague (315-457-0734, [email protected] Danya Wellmon (315-446-7156, [email protected]