5S untuk sekolah

 1  Panasonic ideas for life  MKPI Company Proprietary  PSEC  条で S- 見えるかを けんしゅうしま 5S-Mieruka Study @ PSEC Saijou PT .Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Batam 2009 1 26  ~  28 Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Co.,Ltd ダーネル Dahnel



Transcript of 5S untuk sekolah

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Panasonicideas for life

 MKPI Company Proprietary

PSEC 条で 5

S-見えるかを けんしゅうしま


5S-Mieruka Study @ PSEC Saijou

PT.Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Batam




~ 日


Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Co.,Ltdダーネル


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1. Point of Study : What is 5S (3F-Mieruka)

2. Study Obe!ti"e

3. #oa$ : 5S (3F % Mieruka) i&'ro"e&ent a!hie"e&ent. asi! : Standard of ui$din* a Profitab$e Work'$a!e

5. Method : +se Funda&enta$ of ,aien a!ti"ities

. /o0 to do : 5S % Mieruka Prob$e& rainstor&in*

. earnin* Point fro& PS4 Saio

. 6&'ro"e&ent 7 Fo$$o0 u' 8!tion

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ollo!in" rule





Dust Control



$er%a dari debu

Dan kotoran&

Serta buan"lah

Sampah pada'empat(a)





*eeds or 

*o *eeds

Memilah dan

memilih baran"

 +an" masih bisa

Dipakai Dan

tidak bisadipakai )







Dan merapikan

Sesuai den"an

tempat dan





/S secara

$ontin(u dan


Disiplin dalam


Peraturan (an"

ada dalam


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2) Stud( ,b%ectie

,b%ecties ,b%ecties   Stud( /S 3 Mieruka s(stem and implementation at PS4C Sai%o actor( for Stren"thenin" and

and 5eel up the /S 7 Mieruka8 implementation in D# actor()

 4leate and isualize /S 7 Mieruka8 for productiit( : ;ualit( improementand production innoation

/S/S is the basic standards in creatin" theis the basic standards in creatin" the ,.*D-'<,*,.*D-'<,* of factor( reform&of factor( reform&

in promotin" hi"h productiit( manufacturin"& eliminatin" !aste !ith the application of standardization)in promotin" hi"h productiit( manufacturin"& eliminatin" !aste !ith the application of standardization)

/S 7 Mieruka8 : PDC-/S 7 Mieruka8 : PDC-


 u al  i   t   ( C  on t  r  ol  

P r  o c e s s C  on t  r  ol  


 a ci  l  i   t   ( C  on t  r  ol  


 af   e t   (

 C  on t  r  ol  

 C  o s t   C  on t  r  ol  









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7) >,-5 /S 7? Mieruka8 improement achieement

 - !orkplace !here /S 7Mieruka8 is not !ell implemented is "enerall( inspirited and has lots of problem)

 isualize /S 7? Mieruka8 improement aimed at creatin" a !orkplace ;ualit( : profitable business


and result

<mproed =ualit(

@educed Price

-ssured Delier(

<mproed Productiit(

Shortened 5ead 'ime

<nentor( Cut Do!n

Safet( -ssurance

ital ,r"anization

@aised Morale

Direct @esult 8 4nd @esult 8

,r"anizational s(stem

establishment to steadil(

adance all mana"ementimproement actiities

<mproed selfinitiatie of

eer( emplo(ee

<mproed team!ork in the


5eadership trainin"

  @eform /S 7 Mieruka8 .nderstandin"& -!areness : Mindset

 /S is not %ust moral up actiit( but itAs fundamental of manufacturin" for ;ualit( : productiit( -oid %ust isualizin"& but !hich item does affect the ;ualit( : productiit( .nderstandin" of ke( points and "eneral rules implementin" /S

Productivity   Quality Cost Delivery  Save

Environment  Morale


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B) #asic Standard of #uildin" a Profitable orkplace

 i"h profitabilit(i"h profitabilit( business ;ualit( can be realized b( first dealin" !ithbusiness ;ualit( can be realized b( first dealin" !ithProduction InnovationProduction Innovation andand Operation Improvement Operation Improvement  P=CDSM8 basedP=CDSM8 based

thethe #asic / 4lements#asic / 4lements of buildin" a profitable !orkplace)of buildin" a profitable !orkplace)

#asic / elements of buildin" a profitable !orkplace #asic / elements of buildin" a profitable !orkplace

1) ull participant /S actiit(1) ull participant /S actiit(

2) ork standardization2) ork standardization

7) ersatilit(7) ersatilit(

B) isual Mana"ementB) isual Mana"ement

/) ork enhancement/) ork enhancement

ork standardization : ersatilit(ork standardization : ersatilit(

isible mana"ement : ork improementisible mana"ement : ork improement


i"h Profitabilit(i"h Profitabilit(

#usiness =ualit(#usiness =ualit(

ull participant /S -ctiit(ull participant /S -ctiit(

4er( bod( done4er( bod( done

4er( bod( can follo! automaticall(4er( bod( can follo! automaticall(

4er( bod( adaptabilit(fleEibilit(4er( bod( adaptabilit(fleEibilit(

4er( bod( see& kno! : understand4er( bod( see& kno! : understand

orker improementorker improement

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/) Method .se undamental $aizen -ctiities !ith PDC- concept

Promotion of PDC- c(cle in kaizen sustainabilit( mana"ementPromotion of PDC- c(cle in kaizen sustainabilit( mana"ement

 9o 6;S96#89 the !urrent situation 7

understand fu$$y the nature of the 'rob$e&

bein* so$"ed and de"e$o' an effe!ti"e and

0orkab$e so$ution

 9o 6#/9 the tea& as to the rea$

'rob$e& by ana$yin* the <ata and definin*

and i&'$e&entin* a so$ution '$an.

 9o MO69O=  effe!t of i&'$e&entation

of 'roe!t '$an 7 find !ounter&easures

to further i&'ro"e the so$ution.

 9o =;6W 4O96+O+S> the 'erfor&an!e

&easure 7 &ake adust&ents as re?uired.

6nte*rate ne0 situation into nor&a$ 0orkin*

'ra!ti!e. Start P<48 4y!$e a*ain.













 .nderstand the >oal.nderstand the >oal 'eam ork'eam ork Fob ,!nershipFob ,!nership

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6) o! to do /S Mieruka Problem #rainstormin"

-pproach -pproach

4nhance the Mieruka improement actiit( !ith rebrainstormin" the current issue 3 problem

Problem #rainstormin"Problem #rainstormin"

 ま!"# と

ま!"# と




 o! to doo! to do






 *o 'rouble*o 'rouble





HHISJ Step .p ,b%ectie ISJ Step .p ,b%ectie










Standard Safet(


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K) /S Mieruka ocus   o! to Do8 5earnin" from PS4C Sai%o

What : Centralization of Production Productiit( and=ualit( @eal 'ime Monitorin" S(stem

Why (needed) B Pur'ose :

  ar$y 0arnin* syste& (auto hour$y status u'date)    asi$y to see the =ea$ 9i&e 'rodu!ti"ity 7 ?ua$ity status 

Where : 6n One F$oor Offi!e Who : 8$$ se!tions When : /our$y (=ea$ ti&e status u'date) /o0 : <is'$ay Monitorin* Syste& use 69B6S too$

   8uto ink the data fro& 'rodu!tion $ine to !entra$ offi!e   <is'$ayBMonitor both sa&e at Produ!tion $ine and

!entra$ offi!e

Productivity & Quality

Concern items Sai%ou PS4C# PS4C# Current S(stem

1. =ea$ 9i&e +'date Syste&

  (Out'ut 7 Cua$ity status)

6nsuffi!ient asi!a$$y 0ith &anua$ u'date (but &aority are shift$y u'date)

4on!ern : 6nsuffi!ient B eed to i&'ro"e 0ith 69B6S $ink syste& for =ea$ ti&e B ar$y 0arnin*syste&

2. 8$ar& B ar$y Warnin*syste& and dis'$ay 6nsuffi!ientCua$ity 9roub$e : /a"e 8ndon* syste& (for &aor defe!tD &anua$ 'ush button syste&)

Produ!tion status 0ith detai$ status (Mode$ by &ode$D out'utD o'erator status) : <onEt ha"e

4on!ern : 6nsuffi!ient B eed to i&'ro"e 0ith 69B6S syste&

3. 4entra$ieB 1 f$oor offi!e eed to !onsider for S'eedy 0ork

=ed Warnin* : Prob$e& O!!urren!es

=ed !o$our : Out'ut &inus B >ie$d $o0

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/S Mieruka ocus  o! to Do8 5earnin" from PS4C Sai%ou

What : Preention for Problem @e,ccurrence S(stem Why (needed) B Pur'ose : 9o ensure the a!tua$ i&'$e&entation of !orre!ti"e

a!tionB !ounter&easure done 0e$$.  9o re&indBa0areness the 're"ious 'rob$e& to a$$re$ated &e&bers for re-o!!urren!e 're"ention.

   9o $e"e$ u' the ?ua$ity a0areness

Where : 6n Produ!tion $ine Who : 8$$ re$ated &e&bers When : Week$y and Month$y &onitorin* /o0 : <is'$ay and 4he!kin* B Monitorin* Syste& D

!he!kB!onfir& the 'rob$e& by !ontro$ staff.

   efore F848 !$osin* : 4he!kB4onfir& e"ery 0eek   8fter F848 !$osed : 4ontinue 4he!kB!onfir& e"ery

&onth (unti$ &onths)


Concern items Sai%ou PS4C# PS4C# Current S(stem

1. =e-trainin* 7 8$ert syste& /a"e "iden!e : 8$ert noti!e 7 Prob$e& !on!ern Photo re&inder in 'rodu!tion

2. 4onfir&ation 4he!kin* 6nsuffi!ient On$y 2 !onfir&ation !he!k (see a$ert noti!e sheet)

4on!ern : 6nsuffi!ient !onfir&ation !he!k for Pre"ention of Prob$e& =e-o!!urren!e

3. Prob$e& Story 7 <is'$ay <onEt ha"e <onEt ha"e the Prob$e& Story <is'$ay in Produ!tion (on$y kee' in fo$der fi$e)

4on!ern : 6nsuffi!ient re&inder B a0areness for Pre"ention of Prob$e& =e-o!!urren!e

4he!k by !ontro$ staff0eek$y 7 &onth$y

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/S Mieruka ocus  o! to Do8 5earnin" from PS4C Sai%ou

What : Check sheets re;uentl( update Mieruka Why (needed) B Pur'ose : 9o ensure fre?uen!y !he!kin* is not es!a'ee

    asi$y to !he!k 7 understand the status : done or ha"enEtu'dated B efore % 8fter !he!kin*

  Where : 6n Produ!tion $ine Who : 8$$ re$ated &e&bers (Pro!essD Maintenan!eD Produ!tion) When : Fre?uent$yB4ir!u&stan!e !he!kin* ti&e /o0 : 4he!k sheet '$a!e&ent se'aration   <is'$ay the fre?uen!yB!ir!u&stan!e of ti&e !he!kin*

   Se'arate fo$der of efore % 8fter !he!kin* B u'dated

Quality & Saety

Concern items Sai%ou PS4C# PS4C# Current S(stem

4he!k sheets !ontro$ /a"e Pro!essD Maintenan!eD Produ!tion !he!k sheet.

asy to see B understand of!he!kin* ti&e and before-

after !he!ked

<onEt ha"e 4on!ern : o ;isua$ied the fre?uen!y B!ir!u&stan!e of !he!kin* ti&e (oteasy to seeBunderstand does it ha"e !he!ked or ha"enEt !he!ked % o

Mieruka of !he!ksheet u'date

 8$ready !he!ked at:3AD et !he!kin*ti&e is at 12:5

/S Mi k t D 8 5 i f PS4C S i%

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/S Mieruka ocus  o! to Do8 5earnin" from PS4C Sai%ou

What : Machine3Maintenance check sheet Mieruka Why (needed) B Pur'ose :

 9o ensure fre?uen!y 7 'oints !he!kin* is not es!a'ee    asi$y to !he!k 7 understand the status : done or ha"enEtu'dated B efore % 8fter !he!kin*

  Where : 6n front of Produ!tion $ine Who : 8$$ re$ated &e&bers ( Maintenan!e) When : Fre?uent$yB4ir!u&stan!e !he!kin* ti&e /o0 : Maintenan!e 4he!k sheet 'ut in front of $ine :   asy to seeBkno0 the ine by ine status <is'$ay the fre?uen!yB!ir!u&stan!e of 'eriod 7 ti&e !he!kin*

   <is'$ay ea!h !he!kin* ite&s (!he!k 'oints)

Quality & Saety

Concern items Sai%ou PS4C# PS4C# Current S(stem

4he!k sheets !ontro$ /a"e Ma!hine B Maintenan!e !he!k sheet.

asy to see B understand of!he!kin* 'ointsD ti&e and

before-after !he!ked

<onEt ha"e 4on!ern : o ;isua$ied the fre?uen!y B!ir!u&stan!e of !he!kin* ite&sD!he!kin* ti&e (ot easy to seeBunderstand does it ha"e !he!ked or ha"enEt

!he!ked % o Mieruka of !he!ksheet u'date.

/S Mi k t D 8 5 i f PS4C S i%

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/S Mieruka ocus  o! to Do8 5earnin" from PS4C Sai%ou

What : =ualit( 3 Process Patrol Why (needed) B Pur'ose : 9o !onfir& the a!tua$ i&'$e&entation of ea!h

ru$eBsyste&B'ro!edureB!orre!ti"e a!tionB is fo$$o0ed 0e$$a!!ordin* to the 'ro!edure.  Pre"ention for 'rob$e& re-o!!urren!e.

   9o $e"e$ u' the ?ua$ity a0areness

Where : Produ!tion Who : Cua$ity B Pro!ess Patro$ in-!har*e When : =e*u$ar <ai$y !he!k /o0 : 4ondu!t re*u$ar dai$y 'atro$ (*enri *enokuD *enba

*enbutsu)   Produ!tion 7 Pro!ess oint in ea!h area in-!har*e

Concern items Sai%ou PS4C# PS4C# Current S(stem

1. Cua$ity B Pro!ess Patro$ <onEt ha"e <onEt ha"e the dai$y re*u$ar Cua$ity B Pro!ess Patro$ 6n-!har*e

Quality & Saety

/S Mi k t D 8 5 i f PS4C S i%

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/S Mieruka ocus  o! to Do8 5earnin" from PS4C Sai%o

What : ,perator =ualified Skill Control 3 'raceabilit(S(stem

Why (needed) B Pur'ose :

  9o !ontro$ O'erator ski$$ Cua$ifi!ation    9o 're"ent 'otentia$ of Produ!tion 7 Cua$ity fai$ure dueto un?ua$ified o'erator ski$$

   asi$y for Man !ontro$ tra!eabi$ity 

Where : 6n 'rodu!tion Who : 8$$ o'erators When : Must !onfir& B s!an before start 0orkin* /o0 : ar!ode syste& use 69B6S too$

   S!an before start 0orkin* B if any !han*e &ode$   <is'$ay 'assed for Cua$ified o'erator on$y !an run


!raceability" Productivity & Quality

Concern items Sai%ou PS4C# PS4C# Current S(stem

1. O'erator ski$$ ?ua$ifi!ation 6nsuffi!ient /a"e O'erator bad*e ?ua$ifi!ation syste& : Ski$$ o'eratorD Mu$ti ski$$D and OG9 bad*e.

4on!ern : <onEt ha"e the fu$$ 'roof syste& for O'erator Cua$ified ski$$ B Man 4ontro$ Syste&

2. O'erator 4ontro$

9ra!eabi$ity Syste&

6nsuffi!ient eed to i&'ro"e the Man 4ontro$ 7 9ra!eabi$ity Mieruka syste&

O'erator 7 Work Station &ust &at!h 0iththe Pro!ess Ski$$ Cua$ifi!ation

/S Mieruka ocus o! to Do8 5earnin" from PS4C Sai%o

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/S Mieruka ocus  o! to Do8 5earnin" from PS4C Sai%o

What : BM Chan"in" Point Control S(stem Why (needed) B Pur'ose :  Prob$e& 're"ention due to M !han*in*

   9ra!eabi$ity for M !han*in* (detai$ !han*in* ite&s fi$$in to !he!k sheet by $eader 7 !onfir&B!he!k by Su'er"isor)

  Where : 6n 'rodu!tion $ine Who : eaderD Su'er"isor  When : <ai$y indi!ated if any !han*in* ite&s /o0 :   ine eader indi!ate if any !han*in* ite&s   Su'er"isor !onfir&B!he!k


 +'date the sheet in dis'$ay board fo$$o0in* the !o$ourindi!ation.

!raceability" Productivity" Quality & Saety

Concern items Sai%ou PS4C# PS4C# Current S(stem

1. 4ontro$ syste& of M!han*in* in 'rodu!tion $ine

6nsuffi!ient /a"e O'erator bad*e ?ua$ifi!ation syste& : Ski$$ o'eratorD Mu$ti ski$$D and OG9 bad*e.

4on!ern : <onEt ha"e the fu$$ 'roof syste& for 4han*in* 4onfir&ation 4ontro$ Syste&

2. M 4han*in* 4ontro$

9ra!eabi$ity Syste&

6nsuffi!ient eed to i&'ro"e the M 4han*in* 4ontro$ 7 9ra!eabi$ity Mieruka syste&

6tEs !an O9 start before !onfir&ed by Su'er"isor 

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LL 'o be continued for others item concern completion'o be continued for others item concern completion

that mentioned the summar( in the neEt slidethat mentioned the summar( in the neEt slide

I *eEt ollo! up Coordination !ith PS4C#

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  I) *eEt ollo! up Coordination !ith PS4C#

!o coordinate #it$ PSEC% Mieruka !eam!o coordinate #it$ PSEC% Mieruka !eam Set meetin' ( Monday " )-*eb )++,Set meetin' ( Monday " )-*eb )++,

E.planation items & *ollo# up action/ E.planation items & *ollo# up action/