A Deadly Truth by Jordan Dissin

A Deadly Truth By: Jordan Dissin A Book


A bloody truth to a deadly ending

Transcript of A Deadly Truth by Jordan Dissin

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A Deadly Truth

By: Jordan Dissin

A Book

Page 2: A  Deadly Truth by Jordan Dissin


While Jonathan and his little sister, Emily is

eating at the tavern, Jonathan‟s brother,

Jeremy is walking home from Pennsylvania to

New Jersey with an important message in his

head for Jonathan.


Jeremy walks into the town and starts looking

for Jonathan.

“Hey you, what are you hear for?” said the

lawman as he creeps closer to Jeremy with his

hand on his .44 caliber magnum.

“I‟m just looking for my brother, Jonathan, do

you have any idea where he might be?” said


“Oh!” exclaimed the lawmen taking his hand and

pointing to the tavern “I think he‟s at the


“Thanks.” said Jeremy backing away from the


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“Ahhhh!” screamed Jeremy From outside the

tavern. “

Why did you do that?” Before the lawman could

answer the lawmen took his own life. BANG!

Everyone runs from inside the tavern in

confusion. Jeremy knew what everyone has

been thinking „What happen, who did it and is he


“Jeremy! What happened here?” says Jonathan

as he runs over to Jeremy who is bleeding

violently on the dirt road.

“Nothing Happened just I need to tell you

something. General Washington wants you to

fight with him in the revolutionary war, just

get there in two days.” whispered Jeremy to


“But…” stuttered Jonathan,

“Just go now!” yelled Jeremy as he starts to

get more paler by the second.

“Alright then, I‟ll go.” Says Jonathan.

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Jonathan thought for a while .I don‟t have

money so how am I going to get a horse maybe I

should steal a horse. My brother did say to get

there in two days. Jonathan saw a wealthy man

had a horse. He thought to himself, I‟ll leave at

night time .until then I‟ll get ready for the trip.


Jonathan gets his potato sack filled of his

supplies for the trip. He walked slowly

without a sound over to the rich man‟s house,

hops on his horse and gallops away into the


“Hey, get back here!” yelled the wealthy man

with a furious voice.

Jonathan didn‟t answer but he had to hurry

because he heard galloping from behind him.


BANG! BANG! Two gun shots soared right

beside Jonathans head BANG! One gun shot hit

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the horse. Jonathan falls off the horse and

hits a tree.

“You stole my horse so I‟m going to make you

pay.” said the wealthy man.

BANG! BANG! The shots went right into

Jonathans knees .there was no way he will



“I heard the shots over here.” said a lawman

from town.

“Oh my god!” said everyone as they see

Jonathan laying there in a puddle of blood as

red as Britain‟s flag.

“His life didn‟t have to end like this.” said

Jonathan‟s father “not like this.”

“I will find that man and hang him.” exclaimed

Jonathan‟s father.

They went to the wealthy man‟s house and did

that. They hung him in front of the whole town

that day.


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