3 strong reasons why you need to step up your social media gameplan

Why You Need To Step Up Your Social Media Gameplan 3 Strong Reasons

Transcript of 3 strong reasons why you need to step up your social media gameplan

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Why You Need To Step Up Your Social Media Gameplan

3 Strong Reasons

Page 2: 3 strong reasons why you need to step up your social media gameplan

1. Increased Exposure For Small Businesses

Brands are now creating a lot more exposure with the use of social media. It allows businesses to branch out and create many types of content that are then dispersed on different social media channels.

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Increased Exposure For Small Businesses (Continued)

The importance of brand exposure is a top benefit for business because it creates awareness. Once people are aware of your brand after seeing it once, or perhaps seeing it multiple times using re-targeting, they get your message embedded in their subconscious.

The power of social media is allowing brands to capture new eyes, new audiences. An example of an industry that social media really works well for is real estate. There is so much competition in the real estate market, that social media allows for creating brand awareness if you use it consistently.

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2. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube

From statistics taken from Social Media Examiner, we see that LinkedIn is by far the most popular and most effective platform for B2B social media marketing. LinkedIn is a fantastic social media platform because business owners can share their stories, experiences, and anything worth mentioning about their own brands. Think of LinkedIn as the social platform where you can connect with CEO’s and other likeminded people like yourself.

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2. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube (Continued)

Not far behind LinkedIn is Facebook. Most people use it. Facebook is a platform that allows you to share your content in more ways than one. You can create a business page and share your blog posts, videos, testimonials, and anything in between. Advertising on Facebook is massive, and business owners take advantage by using it to showcase their products and services to targeted audiences.

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2. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube (Continued)

Twitter is a the platform that seems to confuse people when they first start to use it. You can use an online service such as TweetDeck (https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/) to monitor conversations in real time. If you really want to focus on sales and not on social media then you can hire a personal assistant to help monitor conversations for you. Your personal assistant can either chat on your behalf, or send you an immediate request to check the conversations happening on Twitter.

Then there is YouTube. The latest and most relevant trend in social media is the use of video. It is the most effective way to get your messaging across to people online.

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3. Social Media Increases Your Website Traffic

Statistics also show that social media increases traffic to your website. This stat is obvious. When consistently put relevant content on the right social media platforms you will get clicks and traffic to your website.

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3. Social Media Increases Your Website Traffic (Continued)

The important thing to remember is to create content on a regular basis. The content you share on social media really needs to add value to your intended target audience. When your audience sees you consistently sharing relevant content, they will share and they will talk about you.

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3. Social Media Increases Your Website Traffic (Continued)

Social Media isn’t going anywhere, and it’s constantly evolving. New ideas spring up new applications and social platforms. The key factor is that social media increases exposure of your brand. Remember to use LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube if you are B2B. Traffic to your website will start to increase when you use social media consistently, and share relevant content that is scooped up by your intended audience.

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