A Mishap in the Canteen - endeavourpri.moe.edu.sg · Mereka keluar sekolah dengan senyap dan...

A Mishap in the Canteen “I can finally enjoy my food and read,” John said as he sat down at the canteen table with Ben during recess. Ben and John had skipped breakfast that morning. They were so hungry. John borrowed a comic book from the library. He wanted to finish the book quickly so that he could return it. While they were eating, there was an insect flying around them. John used his hand to chase the insect away but it did not work. John got annoyed and he was upset. He took the comic book to smash the insect but it was a big mistake. John accidentally hit Ben’s bowl of soup. The soup spilled onto Ben. Ben was flabbergasted. Ben’s uniform and shoes were dirty and wet. Then, tears started rolling down Ben’s cheeks. John did not know what to do because he was shocked. John felt so bad because he knew that he was the cause for the big mess. Luckily, Ms Tan saw what had happened. She quickly approached Ben and asked him, “Are you ok?” But Ben did not answer Ms Tan because he was still crying. Ms Tan instructed him to go to the toilet to clean himself up and then go to the General Office to get a new set of uniform. Ms Tan told Ben’s teacher that Ben needed more time for his recess. Ben was given extra time to eat. John apologised to Ben. Ben bought a new meal and continued to eat. Insyirah Binte Mohamed Akbar 6 Compassion

Transcript of A Mishap in the Canteen - endeavourpri.moe.edu.sg · Mereka keluar sekolah dengan senyap dan...

A Mishap in the Canteen

“I can finally enjoy my food and read,” John said as he sat down at the

canteen table with Ben during recess. Ben and John had skipped breakfast that

morning. They were so hungry.

John borrowed a comic book from the library. He wanted to finish the book

quickly so that he could return it. While they were eating, there was an insect flying

around them. John used his hand to chase the insect away but it did not work.

John got annoyed and he was upset. He took the comic book to smash the

insect but it was a big mistake. John accidentally hit Ben’s bowl of soup. The soup

spilled onto Ben. Ben was flabbergasted.

Ben’s uniform and shoes were dirty and wet. Then, tears started rolling down

Ben’s cheeks. John did not know what to do because he was shocked. John felt so

bad because he knew that he was the cause for the big mess.

Luckily, Ms Tan saw what had happened. She quickly approached Ben and

asked him, “Are you ok?” But Ben did not answer Ms Tan because he was still crying.

Ms Tan instructed him to go to the toilet to clean himself up and then go to the

General Office to get a new set of uniform. Ms Tan told Ben’s teacher that Ben

needed more time for his recess. Ben was given extra time to eat. John apologised

to Ben. Ben bought a new meal and continued to eat.

Insyirah Binte Mohamed Akbar

6 Compassion

A Camping Trip

I still remember the camping trip I went on last year like it was yesterday. It

was during the school week. Almost all of the Primary Five pupils went for the

camping trip. The camp was held at the Boy’s Brigade/ Girl’s Brigade campsite. The

night before the camp, everyone could not sleep. We were very excited. Everyone

was looking forward to a great adventure.

When we reached the campsite, we looked for a suitable spot to set up the

tents. The instructor taught us how to set up a tent. After the instructor had taught us,

we tried to set up the tent by ourselves. We spent one hour trying our best until we

did it!

Night time came. We had just finished picking firewood to build our fire for the

night. Suddenly, a pack of wild dogs came. They looked like they were going to

attack us because they were barking at us. Mr Dany came out to stand in front of us

to protect us. He told us to move backwards slowly.

All of us panicked. We stood rooted to the ground. Our faces turned pale. We

did not know what to do. Mr Valent rushed over to help Mr Dany. Our class monitor,

Lutfil, shouted for help. Mr Valent and Mr Dany took up a stick and waved it at the

dogs and chased the dogs away.

When the dogs were gone, everybody felt relieved. Eventually, we finished

building the fire and we all huddled together to eat our dinner. All of us thought that

the camping trip was an adventure of a lifetime.

Dany Irfan Bin Muhammad Noh Andi

6 Compassion

A Close Shave with Death

One Sunday, mother and I were on our way to go out. As we were walking

along the corridor, I almost tripped over a pile of newspapers outside Mrs Lee’s

house. Then, I heard loud mewing coming from inside her house. Out of curiosity, I

went to the window to take a look.

When mother and I peered through the window, we saw Mrs Lee lying on the

ground. She looked like she had fainted while holding a glass of water. There were

glass shards all over the floor. It was a terrible mess. We were so shocked that we

stood rooted to the ground for a short moment.

Mother knocked on the window pane loudly so as to wake poor Mrs Lee up.

However, it was to no avail. I tried to wake Mrs Lee up but there was no response.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I spotted Mrs Lee’s cat behind the door. She

had been mewing for help. I decided to yell loudly through the window, hoping that

Mrs Lee would respond. Eventually, she woke up and raised her hand up for help.

Mother immediately called the police. In a short while, we could hear sirens

wailing in the distance. We were relieved that the police was coming. When the

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) arrived, they quickly broke the lock with a

bold cutter to save Mrs Lee. Then the paramedics put her onto a stretcher and

brought her into the ambulance.

As all of us were so distracted by the commotion, we did not notice that Mrs

Lee’s cat had run out of the house and fled. We began to find Mrs Lee’s cat. Finally,

we found the cat at the playground. We decided to take care of the cat until Mrs Lee

was alright. That was certainly an unforgettable incident.

Trinston Tan Ji Yan

6 Compassion

An Interesting Lesson

“Today, I’m going to teach you about insects. Here is a picture of an insect,”

Mr Tan held up a picture card of a cockroach during Science lesson. Everyone was

buzzing with activity talking about what they thought about cockroaches. After a

while of buzzing, everyone listened attentively to Mr Tan as he started to teach the

class about insects.

A moment later, May noticed a small creature crawling around. “John! There

is a cockroach coming your way!” John raised his legs as he was frightened of

cockroaches. May remembered the heavy book in her bag. She swiftly took out the

heavy book and poised herself to crush the cockroach. Mr Tan saw an empty jar at

the teacher’s table. He took the empty jar. Just as May was about to crush the

cockroach with the heavy book, Mr Tan stopped May in the nick of time. Mr Tan

covered the cockroach with the empty jar.

Mr Tan now had a real cockroach to show the class. The class felt relieved

after Mr Tan had caught the cockroach.

Valent Er Lee Ann

6 Compassion

A Bullying Incident

“Come, May! It’s recess time. Let’s go down,” Jane called out to May. “You go

on first, Jane. I need to pack my bag and then I’ll join you,” May replied. As May was

packing her bag, Adam, the mean class bully, went over to May and bellowed, “Hey

May! You look ugly as usual. Give me your money! Otherwise I’ll punch your face!”

Adam threatened May.

After school, Jane noticed that May was feeling down. She went over to

comfort her and to ask her if she was ok. It was then that May could no longer

contain her emotions. May told her best friend what had happened during recess.

Adam asked May to give all her recess money to him. May was feeling miserable.

Jane encouraged May to tell a teacher. However, May was worried and frightened as

Adam lived near her block. She was afraid that he would beat her up along the way.

Jane encouraged her friend to stand up to Adam instead of feel miserable and

suffer alone. She assured May that she would approach Mr Tan, the principal,

together with her. Mustering up her courage, May went with her best friend to see Mr

Tan. Mr Tan was glad that May had spoken to Mr Tan about Adam bullying May.

Even though May was a shy girl, she did the right thing.

When Mr Tan confronted Adam about the bullying incident, Adam tried to run

away from Mr Tan. However, Mr Tan managed to catch up with him. Adam returned

May all the money he took from her. He apologised to her and promised not to bully

anyone again.

Nur Arika Hashila Binte Muhammad Hadilah

6 Compassion

A Helpful Act

It was the school holidays. Ben was excited. He had finally saved up enough

money to buy the basketball he had wanted for a long time. On that Sunday morning,

he visited the nearby department store. Ben walked into the shop and he saw that

the shelves were filled with basketballs. Ben picked out the ball he wanted to buy

and he walked over to the counter and waited to pay for his basketball.

Ben saw a young lady. She was listening to music. She put her huge bag

down on the floor and collected her item but she forgot to take the bag. As she was

walking away, he told the young lady to take her bag but she could not hear him.

He immediately picked up the young lady’s bag and dashed over to give it to

her. The young lady was feeling over the moon and patted his shoulder with a

grateful smile and walked out of the store.

He also went home with his new basketball. He was feeling excited and eager

to show his friend his new basketball.

Lin Wen Lei

6 Compassion

Ponteng Sekolah

‘Ring!’ loceng sekolah berbunyi menandakan waktu rehat. Semua murid

darjah 4,3 dan 6 pun turun ke kantin untuk membeli makan. Ali ,Johan dan Danial

adalah kawan baik sejak darjah 1. Mereka bertiga adalah budak yang sangat keras

hati kerana mereka bertiga selalu tidak menghantar dan membuat kerja rumah yang

cikgu berikan.

Selepas mereka bertiga makan ,mereka berjalan-jalan di sekolah dan menjual

rokok dengan senyap. Mereka menjual rokok dengan harga lima dolar sebatang.

Ali , Johan dan Danial sangat keras hati kerana memaksa kawan-kawan dari kelas

mereka, Lukman , Laila dan Hairi untuk membeli rokok .

Selepas mereka membayar, mereka cuba untuk menyalakan rokok itu dan


‘Saya ….tidak mahu menghisapnya kerana ini adalah benda yang kita tidak

harus melalukan.’kata Laila.

‘Ya,saya juga tidak mahu menghisapnya…’kata Lukman,Hairi dan Danial.

‘Tetapi bagaimanakah dengat duit kita?’ Tanya Laila.

‘Tidak apalah,biarkan saja duit kita dia ambil.’kata Danial .Mereka pun

membuang rokok itu tanpa memberitahu Ali , Johan dan Danial atau sesiapa.

Selepas itu, Ali , Johan dan Danial pun sambung menjual rokok di sekolah.

Adilah Halifah Binte Muhamad Rizuan

6 compassion

Ponteng Sekolah

Cuaca pada hari itu terang dan sejuk.Shanaarz sedang berdiri di luar kantin

kerana dia sedang puasa.Dia berdiri di situ kerana dia sedang berfikir tentang

kebosaan dia dan mengapakah dia tiada kawan,walaupun dia murid baru di Sekolah

Rendah Star.

Selepas sepuluh minit,Shanaarz ternampak sekumpulan murid nakal sedang

berjalan ke arah Shanaarz.Shanaarz berasa takut dan gembira .Dia takut kerana

terfikir mereka hendak mengacau dia atau pun melakukan perbuatan yang lain.Dia

rasa gembira kerana akhirnya,ada rakan sedarjahnya yang mahu berbual dengan

dia.Kumpulan yang nakal itu kenalkan diri mereka kepada Shanaarz.Shanaarz pula

kenalkan diri sendirinya kepada mereka.

Selepas berbual-bual,ketua kumpulan Riz,keluarkan sekotak kecil yang ada

rokok-rokok dan menunjukkanya ke Shanaarz.Mereka kumpulan mengajak

Shanaarz untuk merokok.Shanaarz pula teringat tentang merokok .Ia tidak baik

untuk kesihatan dan banyak-banyak lagi.Selepas berfikir,Shanaarz tidak mahu

mengikuti mereka tetapi tidak mahu hilang rakan-rakan yang dia telah berkawan dan

akhirnya mengikuti mereka.

Mereka keluar sekolah dengan senyap dan berhati-hati tetapi ,guru

disiplin ternampak mereka pada waktu rehat itu.Mereka berlari ke kolong blok 428

dan mencari tempat duduk.Riz pula keluarkan sekotak rokok itu dan menberi

kepada ,Mirza,Daniz dan Shanaarz .

Shanaarz berbatuk-batuk apa bila asap rokok itu masuk kedalam

tekaknya.Guru Disiplin pula dapat cari mereka.Dia berjalan di belakang mereka dan

kejutkan mereka.Semua murid-murid itu terjerit kerana takut.

Guru Disiplin dapat tangkap mereka dan menyuruh mereka pergi ke

Pejabat Sekolah.Nama guru disiplin mereka adalah Cikgu Hakim .Dia hukumi

Riz,Daniz dan Mirza.Mereka sekumpulan harus mencuci semua tandas-tandas

lelaki.Shanaarz pula,dia pujuk Shanaarz supaya tidak berkawan dengan mereka dan

berkawan dengan rakan-rakan lain.Selepas mendengar nasihat itu,dalam dua

minggu Shanaarz berkawan dengan Shadiq dan Shakir.Shanaarz pula gembira

dapat kawan-kawan yang baik.

Basyirin Arman Bin Ahmad Farhan

6 Compassion

Ponteng Sekolah

Allan seorang budak yang pendiam.Sahabat Allan ialah Mika,tetapi hari

ini,Mika tidak hadir di sekolah.

Semasa waktu rehat Allan berdiri seorang diri di hujung kantin kerana

sahabatnya,Mika,tidak hadir ke sekolah dan Allan tidak boleh berehat dengannya.

Allan sedang melihat murid lain berbual-bual dan Allan berasa tersisih. Tiba-

tiba,Allan ternampak Ali,Adam dan Bala.Mereka adalah rakan sekelas dengan

Allan.Mereka bertiga adalah budak yang paling nakal di sekolah,Bala bertanya

kepada Allan kalau Allan hendak masuk kumpulan samsengnya .Allan langsung

bersetuju kerana Allan tidak akan berasa tersisir lagi .

Allan,Ali,Adam dan Bala berdiam-diam ke kelas dan mengambil beg

sekolahnya. Mereka ke pagar ‘A’ kerana pagar ‘A’ sentiasa terbuka,mereka

berempat langsung keluar sekolah tanpa diketahui oleh sesiapa.Mereka ke tempat

gelap dan sunyi untuk merokok.Ketika Ali mengajar Allan bagaimana untuk merokok,

ada seorang pemuda lelaki terjumpa mereka dan memarahi kerana mereka bawah

umur untuk merokok. Pemuda itu mengambil kotak rokok itu dah memijaknya.

Pemuda meminta Allan untuk menelefon ibunya.

Selepas kejadian itu, Allan didenda oleh ibunya kerana memonteng sekolah

dan mengisap rokok di bawah umur. Allan tidak boleh menonton television dan

telefom bimbitnya diambil oleh ibu Allan. Allan mempelajari untuk tidak lagi membuat

perkara yang salah.

Chloe Nicole Hidayat

6 Compassion

Akibat Perbuatan Salah

Hamban adalah seorang budak lelaki yang tidak ada kawan dan selalu

bersendirian tetapi dia adalah seaorang yang putih hati dan baik hati. Pada hari Isnin

yang lalu, dia sedang duduk termenung di kantin sekolah pada waktu rehat.

Sedang Hamban duduk termenung, dua budak lelaki menghampirinya.

Hamban kenal mereka. Dua budak lelaki itu bernama Latfil dan Syafis. Mereka

adalah pelajar yang paling nakal di sekolahnya. Hamban lalu melihat kearah lain

supaya mereka tidak menjadi kawannya.

“Hamban, marilah kita berkawan. Kami tahu kamu keseorangan,” ajak Latfil.

Hamban mengelak dari menjawab dengan mengatakan dia harus pergi ke

kelas kerana ada urusan. Dia sering ditegur oleh Latfil dan Syafis kerana mahu

menjadi kawan dengan Hamban.

Beberapa hari kemudian, dia telah melihat kelakuan mereka. Mereka tidak

membuat kelakuan yang buruk.

“Menjadi kawan dengan mereka atau tidak?” Kerana keseorangan, dia telah

menerima untuk menjadi kawan mereka. Mereka selalu belanja dia makan dan

minuman pada waktu rehat.

Pada hari Khamis, sedang mereka duduk di kolong blok, Latfil tiba-tiba

mengeluarkan sekotak rokok. Syafis dan Latfil mengambil sebatang rokok dan


“Saya mengambilnya atau tidak?” Tanpa berfikir lagi, dia mengambil.

DIa terbatuk-batuk apabila asap rokok itu masuk ke dalam tekaknya. Dia

meneruskan merokok supaya mereka menjadi kawannya. Tiba-tiba, seorang guru

muncul di hadapan Hamdan. Latfil dan Syafis lalu lari dengan segera dan Hamban

terlambat untuk melarikan dirinya. Guru itu membawa Hamban ke dalam pejabat


Di dalam pejabat sekolah, guru itu bertanya dia beberapa soalan. Selepas

menjawab soalan-soalan guru, dia menasihat Hamban untuk jangan pernah untuk

menjadi kawan Latfil dan Syafis kerana mereka telah membuat perkara yang buruk

dan budak-budak dilarang untuk merokok. Saya telah sedar diri dan akan bersabar

untuk mendapat kawan baru dan membuat perkara yang betul.

Muhammad Ilhaam Putra Wirajaya

6 Compassion

Akibat Perbuatan Salah

Cuaca pada hari itu sungguh panas.Ali selalu berjalan ke sekolahnya.Semasa

di sekolah,Ali duduk keseorangan.Ali seorang yang diam-diam ubi.Dia baru sahaja

berpindah ke sekolah baharunya.

Semasa waktu rehat,Ali makan keseorangan.Dia tidak nampak Johan dan

kawan-kawanya. Ali berasa tersisih kerana Ali tidak ada kawan.Johan dan kawan-

kawanya tidak datang ke sekolah. Ali tidak tahu mengapa mereka tidak datang ke

sekolah.Mereka selalunya datang ke sekolah tetapi hari ini mereka tidak datang.

Pada keesokkan harinya,Johan dan kawan-kawannya masih tidak juga

datang ke sekolah. Selepas sekolah, Ali berjalan pulang ke rumah.Dia ternampak

Johan dan kawan-kawannya di bawah kolong blok Ali.

Ali memberitahu Johan dan kawan-kawannya untuk berhenti merokok dan

mesti datang ke sekolah tetapi Johan dan kawan-kawannya keras hati.

Pada keesokan hari,Ali memberitahu cikgu disiplin tentang Johan dan

kawan-kawannya tidak datang ke sekolah kerana mereka merokok dan membuang

masa diluar kawasan sekolah.

Cikgu disiplin berjalan menuju ke kolong blok dimana Johan dan kawan-

kawannya selalu lepak. Dia memarahi Johan and kawan-kawannya kerana tidak

datang sekolah dan juga kerana merokok.Johan dan kawan-kawannya meminta

maaf dan berjanji tidak akan membuat pekara yang sama lagi.

Muhammad Nabil bin Muhammad Norhan

6 Compassion

Salah Memilih Kawan

Cuaca pada petang itu sangat panas terik. Peluh mengalir di pipi Adam.

Adam sedang membaca bukunya di bawah cahaya matahari kerana sudah ada

ramai murid di dalam perpustakaan. Maklumlah, cuaca panas terik.

Sedang Adam membaca buku, dia terdengar sura yang dikenali beliau, “Eh

Adam!, mahu jadi kawan kita?.”

Rupa-rupanya, itulah suara murid yang paling nakal di sekolah,

Firdaus,Farhan dan Mirza. Sudah beberapa kali mereka dimarahi oleh guru disiplin,

Encik Fahmi. Tetapi mereka tetap keras hati. Dengan segera, Adam menolak

permintaan mereka.

Penuh dengan kehairanan,mereka tiga kawan tidak berputus asa untuk cuba

berkawan dengan Adam. Akhirnya, Adam pun bersetuju. Setelah beberapa hari

Adam berkawan dengan Firdaus,Farhan dan Mirza, mereka sedar bahawa Farhan

sering belanja Adam makan . Adam kini terhutang budi.

Pada suatu petang,sedang ,mereka berempat bersembang di bawah sebuah

kolong blok, Mirza mengeluarkan sebuah kotak kecil daripada sakunya. Tanpa

disedari,Adam,itu adalah sekotak rokok.

Apabila Adam ternampak kejadian itu, beliau terus pergi dari tempat itu.

Semenjak hari itu,Adam tidak berani berkawan dengan Mirza,Farhan ataupun

Firdaus.Adam pun melaporkan kepada Encik Fahami dan mereka dimarahi.

Nur Alyssa Binte Mohammad Noh

6 Compassion

Jasa Ibu

“Ibu tolong Yati sekejap!ibu!Oh ibu!”Saya teriak dengan kuat.

Saya bergegas ke bilik ibu saya kerana ibu saya tidak menjawab balik

panggilan.Setiba saya di luar bilik ibu saya,saya terdengar ibu saya menangis.Saya

pun hairan mengapa ibu saya menangis.

Saya pun bertanya,” Mengapa ibu menangis?”.

Ibu pun secepat mungkin lap air matanya.

“Ibu tak nangislah, mata ibu sakit dan pedih,” kata Ibu sambil menarik

nafasnya dengan sedih.

Saya pun bertanya mengapa Ibu tidak membalas panggilan saya.Ibu pun

tidak menjawap.Saya pun bertanya soalan kerja rumah saya kepada ibu saya. Dia

pun telah menolong saya untuk kerja rumah saya.Selepas bertanya saya pun keluar

bilik ibu saya dan tidak mahu mengganggu Ibu saya.

Malam itu,saya hairan mengapa ibu saya tidak makan malam dan selepas itu

dia terus tidur.Saya pun ke bilik ibu saya dan memegang dahinya.

“Ahh! Panas! Mengapa dahi ibu panas? Ibu sakit? Nanti Yati ambilkan Ibu

ubat.” Saya amat terperanjat.

Saya menjaga saban malam. Saya berasa sedih kerana saya tidak mahu

kehilangan ibu saya. Ibu telah banyak berkorban untuk keluarga.

Sambil saya memegang tangannya, saya terkenang jasa ibu selama ini.

Jasanya memang tidak boleh dibalas. Beliau senantiasa ingin anak-anaknya belajar

bersunguh-sunnguh agar masa hadapan kita terjamin. Pesanannya tidakakan saya

lupakan, “Bersakit-sakit dahulu, besenang-senang kemudian.”

Nur Hidyati Binte Salim

6 Compassion

Ponteng Sekolah

Adam adalah seorang murid yang paling nakal dan keras hati di sekolah. Dia suka membuli pelajar untuk mendapat wang jajan, meniru kerja rumah pelajar lain, dan mendapat barang-barang pelajar lain. Walaupun sudah didenda oleh guru disiplin, Cikgu Ibrahim, dia tidak kisah apa yang cikgu Ibrahim bercakap. Adam mempunyai kawan bernama Siti. Siti adalah pembantu untuk Adam. Dia selalu membantu Adam untuk mendapat sesuatu. Siti ingin berkata kepada Adam tetapi dia takut dia akan dibuli oleh Adam macam pelajar lain.

Pada hari Isnin, semasa waktu rehat, Siti telah membeli nasi lemak. Tiba-tiba, dia ternampak Adam mengeluarkan kotak kecil. Siti keluar dari barisan dan tiba-tiba, dia ternampak Adam mengeluarkan kotak kecil. Siti keluar dari barisan dan mengadap Adam.

“Adam? Apa yang kamu lakukan?” tanya Siti.

“Saya akan merokok di sekolah. Saya ingin menjadi pelajar yang paling hebat,” kata Adam.

Siti terkejut terdengar Adam mahu merokok di sekolah. Adam juga kata jangan memberitahu ini kepada Cikgu Ibrahim atau dia akan ‘membunuh’ Siti. Tetapi Siti tidak mahu membantu Adam. Dia sudah letih membantu dia dalam pekara yang salah lagi. Siti membohong dia tidak akan memberitahu kepada Cikgu Ibrahim dan keluar. Siti berlari ke cikgu disiplin dan memberitahu dia tentang Adam merokok di sekolah. Terdengar berita ini membuat cikgu Ibrahim marah.

Selepas waktu rehat, Cikgu Ibrahim mengadap kepada Adam dan mula memarah dia and ambil sekotak rokok dari dia. Adam berasa marah kerana kotak itu dicuri dari ayah dia. Dia juga digantung selama tiga hari dengan kerja rumah untuk dihabiskan.

“Siapa yang memberitahu saya merokok?” menjerit Adam.

Cikgu Ibrahim respon Siti yang memberitahunya. Adam berasa amat marah dengar itu. Siti tahu dia akan dibuli oleh Adam, tetapi Siti tidak kisah. Dia boleh memberitahu kepada Cikgu ibrahim lagi

Nurdiana Bte Sahlan

6 Compassion














6 Compassion 林夢青




















Fang XinYu 6 Compassion

















6 Compassion 王映衡


















6 Compassion 林俊豪






秋千。姐姐提醒弟弟说:“你千万要坐在这里等我回来!”弟弟连忙点点头。 说完,姐姐





桶打水,七上八下。就在这时,姐姐突然听到不远处传来呼叫声“救命呀! 救命

呀!” 姐姐仔细一听,那不是弟弟的声音吗?姐姐连忙向呼救声的方向跑去。 这




弟弟嚷着:“姐姐,我的手好痛啊! ”姐姐心疼地抱住弟弟,连忙安慰他:“没事了,




黄志扬 Ng Zhi Yang 6 Compassion


















P6 Compassion 蔡雪婷


















6 Compassion Tan Ji Yan Trinston 陈吉彦






































6 Compassion 陈凯恩




的… …























6compassion 曾美谕

MRT Mishap

It was a glorious morning. The sun was bright and the azure blue sky was

dotted with big puffy clouds.

“Wake up! Wake up!” my sister shouted at me.

“Okay! Okay! I will be down after I brush my teeth and change my clothes,” I


“Alright, everybody is waiting for you to eat breakfast,” my family shouted.

After a few minutes, I ran down the staircase and I sat down to eat my

breakfast .After we finished eating, we packed our things and went to grandfather’s

house. We were excited and glad to go to our grandfather’s house as there were

many cousins to play with us. My grandfather’s house was quite far and our car has

broken down. We had no choice to board the train.

I boarded the train at Sembawang station. The train went underground and it

was dark but the lights are on. Out of sudden, the train stopped.

The train stopped and the lights went off. After ten minutes, there was an

announcement. There was an electrical malfunction and the train was not able to

continue on its journey. There were shrills of disappointments and the sound of

toddlers wailing as it was rather warm in the train.

The train attendant guided us out of the train and we walked in single file

along the train tracks to the nearest underground station to exit from the train tunnel.

It was dark but the train attendants and officers from the Civil Defence guided us

towards the exit.

In what seemed like hours, we were finally out. We were provided free buses

to the nearest interchange so that we could proceed to our grandparent’s house.

Brendan Lim

6 Compassion

An Unforgettable Experience

Every time I see a picture of an elephant, it would make me recall about an

incident that happened to me two years ago …

It was my birthday, 18 June and also the one month school holiday. I was

sleeping like a pig, suddenly, my mother woke me up at 8.a.m that morning. Once I

opened my eyes. I saw luggage packed and being placed at the door step. I went to

freshen up.

In a flash, I was in Thailand, at the elephant enclosure. The elephants were

larger than normal, they were enormous. My parents went to surprise me by buying

me a “personal ride” ticket in which I was told that I would be seated alone with the

trainer. As for my parents, they will be waiting for me at the waiting area. The trainer

took me to the riding area, I climbed up the ladder to get onto the elephant and

buckled up at the seat tightly. My heart was pumping very fast as I was scared but

after the elephant walked a few steady steps my heart was put in ease. While the

elephant was walking, one of its leg got stuck into the wet soil and I was slanted

together with the elephant at a forty-five-degree angle. Unexpectedly, my seat belt

came off and I fell down onto the soft soil. Luckily, I was not injured badly but the

elephant looked into my eyes for help. I immediately ran to pull its leg out of the

muddy soil but I could not lift a single inch.

I heard some sound coming from the back and saw many trainers rushing and

carrying some equipment over to help the elephant. My parent came down to carry

me to safety.

It was indeed an unforgettable experience with the elephant that I would never


Chan Mei Yu

6 Compassion

A timely help

The sun shone brightly above the azure sky.

Ring! , the school bell rang. That ring marked the end of lessons for the day. I

heaved a sigh of relief. Ivan and I decided to have our lunch at Sun Plaza. The

journey took about seven minutes. While we were in the bus our stomachs were

grumbling. We were so hungry.

When we arrived at Sun Plaza, we hurriedly went to MacDonald’s and

ordered our favourite burgers and fries. Ivan ordered Mac Chicken and I ordered a

Double cheese burger. We found a place to sit .When we finished our food, Irish and

I decided to window-shop.

“Mike, there is an ice-cream shop!” said Ivan.

Ivan bought cookies and cream flavour ice-cream and I bought the chocolate

flavour ice-cream. We were eating and standing at the parapet. We were teasing

each other when out of the blue… Ivan’s ice –cream slipped and fell. A man was

standing directly below us. A lady who was at the stairs, going to the first floor

shouted to the man to move aside quickly. He was shocked and the ice-cream fell on

his shirt. Ivan and I hurriedly went towards the man.

“Sorry, I did not mean it,” Ivan said with a scared and soft voice.

He was frozen stiff but accepted our apology.

Ivan and I just could not forget the embarrassing incident.

Yeo Yu Tai

6 Compassion

A mishap

It was a sunny morning just after school. Mary and I were walking to the

nearby shopping mall. It was so hot that we could not wait to reach the mall, to enjoy

the air -conditioned place. When we reached the shopping mall, we sat down on the

bench for a while, to cool ourselves down before we went on to buy the things we


Mary and I decided to go up to the second floor to buy our favourite vanilla-

flavour ice - cream. There was a queue so we lined up for our ice - cream. We got

our ice – cream after a few minutes of queuing and went to the corner of the ice -

cream parlour where there were some empty seats.

We were chatting happily but out of the blue, the ice - cream that Mary was

holding slipped off her hand and dropped to the first floor. A man was standing right

below. We were scared that the ice - cream would fall onto the man's head.

Luckily he was just a few inches away and the ice - cream cone missed him.

However some drops of the ice - cream splattered onto the man's t-shirt. He looked

up at us, with anger. We went down to the first floor and told the man that we were

sorry. He told us that we were lucky that the ice - cream did not fall on his head

because he was in a hurry for a meeting. He advised us not to stand at the front of

the parlour to eat and told us that we should actually sit on the bench to have our ice

- cream. He forgave us and told us to be careful the next time we held things in our

hands. Mary and I realised our mistakes.

Nur Nayli Batrisyah

6 Compassion

A bullying Incident

The canteen was extremely crowded. Pupils were strewn around at the play

area playing basketball or taking lazy walks. The parade square was filled with pupils

playing sports. Others got into their own private conversations. The school grounds

were noisy as the pupils made full use of their recess time.

I was right in the middle of doing my recess duty, sweeping the floor in an

empty classroom. The fun outside was tempting to me but I had to finish cleaning the

classroom first.

All of a sudden, the lights went out and fans stopped turning. I was cheerful as

a blackout would mean that I could escape from my duty. While I was deciding if I

should go join my friends for basketball or to fill my growling stomach, the lights went

on again. Along with the lights came four notorious bullies.

“Oh, look who’s here!” frowned the “boss.” “It is insignificant Billy!” The boy

next to him moaned with meanness. “Dear boy, you better hand over your money or

else……” He cracked his knuckles. I felt nervous and cowered. As I was alone, I

quickly handed over the cash that I had. The minimal amount provoked them. They

grabbed me by the collar and threw me on the floor, then whacked me hard on my

tummy. Just when the leader was about to conduct another of his torturous kicks on

my back, I heard a loud outcry, “Stop it right now!”

Mr Tan, my Physical Education teacher and a few others teacher had arrived

just in time. Someone passing by the classroom saw what happened and had

notified the teachers. Between painful coughs and sharp inhalation for air, I exposed

information of the whole incident to Mr Tan. The bullies, whom by then, had been

controlled by a few male teachers, were sweating like hogs and trembling like leaves.

The boys were accordingly punished. I was sent to the hospital for immediate

medical attention. My injuries took months to cure but I still had repeated nightmares

of that fateful day. This incident left an indelible scar in my mind forever.

Jan Montano Lee

6 Compassion

A Brave Act

It was on 3 December 2012.The time was 12 midnight and I could not sleep

as I kept thinking in my mind what I would get on my birthday wishing that my

birthday’s present would be going to the safari .So I wrote down on my wish list and I

crept into my parent’s bedroom and put it beside them. Then I quickly slipped back to

my bed .The next day, my parents agreed to bring me to the safari and I felt ecstatic.

In a blink of an eye , I was riding on top of the elephant as I took pictures of scenery

at the safari .The ride was quite bumpy so I held on tightly on the handle beside me .

After the ride, we felt tired so we quickly look for a shelter to rest .Not long

after, we decided to move on .As we were passing by the polar bear den , so I went

to take pictures of it .Then ,I realised that I had wandered off from my family so I

decided to take a few steps back .Then I heard a scary growl behind me .I saw a

leopard behind me .I saw the sternly eyes staring at me and I saw its position was

ready to eat me .

I realised that I was a goner as the leopard pounced in front of me and bit my

hand .I was crying in pain as my hand was being bitten ,so I slowly relaxed my hand

and swiftly used my other hand to strangle its windpipe .The leopard stopped biting

my hand and was growling in pain.

The leopard was puffing as it could not breathe through the windpipe and I let

go .I saw the leopard slowly fainting .After a few seconds the leopard fainted.

The next day the headlines read, “A seven year old child triumph over a

leopard.” I felt shy as I was in the news.

Sherman Yeo

6 Compassion

A theft at a bookstore

It was on a Tuesday afternoon at about 2. I was at Woodlands Good Reads

Bookstore. I was currently browsing for some books for my upcoming Science test.

While I was reading a Science assessment, I saw a girl around her 20’s, wearing a

pink T-shirt and a red blouse, and she was looking anxious. When I saw her facial

expressions, I knew that she would be up to no good.

After a few minutes, I saw her putting some assessment books in her sling

bag. My first instinct was to report to the guard on duty just outside the entrance of

the bookstore. So I ran to the security guard. When the guard saw my panic

expression, he asked me what the problem was and I told him about the girl whom I

saw, wearing a pink shirt and a red blouse is stealing. The guard ran to the place

where I spotted her. She was about to run, when the guard caught her by surprise,

she decided to run away.

Luckily, I knew the layout of the shopping mall as I am a regular customer, so

I ran to the lift where both of us bumped into each other at the lift. In a quick instance,

I pinned her to the ground while waiting for the guard to come. After a while, the

guard found us and brought her to the security office for further investigation. The girl

regretted her action and her parents were called.

Wesley Tan Kai En

6 Compassion

The Bully

The sun shone brightly. Tom woke up and went into the washroom to get

ready for school. He went down and had breakfast.

At school, Tom saw a bully. The bully bullied a student by taking his pocket

money. Tom felt sad for the student. After school, Tom went to see the principal.

The next day, the bully was scolded by the principal. The bully asked all the

students to find out who was the one that had told the principal. When the bully

found that tom was the one that had reported to the principal, he decided to teach

Tom a lesson. The bully wanted revenge.

After school the bully logged into the internet and started to make fun of Tom.

At school the next day, everybody laughed at Tom. Soon Tom found out that the

bully had made fun of him at a social media platform. Tom told the principal about

the bully bullying him.

The next day, the bully had been punished and the principal told everybody in the

school about the bully. The bully felt ashamed and he apologized to Tom. He

promised not to bully anyone again.

Rahul Biswas

6 Compassion


Let me tell you a secret. I am scared of rats! This is was what happened to me

that led me to the hospital…

It was a school holiday. Everything went out per normal .Just then, my mum

called out to me:

”Mary! Come and help me clean up the storeroom!” I sighed and said:

”Ok, fine mum, coming!” I went out of my room and quickly helped my mum.

Halfway through my cleaning, a rat run over my feet. As you know, I was

scared of rats. I screamed until my mum asked me what had happened and why I

was screaming. At that moment, I was terrified and fell and hit my head on the wall.

Then I fainted.

My mum came with a shocked face. She was worried and her sweat were

rolling down from her head. She quickly took her phone and dailed 995.After a few

minutes the ambulance came. My mum carried me down and she put me in the

ambulance. I felt very dizzy and in the end ,I ended up in the hospital. Not knowing

why, my mum told me that I must stay in the hospital for a few days. I was worried

and depressed as I kept thinking of school. How am I going to keep up with others?

My mum told me not to worry to as she would ask some of my classmates to

guide me on the topics I have missed .This was the most unfortunate situation I have


Joanne Lim

6 compassion


Tino loved playing hide and seek. Usually, he would be the last man standing

as he would be able to hide so well that it was often difficult to seek him. Tino was

never afraid of the dark, however he had a fear of cats. Especially, cats with thick fur,

until an incident that happened three months ago.

Ring! Ring! The telephone rang. David, Tino’s good friend and neighbour

called and got him to join the group of children in the neighbourhood to play hide and

seek. After agreeing on the areas that they could hide, David volunteered to become

the seeker while the rest went to hide.

As Tino was running to look for a place to hide, a big, black cat sprung in front

of him! Cold sweat trickled down and without hesitation, Tino ran towards an old

refrigerator at the void deck of the block. He got in and quickly closed the door.

Time passed. No one seemed to be looking for Tino. He got worried and tried

to open the refrigerator’s door. Oh no! It was stuck! No one could hear his scream!

Moments later, he heard a mewing sound and then voices! Help came at last.

The cat’s mew had actually alerted the children and they had gone to get help

from an adult who happened to pass-by. Tino was almost breathless by the time they

managed to force open the fridge door.

Without thinking about his fear, Tino hugged the cat. The cat had actually

followed him! Since that day, Tino had overcome his fear of cats.

Ralph Koh

6 Compassion