9 04 Local

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    Cocaine is a naturally occurring alkaloid in the

    leaves of the coca plant, Erythroxylon coca. The

    coca bush grows primarily in the Andes Mountains

    at elevations of 3000 to 9000 feet. The Incas

    attached enormous importance to the plant and

    used it for religious, mystical, social, stimulant, and

    numerous medicinal purposes. The Spanish Con-

    quistadors brought the leaves to Europe and by

    the mid-1800s cocaine was widely praised for its

    capacity to increase stamina and to alleviate hun-

    ger and thirst.1,2

    In 1859 Niemann characterized the active coca

    alkaloid and named it cocaine. Despite numerous

    suggestions of cocaines potential as a local anes-

    thetic (von Anrep), it was not until 1884 that Carl

    Kller demonstrated the critical link between the

    observed anesthetic effects of cocaine and its

    application to clinical ophthalmic practice. This new

    form of anesthesia rapidly spread to other surgical


    By the latter part of the 19th century, cocaine

    was used routinely on both sides of the Atlantic to

    provide anesthesia in dentistry (Hall) and forregional nerve blocks (Halsted) and spinal blocks


    Soon the dangers of cocaine became evident.

    Sigmund Freud, in an attempt to cure a colleagues

    opium addiction, was successful only in transfer-

    ring the mans addiction from morphine to cocaine.

    The drug could create crippling dependence and

    psychosis, and there were multiple reports of sys-

    temic cocaine intoxication, including several deaths.

    In 1924 the American Medical Association issued

    safety guidelines for cocaine administration and

    condemned as toxic the use of cocaine mud, a

    paste made from cocaine crystals dissolved in epi-

    nephrine.The toxicity of cocaine led to an intensive search

    for less toxic substitutes. Procaine was synthesized

    by Einhorn in 1904 and its usefulness in surgery

    was reported by German surgeon Heinrich Braun

    in 1905. However, procaines short duration of

    activity lessened its clinical utility, and the search for

    longer-acting agents led to the introduction of

    dibucaine in 1925, followed by tetracaine in 1932.

    Dibucaine and tetracaine proved to be potent, long-

    acting local anesthetics, but their potential for toxi-

    city limited their usefulness. They found their niche

    in the practice of spinal anesthesia, where onlysmall volumes are required.

    These drugs were all amino esters, similar to

    cocaine, and were relatively unfavorable because

    of the ester bond and hydrolysis by plasma pseudo-

    cholinesterase. This enzyme catalyzed the forma-

    tion of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) which was

    responsible for reported allergic reactions.

    Lidocaine, synthesized in 1943 by Lofgren and

    Lundquist, was the first of the amino amide agents

    to be introduced. It was more stable and also

    could be resterilized, as opposed to the aminoester agents. Its metabolism did not produce PABA,

    thus the potential for allergic reactions was less.

    Lidocaine remains the flagship of local anesthetics,

    and has an excellent safety record.

    Subsequent research focused on the amino

    amide agents and resulted in the release of

    mepivacaine in 1956 and prilocaine in 1959.

    Bupivacaine was introduced into clinical practice in

    1963 and gained wide acceptance because of its


    Thomas M Vaughan FANZCA


    James Burt FRACS

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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4


    potency and its ability to provide significantly longer

    anesthesia than was possible with either lidocaine

    or mepivacaine. In 1971, etidocaine was synthe-

    sized. This was also a long-acting agent like

    bupivacaine and produced a more profound motor


    The most recent addition to the local anes-

    thetic armory is ropivacaine. It has been pre-

    pared as a pure S-(-)-enantiomer, rather than a

    racemic mixture such as mepivacaine or

    bupivacaine. Interest in this drug stems from the

    fact that studies have shown it to be less car-

    diotoxic than bupivacaine.4


    A knowledge of the physiology of peripheral

    nerves is basic to understanding the mechanism of

    action of local anesthetics.

    Impulse Transmission and Diffusion of LA

    A nerve fiber is a cylinder of neuroplasm (axon)

    surrounded by a cellular membrane (neurilemma).

    The outer surface of certain axons is insulated

    by the myelin sheath, a group of concentric lay-

    ers of lipoprotein. Myelin is produced by

    Schwann cells. Gaps along the axons between

    adjacent Schwann cells are known as nodes of

    Ranvier, and it is at these breaks in the myelin

    sheath that the bare nerve membrane is exposed

    to extracellular fluid, producing a rapid impulse

    conduction (Fig 1).

    Fig 1. Structure of a myelinated nerve.

    In myelinated peripheral nerves the nerve

    impulse jumps from one node of Ranvier to another,

    a process known as saltatory conduction. The rate

    of conduction is directly proportional to the cross-

    sectional area of the axonie, the thicker the axon,

    the larger the Schwann cell, the greater the inter-

    nodal distance, and the faster the impulse conduc-

    tion. Conduction rates in myelinated nerves are

    faster than in nerves without Schwann cell sheaths.

    In unmyelinated nerves the wave of depolarization

    has to proceed down the entire nerve membrane

    (Fig 2).

    Fig 2. Impulse transmission along unmyelinated (top) andmyelinated (bottom) nerves.

    In clinical practice local anesthetics must dif-

    fuse across a number of structures before reach-

    ing the sodium channel in the axonal membrane.

    Peripheral nerves contain both afferent and

    efferent axons. These axons and their Schwann

    cells are surrounded by a delicate layer of fine

    connective tissue (endoneurium) which permits

    easy diffusion of most local anesthetics. Bundles

    of axons are enclosed in a squamous veil or

    sheath (perineurium) which comprises several

    layers of cells and acts as a semipermeable bar-

    rier to local anesthetics. One or more perineu-

    ral bundles are covered by an outermost, easily

    permeable connective tissue layer (epineurium).

    This layer also contains the nutritional blood ves-sels of larger nerves.

    Factors that have an important influence on local

    anesthetic diffusion to axon include:

    (1) perineurium;

    (2) presence or absence of myelin;

    (3) size of axons;

    (4) anatomical position of axons.

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    The perineurium presents the largest obstacle in

    the diffusion of a local anesthetics molecules. This

    results in the fact that the concentration of local

    anesthetic required for blocks in clinical practice is

    approximately 50X that required for an unsheathed

    nerve. Very little local anesthetic is required for

    spinal anesthesia because only a thin perineuriumexists in the subarachnoid space.

    The distribution of the nerve fibers within a nerve

    affects the onset of the block. Topographically, the

    fibers in a nerve trunk are arranged in concentric

    layers. Fibers that innervate a limbs distal part

    assume a central position, whereas those that

    innervate the limbs proximal part lie in the nerves


    The neuronal communication process begins

    with a stimulus (chemical, mechanical, or thermal)

    acting on a distal nerve terminal and causing agraded depolarization of that terminal. This spreads

    to the axon proper, where an all-or-none depolar-

    ization action potential is produced if transmem-

    brane potential reaches the required threshold volt-

    age. If threshold is reached, then the action poten-

    tial is propagated to the proximal terminal, where agraded depolarization occurs that is responsible

    for initiating neurotransmitter release.

    A resting excitable cell has a measurable voltage

    across its membranethe resting membrane

    potential. The potential is due to the unequal distri-

    bution of sodium and potassium ions between theinside and outside of the cell, and the high mem-

    brane permeability to potassium ions but not to

    sodium ions. Bernstein applied the Nernst equa-

    tion to explain the transmembrane potential of ex-

    citable cells. The Nernst equation is derived from

    equations that describe the chemical forces and

    electrical forces present when charged molecules

    are separated by a selectively permeable membrane.

    For example, for potassium ions,

    where E = membrane potential

    R = gas constant (8.315 joules/K)

    T = temperature (Kelvin)

    F = Faradays constant (9.65 x 104coulombs)

    ln = natural logarithm

    [K+] = potassium ion concentration inside(i)

    and outside(o)

    the cell

    An expanded equation, the Goldman-Hodgkin-

    Katz equation, was formulated to describe the trans-

    membrane potential of membranes permeable to

    several ionic species (eg, nerve axon). This equa-

    tion illustrates that the actual value of transmem-

    brane potential is set by the concentration of each

    ion and its respective permeability coefficient.

    The resting membrane potential actually requires

    an active component to maintain the concentra-

    tion gradient for sodium ion. The axon in its rest-

    ing state is somewhat permeable to sodium ions

    and permits passive movement of sodium into the

    axon. This movement is balanced by the action of

    the sodium pump, requiring the input of cellularenergy. If this pump is not operative, the mem-

    brane potential would slowly disappear.

    In summary, the primary factors responsible for

    the transmembrane potential are:

    1. A membrane that is somewhat selectively per-

    meable to ion species.

    2. A concentration gradient across the membrane.

    3. Charged ions that distribute unevenly across the


    4. An active process that removes sodium from

    inside the neuron at the same rate as sodiumions passively enter it.

    Depolarization and Repolarization

    The electrical messages of excitable cells are

    changes of the electrical potential difference

    across the cell surface membrane. Neurophysi-

    ologists distinguish action potentials from slow

    potentials. Action potentials are used to send

    messages rapidly and usually over large distances.They are transmitted as brief, depolarizing

    changes of membrane potential at a constant

    speed with no loss of amplitude. The only stimu-

    lus for an action potential is a membrane depo-

    larization larger than the threshold level. The

    response is not graded.

    In contrast, slow potentialsdo not propagate at

    a constant amplitude over large distances, but are

    effective in the immediate environment. They can

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    The beta subunits apparently have a modulatory

    influence on the alpha subunits. The alpha sub-

    units extend through the membrane and form

    the four sides of the Na+ selective transmem-

    brane pore.

    Mechanism of Action

    Local anesthetics block impulses by inhibiting

    individual sodium channels in the vicinity. The

    sodium channel inhibition is accomplished by

    using the aggregate inward current of a nerve

    fiber. Local anesthetics inhibit stimulated chan-

    nels (phasic block) more than resting channels

    (tonic block). The modulated receptor hypoth-

    esishas been advanced to explain this phenom-enon. The hypothesis rests on the notion that

    sodium channels normally respond to membrane

    depolarizations by passing through defined con-

    formational states: beginning at rest (R), activat-

    ing through closed intermediate forms (C), to

    reach an open form (O), and then closing to an

    inactivated(I) state.5

    R t tC tO tI

    According to the modulated receptor hypoth-

    esis, local anesthetics have a higher affinity for

    open and especially inactivated sodium channels

    than for resting channels.6 During stimulation,

    channels that are open and inactivated bind local

    anesthetics more tightly. This binding then stabi-

    lizes the channels in a nonconducting state and

    increasingly so with each stimulating pump. Even-

    tually some anesthetic-bound channels will return

    to their resting equilibrium and a steady-state level

    of phasic block will be reached wherein increasedinhibition during depolarization is exactly

    reversed by drug dissociation in the time between


    An alternative mechanism is proposed as the

    guarded receptor hypothesis, in which the recep-

    tor affinity for the local anesthetic remains high, but

    access to the receptor by the local anesthetic is

    limited through channel guards.

    Locus of Action

    The actual receptor for local anesthetic bind-

    ing is not definitively known, and there may be

    more than one site. The most likely site, at least

    for the ionizable species, is the sodium channelitself. This receptor is likely to be on the inside

    of the sodium channel, as evidenced by the fact

    that permanently charged quaternary ammonium

    local anesthetics do not block sodium currents

    when applied to the outside of the cell mem-

    brane but strongly block sodium currents when

    applied to the cytoplasmic side. This binding site

    can be approached either by a hydrophilic path-

    way, which is more likely through the pore of

    the sodium channel, or through a hydrophobic

    pathway via the membrane.7-11


    Local anesthetics have an aromatic end, an inter-

    mediate chain, and an amine end (Fig 3).

    Fig 3.Chemical configuration of local anesthetics showing thetwo possible types of bond between the aromatic ring and the

    intermediate chain.

    The aromatic end is lipophilic and the amine end

    is hydrophilic. Alteration at either end will result in

    a change in the lipid-water distribution coefficient

    of the anesthetic agent, its protein binding charac-

    teristics, and its clinical activity.12

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    Amino esters have an ester link between the

    aromatic portion and the intermediate chain. Amino

    amides have an amide link between the aromatic

    end and the intermediate chain (Fig 4).

    Differences in metabolism and allergic potential

    of the various agents can be traced to the nature of

    the bond. Degradation of local anesthetics occurs

    at the bond level.13

    Ester and amide local anesthetics are different

    in the way they are metabolized, their chemical

    stability in solution, and their potential for aller-

    gic reactions. Amino esters are degraded in

    plasma via pseudocholinesterase, are relatively

    unstable in solution, and are much more capable

    than amino amides of causing true allergic reac-

    tions. Amino amides are broken down in the

    liver, are stable in solution, and only rarely causeallergic reactions.14



    Physicochemical Properties

    Lipid Solubility

    Lipid solubility relates directly to an anesthetics

    potency. Because 90% of the axon is lipid, the

    more lipid-soluble a local anesthetic is, the more

    quickly it penetrates the nerve membrane and

    the more quickly it produces a blockade on the

    nerve. In other words, the more lipid-soluble a

    local anesthetic agent is, the more potent it is.15-17

    Highly protein-bound drugs such as bupivacaine

    (95% bound) have a long duration of action,

    whereas procaine (6% protein-bound) is short-



    The pKa of a chemical compound is the pH at

    which the ionized and nonionized forms of the

    compound are in equilibrium. The pKa value is

    constant for any single compound. The amount

    of local anesthetic in the uncharged base form

    determines the rate at which it will diffuse across

    the nerve membrane and controls the rate of

    onset of anesthesia. The greater the percentage

    of local anesthetic in the uncharged base form,

    the more rapid its diffusion across the nerve mem-

    brane and the more rapidly it produces its local

    anesthetic effect.

    Fig 4. Chemical structure of some common local anesthetics.

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    The proportion of uncharged base to charged

    cation depends upon the pH of the solution and

    the pKa of the compound. A decrease in pH will

    shift the equilibrium toward the charged cation

    form and result in relatively more cation present

    than free uncharged base. On the other hand, a

    rise in pH changes the equilibrium in favor of thefree base form. Examples of this are lidocaine

    and etidocaine, with pKa in the range of 7.6 to

    7.8. At normal tissue pH, they have relatively

    rapid onsets, in that about 35% of the drug is in

    the uncharged base form. By comparison,

    bupivacaine and tetracaine, with pKa between 8.1

    and 8.9, are 80% to 95% cation at normal tissue

    pH of 7.4, and their onset of action is much


    Brown18studied the phenomenon of local anes-

    thetic failure in the presence of inflammation.Inflammation leads to a more acidic state of the

    tissues, which decreases membrane permeability

    and causes local anesthetic agents to exist in largely

    cationic forms. This limits their diffusion across

    nerve cell membranes and thus their local anes-

    thetic capabilities.


    The speed of onset of a local anesthetic is

    affected by the diffusion rate of the compound

    through tissues other than nerve. To illustrate,

    procaine and chloroprocaine have similar pKa

    and onset times in vitro, but in living tissue chlo-

    roprocaine acts more quickly than procaine

    because it diffuses faster through nonneural tis-

    sue. Also lidocaine, which in the laboratory is

    similar to prilocaine in pKa value and onset of

    action, is noted to have a much faster anes-

    thetic effect in the clinical situation due to its

    higher diffusability.

    Intrinsic Vasodilator Activity

    All local anesthetics except cocaine exhibit a

    vasoactive effect on vascular smooth muscle: At

    very low concentrations they cause vasoconstric-

    tion, but at clinically relevant concentrations local

    anesthetics except cocaine tend to be vaso-

    dilatory. Vasodilation will promote removal of

    local anesthetic molecules from the site of action

    and thereby decrease intensity of block and

    duration of action. The addition of epinephrine

    will counter these effects and prolong duration

    of action.

    Other Factors


    The mass of local anesthetic (ie, the number

    of milligrams administered) influences the onset,

    depth of block, and duration of action, such that

    20 mL of 1% lidocaine has an effect equivalent

    to 10 mL of 2% lidocaine. In the epidural space,

    however, an increased volume with an equiva-

    lent mass of drug is associated with increased

    dermatomal spread.

    Site of Injection

    Spinal anesthesia is associated with a rapid onset

    of action and a relatively short duration of action.

    On the other hand, regional techniques such as a

    brachial plexus block have a slow onset and, because

    of the large volumes used, a long duration of


    Addition of VasoconstrictorEpinephrine is frequently added to local anes-

    thetic solutions to decrease the rate of absorption.

    This has the effect of decreasing the rate at which

    local anesthetic molecules leave the site of action

    to be absorbed into the systemic circulation, with

    the result that the local anesthetic activity is more

    profound, with a longer duration of action, and the

    potential for systemic toxicity is less. In addition,

    surgical conditions are improved by the promotion

    of hemostasis.

    Effective vasoconstriction can be achieved byadding as little as 1:800,000 epinephrine to the

    local anesthetic solution.22 However, this mixture

    is unstable after a few hours, must be mixed by

    hand, and requires a longer postinjection interval

    for maximum effect. Commercial solutions of

    1:100,000 and 1:200,000 epinephrine are com-

    monly used because they are readily available.

    Laser Doppler flowmetry studies have deter-

    mined that injections of ropivacaine and epineph-

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    rine do not reduce skin blood flow as much as

    epinephrine alone; that is, the addition of ropivacaine

    diminishes the vasoconstrictive effect of epineph-


    Epinephrine use is not without risk. Cardiac

    arrhythmias are a concern in persons who have

    predisposing intrinsic heart disease or when epi-nephrine is administered concomitantly with agents

    that sensitize the myocardium (eg, halothane). Epi-

    nephrine may precipitate a hypertensive crisis in

    patients who have hypertension or hyperthyroid-

    ism. High concentrations of epinephrine may pro-

    duce local tissue necrosis or trigger rebound hype-

    remia, resulting in bleeding or hematoma as the

    effect resolves. At dilutions of 1:200,000, epineph-

    rine is detrimental to the survival of delayed skin


    Other Additives

    Carbonation of local anesthetic solutions has

    been tried to speed the onset of nerve block. Car-

    bonation lowers the intracellular pH, thereby

    increasing the proportion of cationic form of the

    local anesthetic and trapping it in the axoplasm.

    The early studies were promising,26but more recent

    double-blind studies fail to demonstrate an advan-


    On the other side of the cell membrane, sodium

    bicarbonate has been added to local anesthetics to

    increase the extracellular pH, which then increases

    the amount of drug in the uncharged base form. In

    theory, the uncharged base diffuses faster across

    the nerve membrane and as such decreases the

    latency of action of the local anesthetic. This strat-

    egy has been shown to be clinically effective with

    lidocaine and bupivacaine for epidural block, with

    lidocaine for brachial plexus block, and with

    mepivacaine for sciatic and femoral nerve block.29,30

    Other studies dispute these findings and note no

    advantage to alkalinized local anesthetics31-34

    otherthan reactivation of epinephrines vasoconstrictor


    Mixtures of Local Anesthetics


    In theory, compounding local anesthetic agents

    takes advantage of certain qualities of each. For

    example, chloroprocaine, lidocaine, or mepivacaine,

    all of which have rapid onset of action, could be

    combined with tetracaine or bupivacaine, whose

    effects are of long duration.35 Moreover, com-

    pounding solutions allows single-dose techniques

    for epidural or caudal block in cases where a con-

    tinuous technique would be mandatory if a single

    agent were to be used.Interestingly, subsequent studies have not

    always borne this out. Cohen and colleagues,36

    for example, report that the duration of epidural

    anesthesia produced by a mixture of chloro-

    procainebupivacaine was significantly shorter

    than that obtained with bupivacaine alone, while

    time to onset was longer than that with chloro-

    procaine alone.

    The toxicity of a mixture is no greater than

    that of its individual components.37,38 The safety

    of a mixture is particularly apparent when short-acting agentspresent in the serum earlyare

    combined with long-acting agents whose effect

    on excitable membranes never exceeds the toxic


    Mixtures of ester- and amide-type local anesthet-

    ics capitalize on different routes of disposition, per-

    mitting administration of larger total volumes per

    dose. To date there are no studies of any possible

    toxicity of these combinations.


    The rate of systemic absorption is controlled by

    the extent of local binding. The peak concentra-

    tion is lower and reached after a longer period of

    time for the lipophilic drugs compared to the more

    hydrophilic drugs.39 The site of injection also influ-

    ences the systemic absorption; the highest plasma

    concentration of local anesthetic is seen after inter-

    costal blocks. Much lower levels are seen in the

    plasma after sciatic and femoral nerve blocks, withepidural techniques occupying an intermediate


    The envelope for maximum safe dosage of a

    local anesthetic has been pushed with the advent

    of the tumescent technique of liposuction. The

    key elements of the tumescent technique are slow

    injection over 45 minutes and the use of very dilute

    solutions of lidocaine, 0.05% to 0.1%, and epineph-

    rine, 1:1,000,000. Klein21estimates the maximum

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    safe dosage of local anesthetic to be 35 mg/Kg,

    and cautions against using bupivacaine for this pur-

    pose. Case reports of severe toxicity with rela-

    tively small doses of bupivacaine, less than 0.5 mg/

    Kg, are causes for concern. In one of these cases

    the toxic effects of bupivacaine were thought to

    have been potentiated by isovolemic acidemia.20


    Systemic Toxicity

    Local anesthetics vary considerably in their

    potential for causing systemic toxic reactions (Fig 5).

    Fig. 5.Local anesthetic agents arranged in order of increasing

    toxicity. (Reprinted with permission from Cousins MJ, Mather LE:

    Clinical pharmacology of local anesthetics. Anaesth Intens Care

    8:257, 1980.)

    In clinical practice, the systemic toxic responses

    to local anesthetic drugs result from unintentional

    intravascular injection of an appropriate dose of

    drug or from an excessive dosage. Toxicity sec-

    ondary to extravascular administration is related to

    the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug.

    Most toxic reactions involve the central nervous

    system (CNS). Local anesthetic-induced cardiovas-

    cular depression occurs less frequently but tends

    to be more serious and more difficult to manage.

    CNS Toxicity

    The response to elevated levels of local anes-

    thetic in the CNS is biphasic. Initially there is an

    excitatory phase thought to be due to the block of

    inhibitory pathways in the amygdala. This inhibition

    allows facilitatory neurons to function unopposed,

    and manifests initially as muscle twitching in the face

    and distal extremities, followed by tremors and pro-

    gressing to generalized tonic-clonic convulsion.40,41

    With further increased levels of anesthetic in theCNS, a depression phase ensues, with drowsiness,

    unconsciousness, and respiratory arrest.

    When there is a very rapid rise in the concentra-

    tion of local anesthetic, as may occur with direct

    injection into the carotid or vertebral artery, the

    excitatory phase may not be seen, especially when

    CNS-depressant drugs such as sedatives have been


    The presence of hypercapnea, which increases

    the cerebral blood flow and decreases protein bind-

    ing, will increase the amount of free drug presented

    to the brain. Acidosis will increase the cationic

    form of local anesthetic and theoretically lessen

    diffusion across the cell membrane. However, the

    overall effect is the potentiation of toxicity, and

    one of the key elements of treatment is to control

    ventilation and effect a respiratory alkalosis.42,43

    Bernards and colleagues44 found that the addi-

    tion of epinephrine lowers the dose of bupivacaine

    that causes seizures in pigs.

    Cardiovascular Toxicity

    The cardiovascular system is thought to be more

    resistant than the central nervous system to the

    effect of local anesthetic drugs.45 CNS toxic

    responses usually occur at lower blood levels than

    cardiovascular system toxic responses. The ratio

    of dosage or blood levels required to produce

    irreversible cardiovascular collapse to dosage or

    blood levels required to elicit convulsionsie, CNS

    toxicityhas been termed the CC/CNS ratio. This

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    ratio is lower for bupivacaine and etidocaine than

    for the less lipid-soluble lidocaine in adult sheep.

    The CC/CNS ratio for lidocaine is 7.0, whereas for

    bupivacaine it is 2.7 in pregnant sheep.46 The impli-

    cations of this difference are that the early warning

    signs of CNS toxicity from bupivacaine occur at a

    blood level much lower than that associated withcardiovascular collapse.

    Hypomagnesemia may enhance the cardio-

    toxicity of bupivacaine. This may explain the

    increased susceptibility of the pregnant patient

    who is relatively hypomagnesemicto the car-

    diotoxic effects of bupivacaine.47

    In 1979 Albright48demonstrated the correlation

    between cardiovascular toxicity and the longer-

    acting, highly lipid-soluble local anesthetics,

    bupivacaine and etidocaine. Of 49 fatal cases, 43%

    involved bupivacaine. The FDA subsequentlysomewhat illogicallyrecommended against the use

    of 0.75% bupivacaine in obstetrical practice. Since

    that time, however, there has been a decrease in

    the incidence of severe cardiac toxicity, primarily

    as a result of changes in the method of administer-

    ing these drugs, use of a test dose and incremental


    Local anesthetics affect both the conduction path-

    ways and contractility. Lidocaine, which is used clini-

    cally as an antiarrhythmic, decreases the maximal

    rate of depolarizationthe Vmax

    without altering rest-

    ing membrane potential of cardiac muscle. In iso-

    lated muscle preparations, recovery from this

    depression of the rapid phase of depolarization is

    complete even at rapid heart rates.6,49 In contrast,

    bupivacaine causes depression which does not

    recover completely when heart rate is greater than

    100,50,51 suggesting unidirectional block and a re-

    entrant type of arrhythmia caused by this drug.52

    The high concentrations of local anesthetic in

    the CNS may also contribute to local anesthetic

    toxicity in the cardiovascular system. Direct appli-

    cation of local anesthetics within vasomotor andcardioactive regionsin the medullaleads to

    hypotension, bradycardia, and ventricular arrhyth-

    mias.53,54Bupivacaine shares the same site of action

    as other agents of its class (ie, the medulla), but

    bupivacaine is 3 to 4X more potent in producing


    The CNS-mediated cardiotoxicity that occurs after

    direct CNS administration of bupivacaine is also seen

    after intravenous administration of the drug.56 The

    onset of arrhythmias can be delayed by premedica-

    tion with a benzodiazepine.57 Once started, the

    arrhythmias can also be terminated by CNS adminis-

    tration of midazolam, a GABAergic stimulant.58

    The majority of clinical reports of bupivacaine

    cardiac toxicity have been in pregnant patients.

    Morishima and colleagues46found that the dose of

    bupivacaine producing cardiovascular collapse was

    significantly lower in pregnant ewes compared with

    nonpregnant ewes. This increased susceptibility to

    cardiovascular toxicity in pregnancy is not seen

    with the other agents.

    The recent release of ropivacaine into clinical

    practice offers a drug with a similar physiologic

    profile to bupivacaine but with a lower toxicity pro-

    file.59-61 Ropivacaine shares with bupivacaine the

    advantages of being long acting and selectively

    affecting sensory nerves over motor nerves,62

    which makes it a useful agent for epidural analgesia

    in the laboring parturient.63

    The formulation of ropivacaine as a pure S-(-)-

    enantiomer has exploited the stereospecific nature

    of binding at the sodium channel. In its depressant

    effect on Vmax

    in guinea pig papillary muscle,

    ropivacaine is intermediate between bupivacaine

    (highest) and lignocaine (lowest).64 Recovery from

    block is slower with bupivacaine than with

    ropivacaine. This observation has been confirmed

    in other animal models65,66and children.67

    In human volunteer studies, ropivacaine was

    associated with higher tolerated doses. In addi-

    tion, the CNS symptoms and cardiovascular

    changessuch as depression of conduction and

    ventricular functionseen with very high doses of

    anesthetic were less pronounced with ropivacaine

    than with bupivacaine.61,68 A case report of prob-

    able intravascular injection of ropivacaine during

    interscalene brachial plexus block was associated

    with unconsciousness, seizure activity, and hypoten-

    sion. No arrhythmias were noted and the patient

    made an uneventful recovery.69

    Treatment of Systemic Toxicity

    Careful technique with attention to appropriate

    dosage guidelines will go a long way to prevent

    local anesthetic toxicity. Nevertheless, unrecognized

    intravascular injections can still occur despite nega-

    tive aspiration tests. The use of a test dose contain-

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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4


    ing epinephrine is helpful in detecting intravascular

    injection, although its use in certain situations such

    as the laboring patient has been questioned.70

    ECG monitoring is a reliable indicator of

    bupivacaine toxicity. Elevation in the blood con-

    centration of bupivacaine is associated with decrease

    in the R wave amplitude and increase in the QRScomplex. Blood pressure is insensitive to increas-

    ing blood levels of local anesthetic. The pressure

    seems to be well maintained by an increase in sys-

    temic vascular resistance despite a 40% decrease

    in cardiac output.71

    The use of fractionated doses allows earlier de-

    tection of local anesthetic toxicity, though it must

    be remembered that only a very small amount of

    the drug will cause convulsions if injected directly

    into the cerebral circulationeg, injection into ver-

    tebral artery during interscalene approach to bra-chial plexus.72 In the conscious patient, early warn-

    ing signs of intravascular injection include circu-

    moral numbness and tinnitus.

    Treatment consists of stopping the injection, car-

    diovascular monitoring, administration of O2,and

    encouragement to breathe at a normal minute-vol-

    ume. If convulsions occur, the aim is to treat any

    respiratory or cardiovascular depression before

    hypoxia or hypercarbia supervene. The treatment

    is outlined in Table 2.

    The differential diagnosis of clinical reactions that

    may be observed after administration of local anes-

    thetic are outlined in Table 3.

    Appropriate monitoring and availability of per-

    sonnel skilled in advanced cardiac life support are

    mandatory for all major regional techniques.

    Local Tissue Toxicity

    Histologic studies demonstrate reversible myo-

    tonic effects in animals and humans when localanesthetics are injected into skeletal muscle.73

    Miscellaneous Tonic Responses

    In doses greater than 600 mg, prilocaine has

    been associated with the development of meth-

    emoglobinemia because one of its metabolites,

    hydroxylated D-toluidine, reduces any hemoglo-

    bin.74,75 Methemoglobinemia manifests clinically

    as cyanosis, and can be treated with methylene

    blue, 1 mg/Kg. Most patients tolerate treatment

    well. Other than this, prilocaine has an excellent

    safety profile, is the least toxic of the amino amide

    local anesthetics, and is particularly suited to IVRA

    because of its rapid clearance.

    Table 2

    Treatment of Acute Local Anesthetic Toxicity

    (Reprinted with permission from Cousins MJ, Bridenbaugh PO

    (eds): Neural Blockade in Clinical Anesthesia and Manage-

    ment of Pain. 2nd Ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1988, p 118.)


    Cocaines sympathomimetic actions make it

    unique among local anesthetics. Cocaine blocks

    the reuptake of norepinephrine and epinephrine

    into sympathetic nerve endings. It may also act

    postsynaptically to produce a change in effector

    cells, making them capable of generating an

    increased maximal response. These actions are

    responsible for the vasoconstriction that is exploited

    in the use of cocaine as a topical anesthetic for

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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4


    intranasal surgerythe mucosal shrinkage greatly

    facilitates surgical accessand that makes cocaine

    popular with otolaryngologists and plastic sur-geons.76,77

    The sympathomimetic effects of cocaine are

    responsible for cardiovascular stimulation, which may

    result in myocardial ischemia or even infarction insusceptible patients.78,79 In the CNS, cocaine blocksreuptake of dopamine, leading to increased neu-

    rotransmission at the synapse and euphoria,80whichis the basis for the highly addictive nature of this drug.


    The amino ester drugs such as procaine, whichare p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives, may produce

    allergic reactions. True allergy to amino amide

    agents is extremely rare, although these agentsmay contain a preservative, methylparaben, whose

    chemical structure is similar to that of PABA.81


    The use of sedative drugs facilitates the per-

    formance of surgery under local anesthesia.

    Table 3Differential Diagnosis of Local Anesthetic Reactions

    (Reprinted with permission from Cousins MJ, Bridenbaugh PO (eds): Neural Blockade in Clinical Anesthesia and Management of Pain.

    2nd Ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1988, p 118.)

    Pain from the procedure due to inadequate

    block should be managed by supplementation

    of the block or by conversion to general anes-


    The most commonly used agents in the past

    to achieve sedoanalgesia have been a combina-

    tion of fentanyl and midazolam. Propofol is also

    capable of producing easily controllable levels

    of sedation during a variety of procedures. All

    these agents are cardiorespiratory depressants,

    and safe sedation practices require that the pa-

    tient be cared for by trained personnel who are

    experienced in airway management, with appro-

    priate monitoring of vital functions and docu-

    mentation of care provided.82


    The ability to provide long-lasting analgesia

    from a single injection would be very useful.

    Research has focused on two areas: the use

    of naturally occurring agents such as tetrodot-

    oxin (TTX)83 and the use of controlled-release

    polymer microspheres containing bupiva-


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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4




    Cardiac arrest is defined as the sudden and un-

    expected cessation of myocardial contractility for a

    period of 60 seconds.1

    About 1000 Americansexperience cardiac arrest daily.2 The most com-

    mon cause of cardiac arrest is heart related in adults

    and of respiratory origin in children. Regardless of

    the cause of arrest, asphyxia is the proximate cause

    of sudden death. The key to resuscitation is to

    reverse asphyxia by transporting oxygen to tissues,

    reoxygenating the myocardium, and restoring myo-

    cardial contractility.

    The technique of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    was described by Kouwenhoven, Jude, and

    Knickerbocker in 1960. Even then it was recog-

    nized that the most crucial of the hemodynamic

    parameters was coronary perfusion pressure dur-

    ing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.3 There is little

    question that early intervention is vital for survival

    in cardiorespiratory arrest. When basic life support

    is instituted within 1 minute, there is a 99% chance

    of surviving 24 hours. When life support has not

    begun for 10 minutes after arresting, the likelihood

    of survival plummets to approximately 1 in 10,000.4

    There is some controversy regarding the mecha-

    nism for restoring blood flow during cardiopulmo-

    nary resuscitation. There are two basic theories.One theory holds that the heart is compressed

    between the sternum and the thoracic spine, forc-

    ing blood out of the heart during closed cardiac

    massage.57 A second theory is that chest com-

    pressions cause a general intrathoracic pressure

    increasea thoracic pump and that blood flow

    is not in fact dependent on ventricular compres-

    sion.8 During chest compression the increase in

    intrathoracic pressure is transmitted as increased

    intravascular pressures that are differentially trans-

    mitted peripherally as a result of venous valve clo-


    Indications and Contraindications to CPR

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be insti-

    tuted when cardiorespiratory arrest occurs, but it

    should not be used to prolong the lives of patients

    with terminal disease. CPR should be stopped whenresuscitation outside the hospital has been unsuc-

    cessful and further inhospital measures have failed,unless the patient is a victim of hypothermia or


    The type of cardiac arrest suffered by the patient

    is a large determinant of outcome. When the causeof the arrest is asystole or EMD (electromechani-cal dissociation), survival rates are less than 60%.14

    When the cause is ventricular fibrillation, survival is

    15% to 35%.14,15

    The two strongest predictors of outcome after

    cardiac arrest are the occurrence of ventricular fi-brillation and the presence of a witness to the car-

    diac arrest. Survival is much more likely if the car-

    diac rhythm is ventricular fibrillation.15 Resuscita-tion efforts are usually unsuccessful in the event of

    a pulseless rhythm. Asystole, idioventricular rhythmswith pulselessness, and electromechanical disso-

    ciation are associated with survival rates after CPR

    of 1.6%, 4.7%, and 6.9% respectively.15 Pulselessrhythms often are simple manifestations of cata-

    strophic events such as cardiac rupture, rupture ofabdominal aortic aneurysm, global cardiac ischemia,

    pulmonary embolism, and respiratory arrest.

    Defibrillation is the single most important treat-ment for patients in ventricular fibrillation. Survival

    rates higher than 35% have been reported whenCPR is initiated at the scene of the arrest and defibril-

    lator-equipped rescue personnel respond within 3to 5 minutes.1618 Nevertheless, patients who suf-

    fer cardiorespiratory arrest outside the hospital have

    significantly lower survival rates compared with pa-tients who arrest while hospitalized. In out-of-hos-

    pital arrests overall survival is 4% to 10%, while in-hospital arrests are successfully resuscitated 20%

    of the time when patients are younger than 70

    years old, but survival is only 3.4% for patientsolder than 70.19,20

    CPR Techniques

    Upon diagnosis of cardiac arrest, basiccardiop-

    ulmonary resuscitation should begin immediately.The well-known treatment algorithm is A (airway),

    B (breathing), C (circulation), and D (definitivetherapy). Stauffer21offers a comprehensive review

    of airway management in basic and advanced life

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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4


    gers while the child is supine. The other technique

    opposes the thumbs against the sternum, with the

    hands wrapped around the childs chest. Circum-

    ferential compression improves arterial and coro-

    nary perfusion pressures. This is the technique

    preferred by most authors.37,42,43

    Zaritsky44offers a comprehensive review of the

    pharmacology of pediatric resuscitation. The au-

    thor recommends low-dose epinephrine (0.01 mg/

    kg), and reserves calcium, atropine, sodium bicar-

    bonate, and bretyllium for specific indications. The

    drugs can be administered by peripheral IV infu-

    sion, central IV infusion, endotracheally, or

    intraosseally. A central line during CPR can be

    dangerous because the torso of the small child is

    constantly moving, and most clinicians recommend

    intraosseous drug administration instead. In pedi-

    atric CPR a childs bones should be considered anoncompressible venous plexus. Drug delivery

    times by the intraosseous route are equal or faster

    than by peripheral IV injection.37,44,45

    According to Tibballs,45all drugs and resuscita-

    tive fluids can be infused into the tibial bone mar-

    row using an intraosseous needle. The current

    doses of intraosseous drugs are the same as those

    used for intravenous resuscitation, (Table 1) al-

    though animal studies suggest that larger doses

    are needed to achieve comparable hemodynamic


    Table 1

    Intravenous Doses of Frequently UsedPediatric Resuscitative Drugs

    (Data from Tibballs J: Endotracheal and intraosseous drug

    administration for pediatric CPR. Aust Fam Phys 21:1477, 1992.)


    Epinephrine is the drug of choice in cardiopul-

    monary resuscitation.4751 Epinephrine exhibits both

    alpha and beta agonist activity. Its alpha 1 and

    alpha 2 adrenergic effects improve myocardial and

    cerebral blood flow by preventing arterial collapse

    and increasing peripherovascular constriction and

    peripherovascular resistance.5255 Currently the

    recommended dose range in CPR is 0.0075 to

    0.015 mg/kg every 5 minutes. Gonzales and

    Ornato14and Cipolotti50recommend larger doses

    of up to 1 mg given initially, followed by 35 mgevery 5 minutes until circulation is restored or CPR

    is discontinued. Alternatively, epinephrine may be

    given by continuous infusion of 0.20.6 mg/min

    until there is response or cessation.

    Dopamine is infused to maintain perfusion pres-

    sures after epinephrine administration. The recom-

    mended dose is 210 mg/kg/min, titrated to the

    desired effect. Norepinephrine raises systolic and

    diastolic pressure, increases peripherovascular re-

    sistance, and may increase flow to the coronary

    arteries by increasing peripherovascular resistance.The recommended dose of norepinephrine is 2

    12 mg/min.

    Phenylephrine raises systolic and diastolic blood

    pressure and is a strong alpha agonist. The recom-

    mended dosage of phenylephrine in CPR is 1040


    Antiarrhythmic drugs such as lidocaine, procain-

    amide, and bretyllium may be given as needed in

    CPR, but always after electrical countershock.

    Lidocaine is the drug of choice for initial control of

    ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia after defibrilla-

    tion. The initial dose of 1 mg/kg is given intrave-

    nously or endotracheally, followed by titratable in-

    fusion until it is no longer necessary.

    Procainamide is a second choice to lidocaine

    and is sometimes used for controlling ventricular

    tachycardia in the absence of circulatory compro-

    mise. Procainamide is administered slowly because

    it may cause hypotension and resultant decreased

    tissue perfusion. After the loading dose is adminis-

    tered, 14 mg/min may be required, up to a maxi-

    mum dose of 20 mg/min.

    Bretyllium is another option in the managementof ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia after electri-

    cal defibrillation. A bolus dose is given intrave-

    nously over 15 minutes and may be repeated

    every 15 minutes, thus doubling the initial dose.

    Adenosine is now the drug of choice in paroxys-

    mal supraventricular tachycardia. The initial dose is

    6 mg given by IV push, followed with saline flush.

    If the supraventricular tachycardia does not resolve

    within 2 minutes, a second 12-mg dose may be

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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4


    given by IV push. A third and final 12-mg IV dose

    may be required. Verapamil remains an extremely

    efficacious drug but has well-known side effects,

    including hypertension. In the event of adenosine

    being unavailable, however, verapamil should be

    the next line of treatment.

    Atropine is the drug of choice in asystole andbradycardia. Bolus doses of 0.51 mg are given IV

    or endotracheally every 25 minutes until a 2-mg

    dose is attained in adults.

    Isoproterenol is a second choice for temporary

    control of bradycardia until a pacemaker can be

    installed. Isoproterenol causes vasodilatation and

    thus can induce hypotension, increasing the car-

    diac workload and myocardial ischemia. Recom-

    mended dose is 0.510 mg/min by IV infusion.

    Buffers in general and sodium bicarbonate in

    particular are condemned in CPR. Initially sodiumbicarbonate was intended to correct metabolic or

    respiratory acidosis. Acidosis decreases myocar-

    dial contractility, inhibits the hearts response to

    catecholamines, increases cardiac workload, and

    leads to myocardial ischemia. It is now known that

    sodium bicarbonate corrects extracellular metabolic

    acidosis at the expense of a transient increase in

    intracellular acidosis and lower myocardial contrac-

    tility. Its breakdown product is CO2, which raises

    the arterial pCO2and adds to the burden of a re-

    cently resuscitated heart.5157

    After fibrillatory arrest of even brief duration, the

    arterial pH may be normal but the intramyocardial

    pH is decreased. Bicarbonate fails to reverse

    intramyocardial acidosis, which is best corrected

    by adequate ventilation. In CPR this means hyper-

    ventilation, and therefore 100% oxygen should be

    administered in a deliberate effort to compensate

    for the metabolic acidosis until respiratory and cir-

    culatory function are restored.

    Calcium chloride is no longer recommended in

    CPR except in extremely unusual cases. CaCl seems

    to be minimally effective and may lead to cellulardeath by calcium accumulation.51

    Outcome Studies

    In a study of the overall success of advanced

    cardiac life support (ACLS) and cardiopulmonary

    resuscitation, Pepe et al58evaluated the effective-

    ness of endotracheal intubation, pharmacologic in-

    terventions, and ACLS training, among other fac-

    tors, in raising survival rates after cardiac arrest.

    Only early defibrillation by electroshock was found

    to be of value in increasing long-term survival.

    Despite the innovations mentioned earlier, namely

    IAC-CPR, compression-decompression CPR, vestcompression, and ACLS, their benefit in terms of

    extended lifespan is not supported by scientifically

    rigorous evidence. While most authors believe

    that ACLS probably does improve the outcome in

    cardiac arrest, strong clinical data are lacking.58

    Nonetheless, improved training of emergency per-

    sonnel and continued interest in the patho-

    mechanics of cardiac arrest will undoubtedly lead

    to increased survival in years to come.

    CPR in Your Office

    It may be necessary to perform cardiopulmo-

    nary resuscitation in either of these clinical settings:

    1) after cardiac arrest of a patient or visitor to your

    office on whom you have not operated (the coin-

    cidental cardiac arrest); and 2) after cardiac arrest

    of a patient on whom you are operating or on

    whom you have recently operated. These circum-

    stances may arise in your consulting office, clinic,

    day-surgery facility, or hospital, and an anesthesi-

    ologist may or may not be present. The obvious

    issues arising when considering the above scenarios


    1) All physicians should have a crisis protocol

    integrated into their office management scheme.

    This is true even if no surgical procedures are per-

    formed in your office. The public expects the phy-

    sician (whatever his/her specialty interest) to be

    adequately trained to respond to these basic life-

    threatening situations in expert and timely fashion.The plan should include training of all the staff to a

    proficient level in basic life-support and a well-re-

    hearsed protocol for summoning immediate help

    in the event of a cardiac arrest.

    2) In offices where surgical procedures are per-

    formed, it is essential to have ready access to the

    appropriate resuscitation-care equipment. This

    equipment includes airway-maintenance devices

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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4


    and instruments, oxygen, emergency resuscitation

    drugs, and defibrillator. Automatic external

    defibrillators (AED) have been among the most

    exciting advances in CPR. Their key advantage is

    the time saved to the initial countershock; at least 1

    minute may be gained before defibrillation by skilled

    paramedic teams. Whatever the knowledge andefficiency of the personnel present at the time of

    the arrest, an automatic external defibrillator is an

    extremely useful tool to have in your office.

    3) In offices where surgical procedures are regu-

    larly performed, an arrangement should be in

    place for the transfer of a critically ill patient to

    an appropriate nearby facility. In other words,

    you must establish a relationship with your local

    emergency room, ambulance service, and hospi-

    tal ER before starting to do surgeries in your


    The algorithms appended to this booklet rep-

    resent current guidelines for cardiopulmonary

    resuscitation in various cardiac conditions.59,60

    We suggest that you copy these pages and dis-

    play them prominently in your work environ-



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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4


    Fig 1A-1. Primary and Secondary Mechanisms of Cardiopulmonary Arrest.

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    Fig 1B-1. Treatment of Ventricular Fibrillation.

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    Fig 1B-2. Additional Antifibrillatory Measures.

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    Fig 1C-1. Treatment of Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia.

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    Fig 1D-1. Treatment of Bradycardia/EMD/Asystole.

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    SRPS Volume 9, Number 4


    Fig 1E-1. Treatment of Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias.

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    Fig 1F-1. Use of the AED in Cardiac Arrest.

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