31 January, 2015 (English)

Publisher and Printer : Printed by Dr. Nandkishore Garg for Dr. Mookerjee Smruti Nyas, at Excelprints, C-36, F.F. Complex, Jhandewalan, New Delhi-55 and Published by Dr. Mookerjee Smruti Nyas, PP-66, Subramanya Bharati Marg, New Delhi-03. Editor : Prabhat Jha. Fortnightly Magazine CONTENTS Editor Prabhat Jha, MP Executive Editor Dr. Shiv Shakti Bakshi Editorial Team Ram Prasad Tripathy Vikash Anand Creative Editor Dharmendra Kaushal Vikas Saini Subscription Annual Rs. 100/- For 3 years Rs. 250/- Contact Phone : +91(11) 23381428 Fax : +91(11) 23387887 Subscription : +91(11) 23005798 e-mail [email protected] 3 Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015 Cover Story : Maha Sangram Rally, Bhubaneswar UPA had pushed nation into inflation and high prices.......... 7 Article The Vindication of Amit Shah By Arun Jaitley..................................................................... 11 Special on Atalji's 90th Birthday ‘Darkness will be dispelled, the Sun will rise and.. (Part III).. 22 State Reports Uttar Pradesh.................................................................................. 12 Madhya Pradesh............................................................................ 16 Others Narendra Modi visits Varanasi on Good Governance Day... 10 Amit Shah's Karnataka Pravas.................................................... 17 Indian Science Congress, Mumbai............................................. 20 Bihar BJP State Executive, Patna................................................ 25 Golden words from Aadhyatma................................................ 30 Kamal Sandesh Parivar wishes its esteemed reader a Happy Republic Day 26 January 2015

Transcript of 31 January, 2015 (English)

Page 1: 31 January, 2015 (English)

Publisher and Printer : Printed byDr. Nandkishore Garg for Dr. MookerjeeSmruti Nyas, at Excelprints, C-36, F.F.Complex, Jhandewalan, New Delhi-55 andPublished by Dr. Mookerjee Smruti Nyas,PP-66, Subramanya Bharati Marg, NewDelhi-03. Editor : Prabhat Jha.

Fortnightly Magazine



Prabhat Jha, MP

Executive Editor

Dr. Shiv Shakti Bakshi

Editorial Team

Ram Prasad TripathyVikash Anand

Creative Editor

Dharmendra KaushalVikas Saini


Annual Rs. 100/-For 3 years Rs. 250/-


Phone : +91(11) 23381428Fax : +91(11) 23387887Subscription : +91(11) 23005798


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3 Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015

Cover Story : Maha Sangram Rally, BhubaneswarUPA had pushed nation into inflation and high prices.......... 7

ArticleThe Vindication of Amit Shah

By Arun Jaitley..................................................................... 11

Special on Atalji's 90th Birthday‘Darkness will be dispelled, the Sun will rise and.. (Part III).. 22

State ReportsUttar Pradesh.................................................................................. 12Madhya Pradesh............................................................................ 16

OthersNarendra Modi visits Varanasi on Good Governance Day... 10Amit Shah's Karnataka Pravas.................................................... 17Indian Science Congress, Mumbai............................................. 20Bihar BJP State Executive, Patna................................................ 25

Golden words from Aadhyatma................................................ 30

Kamal Sandesh Parivar

wishes its esteemed reader a

Happy Republic Day26 January 2015

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4 Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015

çlkns loZnq%[kkuka gkfujL;ksitk;rsizlUupsrlks ák'kq cqf)% i;Zofr"Brs AA65AA

When one attains the precious mercy of the Ultimate Personality; certainly the end ofall miseries occurs and very soon this happy minded person has his spiritual intelligencefully established. —(Bhagavadgita : Ch.-II, 65)



~~~“Development & good governance are

the only ways ahead. Together, let usmake a positive impact in people’slives & create a developed India”

-Narendra Modi

“Congress government is a ‘non-performing, corrupt and defunct’entity that has failed in law andorder as well as governance.”

-Amit Shahon Congress Govt. in Karnataka

Makarsankranti / Pongal : January 14, 2015Makar Sankranti is one of the most

auspicious day for the Hindus, and iscelebrated with great devotion, fervor andgaiety. It is a major harvest festival celebratedin every part of India. On this day the sunends its southward journey (Dakshinayana)at the Tropic of Capricorn, and starts movingnorthward (Uttarayaana) towards theTropic of Cancer, in the month of Pausha onthis day in mid-January. It falls on the 14thof January every year according to the SolarCalendar. Lakhs of people take dip in placeslike Ganga Sagar and Prayag and other holyplaces of the country.

Makar Sankranti is celebrated with pomp in southern parts of the country as Pongal, and inPunjab it is celebrated as Lohri and Maghi. In Peethas of Lord Jagannath and Maa Tara Tarini inOdisha this festival is observed as Makara/Nabanki and ‘Uttarayana Yatra’.

In Uttar Pradesh, Makar Sankrant is called Khichiri. Taking a dip in the holy rivers on this dayis regarded as most auspicious. A big one-month long Magha-Mela fair begins at Prayag (Allahabad)on this occasion. Apart from Triveni, ritual bathing also takes place at many holy places of thecountry.

In Bengal every year a very big Mela is held on this occasion at Ganga Sagar where it is believedthat Maharaja Bhagiratha, performed great penance to bring the Ganga down to the earth for theredemption of 60,000 sons of Maharaj Sagar, who were burnt to ashes at the Kapil Muni Ashram,near the present day Ganga Sagar. It was on this day that Bhagirath finally did Tarpan with theGanges water for his unfortunate ancestors and thereby liberated them from the curse.

In Gujarat on the Makar Sankrant there is a custom of giving gifts to relatives and kite flying.The Gujarati Pundits on this auspicious day grant scholarships to students for higher studies inastrology and philosophy. Kite flying has also been associated with this festival in a big way inGujarat

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Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015 5



.NITI Aayog for transforming India

National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog has beenconstituted. It has replaced Planning Commission of India. It is a majorpolicy initiative which is set to transform the decision making process

while matching the new aspirations of the people. India is today an emergingnation as one of the largest world economies requiring major policy relatedinputs with global vision and initiatives to transform itself into a world leader.NITI Aayog is expected to work in this direction through its high levelexpertise and innovative methods and approach.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had declared from the ramparts of RedFort on 15th August 2014 that a new institution was on the anvil to replace thePlanning Commission. The announcement was welcomed by almost everysection of the society. It was seen as a great reformative step forward whichmay result in streamlining the government mechanism in line of the newchallenges that our country face today. Planning Commission was seen as anold institution which had outlived its utility. Formed on 15th of March, 1950through a Cabinet Resolution it emerged as an important institution in planningand disbursement of funds to the states drawing mainly from the idea of fiveyear planning of Soviet regime. While it was expected to give a new fillip ofdevelopment activities in the country it started getting submerged in red-tapism and authoritarianism. Its style of functioning often invited charges ofover-centralization and politicization of fund disbursement. But the main pointwas that Panning Commission was no longer finding itself relevant in thechanged circumstances where the world economy was getting increasinglyglobalised. It has not been able to measure up to the rising aspiration of thepeople and federal structure of our country.

Contrary to the principles of over-centralization ingrained in the mandategiven to the Planning Commission the NITI Aayog is set to function on theprinciples of cooperative federalism giving states much needed room for takingpolicy initiatives in accordance of its specific needs and circumstances. Apartfrom this it aims at ensuring citizen’s engagement, egalitarian access ofopportunities, participative and adaptive governance and increasing use oftechnology. India as an emergent economy has to position itself globally whiledealing with a plethora of new technological and strategic changes which issweeping across the world. The fast changing world in an era of digitalconnectivity and communication revolution calls for an institution which maybe able to keep pace with the changing world by dint of its innovativecapabilities and commitment to deliver highly advanced solutions while makingthe tempo of developmental process highly adaptive and participative. In sucha scenario NITI Aayog is expected to work as a ‘Think Tank’ functioning as adirectional and policy dynamo of the government. The government whileconstituting NITI Aayog to give institutional framework for policy makingexpects that it “ will provide Governments at the central and state levels withrelevant strategic and technical advice across the spectrum of key elements ofpolicy, this includes matters of national and international import on the economicfront, dissemination of best practices from within the country as well as from

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6 Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015

other nations, theinfusion of newpolicy ideas andspecific issue-basedsupport”.

The country hasmoved away fromthe Nehruvian Modelof economy which isnow not able tomatch up to theemerging realities ofthe global economicscenario. PlanningCommission wasformed in line withthe requirements ofNehruvian economicmodel and so itsrelevance was alwaysdoubted by theexperts. The decisionto replace it withNITI Aayog is notonly a bold policyinitiative, it will leadto major changes inthe decision makingprocess andapproach at lookingat variousdimensions of theeconomy. PrimeMinister ShriNarendra Modishould becongratulated fortaking initiatives thatmay usher in the eraof fast pace ofd e v e l o p m e n tthrough highlycapable institutionlike NITI Aayog withthe focus on enablingand empowering ourpeople.

Niti Aayog replacesPlanning Commission

The government onJanuary 1 replacedthe 65-yearold

Planning Commission, adeparture from thechronic bureaucratic eraof Nehru, with a NITIAayog or NationalInstitution forTransforming India,marking a major shift inpolicymaking byinvolving states. To beheaded by PM NarendraModi, the new body willhave a governing council comprising CMs of all states and Lt Governors ofUnion Territories and will work towards fostering “co-operative federalism”for providing a “national agenda” to the Centre and states.

The new body , which will remain at its predecessor’s address in Lutyens’Delhi, will have a vice-chairperson and CEO. The NITI Aayog, which willserve as a policy think-tank for the central and state governments, will have7-8 full-time members and two part-time members, while four Union ministerswill serve as ex-officio members. The two part-time members will be fromleading universities and research organizations, number of full-time membershas not been specified. Prime Minister Narendra Modi appointed Indian-American economist Arvind Panagariya as the first vice chairman of the NitiAayog. Economist Bibek Debroy and former Defence Research andDevelopment Organisation chief VK Saraswat were appointed as full-timemembers by the Prime Minister, who will be the chairman of the body, accordingto a release issued on January 5. Union ministers Shri Rajnath Singh, ShriArun Jaitley, Shri Suresh Prabhu and Shri Radha Mohan Singh will be ex-officio members while Shri Nitin Gadkari, Smt. Smriti Irani and Shri ThawarChand Gehlot will be special invitees to the institution that aims to embarkon a “Bharatiya approach to development” to transform India.

Born on September 30, 1952, Panagariya is a professor of economics atNew York’s Columbia University, a former chief economist at AsianDevelopment Bank and has also worked with International Monetary Fund,World Trade Organisation and World Bank.

Experts, specialists and practitioners with relevant domain knowledgewould also be part of NITI Aayog as “special invitees nominated by the PM”.PM Narendra Modi who announced the dismantling of Planning Commissionin his maiden Independence Day speech last year, hailed the replacement ina series of tweets, saying the inclusion of CMs and LGs will “foster a spiritof cooperative federalism”. Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his maidenIndependence day speech last year had announced the dismantling of thePlanning Commission, hailed the move in various tweets.

“Through NITI Aayog, we bid farewell to a 'onesize fits all’ approach towards development. The bodycelebrates India’s diversity and plurality,” Shri Moditweeted.

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In his maiden visit toOdisha BJP NationalPresident Shri Amit Shah

came down heavily on theprevious Congress led UPAgovernment at the Centre fortaking the nation to yearsback.

Addressing a massiveMaha Sangram Rally held inBhubaneswar on 06 JanuaryShri Shah kept up the party’sattack on Congress for raisingquestions about the December31 Pakistani boat interceptionand asked whether theopposition party is contesting

elections in Pakistan.“Mujhe lagta hai Congress

ko maloom nehin hai ki unkochunao Pakistan mein ladna

hai yaa Hindustan mein. (Ifeel Congress doesn’t knowwhether it would fightelections in Pakistan orIndia),” Shri Shah said. “RahulBaba is asking us for a reportcard on what we have doneduring last six months. I askyou, first to give a report cardon what your family has donein the last 60 years that yourfamily ruled the country?”

Coming down heavily onGandhi, Shri Shah saidinstead of asking Shri Modito give an account of its six-

month rule, the Congressleaders should first give theaccount of Congress party’s60-year rule in the country.

Shri Shah asked Congressvice-president Rahul Gandhito restrain partyspokespersons from makingreckless remarks on sensitivematters, and said it is themain opposition’s duty toboost the morale of securitypersonnel rather than raisingdoubts on the government’sefforts to curb terrorism.

He said the faulty policiesof UPA government hadpushed the nation intoinflation and high prices,adding petrol and diesel

Maha Sangram Rally, Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

UPA had pushed nation into inflation andhigh prices : Amit Shah

BJP’s ‘Prachar Raths’ for‘Mahasangram’ rallyThe State BJP on 04

January 2015 rolled out five‘Prachar Raths’ in the city tomobilise people to attend thepublic meeting of its nationalpresident Shri Amit Shah onJanuary 6.

The campaign vehicleswere flagged off at the Stateparty office by State generalsecretary (organization) ShriPrasanna Mishra and urgepeople to attend the‘Mahasangram’ rally.

The raths displayedposters of the party’scampaign aimed at oustingthe BJD Government byhighlighting the series ofscams that rocked the Stateduring its rule.

From Our Correspondent

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prices have come downby as much Rs 10 duringsix months rule of BJPgovernment.

Hitting out atCongress for raisingquestions on thesecurity forces’operation in the ArabianSea, BJP NationalPresident said it was theopposition party’s“duty” to boost themorale of defencepersonnel instead offinding faults with theNDA government’sefforts to curb terror. “Iwill like to ask theCongress from wherethey fight elections.India or Pakistan?”

The BJP Presidentlauded the Coast Guardand the defenceintelligence wing forsaving the country fromanother terrorist attackvia the water route.Noteworthy, in a mid-sea operation on NewYear’s night, a suspectedPakistani fishing boatcarrying explosives wasintercepted by the CoastGuard in the ArabianSea but caught fire andexploded with all fourcrew members onboard.

Saying that about350 people were killedwhen Pakistaniterrorists landed on thecoast near Mumbai in2009 and launched anattack on the city, ShriAmit Shah insisted that

BJP National President Amit Shah becomesActive Member from Odisha

Sri Amit Shah has officially become active member from the state of Odisha.In a specially arranged ceremony for membership campaign held at Dhauli.

Sri Shah inducted 129 primary members and confirmed his active membership. Nodoubt it is a golden privilege and pride for the state.

In his address to people Sri Shah said that Sri Narendra Modiji the Prime

Minister of India has launched membership campaign at New Delhi on 1st November2014 and till now 3 crores 20 lakhs primary members have registered their names.Any primary member would become an active member registering hundred primarymembers. Only active members would be assigned organizational responsibilitiesand hold different portfolios of the party. So he requested each and every activistof the party must be an active member. He also expressed his pleasure that hecould become an active member in such a historic place like Dhauli.

Sri Shah advised people to go to villages and start vigours campaigning tomeet 40 lakhs membership target in the state. As Modiji has given a call to nationfor development and good governance. We the people of Odisha must beassociated with his journey and through such process we can develop the stateand extend our service to the poorest of the poor. Sri Shah also expected hispositive hope to make the state as the number one in the country and all rounddevelopment would be possible only if BJP comes to power. To meet suchdestination we must strengthen BJP organization in the state.

As I am informed today, 56 thousand people have become primary membersyesterday he told. He also expressed his gratitude to those 129 primary membersmade him an active member in such a place with great historic important.

Sri K.V SinghDeo State President of BJP extended his indebtedness to AmitShah for accepting active membership from Odisha. He also expected to achievethe target of 40 lakh membership in stipulated time and hoped the bright futureof the state under BJP rule at centre and in the state in future.

Sri Shiv Prakashji, Rastriya Saha Sangathan Mantri, Union Minister Sri JualOram, Sri Dharmendra Pradhan, Sri Arun Singh, National Secretary and StatePrabhari, Sri Pratap Sadangi, State Vice-President, Surma Padhee Ex-Minister,Pruthwiraj Harichandan, Sameer Mohanty, Spokes Person, Bhrugubuxi Patra,State Secretary, Amiya Das District President, Bhubaneswar and Dillip Mohantyetc attended the function.

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the Narendra Modi government at the Centre wasdetermined to foil any attack. “They (Pakistan) firebullets from across the border, but the nature ofIndia’s response under the NDA government haschanged. We are giving a fitting reply.

“Earlier, they (Pakistan) used to open fire firstand they ended it too. But now, we end the firing,”Shri Shah said.

Making remarks on the scams in the State, ShriShah said Odisha is poor though it is rich in naturalresources as the yield is reaped by Delhi. Now, thenew mines auction policy of the Centre will benefitstates like Odisha and Jharkhand, he claimed, addingthat the margin from the auction can be spent by theState government for the welfare of the poor.

“Odisha is abundant in natural resources. Yet thestate itself has become underdeveloped and Odishacan become No 1 state in the country”, Shri AmitShah said. He said Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi has decided to ensure the development of theresource rich eastern states like Odisha and Jharkhand.

Calling on the people to take advantage of theModi government’s ‘Make in India’ policy, Shri Shahsaid such initiative would generate massiveemployment opportunities in the country in thecoming days. He also lauded the Pradhan Mantri JanDhan Yojana which eradicated the ‘financialuntouchability’ in the country.

Among others Union Tribal Affairs Minister ShriJual Oram, Union Petroleum and Natural Gas MinisterShri Dharmendra Pradhan, Odisha State PresidentShri KV Singh Deo and all other senior leaders werepresent on the occasion.

BJP will form governmenton its own in Odisha

BJP National president Shri AmitShah on January 07 exuded

confidence that the party would form thegovernment on its own in Odisha infuture. Addressing a press conference hesaid, “As far as the BJP’s performance inOdisha is concerned, the party has beenvery successful in raising people’s issues.Organizational capability of the party isbeing strengthened.

I am confident that party will securea majority in the coming Assemblyelections and form the government on itsown,” said Shri Shah, concluding histwo-day-long visit to Odisha. “We willnot require support of the Biju Janata Dal.We will take the fight to its logical end,”he said.

“In the past 14 years, Odisha has notdeveloped as compared to other States.The rate of growth has dropped.Although Chief Minister Naveen Patnaikruled with brute majority, he could notachieve the growth as was expected,” theBJP president said. In the Chit-fund scam,more than 10 lakh people lost their hard-earned money, while those in powerpocketed money generated out of thescam, he said.

Raosaheb Patil Danve is newMaharashtra BJP President

BJP National President Shri Amit Shah appointedShri Raosaheb Patil Danve as the new BJP President ofMaharashtra. Shri Danve (59) succeeds DevendraFadnavis, who has since become the state Chief Ministerafter the party’s stunning victory in the assemblyelections. Shri Raosaheb Patil Danve is the MP from JalnaParliamentary constituency in the state. He is at presentUnion Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food andPublic Distribution.

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Asserting thatdevelopment andgood governance are

the only ways ahead, PrimeMinister Shri Narendra Modion December 25 visited hisLok Sabha constituencyVaranasi as part of nation-wide Good Governance Daycelebrations being held byhis government.

All MPs of the rulingBharatiya Janata Party,which Shri Modi had steeredto a comprehensive victoryin the general electionsearlier this year, have beenasked to be in theirrespective Parliamentaryconstituencies for ‘SushasanDiwas’ and the PrimeMinister through his ownvisit has sought to lead byexample. “Development &good governance are theonly ways ahead. Together,let us make a positive impactin people’s lives & create adeveloped India,” the PMtweeted ahead of his visit.

The Prime Minister’saircraft landed at theBabatpur airport on theoutskirts of the city at aroundnoon where he was receivedby Uttar Pradesh ChiefMinister Akhilesh Yadav andstate minister Ahmed Hasan.

Shri Modi visited BanarasHindu University, foundedby Pandit Mohan Malaviyawhose name was announced

for conferment of the highestcivilian honour — the BharatRatna. Significantly,December 25, is also the 153rdbirth anniversary of therenowned educationist.

During his day-long tour,his second to Varanasi afterbecoming the Prime Minister,

Shri Modi participated in thecleanliness drive as part of‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ atthe Assi Ghat along the riverGanga and in some lanes innearby residential localities.

The Prime Minister alsoinaugurated an Inter-University Centre forTeachers’ Education insidethe BHU premises.

Shri Narendra Modi alsovisited the Diesel LocomotiveWorks on the outskirts of thecity where he dedicated to

the nation a modern, air-conditioned passenger trainengine and inaugurated aproject for expansion of theDLW.

Among others RailwayMinister Shri Suresh Prabhu,Union HRD Minister Smt.Smriti Irani, Minister of State

for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha,MoS for Culture Shri MaheshSharma and state BJPpresident Dr. LaxmikantBajpai were also present onthe occasion.Modi at Assi Ghat

Taking forward hisSwachh Bharat campaign, ShriModi revisited hisconstituency and laudedpeople for helping rid the AssiGhat of mounds of soil andgarbage to restore thehistorical site to its old glory.

Narendra Modi visits Varanasi on Good Governance Day

“Development & good governance are the onlyways ahead”, says the Prime Minister

From Our Correspondent

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In the holy city to mark the GoodGovernance Day, he supervised the cleanlinesscampaign and also nominated various peopleand organisations to join the ‘Swachh Bharat(clean India)’ campaign launched by hisgovernment on Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday onOctober 2 last.

Shri Modi on November 8 had wielded aspade to remove silt deposited at the ghat alongthe banks of the Ganga as part of his clean Indiacampaign. “People, social organizations,

Varanasi Mahotsavlaunched

The Prime Minister also launched theVaranasi Mahotsav. He gave away prizes tosix craftsmen under the YUKTI initiative.Speaking about this initiative, the PrimeMinister said it will make it possible to skillour craftsmen through the use of appropriatetechnology interventions.

The Prime Minister said events such asthe Varanasi Mahotsav would help boosttourism. He called upon schools andeducational institutions of Varanasi to developexpertise in various aspects of Varanasi‘s richculture, which would help them contributetowards drawing the attention of touristsvisiting Varanasi. He said tourists would cometo Varanasi, because of its ancient heritage,but would stay only if the people of Varanasimade the effort to showcase that heritage.

Describing the strength of India‘s heritage,the Prime Minister spoke of the recentadoption of International Yoga Day by theUnited Nations. He said a record number of177 countries had supported India‘s resolution,and it had been adopted within a record timeof 90 days.

The Prime Minister exhorted artists andpoets to touch upon contemporary issues suchas “swachhta” (cleanliness) and the welfareof the girl child, so that greater awareness isgenerated about these vital subjects, in thesociety.

PM at Madan MohanMalviya National

Mission on Teachersand Teaching

The PrimeMinister, ShriNarendra Modilaunched theMadan MohanM a l v i y aNational Missionon Teachers andTeaching at theS w a t a n t r a t aBhawan inBanaras HinduU n i v e r s i t y ,Varanasi.

Speaking on the occasion, he described theland of Kashi, as one which gave us “Shiksha KiSanskriti” (a culture of education). We need tointrospect whether we are losing this culture ofeducation, the Prime Minister said. He said theeducation system is not meant to produce robots,but to develop a holistic humanist vision (PoornaMaanav Mann) along with science andtechnology.

Whenever humanity has entered the age ofknowledge, India has played the role ofVishvaguru, the Prime Minister said, addingthat the 21st century is therefore an age ofimmense responsibility for India, as the world isagain entering the age of knowledge.

The Prime Minister said “good education”is in great demand across the world and amongall sections of society.

He said India`s youth can fulfil this globalrequirement of teachers, if they are trainedeffectively.

He said if a teacher goes abroad, he benefitsand captures the imagination of an entiregeneration. He said the Madan Mohan MalviyaNational Mission on Teachers and Teaching isa step in this direction.

The Prime Minister also unveiled the plaqueof the Inter-University Centre, and launched theCampus Connect wi-fi of Banaras HinduUniversity by remote control.

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Indian Railways wouldnot be privatized

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi declaredcategorically that the Indian Railways would not be privatized.He was addressing a gathering in Varanasi after thecommencement of expansion of the Diesel Locomotive Works.

He asserted that his aim was to ensure that themodernization and growth of railways is facilitated throughprivate investment, and not through public funds which arethe property of the poor, and should be used to fulfil theirbasic needs including health and education. He said privateinvestment would be used to modernize Railways and makeit service-oriented, so that it could become an engine ofgrowth for the nation. Shri Narendra Modi said 4 railuniversities would be established to ensure proper and well-trained human resource for the Railways. He said the Railwaysshould not be seen as just a means of transport, but shouldbecome the backbone of economic development. He exhortedRailway workers to ensure that the best service in India isprovided by the Indian Railways. The Prime Minister, whoearlier flagged off the new high horsepower diesel locomotive,described this as an example of India‘s indigenous capabilities,and an illustration of his vision of Make in India. He recalledformer Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri‘s slogan of “JaiJawan, Jai Kisan” and said the slogan had inspired farmers tomake India self-reliant in food production. He expressedhope that “Make in India” would inspire us to become selfreliant in all our needs.

The Prime Minister also said the postal and railwaynetworks of India could be leveraged to become drivers ofrural development. The Union Minister for Railways, ShriSuresh Prabhu, was present on the occasion.

municipal coporation andstate government have playedan important role and we areseeing today that the ghat,which was full of soil, is nowback to its old beauty alongside Mother Ganga,” he saidin a brief address.

The Prime Ministernominated for the campaignNagaland GovernorPadmanabha Acharya, formerIPS officer and activist KiranBedi, former Indian cricketteam captain Sourav Ganguly,comedian Kapil Sharma,classical dancer SonalMansingh, Ramoji Rao ofEenadu group and AroonPurie of India Today group.He had nominated somepeople during his last visit aswell. In a first, he alsonominated someorganizations which includedInstitute of CharteredAccountants of India, Eenaduand India Today groupsbesides ‘dabbewale’ ofMumbai, who deliver home-made food to lakhs of peoplein the city.


UP BJP demands EC to take cognizance of allegation by BSP’s former Co-Ordinator

The state unit of Bharatiya Janata Party has demanded that Election Commission shouldtake cognizance of allegation leveled by Bahujan Samaj Party’s former co-ordinator that tickets for

elections were up for sale in the party. “This is a serious allegation that BSP tickets for parliamentary andassembly elections came with a price tag. The Election Commission should probe these allegations becausethese are detrimental to the democracy,” BJP spokesman Shri Vijay Bahadur Pathak said in Lucknow 06 January2015. He said as the allegations have been leveled by a former senior leader Jugal Kishore who was party’scoordinator these cannot be ignored. Meanwhile, BJP leaders led by party’s State President Dr. LaxmikantBajpai held demonstration outside Noida office demanding a CBI probe against Yadav Singh. Dr. Bajpai alsogave a 25-point charter of demand to Noida officials seeking details about corruption of Yadav Singh. “If wedo not get any reply within 15 days, the BJP will launch an agitation,” Dr. Bajpai declared.

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Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015 13

CBI Special Court atMumbai hasdischarged Amit Shah,

the BJP President, of allcharges relating to a case ofhis involvement in the allegedkilling of Soharabuddin andTulsi Prajapati. I have beenfollowing this case activelyfrom the time of itsinvestigation, filing ofcharges, arrest of Amit Shahand grant of bail to him. Ihad written a letter on 27thSeptember 2013 to the thenPrime Minister, Dr.Manmohan Singh, in mycapacity as Leader ofOpposition in Rajya Sabha.The letter pertains to misuseof CBI against BJP leadership.In the letter, I had writtenwith regard to these two casesas under:Soharabuddin EncounterSoharabuddin EncounterSoharabuddin EncounterSoharabuddin EncounterSoharabuddin Encountercasecasecasecasecase

The encounter in whichone Sohrabudin Sheikh waskilled was an operationallegedly directed by theIntelligence Bureau of theCentral Government. It hasbeen a practice that when theIntelligence Bureau processesand develops intelligence, itkeeps vigilance on the target.Thereafter when anopportunity arises to arrestthe target the State police isassociated with the operation.Sohrabudin was a noted mafiawho operated in Gujarat,Madhya Pradesh and

Rajasthan and was carryingprize on his head in MadhyaPradesh. He was an illegalweapon dealer. He had alsobeen convicted under TADA.The search conducted byMadhya Pradesh police at hispremises at village Jharnia,District Ujjain had yieldedmore than 40 AK-56 rifles,hundreds of AK-56 cartridgesand hundreds of handgrenades. He was anabsconder from the policeagencies of various state

governments.After his encounter on 24/

25-11-2005 his brother filed aWrit Petition in the SupremeCourt. The filing of the saidpetition was also sponsoredby Congress Party. The thenAddl. Solicitor General ofIndia, Shri GopalSubramaniam in a pre-conceived and planned move,appeared on day one beforethe Court and agreed to takeinstructions from the CentralGovernment. Subsequently,the Attorney Generalappeared for the Union ofIndia and Gopal Subramaniamdesignated himself as AmicusCuriae without any specificorder of the court appointinghim. The Government of Indiaconceded that theinvestigations be handed overto the CBI. Though theCentral Government shouldbe a mere formal party, thethen Attorney General usedto appear and oppose evenmotion for adjournments.Since objections were raisedwith regard to the fairness ofthe CBI, the Supreme Courtordered investigations by ateam of Gujarat Police officersof the State Police under itssupervision. The State policereconstructed the encounter,conducted scientificinvestigation undersupervision of the Hon’bleSupreme Court andimplicated and arrested

The Vindication of Amit ShahBy Arun Jaitley

The encounter in which oneSohrabudin Sheikh waskilled was an operationallegedly directed by theIntelligence Bureau of theCentral Government. It hasbeen a practice that when theIntelligence Bureauprocesses and developsintelligence, it keepsvigilance on the target.Thereafter when anopportunity arises to arrestthe target the State police isassociated with theoperation. Sohrabudin was anoted mafia who operated inGujarat, Madhya Pradesh andRajasthan and was carryingprize on his head in MadhyaPradesh. He was an illegalweapon dealer. He had alsobeen convicted under TADA.

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several police officersincluding three IPS officers.Upon hearing the argumentsof the Union of India and ShriGopal Subramaniam, theamicus curiae and others, theSupreme Court referred thematter to the CBI. The groundon which the Supreme Courttransferred the case to the CBIwas that the investigationinvolved inter-stateramifications and the AndhraPradesh angle of the matterhad not been probed. As amatter of fact the CongressGovernment in AndhraPradesh did not cooperate inthe investigation by Gujaratpolice which is a matter ofrecord.

The CBI investigated thecase but did not investigateany of the four points, on thebasis of which the case wasreferred to the CBI, whichwere the points found lackingin Gujarat policeinvestigation. It did not probethe Andhra Pradesh angle ofthe case seriously. Theprobable purpose of the CBIin this case was to try andimplicate the politicalestablishment of Gujarat,setting aside the pretence offederal character of India’sgovernance. The CBI targetedShri Amit Shah, the thenHome Minister and also theMinister of Law, Transport &Parliamentary Affairs of theState of Gujarat with theultimate desire of implicatingNarendra Modi, the ChiefMinister of Gujarat.

Shockingly, when theLegal department of the CBI

opined that there was no caseagainst Shri Amit Shah, thesame was responded to bythe Supervisory Officer ofCBI, putting up a “Note” byobserving that the arrest ofAmit Shah would enable theCBI to get some morewitnesses particularly thepolice officers since theywould then feel intimidated.He also opined that arrestingAmit Shah was necessary sinceit was necessary to reach theeventual target of

investigation of NarendraModi. This note wasapproved by the Director,CBI, Shri Ashwani Kumar.

The CBI arrested AmitShah with no prosecutableevidence against him. In orderto arrest Amit Shah theyrelied on the false testimonyof two witnesses namely,Ramanbhai Patel andDashrathbhai Patel, notedland grabbers of Gujarat. ShriAmit Shah, as per the CBItheory in the Charge Sheet, isalleged to have told both ofthem six months after theencounter that Sohrabudinhad left no option for himself.This was incorporated as anextra judicial confession It isnoteworthy that bothRamanbhai Patel andDashrathbhai Patel have

criminal antecedents andcriminal cases in Gujarat.These two witnesses werefelicitated for having givensuch a deposition against ShriAmit Shah in a functionpresided over by ShriShankersinh Waghela, thethen President of GujaratCongress. The testimony ofthese two witnesses is basedupon the alleged extortionfrom them to help them inPASA detention. The recordof the Gujarat Government

shows that no detention ofthese persons under PASAwas never in contemplation.Said two witnesses alsoclaimed that they have paid asum of Rs. 75 lacs to Shri AmitShah through one Ajay Patelin three different installmentswith specific dates mentionedby them in their statement.They gave the specific datesof payments on which theyallegedly physically handedover the alleged amount toShri Ajay Patel. They furtherclaimed that they were therethrough all the dates. Thistestimony is false without anyfurther probe inter alia on theground that on some of thedates Ajay Patel was not evenin India and his passportestablishes this fact. This wasa key substance of a frivolous

The CBI arrested Amit Shah with no prosecutable evidenceagainst him. In order to arrest Amit Shah they relied on thefalse testimony of two witnesses namely, Ramanbhai Pateland Dashrathbhai Patel, noted land grabbers of Gujarat. ShriAmit Shah, as per the CBI theory in the Charge Sheet, isalleged to have told both of them six months after theencounter that Sohrabudin had left no option for himself.

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charge sheet filed against ShriAmit Shah. Shri Amit Shahwas granted bail on thischarge sheet by the GujaratHigh Court by a detailedspeaking order inter aliaholding that there is no primafacie case against Shri AmitShah. The CBI, however,challenged the said order andupon the request of the CBI,the Supreme Court orderedShri Amit Shah to remain outof Gujarat and all political

activities. He remainedoutside the State of Gujaratfor a period of two years. Thesaid order of the High Courtwas upheld by the SupremeCourt.Tulsi Prajapati encounter

Tulsi Prajapati was a casebuilt up by the CBI as anextension to the Sohrabudincase. The CBI solicited theinvestigation of this case bymaking a specific prayer inthe Court. Their ostensiblecase was that Tulsi Prajapatiwas a witness to the arrestand disappearance ofSohrabudin while in custodyof the police officers andcorrespondingly he waseliminated by the GujaratPolice. The only evidencementioned against Shri AmitShah by the CBI in this casewas that he was regularly in

touch with one police officerShri R.K. Pandian, IPS whowas an accused in the case.The vast contemporaneousrecord shows that ShriR.K.Pandian, IPS had beenregularly in telephonic contactof Shri Amit Shah muchbefore and after the incidentas a part of his official dutysince he was also heading thecharge of SP, IB (Intelligence)of the State Police lookingafter political agitations and

political activities. Any HomeMinister of any State will haveto necessarily remain in touchwith SP, IB (Intelligence) ofthe State Police looking afterpolitical agitations andpolitical activities since he hadto keep himself informedabout the activities on aregular basis. Without a pointof evidence a separate ChargeSheet was filed against ShriAmit Shah in the TulsiPrajapati case. Veryimportantly, though the CBIwas under the direction of theSupreme Court to completethe investigation of TulsiPrajapati case within 6 monthsfrom 11-04-2011, the CBIdeliberately and as a part ofpolitical conspiracy did notobey the direction and filedthe Charge Sheet on 04-09-2012 so as to arrest Shri Amit

Shah once again just fewmonths before the GujaratLegislative Assemblyelections which werescheduled to be held beforeDecember, 2012. Shri AmitShah had to approach theHon’ble Supreme Court. TheSupreme Court vide its orderdate 08-04-2013 held that noseparate charge sheet couldbe filed in this case since CBIitself had alleged that boththe cases were similar and itmerged the charge sheet withthe Sohrabudin case chargesheet thereby preventing theCBI arresting Shri Amit Shahonce again.Tulsi Prajapati and thearrest of Shri GulabChand Kataria, formerHome Minister Rajasthan

Shri Gulab Chand Katariais the former Home Ministerof Rajasthan and the presentLeader of Opposition in theRajasthan LegislativeAssembly and a veryimportant leader of RajasthanBJP. He is a complete strangerto even the existence of suchpersons known as Sohrabudinand Tulsi Prajapati. The CBIfiled a supplementary chargesheet against Gulab Katariawherein it was alleged thatthe motive of elimination ofTulsi Prajapati by GulabKataria was extorting moneyfrom marble dealers ofRajasthan namely RK Marbles.As per the CBI there weretwo motives; one the GujaratPolice wanted to eliminatehim in order to eliminate theeye-witness in the Sohrabduncase and the Home Minister

Tulsi Prajapati was a case built up by the CBI as anextension to the Sohrabudin case. The CBI solicited theinvestigation of this case by making a specific prayer inthe Court. Their ostensible case was that Tulsi Prajapatiwas a witness to the arrest and disappearance ofSohrabudin while in custody of the police officers andcorrespondingly he was eliminated by the Gujarat Police.

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of Rajasthan wanted to eliminate him forextorting money from marble dealers. Whata co-incidence. It was alleged by the CBIthat Shri Gulab Chand Kataria allegedlymet one Shri D. G Vanjara, IPS of GujaratPolice allegedly between 26/12/2005 and28/12/2005 at the Circuit House at Udaipur.The CBI evidence of his presence was thatPS of Shri Gulab Chand Kataria was stayingin the same Circuit House during that periodand Shri D.G.Vanzara, IPS also stayed inthe said Circuit House. However, recordsof the Rajasthan Government conclusivelyestablish that Shri Gulab Chand Katariaalong with his wife had flown on 25/12/2005 to Mumbai and stayed there till 2/1/2006. He attended the meeting of the BJPNational Executive and thereafter a meetingof the National Council and after celebratingNew Year along with his wife, returned toJaipur on 2/1/2006.”

It is clear from the above that the chargeswere filed against Amit Shah at the behestof the then political Government. There waslegally no admissible evidence against him.Amit Shah’s application for discharge wasopposed both by the CBI and Sohrabuddin’sbrother. The court heard both their lawyers’.The charge was without any basis. The factthat the CBI allowed itself to be misused isa cause for concern.

Since I had analysed the allegedevidence, both during investigation and afterthe filing of the charge sheet, I was amongstthe few voices which had consistentlymaintained in the past three years that theprosecution of Amit Shah was a case of “NoEvidence”. Without analysing the evidencein detail, the media allowed itself to reportas was briefed by CBI. Even a vital notingon the CBI file that the implication of AmitShah was necessary so that the then ChiefMinister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi couldbe implicated, was no news for them. I amrelieved at the fact that we have an independentjudicial system in India which has vindicatedAmit Shah.

(The writer is Union Minister of Finance & I&B)


Vision Document should be key to budgetplans : Shivraj Singh Chouhan

At a joint review meeting in Bhopal on 06January 2015 Madhya Pradesh Chief

Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan directedthat budgetary proposals of departments shouldbe chalked out in accordance with the StateGovernment’s Vision Document and SankalpPatra. Ministers should review budgetaryproposals themselves. He urged to work withrenewed vigour and energy in the New Year.

Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhanwill now undertake joint quarterly meetingsalong with Ministers and top officers fordepartmental review. Ministers, Chief Secretary,Additional Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretariesand Secretaries attended the meeting. Themarathon meeting lasted from 12 noon till latein the evening. The next joint meeting will beheld in April.

Shri Chouhan said that investmentpromotion is top priority of the StateGovernment. For this, all departments shouldwork with positive mindset. He himself meetsinvestors every Monday. Now, he will followup directives given at three previous Mondayson the last Monday of the month. Alldepartments should chalk out roadmap of worksdone in accordance with Vision Document during2015-16. Revenue earning departments mustmake intensive efforts for meeting targets duringnext quarter. All departments should fill upnecessary vacancies immediately for Simhastha-2016.

The Chief Minister said that a roadmap shouldbe chalked out within two weeks to ensureaction on the points identified by the CentralGovernment under Ease of Doing Business. TheState Government has identified 68 points forsimplification of procedures. All departmentsshould work towards Swachchh Bharat Abhiyanwith self-motivation.

All Ministers and officers should makefarmers aware about methods to save cropsfrom frost and inspect arrangements to dealwith cold wave in their respective areas.

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BJP National President,Shri Amit Shah,addressed a press

conference in Bengaluru,Karnataka on 3rd January2015. On this occasion ShriShah appealed to people tojoin hands with BJP to ensureCongress free Karnataka. ShriShah said that Karnataka’seconomy has crippled underthe misrule of the Congress.

Under BJP rule Karnataka’sgrowth rate was more than10 percent which has nowcome down around fivepercent. Shri Shah said thatafter Congress coming topower the youths ofKarnataka have becomeunemployed. The condition offarmers also is very poor and77 percent agriculturalhouseholds are indebted. Hesaid that enthusiasm of people

of Karnataka to join BJP isoverwhelming. Almost 20thousand people are becomingmembers of BJP each day. BJPwill achieve its target of onecrore members in the state byMarch 2015.

Shri Shah said thatTerrorism is a threat that theentire nation and the worldhas been subject to it in therecent years and the

otherwise peaceful Bengaluruhas been shocked and shakenby the recent incident ofterrorist violence/blast onChurch Street on 29th Dec2014. Our central HomeMinister, Shri Rajnath Singhjihas swiftly responded to thesituation by immediatelytaking the initiative of callingthe CM & offering NIAassistance in probing theincident and nabbing those

responsible. We however donot wish to politicize acts ofterrors and believe that weas a civil society, as a nation,as Indians need to fightterrorism unitedly. I also offermy heartfelt condolences tothe family of the deceasedSmt.Bhavani.

Shri Shah said that theCongress Govt in Karnatakais a non-performing, corrupt,defunct proving to be anabysmal failure in matters ofgovernance & law & order.The mandate of the people isbeing squandered by theSiddaramiah led congressgovernment. He said that thePrime Minister Shri NarendraModi led NDA governmenton very first day of the year2015 has gifted the NITI Ayogto nation. The NITI Ayog willreplace Planning Commission.Based on the concept of‘Cooperative Federalism’,NITI Ayog will have all theChief Ministers of states andLieutenant Governors ofUnion Territories as memberson its governing council. Itwill work as a ‘Team India’.

Shri Shah further statedthat the government hasrecommended promulgationof three important ordinancesto implement long pendingeconomic reforms and removethe impediments in way ofdevelopment. One of theseordinances is The Right to FairCompensation and

Congress Govt in Karnataka isnon-performing, corrupt and defunct : Amit Shah

From Our Correspondent

President's Karnataka Pravas

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Transparency in LandAcquisition, Rehabilitationand Resettlement(Amendment) Ordinance,2014. This importantordinance will ensure highercompensation for farmers andspeedy land acquisition forthe infrastructure projects. ShriShah later informed that, thegovernment has issuedInsurance Laws (Amendment)Ordinance, 2014 which willraise FDI limit from 26 percentto 49 percent in insurancesector. Insurance Bill hadbeen pending for severalyears in parliament. NDAgovernment tried to pass itduring winter session but theopposition hindered it inRajya Sabha.

Shri Shah during the pressconference elaborated that thegovernment has issued TheCoal Mines (SpecialProvisions) Second ordinance2014, which will ensure thefair auctioning of the coalblocks. This ordinance wasnecessitated after the historicverdict of the Supreme Courtin Coal Scam. Governmenttried to pass it during wintersession. Fact is ‘The CoalMines (Special Provisions)Bill, 2014’ was introduced andpassed from the Lok Sabha,where government has amajority but the oppositionstalled this in Rajya Sabha,where government fell shortof numbers. Thus, theobstructionist role assumedby the opposition partiesproved their anti- people andanti- development character.If this bill were passed, poor

states like Jharkhand andWest Bengal would havereceived the maximumbenefit.

BJP National Presidentfurther emphasized that thegovernment raised FDI limitin Defense to 49 percent andRailways to 100 percent toattract foreign investors.Beside this, FDI policy forConstruction andpharmaceutical sectors wouldbe further liberated. Shri Shahduring the conferenceinformed that as a result ofthe liberal policies of ModiGovernment FDI equityinflows of US $ 14.69 billionhave been received during thefinancial year 2014-15 (i.e.April- September, 2014),. Thisrepresents an increase of 17%over the FDI equity inflowsof US$ 12.59 billion receivedduring the correspondingperiod (April 2013-September, 2013) of theprevious financial year (2013-14). Shri Shah said that thegovernment introducedConstitutional AmendmentBill during winter session ofParliament. This is necessaryfor implementation of GST.Government has madeconstitutional provision forthe compensation for statesin case of revenue loss duethe implementation of GST ininitial year.

Referring to theachievements of thegovernment in first 7 months,Shri Shah said, under thedynamic leadership of PrimeMinister Shri Narendra Modi,Indian economy is moving in

the path of high growth rateand gradually emerging fromthe slowdown. In the first halfof Financial Year 2014-15(April-September) GDPgrowth rate increased to 5.5percent, while in the tenureof Congress-led UPAgovernment growth rate inthe first half Year 20l3-l4 wasonly 4.9 percent.

Shri Shah said that,the objective of NDAgovernment is – ‘SabkaSaath Sabka Vikas’. Withthe welfare policies andregulations of theeconomy during the NDArule a record decline ininflation in the past sixmonths have beenobserved. Wholesaleinflation is on a five-yearlowest level. Inflationbased Wholesale PriceIndex (WPI) fell to zeroper cent in November 2014.While in the tenure ofUPA government it was7.52 percent in November2013 and 6.18 per cent inMay 2014. Similarly, inNovember 2014 ConsumerPrice index came down to4.38 per cent while at thetime of Congress led UPAgovernment it was 11.16in November 2013 and8.28 percent in May 2014.

Shri Shah further saidthat, with the decline ininflation, Petrol and dieselhave become cheaper and allsections of society includingfarmers in villages arerelieved. There is aconsiderable decline in non

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subsidized LPG cylinders toowhich is a great relief to thepoor and marginalized sectionof society. Low inflation haseased the debt and has createda favorable climate forinvestment and growth.

Shri Shah said that thegovernment gave great reliefto the working middle classafter increasing the taxexemption limit to Rs 2.5 lakhfor general taxpayers and fromRs two lakh fifty thousand tothree lakhs for senior citizens.Similarly, for giving fair priceto farmers for their Rabi andKharif crops minimum supportprice has been increased.Making reference of the stepstaken in the direction ofpending economic reforms, ShriShah emphasized, governmenthas taken the importantdecisions regarding deregulation of diesel prices fixingthe price of domesticallyproduced natural gas. Shri Shahsaid that the government hasintroduced Pradhan Mantri JanDhan Yojna under which thecountry has opened more than10 crore bank accounts. Withthe help of this scheme financialinclusion and empowerment ofpoor has taken place as theycan get rid of moneylenders.The target of the scheme is toopen the account of everyfamily. Shri Shah said, togenerate employmentopportunities for the youth andto accelerate industrial growthGovernment has launched thecampaign ‘Make in India’. Also,the government has alsolaunched Pandit Deen DayalUpadhyay Shramev Jayate

program. Universal numberfor PF that helps employeesto operate their PF accountfrom anywhere. UnclaimedRs. 27,000 lying withEmployees provident fundorganization will be spent forthe benefit of the workers.Shri Shah said to providebasic services to the people,the government has approvedRs 43,000 crore for DeenUpadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna.Further, comprehensivereforms in the power sectorhave been on anvil.

Shri Shah said thatthe government hasstarted the process todevelop 100 new a world-class smart cities and Rs7,060 crores has beenallocated in generalbudget. Government hasalso launched a SwachhBharat campaign to ensureclean India. It hasestablished a SwachhBharat Kosh in thisregard. Shri Shah saidthat Modi governmenthas established goodgovernance to remove thePolicy Paralysis of UPAg o v e r n m e n t .Governmental decision-making process hasbecome fast. Group ofministers created at thetime of UPA governmenthas been abolished. http://attendance.gov.in/ hasbeen initiated for theattendance of governmentemployees so that allemployees reach on time.

In addition, it has been

decided to celebrate formerPrime Minister Shri AtalBihari Vajpayee’s birthdayon December 25 as a day ofgood governance. Shri Shahsaid that, the perceptionabout India is changing fastin the world. India is beingpraised in those countrieswhere Shri Modii istravelling like anything.NDA government has takensteps in WTO to protect theinterests of farmers and thepoor in the developingcountries, India hasmanaged to keep its standin their interest.

While talking about themeasures taken by thegovernment to stop blackmoney and corruption, ShriShah said that, on May 27,the next day of coming topower NDA constituted thespecial investigation teamfor the investigation of blackmoney.

In addition, the FinanceMinistry had sent a specialteam to Switzerland andafter the Government ofSwitzerland has agreed tocooperate with India. DigitalIndia program has beeninitiated to bringtransparency. Recentlyaccording to TransparencyInternational, CorruptionPerceptions index 2014,India is now ranked 85,which was 95 in previousyear. These facts clearlyshow, in such a short periodof six months, India hasimproved the credibilityunder the leadership of ShriModi.

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When we speak ofscience and humandevelopment, we

cannot divorce it frompolitical decisions, socialchoices, and questions ofequity, ethics and access.Human development hasbeen the larger purpose andthe driving force of Indianscientific pursuits. Andscience has helped shapemodern India. At the dawnof freedom, Prime MinisterJawaharlal Nehru placedscience and technology at theheart of nationaldevelopment. Our scientistslaunched pioneering researchand built outstandinginstitutions with modestresources that continue toserve us well. Since then, ourscientists have placed us atthe forefront of the world inmany areas. Our scientists putMangalyaan in the Mars orbitin the first attempt — I mustcongratulate K.Radhakrishnan’s team — andtheir accurate prediction ofCyclone Hudhud shich savedthousands of lives.

Our achievements give uspride, but they do not blindus to the enormous challengesthat we face in India. We areat yet another moment ofexpectation and excitement,as we were at the birth ofindependent India. But thedreams we all share for India

will depend as much onscience and technology as itwill on policy and resources.

Our developmentchallenges will naturallyshape our strategic prioritiesin science and technology.Even as we focus on some

key areas, we should notconfine research anddevelopment to a fewpredetermined paths. And itis as important to focus onbasic research as on researchand development andinnovation. We should alsorecognise that science isuniversal, but technology canbe local. If we incorporatetraditional and local

knowledge, systems andtechnologies, we may developmore appropriate, effective,affordable and sustainablesolutions that contributeimmensely to humandevelopment and progress.

When I speak of the ease

of doing business in India, Ialso want to pay equalattention to the ease of doingresearch and development inIndia. Funding proposalsmust not take too long toclear; meeting applicationrequirements should notbecome more complex thanresearch; the approval processshould not become adeterrent for international

Digital connectivity should become a basic rightExcerpts from Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s speech at the

Indian Science Congress at Mumbai University on January 3, 2014.

Indian Science Congress, Mumbai

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conferences; and our scientificdepartments must haveflexibility on fundingdecisions based on theuncertainties inherent inresearch activities. We wantour scientists and researchersto explore the mysteries ofscience, not of governmentprocedures. We want them toconsider publications, notgovernment approvals, to bethe epitome of their success.

Further, not just scientificdepartments, but every otherdepartment in thegovernment should see howto apply science andtechnology and promoteresearch to improve theirwork. Each should have anofficer focusing on scienceand technology relating to itsarea of work and allocate apercentage of its budget forsuch activities. Investments inscience and technologyactivities should also becomepart of the expenditure oncorporate social responsibility— to be funded directly orthrough an autonomous fund.

We also need to foster astrong culture ofcollaboration betweeninstitutions and acrossdisciplines to take advantageof developments, innovationand expertise in diverse areas.

My impression is that this isfar from the ideal in India.We have to place theuniversity system at thecutting edge of research anddevelopment activities in thecountry. Our investments inscience and technology are fartoo concentrated in theagencies of the Centralgovernment and must becomemore broadbased. Ouruniversities must be freed

from the clutches of excessiveregulation and cumbersomeprocedures. They must havea higher degree of academicfreedom and autonomy andthere should be as muchemphasis on research as onteaching. In turn, universitiesmust also subscribe to thehighest academic andresearch standards andaccountability. This includesthorough peer review.

India’s pharmaceuticalindustry has carved out aplace for itself in the worldbecause it invests significantlyin research. Indeed, our long-term global competitivenesswill depend not on replicatingwhat others have done buton a process of sustaineddevelopment and innovation.There is a growing trend ofinternational collaboration inR&D, not just among business

enterprises, but equallyamong researchers andscholars at universities andlaboratories. We should takefull advantage of this. For thisreason, I have placed scienceand technology at theforefront of our diplomaticengagement.

I have often spoken ofskill development for ouryouth. Our future will besecure and global leadershippossible if we also prepare thenext generation of world-classscientists, technologists andinnovators. School educationin science and mathematicsshould become more creativeand stimulating.

Let us also use the internetto bring the best of ourscientists in direct contact withour children and our youth.Digital connectivity shouldbecome as much a basic rightas access to school.

We in India are theinheritors of a thrivingtradition of Indian scienceand technology since ancienttimes. Mathematics andmedicine, metallurgy andmining, calculus and textiles,architecture and astronomy— the contribution made byIndian civilisation to humanknowledge and advancementhas been rich and varied.Above all, we must restorethe pride and prestige ofscience and scientists in ournation, revive the romance forscience in society, rekindle thelove for it in our children,and encourage our scientiststo dream, imagine andexplore.

Our universities must be freed from the clutches of excessiveregulation and cumbersome procedures. They must have a higherdegree of academic freedom and autonomy and there should beas much emphasis on research as on teaching. In turn,universities must also subscribe to the highest academic andresearch standards and accountability. This includes thoroughpeer review.

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Commitment to DemocracyDemocracy and secularism are

inseparable. A state that discriminatesbetween one citizen and another on groundsof their faith, which does not treat themequally, cannot claim to be truly democraticbecause one of the cardinal principles onwhich democracy is based is equality of allcitizens. Our commitment to Secularism,therefore, is as fundamental as ourcommitment to Democracy.

Among those asembled at thisconvention, there are thousands who in 1975-76 put up a valiant fight in defence ofdemocracy. They underwent all kinds ofsufferings. Several colleagues of ours becamemartyrs in that struggle. Today, we canonly offer them our respectful homage.Distorted Secularism

It is a matter of regret that over theyears, Congress policies have distorted theconcept of Secularism. It has come to beidentified simply with the protection ofinterests of religious minorities. Indeed,very often Secularism becomes only a

respectable garb for the appeasement ofnarrow communal or sectional interests.True Secularism is Positive Concept

No doubt, protection of minorityinterests is an important aspect ofsecularism. But in its totality, secularism isa much wider and a more positive concept.As indicated earlier, it constitutes thebedrock of democracy. It is also a guaranteeof nationalism and national integration.

It is this broad and positive concept ofsecularism that the BJP subscribes to. In theIndian background, we can claim to haveestablished a truly secular State only if we areable to instil in every citizen, irrespective ofhis religion, caste, region or language, asense of Indianness, which I believe existsin all our countrymen and which needs tobe assiduously nurtured and strengthened.This Indianness is based on a value systemdeveloped out of a synthesis of divergentexperiences of various sections of thepopulation over the centuries. This processof synthesis and harmonisation mustcontinue, and all religions in the country

‘Darkness will be dispelled, the Sun willrise and the Lotus shall bloom’

Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpeyee remains a towering figurein Indian politics. His contribution to Indian politics and public lifeis immense and he is an inspiration to large number of people. Thenation has also celebrated his birth day as ‘Sushashan Divas’ on25th December 2014. Atalji became the first president of BharatiyaJanata Party at the time of its formation on 6th April 1980. Thecircumstance that led to the formation of BJP and that necessitatedthe parting ways from then Janata Party were unique and offered achallenge to the members of erstwhile Jansangh who had decidedto merge with Janata Party in the national interest. Shri Atal BihariVajpayee led the party to face the challenges of the time and restartedthe process of building the new party. The Presidential Speech

delivered by Atalji in the National Council meeting held in Bombay (now Mumbai) on 28-30 December1980 set tone for the new spirit of the party and announced the new found resolve of the karyakartas oferstwhile Jansangh to rededicate themselves in the service of Maa Bharati. It was a historic speech. Weare publishing the Presidential Address of Atalji for our esteemed readers in a series. The third part of theseries is published below:

Part III

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can contribute towards making our citizensbetter Indian’s and all Indians better humanbeings.Twelve months of Failure

Twelve months have gone by. But inDelhi, the Government that works is stillnowhere in sight.

There is a Parliament, of course. Itswinter session has just ended. By putting itsseal of approval to 10 Ordinances in 24 days,it has set up a new record. The Houses havebeen kept sitting till past mid-night in orderto pass black Bills like the National SecurityBill. On 14 August, 1947, Pandit Nehru hadsaid in the Constituent Assembly; “At the strokeof the midnight hour when the world sleeps, India willawake to life and freedom.”New Chains of Slavery

On 22 December, 1980, when the RajyaSabha, deliberating till 1.00 AM passed theNational Security Bill, someone could wellhave observed: “While all India is asleep, theelected representatives of the people, instead of devisingways to guarantee them two square meals, are engagedin forging new chains to enslave them.”

The Supreme Court also is there in itsplace. In the Minerva Mills case, it once againreaffirmed that there are in our Constitutionsome basic features which may not betinkered with by Parliament. But Governmentis all set to have this verdict scrapped. TheSupreme Court is being depicted as aroadblock on the path of progress. Quite afew vacancies on the Bench remain unfilled.

The Press generally is alive to itsresponsibilities. The demoniac blinding ofundertrials in Bhagalpur may not have cometo light if The Indian Express and Sunday had notshown the enterprise and boldness to exposethese misdeeds.Gagging of the Press

However, the newspaper world isgripped by an unarticulated fear—the fearof consequences that can follownon-conformist writing. The gherao ofnewspaper offices in Bangalore, and themass rape, and murder of Chhabirani, wifeof journalist Mahapatra of Orissa, convey

an ominous significance that cannot bemissed. If bizarre happenings such as theseare not sufficient to keep the press in line,New Delhi is always willing to use its arm-twisting skills against press barons to fixthe newspapers.Abuse of official Media

Abuse of governmental media such asradio and television, has now transgressedall bounds of decency. The role of radio andtelevision during the years has made utternonsense of government’s pretensions aboutdemocracy. Our shortsighted rulers do notseem to realise that once these media losecredibility with the people, they cannot beeffective even as drum-beaters of the rulingparty, a task they have shamelesslyundertaken.Administrative Paralysis

In New Delhi today, there is aGovernment, but there is no administration.There is a Prime Minister, but one who haslost her grip. The secretariat is there asalways, but the services seem struck byparalysis as it were. No decisions are beingtaken. No one is willing to ownresponsibility. Ministers wear a permanantlook of nervousness, always fearful of thehour when they too might be shown theboot like Kamalapati Tripathi. Thebureaucracy is demoralised, and feelsapprehensive lest, for being upright in theperformance of their duties, they shouldhave to suffer humiliation or evenimprisonment as DIG, CBI Shri N.K. Singhhad to suffer.Loyalists Rewarded

The rewarding of Ministers and officerswho had debased and discreditedthemselves during the emergency has had avery unhealthy effect on the entireadministration. Victory in elections, whichnaturally depends on many factors andcircumstances, cannot wash away thecategorically proved conclusions of the ShahCommission, nor convert the stinkingscandal of Maruti into a monument of goodconduct.

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24 Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015

Defections EncouragedDuring the last 12 months, the immoral

process of defections promoted by selfishnessand lust for power has continued unabated.Instead of trying to halt this, the rulingparty has been unabashedly engaged intrying to seduce and corrupt potential floor-crossers. As a result, the already soiledreputation of politicians has been furthertranished. More distressing still, the partysystem itself has been seriously undermined.

When the Assam Assembly was placedunder ‘suspended animation’, the Cong (I) hadonly 8 legislators. Now the party has 56. Itmay be noted that this accretion of strengthhas taken place during a period when theyouth of Assam were immersed in a life anddeath struggle to save their State fromforeign infltration. Their struggle continueseven today but the Centre is unable toprovide any solution.Police Atrocities

A large section of the people inMoradabad feel convinced that they canreceive no protection from PAC. TheBhagalpur police also seems to believe thatby blinding undertrial prisoners, they haveonly effectively discharged their duty ofcurbing crime. The stripping of a woman inBaghpat by the police and parading hernaked in the streets was shameful, but evenmore disturbing is the fact that hundreds ofpeople watched this outrage in mutehelplessness. All these happenings arepointers not merely of administrative failureor of a decline in social consciousness; theyindicate a virtual distinegration of ourinstitutional framework. Some politicalanalysts have described the situation as “acivilisational crisis”.

Whatever be the epithet used to describethis crisis, there is no doubt that this crisisis unaprecedented. The fading charisma ofone individual, the influence of a partycracking up with dissensions and thebattered prestige of government arecertainly in no position to surmount thiscrisis.

Sinister moves to install a “Presidentfor Life”

People who advocate adoption of thepresidential system in place of our presentparliamentary democracy as a panacea forthese ills are either fools or knaves. In mostcases, it is the latter description which wouldfit. Talks about a “President for life” and an“elected judiciary” are not the fancies of anindividual. They are indices of a deepconspiracy which aims at perpetuating thehold on the State acquired by the presentrulers with the help of negative votes. Ifthese designs succeed, India would cease tobe a republic. This conspiracy must beexposed and frustrated before it canmaterialise.Electoral Reform

An analysis of the 1980 election resultswould show that once again a party that failedto secure the support of the majority of electorshas succeeded in capturing power. In the lastLok Sabha elections, the Cong. (I) secured 351seats out of 525, but in terms of votes theCong (I) got only 42.56% of the votes cast.

Indeed, it is one of the major quirks ofour election system that under this system, onthe basis of minority votes a party is able tosecure an overwhelming majority of seats. Rightsince 1952, there has been not a single electionin which the winning party has been able tosecure the support of a majority of theelectorate. Even the Janata Party, when it wonthe elections in 1977, got only 43.06% votes.Election a Big Gamble

This system yields odd results. In 1977, theJanata Party secured 43.06% votes but on thatbasis got only 298 seats, whereas in 1971,with almost the same voting percentage,the Cong (I) was able to get 350 seats. Thenagain in 1980, with 42.56% votes, the Cong(I) managed to get 66.86% seats whereas in1977, with a higher poll percentage of43.06%, the Janata could get only 56.80%seats in Parliament. Critics of this system inBritain have said that this system makeselections a big gamble.

...To be continued

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BJP National GeneralSecretary (Organization)Shri Ramlal on January

5,2014 exhorted party workersto shift into poll mode and fanout through the state to connectthe people.

“Our partypresident Shri AmitShah has given aslogan - “ JahanChunav, wahansarkar” (whereverelection takes place, BJPshould formgovernment) and thesame principle holdstrue for Bihar whichgoes to assembly pollslater this year,” he saidat the inaugural meeting of thetwo-day Bihar BJP state executivein Patna.

Exuding confidence that theBJP-led NDA will sweep theBihar assembly polls as well tocontinue its winningmomentum, the BJP NationalGeneral Secretary (organisation)said that the onus was now onparty workers to fan out, win thetrust of the masses andstrengthen the party’s machineryat the ground level.

“Since winning the generalelections under Shri Modi’sleadership in May last year, wehave bagged Maharashtra,Haryana, and Jharkhand,besides getting an impressive 25-seat tally in Jammu andKashmir,” he said seeking toinstill confidence among partyleaders about winning Bihar as

well.Shri Ramlal asked the party

workers to convince the peopleof Bihar that it always helped fortheir betterment if the same partygot to rule at the Centre and in astate and coined a new slogan -

“Jiski kendra mein sarkar, uskipradesh mein sarkar, chalochalein Modi ke Sath.”

He also gave another slogan- “Chalo Chalein Modi ke Sath,Bihar ka hoga vikas (Let us gowith Modi for development ofBihar)” - and asked the partyworkers to popularize thisslogan as well to connect themasses in Bihar. Shri Ramlalalso slammed Janata Parivar forproposing to merge under a newbanner to take on the BJP in Biharassembly polls and said that thenomenclature was a misnomerto say the least.

“As far as I can see, it’s onlyparivar (families) without janata(people),” he said referring tolack of crowd at the JanataParivar leaders’ protest meetingat Jantar Mantar in Delhi lastmonth.

Trashing the Janata Parivaras ‘bemel gathbandhan’(incongruous alliance), ShriRamlal said that its leaders wereout to preserve themselves andtheir families, but the people willdefeat their nefarious designs at

the hustings in Bihar.Earlier, the state unit BJP

president Shri Mangal Pandeyspoke at the opening function ofthe state executive in which heexhorted the party workers totake the upcoming Biharassembly polls as an opportunityand challenge before them.

BJP has set out on a one-point agenda to win 175+ seatsin Bihar, Shri Pandey said.

Former Deputy ChiefMinister Shri Sushil KumarModi, former Union MinisterShri C P Thakur, BJP Lok SabhaMPs Shri Ashwani Chaube,Shri Kirti Azad, Shri OmPrakash Yadav, ShriNityanand Rai, Shri SushilKumar Singh and a number ofother state leaders were presentat the inaugural function of thestate executive.

Bihar BJP State Executive, Patna

Bihar next destination forresurgent BJP : Ramlal

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26 Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015

The Union Cabinet,chaired by the PrimeMinister Shri Narendra

Modi passed ordinances tostimulate pace ofdevelopmental and welfarework. After closing of wintersession the governmentpassed ordinance to amendcertain amendments in theRight to Fair Compensationand Transparency in LandAcquisition, Rehabilitationand Resettlement Act, 2013,Citizenship Act,1955, theArbitration, ConciliationAct,1996, the Mines andMineral(Development andregulation) Act,1957,CoalMines auction process, tolegalize E-rickshaws,ordinance to hike foreigninvestment cap in theinsurance sector to 49 percent, ordinance to regularizeunauthorized colonies inDelhi.

The Cabinet passed theordinance on December 29 toamend to the Right to FairCompensation andTransparency in LandAcquisition, Rehabilitationand Resettlement Act, 2013.The Act came into effect fromJanuary 1, 2014 but it has beenreported that many difficultiesare being faced in itsimplementation. In order toremove them, certainamendments have been made

in the Act to furtherstrengthen the provisions toprotect the interests of the‘affected families’. In addition,procedural difficulties in theacquisition of lands requiredfor important national projectsrequired to be mitigated.States, Ministries andstakeholders had beenreporting many difficulties inthe implementation of thisAct. Several suggestions came

up in interactions with StateRevenue Ministers and keyimplementing Ministries.Proposed amendments meetthe twin objectives of farmerwelfare; along withexpeditiously meeting thestrategic and developmentalneeds of the country.Pro-farmer step:Excluded Acts broughtunder RFCTLARR Act forCompensation and R&R

The existing Act videSection 105 (read withSchedule IV) has kept 13 mostfrequently used Acts for LandAcquisition for the CentralGovernment Projects out ofthe purview. These acts are

applicable for nationalhighways, metro rail, atomicenergy projects, electricityrelated other projects etc.Thus a large percentage offamers and affected familieswere denied thecompensation and R&Rmeasures prescribed underthe Act.

The present amendmentsbring all those exempted 13Acts under the purview of

this Act for the purpose ofcompensation as well asrehabilitation andresettlement. Therefore, theamendment benefits thefarmers and the affectedfamilies.Pro-development: Fasterprocessing withoutcompromising oncompensation or R&Rmeasures to farmers

The second importantaspect of the amendment isto make developmental andsecurity related works muchfaster without compromisingon the benefits/compensationto be given to the farmers. Inthe process of prolonged

Union Cabinet brings ordinance to speed updevelopmental & welfare agenda

Govt. regularises unauthorized colonies in Delhi

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procedure for landacquisition, neither the farmeris able to get benefit nor isthe project completed in timefor the benefit of society atlarge.

Therefore the presentchanges allow a fast trackprocess for defence anddefence production, ruralinfrastructure includingelectrification, housing forpoor including affordablehousing, industrial corridorsand infrastructure projectsincluding projects taken upunder Public PrivatePartnership mode whereownership of the landcontinues to be vested withthe government. Theseprojects are essential forbringing in better economicopportunities for the peopleliving in these areas andwould also help in improvingquality of life. The 2013 Actwas the UPA 2 government’sanswer to forced acquisitions,the previous law’s silence onrehabilitation and re-settlement of displacedpersons, low rates ofcompensation and the‘urgency clause’ — whichallowed completedispossession without priornotice to affected families —under the Colonial 1894 landacquisition law.

The Cabinet also onDecember 29 approvedamendment to the existingguidelines that enablesregularization of allunauthorized colonies thathave come up till June 1, 2014namely extension of cut-off

date for regularization fromMarch 31, 2002 to June 1, 2014.This will provide the benefitsaccruing from regularizationto a large number of peoplein unauthorised colonies thathave come in existencebetween March 31, 2002 andJune1,2014.

On January 5, the UnionCabinet approved changes tothe Mines and MineralsDevelopment and Regulation(MMDR) Act. The proposedchanges were to make auctionthe preferred mode to sellimportant minerals. There are60,000 mining applicationspending with states. TheCentre will now get somediscretionary powers overstates. The Centre will nowdecide on rules for auctioningand it is along the lines ofcoal auction. The states willperform the auction and willalso get the revenue out ofthese auctions. The Centrewill ensure that thesetimelines are met and it willalso have the power tointervene if states do notmeet the order as per thetimelines. The onus will beon states to expedite thesemining leases. It will bebeneficial for the states andCentre will retain its powerto monitor it and ensure thatthese timelines are met formining. With this, thegovernment has paved theway for leases to be easilytransferable. Thesetransferable leases areexpected to attract privateinvestments and foreigndirect investment

The Cabinet approved theordinance route for coal andinsurance reforms and alsoliberalized foreign investmentpolicy in the medical devicessector. The hiking of theforeign investment cap in theinsurance sector to 49 percent, which has been pendingsince 2008, would result incapital inflow of $6 billion.

The Ordinancedemonstrates the firmcommitment anddetermination of thisgovernment to reforms. It alsodemonstrate to the rest of theworld including investors thatthis country can no longer waiteven if one of the houses ofParliament waits indefinitelyto take up its agenda. TheInsurance Laws AmendmentBill, 2008 could not be takenup for discussion in Parliamentdespite being approved by theSelect Committee of the UpperHouse because of the uproarover the conversion and otherissues. The Coal Mines (SpecialProvisions) Bill, 2014 wasalready approved by the LokSabha during the session butcould make no progress in theRajya Sabha. The re-promulgation of ordinance oncoal will facilitate e-auctionof coal blocks for privatecompanies for captive use andallot mines directly to stateand central PSUs.

Liberalising of the FDIpolicy for the medical devicesegment in the pharmaceuticalsector is expected to helpattract more investments andboost the domesticmanufacturing.

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28 Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015

Good and transparent governanceour top priority : Raghubar Das

Former Deputy ChiefMinister and senior BJPleader Shri Raghubar

Das was sworn in as the tenthChief Minister of the State atBirsa Munda FootballStadium, Ranchi on 28December 2014. JharkhandGovernor Syed Ahmedadministered oath of officeand secrecy toShri Das andfour Ministersof the newCabinet in thepresence ofCMs of twoStates, UnionM i n i s t e r s ,senior leadersof the BJP andMLAs of theA J S U - B J Pcoalition. ShriDas, who willrepresent the JamshedpurEast constituency in the 81-member legislative assembly,is ascend to the position. The59-year-old will also head thefirst of Jharkhandgovernment, since the state’sformation on November 15,2000, to be formed with thesupport of only two politicalparties. BJP and AJSU Partyhave a total of 42 legislators,one more than the requiredmajority. With Shri Das’swearing-in, Jharkhandbecame the eighth state to go

the BJP way. The other stateswhich the BJP governs areGujarat, Chhattisgarh,Madhya Pradesh, Haryana,Goa, Maharashtra andRajasthan.

Prime Minister ShriNarendra Modi and BJPNational President Shri AmitShah and some other Union

Ministers, however, could notattend the occasion as theirflight could not take off dueto heavy fog in Delhi. Amongothers senior leadersincluding Chhattisgarh CMDr Raman Singh, MaharashtraCM Shri Devendra Fadnavis,Union Ministers Shri MVenkaiah Naidu, Shri NitinGadkari, Shri SudarshanBhagat, Shri RamkripalYadav, Shri Radha ModhanSingh and senior BJP leaders,including Shri TS Rawat, ShriSushil Modi and former CM

Shri Hemant Soren along withAJSU chief Shri Sudesh Mahtowere present on that occasion.

Shri Raghubar Das, cladin a red jacket and white kurtatook oath at 11:25 am withgreat cheer from the crowdfollowed by Khunti MLA ShriNeelkanth Singh Munda,Ranchi MLA Shri CP Singh,

Ramgarh legislator of AJSUShri Chandra PrakashChaudhary and Dumka MLASmt. Louis Marandi.

The scene at MorhabadiFootball Stadium wasunforeseen in the brief annalsof Jharkhand. Crowd of over35,000 people thronged thearena, including who’s who,political workers, supporters,activists and most importantlyhosts of common residents ofthe State. Otherwise held atclosed circuits of coveted andinaccessible Raj Bhawan, the

From Our Correspondent

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ceremony was open for allthis time.

Enthusiasm was such thatregular chant of ‘Bharat Mataki Jai’ and ‘Vande Mataram’continued throughout theceremony. Much of that wasin the expectation of PrimeMinister Shri Narendra Modiwhose huge billboards wereput in every pillar and post,including of the greatrevolutionaries belonging tothe State.

Chief Secretary SajalChakravorty started theproceeding and the Governorusing his powers underArticle 164(1) of theConstitution invited theleader of the biggest partyShri Raghubar Das toadminister oath of the officealong with four other leadersas his Cabinet colleagues.

Immediately after takingoath the CM went toKaramtoli area of the city andtook part in the cleanlinessdrive there. Later he went togarland Bhagwan BirsaMunda’s statue at BirsaChowk on way to hisresidence in HEC colony.“Good and transparentgovernance along withensuring the rule of law inthe State will be the toppriorities of the Government.We will take along all sectionsof society to see the light ofdevelopment as promised byPM Shri Narendra Modiduring the elections,” saidShri Das after swearing-in.

The CM in his first Cabinetmeeting called on 28December evening also took

scores of decisions toestablish a better connect ofthe Government with themasses. The move is expectedto efficiently make thebenefits of welfare schemesreach the people in need.Talking to the media personsat the airport, Union MinisterShri M Venkaiah Naidu alsoassured for a concerted effortboth from the Centre and

BJP SC Morcha Executivemeeting held in New Delhi

An individual becomes great by his/her deeds.BJP led governmenthas decided to celebrate Ambedkar Jayanti countrywide ,RajnathSingh said while addressing the BJP SC Morcha Executive Meeting atNDMC hall in New Delhi. He added, Modi ji has started Sansad GramYojna in view of deprived and poor section of society. Our motto ofpolitics is not coming in power but making the nation.

While apprizing about various schemes of the ministry, CabinetMinister of Social Justice and Empowerment Shri Thawar ChandGehlot said,6730 crore of rupees is allotted in 2014-15. Yet 2400crores out of 6730 crore has been spent. Whereas, 6625 crore wasallotted in 2013-14 and by 1st of September 2013 only 644 crore wasspent.

BJP SC Morcha President Shri Dushyant Gautam, addressing theexecutive members across the country appreciated the work beingdone by the Narendra Modi led government to the upliftment of poorof society. BJP National Vice President Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe askedthe representatives on the occasion that every member must make100 members and make at least two active member at booth level.

BJP National General Secretary(Organization) Shri Ramlalelaborated on membership drive and said that every state presidentshould make at least 300 new members.

State levels to deal with theNaxal menace and alsopromised all help in pullingJharkhand out of its currentvicious cycle.

Union cabinet MinisterShri Nitin Gadakari said,“Stability of this Governmentwould provide goodgovernance to Jharkhand anddesired fillip for all arounddevelopment.”

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30 Kamal Sandesh January 16-31, 2015

Source of KnowledgeIn addition to the methods of

experiment and observation,which are the sources ofknowledge in the ModernSciences, Ayurveda acceptsconcentrated meditation andintuition (Yoga) as a method ofacquiring knowledge. He whorelies solely on observation, thinksmore of differences than ofsimilarities. The methods ofinvestigation in Ayurveda are moresynthetic leading to oneness,Adwaita, whereas the tendencyin Modern Medicine is moreanalytical leading to dissipationof ideas.

The mechanistic view of manprevailed progressively during thelast two or three centuries, andany disease was considered to bea breakdown in the machine,which should be set right byadjusting or repairing thedamaged parts. The attention tothe part or organ assumes greaterimportance than the considerationof the whole man. Ayurvedaconsiders man as a complex andinseparable combination of thematerial body, the senses, themind and the soul. Happiness inlife depends upon the control ofthe senses and contentment.(Charaka Sutra-I)The Factor ofPersonality

Unlike the machine, man hasmind, Manas. Manava is one whohas a mind. He has the power ofthinking and deciding his futureconduct. The decision dependsupon the personality of every

individual, which is unborn in allliving creatures and persists aslong as the organism lives. It isoften transmitted to the offspring.Triguna Theory

Constitutional traits or inborntendencies or qualities areclassified in Ayurveda into threecategories called Trigunas. The

constitutional factors leading toemotions are due to Rajoguna.The constitutional factors leadingto inertia are due to Tamoguna.The constitutional factors leadingto equilibrium or harmony are dueto Sattwaguna. The mental andphysical characteristics of everyindividual in health and diseaseare determined by thepredominance of one or the otherof these three qualities, Trigunas.Tridosha Theory

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are thenutritive fluids that feed the livingorganisms through the nervous,digestive and lymphatic systemsrespectively. Vata is constitutedpredominantly of Rajas, Pitta ofSattwa and Kapha of Tamas.

Their equilibrium is health andimbalance is disease.

Clinically, these theories arevery helpful to the diagnosis andsuccessful treatment of themultifarious diseases of the mindand the body. These theoriesrepresent the syntheticpsychosomatic conception ofman, which deals with his mentaland physical states including theeffects of the vitamins,hormones, toxins, antibodies andall factors relating to the self andthe environments of time andplace. The physiology ofAyurveda begins where thephysiology of Modern Scienceends. This means that theAyurveda deals with both theknown and the unknown as well,through its philosophy.

The theories of Ayurvedahave not been so far verified bymodern research, because theinstruments of Science have theirown limitations, when they haveto deal with living matter. Furtherresearch is sure to establish thetruth of these assumptions, whichare like axioms as Ayurveda isconcerned. Even the illiteratepeople and particularly women inIndia understand theories whichthey apply in their daily life. Thepractitioner of Modern Medicinerefuses to understand them,because he has lost his mooringsin the Indian Culture on accountof the bias that he has been taughtto acquire by his neweducation……….

To be continued …..Courtesy: Divine Life Society

Ayurveda : Although ancient it can be ever newBy Sri Swami Sivananda

Golden words from aadhyatma