8 Key insights from day two at Content Marketing World 2013


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In this slideshare we present the 8 key insights from speakers at day two of Content Marketing World 2013. If you couldn't attend the event or you missed an important session, we have you covered! www.kingcontent.com.au

Transcript of 8 Key insights from day two at Content Marketing World 2013

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“What if we valued long-term relationships over

impressions and likes?” Andrew Davis, the author of Brandscaping ,challenged the content marketing status quo during his keynote; arguing that

developing a content brand is ultimately more valuable to a customer than branded content creation.

He proposed that by thinking like TV execs we can create relationships with the audience, thereby building trust and driving

revenue. Using Sesame Street as an example he noted: “Sesame Street has a range of toys, lunch boxes and clothing you

can purchase…all linked to the content brand of the TV show you know and love!’’

Check out

Andrew Davis’

CMW13 prezi

• Use talent that your audience trusts - Attaching talent validates the relationship you have

with your audience

• Create a hook - What is a simple twist on a theme that can capture your audience?

Andrew Davis’ five simple secrets to driving sales with valuable content:

• Target a niche - Commit to a niche. Stop trying to be everything to everyone!

• Exploit content holes - Content opportunities exist even in the most crowded market. Exploit that content hole!

• Make an appointment with your audience - Ignore click through rates and focus on ZERO opt-out rate

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“Why is brand preference declining? We forgot the job

of brands: telling stories & creating content.’’ After his keynote on day two of Content Marketing World it is easy to see why many view Don Schultz,

Marketing Professor at Northwestern University, as the ‘father of integrated marketing’.

Discussing the decline of brand preference in the digital and social media age, Don argued that by getting caught up in a cycle

of gimmicks, apps, celebrity, and price promotions, brands were failing to differentiate themselves. As a result, they become

unable to connect with their consumers, leading to mass commoditisation. Technology and social media then compound this

effect of commoditisation by offering consumers millions of products and analogous brands at the touch of their fingertips.

Key lessons

• Brands need to ‘get with the times’ and rethink utilising traditional branding concepts and approaches developed between

1970-1990. Brands need to engage with people, not with ‘markets’. As Don noted; “I've been with 18 year old women and I've

been with women who are 49. There are major differences.’’

• Quality internal communications matter when building a cohesive brand - “you have to sell yourself inside before you can

ever sell yourself outside.’’

• Content marketing is the future of all marketing; it’s about telling stories, engagement, building communities, it’s all about how

to we engage with people, not markets. It’s not about the technology it’s about the story


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“When working with Big Data there's no happy

ending, just one continuous journey.’’ - Pam Didner

Pam Didner and Cheemin Bo Lin presented their keynote on one of the most hotly discussed content

topics of 2013 - how to use data insights to drive content marketing.

With the velocity of available data for marketers exploding in recent years, Pam and Cheemin urged marketers to not be

intimidated by utilising Big Data because the tools may be expensive and complex. They argued that Big Data unveils the DNA of

the customer— “it opens up the key to the kingdom and unlocks the insight to content marketing so we can reach our customers.’’

Key lessons

• When you look at Big Data, the focus should be on trending, not one specific point of time. Analyse

peaks and valleys; ebbs and flows. In order to effectively use Big Data you must distil it from

something abstract into a concrete insight

• Applying the insights from data to content marketing, requires a methodical

and continuous approach. Don’t publish and forget your content, perform

audits and adapt your content according to insights

Check out Pam Didner’s slideshare here

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“In order to create a compelling content experience, we need to

leverage new technologies. We need to start thinking more like

engineers; think strategically, and less like writers and editors.’’ Scott Abel, Content Management Strategist at The Content Wrangler Inc, discussed the technological transformation of the

marketing industry and the implications of this shift for content marketers.

Scott argued that “ by 2017 marketers are going to be buying more technology than IT’’, and that in order to thrive in this

revolutionised environment, content marketing must mature as a discipline. This means beginning to create content with the

precision an engineer creates a design, or the way an architect creates a building.

Key lessons

• Content marketers need to adapt their thinking! Technology is not a ‘necessary evil’ but a partner to

be embraced

• The effective deployment of a content strategy requires precision, which is fueled by math and science

- not writing. If this isn’t ‘your thing’ it’s time to up-skill or acquire a technology partner

• Five technologies content marketers can’t ignore include: automated translation; automated

transcription; terminology management; adaptive content; and component content management.

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“Go beyond your logo - it’s not your product.

Make the invisible visual.’’

Buddy Scalera, Content Strategist at Oglivy, focused on the power of visual imagery and the

importance of telling your brand story with both pictures and words.

Revealing his passion for comic book writing, Buddy argued that the content we create must be

both engaging and accessible. “We need to create messages in a way that the audience will

understand it. Telling a story with words and pictures helps convey your intended message.”

Key lessons

• Brands share value through images. By going beyond the logo and delivering a visualisation of

your product, you can deliver a more engaging and credible brand experience

• Content optimised for search engines isn’t necessarily optimised for social share-ability.

Develop a visual content strategy alongside your editorial content

• Learn how visual content can be integrated to ‘control the eye’ of the viewer

• Map your buyer journey and seed your visual content to target buyers at each stage

• Don’t forget to optimise your visual content!

Check out Buddy

Scalera’s full

presentation here

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“Moving from information to insight creates relevance” In Jonathan Lister’s keynote address he explained the success of LinkedIn and its transformation

into the leading professional social source. He argued that the way people access information has

changed, as has the way they use their time. People use their time on social media differently; they

spend time on Facebook, but they invest time on LinkedIn. LinkedIn have tapped into this

investment and used the connections, engagements and commonalities of their users to drive


Key lessons

• Put your audience first - Their needs are the number one priority at LinkedIn. Having a deep understanding of

your audience is necessary for connecting with them

• Be helpful - Change your mantra from ‘always closing’ to ‘always helping’

• Remain relevant - Highlight types on content that are working, qualify influence, and provide recommendations.

That is LinkedIn’s model for advancing relevancy

• Treat them like people - Using qualitative information over quantitative information shows that you know who your

audience are and their behaviours

• Deploy new tactics - There are three types of real time relevant content: waiting for the moment; being in the

moment; and anticipating the moment

• The bottom line - If your content is leading to increased traffic, increased social engagement, and ultimately the

generation of higher-quality leads - you are doing it right!

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“Globalisation is more than just translation”

Paolo Nagari from InterCultural Group and Rohit Bhargava from Influential Marketing Group gave tips

on how to create content that works globally.

In our consistently globalized world the need for content that can cross cultural barriers as well as

language barriers is increasing. They explained how we can take the audience’s understanding of

content for granted; translation is not enough. Humour, for example, is not a one size fits all for all


Key lessons

• Globalisation is more than just translation

• Methods for global content: language, idioms, spelling, time zone

• Use local experts for cultural information rather than creation

• Test and validate to measure whether it will work of fail

• Focus on cultural values and universal similarities

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"I'm not self-promoting. I'm creatively doing things that interest me."

The team at King Content couldn’t believe our ears when we heard that William Shatner (aka The

Captain) would be the final keynote at Content Marketing World 2013.

The living legend did not disappoint, offering rare gems of content marketing advice alongside

hilarious Hollywood tales.

The Captain’s Log

• Cultivate curiosity - Throwing back to the marketing campaign for the Blair Witch movie,

Shatner expounded the importance of both inducing curiosity in the consumer and allowing

marketers to follow their own curious compulsions

• Don’t take yourself too seriously - Using the viral campaign he starred in for State Farm

around home safety as an example, Shatner demonstrated the value in sacrificing a

certain brand image in order to communicate a greater idea

• Don’t treat consumers like brainless idiots - “You don’t have to always hit them in the face.’’

Move away from the hard sell! Instead of focusing on product features and benefits, offer the

consumer a bigger value proposition about your brand as a whole

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We hope you enjoyed our insights from Day 2 of Content

Marketing World 2013.

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