4.Visibility Presentation Van Veghel v2

ortance of donor visibility in the project co Conference VISIBILITY OF EU ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS February 2013., The Assembly of AP Vojvodina, Novi Sad Prepared by dr.sc. Hugo A.M. van VEGHEL TARA International Consulting, Novi Sad



Transcript of 4.Visibility Presentation Van Veghel v2

The importance of donor visibility in the project context


27th February 2013., The Assembly of AP Vojvodina, Novi Sad

Prepared by dr.sc. Hugo A.M. van VEGHEL

TARA International Consulting, Novi Sad

Visibility is important for donors and partners.

The donor wants it's contribution to be noticed by the international, national community and beneficiaries.

The partner is interested in satisfying the donor to ensure future funding.

The issue of visibility is also a question of transparency, where the local partners and stakeholders of the projects have a right to be informed about the funding sources which make the projects possible.

The main objective of visibility activities is the communication of “positive results of the partnership”.

In addition to inputs, visibility activities should focus on outputs and the impact of the action’s results


Ensure that the beneficiary population is aware of the roles of the partner and of the donor in the activity.

Raise awareness of how the donor and the partner work together to support the funded sector (education, relief, health…etc.)

Tools for visibility / communication activities:

Audiovisual productions, Press releases, Press conferences, Press visits, Leaflets, brochures and newsletters, Web sites, Display panels, Commemorative plaques, Banners, Promotional items, Public events and visits, Photographs, and Information campaigns.

“Audio-visual material may be appropriate, but can be expensive to produce, so should only be prepared when there is a realistic chance of it being distributed bythe media.” art. 4.2.12.

Youtube, social media ... Is not just an option it is an opportunity

But there are some rules .....

Basic visibility is a contractual obligation

COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY MANUAL for European Union External Actionshttp://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/visibility/documents/communication_and_visibility_manual_en.pdf

THE Manual

Mainly covers the written and visual identity of the EU.

It sets out requirements and guidelines (also for visibility strategies)

Contains compulsory requirements for all contractors and implementing partners

2 other examples ..........

The Bank will make every effort to ensure that publications, training, programmes, seminars or symposia financed under the AHI Facility or its Trust Funds, and all press releases or other information materials issued by the Bank with respect to the AHI Facility or its Trust Funds, shall clearly indicate that the activities in question have received funding from various donors. A common logo will be developed that includes the flags or logos of all donors to AHI Facility or its Trust Funds.


The budget ...

“The communication budget should be sufficientto have a real impact, and reflect the size, and, consequently, the likely impact of the action.

The precise budget allocated to communication should be agreed with the Commission on the basis of contextual and project-related factors.” (art 2.3.2)

Minimum Maximum

What is important?

Donors want visibility.

YOU can and should be part of that action.- It shows who you are- It shows that you care- It shows that you can do it- It should show that you can do it well- It will show that you are able to do more.

The donor is important, but so are YOU

TARA International Consulting, Novi SadWritten projects : > 60 Milj. Euro

Managed, co-managed projects : > 70 Milj. Euro

Researches, studies, projects for national and international institutions and universities (Tempus, FP, ...)

Evaluations: programmes and projects for international and national clients

Trainings and lectures for international and national universities on PPP, PCM and Technology Transfer (with accreditation)

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TARA International Consulting, Novi Sad

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