6 Anti Cancer Foods

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6 foods known to slow or retard the growth of cancer in the body..

Transcript of 6 Anti Cancer Foods

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, a pandemic that claims millions of lives each year. Cancer starts with healthy cells, slowly mutating into cancer cells that form tumors. As the tumor grows, it disrupts normal body functions, steals nutrients from the body, eventually causing organ failure. Although extensive tests and researches have been conducted to determine how the disease works, cancer remains as an incurable disease. The likelihood of death is high when diagnosed with this condition.The good news is, certain types of foods we eat may inhibit cell mutation that leads to cancer. If you fortify your diet with the following foods, you just might be cutting your risk of developing this disorder:

1. Red GrapesAside being a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, grapes also contain a potent antioxidant called resveratrol. Resveratrol is part of a family of compounds known as polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and repair cells from damages.

Resveratrol in grapes is concentrated on the skin. Resveratrol contains a range of anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory properties and is known to prevent the onset of Alzheimers disease. Its also helps prevent the growth of cancer cells. Because Resveratrol is highly soluble in alcohol, red wine is a rich source of antioxidants although we recommend taking only a glass or two of red wine because alcohol, in itself, is a neurotoxin.Besides Resveratrol, red grapes are also packed with macronutrients like calories, protein, fiber, carbohydrates and the likes. It is also a great source of vitamins like Vitamin K, C, thiamine, B-6 and B Vitamins. These are all essential in bone and tissue repair; it also strengthens the immune system and at the same time keeps your hair and skin healthy. Minerals like potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and phosphorous are also present in red grapes which all play a role in keeping the heart, muscles, nerve function and blood pressure strong. Red grapes are also rich in polyphenols and flavonoids which are both powerful antioxidants that help in lowering your risk for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood clots and heart diseases making this fruit one of the best antioxidants there is.

2. GarlicGarlic, which is part of the Allium class of bulb plants, is commonly used as flavorings in various cooking. This vegetable contains beneficial vitamins and compounds including arginine, oligosaccharides, flavonoids, and selenium. But one of the most important compounds in garlic is allicin. Clinical studies show that allicin, which is garlics major bioactive compounds precursor, is a powerful anticancer compound.Most bulb-plants like garlic, onions, leeks and chives contain allicin and are believed to slow down or prevent the growth of tumors.Studies show that an increased intake of garlic minimizes the risk of developing stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast cancer. In one study, women who took the highest amounts of garlic slashed their likelihood of developing distal and colon cancer by up to 50%.Garlic also contains a compound called diallyl disulfide. According to research, diallyl disulfide helps protect the skin, colon and lung from cancer although how the compound works is largely a mystery. These antioxidants fight off the free radicals found in the body and reduces or prevents damage which is caused by these toxins over time.

Garlic is also great in preventing heart diseases. Studies show that it helps slow down the high blood pressure as well as atherosclerosis at about 5-8%. It also makes the blood thinner which helps in preventing strokes and heart attack. Garlic is also one of the best cures for common cold. One study showed that people who took garlic during cold season has been proven to have lesser colds than those who did not.As an antioxidant, garlic helps in strengthening the immune system by fighting diseases like cancer. It is suggested that eating raw or cooked (not supplements) garlic lessens the risks of getting colon and stomach cancers. Garlic is also used to treat common intestinal parasites like Ascaris Lumbricoides but it has not been tested on humans yet. It has also been proven to reduce prostate sizes in men. Ring worm, athletes foot as well as jock itch have also been proven to be cured by garlic.

3. Decaffeinated Green TeaCan green tea eradicate cancer? You bet! Countless clinical studies and researches show that green tea is not only a vitamin and mineral-rich food source; its also a potent cancer fighter that inhibits metastasis in cancer patients.You see, green tea, particularly decaffeinated ones, is a rich source of catechins, a type of antioxidant belonging to the flavonoids class. According to research, Catechins may play a major role in cancer prevention. Green tea also contains chemicals called EGCG and ECG, free-radical fighting compounds that protect the cells from DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species.Green tea is a rich source of a class of flavonoids known as catechins. Laboratory studies have shown that the catechins present in green tea are able to slow or prevent the development of cancer in colon, liver, breast, and prostate cells.In China, green tea has been used as medicine for thousands of years. It became a popular medicine throughout Asia as it has been proven to lower blood pressure and helps in preventing cancer. Because of this, green tea has proven to contain more antioxidants and poly-phenols making it more beneficial to health than any kind of tea.

Aside from being packed with antioxidants, green tea has also proven to have many health benefits. It has proven to be one of the best herbs that you can use to your skin as it helps fight off signs of aging like wrinkles. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components of this tea has been proven to reduce the skins capacity to be damaged by the suns harmful rays. It is also great for curing depression as there are natural amino acids found in the green tea leaves that provide relaxation to many tea drinkers. It is also great for tooth decay, reduces the risks of esophageal cancers and at the same time delays the formation of Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease.Antioxidants found in green tea also help in weight loss. It has been found that polyphenol in green tea intensifies the oxidation of fat at high rates that it eventually helps turn food into calories. Green tea is also beneficial in diabetic patients. The antioxidants also help regulate blood glucose levels which prevents in the spikes of insulin in the body.

4. TomatoesTomatoes are a rich source of vitamin A and C. It also contains powerful antioxidant called lycopene, that may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, particularly, prostate cancer. This is according to a published research by Harvard School of Public Health.Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes. They help in limiting the damage of free radicals in your body and at the same time help boost the immune system, prevents the formation of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It also helps absorb the calcium and iron which are both needed by the body.According to the research, eating tomatoes and consuming tomato-based products reduced the risk of prostate cancer. Men who consume 2 or more servings of tomato sauce each week has 23% lower risk of developing prostate cancer and 36% lower risk of metastatic prostate cancer than those who took less than a serving of tomato sauce per month.

However, research shows that in order to fully absorb and utilize the anti-carcinogenic properties of lycopene, tomatoes have to be eaten in cooked form, such as through tomato sauce, catsup, tomato paste and tomato juice. Apart from minimizing the risk of prostate cancer, tomatoes may also protect the body from breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer.Tomatoes also help in reducing inflammations in the body. Since it is packed with antioxidants, they help in weight loss and at the same time slows down the aging process. They also work well with other anti-inflammatory foods like olive oil, fish, carrots, garlic and the likes. Vitamin E found in tomatoes is also great antioxidants that helps discontinue the production of free radicals when fat undergoes oxidation. So if you havent taken your daily dose of tomatoes yet, its best to include it in your diet today and benefit from its powerful antioxidants

5. Cruciferous VegetablesVirtually all types of plant food, including fruits, green leafy vegetable and grains, contain trace amounts of phytonutrients. Apart from being a rich source of beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C, E, and K, folate and minerals, cruciferous vegetables also contain compounds known as glucosinolates. Glucosinolates offer anticancer properties because of its ability to break down several biologically active compounds.Cruciferous vegetable belong to the Brassica genus, they are comprised by arugula, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, radishes, cauliflower, wasabi, kale, watercress, etc.Glucosinolates are released from cruciferous vegetable through the act of chewing and digestion. Once Glucosinolates are broken down, they yield compounds such as indoles, nitriles, thiocyanates, and isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, and sulforaphane, all of which are prized for their anti-cancer effects. These compounds not only slows down the growth of cancer cells, they also help shrink tumors.Cruciferous vegetable protect the body from most types of cancer including bladder, colorectal, stomach, prostate and lung cancer.Antioxidants found in cruciferous vegetables may help reduce the risk of getting cataracts and macular degeneration. The Vitamin C found in them helps produce collagen which is needed in building cartilage, prevents the risks of bone fractures and improves joint flexibility. It also helps reduce the risks of arthritis and at the same time keeps the skin and hair healthy. Folate, Vitamin B6 and B Vitamins also help in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and memory loss. It also contributes in hair and scalp conditions. The folate found in these vegetables is also great for improving ones mood and depression.Beta-carotene in these vegetables also helps repair the bodys tissues. Since it is packed with antioxidants, it also helps protect your skin against the damage from the suns harmful rays. It also regulates Vitamin A production in the body. However, despite being full of antioxidant and health benefits, these vegetables can also trigger IBS. So if you have this condition, its best to limit the intake and find other alternatives for antioxidant-rich food.

6. FlaxseedsFlaxseed oil is a popular health food promoted since the early 50s and its anti-cancer properties have been subject of much research and debates over the years.A rich source of essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid, flaxseed and flaxseed oil is a known treatment for a myriad of health illnesses including heart diseases, diabetes, clogged arteries, breast pains, ADHD or Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and yes, cancer (prostate and breast cancer, in particular).Flaxseed contains an antioxidant known as lignans. Lignans are known to suppress cancer cells from spreading, kill cancer cells and stop abnormal cells from turning to cancerous cells. Clinical studies show that flaxseed supplements may help stop early stage prostate cancer. And because flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it could also help lower the risk of developing colon cancer. In one controlled clinical study, flaxseed lignans minimized the stickiness and growth of breast cancer cells. Flaxseed is also believed to reduce pre-cancerous colon polyps in mice.Since it contains good amount of antioxidants, flaxseeds have proven to regulate blood pressure, reduce inflammations in the body and even decrease bad cholesterol. It also helps regulate triglycerides and at the same time helps in calcium absorption which is also important for women who are in their menopausal stage. It is known to reduce hot flashes too. Besides antioxidants, it also contains fiber which prevents IBS, constipation and diverticulitis. It has also been known to treat kidney diseases which are related to lupus. For men, taking flaxseed supplements can reduce the risk of having enlarged prostate and regulate blood sugar.

Another great benefit from the antioxidants found in flaxseeds is that it helps in anti-aging. It has also been found to protect the body from free radicals and is a good ingredient in baked goods and dishes. Flaxseeds are also great supplements which helps children and pregnant women. As you see, flaxseeds are not only rich in antioxidant but play a big part in improving ones health.Athough the effects and anti-carcinogenic properties of flaxseed are largely tested on animals, there was a small study comprised of 15 men who were given a low-fat diet supplemented with flaxseed. The study concluded that flaxseed minimized the growth of benign prostate cells.In a separate study, a group of 25 men with prostate cancer was fed a low-fat diet along with ground flaxseed. The result, the low-fat diet coupled by flaxseed helped slow down the growth rate of the cancer cell; it also increased the death rate of the cancerous cells. The results also show that a flaxseed-enriched diet helps minimize serum testosterone in men with prostate cancer.