5 Tips for Choosing the Best Subcontractor

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Subcontractor

Transcript of 5 Tips for Choosing the Best Subcontractor

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Subcontractor

When choosing a subcontractor for your project, what is it that you look for? The

recent increase in multi-residential development has increased demand on

construction and made it harder to find great subcontractors that can meet the new

demands of modern wood frame projects. We have a few tips and questions that can help

you in the decision making process to ensure that your subcontractors are the best in the


#1 Do they care about other people’s success?

There are some subcontractors who want their business to be successful but might not be too concerned about yours. Make sure

that whoever you choose cares about the overall success and quality of your project, their suppliers, and employees. When you communicate with them, are they talking about what you can do

for them or what they can do for you? Do they seem eager to help you? You want someone who is genuinely interested in your project and how they can add value to it. Also, observing how they manage

their staff can directly correlate to how they’ll manage your partnership and help keep the project on-time. You may want to

find out if they pay their employees and suppliers on-time. Doing so can keep workers and suppliers from causing delays because of

delayed payments.

#2 Are they up to date on the newest technologies?

Having a subcontractor that uses the newest methods in the construction

industry can be helpful to you and your budget. New technologies help save on

time, budget, and material. More than ever, it’s important to use the latest software and hardware technologies that increase both

design and installation efficiency.

#3 Are they equipped to handle the job size you are requiring?

Check into the work they have completed in the past and see if it meets your

expectations. Most companies today have a website where they share project spotlights

and testimonials. Look into a sub-contractor’s online presence to see if they have been involved with larger projects.

#4 What have you heard about their job performance?

Every subcontractor that you hire has had experience. Word of mouth is sometimes the best way to know who you can and can’t count on to complete your project properly. Did they complete their past jobs correctly, on time and, on

budget? These are huge factors in assuring that your project is completed with excellence. You don’t want any surprises in

the midst of progress on a job. Ask other vendors or contractors who they recommend in the region your project is located. Selecting subcontractors that work well with other subs is crucial to the communication and teamwork it takes

to successfully coordinate job-site issues and timelines.

#5 Do they have proper safety training?

You’ll want to make sure that your subcontractors are going to make the job

site a safe place to be and in turn make the building a safe place after completion. Ask what safety programs they have in place

and if they are effective.

A subcontractor can drastically impact your projects. Developing and maintaining a strong pipeline of great subcontractors

takes diligence and work on the front end. You have to consistently learn about their line of work and evaluate new solutions. But the result can be a project that is on-

time and under budget!