A man and his disciplines #1, Spring 2016

Spring 2016, A Man And His Disciplines NAZ MEN

Transcript of A man and his disciplines #1, Spring 2016

Spring 2016, A Man And HisDisciplinesnaz men


To pray like a warrior

Your good habits and disciplines guard you against attacks by your enemy. Remember your enemy is real, targeting you and lethal.

Discipline of PurityDiscipline of MarriageDiscipline of FatherhoodDiscipline of FriendshipDiscipline of MindDiscipline of Devotion

Fall Semester 2015

Discipline of PrayerDiscipline of WorshipDiscipline of IntegrityDiscipline of TongueDiscipline of WorkDiscipline of PerseveranceSpring Semester 2016

Introduction to Prayer!

Gentlemen, I have lived a long time and am convinced that God governs in the affairs of men. If a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? I move that prayer imploring the assistance of Heaven be held every morning before we proceed to business. ~ Benjamin Franklin

If you find your life of prayer to be always so short, and so easy, and so spiritual, as to be without cost and strain and sweat to you, you may depend upon it, you have not yet begun to pray. ~ Alexander Whyte

Great Quotes on Prayer

Can you think of a prayer that God has answered for you in a big way? Something you couldnt have done for yourself?

Can you think of a prayer that God has NOT yet answered for you?

Which one of these is easier to recollect, and why do you suppose that is?Why Pray?

Ephesians 6:18 And Pray in the Spirit on All occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests,. With this in mind, be alert, and always keep on praying for all the saints!

There are 5 elements of this scripture that we are going to discuss this morning:

Pray in the SpiritContinual PrayerVaried PrayerPersistent PrayerIntercessory Prayer

Focus Scripture

What do you think it means to pray in the Spirit? (We cant be obedient to Pauls words unless we know what it means)

Romans 8:26 tells us that the Spirit prays for us with groans that we cannot express . . .

Jude, verse 20 says But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit

Do you believe the Holy Spirit will tell you what to pray for? Consider that the third person of the trinity is guiding your prayer. Until the Holy Spirit is involved in your prayer, it is limited by your reason. But after that ???1. Praying in the spirit

When the Holy Spirit guides our prayer, He gives us the CONVICTION they are Gods will.

George Muller was once asked if the two men he prayed for salvation for 50 years would be converted he replied, Do you think God would have kept me praying all these years if he did not intend to save them?

Have you ever considered your deepest hearts prayer is a powerful weapon?

How do you do this? Its actually quite simple . . .Praying in the spirit (cont.)

Acts 1:14 They joined together constantly in prayerI Thessalonians 5:17 Paul tell us to Pray Continually.

What does this mean to you? Is it possible?

Think of continual prayer as a posture of your heart. Is it receptive at any moment to the words of a Holy God?

What is the undercurrent of your heart at any given time? What is the song in your heart? Your focus?

2. Pray Continually

His heart is ever lifted up to God at all times and in all places. In this he is never hindered, much less interrupted, by any person or thing. In retirement or company, in leisure, business, or conversation, his heart is ever with the Lord. Whether he lie down or rise up, God is in all his thoughts he walks with God continually, having the loving eye of his mind still fixed upon Him and everywhere seeing him that is invisible.-John WesleyContinuous prayer, (Cont)

This is the concept of praying in the moment about that which affect us or our loved ones. Prayers to resist temptation, prayers for wisdom, for words, for self-restraint, patience, etc.

Floyd Pierson, retired African Missionary prayed in all occasions. As his habit, he stopped to pray, when in his 70s as he got into his car to take a drivers test. He looked at the examiner and said, I always pray before I drive- lets bow our heads together. I wonder how the examiner felt about that?

Dont be afraid to send up little prayers in the moments of everyday life. 3. Varied Prayer

Remember the story of Moses standing on the mountain overlooking the battle?

Even Jesus spoke about persistence of petition in Luke 18:1-5

He tells us in Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given, Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. Notice they are active verbs. There is an applied persistence here.

If God hasnt answered your prayer, keep on asking!

4. Persistent Prayer

Praying for God to intercede on behalf of the saint. Paul asked believers often to pray for him. We need to remember to pray for our fellow saints and spiritual leaders.

Have you a habit of praying for your spiritual leaders?

5. intercession

The problem is often in beginning. We dont make a plan to succeed, so we dont fail if we dont start. How long would that attitude survive on a football squad?

In trying to pray, our biggest problem is often getting distracted once we begin.

Develop a prayer list or multiple lists. Categorize by family, friends, church, those needing jobs, unsaved friends, local national world. There isnt really a right or wrong way to categorize.

Dont feel like you have to pray everything every day. This is discipline, not legality.

So, How do we develop a prayer life?

Place: Think of the quietest place where you are least distracted! Go there if possible. Basement? Garage? Garden?, Fishing Boat?

Time:Jesus demonstrated his prayer early in the morning. Find a time that works, but dont wait until the last thing before bed. That doesnt work. Try morning. It gets the day started better.

Posture: Sit, kneel, pray, whatever works is fine.

Prepare: Maybe your best time with God is when you have your morning coffee ready.

How Long?: Start short. A legalistic commitment to duration is a killer. Start with maybe 10 minutes. Dont try to pray it all every day.

How to implement prayer life

Find the natural part of yourself that doesnt want to do this prayer time. It is usually your emotion. (call it laziness) Its like working out.If you decide with your will (think will power) to do this for a couple weeks, your emotion falls in step and it becomes an emotional desire.Remember prayer is work!

Next meeting is Feb 20, 8:30am.

Most Mens ministries overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in 10. We are starting year 4. Do you have a vision for our Men of this church?

Bring a son, bring a friend!

Please give me feedback on how this ministry helps you, and how we can develop it to reach others.

Call or text me at 678.733.1302Next meeting

Matt Redmond