90 Direct Marketing Tips in 60 Minutes

0 to 90 in 60 90 direct mail tips in just 60 minutes! Leah Eustace, CFRE @LeahEustace


90 tips that will help you improve your direct marketing program, from retention to conversion to upgrade to prospecting.

Transcript of 90 Direct Marketing Tips in 60 Minutes

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0 to 90 in 6090 direct mail tips in just 60 minutes!

Leah Eustace, CFRE


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Set the right goal

• Be clear on what you’re trying to do with your pyramid

• Stabilize the base• Grow the base• Grow the vertical

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Be realistic about growth

• How ‘sexy’ is your cause?

• Are you Sick Kids or the Psoriasis Foundation?

• Set targets appropriately!

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Set long-term direction

• Have a multi-year

(3-5) direction• Make sure this year’s

plan fits into the bigger picture

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Make sure everyone’s on the same page

• Set expectations throughout the organization

• Educate leadership – both staff & board

• Failure to do this may upset your apple cart down the road!

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Offer donor choice…

• Number of appeals• Stewardship options• E vs. paper receipts,

newsletters etc.• Phoning okay

Greater choice =

greater loyalty!

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Integrate channels

• DM was a stand alone tactic in the 1980s

• Not any more• Multi-channel world• Phone, online, face-

to-face• Seamless baby!

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Get your data house in order

• Your direct mail program will only be as successful as your data allows it to be.

• Invest in proven fundraising software – and make sure someone is properly trained to get the most out of it.

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Put your year on a spreadsheet

• Mail dates• Mail types (donor

renewal, prospect etc.)

• Costs• Response rates• Average gift• Revenue – gross

and net• Key ratios

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Make a creative plan

• Themes• Signatories• ‘looks’• Length• Inserts (if any)• Info required

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Make a critical pathfor each campaign

• Work dates ‘backwards’• Include all key milestone

dates• Work from this document

daily – or put reminders in your outlook calendar

• If the path is met, the mail drops on time!

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Case for Support

• Take the time to write a powerful case for support

• We’re amazed at how many organizations don’t have one (even the big guys)

• A solid case saves time in the long run

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Line up your people

• Ensure everyone knows what’s expected of them – and when it’s expected

• Interviewing signatories• Lining up suppliers• Everyone who needs to

sign off

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Set your evaluationmethods in advance

• What determines success & failure?

• Driven by strategy• Key performance

indicators will come into play (more later!)

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“Demographics are 2/3 of everything” ~ David Foot

• 83% civic generation• Born pre-1946• Also called WW2

Generation• Grew up before

television• Older, empty nest

churchgoing woman

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Meet Jacqueline

• Make sure your package design, letter copy speak to her – and not your executive director!

• Focus group a letter with an elderly neighbour rather than your communications staff

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Carrier envelope

• Only purpose is to be opened

• Simple often works best

• Use teasers only when they contribute

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• Purpose of the letter is to create the impulse to give

• Stay focused on purpose

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Reply coupon

• Purpose is to facilitate easy giving

• Make it easy to use!• Don’t get complicated

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Business reply envelope

• Just make sure you include one!

• Don’t send your donor looking for envelopes and stamps

• Make it easy!

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Remember that oldereyes prefer…



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Count your I’s and you’s

• The donor prefers to read ‘you’ to ‘I’

• Say you twice for every time you say I

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Write emotionally

• Human beings are emotional animals

• We decide on our emotions

• Strike the right chord to generate response

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Our favouritefundraising maxim

“The institution has no needs”

It’s all about connecting the donor with the beneficiary of the gift.

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Take as long as it takes

• Despite what your boss thinks, long letters outperform short ones

• Take as long as it takes to tell your story

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It’s direct mail, sobe direct

• Don’t be afraid to ask• Be as specific as you

can with your ask• Don’t be afraid to ask

more than once• Asking is why you’re


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Focus on benefits –not features

• A feature describes• A benefit is an outcome• Donors want to create

the benefit with their gift• It’s shorter emergency

room wait times – not an enhanced intake system

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Positioning – the battle for the mind

• What’s your unique selling proposition?

• If you’re not unique, you’re interchangeable

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Book Tip

“Positioning, the

Battle for the Mind”

By Al Reiss & Jack Trout

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The success formula





credibility (yours)



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The offer – the reward

• Donors don’t just give• It’s an exchange• Each party gets

something• For the donor, it’s the

psychic reward• Talk about that


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Book Tip

“Influence – the Psychology of Persuasion”

By Robert B. Caldiani

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Don’t crowd

• Short sentences• Short paragraphs• Leave lots of white

space• Make it easy to read

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Write like you speak

• Your grade four English teacher would be furious!

• Incomplete sentences• Contractions• Hyphens• The eyes lead to the

brain – the ears to the heart!

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Authentic copy

• Make your letter sound like it REALLY comes from the person who signed it

• Capture the voice/personality

• Interviews work best

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Be very careful

Not to use jargon

“enhancing indigenous capacity-building among community-

based non-governmental organizations”


“helping people help themselves”

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Appeal to the senses


imaginations can

see, smell, taste

touch and hear.

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Book tip

Made to Stick

is a great book

that will help your

messages both

penetrate and stay

in the donor’s mind.

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Passion is infectious..

If you show your passion for the cause, the donor will be infected.

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Ease of reading

• Black type on white background

• Lots of visual contrast

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A picture is wortha thousand words

Photographs amplify your message

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Use a serif font

The preferred

font of direct mail

(older) donors

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Tell great stories

Human beings communicate by telling stories

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Book Tip

“The Story Factor”

By Annette Simmons

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Key Performance IndicatorsDonor Acquisition Cost

• Gross revenue minus expenditure

• Divided by number of new donors

• Sector average is $25

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Conversion rate

• Rate at which first time donors make a second gift

• Repeat donors divided by once-only donors

• Sector average is about 35-40%

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Conversion Tip

Call new donors simply to say thanks and welcome.

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Conversion Tip

• You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression!

• Get the thank you letter and tax receipt mailed within 72 hours.

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Conversion Tip

Send a welcome kit to first-time donors

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Average gift

Gross revenue divided by number of gifts

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Gift frequency

• Average number of gifts per active donor per year

• Total gifts divided by total number of active donors

• Sector average is about 1.3

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Renewal rate

• Rate at which active donors renew their giving in subsequent year

• Number of this years renewers divided by all last year’s active donors

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Renewal Tip

You may need to add another renewal appeal to your yearly program to maintain your renewal rate.

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Renewal Tip• Use newsletters to best advantage• Show money at work• Show positive results• Create donor satisfaction before


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Active donor life expectancy

• Average length of time during which an active donor will continue to give every year

• Function of renewal rate• Refer to CMA handbook

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Repeat donor investment

Donor acquisition cost divided by conversion rate

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Lifetime value - gross

• Total revenue you’d expect from an active donor before she lapses

• Average gift x gift frequency x life expectancy

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Revenue to cost ratio

• Key measurement of efficiency

• Compares costs to revenues

• Total revenue divided by total cost

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Lifetime value - net

• True return on new donor investment

• Gross return minus costs

• Gross lifetime value divided by the left number in the revenue to cost ratio

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• Tender elements of production process to a number of suppliers

• Give them the specs and hold an auction

• Keep them competing for your business

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Communicate withsuppliers after the fact

• Give them feedback on what you were pleased and displeased with

• Little rewards can go a long way next time

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You can save some money..

• If you order a year’s worth of business reply envelopes all at once

• Some suppliers will even store them for you

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Guinea pig?

• Sometimes a supplier will give you a big discount if you’ll test drive a new product or service

• Hand addressing for a nickel

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Using photos

• Photos can certainly enhance your story and make your ask more compelling

• But no photo is better than a bad one

• Make sure you use high resolution photos with lots of contrast

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Get thank you lettersand receipts out quickly!

It shows appreciation – and – that you’re organized.

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Create a segmentedfulfillment grid

• Create ‘categories’ of thank you tactics

• Simple form letters to smaller gifts

• Personalized notes and/or phone calls to more generous gifts

• Use board members to call if you can!

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The thank you letter is a

wonderful opportunity to

talk about upgraded giving.

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Donors are starving to see

• Their dollars at work

• Talk about how you’re using their gift

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Test in each mailing!

• Lists – acquisition• Personalization• Packages• Carrier envelopes• Reply devices• The list is endless!

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Book Tip

“Revolution in the Mailbox”

By Mal Warwick

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Segment mailings

Gift size and recency are a great help to planning and measuring your campaigns.

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Acquisition best practice

• Always test a new package against your control package

• You do have a control package don’t you?

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Donor engagement

• Donor surveys are a great way to engage – and get valuable information

• We often use them with January renewal mail campaigns

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Donor engagement

• Can you connect your donor directly to the recipient of the gift?

• Why do you think child sponsorship programs are so successful?

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Monthly donor conversion

• Have a plan for monthly donor conversion

• Monthly donor lifetime value four times greater

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Set a target..

Most organizations can convert 5% to 10% of their donors to monthly if they do it right.

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Get on the telephone


Mail and phone work best to convert donors to monthly.

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Best monthly prospects include

• Multi-donors• Credit card donors

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Follow up


• Make sure you follow up on expired credit cards

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Make a communications plan

• For your monthly donors• Don’t just take their money• Keep informing them of how

you’re putting their money to work

• Keep saying thanks

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Ask monthly donors to increase their monthly gift after two to three years –


Give them a good reason to!

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Monthly Giving - Book Tip

“Hidden Gold”

By Harvey McKinnon

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It’s time to starta mid-level giving program

• 17% of your direct mail donors have made single gifts of $500 or more to charity

• You want a share of that market

• Make a plan – and execute it

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Two keys for success

• Make the offer as specific as possible (quasi-designated if you will)

• Promise added value re: stewardship

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The legacy gift gold mine

• One-third of your direct mail donors have either left a charitable bequest or are considering one

• This money will overtake DM revenues in 8-10 years

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• Mail both annual giving appeals with legacy mailings throughout the year.

• Take the time to bring the silos down

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Use a synergy

• Of major gift strategy and direct mail tactics

• Take the time to cultivate (at least a year)

• Ask appropriately

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Best legacy prospects include

• “Miss”• Loyal• Monthly (mail or

phone sourced)• Large single gift

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Your direct mail donorsare open to being cultivated

• But they want to hear from you by mail

• Don’t phone or visit• Let them control the

relationship• They don’t want to

feel pressured!

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Best cultivation packages

• Testimonial from a living donor

• Vision piece from CEO

• Legacy-specific newsletter

• Testimonial from surviving loved one

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Book Tip

“Iceberg Philanthropy”

By us!

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Whew! I’m done!


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