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    Oxford University Press 2012. All rights reserved. E-Business

    Chapter 14

    Evaluation and Audit



    Oxford University Press 2012. All rights reserved. E-Business

    Learning Objectives

    To understand

    the purpose and need of auditing Information

    Technology and e-business the principles and basics of auditing e-business

    various methods and parameters used for auditing


    security and infrastructure audit of e-business

    performing IT audit and action items for the same

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    What is Audit?

    Examination and analysis of the records or

    processes for the purpose of verification

    Why it is needed?

    for the purpose of verification of consistency and

    for determining whether the system and processes

    are performing the desired task

    Types of Audit?

    Financial, Security etc.

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    Why Audit in e-business?

    - E-business involves number of business transactions

    over the Web

    - Financial transactions through payment gateways

    - Effective security processes and infrastructure need to

    be in place in order to ensure all activities run


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    Health Indicators of an e-business

    Health indicators of an e-business are the indicators that

    contribute to value creation, customer satisfaction andbusiness financials; and the effectiveness and

    efficiency of business activities.

    Following are some of the indicators

    1. Availability of the system for end users

    2. Response time of a system for internal and external


    3. Accessibility of the system

    4. Human factor engineering

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    Health Indicators of an e-business Cont..

    5. Customer services

    6. Privacy7. Illegal usage and its analysis

    8. Copyright infringement

    9. Security indicators

    10. Various controls and how they are established

    11. Other factors such as infrastructure, connectivity,

    etc: These factors also indicate the overall business


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    E-business Audit & documents

    E-business auditing involves examination of the overall

    processes and systems which include the audit of

    - the network - system behaviour

    - Infrastructure - processes

    The supplementary documents facilitating auditing

    include different diagrams and documents, as

    - Network diagrams - System diagrams

    - Staff relationship Diagram - Responsibility diagrams

    - Point of exposure analysis - Infrastructure list and


    - Material and information flow diagrams

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    Need for e-business audit and evaluation

    E-business audit is necessary for the following key


    Building customer faith

    Improved safeguarding of assets

    Improved data integrity

    Improved system efficiency

    Improved customer satisfaction

    Once the processes are established, there is the need for

    time-to-time review and improvement of these

    processes, with the revelation of every new fact.

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    Auditing guidelines

    Comprised of the recommended course of action

    needed to perform a quality audit

    Should satisfy the following basic criteria -

    Evaluating and prioritizing action items based on the

    significance of every part of the audit

    Accuracy and reliability of audit findings

    Impartial and non-prejudiced judgement that is not based

    on outdated or irrelevant data

    Scope and timeliness of the audit

    Clarity, efficiency, and effectiveness of the audit

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    Major aspects of e-business Audit

    The four major aspects of e-business audit are

    Understanding and verifying roles

    Identifying and understanding processes

    Evaluation with reference to benchmark or expected

    roles, and

    Deriving inputs for enhancement with reference to


    An audit matrix has four parameters:

    Investigation - Evaluation Measurement - Learning

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    Indicators of Audit Objectives

    Two important indicators of audit objectives

    Value creation and Achieving business objective

    E-business auditing guidelines can be mapped to 4 heads -

    The General Guidelines and the Framework for


    The Guidelines for Financial Auditing

    The Guidelines for Performance Auditing

    The Guidelines for Corporate Control Oxford University Press 2012. All rights reserved. E-Business

    Conducting e-business audit

    An e-business audit starts with an analysis of the following

    aspects - General business overview

    The business system and its key components

    IT infrastructure and architecture

    Different processes and standards followed

    Staff and management

    Security devices, policies, architecture, & implementation

    Business alignment of e-initiatives

    Extended organization, service providers, and external

    devices used

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    Controls in e-business audit

    Control refers to a system that prevents, detects, and

    corrects unlawful events.

    Implementation of reliable controls is required to

    keep things in place

    And also to make sure that processes, people, and

    management are working effectively towards the

    business goal.

    The controls are not limited for security purpose, but

    cover the entire system

    Controls can be classified into preventive controls,

    detective controls, and corrective controls. Oxford University Press 2012. All rights reserved. E-Business

    Controls in e-business Audit Cont..

    Controls cover the entire system, to -

    Ensure that appropriate processes are in place

    Ensure that the processes are being followed properly

    Check whether the necessary infrastructure is in place

    Understand the need of enhancement

    The purpose of controls is to minimize the losses by

    prevention of activities causing losses

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    An External Auditing System

    External auditing system analysis comprises -

    Interviews of employees, customers, and managers

    A system study

    Analysis of the results

    The steps involved in conducting an audit include -

    Steps to obtain clarity about the controls and

    understanding of the controls

    Assessment tests of the controls

    Tests to detect the irregularities in controls

    Review procedures Oxford University Press 2012. All rights reserved. E-Business

    Steps involved in an e-business Audit

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    E-Auditing Parameters

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    Risks associated with Audit

    The most challenging task in the planning phase is to

    judge the level of risk associated with each segmentof the audit.

    To decide on the level of risk, one needs to analyse the

    internal controls -

    - Control environment and activities

    - Risk assessment, Monitoring

    - Information and communication

    - Control establishment and personnel

    - Use of technologies

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    Security and Security Risk Assessment Steps

    with reference to e-business

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    Tests of ControlsCollecting Auditing


    The testing of controls offers an insight into their

    functioning and provides the necessary data.

    Verification of management controls Iterative evaluation of controls

    Once the management controls are found reliable, the

    weaknesses of controls at every level are investigated

    This includes verification of controls at the levels of

    operator, accountant, individual employees, etc.

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    Audit Programs

    The audit program is based on the organizations own

    reference guide.

    The program consists of steps to deduce the


    The points to be considered while forming an audit


    The standards used and

    general guidelines followed by an organization

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    Audit and Testing

    An audit needs to analyze the system from various

    angles and perspectives, with the help of multiple

    controls and a variety of combinations of these


    It includes interviewing employees, testing, and

    assessment of documents. Depending on the

    complexity of the system, the testing plan for an audit

    is decided.

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    Audit Reporting

    Audit reports help organizations identify the gaps and

    develop guidelines for bridging the gaps observedduring audit.

    An e-business audit report should cover

    IT functionality report

    IT process auditing report,

    Responsibilities and management response

    A document addressing users about the need of the

    correction in processes.

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    Audit Report heads

    The report must be organized under relevant heads as

    Customer interaction processes

    Information gathering and analysis processes

    Delegation of authority

    Internal reporting, Escalation processes, Financial

    processes, Contracting processes, etc.

    The controls along with the observation and possible

    ways of improvement

    Information related to the performance indicators

    used for auditing.

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    Audit of Performance Indicators

    Performance indicators should be chosen appropriately

    Should indicate the performance of the system accurately.

    E-business audit made up of Performance indicators,efficiency indicators, and effectiveness indicators.

    Efficiency indicators are associated with the resources

    contributing towards the efficiency of business processes.

    Effectiveness indicator provides an insight into the overall

    effectiveness of business processes.

    Workload indicators indicate the amount of work


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    E-business Balanced Score-card

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    E-business Audit Controls and Parameters

    E-business is audited for various parameters. The important

    control heads with reference to audit of e-business are -

    Systems development management controls

    E-business transaction management controls

    Security management controls

    Quality assurance management controls

    Input controls

    Operations management controls

    Programming management controls

    Financial management controls

    Supply chain management controls

    Database management controls

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    Scope of Audit Work

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    Concurrent Auditing for E-business

    Concurrent auditing is collecting data and evidence

    from all audit sources. Allows to capture and track the audit trail online

    Provide means for tracking and early warning to

    minimize losses resulting from anomalies

    Helps identify irregularities quickly

    Irregularity propagates quickly across the systems

    and results in information and material losses

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    Steps of concurrent auditing

    The steps followed for concurrent auditing are -

    Perform feasibility study Analyze the of impact of concurrent auditing

    Analyze and take related technical decisions

    Plan and design


    Carry out post audit cost benefit analysis

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    Advantages of Concurrent Auditing

    The advantages of concurrent auditing with reference to

    e-business are -

    Alternative to traditional post auditing

    Gives capability to auditors to track processes

    Gives test capability to auditors and information

    system and business staff

    Can be used for training new users and to give insight

    into the system and business

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    Security Audit

    Security audit includes

    audit for physical security

    data transmission security, and

    data storage security

    along with security aspects of system

    administration and application development.

    It covers the following aspects:

    1. Security of computers, servers, and network devices

    2. Availability of hardware

    3. Physical measures for information and data security

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    Security Audit

    4. Backup policies

    5. Handling of sensitive information

    6. Transmission and encryption of important data

    7. Server handling and configuration handling

    8. Anomaly detections and identifying violations

    9. Disaster recovery and business contingency plans

    10. System privilege and access control

    11. Information and source code handling

    12. Testing strategies13. Security policies to handle viruses, intrusions, and

    information corruption Oxford University Press 2012. All rights reserved. E-Business

    Components of an e-business Security Audit


    Contingency plan

    Recovery and reconciliation

    Transaction integrity

    Incident monitoring and handling

    User authentication

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    Infrastructure Audit

    The purpose is to identify whether the required

    infrastructure is in place and being used properly andefficiently.

    Essential for security as well as efficiency reasons

    Includes listing of the available infrastructure such as-

    Hardware assets

    Operating systems along with patches and versions

    Software installed on various machines

    Network analysis (connectivity and requirements)

    Servers etc.

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    Infrastructure Audit Cont..

    Also includes analyses of security and backup systems.

    The infrastructure audit deals with -

    Checking whether the required infrastructure is in


    The quality of infrastructure

    Scalability and security aspects of the infrastructure

    Optimal use of infrastructure

    Connectivity and communication

    Processes related to infrastructure