504 Housekeeping and safety

MODULE 504 FOCUS ON SAFETY AND HOUSEKEEPING Contact Person Dr. Mario Denton Crown Financial Ministries Marketplace Programme Director for Africa Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) CEO STRONG MESSAGE BUSINESS CONSULTANT Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. E-mail address: [email protected] Website: www.crown.org.za and click on marketplace E-mail address: [email protected] website: www. strongmessage.co.za Skype: mario.denton


Skype: mario.denton Crown Financial Ministries Marketplace Programme Director for Africa Dr. Mario Denton Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) E-mail address: [email protected] web site: www. strongmessage.co.za Contact Person

Transcript of 504 Housekeeping and safety

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Contact Person

Dr. Mario Denton

Crown Financial Ministries Marketplace Programme Director for Africa

Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International)


Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. E-mail address: [email protected] Website: www.crown.org.za and click on


E-mail address: [email protected] website: www. strongmessage.co.za

Skype: mario.denton

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Table of Contents1. Foundation

2. Values and the Visible workplace

3. Restoring the physical workplace

4. Application assignment

5. Appendix

Focus on Housekeeping and Safety

1. IntroductionDid you know that the visible condition of your workplace is a mirror reflection of your commitment to stewardship? If everything is dirty, cluttered or disorganized, it leaves theimpression that you don’t care. Such a work environment can contribute to waste, accidents and poor morale for the employees. It also leaves a poor impression for customers who visit. A work environment in this state transmits a silent message that taking care of the resources that God has

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entrusted to you is not a priority and that waste is acceptable. Clearly, this does not meet God’s intention for a workplace that honors Him.

As an outside expression of their inside desire to be good stewards, leaders need to establish a practice to keep the work environment clean, organised and safe. Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

• Understand the impact of housekeeping and safety on a Kingdom Business• Learn how to establish a housekeeping and safety focus in the organisation• Learn and apply the tools that are used for a successful housekeeping and safety focus

Values and the visible Workplace

Stewardship Great Commandment Great CommissionFocussed business, Purpose and visionRestoration and continual Improvement

Prayer and the word of GodServant leadershipService to customers

Ministry and MissionsTithing

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Fact-based decision makingAccountability and Godly counselFinancial responsibility

Honesty and Integrity

Although the Scriptures instruct us not to judge others, the way the organization is maintained through its housekeeping and safety practices is a visual indicator of the organisation’s values such as Restoration, Continual Improvement and Servant Leadership.Since we have learned that Kingdom Business principles are foundational to organisational values, it is reasonable to see how the visual workplace reflects the leadership’s values and commitment to stewardship.

Group Discussion:1. What does the visible evidence in your workplace indicate about your commitment to a clean, organised and safe work environment?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






2. Discuss any adjustments that you feel you should make in your attitude and commitment to good housekeeping and safety in your organization.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




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Impact – Preparing the workplaceWhen things are more organized, less time is wasted in looking for things in all the clutter.Impact - Preparing the WorkplaceSome of the impact of poor housekeeping on safety can be measured such as the followingMedical-Only Cases Temporary Disability Cases Permanent Partial Disability Cases Permanent Disability Cases Fatal Cases

Group Discussion:1. As you consider the consequences of poor housekeeping and unsafe conditions, discuss the impact to your organisation. Consider the impact to people and morale, efficiency, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders such as owners and family. Make a list of the impacts.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






2. Which impacts can be measured? These can be considered as part of the cost of waste in your organisation.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




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Getting Organized

Forming the Housekeeping and Safety TeamNow that the impact of inadequate housekeeping and safety has been studied, the next most obvious step is to do something about it. The effort begins by forming a Housekeeping and Safety Team which operates within the Operational Excellence focusfor your organisation as shown:

The team is composed of members who represent all areas of the organisation and theygenerally have supervisory responsibility for their areas. In many cases, it will be necessary for one team member to represent several areas or departments to be efficient. The team is led by a Team Leader who is either a

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member of the Leadership Team or leader of the Operational Excellence focus for the organisation.

Sometimes, it is helpful to draw a simple layout of the facility or facilities to determine all of the areas that should be represented by the members of the Housekeeping and Safety Team.

The Housekeeping and Safety CharterIt is important to define a charter for the team that will specify its purpose, responsibilities and limits.

The following is an example of the Housekeeping and Safety Team Charter that was completed by the same team that defined the previous layout for their organisation.

Focus Team CharterAs a group, complete a charter for the Housekeeping and Safety Team for your organisation.

TEAM: HOUSEKEEPING AND SAFETY TEAM DATE: Mission:The purpose of the Housekeeping and Safety Team is to establish a focus on cleanliness and organisation of our physical resources that will reflect our desire to be good stewards. We will accomplish this by:• defining and maintaining the requirements of good housekeeping• checking our progress frequently

Boundries:The Housekeeping and Safety Team is NOT responsible for:• the supervision of people in each department• the overall safety program for our organisation• the overall maintenance of our equipment and facilities

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The team will establish a supplies budget. Approval by the Leadership Team will be required for purchases greater than the budget.

Measurements/Goals/Expectations:••Team Leader: Production Manager. Customer Service Supervisor .Warehouse Supervisor .

Exercise: Chartering the Housekeeping and Safety TeamAs a group, complete a charter for the Housekeeping and Safety Team for yourorganisation as follows:

1. Take a few minutes to discuss who should be members of the Housekeeping and Safety Team and who should be the team leader. Draw a simple diagram of your facility if it is helpful.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






2. Write a simple mission statement to define the purpose of the team.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






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3. Record the scope and spending limitations in the boundries section.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






4. The measurement section will be covered later in this workshop.

3. Restoring the Physical Workplace

As we have learned, being a good steward means taking care of the resources that God has entrusted to us. To correct poor housekeeping and safety conditions, a process is needed to restore the workplace. A simple three-step process will be used to guide your restoration efforts.

RESTOREStep 1: SortStep 2: Organise and Clean Step 3: Evaluate & Maintain

Step 1: Sort

The sorting step involves the identification of anything that does not belong in the work area such as trash, dirt, unnecessary equipment, obsolete files, outdated information, or anything not used or required for the work that is

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done. This step also involves the identification of unsafe conditions or equipment that is dirty or does not function as intended. The idea is to identify the things that must be corrected to restore the work area to its intended state.

There are four activities to accomplish the sorting step as follows:• Activity 1: Take pictures of each area to record the “before” state and to use in tracking the progress.

• Activity 2: Identify unacceptable conditions.

Each member of the team examines their assigned area and identifies items that don’t belong in the area, not needed, obsolete, outdated, unsafe, not operating correctly or anything that does not reflect good stewardship.

A useful tool to use in the examination process is a checklist. It can serve as a guide in what to look for in each area and help make the examination process consistent amongthe different areas. A Housekeeping and Safety Checklist is provided in the Appendix. Itis intended to provide a basic list of items to check in each area but you may have to add, delete or modify the checklist to fit your area of responsibility. This checklist will also serve an additional purpose that will be covered later.

The following is an example of one part of the Housekeeping and Safety Checklist. Notice that it contains space at the top to record the name of the organisation, the areaor department being examined, the date and who did the examination. It also contains anumerical scale from poor to good so that a number value can be given to each item on the checklist. A column is also provided for comments on any action that may be required to restore the area.

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In the following example, the floors were examined and given a numerical score with acomment for action.




Poor 1Fair 2 Good 3


FloorsClean 2 Some oil spots need to

be removedClearIn good condition Well-drained

To be consistent in the examination process, it may also be helpful to use a set of Housekeeping and Safety Standards which have been provided in the Appendix. The standards help the team members decide how to examine each item on the checklist. For example, the standard for “clean floors” is described as follows:

FLOORS Vacuumed or swept and mopped. They should be free of oil, water and any damaged areas that could cause an uneven walking surface. It is the responsibility of every department to keep their floor up to standard. In areas that are cleaned by another group, you should be sure the job is being done properly; if not, you need to getwith the proper persons to get the problem solved.

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Based upon this standard, the team member doing the examination is able to decide thatoil spots on the floor would not allow a good score of 3, and so was able to decide that the floors are “fair” and given a score of 2. A comment was provided to indicate what action should be taken to restore the floor to a “good” state.

• Activity 3: Remove the clutter and outdated information.

It’s time to take action by cleaning the area and removing anything that does not belong. This includes the removal of any type of clutter that can be thrown away immediately or removed and taken to another area for disposition. A Disposition Area may be required to temporarily locate items such as unused or outdated equipment and other miscellaneous items. It’s like cleaning out a storage area and placing everything that should not be kept and then trying to decide what to do with it. Some items can be:• Thrown away• Sold or auctioned (to employees first)• Donated

The disposition task may be significant enough to assign someone the responsibility to oversee it.

Outdated or inappropriate information should be removed. However, be careful not to remove informal process guidelines, steps, or references that may have been casually generated and placed in the area. Removing them could have serious consequences. If they are important, they should be replaced with a more formal document.

• Activity 4: Create a Housekeeping and Safety Action List. When the examination is complete and unnecessary items have been removed, there will probably be a number of checklist items that require some additional time and effort to correct. These items should be placed on a Housekeeping

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and Safety Action List and prioritized because it is not reasonable to expect everything to be restored at once.

The following is an example of how the Housekeeping and Safety Action List may be used to prioritise items that were observed during the examination of an area. Notice the “Priority Legend” and that a priority has been assigned to each item.




Some costly old inventory needs to be disposed of

2 John 02/01/09 Pending financial analysis

Machine #3 has been down recently due to a worn pressure line

1 David 12/01/08 Parts ordered

The parts shelf is unstable, could fall

1 John 12/01/08 Repairs scheduled

Walls are dirty and need painting

3 Mary 03/01/07 Cleaning complete Painting inprocess


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1 HIGH hazardous condition, equipment is not functioning2 MEDIUM minor injuries have or could occur, equipment is not efficient, condition causing waste3 LOW condition has the potential for causing an injury, equipment is showing signs of wear, condition requires extensive clean-up or painting

STEP TWO: Organise and CleanUp to this point, the effort has been directed toward the examination of each area and the removal of unnecessary items. The effort will now be directed toward cleaning the area and organising the items that are needed.

The initial cleaning effort will be accomplished by simply removing dirt, dust, grease, oranything that was not intended to be on area surfaces such as work tables, desks, walls,and floors. Remember to use good safety practices in the cleaning process and be careful not to disturb delicate equipment.

The organization of the work area involves a simple analysis to make certain that the area is organised for efficiency, safety and functionality. The goal is “a place for everything, and everything in its place.”

The analysis can be accomplished by asking three simple questions:1. Is the flow of material and the movement of people both efficient and safe? If there are doubts or there have been accidents in the past, consider reorganising the area to:• Provide designated areas (labeled if helpful) for incoming and in-process materials, parts, or paperwork and for storage, staging and shipping areas.• Provide protective equipment such as safety glasses and gloves.• Define safe walkways and access areas for people. Remember to keep visitors in mind so that it is easy for them to follow safe practices.

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2. Is the location of equipment and tools the most efficient and safe? The analysis may require:• Reposition of equipment, as much as is practical, with little or no cost.• Organisation of tools to make them easy to locate and use.

3. Is information, including process measures, located for easy access and visibility? If not, consider display boards or areas for posting information where it is needed.

This is an example of a work area that has been reorganised and labeled:

Pause for ReflectionThis work can get as complex and detailed as you want. Take a few minutes with yourgroup to discuss how detailed you believe you should commit the effort. Are there somegeneral guidelines you would like to establish to guide the level of detail you desire?

STEP THREE: Evaluate and MaintainThe last step in the process to restore the physical workplace is to evaluate the outcome of the effort and to maintain the results. This can be accomplished by using the following tools:

• Audits for Evaluation and AccountabilityObviously, the organisation would like to track progress and sustain the results of all of the hard work that went into the housekeeping and safety effort. However, unless something is done to sustain the gain, the results will deteriorate (law of entropy). Therefore, a tool is needed to track and maintain stewardship.

A simple tool to monitor and maintain the gain is the periodic use of housekeeping and safety audits with a checklist. The Housekeeping and Safety Checklist, which was previously introduced during the sort step, can

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also be used to periodically audit each area to determine its status. The scoring feature provides a way to track progress by monitoring the improvement in the scores for each item. In addition, the total score for each area may be calculated as an overall percent score at the end of the checklist. Suggestions for performing periodic audits are:

• Perform the audits in each area at least monthly (more frequently if necessary).

• Areas should be maintained by the supervision of that area, but should be audited by someone from another area to maintain an objective evaluation.

• Audit results should be reviewed and posted for everyone to see.

• Every item that is scored less than “good” should have a comment to help the area determine what action to take. The items requiring action should be assigned to the individual/s most responsible for that item in the area.

• Housekeeping and Safety Action ListThis tool was previously introduced as a way of listing and prioritising the actions that are required to restore work areas following the examination. It is also a useful tool to maintain accountability for the completion of all items from the original examination andany new items that are added as a result of the periodic audits.

• MeasurementTo evaluate the outcome of the housekeeping and safety effort, we must consider the impact on the workplace. The impact should be measurable if we are going to have a way of tracking progress in the future. There are at least two types of measures to consider:

• Visual Measures are the most obvious and noticeable to all stakeholders of the workplace including customers and suppliers. As we learned early in this application, the visual workplace reflects the commitment to stewardship.

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The value of taking “after” pictures is to establish a visual standard. The measurement is simple: the area is either the same as, better than, or worse than the standard.

• Performance Measures will likely reflect the housekeeping and safety effort in several ways such as housekeeping audit results, safety (accident level) due to housekeeping related causes and employee satisfaction of the work environment to list a few.

Exercise: Identify Housekeeping and Safety MeasuresTake a few minutes in your group to discuss the measures that you believe are appropriate to track the housekeeping and safety effort for your organisation. Record them in the measurement section of the Housekeeping and Safety Team Charter using the following as an example:

TEAM: HOUSEKEEPING & SAFETY TEAM DATE: Measurements/Goals/ Expectations:• Use “after” pictures as our housekeeping standard for each area.• Reduce housekeeping-related accidents to zero for next year.• Attain area audit scores of 90% or better in the first quarter of next year.• Resolve all “PRIORITY 1” items on the Housekeeping and Safety Action List within five days.


One of the most enthusiastic and energy-driving methods to maintain a focus on housekeeping and safety is to recognise people for their effort. If it is done right and for the right reasons, it can significantly improve morale and the desire to excel.

Since there are several ways to measure the housekeeping and safety effort, there is anopportunity to recognise progress and create friendly competition. The recognition should:

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• include as many contributors as appropriate• be immediate• be specific and relevant to the housekeeping and safety effort

Some ideas for recognition include certificates, information board announcements, freemeals for the employees, positive comments from customers and suppliers and especially a frequent “thank you” from their leaders.

As a servant leader, you have the responsibility to reward people out of genuine kindness and appreciation for the work they do in meeting the values and expectations of a Kingdom Business.

Benefits of a Housekeeping and Safety FocusThe rewards for good stewardship in housekeeping and safety include, but are not limited to, the following:1. Reduction in waste due to the removal of clutter and the increase in space2. Improvement in productivity through the restoration of equipment and tools3. Safer work environment, less opportunity for accidents due to unsafe conditions4. Increased morale5. A demonstrated commitment for stewardship

4 Application Assignment Prior to the next group meeting, each company should complete the following items:• Complete the formation of the Housekeeping and Safety Team and its charter.• Take “before” pictures.• Create a Housekeeping and Safety Checklist and set of standards to fit their company.• Plan the examination schedule for all areas listed on the Housekeeing and Safety Checklist.

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• Create an action list to track all the activities that require completion.Be prepared to present a progress report (with supporting photographs and documents) to the group at the beginning of the next meeting.

5 Appendix

Focus Team Charter




Team Leader: Recorder:Champion: Timekeeper


Fair 2Good 3


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ROADWAYS, PARKING AREAS, OUTSIDE WASTE CONTAINMENT1. In good repair2. Well marked3. Clear of loose trash4. Well lighted at night5. Free of ice, snow, water, greaseSIGNS AND TAGS6. Adequate7. Appropriate8. CleanSTACKING AND STORAGE9. Aisles clear10. Stacks stable, secure11. Well labeled12. Area clean and clearSTAIRS13. Non-slip tread 14. Clean 15. Clear 16. In good condition VENTILATION SYSTEM17. Clean18. ClearWASTE DISPOSAL19. Adequate number of containers20. Separate and approved containers for type of waste 21. Initials of person (if required for waste disposal) AISLES, HALLWAYS AND WALKWAYS

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22. Clean23. Clear24. Free of ice, snow, water, greaseEXITS AND ENTRANCES25. Clear26. Well marked27. Free of ice, snow, water, greaseHAND AND PORTABALE TOOLS28. Properly stored when in use/not in useFIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT29. Clearly marked30. AccessibleFLOORS 31. Clean 32. Clear 33. In good condition 34. Well drained HOUSEKEEPING AND SAFETY CHECKLIST LADDERS 35. In good condition36. Free of grease/oil37. Secure when in use/not in useLIGHTING:38. Adequate39. CleanMACHINES40. Clean41. Clear42. In good conditionRESTROOMS, BREAK AREAS, EATING AREAS43. Clean

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44. In good condition45. Adequate SuppliesOFFICES, CONFERENCE ROOMS, TRAINING ROOMS46. Clean47. In good condition (including equipment)48. Adequate supplies49. Organised with no clutterFIRE PREVENTION50. Approved fire extinguishers securely mounted, location identified with sign and access clear51. Monthly fire extinguisher inspection documented52. Approved storage of flammable liquids (i.e. cabinets and grounding cables)ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS53. Electrical control panels not obstructed54. Electrical control boxes/switches and circuit breakers or fuses labeled and clearly identified55. GFCI outlets in all wet locations56. Electrical equipment and supply system in good repair; not damaged (boxes, conduit, switches) 57. Electric cords in good repair (plugs, insulation, grounding prongs) 58. Extension cords out of heavy traffic area 59. Extension cords not bein used as

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permanent wiringMATERIAL HANDLING AND STORAGE60. Only trained employees permitted to operate forklifts61. Lift Truck Inspections up-to-date62. Crane/Sling inspections up-to-date63. Proper manual lifting techniques observed HAZZARD COMMUNICATION64. Safety/Data Sheets in booklets for all chemicals in department 65. Chemical containers labeled with name and hazard information MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT66. Machinery guards present and used for hazardous equipment67. Lift trucks operated safely68. Jib cranes operated safelyPROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT69. Safety glasses worn in all required areas 70. Emergency showers and eyewash stations clearly marked and easily accessible71. Proper work shoes worn in all manufacturing areas72. Hearing protection worn where requiredTotal # of Applicable Items [ ] Total Points Earned: [ ]

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SCORING THE AUDIT:Step 1 Add the total points Column 2 to get the points earned ____________Step 2 Multiply the applicable items by 3 to get the total points possible ____________Step 3 Divide the number in Step 1 by the number in Step 2 ____________Step 4 Multiply the result in Step 3 by 100 to get a percent ____________ % Audit Score

HOUSEKEEPING AND SAFETY STANDARDS1. OUTSIDE IN GOOD REPAIR The three things considered are as follows:1) Painted where appropriate2) All loose items stored with no clutter3) No areas in visible need of repair

2. CIGARETTE BUTTS On the floor is totally unacceptable. If just one is found, NO points will be given.

3. FLOORS Vacuumed or swept and mopped. They should be free of oil, water, and any damaged areas that could cause an uneven walking surface. It is the responsibility of every department to keep their floor up to standard. In areas that are cleaned by another group, you should be sure the job is being done properly; if not, you need to get with the proper persons to get the problem solved.

4. LIGHTS When inspecting the lights, look for bugs, dirt and electrical problems such asdamaged or brittle wires. Look at the chains holding the lights up and the tops and sides. If there are lights that are fitted into the ceiling, look for bugs, dirt and any indicators of electrical problems. If you do not clean your own lights, you need to set up a schedule to have the work done by another group.

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5. FANS Blades and bodies should be clean. If you do not clean your own fans, you need to set up a schedule to have the work done by another group.

6. TRASH CANS The appearance of the trashcans should be clean and have liners in them when being used. The liners will help keep the inside clean and make trash pick-upeasier. If you do not have a liner, try not to use the trashcan until you can place one.7. ELECTRICAL CORDS Should be out of the way. If electrical cords cross the floor, they need a floor guard. Cords hanging down on the floor can be bundled up and tied behind the desk so it appears neat. Cords hanging from the ceiling can also have wallguards for appearance sake unless they are a temporary set-up.

8. EXITS CLEAR It is mandatory that all exits be clear at all times. No boxes, cabinets or carts should be obstructing the doorway. This is for safety and convenience of all personnel.

9. WALKWAYS AND AISLES You should be able to walk through any area without moving or bumping into chairs and boxes, etc. Hanging objects, such as air hoses, should be above or below head level for safety sake.

HOUSEKEEPING AND SAFETY STANDARDS10. CEILING Should be free of oil and water spots. If the ceiling is dirty, it causes the room to look dark and dingy. Take action to replace bad ceiling materials if they are damaged or have water stains.

11. INFORMATION If you need something posted, it should have a frame or place such as a bulletin board.

12. WORK AREAS Uncluttered, clean and free of dust. It is understood that during the course of the day people will have things on their desk or work station that they are working on. But it is expected to be found organized and efficient in appearance.

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13. STORAGE CABINETS Should be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid fingerprints and dust. They should be braced properly so they do not wobble. The tops of cabinets and shelves should not have boxes or books stacked on them.


15. TELEPHONES Telephones that are placed for the convenience of the employees are to be kept clean and functional. If several areas use one phone, these areas should all pitch in to assure the phone is cleaned once a week.

16. ASH TRAYS Ashtrays are emptied, and the sides of them should be cleaned.

17. CHEMICAL STORAGE Those departments using chemicals of any kind should maintain proper storage and the chemicals should be labeled properly.

18. EATING AND BREAK AREASThe eating areas and break areas are the responsibility of all employees who use them. After use, we should clean up behind ourselves.

19. RESTROOMS Everyone likes a clean restroom. CLEAN includes the expectation that there is no writing on the walls or doors. No cigarettes should be extinguished on the walls or floor. Please use the ashtrays provided. The floors should be free of paper or other trash. Put all trash in waste containers. The sinks and toilets should be functioning well with no leaks and in GOOD CONDITION. They should be cleaned and without odor. The restroom should contain ADEQUATE SUPPLIES including soap, toilet paper and towels or paper for drying hands after washing. Any problems that arise

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such as being out of supplies or a toilet being stopped up should be reported to the housekeeping owner for the area or team leader so the problem can be solved.




PRIORITY LEGEND1 HIGH Hazardous condition exists that will likely cause serious injury or equipment is not functioning.2 MEDIUM Minor injuries have or could occur or equipment is not efficient.3 LOW Condition has the potential for causing an injury or equipment is showing signs of wear or requires cleaning.

6. Dig deeper and learn more (Optional)

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This section includes various support material for further inspiration and

encouragement and relates to the material covered in this section







Nr Name Date of completion504 A : Everything I need to know about life, I learned

from Noah’s Ark

Inviting Jesus Into Your LifeThe Bible makes it clear that we have to do something to accept the gift that God offers. This is an act of faith. The Disciple John writes, “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 Believing involves an act of faith based on all that we know about Jesus. It is not blind faith. It is putting our trust in a Person. In some ways, it is like the step of faith taken by a bride and a bridegroom when they say, “I will,” on their wedding day.The key is three things: Sorry... Thank you... Please...“Sorry”You have to ask God to forgive you for all the things you have done wrong and turn fromeverything that you know is wrong in your life. That is what the Bible means by “repentance.”“Thank you”

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You believe that Jesus died for you on the cross. You need to thank Him for dying for you and for the offer of His free gifts of forgiveness, freedom and His Spirit.“Please”God never forces His way into our lives. You need to accept His gift and invite Him to come and live within you by His Spirit. If you would like to have a relationship with God and you are ready to say these three things, then here is a very simple prayer you can pray that will be the start of that relationship:Dear God - I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. Please forgive me. I now turn from everything that I know is wrong. Thank you that Jesus died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free. Please come into my life by Your Holy Spirit to be with me forever. Thank you, Jesus. AmenNow what?If you have prayed this prayer, it is important to tell someone! This may be your Group Director, a fellow member of the group, perhaps a boss or co-worker who accepted this great gift of life at an earlier time. Then, find a way to get connected in a local church that loves Jesus and has a heart for the new believer.


Progress Report

James 1:22-25 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-- he will be blessed in what he does.” (NIV)

Name and Number of Module ________________________________________

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Participant’s Name: ________________________________________

The Biblical Truths (Principles) I learned from this module:





I intend to apply this Truth (Principle) in my business by:





________________________ _______________________

Participant Date


Kurt Mentzel has been instrumental in helping organisations establish a system for performance management that enables them to reach benchmark performance. His passion for people, processes and service are key in his delivery of training and consulting for organisations who pursue or have received the coveted Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the Texas Award for Performance Excellence. His work includes deployment of the ISO 9000 series, Lean Enterprise, Six Sigma and studies with Dr. Edwards Deming, Philip Crosby and Dr. Joseph M. Juran. Kurt’s experience includes 15+ years of service with the Baldrige Criteria including service as a Senior Examiner and Member of the Board of Overseers for the Texas Award for Performance Excellence. He has served as Section Chairman for the American

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Society for Quality and is an ASQ Certifi ed Quality Engineer and Quality Auditor.

Material adapted by Dr. Mario DentonMario is the International Field Continental Programme Director – Market-place

for Crown Africa, the Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for

Christ International) and the CEO of Strong Message Business Consultancy. He

is an international teacher and industrial psychologist and uses his strong

academic and corporate background and his uniquely effective coaching to help

people tap into their inner being; to utilise their strengths and expand their skills

to make a difference in the workplace. He and his wife, Mariene, are based in

Cape Town, South Africa, and are blessed with three grown sons.

Copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without permission. Regarding permission to reprint material from this material, please write to Dr Mario Denton:

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Crown Companies Legacy Leaders

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Providing mature business leaders an opportunity to continue to use their skills

productively for the Glory of God.

Do you desire to pass on the baton to business leaders to transform their


Legacy leaders are business leaders who have a desire to continue to use their

skills productively to mentor and coach and train the other business leaders as

well as training the next generation of business leaders for the glory of God

Crown Companies exists to equip and encourage business leaders to operate

their business and conduct their personal lives according to Biblical principles

Legacy leaders Are experienced in business

Understand and are committed to the vision of CROWN Companies

Have implemented biblical principles in his or her own personal life and


Are mature in the Christian faith and are of proven character

Have a passion to see other business leaders succeed as determined by

God’s standards

Legacy leaders may possess: The capability to be an encourager, coach, mentor and discipler.

The ability to provide wise business counsel to other business leaders

The time and or resources to come alongside other business leaders

Teach us to number our days that we may present to you a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90: 1

Legacy leaders serve in a wide variety of capacities, including:

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Mentoring individual business leaders

Working with groups of business leaders

Serving as a ambassador for CROWN Companies your church and


Traveling abroad to assist in business leaders in other countries

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others for eternity?

How can you serve the Lord as a legacy leader and begin sharing all that the

Lord has entrusted to you?

1. Pray now where the Lord will use you in the lives of other business

leaders to impact the Kingdom of God for His glory

2. Contact Crown Companies at [email protected] or the Crown

companies office at

3. Visit our website at www.crown.org.za for more information, tools and

resources and become a member to enjoy the support, counsel, fellowship

of other members and extensive material that are available

Crown Companies: Reclaim the workplace for Christ

Is the vision of your church also to bring the people of your community into a life -

transforming encounter with the Kingdom of God?

The workplace is a key battle ground for achieving the above vision. Mature and

equipped believers should live their faith in the workplace. But many need help in

understanding what that means as well as support in carrying it out If you want to

live your faith in the workplace, we helping to make it more effective of God’s

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Kingdom on earth, then we at Crown Companies want to come alongside you

with support and equipping you.

Our mission and intention is to develop flexible training programmes and

processes to assist you in this regard

Imagine a workplace where ….. There were biblically-based, explicitly defined values Ethics and integrity are paramount Love and servant leadership governed relationships Pursuit of excellence was the norm Collaboration was sought but obedience and commitment to final

decisions wee followed Selfish ambition was nonexistent Accountability was enforced – in a supportive manner

START WITH A WORKPLACE MINISTRY IN YOUR CHURCHEquip your workplace leaders to become ministers

Helping them to become sensitive to the lost

Help the workplace leaders of your church get a vision for joining God in the

workplace ministry

Crown Companies: Become the business leaders God intended

you to be

Sometimes it is a matter of survival but you have to become the business leaders

God intended you to be.

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The purpose of Crown Companies is to help business leaders:

Draw closer to God

Establish a committed and vibrant relationship with the Lord

Develop deep, meaningful relationships with like-minded peers

Learn what it means to run a company for Christ

Help other workplace leaders to do the same

This is accomplished through

Monthly leadership groups

Workplace conference

Materials and resources and Training on our website

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your

mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: Love your neighbour as

yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30-31

Search the untold riches of the Bible to find scriptural perspective for operating a

company as a steward of Christ with like-minded peers and colleagues. Join a

small group facilitated discussions relevant to

Sales and marketing strategies

Effective time management

Cash flow and profit

Planning goals and implementation

Motivating people

Problems solving

For my thought are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares

the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than

your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts Isaiah 55: 8-9


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Do you need someone to pray with you – someone who understands the pressures of running a company, someone who cares?

Do you desire to integrate your Christian faith into the daily operations of the business God has entrusted you?

For more information on a small group in you area contact Dr Mario Denton at [email protected]

And I say unto you, “ Ask , and it shall be given to you; seek and ye shall find;

knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and

he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. ‘. Luke 11:


Crown Companies: Every believer a minister in the


Common dilemmas in the workplace Isolation: Feeling the pressure of being responsible for many people

Need encouragement but rarely received it

Need people that they can honestly communicate

Equipping the workplaceYou have an opportunity to make a difference in the workplace God has called

you. Meet monthly with other business leaders to receive instruction and training

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from other top business speakers on how to integrate your Christian life into your


Form a small group of leaders who serve one another in a well-informed, support

group where burning issues like the following can be discussed

Develop a strategic plan tailored for each member’s business Developing an action plan for ministry Developing your company’s mission and vision Product and service excellence Giving back to the Lord Long term financial planning Building a high performance team Hiring smart Sharing your faith in the workplace Problem solving Customer service


Do you desire to integrate your Christian faith into the daily operations of the business God has entrusted you?

For more information on a small group in you area contact Dr Mario Denton at [email protected]

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Table of Contents1. Career direct

2. Personality ID

3. Business by the book catalytic Event

4. Business by the Book Workshop DVD series

5. Business by the Book Small group study

6. God’s principles for operating a business

7. Crown Companies Monthly Business Forums


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Course Name 1. CAREER DIRECT

PurposeIs to assist people with the ability to make an informed career decision so that they will experience the joy of their work.

Methodology One on one

Primary Learning Thrust Career Direction


15 Years and older

Venue Venue with relevant equipment

Equipment ComputerLaser Printer for 50 pages per assessmentCareer Direct SoftwarePaper

Total Time Approximately 1,5 hours to complete the assessmentA further 2 hours to complete the feedback

Requirements for Career Direct Consultant

Career Consultant need to undergo Career Direct training

Only persons with a tertiary qualification can apply for this training

A pastor’s recommendation is also required

Contents Personality Profile




Languages English

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PurposeIs a tool to quickly and effectively determine a person’s personality profile (including strengths and weaknesses) and to compare profiles in a team.

Methodology One on one/team analysis

Primary Learning Thrust Personality Profiling


Anyone, especially teams

Venue Venue with relevant equipment

Equipment ComputerPrinterPersonality ID software

Total Time Approximately 20minutes to complete the assessment (per team member)Feedback depends on the size of the team

Requirements for Personality ID Consultant

Consultant need to undergo training

Contents Personality Profile

Languages English

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Purpose To assemble as many business people as possible to be trained up in making business decisions based on biblical principles. To launch and establish Crown Financial Ministries in the business sector of a nation/area.

Methodology Seminar, lecture environment with three trainers.

Primary Learning Thrust

The Primary thrust of this seminar is to introduce business and professional people to the principles concerning business contained in the Scripture. This is aimed at challenging and providing thought provoking material as a catalyst to transforming businesses. In order to equip other business leaders at a similar event certification by Crown head office is required.

Intended Audience Business people on all levels

Venue Lecture hall or auditorium depending on the size of the group

Equipment Notebook Textbook only English (optional and effects costs)ProjectorNotebook Computer

Total Time One full day

Expectations It is expected that participants make a commitment to influence other business people with Godly financial principals.

Contents 1. Our purpose in Business

2. Finances

3. Integrity

4. Ownership

5. Application

Languages English, Afrikaans


Time LineBetween 6 to 12 months depending on translations for first events in nation there after 1 to 2 months.

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Purpose This Workshop is designed to equip business people to learn and apply God’s financial principles in their business with the aim of becoming faithful stewards.

Methodology All-day workshop/

Weekend Seminar/Eight week Bible study

Primary Learning Thrust

The Primary thrust of this DVD series is to utilize visual media as well as workbooks to gain a practical understanding of applying God’s stewardship principles to their business.

Intended Audience Wide spectrum of business people.

Venue Depends on the size of the group and methodology used. Small group or large auditorium.

Equipment Workbook for each participantTelevisionSeminar DVDDVD Player

Total Time Approximately 8 hours in total, breakdown depends on method used.

All-Day Workshop (1 – eight hour session) Weekend Seminar (2 – half day sessions) Eight Week Bible Study (8 – one hour sessions)

Training Requirements for Leaders

Attend Business By Book Seminar or Business By Book Workshop.

Contents 1. Ownership and Purpose

2. Leadership

3. Finance

4. Human Resources

5. Organisation and Marketing

6. Planning

Languages English


Time LineEnough time to order books and establish group.

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Purpose This small group study is designed to equip business people to learn and apply God’s financial principles for operating a business.

Primary Learning Thrust

The Primary thrust of this course setup is to utilize the small group dynamic of facilitation, discussion, prayer and accountability to assist business people to faithfully apply God’s stewardship principles to their lives and business.


Business people on all levels

Venue Small group venue like a boardroom or office able to seat between 5 and 10 participants comfortably.

Equipment Leaders Guide for the group facilitatorManual for each participantTelevisionDVD MachineWeekly DVD Segment

Total Time 15 minutes of individual work each day for 6 days.Approximately 2 hours once per week for group discussion and feedback for a total of 10 consecutive weeks.

Requirements for Sudent

1. Homework

Everyone is required to complete the homework in writing. The homework questions are designed to take approximately 15 minutes each day to complete. Space is provided in the participant manual to answer the homework questions. If a couple is participating in the study together, they should each have a manual.

2. Scripture MemoryEach participant is to memorise an assigned verse each lesson and then individually recites the verse at the beginning of the class.

3. PrayerEach participant prays for his or her group members each day.

NB If for any reason a participant does not complete all the requirements for a particular lesson; the leader is not to allow him or her to participate in the group discussion. This accountability cultivates faithfulness and is a pre-requisite for benefiting from this small group study.

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Requirements for Leaders 6 hour Leader Training

Contents 1. Introduction

2. Ownership and Purpose

3. Leadership

4. Finance

5. Human Resources

6. Organisation

7. Marketing

8. Planning

Languages English

Organising/Time Line Enough time to order books and establish group.

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Purpose This product will help point the way to achieving business success God’s way.

Methodology Self-study

Group studyPrimary Learning Thrust

God’s principles for operating a business, a classic seminar taught by author and teacher Larry Burkett (1939 – 2003), present 36 principles on 11 CD’s that will set any business apart from the rest. Operating a business according to God’s Word will produce a new level of success in a way you never thought possible!


Business persons

Venue Only required if the CD’s are used in a group environment.

Equipment CD playerTraining Requirements for Leaders

No specific requirements

Contents Disc 1 – History of business in America

Disc 2 – How to treat suppliers, employees, customers and owners

Disc 3 – Fundamentals of business planning

Disc 4 – Principles that ensure a balanced lifestyle

Disc 5 – Employing the unemployable

Disc 6 – Steps to dismissal

Disc 7 – Borrowing

Disc 8 – How to handle lawsuits

Disc 9 – Danger of compromise

Disc 10 – Tithing and giving from your business

Disc 11 – Importance of keeping vows

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Languages English


Time LineEnough time to order books and establish group.

Course Name7. Crown Companies Monthly Business Forums

Purpose To receive instruction and training from today’s top Christian

business leaders.

Methodology Lecture facilitated workshop

Primary Learning Thrust

The primary thrust of the monthly groups is to learn the secrets

of integrating your Christian walk into your business life. It is

also to receive encouragement, support, prayer and advice

from peer business leaders who have experienced the same

business issues participants face each day.


Business people on all levels

Venue Small group venue like a boardroom or office able to seat

between 5 and 10 participants comfortably.

Equipment Manual for each participant


DVD player

DVD Segment

Total Time ½ day ( 3 to 5 hours) per month:

Prayer and fellowship

Teaching video

Facilitated topical discussion

Member focus for issues related to specific business


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Requirements No specific requirements

Organising/Time Line

Enough time to order books and establish group.

Contents Doing Business God’s way

The Purpose of Profits in Business

Funding God’s work

Treating employees fairly

Compensation for employees

Following God’s Rule for the business

Patience, Fairness and consistency

Hiring decisions

Firing decisions

Selecting a manager

Protecting your business

Committing your business to God