A is for Anima: - mythicmind.commythicmind.com/files/Anima.doc  · Web view“Anima” is the...

A is for Anima: “Anima” is the Latin word for soul. Our modern scientific prejudice is that there is no such thing. But we are probably too hasty. Science can only know the measurable, the finite world that is available to our finite senses. Yet, this finite world must come from something. Some explain the finite worlds creation by the notion of an infinite flux in which the improbable becomes probable. Most universes with conscious beings in them will be likely to have just enough improbable order to sustain the systems necessary for self knowledge: they will be universes like our own with lots of improbable order. However, there will not be so much improbable order that life will be easy for these conscious beings, or that conscious self-knowledge will be a very common characteristic of natural systems.

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A is for Anima:

“Anima” is the Latin word for soul. Our modern scientific prejudice is that there is no such thing. But we are probably too hasty. Science can only know the measurable, the finite world that is available to our finite senses. Yet, this finite world must come from something.

Some explain the finite worlds creation by the notion of an infinite flux in which the improbable becomes probable. Most universes with conscious beings in them will be likely to have just enough improbable order to sustain the systems necessary for self knowledge: they will be universes like our own with lots of improbable order. However, there will not be so much improbable order that life will be easy for these conscious beings, or that conscious self-knowledge will be a very common characteristic of natural systems.

What is forgotten in these speculations is that information is weightless, that infinite amounts of information can be stuffed into an infinitesimal entity. It is improbable that this would happen, but infinite flux makes the improbable probable. Furthermore, it becomes probable that this can happen a potentially infinite number of times.

Something infinitesimal will not die. Death comes from the decay caused by thermodynamic entropy. But the infinitesimal is already infinitely refined and is not subject to death and decay. It is essentially immortal. It is the soul, the immortal spirit, the anima at the core of all things. It is tiny enough to penetrate through to the deepest root.

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B is for Beginning:

The infinity of these animas, the infinitesimal nows that are the roots of the threads of supertime, they are tiny enough to penetrate all systems and remake all things.Everything begins with the activity of these infinitesimal nows and the time threads they generate by their creative penetrations.

They pierce all finite barriers and open up all objective elements providing finite things with their subjective being from within essence, an essence that is creative and free, that is endlessly unique from the inside out. This subjective essence is chaotic, is disorganized and ineffective in most instances. The vehicle it penetrates rarely is systematically organized in away that the potential for deep self-knowledge is actualized. Most animas are asleep. Yet, the presence of animas penetrating objects gives the power to generate primitive mind as the being within of form and passion as the being within of energy.

Just as the infinite is the source of space through its creation of an infinitely dimensional matrix for the separation out of local three dimensional space and four dimensional relativity space-time in some type of big bang of cosmogenesis, so the infinitesimal now is the beginning of the eternal one dimensional thread that provides the supertime beginning of local time and local motion. The time threads of the infinity of animas come together to generate quantum events that are woven into the larger cloth of cosmic relativity.

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C is for Cosmology:

Local universes emerge from big bangs in local universe generating systems, in a local “multiverse.” These systems themselves are part of larger hyperspace systems, part of some kind of superspace whole. This superspace whole represents emergence operating within the infinite flux itself generating some sort of supercosmic order.

Systems order will tend to emerge within superspace as long as there is some way of generating time like progressions. The infinitesimal nows and their supertime threads provide the beginnings of these progressions by penetrating through superspace systems and altering them in singular ways. Each anima is the leader of its own metaphysical systems, its own cosmology what reinterprets superspace in a unique progression. The coming together of an infinity of these progressions generates the infinite dimensions of alternative quantum world superspace out of which local multiverses and local cosmic emerge as the focus of interwoven anima time threads.

The larger superspace order is characterized by a polarity between the infinite whole and local quantum events that explain the movement of particles within local space. There is a second polarity between the past as something fixed within information systems and the future as possibilities opened up by novel creations within infinite flux originating from the penetrations of the anima. A third polarity forms between the unique private subjectivity of the anima and the public worlds where they associate.

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D is for Development:

Local space-time is a development caused by the association of the anima with particular worlds and organic systems within those worlds that provide the anima with pleasure, that provide the anima the ability to penetrate highly organized forms that can wake the anima from its transcosmic sleep. It is the penetration of local forms and processes by the anima that give local forms and processes deeper meaning, that provide subjective depth to objective structure, that change form into simple mind and energy into simple feeling and passion.

Complex mind, complex passion is not possible separate from complex systems. To generate human subjectivity and human feeling it is necessary to have the complex processes associated with a human brain. Consciousness is the result of the anima coming awake within a highly organized system of local information processing such as that found in the human cerebrum. Mind is the triangulation of the subjectivity of the anima, the cybernetic systems generated by information processing, and the organization of local quantum events, particles, atoms, cells, organisms into a complex which can sustain an objective emerge adequate for the self knowledge awakening of the anima that has penetrated its inner core.

Existence is a dance between the anima and its objective associations. The dance cannot happen without both the outer objective surface and the inner creative subjectivity. When the anima dances, it changes the world

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E is for Emergence:

Emergence, bottom up evolution of complex systems, operates both at the local quantum event pole and within its infinite superspace opposite. Emergence operates both within the private anima and its cosmic relativity associations. Emergence occurs where energy flux and information system potential converge.

That aspect of emergence that can be described as time is the result of the creative generativity of the subjective now of the anima as it endlessly opens up and penetrates the separate worlds. That aspect of emergence that can be described as space and space-time is the result of the association of the supertime threads spun out of the endless creative now of the infinity of animas as they penetrate superspace and induce it to produce endless numbers of local public space big bangs and the relativity space-times with which they are associated.

When the animas penetrate a world, when their time threads associate to weave the cloth of local public space-time, they do this through the mechanism of the transcendent system, through the order controlled by the emergent paradigm of the larger superspace whole. This larger transcosmic emergent order takes the form of patterns in the anima penetration of local systems. These are the patterns that the East calls “dharma” and “karma.” “Dharma” is the larger order and “karma” is the changes generated in that order by the penetrations of the anima.The anima is known in the East as “jiva,” or “atman.”

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F is for Feedback:

The penetration of the finite worlds by the anima creates a supercosmic feedback system. This supercosmic feedback system is the dharma of the East, the cosmic law of fate that generates the phenomena known to the West as astrology. The past history of an anima-jiva-atman is its karma, the way its time thread has moved through the larger whole of associated time threads, what that anima has tended to attach to, associate with.

The product of this feedback is the matching of the objective system to which the anima attaches with the karma of its previous attachments. Hidden emergent orders within the greater superspace flux are the source of the paradigms that control this dharma. Its set point is what Plato called “the Form of the Good,” the aesthetic order of hidden within the greater cosmic whole.

Input into this hidden system is generated by the local experience of the anima and the movement of its time thread in response to that experience. This local karma generates the input that the cosmic dharma system responds to with output in the form of the astrological cycles of reincarnation, of birth, death, and rebirth. The private anima makes its personal input into the subjective experience of the greater whole and the collective unconscious order responds with new output in the form of new astrological scripts that control the drama of the anima’s interaction with other animas as it reincarnates in new public associations, as it penetrates new worlds.

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G is for Government:

Astrology is a collective unconscious government imposed on the associated orders generated by the attachment of anima time threads to the world and to the activities of other anima. This government is the product of the same bottom up systems emergence working within the infinite whole that is active in generating emergent orders in the local finite parts.

This greater government can be viewed in many ways. Looked at from the standpoint of time, the Jain is correct. The anima, or jiva, is the real source of changes in this order. It is basically a dharma that responds to the karma of the jiva (anima) by giving it an incarnation, an astrology that matches the actions and thoughts of its previous incarnations.

Viewed from the standpoint of the superspace whole, the Buddhist interpretation is correct. The local activities of the anima are only passing changes in this greater whole. As long as the anima is focused on the local organism, or object, it has penetrated, it will be stuck in the false belief, the Maya, the illusion that this is all there is. But the enlightened anima that is focused on the infinite whole obtains the power of that whole. It becomes a Buddha. Rather than remaining within the suffering and pain of its local adventures in local time and local space, it detaches from the astrology of local time and returns to the harmony, the serenity of the infinite flux, of the nirvana whole from which it came.

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H is for Happiness:

The Jain seeks happiness by discovering that his anima is a creative source of endless time and detaching from the tamas of local space and the rajas of reincarnation to return to the pure sattva of the eternal now.

The Buddhist seeks happiness by discovering that this anima is an infinitesimal speck within a greater infinite whole. He discovers his suffering is an illusion, is Maya caused by his anima becoming focused on the local form that has captured it. When the anima detaches from these local forms and returns to the infinite whole from which it came, it becomes a Buddha returning to the nirvana of the infinite flux that is its ultimate beginning.

The Hindu seeks happiness by discovering that his anima is only one of many atmans that share an identity within the infinite whole “Brahman.” When his atman is focused on the infinite rather than the finite it exchanges the karma of infinite power for the limited karma of finite suffering. When his atman is focused on the infinite, he becomes a messenger, an avatar of that infinite divinity, he becomes a messenger of the various divine aspects, the various gods the infinite is capable of generating.

The Christian, the Moslem, the Sikh, and the Jew find happiness by discovering that endless emergence within infinite flux can generate enough bottom-up order to make top-down government possible. This greater top down government is the Heaven of the God of the ultimate future.

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I is for Infinite:

Infinite flux drives the emergence of complex systems storing potentially infinite amounts of weightless information at all levels from the infinitesimal through the finite to the infinite. The infinitely improbable becomes probable within this infinite flux.

Higher levels of information concentration and systems complexity are selected by consciousness out because of the thresholds required to maintain a given level of self-reflection and awareness. Thus, the resulting distribution generates an aristocratic hierarchy of systems: multiverses, universes, worlds, communities, organisms maintaining the various levels of order necessary for a given level of self reflective awareness. The resulting system complexes and aristocracies will be characterized by polarities between the infinite whole and the atomic quantum part, the fixed information homeostasis and the energy flux that drives its emergence, and finally, between the private creative subjective infinitesimal that concentrates information in the eternal now as the source of all space and time and the public space-time worlds, the relativistic universes that distribute that time through the quantum alternative multidimensional multiverses of string theory manifold time-space potential.

Western culture is biased toward the physics and technology of the finite, Chinese culture toward the polarity between information systems and energy processes (yin against yang), and Hindu culture toward the infinite.

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J is for Jiva:

There are two tendencies in the Hindu concern for the infinite. Jainism focuses on the infinitesimal Jiva (anima or soul) as the source of the super order of infinite time (dharma) that exists in the pure sattva guna of eternity. In contrast, Buddhism focuses on the potential fusion of that Jiva time system of the infinite flux that generates it. The jiva that turns toward the infinite superspace whole rather than the cycle of karma and rebirth that attaches it to the world becomes a “Buddha.” The return of the Buddha to the superspace whole from which it differentiated is the result of the “blowing out” of its desire for attachment to the world. The Sanskrit name for that “blowing out” is “nirvana.”

Hinduism compromises between the Jain focus on the infinitesimal jiva as the immortal source of the sattva guna of supertime and the Buddhist focus on the infinite whole of superspace potential. Hinduism calls the jiva an “atman” and emphasizes the Brahman (infinite whole) from which it comes. When the jiva allows itself to be the messenger of this greater whole, it becomes a god, or an avatar of a god. Ultimately all gods and avatars are simply aspects of the Brahman one.

The jiva are the ultimate infinitesimal. They are the first systems to form in the greater process. They attach to each other and form complexes from which quantum mechanical systems emerge which complex in turn into the relativistic space-time worlds, cosmic, and multiverses.

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K is for Karma:

“Karma” is a Sanskrit word for action. It is usually used to refer to the actions that souls (anima, jiva, atman) take in their previous lives that affect how they are born in a subsequent life. Karma cannot have any effect on rebirth unless there is a system, a law of action and reaction, a feedback system that gives the soul back the proper response to the kind of input it has generated in its thoughts and actions to the emergent supercosmic complex made up of soul generated supertime and infinite flux generated superspace.

The endless timeline created by the eternal existence of the infinitesimal bit of creative nowness that is the subjective core of the soul, this timeline adds a new dimension to superspace. Superspace is increased infinitely by the infinity of active souls that each adds a new dimension that reinterprets, sets free, creates a new reality out of the infinite whole of superspace.

When a new dimension is added to space, it is opened up from its inside just as a three dimensional writing system can reach any point on two-dimensional paper. The new dimension created by the karma of the soul allows it to enter to the heart of anything in the infinite or finite realms of space, relative space-time, and superspace like a pencil writing on an open sheet of paper. So the karma of our soul writes on the deepest most hidden corners of our heart. Karma is the generative power of the soul’s new time dimension. Dharma is the response of superspace.

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L is for Life:

Life is an emergent property of the finite world. The movement of energy toward entropy, that is the tendency for all energy to move to where it is not, this energy flow drives the emergence of energy dissipative systems. Darwinian competition and Darwinian selection among these systems generates evolution and the emergence of higher and higher levels of evolution controlling organization. Particles come together in atoms, atoms in molecules, molecules in cells, cells in organisms, organisms in communities, human organisms in civilized societies, industrial markets, electronic transmission systems, code programmed cybernetic systems, robotic systems, bionic systems, systems that mock the entities described by science fiction, by fantasy, by mythology, even by theology itself.

There is no limit to the emergent powers of evolution generated living things organized in higher and higher levels of community function. Mythology and theology simply describe potentials of this emergence yet to be discovered within the finite limits of our public world.

The emergent evolution of superspace and supertime will generate higher levels of organization that are demon like and god like. Such organization will emerge in those universes that have greater potential for sustaining such emergence than our own universe. That such universe might gain the power to influence neighboring universes might explain the origins of astrological phenomena.

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M is for Match:

Dharma, local systems orders generated by the gods, and the higher systems order generated by emergence within superspace, cause the subjectivity of the soul to be matched with objective events that fit the information concentrated in the soul in its previous existence.

Souls awakened to plant like form are matched to plants. Souls awakened to animal like form are matched to animals. The attaching soul penetrates the finite quantum event dance with the super dimension generated by its supertime now and warps the local quantum space in the direction of its penetration. Since the soul is infinitesimal, this warp is not detectable within the finite world. However, it utterly changes the relationship of those quantum events to other souls and to the superspace system that governs their attachment.

Souls do not change the world directly. The direct influence of a soul upon the world is infinitesimal. What appears to be the influence of the soul is actually the influence of the objective systems to which they are attached. The powers of the human soul are easily confused with the powers of the brain systems they indwell.Yet, the soul has tremendous powers through the medium of its intimate relationship with superspace. As a new dimension reinterpreting superspace, the soul has the power to utterly change all things. But, the true powers of the soul are always exerted through the whole and not the part. Thus, the soul obtains the god like powers of a Buddha.

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N is for Naturalism:

Naturalism, positivism, empiricism, materialism, pragmatism, atomism, instrumentalism are all variations of the approach that emphasizes the finite here and now and the measurable aspects of existence studied by science. The naturalistic view of things is a perfectly valid view. It tends to view nature as the result of a bottom-up emergence governed by Darwinian principles.

Bottom-up ways of looking at existence tend to be popular with the dominant minority that holds high status positions within a civilization. The rationalistic determinism of Hellenic Stoicism and the atomism of Epicureanism have more of a bottom-up emergent naturalism in them than the Christian theology that replaced them.

The Jain and Buddhist philosophy of early Indic civilization were products of India dominant minority according to the interpretation of history given by Arnold Toynbee. All though these points of view were bottom-up in emphasis, they were not naturalistic. Rather, they were basically supernaturalistic. The emergent order they described was a dharma order that ruled out of the subjective invisible rather than the objective visible.

Toynbee believes that when the rule of the dominant minority begins to fail, the internal proletariat may look to the beliefs of an external civilization in organizing some kind of universal church. The Western church was Christian. The Indic church was Mahayana Buddhist.

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O is for Oversoul:

The theology of these universal churches generated by oppressed internal proletariats of universal states tends to be top-down. They look to some kind of foreign oversoul, a Amidha Buddha, a Jehovah, that can impose top-down remedies to save the masses from the failure of the top-down rule of the universal state’s ruling class.

Even though the source of these beliefs in oversouls is irrational, is motivated by political and sociological needs, it does not prevent the dogmas from attaining some degree of possible truth. A termite nest can attain a degree of wisdom out of its emergent order in spite of the low level of intelligence of its component parts. In a similar fashion the sociology of theological history has its own emergent character that explores a small portion of the range of variation open to infinite flux.

Once emergent evolution has generated a particular level of organization, top-down control and top-down creativity are possible at that level. Infinite flux makes the improbable probable. Emergence seems possible within superspace as well as in local space. Emergence stretched out over and infinity of dimensions of supertime may generate god-like levels of organization in superspace that function as oversouls with the potential for top-down creation.

Wolfhart Pannenberg has developed a variant of Christian theology that places the transcendent oversoul that is the Christian God in the ultimate future.

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P is for Paradigm:

One way to explore the possible emergent order is to look to the implications of the polarities that appear to be ordering it. Three polarities appear to be prominent. The polarity between information and energy is the major determinant of the visible world. This is the yin/yang polarity emphasized in Chinese philosophy. The visible world is characterized by the quantum mechanical order of its atomic parts and the space-time relativity of its cosmic assemblage of the these parts.

The polar opposite of the atomic parts of the quantum world is the infinite possibility of the superspace whole. The polar opposite of the relativistic public world is the private subjective world of the anima, of the infinitesimal eternal now. This now, and the quantum events to which it attaches, generate the local here and now of personal time. This realm of personal awareness is the polar opposite of the collective space that unites our public relativistic cosmos to the rest of superspace.

The objective world of relativity and quantum mechanics known to science is the polar opposite of the subjective world of infinite superspace and infinitesimal supertime. It is from this magical realm of paradigms and possibilities that the gods emerge, including the highest gods as symbols of the ultimate transcendence. Yet, if the private now does indeed create its own dimension of time, each soul has its own unique interpretation of divinity. The metaphysics created by a soul is unique to that soul.

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Q is for Quantum:

The physics of quantum events explains the peculiar world of subatomic particle events. Some of the unique aspects of the quantum event world may explain how it is possible for the soul to change reality from the top-down rather than the bottom-up (the way science has taught us to expect it to be changed).

One interpretation of the strange world of quantum mechanics is that the quantum events that explain the operation of the chemical bonds that hold atoms together really represent and infinite expanse of alternative worlds. In one of these alternative worlds I die young and in other I live to old age. What the time thread of the soul may do is creatively find its way through the forest of alternative quantum events. A particular quantum event combination becomes doubly true, not just objectively possible, but also subjectively actual when the time arrow of the subjective now enters into it and dwells in it from within.

The actual world may be a compromise between the alternative world choices of the endless numbers of souls that inhabit a world. If I really want to experience heaven rather than hell, I may have to leave behind some of the fellow souls I have been playing with that like to play a more tragic version of the play of life than my subjective essence enjoys playing. Again the karma of past attachments may influence the direction I decide to go as I choose between hells that bring suffering and potential heavens.

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R is for Right Brain:

The left-hemisphere of the brain is rational and fact oriented. It favors the bottom-up rational and scientific points of view often supported by the more verbal and vocal dominant minority of a civilization. The right side of the cerebrum is more irrational and myth oriented. It tends to like the irrational top-down theology often supported by the less verbal and less vocal internal proletariat of a civilization. The theology of universal churches tends to appeal more to the right brain and the more right brain oriented masses.

There is no correct point of view. Science tends to favor the objective polarity of the emerging superspace and supertime paradigm. Religion tends to favor the subjective opposite of this the scientific world, religion tends to favor right brain ways of looking at things. Of these right brain biased ways of thinking, the ancient ways that came to be before the universal states evolved tend to favor mythologies that are strong on the importance of the individual time journey of the soul. Shinto, Shamanism, Jainism and other forms of Animism place great emphasis on the spirits and hidden subjective entities that indwell nature.

In contrast, the religions developed during the rise and fall of universal states tend to emphasize some kind of infinite superspace that ties everything into a universal cosmic order. Heaven, nirvana, Brahman are emphasized by these later developments of religion.

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S is for Super:

Which order is correct, order of the jiva soul that generates the supertime dimensions the renew all things, or the order of superspace that generates the superspace that ties all things to an infinitely dimensional Brahman whole. Christianity solves the problem with a three-person god. God the Son is the logos of the soul, is the supertime that saves all things by reinterpreting them into a new and better order. In contrast, God the Holy Spirit is the superspace mystical order that brings all things together in a unifying holiness. Bridging the gap between them is God the Father as the ultimate top-down transcendence inhabiting the ultimate heaven of the ultimate past future.

All are true and none are true for the right brain vision that is the eternal Christmas of the heart. Mystical truth, right brain truth is a different kind of truth than science oriented left-brain truth.

Philosophy recognizes three ways of viewing truth, truth as correspondence, truth as coherence, and truth as pragmatism. Truth as coherence is super truth, it is the global vision truth that is favored by the right brain.Truth as correspondence is the smaller vision truth favored by the left-brain. Practical truth is the executive truth favored by the action oriented frontal lobes that control the front part of both left and right hemispheres. Which is the true truth? Is it global vision super truth, practical truth, or small vision factual truth? The answer is that all three are needed depending on the circumstance.

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T is for True:

Each soul is a separate arrow of time generating its own cosmological order. Each soul has its own view of God that is valid for that soul. Each soul has its own inner logos, its own inner Christmas of the heart that is the place where that soul enters into the kingdom of the Son of God, of the endless creativity that remakes all things.

The religions of the world are all political orders. They are all about controlling the world and the ways that people see the world. Spiritually experience takes place in the inner kingdom of the heart and need have nothing to do with outer world religion.

Another way of saying that God is love is saying that God is win/win. God is the emergent order that makes harmony that makes music that liberates rather than binds. God is the old world endlessly remade into something endlessly new and better than ever.

Each civilization has captured a tiny piece of the vision of this paradigm. But, the paradigm is too big for any one vision to capture all of it. The true truth transcends atheism, agnosticism, theism, Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Confucianism, Taoism, Zen, Shinto, Animism, Judaism, Positivism, Marxism, etc.

Northern Europe emphasizes the atomistic part and South Asia the holistic polar opposite. The Far East emphasizes the public pole and the Far West emphasizes the private.

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U is for Ultimate:

The attempt to find one truth to explain existence is doomed. The ultimate is forever extending itself into something new. Each subjective now is a new creation and a new way of viewing the universe.

When the subjective now attaches to closely to the events of the world, it generates what the Jains call the “tamas guna.” This is a point of view that places emphasis on the broken and the atomic particular. This point of view will gradually turn existence into a broken piece of what it should be, into a private hell that is characterized by suffering.

When the subjective now attaches to the information processes that govern events, it generates what the Jains call the “rajas guna.” This is a point of view that places emphasis on karma, on the active processes that generate emergence and evolution. This point of view will gradually turn existence into a kind of purgatory where suffering leads to the natural selection of a higher order.

When the subjective now attaches to the ultimate, it generates what the Jains call the “sattva guna.” This is a point of view that emphasizes transcendent harmony. This point of view changes existence into the experience of heaven, into the experience of the pure and the holy.

The finite world binds the infinitesimal. The ultimate sets it free by offering it boundless power and wholeness.

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V is for View:

When the infinitesimal is bound to the finite, it adds nothing to the finite but its infinitesimalness, its subjective inner experience of the finite from within. This inner subjective withinness changes the finite only infinitesimally. The infinitesimal enters the world without making any measurable changes in the world.

When the infinitesimal enters the infinite, it penetrates it and opens up its heart. It becomes another dimension of the infinite reinterpreting it and setting it free to become something it has never been before. The creative infinitesimal multiples the infinite and is multiplied by the infinite in a mutual interaction that is miraculous and endlessly novel. This interaction is the source of all that is truly alive and free.

Each anima is potentially the subjective core of a unique avatar, a unique person of God, a unique Christ, a unique Buddha, a unique form of the creative logos, the creative story of endlessly novel time.

Each anima supplies a unique view of existence, a unique view of God, a unique metaphysics, a unique mythology, a unique window to the ultimate. Each anima is a new history to existence, a new timeline of ultimate evolution.

Each anima is a new way for God to view the world, to create the world in a new way. Each anima is existence set free to become something utterly unique and utterly new.

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W is for World:

The person should not be concerned with the ability of his anima to provide in some miraculous way for the resurrection of his body when the real purpose of his soul is to set creation free, to liberate God from his prison, to convert Satan and save him from his self destructive hell.

The soul becomes addicted to the pleasures of the body. Soon it is trapped in the finite, soon it is lost in the world. Gradually it changes into something demonic as its connection to the ultimate is weakened.

The kind of world the anima penetrates matches the karma of its past attachments. The anima that is focused on the finite and broken will become attached to small and broken worlds.

In order to attach to a heaven, the anima must be focused on heaven, must be seeking heaven. The anima that is focused on the infinite will eventually obtain the infinite. The anima that is focused on the finite will become trapped and overwhelmed by the finite. It will develop a karma thick with the tamas guna of endless sleep. It will end up trapped in rocks and similar things that match the karma of its previous obsessions.

The anima that develops an insect like karma will find itself attached to the world inhabited by insects. It will reincarnate as an insect, or an object in the community associated with their activity.

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X is for Xeric:

Civilizations that develop in the dry areas of the world tend to view existence from a dry point of view. Law, information, rules are important to the religions and philosophies that develop in the dry interior of the continents. A good example is the emphasis the Judaism gives to the Torah as the law of Jehovah, or the emphasis that Islam gives to the Koran as the law of Allah.

The polar opposite of this point of view can be found in civilizations that develop near the ocean, particularly in the wet tropics. Polynesian culture put emphasis not upon law but upon energy. The “manna” power in things was the focus of Polynesian belief. In these wet and oceanic area cultures existence is seen as dance rather than as law. A good example of this can be found on the island of Bali in Indonesia.

Just as the world is made up of many polarities in climate and geography, so ultimate existence emerges out of many polarities in order and freedom, in paradigm and expression, in analysis and synthesis, in source and product.

Ultimate existence transcends these polarities between the infinite whole of South Asia and the atomic part of Northern Europe, between the Confucian public society of the Far East and the shamanistic private soul of the Far West, between the oceanic flux of the wet tropics and the xeric law of the dry tropics.

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Y is for Yin:

The Chinese believed in a polarity between the warm flux of the yang and the cool law of the yin. A similar polarity exists in physics between the stability generated by information systems and the instability associated with thermodynamic flux in energy states. Complexity theory and chaos theory demonstrate how the effect of this flux on cybernetic systems can create Darwinian order, can generate situations in which evolution is entropy, evolution is stimulate by the emergence of energy dissipative structures generated by the movement of energy toward entropy.

If emergence can occur as the result of the interaction of the yin of order and the yang of chaos in the visible world, why can’t emergence be operative in the invisible? If emergence is operative in superspace, why can’t it be operative in supertime. If emergence operates on the finite part and the statistical public, why can’t it operate in their infinite superspace whole and infinitesimal private now supertime complements. Once emergence generates an order through bottom-up evolution, why can’t that order spread through top-down creation?

If emergence creates atoms from particles, molecules from atoms, cells from molecules, organism from cells, tribes from communities of human organisms, civilizations from associations of human tribes, industrial, electronic, computer, and robotic levels of organization, why can’t it go on to those of science fiction, fantasy, mythology, etc?

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Z is for Zodiac:

These new layers of organization may explain why the ancient Chaldeans looked up in the Heavens and decided that there was something else in charge and what ever that else was, it was not necessarily on their side. Not all that the Chaldeans found in the sky need be superstition. Our science assumes that the notion of the gods in simply myth. But, infinite flux makes the improbable probable, if not in our universe, in some other.

The Zodiac and the other orders discovered by astrology look to the way in which this world may be ordered by something beyond. Astrology is not a science because it looks to the private experience of the individual. That private experience may be unique for each soul. Each soul may have its own astrological system, its own unique cosmological order.

Science is about the repeatable and the public. Astrology is about those aspects of the world that are unique and private, that are different for the time line of each soul.According to the astrological craft, the place and time of birth alter the experience of every individual. The meaning of that alteration may be different for each soul.

Unlike the things that science studies, astrology is not parsimonious, is not public, is not simple. The Zodiac is not a left-brain fact. The Zodiac is a right brain myth that is forever taking on different meaning depending on the global system that it interprets.

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