5th Meeting.pdf


Transcript of 5th Meeting.pdf

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PERTEMUAN 5Oleh: Indana Zulfa



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Module 3: Pemerintahan

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Modul 3

Aims: Translate Indonesian to English



! Be "are#ul $ith $ord %& $ord translation

'! Tr& to a(oid loss meanin)

3! Meanin) trans#erred I the tar)et lan)ua)e are not

restri"ted %& (o"a%ularies* )rammar* and #orms o# the

sour"e lan)ua)e

+! Be a$are o# the term re)ister,! -on.t use e(er&da& lan)ua)e

/! The translation should %e %ased on meanin)s in the

sour"e lan)ua)e

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Pat !


A"ade#i" Ati"le

$Page 3%&'


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Memilih Presiden secara Langsung

Bangsa ini belum memiliki pengalaman memilih presiden secara

langsung, kendatipun usianya sudah 58 tahun. Pengalaman

masyarakat dalam pemilihan langsung sangat terbatas sekali, yaitu

baru dalam pemilihan kepala desa dan badan perwakilan desa.

Direct Presidential Election

This nation does not have experience for electing president directly,

although its age has been 58 years old. Peoples experience in directelection is so limited. They only has experience in electing head of 

village and village representative council directly.

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Memilih Presiden secara Langsung

Bangsa ini belum memiliki pengalaman memilih presiden secara

langsung, kendatipun usianya sudah 58 tahun. Pengalaman

masyarakat dalam pemilihan langsung sangat terbatas sekali, yaitu

baru dalam pemilihan kepala desa dan badan perwakilan desa.

Direct Presidential Election

This nation does not have experience to elect the president

directly, although it has been 58 years left since the independenceday. Peoples experience in direct election is very limited, which is !ust

by electing village head and village representative body. "ven head

regional election such as governor, regent and mayor has never been

done directly by the people.

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Para)ra0h ' 1a2

#ntunglah amandemen ketiga dan keempat ##$%&'5 telah

menetapkan bahwa pemilihan Presiden dan (akil Presidendilakukan secara langsung oleh rakyat, tidak lagi lewat )P*.

 +turannya pokoknya telah pula digariskan, mulai dari persyaratan,

pencalonan hingga penetapan pemenang sebagaimana tercantum

dalam Pasal dan Pasal + ##$ %&'5.

-ortunately, the third and fourth amendment of %&'5 onstitution

/##$ %&'50 has decreed that Presidential and 1ice Presidentialelection is done by people directly, not by Peoples onsultative

ouncil /)P*0 anymore. The main regulation has also been decreed,

starting from re2uirements, candidacy until winner formulation as

written in +rticle and + of ##$ %&'5.

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Para)ra0h ' 1a2

#ntunglah amandemen ketiga dan keempat ##$%&'5 telah

menetapkan bahwa pemilihan Presiden dan (akil Presidendilakukan secara langsung oleh rakyat, tidak lagi lewat )P*.

 +turannya pokoknya telah pula digariskan, mulai dari persyaratan,

pencalonan hingga penetapan pemenang sebagaimana tercantum

dalam Pasal dan Pasal + ##$ %&'5.

-ortunately the third and the fourth amandment %&'5

onstitution /##$ %&'50 has stipulated that president and vicepresident must be elected directly by the people and not anymore by

Peoples onsultative ouncil /)P*0. The main regulation has also

been determined such as re2uirement, candidacy and the winner

formulation as written in +rticle and +rticle + of ##$ %&'5.

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Para)ra0h ' 1%2

Persoalannya sekarang adalah bagaimana membuat tata carapenyelenggaraan pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden secara

ha!atan pemilihan langsung yang pertama pada tanggal 3 4uli 6%'

bisa terselenggara dengan baik sesuai amanah konstitusi.

7ow, the problem is how to make the procedure of the first direct

presidential and vice presidential election on 4uly 3, 6%' held as wellas the constitutional message.

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Para)ra0h ' 1%2

Persoalannya sekarang adalah bagaimana membuat tata carapenyelenggaraan pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden secara

ha!atan pemilihan langsung yang pertama pada tanggal 3 4uli 66%'

bisa terselenggara dengan baik sesuai amanah konstitusi.

The recent issue is how to establish the method of presidential and

vice presidential election process, to enable the first election plan beproperly accomplished on 3 4uly 66' according to the constitutional


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Para)ra0h 3 1a2

Pemerintah telah menyusun *ancangan #ndang#ndang /*##0

Pemilihan Presiden dan (akil Presiden yang saat ini tengah dibahas$P*. $irencanakan bulan 4uni 663 ini $P* telah menetapkan

*## tersebut men!adi undangundang, menyusul ## Partai Politik

dan ## Pemilu yang telah ditetapkan lebih dahulu.

The government has arranged bill /*##0 of presidential and vice

presidential election which is being discussed in the 9ouse of 

*epresentative /$P*0 nowadays. :t is planed that on 4une 663 $P*will stipulate the bill to become a law /##0, following ;aw of Political

Party and ;aw of "lection which have been stipulated before.

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Para)ra0h 3 1a2

Pemerintah telah menyusun *ancangan #ndang#ndang /*##0

Pemilihan Presiden dan (akil Presiden yangs aat ini tengah dibahas$P*. $irencanakan bulan 4uni 663 ini $P* telah menetapkan

*## tersebut men!adi undangundang, menyusul ## Partai Politik

dan ## Pemilu yang telah ditetapkan lebih dahulu.

The government has made draft bill /*##0 for President and 1ice

President "lection which is being discussed in :ndonesian ;egislative

 +ssembly /$P*0 at this moment. By this 4une 663 as a plan, $P*has stipulated the *## to become legislation, following to the

Political Party and <eneral "lection ;aw that were initially


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Para)ra0h 3 1%2

)edia nasional di 4akarta terus menyoroti pelaksanaan pembahasan## Pemilihan Presiden tersebut. Pasalpasal dengan =alot>

diperdebatkan dan dikompromikan para anggota dewan meskipun

tidak seramai *## Pemilu.

7ational media in 4akarta always monitor the discussion of bill of 

presidential election. ?ome articles are debated and negotiated by

$P*s member hardly, although the debate is not as heavy as the

debate of bill of "lection

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Para)ra0h 3 1%2

)edia nasional di 4akarta terus menyoroti pelaksanaan pembahasan## Pemilihan Presiden tersebut. Pasalpasal dengan =alot>

diperdebatkan dan dikompromikan para anggota dewan meskipun

tidak seramai *## Pemilu.

The national media in 4akarta continues to broadcast the process of 

the Presidential "lection ;aw discussion. +ccordingly, the sections

were argued and compromised severely by the parliament members,

but not as severe as *## <eneral "lection.

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Para)ra0h + 1a2Pertarungan berbagai kepentingan tampaknya mewarnai

penyusunan *## Pemilihan Presiden ini. :ntinya, sesuai dengan

hukum besi perpolitikan di lembaga legislatif kita, tidak lain adalahbagaimana membuat aturan pemilihan presiden yang menguntungan

kepentingan golongan yang berkuasa di $P*, bukan demi men!amin

terselenggaranya pemilihan dan diperolehnya presiden yang terbaik

bagi negeri ini.

The competition of many interests seems influencing the

arrangement of the Presidential "lection Bill. :n summary, based on

political convention in our legislative council, it is how to makeregulation of presidential election giving benefits to some factions who

have power in $P*, not to ensure the election and to get the best

president for this country.

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Para)ra0h + 1a2

Pertarungan berbagai kepentingan tampaknya mewarnai

penyusunan *## Pemilihan Presiden ini. :ntinya, sesuai dengan

hukum besi perpolitikan di lembaga legislatif kita, tidak lain adalahbagaimana membuat aturan pemilihan presiden yang menguntungan

kepentingan golongan yang berkuasa di $P*, bukan demi men!amin

terselenggaranya pemilihan dan diperolehnya presiden yang terbaik

bagi negeri ini.

The argument between many peoples interest seemed to dominate

the making of the *## of presidential election. )ainly@ based on the

=solid> political regulation at the legislative, it was how to produce thepresidential election rule that benefits to the groups interest who hold

power at $P*. The regulation was not made for the sake of the

successful of the election process and obtaining the best president for

this country.

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Para)ra0h + 1%2

Tulisan ini akan mencoba mendiskusikan isuisu hangatdalam *## Pemilihan presiden tersebut.

This paper will try to discuss hot issues in that

Presidential "lection Bill.

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Para)ra0h + 1%2

Tulisan ini akan mencoba mendiskusikan isuisu hangatdalam *## Pemilihan presiden tersebut.

This paper will try to discuss those hot issues in the *##

of presidential election.

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Para)ra0h , 1a2

Mengapa Pemilihan President Langsung?

 +lasan pemilihan Presiden dan (akil Presiden secara langsungoleh rakyat, tidak lagi melalui perantaraan )P*, kecuali untuk

melaksanakan perintah konstitusi adalah !uga untuk menegakkan

kedaulatan rakyat dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara.

 Why is Direct Presidential Election?

The reasons of presidential and vice presidential election directly by

the people, not through )P*, are to obey the constitutional commandand to establish people sovereignty in the state government system.

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Para)ra0h , 1a2

Mengapa Pemilihan President Langsung?

 +lasan pemilihan Presiden dan (akil Presiden secara langsungoleh rakyat, tidak lagi melalui perantaraan )P*, keculai untuk

melaksanakan perintah konstitusi adalah !uga untuk menegakkan

kedaulatan rakyat dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara.

 Why is Direct Presidential Election Held?

The reason to have direct presidential and vice presidential

election, not via )P*, is to implement the constitutional instructionand to confirm the people sovereignty in the state government system.

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Para)ra0h , 1%2

*akyat diharapkan dengan bebas sesuai aspirasinya menentukan

sendiri presiden pilihannya. 9al itu secara tegas dinyatakan di dalamkonsideran *## Pemilihan Presiden dan (akil Presiden bahwa

dalam rangka maewu!udkan kedaulatan rakyat di dalam

pemerintahan negara dilaksanakan pemilihan presiden dan wakil

presiden secara langsung oleh rakyat.

People are wished to elect their president by themselves freely based

on their aspirations. :t has been written clearly in the consideration of Presidential and 1ice Presidential "lection Bill that for realiAing

people sovereignty in the state government system, $irect

Presidential and 1ice Presidential "lection is held.

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Para)ra0h , 1%2

*akyat diharapkan dengan bebas sesuai aspirasinya menentukan

sendiri presiden pilihannya. 9al itu secara tegas dinyatakan di dalamkonsideran *## Pemilihan Presiden dan (akil Presiden bahwa

dalam rangka maewu!udkan kedaulatan rakyat di dalam

pemerintahan negara dilaksanakan pemilihan presiden dan wakil

presiden secara langsung oleh rakyat.

People may choose freely their desired president sincerely. This is

being firmly stated in the preamble of *## presidential and vicepresidential election. :n order to establish the people sovereignty

within the state government, the presidential and vice presidential

election must be done by the people.

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Module +: Pemerintahan dan Administrasi

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Modul (

Aims: Translate Indonesian to English



! Be "are#ul $ith $ord %& $ord translation

'! Tr& to a(oid loss meanin)

3! Meanin) trans#erred I the tar)et lan)ua)e are notrestri"ted %& (o"a%ularies* )rammar* and #orms o# the

sour"e lan)ua)e

+! Be a$are o# the term re)ister,! -on.t use e(er&da& lan)ua)e

/! The translation should %e %ased on meanin)s in the

sour"e lan)ua)e

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Pat !

 Pemerintahan dan Administrasi 


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Memperlakukan Warga Selayaknya Pelanggan

?e!ak berkumandangnya e<overnment di awal 666an, lanskappemerintahan telah berubah secara signifikan. ita telah melihat

 !an!i awal atas pelaksanaan e<overnment dengan perubahan visi

secara saksama dalam upaya memberi layanan pemerintahan secara

online. 7amun, ternyata usaha pencapaiannya tidak ber!alan efektif.

9andling itiAens like ustomers

?ince the e<overnment publication in early 666s, the government

system has been significantly changed. (e saw the beginning promiseof the e<overnment implementation on its vision amendment

thoroughly, by providing the online government services.

7evertheless, the achievement effort did not run effectively.

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Para)ra0h '

Penelitian +ccentor menun!ukkan banyak pemerintahan memerlukan

bimbingan dalam menyusun langkah ke depan secara lebih efektif.Banyak administrasi pemerintahan mempertanyakan. +pa artinya

efektif dalam pelaksanaan e<overnmentC Terdapat berbagai makna

real value yang terkandung dalam e<overment, yakni memberi

layanan yang lebih baik kepada warga dan pebisnis.

 +ccentor research show that many governments assistance in

establishing the plan effectively. ?ome government administrations

2uestioning about the meaning of the effective in implementinge<overnment. There are various meaning of real value inside the

e<overnment, which is providing better services to citiAens and


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Para)ra0h 3

Tu!uan penerapan e<overnment lebih menyesuaikan layanan dengan

kebutuhan warga, ketimbang sekadar wu!ud pendekatan kepentingan pihak

pemerintah. )aka, perlu ditekankan kembali bahwa penerapane<overnment sebaiknya bukan untuk sekadar gagahgagahan atau

mengikuti tren. ?yukurlah, kini pihak eksekutif kian memahami bahwa

layanan yang ditawarkan melalui e<overnment adalah hal yang memberi

nilai terbesar bagi warga dan pebisnis. +lhasil, pemerintah makin kritis

dalam menentukan layanan apa yang sebaiknya ditawarkan secara online.

The aim of e<overnment implementation is to synchroniAe services with the

citiAens needs than to approach on the governement necessity. Therefore, it is

need to be emphasiAed that e<overnment implementation is not only forlavishness or for following trend. -ortunately, executives nowadays

understand that services provided through e<overnment provide add value to

citiAens and enterpreneurs. +s result, the government was additionally

critical to decide what kind of services are offered online.