386 Npc Generator

NPC CARD NPC CARD NPC CARD Name Race Gender Middle Female Mature Female Demeanor Cocky Cheerful Profession Upper Nobility Beggar Appearance Mood Fuming - Indignant - Carefree - Effervescent Wrathful! - Fearful! - Devilish - Blithe Quirks Absent minded Traits Humiliated Rueful NPC CARD NPC CARD NPC CARD Mature Male Mature Female Mature Male Subdued Kind Cheerful Clergy Upper Nobility Artist/Entertainer Mean - Peeved - Carefree - Blithe Stinging - Bitter - Rascally - Blissful Pissed - Uncaring - Thankful! - Mirthful! Has a nasal voice Vehement Coldhearted Scatter-Brain Deep Warm Brown Hair - Copper Eyes - Dark Brown Skin - Unfashionable Clothes - Mature Looking Look Platinum Hair - Aquamarine Eyes - Black Skin - Party Clothes - Mature Looking Look Attracts birds that may land or sit on them when outside Dark Golden Blonde Hair - Emerald Eyes - Beige Skin - Over-Accessorized Clothes - Much Older Look Black Brown Hair - Black Eyes - Chocolate Skin - Labor, Clean Clothes - Much Younger Look Dark Golden Blonde Hair - Dark Brown Eyes - Café au Lait Skin - Party Clothes - Indeterminable Look Says a blessing after stepping over every crack in stone or wooden walkway Sniffs incessantly as if having a running nose


NPC Generator for RPGs

Transcript of 386 Npc Generator

NPC CARD NPC CARD NPC CARD NPC CARDNameRaceGender Mature Male Mature Female Mature FemaleDemeanor AggressiveSeriousSad Profession Upper Nobility Upper Nobility ClergyAppearanceMood FumingFearful!Adventurous"#ultant$ostileUnluc%y&ptimistic'lit(e)rat(ful!PessimisticC(eerful*riump(ant +uir%s (ealt( tonic,-i%es to play games *raits -o.DrivenComforting NPC CARD NPC CARD NPC CARD NPC CARDMiddle Male Middle Female Middle Female Middle FemaleAloofUneasy/indUneasy Merc(ant Clergy Politico0Minor Noble Merc(antMeanDo.n(earted-uc%y"up(oricSadisticAnnoyedFlirtatious*(rilledResentful!UncaringC(eerful"#ultant1icious2ndignant*(an%ful!"nergi3ed S(a%es fist in t(e air oftenScratc(es a lot$as a bad coldAl.ays correcting ot(ers as t(ey spea% "goist"asyGoingAvariciousConcerned As( 'ro.n $airA4uamarine "yesCaf5 au -ait S%in&verAccessori3ed Clot(esMature -oo%ing -oo%As( 'londe $airCocoa "yesCaf5 au -ait S%in -oose6 Dressy Clot(esMuc( 7ounger -oo%Copper $airForest Green "yesPale 2vory S%in Formal Clot(esMature -oo%ing -oo%Spea%s in a 89.6 deep voice6 pausing after every sentence to carefully c(oose t(eir .ords Dar% Golden 'londe $air'lue "yesC(ocolate S%inParty Clot(esMuc( 7ounger -oo%Copper $airCocoa "yes'eige S%in'usiness Clot(esSome.(at 7ounger -oo%As( 'ro.n $air'lac% "yes-ig(t 'ro.n S%in-eat(er6 Fas(ionable Clot(esMuc( 7ounger -oo%Platinum $airGray "yesPale 2vory S%in-abor6 Clean Clot(esMuc( 7ounger -oo%S":&9 Female8 MaleP&)"R 'AS" C&MP&R*AM"N*& AR+U;*2P& $A2R9 Strengt(9 Aggressive9 Guild -eader 98 De#terity8 Aloof8 Merc(ant 8< Constitution< C(eerful< )isdom> "asy Going> Soldier >? C(arisma? "motionless? ?@ S%ills@ Friendly@ @A FeatsA FurtiveA 'eggar AB SpellsB $aug(tyB Clergy BC )ealt(C $umbleC Craftsman C89 Follo.ers89 /ind8988 88 Proud888< Social Class8< +uiet8 Defense8> Serious8>8? "4uipment8? Studious8?8@ 8@ Subdued8@8A 8A *ired8A8B Uneasy8B8C )ellbred8CPolitico0Minor NobleUpper NobilityArtist0"ntertainer-a.s6 Aut(ority6 Consent *ravel D Communication Special Ability +U2R/S S"CR"*S *RA2*S9 9 98 Absent minded8 8< < (ealt( tonic,> >? ? ?@ @ @Absently calls people by different names .(en spea%ing .it( t(em Accidentally %illed a sibling as a c(ild Acts as if t(ey are p(ysically c(allenged Eblind6 onelegged6 etcF, but really are not Al.ays adds a bit of po.der toAdmires a criminal for (is gusto t(eir beverages Eand claims it is aDeserted from t(e military "nGoys a great reputation for some martial deed in t(e past6 but it is a fabrication and t(ey are actuallyco.ardly Al.ays agrees .it( everyt(ing Fantasi3es about being an adventurer Al.ays conscious of t(e time Foug(t for bot( sides in a .ar A A AB B BC C C89 89 8988 88 888< 8< 8 8> 8>8? 8? 8?8@ 8@ 8@8A 8A 8A8B 8B 8B8C 8C 8C