50 Articles Blog Facebook

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  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    50 250-500 Word Articles


    1. Table of Contents2. Storing Out of Season Clothing

    3. Cleaning and Maintaining YourRefrigerator4. Beating Jet Lag. Ma!ing "inner in Minutes#. $irst %id &it 'ssentials(. )indo* Cleaning Basi+s,. Choosing the Right -ouselants for '/er0 Roo of Your -oe. $ire Safet0 in Your -oe1. Sile $i/e Minute %etiers11. Ma!ing Chores $un12. Choosing "e+orating Colors13. 'as0 Odor 'liination14. )hat to Ti5 and )hen1. -oe 6a+ation Che+!list1#. 'as0 'ti7uette for 'ntertaining1(. $i/e )a0s to &i+! u Tuna Salad1,. %ttra+t Butterflies to Your 8arden1. &ee Your Tools in Shae $ore/er2. Ta!ing 9erfe+t 9i+tures21. Basi+ Caret Cleaning Tis22. Online 6a+ation 9lanning Resour+es23. -oeade Cleaning Solutions24. 8rilling Safel0: %ll Year Long2. -uane 9est Solutions

    2#. Coo!ing and Ba!ing Substitutions2(. &eeing &ids; To0s Organied

    2,. Se/en Things You Can 8et for $R''2. -ousehold 9et "angers3. % -ealth0 $a/orite5 Cheesestea!sin 6alue33. -a/e a 8reat 8arage Sale34. Build a Satisf0ing Salad3. Tri 9a+!ing Tis3#. Ser/e $ood *ith $lair3(. Si+!? $eel Better $aster Before 0ou a+! an0thing a*a0: a!e sure it is +lean.Storing dirt0 +lothes for si onths +an a+tuall0 daage the fibers: as *ell as attra+tfabri+>eating bugs. 6isit ***.fabri+s.net for +are and +leaning tis based on fabri++ontent.

    Suitcase Storage> Consider storing 0our out of season +lothing in suit+ases. This *illrote+t the fro dust: oths and huidit0. Best of all: if 0ou es+ae to the troi+s for a

    +old *eather holida0: 0our suit+ase is alread0 a+!ed< $ind hundreds of /ersatilesuit+ases as ***.suit+ase.+o.

    Hanging Storage> $or ites that need to be hung rather than folded: hanging garentbags are the ideal solution. 6isit ***.sta+!sandsta+!s.+o for +lear garent storagebags and other +lothing storage essentials.

    Under Bed Storage> Ma!e great use of the little>used sa+e under 0our bed. The dustbunnies +an find soe*here else to hang out. Che+! out the under bed storage boesfro ***.+ontainerstore.+o. The0 +oe in a ultitude of sies suitable for shoes:s*eaters: shirts and a++essories.

    Find Fewer Wrinkles > Store folded +lothing *ith a+id and d0e>free tissue aer toredu+e *rin!ling. You +an ur+hase tissue aer at ***.reser/esart.+o.The fe*erthe *rin!les: the less tie 0ou;ll ha/e to send ironing on+e 0ou una+!.

    @ hoe these tis hel 0ou a!e ore roo in 0our +losets *hile rote+ting 0our +lothingin/estents. @f there is an0thing at all @ +an do for 0ou: lease don;t hesitate to send ean eail or gi/e e a +all.


  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    Cleaning and aintaining !our "efrigerator

    Your refrigerator is one of the hardest>*or!ing alian+es in 0our hoe. 9roerl0aintained: a good one +an last at least a de+ade. &ee it +lean: inside and out: and 0ourfood *ill sta0 fresher as *ell as ger free. -ere are a fe* tis to hel 0ou !ee 0our

    refrigerator sotless and running effi+ientl0.

    Start With the Outside

    )ie do*n the outside of 0our refrigerator ea+h *ee! to reo/e an0 food residue Ffro*hen 0ou tou+h the refrigerator *hile 0ou;re +oo!ingG: dust and grie. The Mr. CleanMagi+ 'raser is an aaing tool for this tas! F/isit ***.r+lean.+ofor details on allthe Mr. Clean rodu+tsG.

    =et: ull off the grill at the base of the refrigerator and /a+uu: dust or s+rub it toreo/e all dust and dirt. %t least on+e a onth: /a+uu the dust off the +ondenser +oilsthat are lo+ated behind or belo* the alian+e.

    Che+! the door seals e/er0 +oule onths. %n iroerl0 sealing door +ould allo* +oldair to lea! fro the refrigerator and redu+e its effi+ien+0. Rela+e the seals as needed.

    #ow for the Free$er

    @f 0our freeer is full of built u i+e arti+les: 0ou;ll need to defrost it before 0ou +an+lean. @n fa+t: 0ou should tr0 to !ee 0our freeer free of i+e arti+le build u at all tiesas it +an redu+e the effi+ien+0 of the alian+e.

    Teoraril0 reo/e the food fro 0our freeer: and then *ie do*n the interior *ith*ar: soa0 *ater. "r0 thoroughl0 and rela+e the froen foods. %s 0ou;re rela+ing the+ontents: ta!e a fe* oents to dis+ard an0 that are ast their eiration date Fli!e oldi+e +reaG or freeer burned Fli!e that ot roast fro last 0earG.

    On to the ain Co%&art%ent

    Teoraril0 reo/e the food fro 0our refrigerator. Reo/e all the shel/es and dra*ersand s+rub the *ith *ar: soa0 *ater. @f the shel/es and dra*ers are too large for 0oursin!: 0ou +an al*a0s s+rub the in 0our bathtub. On+e the0 are +lean: set the aside todr0.

    =o* 0ou +an s+rub do*n ain +oartent of the refrigerator *ith ore *ar: soa0*ater. You +an add a fe* teasoons of ba!ing soda to the *ater to hel deodorie. "r0the interior thoroughl0 on+e it is +lean.

    Rela+e the shel/es: dra*ers and food. %s before: ta!e a fe* oents to toss outan0thing that is ast the eiration date or other*ise no longer suitable for +onsution.

    @ hoe these tis hel 0ou !ee 0our refrigerator sar!ling +lean and running soothl0. @fthere is an0thing at all @ +an do for 0ou: lease don;t hesitate to send e an eail or gi/ee a +all.


  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    Beating 'et (ag

    )h0 is it that tra/elling to a different tie one +an a!e us so tired? '/en if thedifferen+e is as slight as a +oule of hours: Het lag: or Ades0n+hronosis as it is edi+all0!no*n: +an set in due to an alteration of a tra/eler;s +ir+adian rh0th. Jet lag +an last

    an0 da0s Fusuall0 ore the further 0ou;/e tra/eledG. The length of tie for re+o/er0deends in art uon the indi/idual. -o*e/er: there are a fe* easures 0ou +an ta!e tohel iniie Het lag on 0our net tri.

    )et !our "estI You a0 be bus0 right before 0our tri: but tr0 to rest u as u+h as0ou +an. @f 0ou start 0our /a+ation slee0: 0our Het lag is li!el0 to be *orse. You shouldalso tr0 to slee during 0our flight if it;s a long one. )ear e0eshades and earlugs ifne+essar0. Tra/el in +ofortable +lothing as *ell.

    H*drateI "on;t drin! al+ohol or +affeinated be/erages before or during 0our flight asthe0 +an lead deh0dration. @nstead: drin! lent0 of *ater.

    +at "ightI %/oid star+h0 and sugar0 foods before 0our flight. $oods high in rotein and+ole +arboh0drates *ill hel 0our bod0 aintain its energ0 le/el.

    ,ee& +ercisingI Tr0 to sti+! to 0our noral eer+ise routine *hile on 0our tri. @f 0ougo for a Hog in the orning at hoe: Hog on /a+ation as *ell. Maintaining 0our eer+ises+hedule *ill hel 0our bod0 adHust its slee attern.

    6a+ations are al*a0s fun: but e/en ore so *hen 0ou;re feeling rested and refreshed. @hoe these tis hel 0ou iniie Het lag on 0our net tri. %nd reeber: @; onl0 ahone +all or eail a*a0 if 0ou are in need of 0 rofessional assistan+e.


  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    aking .inner in inutes

    @t;s a bus0 *orld *e li/e in. Tr0ing to Huggle 0our +areer and fail0 +an resent a+hallenge at ties I ese+iall0 *hen it +oes to a!ing health0: nutritious and deli+iouseals after a long: hard da0 at the offi+e. But ta!e heart< % bus0 *ee! doesn;t ha/e to

    ean fast food or ta!eout. Just follo* these tis to +ut do*n on the tie 0ou sendlanning and rearing 0our fail0;s eals.

    /lan in AdanceI Rather than thin!ing: A*hat should *e ha/e for dinner tonight?e/er0 e/ening: sit do*n on Saturda0 or Sunda0 and lan out 0our dinner enus for the*ee! in ad/an+e. Ma!e one tri to the store and 0ou;ll sa/e 0ourself 7uite a bit of tie.

    Big .a* at Work 1 Si%&ler eal at Ho%eI @f 0ou !no* 0ou;re going to ha/e aninsanel0 bus0 da0 at the offi+e on )ednesda0: don;t lan a three +ourse eal for thate/ening;s dinner. 8reat go>to sile eals +an +oe fro 0our slo* +oo!er. Just o theingredients in before 0ou lea/e in the orning: turn it on: and there;s a hot eal *aiting

    *hen 0ou get hoe. 6isit ***.slo*andsile.+ofor hundreds of slo* +oo!er re+ies.

    Cook wo eals at OnceI "oes 0our fail0 ha/e a fe* fa/orite dishes? Coo! t*i+e asu+h e/er0 tie 0ou a!e the and freee the etras in indi/idual ortions. Your fail0*ill rest eas0 !no*ing there are deli+ious eals a*aiting the in the freeer.

    he .eli is !our FriendI "on;t feel guilt0 for ta!ing short +uts. Your fail0 *illrobabl0 li!e the deli roast +hi+!en as u+h as one 0ou;/e sla/ed o/er at hoe. The deliis also a great sour+e for re>ade side dishes.

    @ hoe these tis hel 0ou send less tie *orr0ing about dinner and ore tie enHo0ingthe +oanionshi of 0our fail0. @f 0ou !no* an0one in need of 0 rofessionalser/i+es: lease don;t hesitate to ass on 0 nae and nuber.

  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    First Aid ,it +ssentials

    % *ell>sto+!ed first aid !it is essential in e/er0 hoe. )hile 0ou;re at it: a!e sure to+arr0 one in ea+h of 0our autoobiles as *ell. -ere are the essential ingredients 0oushould in+lude in e/er0 !itE

    List of eergen+0 hone nubers

    Basi+ first aid anual



    =eedle nose t*eeers

    Sterile lasti+ glo/es

    Sterile gaue

    %dhesi/e first aid tae

    %dhesi/e bandages Fse/eral siesG

    'lasti+ bandage%ntiseti+ *ies

    %l+ohol *ies

    %ntiba+terial soa or gel

    %ntibioti+ ointent

    -0drogen eroide

    -0dro+ortisone +rea

    Calaine lotion

    %+etainohen and iburofen

    'tra res+rition edi+ations Ffor the entire fail0G

    @nstant +old a+!s

    Bonus itesE 'erts also ad/ise that 0ou in+lude a outhie+e for erforing C9R

    Fa/ailable fro 0our lo+al Red CrossG and a blan!et *ith an0 first aid !it that lea/es 0our


    @f 0ou;d refer to ur+hase a +olete first aid !it: rather than asseble one 0ourself:

    /isit ***.red+rossstore.org. There 0ou *ill find !its for hoe: auto: offi+e and tra/el.

    The0 also ha/e first aid handboo!s and other eergen+0 rearedness sulies.

    @ *ant 0ou and 0our fail0 to be safe: health0 and ha0. @ also *ant 0ou to !no* that

    @; standing b0 should 0ou need 0 rofessional assistan+e. Just send e an eail orgi/e e a +allfriendl0 hoeade +leaningsolutions in la+e of harsh: store bought +hei+al +leaners.

    u3 D ileI Mi 1 23 +us ba!ing soda *ith 12 +u li7uid soa. "ilute *ith 12 +u*ater and add 2 tablesoons of /inegar. 9our into a 1# o. s7ueee bottle and sha!e *ellbefore use. This sile +leaner is ideal for sin!s: tubs and toilet bo*ls.

    old D ildewI 8et rid of es!0: stin!0 old and ilde* in 0our bathroos *ith thissile sra0. Just i 2 teasoons of tea tree oil *ith 2 +us of *ater in a sra0 bottle.Sha!e *ell and sra0 on old and ilde* areas. "o not rinse.

    "ust "e%oerI Reo/e rust *ith inial s+rubbing *hen 0ou +obine the o*er ofsalt and lie Hui+e. Just srin!le salt on the rust stain: s7ueee on soe lie Hui+e andlea/e it alone for 2 to 3 hours: then s+rub.

    )lass CleanerI 9our +lub soda into a sra0 bottle: sra0 on *indo*s and irrors: andthen *ie a*a0 dust: toothaste slatter and fingerrints. @t reall0 is that eas0babies ha0: health0 and safe. 9leasereeber: @; onl0 a hone +all a*a0 should 0ou find 0ourself in need of 0rofessional assistan+e.

    A Health* Faorite9 Cheesesteaks6

    O!a0: so +heesestea!s a0 not be traditionall0 health0: but *ith a fe* tin0 odifi+ations0ou;ll end u *ith a /ersion lighter on +alories *hile still full of that great +heesestea!fla/or. '/en better: this re+ie ta!es less than 2 inutes to +reatebeing. Resear+hers at Osa!sKni/ersit0 in Jaan ha/e studied h0siologi+al resonses to usi+ and found that +ortisol


  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    le/els *ere lo*er *hen subHe+ts listened to usi+ in aHor Frather than inorG !e0s.SubHe+ts also reorted in+reased feelings of hainess *hile listening to the usi+.

    .o so%ething nice for so%eone else8Thin!ing about the needs of others is a greates+ae fro *orr0 about 0our o*n. Resear+h has sho*n that eole *ho /olunteer often

    reort greater le/els of hainess as *ell as better health than those *ho do not. So+olient that fraled *aitress on her outfit: gi/e 0our lo/ed one a foot assage: holdthe door for the lad0 *ith three !ids or /olunteer at the lo+al sou !it+hen one *ee!end.You a0 be surrised ho* ha0 these little a+ts of !indness +an a!e 0ou feel.

    @ hoe that 0ou are ha0 *ith the ser/i+e 0ou;/e re+ei/ed fro e so far: and @;d lo/e toa!e 0our friends and fail0 ha0 as *ell. Your referrals are the highest +olient.9lease don;t hesitate to ass on 0 nae and nuber: or this eail: to soeone else *hoa0 need 0 rofessional ser/i+es.

    )et the Best Car rade-in ;alue

    @f 0ou;/e been thin!ing about bu0ing a ne* For ne* to 0ouG +ar: and *ant to get the besttrade>in /alue for 0our +urrent /ehi+le: here are a fe* things to +onsider before 0ou tr0 tohaggle the best deal.

    Know the trade-in value of your car before you walk into the dealership.%ll this re7uiresis a little bit of resear+h. 6isit *ebsites su+h as***.+arsdire+t.+oand ***.!bb.+o*here 0ou +an enter the 0ear: a!e: odel and ileage of 0our /ehi+le in order to+al+ulate its +urrent /alue. Che+! the auto listings on***.+raigslist.+ofor +ars siilarto 0ours. This *ill gi/e 0ou a better idea of *hat lo+al ri/ate sellers and dealershis areas!ing for 0our a!e and odel of /ehi+le.


  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    Have the vehicle detailed.% ere /a+uuing isn;t enough. Your +ar needs to be si+>and>san *hen 0ou ta!e it into the dealershi. -a/e it rofessionall0 detailed if 0ou don;tha/e the tie to do a thorough Hob 0ourself.

    ook at your car from the dealer!s perspective. )hat heshe offers 0ou as a trade>in a0

    be lo*er than the &ell0 Blue Boo! /alue 0ou resear+hed for /arious reasons. Ma0be 0oura!e and odel Hust isn;t /er0 oular in the area. "ealers ob/iousl0 *ant +ars that aregoing to o/e 7ui+!l0. The0 also need to a!e soe sort of rofit. @n general: if thetrade>in aount 0ou;/e been offered is around fi/e er+ent less than a reasonable blueboo! /aluation of 0our /ehi+le: 0ou should ta!e it.

    "hop around.You are not obligated to bu0 a +ar fro the first dealer 0ou tal! to: nor are0ou re7uired to a++et the first trade>in offer 0ou re+ei/e. Ta!e 0our +ar to three differentdealershis to get a feel for *hat is being offered. Soe eerts ad/ise that the t0es of+ars +urrentl0 on the lot +an ia+t *hat 0ou;re offered for 0our trade>in: so it +an a0 tosho around.

    @ hoe these tis hel 0ou get to dollar for 0our trade>in the net tie 0ou ugrade to ane* or ne*er /ehi+le. 9lease feel free to for*ard this eail along to an0one else 0ou!no* *ho a0 be autoobile shoing. %nd reeber: @ are+iate 0our referralssledding/a+ation fro ***.dogsledding.+o.Or elore all anners of *ildlife tours: +ruises

    and ad/entures *orld*ide at ***.*ildlifead/entures.+o.

    )our%et AdenturesI 'and 0our taste buds: 0our stoa+h and 0our ind *ith agouret ad/enture. Che+! out ***.gouretra/el.+ofor +ulinar0 tours in =orth%eri+a: @tal0 and $ran+e: and***.gouretontour.+ofor edible ad/enture in theK.S.: Knited &ingdo: @reland: @tal0: $ran+e: Sain: %ustralia and %sia.

    ;oluntouris% Adentures> @f 0ou;d li!e to gi/e soething ba+! *hile learning oreabout nature +onser/ation: +he+! out ***.bioshere>eeditions.organd***.earth*at+h.orgeedition8@ntera+t *ith eole of other +ultures *hile buildingorhanages: +hur+hes and fars *ith tours fro***.globea*are.organd


    @ hoe these *ebsites insire 0ou *hen lanning 0our net /a+ation. -a/e an ad/entureand let e !no* ho* it goes< Reeber: @; onl0 a hone +all a*a0 should 0ou need0 rofessional assistan+e *ith a ortgage or real estate atter.

    "e&ur&ose Old /lastic Bags

    You sti+! a +oule lasti+ gro+er0 sa+!s under 0our !it+hen sin! and the net tie 0ouoen the +abinet door there are doens. "o the0 breed li!e rabbits or does it Hust see that*a0? Man0 stores *ill re+0+le the for 0ou: but here are a fe* other things 0ou +an do*ith the abundan+e of lasti+ bags hiding out in 0our !it+hen.

    Use the% as knee&ads8You;ll ne/er dirt0 0our !nees gardening again. Just grab a+oule lasti+ bags and tie one around ea+h leg o/er 0our !nee. This also *or!s *ell*hen *or!ing on 0our +ar in the garage.


  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    Use the% to dis&ose of doggie doo8Kse the bag li!e a glo/e o/er 0our hand to i+! uthe Agift on the la*n: then turn it inside out: tie it u and disose.

    Use one as a rain hat8&ee a fe* in the +ar. @f 0ou;re +aught out in the rain *ithout an

    ubrella: 0ou +an use it to rote+t 0our hairdo.

    Use the% to catch egeta3le &eelings8@nstead of eeling 0our /eggies into the sin! oronto a +utting board: eel the o/er a lasti+ bag. )hen 0ou;re done: Hust *ra the uin the bag and disose.

    Use the% to &rotect *our shoes8)hen 0ou;re +aught out in the rain or ud: ta!e thoselasti+ bags 0ou;/e stashed in 0our +ar and tie one o/er ea+h shoe. @t a0 not be thehottest fashion trend: but it +an !ee 0our best shoes out of the ud.

    Use the% to &ack ite%s for shi&&ing8@nstead of filling the sa+e around an ite *ith

    a+!ing eanuts or +ruled aer: use those lasti+ bags.

    Crochet with the%8Che+! outhttEblog.+raftine.+oar+hi/e2(,lasti+QbagQ+rafts.htlfor +ro+het roHe+ts0ou +an a!e out of all those old lasti+ bags.

    Reusable +an/as bags are robabl0 the best *a0 to go for gro+er0 shoing: but at leastthese tis should hel 0ou ut all the lasti+ bags 0ou alread0 ha/e to soe sort of use.9lease feel free to ass the along to friends and fail0. @ are+iate 0our referrals: andloo! for*ard to assisting 0ou again soon.

    .4! Wardro3e Fies

    @agine 0ou;re at the offi+e. You ha/e a eeting in an hour: and a button has Hust oedoff 0our shirt. )hat do 0ou do? @agine 0ou;re at hoe getting read0 for a big night out.You bend o/er to ut on 0our shoe and hear a riing sound. )hat do 0ou do? The nettie 0ou find 0ourself *ith a *ardrobe eergen+0 su+h as these: +onsult these resour+es.

    Sew on a 3uttonI Rela+ing a button ta!es fi/e inutes or less. %ll 0ou need is thebutton: soe thread: a needle and a air of s+issors. $or a +olete ste>b0>ste tutorial:


  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    /isit httEse*ing.about.+oodbeginner1hthtflatbutton.ht. @t;s a s!ill 0ou;ll use forthe rest of 0our life.

    end a sea%I Seas soeties ri under stress: but that doesn;t ne+essaril0 ean thefabri+ has been +oroised. 'aine the sea. @f the fabri+ is not torn: 0ou are Hust

    dealing *ith bro!en thread. This +an be easil0 reedied *ith a needle: thread and air ofs+issors. $or a +olete ste>b0>ste tutorial on sea ending for beginners: /isithttEdi0fashion.about.+oodendingandalterationsssMendSea.ht.

    "e&air a 3roken $i&&erI @f 0our ier is stu+! be+ause the teeth aren;t lining u right:0ou don;t ha/e to thro* the garent a*a0 or ha/e a seastress rela+e the ier+oletel0. You a0 be able to reair it 0ourself *ith nothing but a air of liers:s+issors: thi+! thread and a needle. Learn ho*: ste>b0>ste athttEdi0fashion.about.+oodendingandalterationsssReairier.ht.

    He% a &air of &ants8The a/erage tailor *ill +harge 0ou at least 2 to he a air of

    ants. Consider that ost ants are not the erfe+t length *hen 0ou bu0 the and 0ou+an sa/e 0ourself hundreds of dollars b0 learning to do this 0ourself. You don;t e/enneed a se*ing a+hine. )at+h a ste>b0>ste tutorial athttEdi0fashion.about.+ooddi0fashion11ss-e9ants.ht.

    @ hoe these tis hel 0ou sol/e 0our net fashion eergen+0 ainlessl0. &no* *hat elseis ainless? Refinan+ing or o/ing u *ith the hel of a !no*ledgeable rofessional li!eeale>and>aged>+heddar>grilled>+heese.

    "oasted Beet and ChLre )rilled Cheese

    S*eet roasted beets: tang0 /inegar and fresh goat +heese a!e u this great C-O)grilled +heese sand*i+h re+ie. You +an find it at httE***.+ho*.+ore+ies1111>roasted>beet>and>+he/re>grilled>+heese.

    o$$arella? /rosciutto and Fig 'a% )rilled Cheese

    This sohisti+ated sand*i+h is s*eet and salt0 all at the sae tie. 8et the re+ie athttE***.+ho*.+ore+ies1#>oarella>ros+iutto>and>fig>Ha>anino.

    Want %ore co%3inations>9ut 0our iagination to *or! and +obine 0our fa/orite+heeses *ith 0our fa/orite fruits and /eggies in+ludingE

    Sauer!raut Fdrained: of +ourseG

    %rti+ho!e hearts

    Oli/e taenade

    Caraelied onions

    Sun dried toatoes

    $resh toato

    Rie ear


    Roasted garli+

    9i+!led onions

    @ hoe these tis insire 0ou to +reate soething ne* the net tie 0ou get a han!eringfor a gooe0 grilled +heese sand*i+h. %nd reeber: @; onl0 a hone +all a*a0 should0ou need 0 rofessional assistan+e at an0 tie.

    ricks for a Better e%or*

    '/er0one forgets things fro tie to tie it;s onl0 natural. -o*e/er: there are sile*a0s to iro/e 0our eor0. $ollo* these tis and 0ou;ll ne/er forget 0ouranni/ersar0 or 0our in nuber again.

    )ie it %eaningI "ata su+h as dates: ass*ords and addresses are easil0 forgottenbe+ause our brains *ere not designed to store Ade+larati/e eories easil0. The best


  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    *a0 to a!e Aboring data art of 0our long>ter eor0 is to atta+h eaning to it. $oran iortant date: su+h as 0our anni/ersar0: gi/e it a +onne+tion to soething in 0ourlong>ter eor0 Fsu+h as t*o *ee!s after Labor "a0G. )hile it a0 not be *ise toa!e e/er0 ass*ord the nae of 0our et: 0ou +ould +obine a et;s nae *ith 0ourfirst hone nuber. Ksing data fro 0our long>ter eor0 *ill a!e the ass*ords

    easier to reeber. $or less iortant inforation: su+h as a dentist aointent or 0ourse+ond +ousin;s address: *rite it in 0our date boo!: address boo! or 9"%. =o one +anreeber e/er0thing.

    /a* conscious attentionI @f 0ou;re al*a0s losing 0our !e0s or 0our *allet: a!e a+ons+ious effort to noti+e *here 0ou lea/e the. Tell 0ourself: out loud if ne+essar0: A@a utting 0 !e0s in 0 +oat o+!et: or *here/er it is 0ou are la+ing the. '/enbetter: be +onsistent. 9la+e 0our !e0s and *allet in the sae lo+ation e/er0 tie 0ou+oe hoe.

    "elaI )e;/e all been there: tr0ing to tell a friend about this great o/ie *e Hust sa*

    and then totall0 sa+ing on the title. @t be+oes harder to reeber basi+ inforation theore stressed 0ou be+oe. Ta!e a dee breath and +lear 0our ind. Tal! For thin!G aboutthe a+tors in the o/ie: the lot: things 0ou "O reeber. There;s a /er0 good +han+ethe title *ill soon follo*.

    $or ore tis on iro/ing eor0: in+luding the use of neoni+ +ues: /isithttE***.indtools.+oeor0.htl.

    @f 0ou;/e been feeling forgetful: @ hoe these tis hel 0ou iro/e 0our eor0. Onething @ *ill ne/er forget is the leasure of assisting 0ou. @f @ +an be of an0 further hel atan0 tie: lease let e !no*.

    +as* /art* /lanning

    9arties are fun: or at least the0 should be. Soeties the stress of rearing for a art0+an rob the host or hostess of u+h of the leasure. -ere are a fe* tis to hel 0ou ensurelanning 0our net art0 is eas0 and /irtuall0 stress free.

    Start with the 3ig &icture

    Choose a date and tie: then ans*er these 7uestionsE

  • 8/21/2019 50 Articles Blog Facebook


    )ill there be a thee?

    "o 0ou *ant the art0 to be +asual or foral?

    )ho do 0ou lan to in/ite?

    )hat is 0our budget?

    Figure out food and drink-o* an0 eole 0ou;re in/iting and the t0e of art0 0ou are lanning *ill influen+e0our +hoi+e of enu. @f 0ou;re ha/ing a dinner art0: 0ou ob/iousl0 need to lan dinner:*hereas a +o+!tail art0 *ill re7uire onl0 drin!s and aetiers.

    "o 0ou ha/e /egetarians attending? @f so: 0ou;ll need a /egetarian otion or otions.-o* about an0one *ith food allergies? @f 0ou;re not sure: don;t hesitate to as!. Yourguests *ill are+iate 0our +ons+ientiousness.

    @f 0ou lan to tr0 out a fe* ne* re+ies: a!e the at least one tie before the art0 so0ou;re not Huing right in to soething ne* the da0 of 0our soiree. This *ill also allo*

    0ou to adHust the re+ie to 0our o*n tastes if desired. Che+! out***.eas0art0aetiers.+ofor a large sele+tion of eas0 aetier re+ies.

    Consider as!ing for a /olunteer to a+t as bartender. Or i u it+hers of drin!s ratherthan +reating indi/idual +o+!tails.

    he other details

    Send 0our in/itations For a!e 0our hone +allsG at least t*o *ee!s in ad/an+e. @n+reasethis to four *ee!s during the bus0 holida0 season.

    Ma!e arrangeents for 0our !ids to sta0 *ith friends if 0ou;re thro*ing an adults>onl0

    art0. @f 0our dog Hus on guests: lan a safe lo+ation for hi Fa0be a dog>roofedbedroo or baseentG. "e+ide *here 0ou;ll la+e eole;s +oats and figure out *herefol!s +an ar!.

    @f !ids are in/ited: lan a fe* a+ti/ities to !ee the bus0. @f there are /er0 0oung+hildren: +onsider hiring a bab0sitter to hang out and !ee an e0e on the so the adults+an ingle and rela.

    @ hoe these tis hel lanning 0our net art0 a little bit easier. &no* *hat else is eas0?Bu0ing 0our net hoe *ith the assistan+e of a !no*ledgeable rofessional< @;d lo/e tohel: so lease don;t hesitate to gi/e e a +all.
