nfl i ui THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1915. 8 LONG NEW ERSEY'S SWEEPING COAST jrT z3-:v-;- e- "TWILIGHT MUSIC" AT DELAWARE GAP Film Making Interests Sum- mer Visitors Cailef-"Stork- 's Nest." GREATEST THRONG AT ASBURY PARK Attracted bv Silver Jubilee Bbv Parade Dance for Cm-niva- l Queen. BOATMKN'S FITE AisriT Park. N. J.. Au. II. Thli Ml been Baby Parade Week" In utbury Park and ill along the North Jersey Cgglt. OB A"cdnesday the Sll-v- r Jubilee Baby Parade took place ir and IB greatest throng that ever ,ime l! AlkUfT I'ark on a single day sinewed the evenl. The leading aoclal function of the week hrC wai the Queen'a aupier dince at the Lafayette Hotel on Thurs-,ia- v evening Among the guests were Viver C, 1" r. Hetrlck and the City Commissioners, members of the Cat nival ..,ni and the patroneaaea of the irnlval eventa. The flrat chlldren'a ntertamment of the aeaaon will be held H the Lafayett Monday evening. The unique tell last night waa attended by OH yueen .in her court In their royal robes The boatmen's carnival on Wealey Thurtdaj night waa a replica of the 'imoue water pageants held here In :rviouB year. Ai the "boat boys" l ad no municipal aupport. the cottagers n DOUl s.ues Ol Hie luuiiui'i "i netieroisb and decorated their houeee ia a seester extent than ever before. The ofliiial water fete waa held this and A. Nicholson of New Yuri;. ) ear on Sunset, Lake, which la In the Reglnn W. H. ' Lelncokc. .1 E. Mnr-oemr- e of the oity and the Imaginary I'hy, Mr. and Mrs. P, I. Johnson and line between Asbury and North Asbury. Gsiorge Carre of New York. A concert ttr the benefit of the Aa- - Albion Miss A. G. Golden, W illiam bury I'.irk Patrolmen's Benevolent Aa- - F. Parle, Mr and Mrs. 11 Breen, M. wciatlun was held on Monday evening Denny, H, H. KHppert, M I. Charles, n the Arcade pier under the direction B. Lavla. Miss Lillian Liiiighoer. Miss f Arthur Pryor. the baudmaater, and Agnes Langhoer of New York Till V.s'n Morgan, muaical director of Manhattan J. Perry Mllliken, Mrs. the tvean Urova An litorlnm A card nartv for the benefit of the Vnn May Memorial llonidtal waa held hi week in the Wasino of the Hotel BraiMwIek, Auction bridge and M)t ere the gamea played. Among thoae p laying were Mlsa A. Engle. Mrs. John !' Reegle, Mrs Anna Guy, Mrs. A. Ultn hart, Mrs. H. Kennedy. Mis. W, Sirher. Mia. Dudley Kirk. Miaa Violet MallOOfc, Mrs. Cleorge Cade, Mra. F. V. Von IVrsmith, Mrs. Jack CJordon, Mra C. A. Smith. Mrs. Martin Camp, Mm. M Kagan. Mrs. T. von Clahn. Mlea A. Unhart. Mra. I. F. Randolph. Mra. Robert Stretch, Mra. S. R. Maaa. Mra. K. A. Cotton and Mra. J. J. Lane. The week's arrivals Include: Lafayette Miss R. Coleman, Christ- opher st.ffena, Mra. Clara K. Carey, nr. ami Mrs T. Koa'iana, aval uea- - , noun, i a. neini, A. r. urvia. n i. B'alnard, Miaa Franota Tex tor. J. R. Pumie. He. Witt Bailey, Charles J. Farley, L, R, Rlohaixlaon, D. H. Wal-.e- r, V. H, Wayna, Mr. and Mra. George H Hewlett, Miaa F. M. Hewlett. W. P. Richmond. Miaa Elisabeth C Weick. Mm Kmma C. Weick. Mre. D. H. Potter, Miss Potter. R. E. Rellly and C. J. rav is of New York. Metropolitan Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Amlrews and family, J. A. Hill. Mius Ourielta Carter. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. UlttUtach, Mrs. J. Koch and family, Miss American, Mr. and Mra. S. M. Ke!-la- r. H. Iewait. otto Wigart, K. Wils- on. Bradley Myers, T. W, Longatralh. W, J. Hngan of New York. New Monterey Mr. 'and Mra. Law-rarx- e H Kemp, Mra. J. Muller, Wlll-a- 'oilier. William Collier, Jr.. Mra. Mav Irwin, Mit M. B. Mahoney, Miss A M. Foley. Miss Katharine Foley, Mias Horence Foley, T. P. Burke. L. M. Cu-ae- .1 Kitaslnimons, Mra. H. H. of N, w York. Hotel Brunswick Mrs. M. E. Uurfle. KM K J McNamara. C. E. Kline. Mr md Mra. (i. o. Canner. Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Lewis, Edward R. LewU, A. R. I'orter, .1 R Munson. Mr. and Mra. L. R Dresden, Mr and Mra. E. M. Hulling, tr and Mra. It. Q, Wiley and W. L ctewart of New York. ColeniHii House Mr. and Mra. P. F. Dsli, Mr. and Mre. Walter Brooks. Mr nd Mrs M. A. Martin. Mlsa Helen M Myers, Miss Katliertne Kane. Jamea l"utig. Mr and Mra. J. Y. Temday, AV. R Holiday, Mr. and Mrs. John Hheehan, n II Freud, T. 8. Taylor, Mr. and Mm V. ft. Pearae, Mra. Belle Moran, ''Then .1 Kramer of New York. Plaxa Hote- l- Mr. and Mre. G. Doyle, " MiKeiuie. John Flood. A. 8. Her- man. Mrs A. E. Howarth. Mra. A. Bck-T- t, Jacqueline de St. Maurrle, Mr. and Mrs. J, B .Sweeney. K. F. Crawford and amlly, Joseph Donleax'y and E. P. Byrne Of New York. Column! ,i Edward 8. Cahlll, Mr. and MM A Ramanattl, T. A. Kellv, F. y. c A Collina, E. 8. Cahlll, Mr. HM Mrs. T Tutchele. Io Keuaman. "J J A Blleboh, Mlaa E. Ellobch. Mlas Horei,,-- . Kueaman, t'harlee Wilkea. ' W, Bakeeek, H R. Downes. Mlaa A. onfllen Mr. and Mra. M. Van Valken-urg- Mr. and Mra. William Foster. Mr. arid Mrs J J. Hunter. E. 8. Cahlll, H. G. Robineon, g, Bayi MrB j, ig tni Air and Mra J P. Mlllker of New York. Marlborough--- '. A. Parker. William "Ipton. Miss Mildred Klein, Charlee F. awn, e Byron. T F. Marsh. T. H ''tinson. B C. Merrill Miss Jennie took. H ir. ii,,.i,,. . . Mr. n H Bykel. F. W Hall. Mlas ft Psion, HIM Mav Werner Mr and Mrs G Hampton, Mr and Mrs A. G Crall F Byron, T H Llndaey and F W Hall of New York W:nthrotThn I. Mnrrav. H. M Mr. and Mra. Charles UvllM. OMrgt Flatte. A. L. Black. Mlsa Esther, 00m.r, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Green. Kly X'roak. Ml.. H.t.n Mr anH Mr. Jrdlnnd Ivy, Miss Ernestine 8. Levy. M , . , inn XT xi- - ... a . r nr.. f. . i.. .'e ' " ....cm Alice Moncref and Mr and Mrs. M etry of New York. Monmouth William J. O'Brien, Mr. Md .Mis J. Franks. Mr. and Mra. Rose Hgpf, Mr and Mrs c. H. Turner, Mr. J Mrs. Hubert E. Cushman, Mrs. A. E. gMaian, Mlia Alleen Cushman, Mrs. K. Decker, Miss Virginia Decker and i" W H,nton of New fork. Tfcrdfortl--stlg- Helen J. Oraves. fiarhs Wolff. Mlsa Henrietta Wolff. Miss Ida Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Stan-O'ck- e. o. Koleber, R. D. Htomi, B. b 'feedon. Mrs. M. B. O'Kane. N. B. "rden, A. MacDonald. Mlaa Gretchen Meyers and Miss Grace F. Varlck of Bew York. unset Hall Jfug-an-e Bwesnsy. Miaa Bary r Hweenoy. L. Q. Murphy. Harry ' Lynns, John K Donoliue, Edward B. 'Nally, Mr. Coyne, Mlaa" Virginia Clown of the Asbury 'one. w. it. Uressnt r, George v. Bea man and Miss L Shields of New York. I Fenlmore M. A. Dwyer, Mlaa Helen A. .inroney. ( ', Hathaway, George Car- son. Mrs. A. Nicholson, the .Misses Nloh-olao- Mr. ami Mrs. Charlei Bherw I. Charles Ade, A. K Chase. Dr and Mrs, W. J. Stewart, lr. A. J. Fish, r. lira A. Constable. Miss Amv nonstable INK i.S, ,,(-- , .XI , .MVS. Illl.l.U A. Armstrong. I, G. Naglc. C, ford, E I Slnnehuck. o Ijim V Viel,,,i .,, I J. O. Iuffy. Miss Natalie I lufty. M Stafford, I A. HaabroUck, T. McAvoy r. niieiiicr, a. ?mnn, eienerni Preston and Miss Ida K. Khrtioh of New York. Virginia Mr and .Ali Henry .Ian-se- Edwin S. Merrill, Mrs. T .1 H.iff-ne- Miss Luella i. Qaifney of New York. Bristol Arnold Brook. D. Grant. Q, f. Smith, Mrs. t'harles Shauno, It. Bosstl berg, A. M. Ilarkhrimer, J, LlpkoWltS, Mra. Hose' Rothschild. F. Weill. Mrs. J. E. Engel, Mrs. Charles First, Mr. and Mra. E. Sternfeld. Joseph Hess. Mr. and Mra. W. A. Houseman. John Goldboom, William DaBchmer, A. H. Newlverger, Royal H. H. liunini and Joseph Wan of New York, Park Vlew--F- . D, Mitchell. W. B. Bush. Bdward Doiiegan. J, J. Dooley, i N g o Thomas H. J. Fischer, E, C. Dougherty. H. C. Gottfried and K. War-- ! ring of New Y'ork. Berwln Mrs. C. Gailhralth. liss L. ' Gailbralth, Dr. Joseph C. Duff, and F. McNIcoll of New York Madison Henry Snvder. Miss Lulu Snyder. If, Jenkins and Miaa Grace Jenkins of New York. Surf House Mr. und Mrs c. C. Slier-ma- n and Mrs. T. Colebrook of New York. Wellington Miss Helen Morrison, Mrs. W. C Mulher and Mrs. H, War- ren Caster of New Y irk. Surf House Mr. and Mrs W. Merrill. Mrs. W. C. Foster. Miss R Foster. Miss Alberta Rauch and Miss Phoebe Rauch I. of New York. LONG BRANCH. N. J. t.i)n Rpavi'II. N. J.. Auk. "K Great Interest u.i-- shown xesl erilax- ill the Krai iioir show in the West Rml Shore Club, under the direction of ICrA R. W. HaWkOSWOrth and Charles G Hopton. The dogs shown were owned by cottagers and guests at the hot?la and there was much friendly rivalry In the competition for the blue ribbons. Arrivals this week include Mr. an 1 Mrs. O. H. Williams. Miss Emily A. Williams, Edwin Stuart, Miss Ines Ruck. Miss Rosamond S. Beck, Mmu. Frances Alda. Austin Young. J. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. A. lUggeiiheitn. .Miss Anne Walding, Miss May liunlea. .Miss Georgia O'Ramey, Mr. and Mrs Fred- erick W. Arnold. Henry It. Macht. Henry Baer, A. K Salamon, Miss Sirmni Meyers. Bernard Ketnpner. Mltchel Shul-mi- Aubrey Bhulman. Samuel Darf, Milton Welngarten, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Moore, Miss Zelda Sears. Mr. and Mrs James Forbes, Miss Jeannette Jell. MIm Alma Tell H. Ford. Mr and 1'. O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hun er. Mr. and Mra. H. I. ( uthbertsoti, Mlsa Evelyn Galluct. Mr. and Mra. R. J Ruth- - erford. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gallucl. J. A Austin. Louis ( WiSWell. V. H. Ray, Mrs. Josenh Ward. Miss M. Ward, Cecil B. Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Selwyn, A. 8. Sanderson. Miss Beatrice Ingra-ha- Crossley Galge and Misa Mure Carroll of New York. SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. SeaiNO Laks Bkach, N. J., Aug. 28. AVith every hotel and boarding houae filled and endless entertainments roi visitors this resort lias reached tho height of Its season. In the throng at the Black and WMtl hall at the New I'.ssex aii Sussex were Mr "t"1 Ml'" Edward Hale Graves, Mr. "! MB. Auguste Vatable, Mrs. Gnmer- - B,,r Kortrlglit. Dr. and Mrs Ulalr Rut. Phen, Mr. and Mi s. Charles H San- - fold. Miss J. H. Aleuts. W illiam Hayar Hlackwell. Dr. and Mis. M W Harnimi. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haync Airs Mil Campbell. Miss Mary I ampbell. Mr an I bC. Edward Coffin, Mrs. George Fred- - p,,,n 'rl,,k ,''"r'jJ S'r' an'', Mrs. Mrs. William Living Tevls Huhn. and Mrs. John Franklin Fort of Now Jcrnex. Mlas Murgaretta Fort, Dr. and Airs James B Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Lynch. Mixa Peggy Bhlppsn Lynoh awl Mr. and Mra. Ton O'Sulllvan. Another unusual aoclal futwtlon of the week xvna the annual bsj ncuque of the New Monmouth Hotel last night. Thomaa A. Edison Is expected !x urn ks an address at the New Monmouth Hotel on the night of Tuesday. September 14. before the Association of Edieon Illum- inating CVmrpanlea Ttie aswiclutlon will be In session here for a week. The dinner on Beptemlier 14 will he served on the lawn of the hotel, and will ot cooked by electricity. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw addressed s targe suffrage meeting In the Essex arid Sussex ballroom yesterday aternoon. Park baby parade. ROASTS ON BEACH JN tUT C iBf K.JM. CAMPFIRE PARTY JtaJkJflbS' MOUNT P0C0N0 OWlJ OfJG 101111 i t driintcd Of ' ' k". THRONGS at thk HOTELS OcaAN Orovk, x ,i. Auk The (i.e. in tjrove Aafobtatlon haa plaotd a .'an ui in i.ie luMi.im m ii.ii.iuiuii 'n roasts upon the eandi hereafter with-o- first obtalnltui a permit from the aecretary of the association. No less than one hundred applications fo: nt.u siima'.low roasts have been made during the past two weeks, but they have all been refused except one. and that waa grained to the choir of the Young People's Temple. The week's Arrival! Include: Majestic- - Miss Hilda Stenger, Robert Tucker of New York. ' Sen a ale Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Steel of n York; .Miss Lillian Durst and 9. V. Aiasaa -- ails uiierinan, a. r.. Corns. F Breslin. M. L. Breslln. Mr. and Mrs K S. Tlrnken. D F Baehman. Dr. and Mrs. s. Well, h m oalnea, Misa Lulu Nordslen. Mrs. .1 AV Cartel M. V. Carter. Charles 11 Kirch and family, Mnt, Anna Logan, Mrs .1. D. Falrbank, Mrs F. A. Falrbank and F. W, Good- win of New York. North End Irfslie Reid, Herbert Driggs, Mme. Anita Rio, Dr. and Mrs. AV. F. Oldham, A. L. Crater, C. H. Fow- - ' r, Carl H, Fowler, O. U Robinson. Henri Scott. Miss Edith Master, Mlaa Pelle Carpendale, W. T. Sloat. Mr. nnd Mrs. A'. L. Cannon and family, O. E. Stolle. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. lister. Mr. and Mrs J W. Smith, Thomas Davis, It. .1 llouner and J. F. Burton of New Yfllk La Pierre 11 A Walsh. T. C. Will iams, Mrs. James MeAdam, A. H. of New Y'ork. Arhorton -- Miss Ida Stadle, Mr. and Mrs. B, M. Hoieyman, Mrs. G. Lela-cheu- r, Miss J Jut. Mrs A Juat. Dr. W. S. Carpenter, Mrs. E. Abhorley, Mlaa K. Abborley. Miss F.lla V. Abhorley, Mrs. G. G. Sullivan, Miss H. Sullivan and Miss Anna Jeffrey of New Y'ork. Langdon- - Mrs. .1. Titus, Ralph of New Y'ork. New Philadelphia -- Mias C. I. Ruter. Mrs. G Orson, Miss C Rheln. Mrs. A. Suker. Misa E M Suker of New Y'ork. Sunset IOdge Mies (rertrude Mache mer, Mlsa Grace C. Fay, Miss Elisabeth ilerrity and Mra. William L. Allen of New York. Fountain House Mra. Hnrrlet Brown. Miaa O AA". England, M. Secor. Mr. and Mra. C, F. Hesaer. Miss Pauline Hesser. y d K Hain, w . Hoo. John T Martin. Mrs John H. Frmrhi Mr and Mrs. A. AV. Wiseman. MrR p Battom(,, A x BnfiiWi Miss A SrUK,m Mr., M. E. Magulre Thomaa . ... . ... M sohmldt. Mrs Har- - , .... nr,. M C Smr Mln H.len Nevlns, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wassmann, G. S, Wilson and A. A. Bodlne of New York. Ocean House C F. Cahalane and family. Mlas Sanderson, Mrs. W, War-rene- r, William Patterson of New York. Slielburn Frederick MeCallum. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Nels. L Nels, W C. Morgan. Mrs H. H. Smith, C. H. Mes-slll- s of New York. Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Forrest, . . sh j u Francises. J. H M,.v(,r Miss Adelaide Meyer. Miss Mar- - tnri Mackintosh. a'Isji Adelaide Meyer. u r c Mex-e- r and Miss Marv Van! Aa-- l. of New Y'ork spray View Mr. and Mrs. Frank JSnc, H. M. AVIIllams, Miss Alice Stock - ,on Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kearney of New York. Park A'lew G. Gleaon of New York. St Elmo W, A. Jeffery and family of New Y'ork. Norman House Albert Greenback, Miss Lucie Greenback and Miss Helen Greenback of New York. AjENHTJRST, n. J. Ai i.KNiirnsT, N. .!., Aug. I. Pa- tience was rewarded Mils week when Mrs. Joseph Cawthorne larded her first bass in twelve yeais on the Allenhurst bench. Mra. Cawthorne has fished and fished and hoped all that time. The bass weighed eleven and ono-ha- if pounds. Tho Allenhurst Club Is planning a great celebration on libor Day. One of the striking costumes worn at i recent fancy dress ball at tho AHsnhtlWt club was worn by Mlag Beseie Watei . of New York. The arrivals of the week Include: Allenhurst Club H. G. Bird. Mr. and Afrs. A. H. Hopping, B. M Harts. B. G. Murray, D. Wheeler, I A. Hanui- - tl fWgft 43 MH. Clifford A. Halstcad, pi Cupid. AT ra .- - hih sr mi nisi , 1 II II 1 Ml IM - Charlie Chaplin and one of Titania XV. ton, Le Roy H.inll-e- . p. Reed, J. A Smith. Miss Mullen. Mr. a:,d Mrs F:el- - erlck Collins of Now Y'ork. Curlew Mrs. J. Goldsmith, Mra. C, A. Miss Bessie Wtifurs in fancy his girl friends. Above Queen and her court. Brown, M, Woods, Mrs. A. C. Austin. Dr. Irig.irten, M,s.s t'lara Wallach. U Pellman nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. Heine-ma- n of New Y'oik. Iglll by 1Tn.1snnod snd T'ndsrwned. dress, at Allenhurst! N, J, Bfl BK aTiaVJBaflS K'MUB m V. PRIZES AT "500" PARTY Mot NT PoOOMOi Pa.. Aug. Among the events at the Mount Pleasant House waa the progressive 600 on Tuesday even ng. Frlies were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Mcllwee of Philadelphia, Mrs. Robert G Wilson of Brooklyn. Alfred Church of Plalnfleld. N. J ; O D. Bouton of Philadelphia. F. C. Merkla of New Y'ork Brooklyn, The summer visitors at the Swlftwrtter enjoyed a campftre party this week. A tine s.ot waa chosen where the bright moonlight showed to best advantage and the members assembled round the roaring, crackling blare to tell stories, slug the old favor'te songs and toast narshmallows, Recent arrival! st Mount Pooonofrom New Y'ork Mt Pleasant House H E Harding, Miss Mable W. Alberteon. Miss Mary R, Vlbsrtson, Samuel H. Sherrerd, Morris li Bherrerd, N. F. Johnson, George A'. Johnson. J, J Barrer, Mr. and Mrs. It. T McNamara. Miss A. M. Pepper. Joseph Haas. Ferdinand Emmel and wife, Perla D. Bmtnel, Mr and Mrs William C. Grimier, Mr. and Mra. Charles Mills, Mrs. Russell Hyan, P. C. Todd, Mrs. Charles Andrews, Miss Mildred Clair. Mr. an-- Mrs. Charles C AVnrd, M. Asher. Miss Dorothy W:sner, Mr. and Mrs H P, Banusch, Mrs M. B, Car- penter. Miss Helen M. Carpenter, Miss May L Carpenter PoCOhO Mt. House C. D. Allen, Mr and Mrs W. C. MoCUtOheon, Miss Jen- nie McCutcheon. Edmund Hume. Mrs. M. Noppe, Misses M. and E. Nop pa, MeadOWStde Miss Alice J, Weber, J. M Madden. Devonshire Pines C Dugan. Miss T J, Krall. Miss R B. Dillon. Falrview Mr. and Mrs. Owen R Swain. Poeono Manor Inn Gerald S. Smith. Albert Strasburger, Mrs. Scberer, Mrs, M C Hoyer, Miss Florence Saunders, Miss Edith A. Saunders, Mrs, .1 I Blackemen, J. M. Dodge, Mr and Mrs. F. L. Tompkins. Blvln Miff Adele Grady Belmont- - Miss M E Jerome Bwl ft water House Miss m. E Brady, Mr. and Mrs O, H. AA'alters, Mr. snd Mrs. .1 II K White, Miss S Cribbln, M:ss K Cribbln. Miss L. Cribbln, Miss Mae A Stephens, Charles Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crankshaw, Miss j. MoUlnnls, Pennhuril Mrs. M Pcherer, Mr. and Mrs. George W. AVhltend, V J. Pierce. Mrs S 11 Mitchell, Mrs. P F. Howell, S. F Howell Tuxedo Miss Maud logan. Miss Rose Weir, Miss Kathryn Weir. Clnlrmont Mlssea Margaret ft, Oer- - trude R. and Mary Tnrpy, Mlas Rmlly Stein. Ijiurel Inn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-- ' Kay, M as Myrtle Stangle, Mr. Spath. Miss Kramer, Mr. Adams, Mr. and Mrs, Marshall, Mr. heergn, Mr. and Mrs loan, Mr, and Mrs Green. Pooohnssett George S. Paysnn, Mish ik. V Coupnlok, Miss A. M Reynold!, J, J. Whalen, Mr. and Mra T p. Nugent, T II Nugent. BELMAR, N. J. Bki.mah, N. J., Aug. 2 The balls at the Carlton Hotel and it the Melrose Inn were attended bv ' large throng! of dancers An interesting programme of events for September Is being planned by tho Inlet Terr. ice Club. There xvill be tennis tournament!, card parties, a great liar-- , veil moon ball and a regatta on Shall. River, The Itclmar Yacht t'lub Is also plan, ulng a September programme of rncou, which will be held each Saturday after noon during the early (nut of th month. Arrivals from New Y'ork this week Include J i)ildane, 1 Martin, i a i - thier. i i W. Kilgar. Miaa Uatalts Mai lis. K. Ellis, Mr. and Mra. P. J. Roddy, E1 bert otlenlaiurg, B. Blaiushard, Mlas Har- riet ttrunir, a e. fisgoai, a. M Barnes, Jr., W. F. Wallhotl, M. A Meyer and Mlsa II, Geaine, M. Seymour, Miaa Mary Power! and H. bt, Juim. Coiiyrirht by American Pres Aseociation. SEA BRIGHT, N. J. Ska BtlOHT, N. J . Aiur. 2S A con- cert was given by Allvert Spauldlng. the American violinist, at the 8ea Bright Lawn Tennis and Cricket Club for the benefit of tlio Italian wounded soldiers In the American Conx'alescent Hospital at Florence, Italy. Among the fatronesaea were Mrs. C. de Oopptt, Mrs Ernest de Coppet, Mra, Robert Hartshorne. Mrs diaries P. Kel- logg, Mrs. Charles D Halsey. Mrs. W. Nelson Cromwell. Mrs. William H. Hamilton. Mrs. Phillips Franklin, Mra. W. A. .I.imleson, Mrs. Arthur J. Cun-noc- k, Mrs, B, Rushnell. Mrs. James M. Beck. Mrs George A. if. "hurchlll, Mrs. U R..y Baldwin, Mrs. William Barbour, Mrs. T. Horace Harding, Mrs. E. D. Christian, Mrs. John J. Knox, Mrs Harry Rlker, Mrs. H. B. Spnulding, Mrs. R. H Kimball. Mrs. Robert Mrs. J, Prentice Kellogg, Mrs. J, AA'alter Spauldlng. Mrs. Thomas Afrs. Howard Walton, Mrs. Arthur Miles. Mrs AndTew Stout. Mrs. II I. Thornell ntitl Mrs. .T. A. Hasklll. ATLANTIC mOHLANDfi, N. J. Atlantic II toll lamps. N. J, Aug 28. - The chief topic of Interest In yschtlng circles at present Is the regatta which will be held on the North Shrewsbury River on Labor Day by the Locust Point Yacht Club. In addition to the motor boat races, there will be aquatic gportg of oil kinds and prizes w,ll be awarded. Mrs E Prtdwell, of Brooklyn, who Is at, the Bay A'tew. entertained twenty-flv- o friends on Wednesday at u, bridge party. Mrs. J. J Gammell. Jr. and Robert Burns were the winners of the prizes. Among those who went on a motor ride from the Bay A'iew for supper at Asbury on Friday evening were Misa S. Alexander, R. Kalton, Miss K. Myer, AV. McKay. Miss Elsie Stephen!, Mr. nnd Mrs. F W. Relter. Air and Mrs. Otto Rieg and Mr. and Mra. August Bchmltt, William Foster won the ne club competition held on the links of the golf course last Saturday. N. J. N. J, Aug. !l Extensive Improvements are helner planned for the leach front before the beginning of another sea-aon- The guests of Strttford Inn are plan- ning a moonlight swimming party on Monday evening. The week's arrivals inolude: Avon Inn Mrs. S Shields. D Shields, Mil! Frances Shields, W Hope Dean, H. Slaier. Mra H. Stern and L Well of New York Buckingham Tames Rrower Miss .1 Phlllpson nnd Miss l'.dlth M. AVell of New York. ' Stratford Inn Mrs E A Draddy, Mis R C Draddx. Mra. E. C Adams. John Delemater, Cxrl Storm. Mrs M. Taylor, H Parker and Mr Slid Mrs C, H, Talbot of New York, BRADLEY BEACH, N. J. BlAM.RT Hkach. N. J. Aug. 28 CharRahle women In the cottage colony formed a club this week for the purpose of making woollen garments for the Widowed Mothers Society of New York. Aiding in this work are Mrs L. AA'hlte, Mrs I s Koenlg, atiss Bertha Band an, Mrs. J, Jaffa, Mrs. H. Flshman. Miss Ruth Geraty. Miss Fannie Koenlg. Mlas Bertha Koenlg and Mrs George Kridel A meeting lii the Interest of equal suffrage was held on AVednesday at the home of Mrs. Viator Pareonet. The arrivals of the week from New Y'ork Include Mrs. Julia M. Bacon, Miss Kale Meyers. Mis. Lydia MacDowell Grose Mlas Edith Barr, Miss Jean Airs. F. A. Clifford, Crawford Kent, Miss Edith Barr, Mr. and Mrs. L, Fclt'clsen and David Strauaman. CAPE MAY, N. J. CAPI Mat, N J , Aug 2d. The crowd if summer visitors has not Jl- - inluisli. (l, lirlg.Geii, Michael c. Comlney of Washington, p c , is again here, He is slaving at the Lafayette for un In- - definite period He was recently retired from active service. Another guest bt Hie Lafayette is Llaut J- 1L Murphy of Raltllliore, LlSUt, Murphy was member of the West Point IttB class The Corinthian Yacht Club has ele led the following otlnera to ser'.e for lite eii beginning January i 1!U Comntodi in . I, lilies P. F'o the vice- - nmiiualoi i S. I tag! i '.iinpliell rear cninmodnre Hr. J Stuart Tall . iruitosa, WIIU'hiii s 'HSHClmaili Norman i li ay, VVullai ll.ilowell. Francis II. Hill. i leorge I. Ilimlsy, John A. McCarthy and l'i Ittctiard c. Norrii. NEW YORK ARRIVALS Dii.awark Watki: Gap. Ph., Aug. 2. Through the efforts ,.f Mrs. J. Puidy Cope and Mrs H. E. McCarthy an en- tertainment called the "twilight musi- cals" was given for the now Catholic church here. Among those who sung were Miss Agnes C Molll, soprano, of Philadelphia; Raymond llawley. tenor. Philaklelpbla ; Earl Bruch, t r, of Bangor; George I "Ml. violinist, and Charles S. Linton, plghllt, f Philadel- phia. Bumme visitors at the Klttatlnny have lieen much Interested this week In the operations of a large Company of moving picture actors who are tjxklng a five reel film In tl.e vicinity. The direc- tor Is William Nigh of New Y ork, who Is making the picture, called the "Stork's Nest.'' from an , Id nOVel, In the mak- ing of the film he Is assisted by M. J. Faust of NOW. York in the cast ars Alias Mary Miles Mlnter. Nlles Welsh, J. D. Cowles. Charlie Prince and the Misses Costello and Shelby. Recent arrivals at Water Gap from New Y'ork : Water Gap House C. A. Peters, Mis! Mary .1 Wagerman, Philip G Alios, James Flater. B, Hume, Mr. und Mrs. c. w. Hawkins, Mrs. p. Hosch, Ooldle R. Hosch, Miss Jan tfoMh, Mr, and Mrs. O. E Rydcn and daughter, Mis Edvth Walters, M Jabolle, Mrs. E. P. Kern. Miss Mae Qolden, Miss Anna Gold- en, Mr. and Mrs. P. LMUWI and daugh- ter. E. Limy, F. Limy. P. C. Kast, r. E. Cornell. A. Throeburger 11IK) f .t rn11-- . Dr. and Mrs. Heifer. E, ThompeXfl, W. Patterson. L. AVells. Mrs. J. F. Powers, I. J. Powers, o. F. Powers. N. AVInter-mut- e, Arthur John. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis. Mr. and Mrs. T. de Bolult, B. Wnrtendorft. Frank Po Marco. A'. B. Caughllu. Mrs. Mary C. uoian. Miss Agnes Gillipan. Kittannny OflM Mazie p. ties. nr. K. Harris. Mr. and Mis. Dr Carl w. AVatson and family. N. A Thompson, Will, lam V, De Roy, Miss Agnes T. button, Miss Marguerite T Dtltton, Miss Ward, Miss Com mans. Miss Dixon, W. H. Held. Mr and Mrs Jamea R Hiiasnn. Mr, n,l Mrs George AV. Whitehead and family. Miss J. Neidlinger, Mil! .1 Sepltlne Nelri-llnge- r, William Neldling, r, Aliss Lillian R. Klee, C. F Thatcher. Miss nni Froehllch. Adolph Froellch, Mr. ami Mrs. Charles AV. Hoffman, T V. Tillv, Allan Webb. Mrs E. , .lustiri E. Bach, Otto L. HoOCharall, AV e tir.i-ha- Mrs A. C. Tarinton. E. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Battmen. Richard Heye. mann, Air. and Mrs M. Brans, W. A. Burtenshaw. H. Menken. W. T. Combes, T. AV. Cochran. Hal Rnsson. Olenwood Mr. and Mrs. Hoidan. Mn Bouvard. Germalne RniivsnS uM Gardner Hlrons. Gardner HIron I Jr ' Miss Tillle Hendera, n, Miss Mabel Hen-derao- n. W. p. Cutler, John H Mouse H. A. Baggott, Mr. and Mrs H lllert-ber- g, AVilliani J, Macllvain, AV. It Snv-d-- r. I'aul Michlllono, V. AV. Crosiman E; F. Haaren. William A Sundheimer, AY. H. Gllmore. M V, Bvrnes Ar B KUrg, Irving G. Keller.' E .Stanley Wlencke, Mr. and Mrs. it n. ffherer Castle Inn Al. G. Hart. Mr. and Mrs Haroktns. f. a w.ct s Mr. and Mrs. E F. Bngllsh, Mrs f.J, Chamberlain. Mrs and .Mi-- s Eckhardt. H. Byrnes, H. Tassey. R, , Fisher, ;'. Vpondinbraugh, Mr. and Mrs. M. w. Brees, Robert A, Orr, A. A Cronns Central Fred W Lee, Camere: Lee auo mim, J. a smelt, .Airs. K Plum. iey. j. t. Yams. L, T, Brenne, A, Gar-- veinow. Miss Jang W, Rhoda, Catarait House a J, Irauman. Miss Tennle Hendersmr. 1. Woodruff, Airs. Peter Henderson. .Mr and Mra. W. (.'. Bla-k- . Willow Deli Miss Kathertno Culltvan, Miss Helen Culltvan, Mr. and Mrs S m' Teeter, Sidney Teeter, Jr., George g' Teter. Mrs. A. H. Winter!, Aliss Helen AV Inters. Forest House- - Mri. B II i: Ion and son, Mrs. B. Meyers and daughter, Q. C Lesen, The., Hchaafer, Mis- - m. Ham- mond, 11 Sol. crs. Bellevue Uiss Charlotte shemthsim. c, a Beach, a. V Oirocke, K Osrocko, G. W. Campbell. Mrs. Peters. Mill Marl, Mrs. A. Smith, Miss Rose Joseph, J. Mc- - urain, wn juim u Foley, I, Camei one. Miss Sue Kerrigan, H, Baco Delaware House Mr. and Mrs P, Bei'k, D. C. Bcclei and family. John Ktsoh. George Schwann SV J, Mil, hell, Jr . and party. J, H. McGIII, C, U Allen. River view Lawrence . Dernsghan, Miss Lurlli m. Schumann, Mlaa Marie Mills. Miss Florence N. I.e. P.. vv ids. worth Laurel Ridge leorg ' Ec Mil! Fan Ingion. Pokoni Arthur J, Bo Law rei.e Bonn. Courtengy Lodge Miss Ella i Fljinn, Mra Joseph Flvnn, M.ss Mas Cleary, Berr.ardlne Fischer, All. und Mrs S. E. Palmer, Herbert Bhleldi, ll J, Mullir, AA'. J. Rogers. Mountain House Miss IV T ard Thomas dhlld, A T. Brady, Oaks John B. Cook. Otto Zeltz, Aire. A. N, Planck. Far View Miss .1 K Wendel, Mlsi Rose Marohflild, M Gould, Valley View- - Mn, e Buiher and family. Hdgewood Mr. and Mrs. inuring, Mlas Dunning. Mrs. W. Potter, s. Potter, C. F. Thatcher. Caldeno Mr, and Mr! e a Faust, Edwin C Faust. Mrs. E .Mullen, MlSltl Anna and Eleanor Mullen, Kara mac Inn - -- Miss Edith r.ihler, Miss Llllia Henderson, Mtu Mabel lien-derao- Dr. A. T. Leslie, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Banks, C, L, Hill, Mr. and Mra, H. D. Sherer Miss Julia Praia Miss Gladys Clurke, Miss Kdllll At Clarke, Miss Rose T. Marlon. Mill Bessie G, Marlon George E. Moeiel, Mr and Mis. Norman Herhst. DEAL BEACH, N. J. Deal BgACH, N. J., Aug 21 The an- nual fail programme of event! to im daoldod on the links of iho Deal Baaoh Golf Club was announced tins week aa fellows September 4. Baturduy. sKinala for John F. Sh.mtev memorllll cup, 38 holes; s. in in. .ils for William CHI mail cups, qualifying round for club rh.tmplonshlp, is holes, medal play. s. rati tl eight to qualify eightee.i hole! muh li play handicap agan st par. tlnee iil.ute's of handicap allowed, Aral round to count class A und H. Clips 10 winners September Sundiv ID A M, flrat round. ,11 holes, cJuii chafMplonsMp ; lilt p. M, iiml.flnali, club champion- - ship. Seidemher Labor Day a. m, Ihiali, si holes for ' inn rhamptonihlp ; ;in holes, medal play handicap, selected, ll to count, three-quarte- r handicap al- lowed. September It, Saturdaj J A M, finals, UK hobs for William Ottnuia cups, U holes, medal play handicap, cluaaei A and B. Cups to wmneti.

Transcript of 8 jrT LONG NEW ERSEY'S SWEEPING€¦ · nfl i ui THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1915. 8 jrTLONG NEW...


nfli ui





Film Making Interests Sum-

mer Visitors Cailef-"Stork- 's




Attracted bv Silver JubileeBbv Parade Dance for

Cm-niva- l Queen.


AisriT Park. N. J.. Au. II. Thli

Ml been Baby Parade Week" In

utbury Park and ill along the NorthJersey Cgglt. OB A"cdnesday the Sll-v- r

Jubilee Baby Parade took place

ir and IB greatest throng that ever,ime l! AlkUfT I'ark on a single daysinewed the evenl.

The leading aoclal function of theweek hrC wai the Queen'a aupierdince at the Lafayette Hotel on Thurs-,ia- v

evening Among the guests wereViver C, 1" r. Hetrlck and the CityCommissioners, members of the Cat nival

..,ni and the patroneaaea of theirnlval eventa. The flrat chlldren'antertamment of the aeaaon will be held

H the Lafayett Monday evening. Theunique tell last night waa attended byOH yueen .in her court In their royalrobes

The boatmen's carnival on WealeyThurtdaj night waa a replica of the

'imoue water pageants held here In:rviouB year. Ai the "boat boys"l ad no municipal aupport. the cottagers

n DOUl s.ues Ol Hie luuiiui'i "inetieroisb and decorated their houeeeia a seester extent than ever before.The ofliiial water fete waa held this and A. Nicholson of New Yuri;.) ear on Sunset, Lake, which la In the Reglnn W. H. ' Lelncokc. .1 E. Mnr-oemr- e

of the oity and the Imaginary I'hy, Mr. and Mrs. P, I. Johnson andline between Asbury and North Asbury. Gsiorge Carre of New York.

A concert ttr the benefit of the Aa- - Albion Miss A. G. Golden, W illiambury I'.irk Patrolmen's Benevolent Aa- - F. Parle, Mr and Mrs. 11 Breen, M.wciatlun was held on Monday evening Denny, H, H. KHppert, M I. Charles,n the Arcade pier under the direction B. Lavla. Miss Lillian Liiiighoer. Missf Arthur Pryor. the baudmaater, and Agnes Langhoer of New York

Till V.s'n Morgan, muaical director of Manhattan J. Perry Mllliken, Mrs.the tvean Urova An litorlnm

A card nartv for the benefit of theVnn May Memorial llonidtal waa heldhi week in the Wasino of the Hotel

BraiMwIek, Auction bridge and M)tere the gamea played. Among thoae

p laying were Mlsa A. Engle. Mrs. John!' Reegle, Mrs Anna Guy, Mrs. A.Ultnhart, Mrs. H. Kennedy. Mis. W,Sirher. Mia. Dudley Kirk. Miaa VioletMallOOfc, Mrs. Cleorge Cade, Mra. F. V.Von IVrsmith, Mrs. Jack CJordon, MraC. A. Smith. Mrs. Martin Camp, Mm.M Kagan. Mrs. T. von Clahn. Mlea A.Unhart. Mra. I. F. Randolph. Mra.Robert Stretch, Mra. S. R. Maaa. Mra.K. A. Cotton and Mra. J. J. Lane.

The week's arrivals Include:Lafayette Miss R. Coleman, Christ-

opher st.ffena, Mra. Clara K. Carey,nr. ami Mrs T. Koa'iana, aval uea- - ,

noun, i a. neini, A. r. urvia. n i.B'alnard, Miaa Franota Tex tor. J. R.Pumie. He. Witt Bailey, Charles J.Farley, L, R, Rlohaixlaon, D. H. Wal-.e- r,

V. H, Wayna, Mr. and Mra. GeorgeH Hewlett, Miaa F. M. Hewlett. W. P.Richmond. Miaa Elisabeth C Weick.Mm Kmma C. Weick. Mre. D. H. Potter,Miss Potter. R. E. Rellly and C. J.rav is of New York.

Metropolitan Mr. and Mrs. A. C.Amlrews and family, J. A. Hill. MiusOurielta Carter. Mr. and Mrs. F. P.UlttUtach, Mrs. J. Koch and family,Miss American, Mr. and Mra. S. M. Ke!-la- r.

H. Iewait. otto Wigart, K. Wils-on. Bradley Myers, T. W, Longatralh.W, J. Hngan of New York.

New Monterey Mr. 'and Mra. Law-rarx- e

H Kemp, Mra. J. Muller, Wlll-a-

'oilier. William Collier, Jr.. Mra.Mav Irwin, Mit M. B. Mahoney, MissA M. Foley. Miss Katharine Foley, MiasHorence Foley, T. P. Burke. L. M. Cu-ae-

.1 Kitaslnimons, Mra. H. H.of N, w York.

Hotel Brunswick Mrs. M. E. Uurfle.KM K J McNamara. C. E. Kline. Mrmd Mra. (i. o. Canner. Mr. and Mrs.W, R. Lewis, Edward R. LewU, A. R.I'orter, .1 R Munson. Mr. and Mra. L.R Dresden, Mr and Mra. E. M. Hulling,tr and Mra. It. Q, Wiley and W. Lctewart of New York.

ColeniHii House Mr. and Mra. P. F.Dsli, Mr. and Mre. Walter Brooks.Mr nd Mrs M. A. Martin. Mlsa HelenM Myers, Miss Katliertne Kane. Jameal"utig. Mr and Mra. J. Y. Temday, AV.R Holiday, Mr. and Mrs. John Hheehan,n II Freud, T. 8. Taylor, Mr. andMm V. ft. Pearae, Mra. Belle Moran,''Then .1 Kramer of New York.

Plaxa Hote- l- Mr. and Mre. G. Doyle," MiKeiuie. John Flood. A. 8. Her-man. Mrs A. E. Howarth. Mra. A. Bck-T- t,

Jacqueline de St. Maurrle, Mr. andMrs. J, B .Sweeney. K. F. Crawford andamlly, Joseph Donleax'y and E. P.

Byrne Of New York.Column! ,i Edward 8. Cahlll, Mr. and

MM A Ramanattl, T. A. Kellv, F.y. c A Collina, E. 8. Cahlll, Mr.HM Mrs. T Tutchele. Io Keuaman.

"J J A Blleboh, Mlaa E. Ellobch. MlasHorei,,-- . Kueaman, t'harlee Wilkea.' W, Bakeeek, H R. Downes. Mlaa A.onfllen Mr. and Mra. M. Van Valken-urg-

Mr. and Mra. William Foster. Mr.arid Mrs J J. Hunter. E. 8. Cahlll, H. G.Robineon, g, Bayi MrB j, ig tniAir and Mra J P. Mlllker of New York.

Marlborough--- '. A. Parker. William"Ipton. Miss Mildred Klein, Charlee F.awn, e Byron. T F. Marsh. T. H''tinson. B C. Merrill Miss Jennietook. H ir. ii,,.i,,. . . Mr.

n H Bykel. F. W Hall. Mlas ft Psion,HIM Mav Werner Mr and Mrs GHampton, Mr and Mrs A. G Crall F

Byron, T H Llndaey and F W Hallof New York

W:nthrotThn I. Mnrrav. H. MMr. and Mra. Charles UvllM.

OMrgt Flatte. A. L. Black. Mlsa Esther,00m.r, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Green. KlyX'roak. Ml.. H.t.n Mr anH Mr.Jrdlnnd Ivy, Miss Ernestine 8. Levy.M , . ,inn XT xi- -... a

. r nr.. f. . i...'e ' " ....cmAlice Moncref and Mr and Mrs. M

etry of New York.Monmouth William J. O'Brien, Mr.

Md .Mis J. Franks. Mr. and Mra. RoseHgpf, Mr and Mrs c. H. Turner, Mr.J Mrs. Hubert E. Cushman, Mrs. A. E.gMaian, Mlia Alleen Cushman, Mrs.

K. Decker, Miss Virginia Decker andi" W H,nton of New fork.

Tfcrdfortl--stlg- Helen J. Oraves.fiarhs Wolff. Mlsa Henrietta Wolff.Miss Ida Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Stan-O'ck- e.

o. Koleber, R. D. Htomi, B. b'feedon. Mrs. M. B. O'Kane. N. B."rden, A. MacDonald. Mlaa GretchenMeyers and Miss Grace F. Varlck ofBew York.

unset Hall Jfug-an-e Bwesnsy. MiaaBary r Hweenoy. L. Q. Murphy. Harry' Lynns, John K Donoliue, Edward B.

'Nally, Mr. Coyne, Mlaa" Virginia

Clown of the Asbury'one. w. it. Uressnt r, George v. Bea

man and Miss L Shields of New York. I

Fenlmore M. A. Dwyer, Mlaa HelenA. .inroney. ( ', Hathaway, George Car-son. Mrs. A. Nicholson, the .Misses Nloh-olao-

Mr. ami Mrs. Charlei Bherw I.Charles Ade, A. K Chase. Dr and Mrs,W. J. Stewart, lr. A. J. Fish, r. liraA. Constable. Miss Amv nonstable

INK i.S, ,,(-- , .XI , .MVS. Illl.l.UA. Armstrong. I, G. Naglc. C, ford, E I

Slnnehuck. o Ijim V Viel,,,i .,,


J. O. Iuffy. Miss Natalie I lufty. M

Stafford, I A. HaabroUck, T. McAvoyr. niieiiicr, a. ?mnn, eienerniPreston and Miss Ida K. Khrtioh ofNew York.

Virginia Mr and .Ali Henry .Ian-se-

Edwin S. Merrill, Mrs. T .1 H.iff-ne-

Miss Luella i. Qaifney of NewYork.

Bristol Arnold Brook. D. Grant. Q, f.Smith, Mrs. t'harles Shauno, It. Bosstlberg, A. M. Ilarkhrimer, J, LlpkoWltS,Mra. Hose' Rothschild. F. Weill. Mrs. J.E. Engel, Mrs. Charles First, Mr. andMra. E. Sternfeld. Joseph Hess. Mr. andMra. W. A. Houseman. John Goldboom,William DaBchmer, A. H. Newlverger,Royal H. H. liunini and JosephWan of New York,

Park Vlew--F- . D, Mitchell. W. B.Bush. Bdward Doiiegan. J, J. Dooley, i Ng o Thomas H. J. Fischer, E, C.Dougherty. H. C. Gottfried and K. War-- !ring of New Y'ork.

Berwln Mrs. C. Gailhralth. liss L.'

Gailbralth, Dr. Joseph C. Duff, and F.McNIcoll of New York

Madison Henry Snvder. Miss LuluSnyder. If, Jenkins and Miaa GraceJenkins of New York.

Surf House Mr. und Mrs c. C. Slier-ma- n

and Mrs. T. Colebrook of NewYork.

Wellington Miss Helen Morrison,Mrs. W. C Mulher and Mrs. H, War-ren Caster of New Y irk.

Surf House Mr. and Mrs W. Merrill.Mrs. W. C. Foster. Miss R Foster. MissAlberta Rauch and Miss Phoebe Rauch I.

of New York.


t.i)n Rpavi'II. N. J.. Auk. "K GreatInterest u.i-- shown xesl erilax- ill theKrai iioir show in the West RmlShore Club, under the direction of ICrAR. W. HaWkOSWOrth and Charles GHopton. The dogs shown were ownedby cottagers and guests at the hot?laand there was much friendly rivalryIn the competition for the blue ribbons.

Arrivals this week include Mr. an 1

Mrs. O. H. Williams. Miss Emily A.Williams, Edwin Stuart, Miss InesRuck. Miss Rosamond S. Beck, Mmu.Frances Alda. Austin Young. J. Evans,Mr. and Mrs. A. lUggeiiheitn. .Miss

Anne Walding, Miss May liunlea. .MissGeorgia O'Ramey, Mr. and Mrs Fred-erick W. Arnold. Henry It. Macht.Henry Baer, A. K Salamon, Miss SirmniMeyers. Bernard Ketnpner. Mltchel Shul-mi-

Aubrey Bhulman. Samuel Darf,Milton Welngarten, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.Moore, Miss Zelda Sears. Mr. and MrsJames Forbes, Miss Jeannette Jell. MImAlma Tell H. Ford. Mr and 1'.

O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hun er.Mr. and Mra. H. I. ( uthbertsoti, MlsaEvelyn Galluct. Mr. and Mra. R. J Ruth- -

erford. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gallucl. J.A Austin. Louis ( WiSWell. V. H. Ray,Mrs. Josenh Ward. Miss M. Ward, CecilB. Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Selwyn,A. 8. Sanderson. Miss Beatrice Ingra-ha-

Crossley Galge and Misa MureCarroll of New York.


SeaiNO Laks Bkach, N. J., Aug. 28.

AVith every hotel and boarding houaefilled and endless entertainments roivisitors this resort lias reached thoheight of Its season.

In the throng at the Black and WMtlhall at the New I'.ssex aii Sussex wereMr "t"1 Ml'" Edward Hale Graves, Mr.

"! MB. Auguste Vatable, Mrs. Gnmer- -

B,,r Kortrlglit. Dr. and Mrs Ulalr Rut.Phen, Mr. and Mi s. Charles H San- -

fold. Miss J. H. Aleuts. W illiam HayarHlackwell. Dr. and Mis. M W Harnimi.Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haync Airs MilCampbell. Miss Mary I ampbell. Mr an I

bC. Edward Coffin, Mrs. George Fred- -

p,,,n'rl,,k ,''"r'jJ S'r' an'',



Tevls Huhn. and Mrs.John Franklin Fort of Now Jcrnex.Mlas Murgaretta Fort, Dr. and AirsJames B Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. JasperLynch. Mixa Peggy Bhlppsn Lynoh awlMr. and Mra. Ton O'Sulllvan.

Another unusual aoclal futwtlon ofthe week xvna the annual bsj ncuque ofthe New Monmouth Hotel last night.

Thomaa A. Edison Is expected !x urn ksan address at the New Monmouth Hotelon the night of Tuesday. September 14.before the Association of Edieon Illum-inating CVmrpanlea Ttie aswiclutlon willbe In session here for a week. Thedinner on Beptemlier 14 will he servedon the lawn of the hotel, and will otcooked by electricity.

Dr. Anna Howard Shaw addressed starge suffrage meeting In the Essex aridSussex ballroom yesterday aternoon.

Park baby parade.



JtaJkJflbS' MOUNT P0C0N0

OWlJ OfJG 101111 i t driintcd Of

' ' k".


OcaAN Orovk, x ,i. Auk The(i.e. in tjrove Aafobtatlon haa plaotd a.'an ui in i.ie luMi.im m ii.ii.iuiuii 'nroasts upon the eandi hereafter with-o-

first obtalnltui a permit from theaecretary of the association.

No less than one hundred applicationsfo: nt.u siima'.low roasts have been madeduring the past two weeks, but theyhave all been refused except one. andthat waa grained to the choir of theYoung People's Temple.

The week's Arrival! Include:Majestic- - Miss Hilda Stenger, Robert

Tucker of New York. '

Sen a ale Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Steel ofn York; .Miss Lillian Durst and 9. V.

Aiasaa -- ails uiierinan, a. r..Corns. F Breslin. M. L. Breslln. Mr. andMrs K S. Tlrnken. D F Baehman. Dr.and Mrs. s. Well, h m oalnea, MisaLulu Nordslen. Mrs. .1 AV Cartel M. V.

Carter. Charles 11 Kirch and family,Mnt, Anna Logan, Mrs .1. D. Falrbank,Mrs F. A. Falrbank and F. W, Good-

win of New York.North End Irfslie Reid, Herbert

Driggs, Mme. Anita Rio, Dr. and Mrs.AV. F. Oldham, A. L. Crater, C. H. Fow- -

'r, Carl H, Fowler, O. U Robinson.

Henri Scott. Miss Edith Master, MlaaPelle Carpendale, W. T. Sloat. Mr. nndMrs. A'. L. Cannon and family, O. E.Stolle. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. lister. Mr.and Mrs J W. Smith, Thomas Davis,It. .1 llouner and J. F. Burton of NewYfllk

La Pierre 11 A Walsh. T. C. Williams, Mrs. James MeAdam, A. H.

of New Y'ork.Arhorton -- Miss Ida Stadle, Mr. and

Mrs. B, M. Hoieyman, Mrs. G. Lela-cheu- r,

Miss J Jut. Mrs A Juat. Dr.W. S. Carpenter, Mrs. E. Abhorley, MlaaK. Abborley. Miss F.lla V. Abhorley, Mrs.G. G. Sullivan, Miss H. Sullivan andMiss Anna Jeffrey of New Y'ork.

Langdon- - Mrs. .1. Titus, Ralphof New Y'ork.

New Philadelphia -- Mias C. I. Ruter.Mrs. G Orson, Miss C Rheln. Mrs. A.Suker. Misa E M Suker of New Y'ork.

Sunset IOdge Mies (rertrude Machemer, Mlsa Grace C. Fay, Miss Elisabethilerrity and Mra. William L. Allen ofNew York.

Fountain House Mra. Hnrrlet Brown.Miaa O AA". England, M. Secor. Mr. andMra. C, F. Hesaer. Miss Pauline Hesser.y d K Hain, w . Hoo.

John T Martin. Mrs John H.Frmrhi Mr and Mrs. A. AV. Wiseman.MrR p Battom(,, A x BnfiiWi MissA SrUK,m Mr., M. E. Magulre Thomaa. ... . ...M sohmldt. Mrs Har- -, .... nr,. M C Smr Mln H.lenNevlns, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wassmann,G. S, Wilson and A. A. Bodlne of NewYork.

Ocean House C F. Cahalane andfamily. Mlas Sanderson, Mrs. W, War-rene- r,

William Patterson of New York.Slielburn Frederick MeCallum. Dr.

and Mrs. Edwin Nels. L Nels, W C.Morgan. Mrs H. H. Smith, C. H. Mes-slll- s

of New York.Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Forrest,

. .sh j u Francises. J. HM,.v(,r Miss Adelaide Meyer. Miss Mar- -

tnri Mackintosh. a'Isji Adelaide Meyer.u r c Mex-e- r and Miss Marv Van!Aa-- l. of New Y'ork

spray View Mr. and Mrs. FrankJSnc, H. M. AVIIllams, Miss Alice Stock -

,on Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kearney of NewYork.

Park A'lew G. Gleaon of New York.St Elmo W, A. Jeffery and family of

New Y'ork.Norman House Albert Greenback,

Miss Lucie Greenback and Miss HelenGreenback of New York.


Ai i.KNiirnsT, N. .!., Aug. I. Pa-tience was rewarded Mils week whenMrs. Joseph Cawthorne larded her firstbass in twelve yeais on the Allenhurstbench. Mra. Cawthorne has fished andfished and hoped all that time. Thebass weighed eleven and ono-ha- if

pounds.Tho Allenhurst Club Is planning a

great celebration on libor Day.One of the striking costumes worn

at i recent fancy dress ball at thoAHsnhtlWt club was worn by MlagBeseie Watei . of New York.

The arrivals of the week Include:Allenhurst Club H. G. Bird. Mr. and

Afrs. A. H. Hopping, B. M Harts. B.G. Murray, D. Wheeler, I A. Hanui- -

tl fWgft 43 MH. Clifford A. Halstcad, pi Cupid.


ra .-

- hih srmi nisi ,

1 II II 1 Ml IM


Charlie Chaplin and one ofTitania XV.

ton, Le Roy H.inll-e- . p. Reed, J. A

Smith. Miss Mullen. Mr. a:,d Mrs F:el- -

erlck Collins of Now Y'ork.Curlew Mrs. J. Goldsmith, Mra. C, A.

Miss Bessie Wtifurs in fancy

his girl friends. Above Queenand her court.

Brown, M, Woods, Mrs. A. C. Austin.Dr. Irig.irten, M,s.s t'lara Wallach.U Pellman nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. Heine-ma- n

of New Y'oik.

Iglll by 1Tn.1snnod snd T'ndsrwned.dress, at Allenhurst! N, J,

Bfl BK aTiaVJBaflS K'MUB m V.


Mot NT PoOOMOi Pa.. Aug. Amongthe events at the Mount Pleasant Housewaa the progressive 600 on Tuesdayeven ng. Frlies were awarded to Mrs.

Thomas Mcllwee of Philadelphia, Mrs.

Robert G Wilson of Brooklyn. AlfredChurch of Plalnfleld. N. J ; O D.

Bouton of Philadelphia. F. C. Merkla ofNew Y'orkBrooklyn,

The summer visitors at the Swlftwrtterenjoyed a campftre party this week. A

tine s.ot waa chosen where the brightmoonlight showed to best advantageand the members assembled round theroaring, crackling blare to tell stories,slug the old favor'te songs and toastnarshmallows,

Recent arrival! st Mount PooonofromNew Y'ork

Mt Pleasant House H E Harding,Miss Mable W. Alberteon. Miss Mary R,Vlbsrtson, Samuel H. Sherrerd, Morrisli Bherrerd, N. F. Johnson, George A'.

Johnson. J, J Barrer, Mr. and Mrs. It.

T McNamara. Miss A. M. Pepper. JosephHaas. Ferdinand Emmel and wife, PerlaD. Bmtnel, Mr and Mrs William C.

Grimier, Mr. and Mra. Charles Mills,Mrs. Russell Hyan, P. C. Todd, Mrs.Charles Andrews, Miss Mildred Clair.Mr. an-- Mrs. Charles C AVnrd, M.

Asher. Miss Dorothy W:sner, Mr. andMrs H P, Banusch, Mrs M. B, Car-

penter. Miss Helen M. Carpenter, MissMay L Carpenter

PoCOhO Mt. House C. D. Allen, Mrand Mrs W. C. MoCUtOheon, Miss Jen-

nie McCutcheon. Edmund Hume. Mrs. M.

Noppe, Misses M. and E. Nop pa,MeadOWStde Miss Alice J, Weber, J.

M Madden.Devonshire Pines C Dugan. Miss T

J, Krall. Miss R B. Dillon.Falrview Mr. and Mrs. Owen R

Swain.Poeono Manor Inn Gerald S. Smith.

Albert Strasburger, Mrs. Scberer, Mrs,M C Hoyer, Miss Florence Saunders,Miss Edith A. Saunders, Mrs, .1 IBlackemen, J. M. Dodge, Mr and Mrs.F. L. Tompkins.

Blvln Miff Adele GradyBelmont- - Miss M E JeromeBwlftwater House Miss m. E Brady,

Mr. and Mrs O, H. AA'alters, Mr. sndMrs. .1 II K White, Miss S Cribbln,M:ss K Cribbln. Miss L. Cribbln, MissMae A Stephens, Charles Dougherty,Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crankshaw, Missj. MoUlnnls,

Pennhuril Mrs. M Pcherer, Mr. andMrs. George W. AVhltend, V J. Pierce.Mrs S 11 Mitchell, Mrs. P F. Howell,S. F Howell

Tuxedo Miss Maud logan. Miss RoseWeir, Miss Kathryn Weir.

Clnlrmont Mlssea Margaret ft, Oer- -

trude R. and Mary Tnrpy, Mlas RmllyStein.

Ijiurel Inn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-- 'Kay, M as Myrtle Stangle, Mr. Spath.Miss Kramer, Mr. Adams, Mr. and Mrs,Marshall, Mr. heergn, Mr. and Mrs

loan, Mr, and Mrs Green.Pooohnssett George S. Paysnn, Mish

ik. V Coupnlok, Miss A. M Reynold!,J, J. Whalen, Mr. and Mra T p. Nugent,T II Nugent.


Bki.mah, N. J., Aug. 2 Theballs at the Carlton Hotel and

it the Melrose Inn were attended bv' large throng! of dancers

An interesting programme of eventsfor September Is being planned by thoInlet Terr. ice Club. There xvill be tennistournament!, card parties, a great liar-- ,

veil moon ball and a regatta on Shall.River,

The Itclmar Yacht t'lub Is also plan,ulng a September programme of rncou,which will be held each Saturday afternoon during the early (nut of thmonth.

Arrivals from New Y'ork this weekInclude J i)ildane, 1 Martin, i a i -

thier. i i W. Kilgar. Miaa Uatalts Mai lis.K. Ellis, Mr. and Mra. P. J. Roddy, E1

bert otlenlaiurg, B. Blaiushard, Mlas Har-riet ttrunir, a e. fisgoai, a. M Barnes,Jr., W. F. Wallhotl, M. A Meyer andMlsa II, Geaine, M. Seymour, Miaa MaryPower! and H. bt, Juim.

Coiiyrirht by American Pres Aseociation.


Ska BtlOHT, N. J . Aiur. 2S A con-cert was given by Allvert Spauldlng. theAmerican violinist, at the 8ea BrightLawn Tennis and Cricket Club for thebenefit of tlio Italian wounded soldiersIn the American Conx'alescent Hospitalat Florence, Italy.

Among the fatronesaea were Mrs. C.de Oopptt, Mrs Ernest de Coppet, Mra,Robert Hartshorne. Mrs diaries P. Kel-logg, Mrs. Charles D Halsey. Mrs. W.Nelson Cromwell. Mrs. William H.Hamilton. Mrs. Phillips Franklin, Mra.W. A. .I.imleson, Mrs. Arthur J. Cun-noc- k,

Mrs, B, Rushnell. Mrs. James M.Beck. Mrs George A. if. "hurchlll, Mrs.U R..y Baldwin, Mrs. William Barbour,Mrs. T. Horace Harding, Mrs. E. D.Christian, Mrs. John J. Knox, MrsHarry Rlker, Mrs. H. B. Spnulding,Mrs. R. H Kimball. Mrs. Robert

Mrs. J, Prentice Kellogg, Mrs.J, AA'alter Spauldlng. Mrs. Thomas

Afrs. Howard Walton, Mrs.Arthur Miles. Mrs AndTew Stout. Mrs.II I. Thornell ntitl Mrs. .T. A. Hasklll.


Atlantic II toll lamps. N. J, Aug 28.- The chief topic of Interest In yschtlngcircles at present Is the regatta whichwill be held on the North ShrewsburyRiver on Labor Day by the LocustPoint Yacht Club. In addition to themotor boat races, there will be aquaticgportg of oil kinds and prizes w,ll beawarded.

Mrs E Prtdwell, of Brooklyn, who Isat, the Bay A'tew. entertained twenty-flv- o

friends on Wednesday at u, bridge party.Mrs. J. J Gammell. Jr. and RobertBurns were the winners of the prizes.

Among those who went on a motorride from the Bay A'iew for supper atAsbury on Friday evening were MisaS. Alexander, R. Kalton, Miss K. Myer,AV. McKay. Miss Elsie Stephen!, Mr.nnd Mrs. F W. Relter. Air and Mrs.Otto Rieg and Mr. and Mra. AugustBchmltt,

William Foster won the ne clubcompetition held on the links of thegolf course last Saturday.

N. J.

N. J, Aug. !lExtensive Improvements are helnerplanned for the leach front before thebeginning of another sea-aon-

The guests of Strttford Inn are plan-ning a moonlight swimming party onMonday evening.

The week's arrivals inolude:Avon Inn Mrs. S Shields. D Shields,

Mil! Frances Shields, W Hope Dean,H. Slaier. Mra H. Stern and L Well ofNew York

Buckingham Tames Rrower Miss .1

Phlllpson nnd Miss l'.dlth M. AVell ofNew York.

'Stratford Inn Mrs E A Draddy,

Mis R C Draddx. Mra. E. C Adams.John Delemater, Cxrl Storm. Mrs M.Taylor, H Parker and Mr Slid MrsC, H, Talbot of New York,


BlAM.RT Hkach. N. J. Aug. 28CharRahle women In the cottage colonyformed a club this week for the purposeof making woollen garments for theWidowed Mothers Society of New York.Aiding in this work are Mrs L. AA'hlte,Mrs I s Koenlg, atiss Bertha Band an,Mrs. J, Jaffa, Mrs. H. Flshman. MissRuth Geraty. Miss Fannie Koenlg. MlasBertha Koenlg and Mrs George Kridel

A meeting lii the Interest of equalsuffrage was held on AVednesday at thehome of Mrs. Viator Pareonet.

The arrivals of the week from NewY'ork Include Mrs. Julia M. Bacon, MissKale Meyers. Mis. Lydia MacDowellGrose Mlas Edith Barr, Miss Jean

Airs. F. A. Clifford, CrawfordKent, Miss Edith Barr, Mr. and Mrs.L, Fclt'clsen and David Strauaman.


CAPI Mat, N J , Aug 2d. Thecrowd if summer visitors has not Jl- -

inluisli. (l,lirlg.Geii, Michael c. Comlney of

Washington, p c , is again here, Heis slaving at the Lafayette for un In- -

definite period He was recently retiredfrom active service. Another guest btHie Lafayette is Llaut J- 1L Murphyof Raltllliore, LlSUt, Murphy wasmember of the West Point IttB class

The Corinthian Yacht Club hasele led the following otlnera to ser'.efor lite eii beginning January i 1!UComntodi in . I, lilies P. F'o the vice- -

nmiiualoi i S. I tag! i '.iinpliell rearcninmodnre Hr. J Stuart Tall . iruitosa,WIIU'hiii s 'HSHClmaili Norman i li ay,VVullai ll.ilowell. Francis II. Hill.i leorge I. Ilimlsy, John A. McCarthyand l'i Ittctiard c. Norrii.


Dii.awark Watki: Gap. Ph., Aug. 2.Through the efforts ,.f Mrs. J. Puidy

Cope and Mrs H. E. McCarthy an en-

tertainment called the "twilight musi-

cals" was given for the now Catholicchurch here. Among those who sungwere Miss Agnes C Molll, soprano, ofPhiladelphia; Raymond llawley. tenor.Philaklelpbla ; Earl Bruch, t r, ofBangor; George I "Ml. violinist, andCharles S. Linton, plghllt, f Philadel-phia.

Bumme visitors at the Klttatlnnyhave lieen much Interested this week Inthe operations of a large Company ofmoving picture actors who are tjxklng afive reel film In tl.e vicinity. The direc-tor Is William Nigh of New Y ork, whoIs making the picture, called the "Stork'sNest.'' from an , Id nOVel, In the mak-ing of the film he Is assisted by M. J.Faust of NOW. York in the cast arsAlias Mary Miles Mlnter. Nlles Welsh,J. D. Cowles. Charlie Prince and theMisses Costello and Shelby.

Recent arrivals at Water Gap fromNew Y'ork :

Water Gap House C. A. Peters, Mis!Mary .1 Wagerman, Philip G Alios,James Flater. B, Hume, Mr. und Mrs.c. w. Hawkins, Mrs. p. Hosch, OoldleR. Hosch, Miss Jan tfoMh, Mr, andMrs. O. E Rydcn and daughter, MisEdvth Walters, M Jabolle, Mrs. E. P.Kern. Miss Mae Qolden, Miss Anna Gold-en, Mr. and Mrs. P. LMUWI and daugh-ter. E. Limy, F. Limy. P. C. Kast, r.E. Cornell. A. Throeburger 11IK) f .t rn11-- .

Dr. and Mrs. Heifer. E, ThompeXfl, W.Patterson. L. AVells. Mrs. J. F. Powers,I. J. Powers, o. F. Powers. N. AVInter-mut- e,

Arthur John. Mr. and Mrs.Charles Davis. Mr. and Mrs. T. deBolult, B. Wnrtendorft. Frank PoMarco. A'. B. Caughllu. Mrs. Mary C.uoian. Miss Agnes Gillipan.

Kittannny OflM Mazie p. ties. nr.K. Harris. Mr. and Mis. Dr Carl w.AVatson and family. N. A Thompson, Will,lam V, De Roy, Miss Agnes T. button,Miss Marguerite T Dtltton, Miss Ward,Miss Com mans. Miss Dixon, W. H. Held.Mr and Mrs Jamea R Hiiasnn. Mr, n,lMrs George AV. Whitehead and family.Miss J. Neidlinger, Mil! .1 Sepltlne Nelri-llnge-


William Neldling, r, Aliss LillianR. Klee, C. F Thatcher. Miss nniFroehllch. Adolph Froellch, Mr. amiMrs. Charles AV. Hoffman, T V. Tillv,Allan Webb. Mrs E. , .lustiriE. Bach, Otto L. HoOCharall, AV e tir.i-ha-

Mrs A. C. Tarinton. E. Hoffman,Mr. and Mrs. Battmen. Richard Heye.mann, Air. and Mrs M. Brans, W. A.Burtenshaw. H. Menken. W. T. Combes,T. AV. Cochran. Hal Rnsson.

Olenwood Mr. and Mrs. Hoidan. MnBouvard. Germalne RniivsnS uM

Gardner Hlrons. Gardner HIronI Jr'

Miss Tillle Hendera, n, Miss Mabel Hen-derao- n.W. p. Cutler, John H Mouse

H. A. Baggott, Mr. and Mrs H lllert-ber- g,

AVilliani J, Macllvain, AV. It Snv-d-- r.I'aul Michlllono, V. AV. Crosiman

E; F. Haaren. William A Sundheimer,AY. H. Gllmore. M V, Bvrnes Ar BKUrg, Irving G. Keller.' E .StanleyWlencke, Mr. and Mrs. it n. ffherer

Castle Inn Al. G. Hart. Mr. and MrsHaroktns. f. a w.ct s

Mr. and Mrs. E F. Bngllsh, Mrs f.J,Chamberlain. Mrs and .Mi-- s Eckhardt.H. Byrnes, H. Tassey. R, , Fisher, ;'.

Vpondinbraugh, Mr. and Mrs. M. w.Brees, Robert A, Orr, A. A Cronns

Central Fred W Lee, Camere: Leeauo mim, J. a smelt, .Airs. K Plum.

iey. j. t. Yams. L, T, Brenne, A, Gar--veinow. Miss Jang W, Rhoda,

Catarait House a J, Irauman. MissTennle Hendersmr. 1. Woodruff, Airs.Peter Henderson. .Mr and Mra. W. (.'.Bla-k- .

Willow Deli Miss Kathertno Culltvan,Miss Helen Culltvan, Mr. and Mrs S m'Teeter, Sidney Teeter, Jr., George g'Teter. Mrs. A. H. Winter!, Aliss HelenAV Inters.

Forest House- - Mri. B II i: Ion andson, Mrs. B. Meyers and daughter, Q. CLesen, The., Hchaafer, Mis- - m. Ham-mond, 11 Sol. crs.

Bellevue Uiss Charlotte shemthsim.c, a Beach, a. V Oirocke, K Osrocko,G. W. Campbell. Mrs. Peters. Mill Marl,Mrs. A. Smith, Miss Rose Joseph, J. Mc- -urain, wn juim u Foley, I, Camei one.Miss Sue Kerrigan, H, Baco

Delaware House Mr. and Mrs P,Bei'k, D. C. Bcclei and family. JohnKtsoh. George Schwann SV J, Mil, hell,Jr . and party. J, H. McGIII, C, U Allen.

River view Lawrence . Dernsghan,Miss Lurlli m. Schumann, Mlaa MarieMills. Miss Florence N. I.e. P.. vv ids.worth

Laurel Ridge leorg ' Ec Mil!Fan Ingion.

Pokoni Arthur J, Bo Law rei.eBonn.

Courtengy Lodge Miss Ella i Fljinn,Mra Joseph Flvnn, M.ss Mas Cleary,Berr.ardlne Fischer, All. und Mrs S. E.Palmer, Herbert Bhleldi, ll J, Mullir,AA'. J. Rogers.

Mountain House Miss IV T ardThomas dhlld, A T. Brady,

Oaks John B. Cook. Otto Zeltz, Aire.A. N, Planck.

Far View Miss .1 K Wendel, MlsiRose Marohflild, M Gould,

Valley View- - Mn, e Buiher andfamily.

Hdgewood Mr. and Mrs. inuring,Mlas Dunning. Mrs. W. Potter, s. Potter,C. F. Thatcher.

Caldeno Mr, and Mr! e a Faust,Edwin C Faust. Mrs. E .Mullen, MlSltlAnna and Eleanor Mullen,

Kara mac Inn - -- Miss Edith r.ihler,Miss Llllia Henderson, Mtu Mabel lien-derao-

Dr. A. T. Leslie, Mr. and Mrs,Charles Banks, C, L, Hill, Mr. and Mra,H. D. Sherer Miss Julia Praia MissGladys Clurke, Miss Kdllll At Clarke,Miss Rose T. Marlon. Mill Bessie G,Marlon George E. Moeiel, Mr and Mis.Norman Herhst.


Deal BgACH, N. J., Aug 21 The an-nual fail programme of event! to imdaoldod on the links of iho Deal BaaohGolf Club was announced tins week aafellows

September 4. Baturduy. sKinala forJohn F. Sh.mtev memorllll cup, 38 holes;s. in in. .ils for William CHI mail cups,qualifying round for club rh.tmplonshlp,is holes, medal play. s. rati tl eight toqualify eightee.i hole! muh li playhandicap agan st par. tlnee iil.ute's ofhandicap allowed, Aral round to countclass A und H. Clips 10 winners

September Sundiv ID A M, flratround. ,11 holes, cJuii chafMplonsMp ;

lilt p. M, iiml.flnali, club champion- -

ship.Seidemher Labor Day a. m,

Ihiali, si holes for ' inn rhamptonihlp ;

;in holes, medal play handicap, selected,ll to count, three-quarte- r handicap al-lowed.

September It, Saturdaj J A M,finals, UK hobs for William Ottnuiacups, U holes, medal play handicap,cluaaei A and B. Cups to wmneti.