
Deasi l Stree t 4. 1

Transcript of 4.11

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The paper girl decided to skip Number 6 from her route today, the couple who lived there were having a massive row out front.

Pablo had snuck out to work that morning, and returned to find Jen had not calmed down at all. He had never seen her this furious.

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He was genuinely shocked when she told him their marriage was over, and he had to pack his bags. She’d forgiven him before, and he honestly thought she would do again.

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When he suggested she think about it, Jen made it clear in no uncertain terms that she would never regret this decision. They were over.

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Pablo made himself scarce, and called Warren to a place in town. He explained his predicament, and Warren was secretly not surprised in the slightest. Pablo was a good friend, but a terrible husband.

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They went out for drinks later that evening, to say goodbye. Pablo told Warren he was done with the countryside. Full of bravado, he claimed to be moving away to the big city, for a better life.

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But Warren had a hunch that deep down, Pablo didn’t really want to go.

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Pablo packed his things up, readying to leave the home he and Jen had bought together.

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Jen told him his taxi had arrived, but he couldn’t help but try and change her mind one last time.

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Just as he had got his best apologetic face on, he got a call. He answered it without even checking who it was, unaware that to Jen that was incredibly rude and made it clear where his priorities lay.

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But then he started pushing all the right buttons, making her feel guilty. Making her feel she might never find anyone else…

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She did know she was better off with him than on her own? She was getting on, if she tried to find someone else she might never have children.

She would have to start over in her career, years away from politics would render any experience she had dated and worthless. How would she support herself?

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But when he said she had never been very good at her job in the first place, Jen snapped back to reality. She had been amazing at her job, everyone had been shocked and appalled when she’d given it up. He was talking rubbish, as he always did. She was well rid of this man who claimed to love her.

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Pablo left the house with his ears burning, who knew the sweet Jen knew such language?!

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He drove off without looking back. If he looked back, she would have won. He was determined to make the best of this, and act like it was his own idea.

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Alone, Jen allowed herself a few tears for what might have been. She had loved him so much. Once.