5PUBM8FMMOFTT Cleanse OTAL C - Amazon S3 · Bulgarian Lunges 35 ... creating dietary and lifestyle...


Transcript of 5PUBM8FMMOFTT Cleanse OTAL C - Amazon S3 · Bulgarian Lunges 35 ... creating dietary and lifestyle...

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20 Days to Fast and Permanent Weight Loss!

2Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


Introduction 3

How to Use This Weight Loss Guide 4

What Makes This Weight Loss Strategy Guide Different From the Cleanse Itself? 5

The Weight Loss and Health Benefits of Short Term Fasting 8

The 5-Day Caloric Cycle 10

Day 1 – Juice and Smoothie Day 11

Day 2 – Greens + Protein Day 12

Day 3 – Healthy Cheat Day 14

Day 4 – Fasting Day 16

Day 5 – Early Carb Day 18

20-Day Weight Loss Planner 20

1st Cycle 20

2nd Cycle 21

3rd Cycle 22

4th Cycle 23

Exercise Guide 24

Strength Training Workouts (Day 1 & Day 5) 24

High Intensity Full Body Workouts (Day 2 & Day 4) 25

Volume Workouts (Day 3) 26

Cardio Workouts 27

Interval Training (Day 2, 4 & 5) 27

Light Cardio (Day 1 & Day 4) 27

Exercise Pictures Appendix 28

Bench Press, Squats & Seated Back Rows 28

Military Press, Biceps Curls & Triceps Extensions 29

Dumbbell Chest Press, Lunges & Pull-Ups 30

Step-Ups, Push-Ups & Lateral Raises 31

Deadlifts, Stability Ball Roll-Outs & Squat Press 32

Stability Ball Crunches, Lunge Walks with Biceps Curls & Step-Ups with Shoulder Press 33

Renegade Rows, Stability Ball Hamstring Roll-ins & Dumbbell Push-ups 34

Kettlebell Swings, Side Plank & Bulgarian Lunges 35

Plank 36

References 37

3Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


Once again, welcome to the Total Wellness Cleanse.

Our 30-day program is possibly the most powerful and sustainable way of losing weight, having more energy, and taking your health to a level you probably never thought possible.

And, the best part is that we’re going to achieve those results through food – nothing else!

You’ve also made a wise decision in purchasing our brand new “Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide”.

The reason we put this guide together is to give you – the weight loss-focused cleanser – a more specific, strategic, and step-by-step approach to losing weight quickly and safely.

Yes, following our Total Wellness Cleanse, on its own, will help you lose weight.

However, combining this guide with the principles we discuss in the cleanse will take weight loss to a whole new level.

You’re going to learn how to lose weight quickly and safely while cleansing your body and creating dietary and lifestyle habits that you can maintain for life!

4Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

We recommend using this Weight Loss Guide AFTER completing the 14-day Cleanse Phase of the Total Wellness Cleanse. This way, your body is cleansed and primed for added weight loss.

Once you’ve completed this 20-day program, you can then continue with the Maintenance Phase of the Total Wellness Cleanse.

We don’t recommend that you follow this “way of eating” indefinitely.


Well, some of the strategies we’ll be introducing are a little extreme and, for most people, are not viable ways of living 365 days a year.

However, for the 20 days that you’ll be using this Guide, all you have to do is follow the daily schedules and meal plans that we’ve laid out for you – and the results will show!

You can follow our recipes or use any of your own “cleansing” recipes as long as they “fit the bill” for our cleansing recommendations.

Remember, continuing to eat foods that your body is sensitive or allergic to is a surefire way to sabotage any weight loss success – so be disciplined and you will be rewarded!!!

How to Use This Weight Loss Guide

5Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

The biggest difference between the schedule in this Weight Loss Guide and the meal plan schedule we prescribe in the Cleanse itself is the strategic nature of caloric consumption and energy expenditure.

In plain English, that means that this Guide is more strategically focused on higher and lower calorie days to help you lose weight more effectively.

And by weight loss, we really mean fat loss. No one wants to lose muscle.

So you’ll have days of lower food intake and days with higher food intake. At the same time, you’ll have prescribed workout days to help preserve your lean muscle and burn additional fat!

Excited yet?

You should be!

Let’s begin by giving you some of the science behind the approach in our Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide so that you have a better understanding of how your body is about to transform – in a healthy and safe manner.

In a nutshell, it comes down to naturally influencing hormone levels to keep your metabolism elevated. And since your metabolism accounts for roughly 70% of the calories you burn each day, this will have a marked effect on your ability to lose weight.

The Hormone Leptin

The hormone Leptin is derived from the Greek word leptos, meaning “thin” and, when it comes to weight loss, it’s possibly the most important (yet overlooked) hormone in your body.

What is Leptin’s function?

It communicates your nutritional status to your body and brain. Bear with us as we get a little technical for a moment.

Leptin acts on receptors in the hypothalamus of the brain where it inhibits appetite by:

1. counteracting the effects of neuropeptide Y (a potent feeding stimulant secreted by cells in the gut and in the hypothalamus);

2. counteracting the effects of anandamide (another potent feeding stimulant that binds to the same receptors as THC, the active ingredient of marijuana);

3. promoting the synthesis of α-MSH, an appetite suppressant. This inhibition is long-term.

What Makes This Weight Loss Strategy Guide Different From the Cleanse Itself?

6Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

In short, Leptin tells your brain that you are full!

The absence of a Leptin (or its receptor) leads to uncontrolled food intake and resulting obesity. Several studies have shown that fasting or following a very-low-calorie diet lowers Leptin levels.

Leptin levels are mediated by two things:

The FIRST mediating factor of Leptin is your level of body fat. All else being equal, people with higher levels of body fat will have higher leptin levels than those with lower levels of body fat and vice versa.

Because Leptin is secreted by your fat cells, it follows that under normal conditions there is a direct correlation between the amount of circulating Leptin and the amount of fat in your body. Thus, being fat is kind of ironic since having more fat would mean higher Leptin levels, which would mean lower appetite and thus less food intake.

However, research tells that people who are really overweight or obese are Leptin resistant – much in the same way that Type 2 Diabetics are resistant to insulin. So even though there is more Leptin in the body of an overweight individual, it has little effect because their body doesn’t respond to it!

However, just like insulin resistance in Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed through proper diet and lifestyle, so too can Leptin resistance. We’ll show you how in this Guide.

In an effort to lose weight, most people naturally jump into the latest “fad” diet and restrict their calories – big time! But this is one of the worst things you could possibly do because during prolonged periods of caloric restriction or starvation your body responds by lowering Leptin levels.

This is because the SECOND mediator of Leptin levels is your caloric intake.

Put simply, when you lower your caloric intake, Leptin levels fall - regardless of your body fat.

So even though you might be overweight, you CAN still suffer from low Leptin levels if you’ve been starving your body or severely restricting calories – ie. being on a diet.

So why does this matter? What happens when Leptin is low?

Again, under normal conditions Leptin levels are normal and your brain gets the message that your nutrition intake is adequate. Your metabolism is high and, as a result, your body has an easier time churning through calories and burning excess fat.

7Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Research has shown that Leptin levels decrease by about 50% after only one week of dieting!

Low Leptin levels are often seen in people with anorexia nervosa. Not only is this detrimental to their metabolism but also to the health of their bones since Leptin is also known to stimulate bone formation.

So, extreme dieting is not a good thing. Not from a weight loss perspective and not from a health perspective.

The good news is that it doesn’t take nearly as long for Leptin levels to climb back up with a substantial increase in caloric intake.

In fact, research has shown that it only takes about 12-24 hours.

In this Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide, we’re going to show you how to strategically “cheat” with higher calorie foods (yet, foods that are still conducive to cleansing your body) to give your Leptin levels and metabolism a major boost!

This will help set you up for subsequent weight loss when you resume your reduced calorie eating regimen. There will be more on this in a moment.

8Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

When most people think of fasting, they think of deprivation and how dangerous “not eating” is for your health. However, most of this thinking has no foundation in science or understanding of how our bodies operate.

Short-term fasting (ie. 24 hours) is one of the most POWERFUL tools you have at your disposal and one of the greatest ways of boosting your health and losing weight, safely and effectively.

A vast amount of research has shown that short-term fasting has the following health benefits:

• Decreased body fat & body weight

• Maintenance of skeletal muscle mass

• Decreased blood glucose levels

• Decreased insulin levels & increased insulin sensitivity

• Increased lipolysis & fat oxidation

• Increased Uncoupling Protein 3 mRNA

• Increased norepinephrine & epinephrine levels

• Increased Glucagon levels

• Increased growth hormone levels.

Don’t worry if you don’t completely understand the benefits to which the above list refers. Just understand that fasting is good for you. And in relation to losing weight, and specifically to burning fat, here’s what a few studies have found:

• In one study, researchers found that when they made people fast for 3 days, their metabolic rate did not change. This is 72 hours without food. So much for needing to eat every three hours!

• In another study by a different group of researchers, people who fasted every other day for a period of 22 days also had no decrease in their resting metabolic rate.

• In addition, people who were on very low calorie diets and on a resistance exercise program (i.e. lifting weights) did not see a decrease in resting metabolic rate, and these people were only eating 800 Calories a day for 12 weeks!

• In another interesting study, women who ate half the amount of food that they normally eat for 3 days saw no change in their metabolism either.

• In still more studies, there was no change in the metabolic rate of people who skipped breakfast, or people who ate 2 meals a day compared to 7 meals per day.

The Weight Loss and Health Benefits of Short Term Fasting

9Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

The bottom line is food has virtually nothing to do with your metabolism. In fact, your metabolism is much more closely tied to your bodyweight. If your weight goes up or down, so does your metabolism. The only other thing that can affect your metabolism (in both the short term and longer term) is exercise and weight loss. Even in the complete absence of food for three days, your metabolism remains unchanged.

Uncoupling Protein-3 is a very important protein found in our muscles that is associated with fat burning. Simply put, when fat burning increases so does the amount of Uncoupling Protein-3 in our muscles.

Amazing research has shown that as little as 15 hours into a fast, the gene expression for Uncoupling Protein-3 increases by 5 fold!

Probably the most revealing information in the research was a study published by a group of scientists from the University of Texas. It examined how short-term fasting affects fat and sugar metabolism in our bodies.

They found that after only 24 hours of fasting, the amount of fat being released from people’s fat stores (lipolysis) and the amount being burnt for fuel (oxidation) had been significantly increased by over 50%.

Bringing a few of these studies to your attention has hopefully shown you that short term fasting can provide incredible benefits for you. There’s nothing to be scared of and hopefully any misconceptions you’ve had of fasting are now gone forever!

Using our Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide, you’ll be doing a 1-day fast every 5 days! You’ll never look and feel better.

10Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

This Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide features a strategic 5-day dietary and exercise schedule that is guaranteed to help you take your weight loss (really fat loss) to a whole new level.

The reason this schedule is so effective is because it combines days of high and low caloric intakes (which alters your Leptin levels) along with specific workouts to help you maintain lean mass and boost your metabolism.

Here’s what our 5-day schedule looks like:

Day 1 – Juice and Smoothie Day

Day 2 – Greens + Protein Day

Day 3 – Healthy Cheat Day

Day 4 – Fasting Day

Day 5 – Early Carb Day

Since this is a 20-day program, you’ll be repeating this 5-day cycle 4 times.

NOTE: Remember, if you are following this Weight Loss Guide, you will use this 20-day plan INSTEAD of the initial 2-3 weeks of the Maintenance Phase that immediately follows the 14-day Cleanse Phase.

The 5-Day Caloric Cycle

11Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

We start your 5-day cycle with a Juice and Smoothie Day to lessen the load on your digestion system, increase your nutrient intake, and provide a slightly lower caloric intake than some of the other days in this 5-day cycle.

You can enjoy any of the juicing and smoothie recipes that we’ve provided in the Cleanse or use any of your own.


There’s only ONE RULE for this day – the juices and smoothies must be made from scratch and ideally consumed fresh. This means that pre-made “store bought” juices and smoothies are not ideal.

Even if you have to prepare a larger amount of juice/smoothie and take it with you throughout the day, we’d rather you do that than buy sugar-laden store-ready drinks.

Preparing your drinks from scratch will ensure that they maintain their inherent high levels of food enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and other vital phytonutrients.


On Juice and Smoothie Days, your workout will be a Strength Training Workout (see Exercise Guide at end of this manual). The importance of maintaining your strength and muscle mass is critical to burning the most amount of fat possible!

Strength training, which is characterized by lower reps and heavier weight, is critical for building strength and maintaining muscle mass. In staying strong, you’ll have more to give in your subsequent workouts, and as a result, you’ll be able to burn more fat.

Fitter U Option – If you’re using the Fitter U iPod weight loss workouts, just use whichever workout (ie. Day 1) corresponds to this particular day in the workout plan.

Additional Cardio Option – if you feel up to it, you may add an additional light cardio workout on this day. You can choose to do this cardio workout AFTER your strength training (or Fitter U workout) OR at a separate time of the day.


Drink 3-4 fresh smoothies or juices throughout the day. Perform your Strength Training Workout (or Fitter U workout) when you feel most prepared. Follow your workout with Light Cardio OR do it later in the day. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

Day 1 – Juice and Smoothie Day

12Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

The Greens + Protein Day is meant to alkalize your body while depleting your muscle glycogen and fat stores to make room for the influx of calories that will be arriving tomorrow – the Healthy Cheat Day. Realistically, after your Fasting Day, this day should have the fewest calories. While keeping your body “on its toes” with this lower calorie day, you’ll still be getting more than adequate nutrition by eating tons of greens and high quality protein.

On this day, the focus is on consuming HUGE amounts of greens (any kind you think of) in raw or cooked format. At the same time, you’ll be focusing on healthier proteins throughout this day to keep you satiated and your muscles happy. Since most protein is acid-forming, it is important to eat lots of greens (which are very alkaline) to offset the acid influx and maintain a healthy pH within the body.

If you like counting calories (we don’t!) you’ll want to aim for 1.5 – 2 grams of protein per POUND of lean body mass (LBM). Eating adequately through our Cleanse and this Weight Loss phase should provide all the protein your need.

However, if you feel the need to supplement with additional protein, we would recommend using some form of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). These are essentially the most important amino acids needed for muscle repair and growth. Research has shown that consuming about 5 grams of BCAA between meals (and before your workouts) can be helpful for building muscle and maintaining your lean mass.

Remember, the focus today is on eating (or juicing) lots of greens, moderate amounts of healthy protein, and limited amounts of carbohydrates and fat. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water today since the digestion of cooked proteins is a water-intensive job required of your body. Eating more raw foods will also help with this.

Day 2 – Greens + Protein Day

13Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


On your Greens + Protein Days, we recommend that you perform a High Intensity Full Body Workout. The purpose of this workout is to burn as many calories as possible and deplete your body’s energy stores (ie. muscle glycogen).

This will have the effect of forcing your body to tap into fat for fuel following your workout. The high intensity workout is also recommended on this day since the following day is your Healthy Cheat Day. Thus, we want to burn as much fuel as possible before the influx of calories.

In addition to your High Intensity Full Body Workout, it is also recommended that you complete an Interval Training cardio session either AFTER your workout OR at a separate time of the day. This will further boost your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day.

If you’re not using the Fitter U workouts, please refer to the Exercise Guide at the end of this manual for the appropriate workouts.

Fitter U Option – If you’re using the Fitter U iPod weight loss workouts, just use whichever workout (ie. Day 1) corresponds to this particular day in the workout plan. Since all of the Fitter U workouts incorporate a strength training and interval training component, you may choose to add an additional interval cardio workout if you wish.


Eat tons of greens throughout the day along with some good quality protein. Perform your High Intensity Full Body Workout (or Fitter U workout) in the morning. Follow your workout with Interval Training OR do it later in the day.

14Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Now that your body’s carb reserves are a little bit lower, this healthy cheat day is meant to boost Leptin levels and prime your body for accelerated fat burning over the course of the next few days.

Bearing in mind that we’re still following a “cleansing” program, we recommend that your cheat day be as healthy as possible (more details below). Thus, the major focus of the Healthy Cheat Day is to eat larger quantities of “healthy” food – but food that is further away from the “green, alkaline, cleansing” food on Total Wellness Cleanse Food Guide Chart.

Examples of Healthy Cheat Day foods might include:

• Non-glutenous grains like quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat, or oats (ie. oatmeal, manna bread, sprouted grain bread, brown rice or buckwheat pasta, etc..)

• Fruit – all levels of sweetness

• Nuts and seeds – almonds, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, etc.

• Legumes – black beans, chic peas, lentils, etc.

Examples of some special treats you may want to enjoy on this day:

• Non-dairy ice cream – ie. coconut ice cream, soy-based ice cream (although don’t overdo the soy products please!)

• Any of the desserts in the Post-Cleanse Recipes.

• Any other foods you might enjoy that are wheat-free, dairy-free, caffeine-free, non-alcoholic, unprocessed, and whole-food based.

Although some dietary approaches would recommend eating anything you want on your cheat day, we are doing a cleanse and, as such, we want your cheat day to feel liberal, not ridiculously unhealthy.


• Eat the “healthy” cheat foods you crave without feeling guilty,

• Don’t stuff yourself; eat until you’re satisfied, not to the point of discomfort,

• Avoid skipping meals and holding out for a single feast; eat throughout the day.

So, within the above guidelines, you can pretty much eat whatever you want. And you can eat as much of it as you like. Don’t worry about eating a lot on this day – you will not pack on the pounds. It’s part of the weight loss strategy and is a necessary component of our 5-day cycle.

Day 3 – Healthy Cheat Day

15Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


If you’re not using Fitter U, the workout for your Healthy Cheat Days will be a Volume Workout (once again, refer to the Exercise Guide for this workout). The function of the Volume Workout is to utilize the surplus of calories, carbs, and insulin to your advantage, stimulating muscle and flooding it with nutrients.

The result will be a great fat burning effect during the Healthy Cheat Day (due to higher Leptin levels). The influx of calories is used to maximally stimulate your muscles.

In fact, you might even gain a pound or two of toned, lean muscle over the course of the 20-day program. And don’t worry – this is a good thing. You want muscle, not fat. If you just lost weight (including muscle) you’d end up being one of those skinny fat people. And you don’t want that, right?

Fitter U Option – If you’re using the Fitter U iPod weight loss workouts, just use whichever workout (ie. Day 1) corresponds to this particular day in the workout plan.


Eat liberally throughout the day without stuffing yourself; perform your Volume Workout (or Fitter U) ideally in the afternoon when your body has lots of calories to use. No additional cardio training required on this day.

16Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Fasting has incredible health and weight loss benefits. It’s no wonder that every religion in the world incorporates fasting, to some degree, in their tradition. However, don’t be scared by the term “fasting”. If anything, this fasting will not only help you lose weight but allow you to really tune in to your body’s messages when it comes to hunger. After doing a few of these Fasting Days, you’ll feel more in control of your body and your relationship with food.

Now, from a weight loss perspective, the reason for putting this Fasting Day right after your cheat day is to create a massive caloric deficit while your body is primed to burn fat, which is a result of the previous Leptin-boosting Cheat Day.


On this day you will consume nothing but water. It’s that simple.


To maximize fat burning on your Fasting Day, you will be performing another High Intensity Full Body Workout (or Fitter U workout). This is to further increase the metabolic demand and energy burn of this day while burning off some of the stored energy from the previous day’s caloric surge.

To further create a massive calorie deficit on this day, it is recommended that you perform an additional ONE or TWO cardio workouts. For instance, you can do both an Interval Training Workout and a Light Cardio workout at different points of the day.

If you choose to go this route, you would be completing a maximum of 3 workouts on your Fasting Day. Not an easy feat, but very rewarding nonetheless.

If doing all three sessions, an easy scheduling strategy is to perform your High Intensity Full Body Workout (or Fitter U workout) in the morning (ie. prior to work), the Interval Training session mid day (ie. at lunch) break or immediately after work, and the Light Cardio session at some point in the evening.

If you can only perform one of the additional cardio sessions, go with the intervals (since they rock!), but realize that performing a 3 sessions will provide the best results.

Fitter U Option – If you’re using the Fitter U iPod weight loss workouts, just use whichever workout (ie. Day 1) corresponds to this particular day in the workout plan. Since all of the Fitter U workouts incorporate a strength training and interval training component, you may choose to add an additional Interval Training and Light Cardio workout if you wish.

Day 4 – Fasting Day

17Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


Don’t eat or drink anything apart from water. And be sure to drink lots of it. Perform your High Intensity Full Body Workout, one Interval Training session, and one Light Cardio session (if possible) spread throughout the day (morning-afternoon-evening). If only doing two sessions, the evening session is the one to omit.

18Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

To help you bounce back from your Fasting Day, we’ve included the “Early Carb Day” in order to restore your glycogen stores and prevent muscle breakdown. This day is especially important if you’ve worked out during your Fasting Day – the last thing we want is to starve your body for a long period of time (ie. more than 24 hours) if you’ve just stressed your muscles through exercise.

Ok, so here’s how this day works…


As the name suggests, the goal of this day is to get the majority of your carbs in the earlier part of the day.

There are 2 main reasons for this:

1. Your body is best able to metabolize carbs earlier in the day, and

2. You need to replenish your glycogen stores as early as possible after your Fasting Day to facilitate muscle recovery, prevent muscle breakdown, and to get your Leptin levels back up.

Thus, upon waking in the morning, now is the time to have your fruit, your oatmeal, and any other “carb-dominant” meal that fits within our Cleansing guidelines.

At the same time, feel free to add some protein to your meals. Actually, this is recommended and will be helpful in stabilizing your blood sugar and keeping your “tummy” satisfied longer. However, please bear in mind the Principles of Good Digestion as much as you can.

So, if you choose to have organic, free-run eggs after your morning steel cut oatmeal, then that’s fine. Just make sure you eat them (the protein) AFTER the carbs (the oatmeal).

Likewise, if you want fruit, be sure to start your meal with them. For instance, we like starting our day with mango and papaya. After that, we might make some steel cut oatmeal. And if we absolutely need, we’ll make an egg or two afterwards.

So as you can see, the principles of food combining or, at the very least, food sequencing, are present. Whether or not you choose to follow these guidelines is up to you. Just be aware of how your body responds to different food combinations and adjust accordingly. To help you even further, it may be wise to throw back a few digestive enzymes with your more complex meals, especially if they are not raw.

As you progress through this day, you’ll want to taper your carbohydrate consumption. The last thing we want on this day (or even in general) is to eat a truck load of carbs late in the day. You’ll sleep terribly and store those excess those carbs as fat – not a good thing!

Day 5 – Early Carb Day

19Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Later in the day focus on healthy proteins, raw plant fats, and lots of greens. A typical dinner might be big salad with some type of protein (ie. black beans, nuts/seeds, sprouts, wild fish, free-run chicken, etc…) and some healthy raw plant fats (ie. olive oil, flax oil).

Ideally, you want to eat at least 3-4 hours before going to bed. This way your body can digest what you’ve eaten, which will help you sleep soundly.

Remember, this is not a cheat day so eat in moderation and only when hungry. Focus on healthy carbs in the AM and transition to greater amounts of “cleansing/alkaline foods” like greens, alongside healthy proteins/fats in the PM.


On your Early Carb Days you will perform another Strength Training Workout from the Exercise Guide OR follow the appropriate Fitter U workout (if you using that program). We recommend doing this workout around mid-to-late day in order to take advantage of the carbs you’ve eaten throughout the morning.

In addition to the Strength Training Workout, you will perform an additional Interval Training Workout. The various Interval Training workouts that you can choose from are listed in the Exercise Guide at the end of this manual. Remember, the more calories your burn through exercise on this program, the better.

Fitter U Option – If you’re using the Fitter U iPod weight loss workouts, just use whichever workout (ie. Day 1) corresponds to this particular day in the workout plan. Since all of the Fitter U workouts incorporate a strength training and interval training component, you may choose to add an additional interval cardio workout if you wish.


onsume most of your carbs in the morning and taper off in the PM, while focusing on more alkalizing foods and healthy proteins. Perform your Strength Training Workout in the PM and follow it with an additional Interval Training Workout if possible.

20Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

The following 20-day chart will help you plan your meals, workouts, and overall mindset for burning as much fat as possible. The recipes in the following schedule are only suggestions. Feel free to use them or any other appropriate recipes from the cleanse or your own “archives”. Blue = “Cleanse Phase Recipes” Green = “Post-Cleanse Recipes”.


Juice &



Greens +



Healthy Cheat




Early Carb

1st C





Strength + Light Cardio

High Intensity Full Body + Intervals

Volume High Intensity Full Body + Intervals + Light Cardio

Strength + Intervals




Berry Green Smoothie

Green Revolution

Fluffy Banana Pancakes w/ Berry Sauce

Water Raw Oatmeal



The Purifier Super Greens Brown Rice w/ Steamed Greens, Roasted Veggies, and Avocado

Water Grawnola Cereal



Refresh Greens and Bean Sprout Stir Fry

Spiced Brown Rice Pudding

Water Salmon, Asparagus, and Dill Salad

20-Day Weight Loss Planner

21Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


Juice &



Greens +



Healthy Cheat




Early Carb


d C





Strength + Light Cardio

High Intensity Full Body + Intervals

Volume High Intensity Full Body + Intervals + Light Cardio

Strength + Intervals




Mister Sprout The Purifier Grawnola Cereal

Water Raw Oatmeal & Banana Lemon Mash



The Flu Fighter

Spinach & Roasted Garlic Salad

Awesome Quinoa Salad & Maple Syrup Acorn Squash

Water Squash Pasta



Berry Green Smoothie

Chic Pea & Kale Bowl

Thai Noodle Stir Fry

Chocolate Chip Almond Cookies

Water Broiled Citrus Filet of Sole & Carrot and Fennel Salad

22Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


Juice &



Greens +



Healthy Cheat




Early Carb






Strength + Light Cardio

High Intensity Full Body + Intervals

Volume High Intensity Full Body + Intervals + Light Cardio

Strength + Intervals




Berry Green Smoothie

Super Greens Fluffy Banana Pancakes w/ Berry Sauce

Water Creamy Fruit Salad



The Purifier Spicy Broccoli and Sprout Medley

Nutty Rice w/ Swiss Chard and Green Beans

Water Tomato and Lentil Dhal w/ Almonds



Refresh Cedar Plank Salmon on a Bed of Kale and Swiss Chard


Honey Poached Pears

Water Avocado Sea Wrap

23Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


Juice &



Greens +



Healthy Cheat




Early Carb






Strength + Light Cardio

High Intensity Full Body + Intervals

Volume High Intensity Full Body + Intervals + Light Cardio

Strength + Intervals




Mister Sprout Green Revolution & Sprout Salad

Fluffy Banana Pancakes w/ Berry Sauce

Water Fluffy Banana Pancakes w/ Berry Sauce



The Flu Fighter

Broccoli, Pea, and Almond Salad

Spaghetti and “Meat Balls” in Marinara Sauce

Water Vegetable Tagine



Berry Green Smoothie

Salmon, Asparagus, and Dill Salad

Black Bean Chili

Hemp Balls

Water Chic Pea and Kale Bowl

24Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

NOTE: If you are using the Fitter U program (or other workout program), then you can ignore the following workout routines.

Strength Training Workouts (Day 1 and Day 5)

Choose any ONE of the following workouts. For best results, try to use a different workout on each Strength Training Workout day. Within each superset (ie. 1a, 1b) allow 30-60 seconds rest b/w exercises and 1-2 minutes b/w sets. Choose a weight that will challenge you for the required number of reps.


1a. Squats – 3 x 8 reps 1a. Deadlifts – 3 x 8 reps

1b. Bench Press – 3 x 8 reps 1b. Dumbbell Chest Press – 3 x 8 reps

2a. Step-Ups – 3 x 8 reps/leg 2a. Lunge Walks – 3 x 8 reps/leg

2b. Pull-ups – 3 x maximum reps 2b. Seated Back Rows – 3 x 8 reps

3a. Standing Lunges – 3 x 8 reps/leg 3a. Squat Press – 3 x 8 reps

3b. Military Press – 3 x 8 reps 3b. Stability Ball Roll-Outs – 3 x 8 reps

NOTE: Please see the Exercise Pictures Appendix for before and after pics for all the workout exercises.

Exercise Guide

25Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

High Intensity Full Body Workouts (Day 2 and Day 4)

Choose any ONE of the following workouts. For best results, try to use a different workout on each High Intensity Full Body Workout day. Perform ALL 6 (or 8) exercises in a circuit fashion with little to no rest in between exercises. Rest 1 minute b/w sets. Choose a weight that will challenge you for the required number of reps.


1. Squat Press x 15 reps

2. Stability Ball Crunches x 15 reps

3. Lunge Walks with Biceps Curls x 15 reps

4. Stability Ball Roll-outs x 15 reps

5. Step-Ups with Shoulder Press x 15 reps

6. Pull-Ups x 15 reps

* Complete 4 sets.


1. Renegade Rows x 12 reps

2. Stability Ball Hamstring Roll-Ins x 12 reps

3. Pull-ups x 12 reps

4. Dumbbell Push-Ups x 12 reps

5. Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Swings x 12 reps

6. Side Plank x 30 seconds/side

7. Bulgarian Lunges x 12 reps/leg

8. Plank x 1 minute

* Complete 3 sets.

26Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Volume Workouts (Day 3)

Choose any ONE of the following workouts. For best results, try to use a different workout on each Volume Workout day. Complete ALL 5 sets of one exercise before moving onto the next. Allow no more than 1 minute of rest b/w sets. Choose a weight that will challenge you for the required number of reps.


1. Bench Press – 5 x 12 reps 1. Dumbbell Chest Press – 5 x 12 reps

2. Squats – 5 x 12 reps 2. Lunges – 5 x 12 reps/leg

3. Seated Back Rows – 5 x 12 reps 3. Pull-Ups – 5 x maximum reps

4. Military Press – 5 x 12 reps 4. Step-Ups – 5 x 12 reps/leg

5. Biceps Curls – 5 x 12 reps 5. Push-Ups – 5 x maximum reps

6. Triceps Extensions – 5 x 12 reps 6. Lateral Raises – 5 x 12 reps

27Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Interval Training (Day 2, Day 4, Day 5)

Choose any ONE of the following workouts. For best results, try to use a different workout on each Interval Training day. The intensities (%) reflect a percentage of your maximum possible speed (not heart rate). These workouts can be done on any cardio machine or outdoors while running, cycling, etc… Being each workout with a 5-minute warm-up.


Work: 10 seconds @ 100%

Recovery: 20 seconds @ 65%

Repeat 24 times = 12 minutes


Work: 30 seconds @ 95%

Recovery: 60 seconds @ 65%

Repeat 10 times = 15 minutes


Work: 1 minute @ 85%

Recovery: 1 minute @ 65%

Repeat 10 times = 20 minutes

WORKOUT 4 - advanced

Work: 2 minutes @ 85%

Recovery: 1 minute @ 65%

Repeat 6 times = 18 minutes

Light Cardio (Day 1 and Day 4)

Choose any ONE of the following workouts. For best results, try to use a different workout on each Light Cardio day. These simple cardio workouts can be done on any cardio or while exercising outdoors. TTP refers to your “Talk Test Pace”, which is a pace where you can carry a conversation, while hearing your breathing. It equates to roughly 70-75% of your maximum heart rate.


Duration = 30 minutes @ TTP


Duration = 60 minutes @ TTP

Cardio Workouts

28Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Bench Press


Seated Back Rows

Exercise Pictures Appendix

29Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Military Press

Biceps Curls

Triceps Extensions

30Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Dumbbell Chest Press



31Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide



Lateral Raises

32Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


Stability Ball Roll-Outs

Squat Press

33Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Stability Ball Crunches

Lunge Walks with Biceps Curls

Step-Ups with Shoulder Press

34Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Renegade Rows

Stability Ball Hamstring Roll-ins

Dumbbell Push-ups

35Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Kettlebell Swings

Side Plank

Bulgarian Lunges

36Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide


37Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide

Webber J, Macdonald IA, The cardiovascular, metabolic and hormonal changes accompanying acute starvation in men and women. British journal of nutrition 1994; 71:437-447.

Heilbronn LK, et al. Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005; 81:69-73

Keim NL, Horn WF. Restrained eating behavior and the metabolic response to dietary energy restriction in women. Obesity research 2004; 12:141-149.

Verboeket-Van De Venne WPHG, et al. Effect of the pattern of food intake on human energy metabolism. British Journal of Nutrition 1993; 70:103-115

Bellisle F, et al. Meal Frequency and energy balance. British Journal of Nutrition 1997;, 77: (Suppl. 1) s57-s70

Tunstall RJ, et al. Fasting activates the gene expression of UCP3 independent of genes necessary for lipid transport and oxidation in skeletal muscle. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2002; 294:301-308
