3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)

download 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)

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Transcript of 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Albany Police Dept Su .ect Resistance ReportOaylDatemme of Incident: : 3 q Incident #: O ( l-d/gitelocation of Incident: .~-------------'-~J

    Supervisor Notified: Sit , ~'S'. yY1cCe l 1 'iOfcerts) Deploying Force: . .,Interviewing/Filing Officer (i f lerent): ---'- __

    On Scene? @'No - .-

    -..' ': ...Subjecfs Name: Age: 2~ oOB: .Sex:.lrL Height: ~()l,' Weight:. 1~ o Race: jJ~(J:. Charge(s): r lUo,/& - I ,P2Z-o- f\.' . IForceUsed/Displayedby Subject: [7~e('!\.. r . h;5 kwh.; I Q c r-e ~ ,\Injuries to Subject: nOl'\.e ITreated by: - .Hospital Adl11ission?: ---:._ = = _ - - , - - - - - ' - - - - - 'Subject Under Influence of: Drugs/Alcohol/OtheF List, jf Known: _..L>

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)



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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    o _ c . Administrative QuestionsTO BE A SKED . OF mY PER$qN EXPOSED T O o .c,i. re you currently under the Influence of tlne, Amphetamines. !Barbi turates, PCP Of otQ~, U in qge ns, H eta R a or ot,he r Opiat~. 91 'Alc.q!lol?_ No _ ItYes. Whidt 000(5)1 ---------Re ed.to AO$Wer:; ...,.-,.-- pa te !T iroe : In itia ls ----2. Have you take Cocaine . Amphd:3min~, BarbitwJ~t~, p-p or other Hait~in09ens, Heroi~ ero th l " Op ia ls , or: lcobol in the LAST 8 HOURS?YS~ No ifY f; '$~W hich OI1~~}? --------~---Refused to Amwe DateITime: Initials ----3. DQ y~ n~JIy f . a i ny' il. Ir 1P~e: ;r i~9n ~~gs:>rYes . No. IfY \Vtlidl Qne($)1....,..--_-,----:-,...,.-~"...__-~~.-R~~to.nswet;~' ~mn.w:_ __ --..-......,......njtial5 : ......4.. Do you ha v~ he art prb le ms, ILU ngptll, ~ diabetes. high bl~d p'~IIre;or ;imf 9~?r nwd.~ 1 '.condition?Yes__ No __ .fY8S;WhichOn $)?--------~----Refused to Answer. _ oateJ11 Initiais ..~ .

    5. o you ff lW e lilYallergies?Yes__ No ~ !tYS, Which Onc(s)? _~~~--- -----l,\--Refused to Answer: __ o;tarrl lm: = \ ~ IoWa!$,- . - - _ ' .. .o . l. '\ _ ' -~.~ ~------~ thi! undersigned officer, ha.ve mRleted the above mterview wi th____-:--~------~---onthS dayof 20.......

    Ti Q f CQ inp le ( oo .'.. . . .. . .. . .~~' ()ff i ,erSIgrnt tUre - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - ~itneSsed By , ' . ' .: ' : : ', ' ; > " , : , , : . ,; . . :,, , :: .: ~ jC : ' ; : : L : "' : /I ' , ,: ' : '> . . . . . , " . ' ' , . : ' , ', ':1'o . "" i " / :, , : < . : '. ' : ,; J : " : ; ; ; ' ,' , ,. : , . ' . : ' , : . :. , . ~ , : , , : < r , , , ~ : : : . ;i ; : ; , ; : ; ;: , : ; , , ': ~ : : , ' : : ; : ;~ , , \ :.,': . ' ,~,;:,\"',\:(::~'~:'~',:'~~',} i::: ','. . " _, " , , : ' ; \ ': " : : - ' .',~ ' :; ;i : ~. ' : : : i i , ~ , :'.C ;",.:.'",., J.:, : > :

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    , . : : . : , , : . " , .- ~- . .. ( .., . ",";~".,""""~./~ ~,,,"~.,, . . . . ::'. .Tase!' Use Repqrt .' ..TO B C OMPLETa) EVERY TIME TH \; TA$EHIStjSEP, '.Tasar Serial #:'- N um ber of C artr idges F ired: ...,.....-l"1~-~Number of Stun CQf1tacts:~ . . : : : C / : : ; . . . . . . . . . _ _laser sight ~ctivatedonly; -LO~Q.n f eah pro lle c on ti-G t: - .......- ---------- /-------~--~.Dis;bnCt!between probes (in inches): _-_~---Length of Time for Elctrical CUrrfl~AppliC

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Albany Police Dept Subject,Resi.~talu~eReportDayJOatelTime of Incident: fr.o J ' . . , . id~nt'#:1 ~Q 30$)Jlocation of Incident: .. ..,;;""'- .'.OnScen?@NO: :o', "".':

    , . . .. . ; ' > ~ : , - - . ~ . : " '


    Supervisor Notifi~d: . 5 1 ' . r)C6,.CS~'\. ,, ~ . ,Officer(s) DeployinqForce: ' . ; ' , : : > ; S

    Interviewing/Filing Officer (i f Different): _.--..---.....:-:.:..-..:.....c,---.:....: .. :....,:. _-.:......-'----.:......-.:......_-.:......-.:......",--..._!;:.;D

    .'"', . t '.-'

    ,Y' ,.r..

    Subject's Name:Sex: r - Height: L / " .Age: 7),008: .Race: 1515{ Charge{st_ . . J . . . .. . - '- -. _ _~ = _ . : - o _ _ ' : :_ ' _ _ . :: : : ? n ; . : :: . '. _ . .J . . : __=_''__': '_.;.o.~0~~3--' ;;-o~jf hc,.\-orce sediOisplayed by Subject: Lv're)i-IIh o / 1 . . j . . . / e 17 ' J h c l " ii lr...Injuries to Subject; (\'..Y-: " , ,,,.'._,.'.''.' , ,. " '''_ .,., ,.__ ~,..Treated by: '(9-- Hospital Admlsslonv: __-- _Subject Under influence of: Drugs/Alcohol/Other . List,lfl Ji . k ' j . ct>if - i - I - w it -'.l, . ) ~ ; : ( ~ r :, , ~ : ~ ? , ~ 1 , ; ~ ~ ; : ~ r

    t....;;-. ,.,

    c.~:.).~....: ,i '~ " ',. , ,' .,:,,'~,'.\G.. ~ ' ; : ' u : ~ ~ : : ~ / 3 ~ L . ! ~ . . ' ~ ~ 1 : ' :- .: :: . .. J:~,;}:3;.,.. . ..-7. .----------- ~_____-_--".,..,.-------,..,_______ , . ,. , ,; > . :- c . , , ,, , . ,7.,~- + - - ~ " ' - - - - " - ' ; , u . , E i j ~ " : , & i i i ~ t \ / .. ...~., .""".~"jf;..'.,".' , . - , ~ ' ; , ; k ; ; J J : ; . ~ < \ ; i ~ , . t < O : : ' : : ; ? ~ : ; i ; ~ '

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    O.c. Administrative Warning' . ",'.I'TO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSEOTOOJ;.i. You have been contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), a natural productderived fr>fn

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    O.C. Adminsrraive QuestionsTO aE ASKED OF ANY PERSON. EXPOSED TO .O.C., . , " , ' : " - - , . ~ ; ; ' : , . ; - : ' , ; ~ ' - ' - , s~'8f'biturates', PCP o r other. Are you currently under thHallucinogens, HeroineOf.other Opiates, Qf Alcohol?Yes__ No__ ' '_ if Ye~,:'M1iij~One(s}?I_~=, ""_.,,,;_" ' > - , f . : ; . , " " . ~C,--:;",; .,:,,"-, ,----_~--'--' : ;,,',iiuRefused to Answer: Datemme:. .. ", '. Initials _

    2. Ha ou taken Cocaine, An:tphetamines;Bother lates, or Alcohol in the LAST8 HOURS?,'.Yes No__ , If Yes, Which One(s)? __ ----,,-,--~--==,-,---~___,~_;,,_~R,efllse to-Answer: . '~O~tmme:", ':,' -':'.\Initiills' .. , : < . . , ; - ; : S i : J " , ' , : i ; ; : : > X " : : ! : /:)~~-:,":,: ,'" . -- .. ;~;. . '-";,/':,)t~::';~;'< ;:~ " ..::.,~.">. ,t; ,- -.:",-,,--" ;..~.~~;:,,::.>:;:)'''.~ ', ' > : ' : ' f _ ~ ~ , ~ ~ " ~ '. . ( , " i ; ' ~ . ; : _ ~ X ' : ~ ' , : : ~ : 7 : ; ~ ~ - < '-3_.$~t~6~~~1~Q~~fH~Wi::~Ji:~t~~~~~;{;:; ' : ' , .; ; ; ; , ;; ; J ~ ;." ; : i i l f f ~ l:';"~:;RefusedtoAns' .;i-: < L ., . . " ,. . ., - - - , . i ~ ~ ,, TaserUse Rp6rt'"TO BE COMPLETED EVERY TIME THE TASER IS USED "

    ~-~'ridg~iSerial#(s): FjS~Jr)~.Q. ,C )Number of Probe Contacts. _ 0 " - " - _Number of probes pe~,etratingskin: ~.- - - 1 , < IL------_'

    T~ser Serial ' If .: .'""Numberof Cartr ges .red: _.;::::__Number of Stun Contacts: _ . - : . f _Laser sight activated only: _- _Loca,tion of each pro~e contact --.. '-'- ,:- _Distlncebetween probes (in inches): __ - _Le,-lgthof Time for Electrical Current Application: () Programmed 5.~ec. If longerfshort:~ ~r more thanO , " ea.ppliption, explain total time frame nvory-ed, _ - = O L r y - l - ~ _ 5 > L I - - ' _ J . . : . A " " I J ~ e . ' _ " l _ , ~ : . . : r : : : . r ' _ . C , - - , ' . J . a < l f 1 2 f l . i O t c o - ' " ' < . I 1 - ' f - - f M . : : " : c . > ' S , - , - t " " e . , - ,- ! f - - V _ - > o S , , - _ _,XCoI\O S '. ,.' "f ' ([Ir '. . / .Approximate distance of probe launch: -'-_' ---.----------::-:--7'"':~~-~~[lid the application cuse injury to the subject and/at otherS? Y@ Ifyes,~xplin:~.,""_:-,-'~'-,->~ _

    Did the application of the Taser gain compli~nce from the subject? @ iN ODescribe the subject's demeanor after the Taser was displayed ordepl.oyed: . The . S vb ; (cf " ' ; / h f f X J / ~ h l iCc>m f ;g ~ I 5f,zG + e i r - r o p ) h ilb ~ , c . r t J . + b e q G { c k d jo ' ct;~')pe~Jft!I.J;;;:i;1y

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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Albany Police Dept. Sub iect Resistance ReportDayfDateTrime of Incident.Ti " ~. . cident #-0'(- G7. 'Location of Incident:Supervisor Notified: / ~ I 7 ' ' 7 Jj) o 6 . u : c s

    " : Syr o ' : , ; ' ,. , , / : ,"'OnSeene?@INo ......: ..... :;.:.,::.'".' ,,; ..

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    Officer(s) Deploying Force:Interviewing/Filing Officer { if. , >,.-... . ~ ' -" , ~ : j > : . . :" : " ~ : ., '. ; i, ~-,-,.

    -- __ ---'_,_--- __ --,-,..,-. __ --:~'__,_...:,.....,_,__:....-~ .. " i'; '} ,c ,

    Subject's Name:Sex: ~ Height: Co ( . g Age:L \ DDB::Weight: I~ Race: 6ft{ .'Gharge(s): 3::-/(.;:"2o"G...p""""':::=::';~. - : r ; " . . . . . . ~ ~ . ' 7 : - , . ; i n ~ : ~ : ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ : : J ~ : : : : . S - , u_je_c--:t_:. _ & _ ~ _ f _ : _ - A - < . j - r - s - - . - d : - ' - ; ; - ' - - - ' - - ( : n . - v _ ; . . . ; . ; ~ " ' _ ' _ N . . . : . . . ' 3 _ 'i _ ) e _ \ ~ S _ ~ : ; 7 : ; S - . - ; - - ' 5 , . . . . . . . ' ; " " " 7 , x - - : - ; ~ " 7 T ' f . : ; : 2 '

    Treated by: . . . Hospital Admission?:- _'-~--,-,-,-,:";c-::!~--:-:'---:"-,;-".,.,...""='-.=.'::='"Subject Under Influence of: DrugsfAlcohoUOther List,if Ktiown:--,("-UIN~(.(~_~ ___ . "Narrative Description of Incident (Include actions taken b y - b o i n ' the S ~ I ~ ! 4 ~ 8 ~ ' : ~ I ; . ' m E ~ : ' : _ ' ~ ' . : : : " ; ~ T : ' : ' ; : ~ : ; " ; : ~ " ; Lfficer(s): t. . . ..... ...1~ C i L " : : : '

    t.~--,,~-!::::......r--.*-{..!f:.::t.....r~~.:!.,",:.:...L.-F-~7-.:..:l...:!:!:lL.--...!LL-~L---!.2~:S.Lq;'.O.G. Administrative Warning -..,... TO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TOO.C. . .. ' . ~ < .1. You have been contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum (oq, a natural product derived fromcayenne'peppers. I am going to treat you to reduce the discomfort you are feeling, as long as you cooperate.

    2. OC is non-toxic and the effects will dissipate in a short time. The effects of OC may, nowever.rnask orcover other medical conditions, induding overdoses or toxic levels of drugs like cocaine; ampnetamins ,barbiturates, PCP and other haucnoqens.herone and other opiates, or alcohol.3. I am going to ask you 5questions for your own safety, Not answering my questions, withholdinginfonnation, or giving false or misleading answers could delay medical. treatment and may seriouslyjeopardize your health and safety.4. Doyou understand everything! have told you? Yes/No

    ~',;:}'d ~ i > ; : Z ~ " ; ~ : , : : : ~ .

    ,..,: '.: ':. ' .. ' , :: : : } - ~ ~ . . : . f H > J '. : , ~ ~ } > { , ; ~

    .' ~ ~ ~ ; . ~ ' ~ : >f)(over)Revised 312004 I l 'P;

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    1. Ar ou currently under the influence of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCp.or other,Hallu [noqens, Heroine or other Opiates, or Alcohol?,. ' ,,'';_''~'~~_'.. _, ~::,:_, "',,, . J '. , ' 'Yu No ff~~W h~eRefuse toAnswer: "

    O.C. Administrative Questions o.o.c. ..., : . . - ; , ' 3 . , , . . , . , '1 \. "< ,' :. . -

    .. , '.- ,," ~l"

    " ,r"- " }: -, .

    ': . ' : ( , : , - ' ~ , . : . - : ' - , , / . : . : : { ' - : : ~ - , : ! y , ' : : r , ~ i:2. Have you takenC aine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCPorother Hallucihoqens, HA,rOlnA orother.Opiates, or Ale. ol in ther e , ,e$ ,..... )-Jo -_"_'._" 1l:V,.~"'.~/h;;..'"0f '~~]~j2==t~~~tt~t. Re'fl!sd,JoAoswer: ~i'J Y' :s; ; .~ " ." ." ..3~~~{f~~~~~t:~Y! i ' .wh~l l~~~~t ;~ j=4~~t-~~~~t= j~%;; ; ,

    r ; . ; , ; ~ ,, ; ' .- . . : : . ~ '~ ' ,_ ~ ;_ . ; . u

    , . .: > ,. , ~, ; . ' . 'L

    4. 00 YOll h~~eheartproblems, lung problems, dl etes, high p.IQodpre,~slfre,,or anY9t.tlermedicalcondition?', ",;', '.~ ' " ., i : V 1 . ; i T ' :i ....'{.~{~!~i):;;. .C:"Ye~~ No _.__ IfYes,Which One(s)?__ ~-.:- '~'=,- . - ; . . - . ,: : , - ! ii . _ . . ; _ . , . . ~.,>_ '. , . \ . 'Witn sed By... . .. . ." ..Y. .', ....,c":;;~;":,,,. ' : ;"'",~.; '.y.'l""\",q:, .: , ,

    l, ~ _ __:__~--=--__:__-_ the undersigned officer, have completed tfW.a.b()veillt~rlieW,.Vt(iJ~(~,. ; 2 ; " \ V t : & ~ ~ { , ~ ' i i~ W t li ,----=--- __ -'--__ ~~'

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Albany Police Dept. Subject Resistance ReportDay lOate /T ime of Incident:THU 03/05/09 1352 Incident #:09-078962Location of Incident:Supervisor Notified: Commander Ryan OnScene? NoOfficer(s) Deploying Force: __Interviewing/Filing_.9fficer (if Diff&rel11t:~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ = =.. . . ._.-

    Subject's Name:~' Age: 21 DOB~ .Sex: Male Heighf:6'2" \"Jeight: 165 Race: Black Charge(s):C.S.C.S\s"Degree \Force Used/Displayed by Subject: Resisting ArrestInjuries to Subject: NoneTreated by: Hospital Admission?: _Subject Under Influence of: Drugs/Alcohol/Other List, if Known: __ --,-__ ---'-:-_"'-

    ' ..Narrative Description of Incident (Include actions taken by both the SubJe~tandth"'"Officer(s): :"'was observed exiting and entering NYReg.1IIIJM_asthe operator.~as wanted by Menands r .o . under the stren~thof aCoJpty CpurtWarrant for Failure10Appear after having pled guilty to C.S.C.S~5h."TI . sentence-wasdeferred for drug court however~absconded and is facing.a sentenceot-z % years..~ has been awanted fugitive in excess of five months. Upon initiatingatraffic stop.in the area of immediately exited thevehicle andbegan running towards the Henry Johnson CharterSch901.T prevent .frorngaining access to the school and escaping the undersigned detective deployed (1)Taser. cartfidge at which time both probes struck fl. sweatshirt but did not puncture~skin ..... discarded his sweatshirt and continued to flee on foot West across' .'Watervliet Av. and into the yards between. ... . wassubsequently located hiding in a garage. IItI was transported to CIU a processed.was notified.O.C. Administrative WarningTO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.C.1. You have been contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), a natural product derived from cayennepeppers. I am going to treat you to reduce the discomfort you are feeling, as long as you cooperate.2. OC is non-toxic and the effects will dissipate in a short time. The effects of OC may, however, mask orcover other medical conditions, including overdoses or toxic levels of drugs like cocaine, amphetamines,barbiturates, PCP and other hallucinogens, heroine and other opiates, or alcohol.3. 1 am going to ask you 5 questions for your own safety, Not answering my questions, withholdinginformation, or giving false or misleading answers could delay medical treatment and may seriouslyjeopardize your health and safety.4. Doyou understandeverythingJ havetold you? Yes/No -(over)

    Revised. 3/2004 I I Pagel 00 I

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    O.C. Administrative QuestionsTO BE ASKED OF ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO o.c. d~1. Are you currently under the influence of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCp' r otherHallucinogens, Heroine or other Opiates, or Alcohol? ' ,

    Yes__ No__ IfYes, Which One(s)? ---,._'_-._.-_--_.-:----:--:----::r---Refused to Answer: Date/Time: Initials7-----

    2. Have you taken Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCPor other allucinogens, Heroine orother Opiates, or Alcohol in the LAST 8 HOURS?Yes__ No__ ' If Yes, WhichOne{s)? ------r----:--:-------Refused to Answer: __ Date/Time: .Initials _

    3. Do you normally take any illegal or prescription druYes_'_ No __ - IfYes,WhichOne(s)?Refused to Answer: Daterri me: -r----,--,------,-'In-i:-:t:-"'a-:-s---------,4. Do you have heart problems, lung prable s, diabetes, high blood pressure, or nyothermedicalcondition?

    Yes__ No__ , _ If Yes, W fch One(s)?Refused to Answer: DateiTime: -----'------:-in-=-it'a-:-:-s'\----.;,----, '\,5. Do you have any allergies?Yes__ No If Yes, Which One(s)? --:-:-:-"'-:- _Refused to Ans er: Date/Time: Initials ' __

    Offic:,eF gnature Witnessed By , Time,of Completion

    I,-....,-_,..----,_-r- the undersigned officer, have completed the above intervi~wwit~on this day of " .",;;;~;~>-,,-.-.---,------::r----------- ' , " ~ O " " , , :, _ : : ', : ,, '

    - : - 7 ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - ~ - - - -Taser Use ReportTO BE C OMPLETED EVERY TIME THE T ASER IS USEDTaser Serial #: ~ Cartridge Serial #(s): Unknown (lost ,during foot chase)Number of Cartridges Fired: 1 Number of Probe Contacts: 2 in sweatshirtNum,berofStun Contacts: O , Number of probes penetrating skin: O, Laser sight activated only: - --Locatton of each probe contact: left arm of sweatshirt and left side of sweatshirt.'Di~tanc between probes (in inches): Approx. 18 ~." " " , : , . , : . : ", Length of Time for Electrical Current Application: (X) Programmed 5sec. If longer/shorter, or more thanone application, explain total time frame involved: _Approximate distance of probe launch: Approximately 10 feetDid the application cause injury to the subject and/or others? NoDidth application of the Taser gain compliance from the subject? No.'Describe the subject's demeanor after the Taser was displayed ordeplayed: Continued to run.Where were the probes disposed of? Placed in sharps container and t.o.t. Det.Sgt. Welyczko = - ~ . , . . . . . ~ . . . , . . , . .

    " ' : ; : . ' ; : - , . " ' : - ; . ~ . H ' .';;f,:"''' ~-_ .....~

    l , APD#422 I i,;~~~~~~:~

    ~--'_._'"C"..-: ,c, IP ,' , g t : . 2 '.;t '-,. '." .

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Albany Police Dept. Subject Resistance Report.~:~~~~~~n:;::~~t~id:nt#:.~?:.~~0~Supervisor Notified: ..Sf! ' OevK .v ~.~~cene? ~N0 . '.~.>; .Officers] Deploying Force: ..,...-,::",;"!nterviewing/Filing Officer (i f Different): ~ "


    Age::Ll~",'Doreight ZiQ Race: ekle Charge(~~L 1 1 6 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ( : ] ~ ~ W ~ ~Force Used/Displayed by Subject: no" .; / ' 1 f 1 i c . ~ c J ) F ( e : ~ Q . 'h'~scmei/r- ""'-i" 1 f : : - - " c f l i , , 1 -Injuries to Subject: 'r1 6h ..."z ." .~_ ,._ ..Treated by: '. '- Hospital Admission?: __ - --'

    Subject Under Influence of: Drugs/Alcohol/Other. l.ist,-if Known: __ -_~ __ --"--'~...._--,--.,-........

    Subject's Name:Sex:.!.rL Height: - " S L . . . " " - - _

    , .1..,L, 'r-, "",,; .., ., , .', , Narrative Description of Incident (Include actions taken by both the ,Subject and theOfficer( s):' .,' ' L ) : , : ; ; ? : ; i , j : [ : i ~ : i ; f , ; . : ; ; i ~ 0 1 ~ ' , , ', ; 1 1 d f 2 h ' < . . e r cl& h)~ J .. ' 'd.:, v~ e . c - ; . ; ~ ( ttkJSU 5~e.d - . q ro Gde. J I k . . e. o", un;- o; "" . ' t .I : /b~t AI~J C o n ~ = m ~ : : : J C \ " t J J+-q;~ ' : d . S J 1 1 Q \ J r ; L j ! x T a z i f r G ' \ f S ' i ~ , : ~ ~ L J k ~- S . ~ "~ ) C o , , " , l'V,,~ a" l.~ 5e o iJ:c < 5 : 1 . - ,.:'J"'~:,,' : : ~ ~ S J : f'., k; , - o ~ w/ f ".';';~, ,.'le:;",:",::)/..1 . " " \ < 0 CuS ,+Scl i f C D " ' , fl'1 c/b ' /) ., / , , ' , . , ~ .:' . -'. " " ' " :- " .,.~

    ; ', ' .< :" '~, ,{} :'I~'~:;":>;'\:i~~:";:'.\,:'- - - ' - - - - - ' - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - ' - - ' - - ~ - ~ , . : - " : : - : . . ; - : - : : . : - : : 7 . : < : - ; : 7 ' : , 1 ) J ; " : / ' o ! : ; : ; , : . , " ; )

    "",.-.' "",,"

    O.C. Administrtive Warning .:-. ', ..TO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.C.1. You have been contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), a natural projuctderivedorncaY~l1nepeppers. I am going to treat you to reduce the discomfort you are feeling, as long as you cooperate,:t:','2:2. OC is non-toxic and the effects will dissipate in a short time. The effects of OC may, however, mask or ..cover other medical conditions, including overdoses or toxic levels of drugs like cocaine. amphetamines; .barbiturates, PCP and other hallucinogens, heroine and other opiates, oralcohol, ,3_ I am going to ask you 5 questions for your own safety. Not answeng my questions, withholdinginformation, or giving false or misleading answers could delay medical treatmentand rn~Y ~eriouslyjeopardize your health and safety. . . r . ....,.....4. Do you understand everything l havetold you? Yes/No ...

    .... :"," , ~.,/_,::::/.,~::],;~.:',:):,";"""''',':;'.''~~""'.'


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    .;...,..:",~- ." ~-., ... . '"O.C. Administrative Questi911s ' .'TO BE ASKED OF ANY PERSON XPSED ro o'.C .

    " .o ~ '{ ' ' ;~ . , ;~ \~ : ~ ,: -, : .); ; . f , ' : - -,.

    \.;"". ..';

    1. Are yo currently under th i1es,BrlJtr~tes}P'P'br'oth~r 'i~,.Hall~~n ensN~e_ro_i_ne_o~o~e::wh~::;{S)~o o? " : ' i ~ C : ', ' . "~;;,y} ~ " ' , g ~ ~ i i ~ t ~ ~ 1 ~ t ; : ' ; t r i : i ' ~ i ; ; i ; i ~ ~ ;Refused Answer: i .' i '. Date/Tme: ~---:----?:I-i.r~t?ai'ls='\'::-_'.'i',i'C:';;"":::;::-----'--"-;


    2. Have you taken ine, Amphetamines, Barbiother Opiates, or A ohol in the LAST ~ HQ !J R.S ,? ." ....Yes __ No IiYes, Which One{s)? __ : : : -: : -------:--c---; :----; :---,----; :--;-: : : : : : --:-: : ;===~r- . -Befuse!;ijt:(,~\-r::1 ~ t ' , ; ; i i ; : ; ' '':~~;,'~;fYt:'; r : ; ' : R ;W ~ ' ; ; i \ ; l ~ ~ \ . - . ,Officer Signature Witnessed' By. ..

    : -: ~ ....~x

    TOBE COMPLETED 'CartridgeNumbero;:~~::$(~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~_:~~n~~umber of probes

    Length of Time for Electrical Current Application: () Programmed 5 se . If lngerlshorter,'"c0' more thanone pplicaton, explain total time frame involved: ( . J J ; - S = ~ A ? f l : ~ ~ t > , o . . S _ "-:A-p-p-ro-x-:i:-m-a-:t-e-d=is-ta=--n-c-e-O-::f-p-ro-:b:-.--:-'a-u-'-n-c-::'h-:,:"-.- ' - . ~ . - F i : = - e e . - ; - t - _ - - - - - -, . . -: - - - -- , . .: : - - -- . , .. . . , _ ' 7 , - . , - , , - : . . - : ; 0 ' . : _ : : ; - . , ; , - c ~ ; . - " ' - - - C ' , " ; - ;, _ . - : C - : o . .' ; :: - : ',: , - : : ; , , 2' .' \. ,: ;; :" , ,: -- ;, ' . , -. ,Did the application cau~einjury to the subjectandlor (jthers?Y~lfye.~, ~ _ ~ ' . ~ r ? l : : ; - ) o " ; - ,- : . : -. , - -- : '" . -, T C " . , 7 . 7. 7 ; ," " -' , . ,, " ,. , . ' , ' ,, _ . J ~ .

    , . """.':. ". ~'.' '~,' ."

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Albany Police Dept. Subiect Resistance ReportOaylDatemme of Incident:!; Y \ . . 0 & 60 00.%fncident #. -I OQ5.3Location of incident:_. .


    .- - -_ . . .-Supervisor Notifie?: S J + . O Or h ( ) e . . . . . Of!.$.ene?@N o .ir '- , ; ~ . : ; ' j : : ' : )

    Officer(s) Deploying Forcel---'-_:_:~'Interviewing/Filing Officer (i_-" ._.-",.,;,;:.;,.,


    Subject's Name: A~({:Jl-:3" ' ' ' ' : ; O S :Sex: f l & . Height:'/ ( r . . .Weight: (75: Race: .l'6 .." 1 C har-gets):" .' L , 1 . . \ lForce Used/Displayed by S~bject:Pl 'I ft ( e " ~ ' f [ ; r ( , "':~,o~.~J.to,Injuries to Subject: r h I (" (", - t . . : ~ k'l. ",,' (~NOr ~.\.-v-Treated by: Hos . al Admissi 7: 4.l..lt.E.iL.l..J'-+PJ:.:..LL.!.(.L.!1;;~~~ubject Under In ence of: rugs/AlcohoVOther list,if Known: Y';, __+>::s

    O.c. Administrative WarningTO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TOO.C. .1. You have been contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), a natural product d~rived. fromq:.yenne., l." " ;'::(';'; ' n 'Ci 'peppers. l am going to treat you to reduce the discomfort you are feefing, as long as you cooperate.2. OC is non-toxic and the effects will dissipate in a short time. Theeffeds OfOCTl~Y;hw~vr;jlaSkr;,;'cover other medical conditions, induding overdoses or tox c lvelsofdrugs likecoqine,lrl1ph~tal11in~s" ... ;.cbarbiturates, PCP and other hallucinogens, heroine and other opi

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    ....._-------,- ~i-

    lO :

    1. A ou currently undr the influence of Cocaine, Amphetamine.s,Barl:itlirate.::.PCP or9.thf.:;u:!:I\~;;;~\;~~ . ' . o' . - : ' . ' . ' : , : _ ' ' : _ " _ , , ' , ' _ , ' , ' , _ . ' - . . . . . ' . . ' " . ' . . . ' , . " ' . : ' , " , " i. '__,' ,,' \' 'l,~ o ., _ ., : . " . ,' - . o " "_~ '_ . ~ ' . " ~ ,~~h:.,,:~;. '-;:.Halluc ogens, HroinetotherOplates,or Alcohol?2~":;., .. i, " ' : ; r ' " . ' . . . , .Yes' ..Refuse

    '. 'c' O~G.Adrntnistrative QUestions::,.ro o.c. .:;..~( t , :.) .. _ .~

    ~ ': f' ,- ~ :;., .~ , ," .' ''-.--~-2. Have you taken Coc e,Arriphelmiris;:Srb,


    3' .

    - , , ' ': : .' ~ 2 i J ;: i .~ ( 'i \.B

    4. Do you have heart problems, lung problems, diacondition?', " . ; ; e Yes__ . No _'_ .._' . I f y-es, Which. Orie(s)1Refused to Answer: Dateff'irne: ----~--tes, high blood pres~uf;or ~riitt~r r , : : ~ . t 3 f l : . ' : ; ' : : ! i . : : ! f k : , ' : ; ~ ' :. .. , - :'~ : ; f . / l{ ; : :, : ', Y : : : , : ~ : : ; :; . : ;' t ~ f ~ ~ ~ ! ~ : : . .;

    ".1.;,,, .~ .,

    Inifials _ ', - \ _Do you have any allergies? '~ ...,:' ' '.,"';:""yes_ .__... No __ o '_"'If Yes; which Ooe(s)? ~ ~:_:_::--::--":--_--_,__~Refused to Answer: __ Dateffime: itial$.'.~ ~~',.

    . . . . :.~. \ ,': . ,-, " . . " .I,~-----"T--__-,---- ~ the undersigned officer, have cOrnplete(tt~e b8y~,.irltef'li~V!(,Yfi!h..:'i 'i.?~~:.';~\};1t '9, on this . .. , 'day cf .. . .. ; 20~.- - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Officer Signature" Witnessed By

    ._ i. " ' -' ,. ,: { 'A ; : :: ' -" _ '' -' ' - ' ' ' \ : ; : y '' . ' . ~ - : ( > ; ~"TimeoLCompletior,'!.; ..".',

    . .- , . . , ' -, r - c" , , - : ' , ' . / . : " . ' . L . : < . _ : , . : ~ , ' , :. }:- ': -~,;~;";; :>~.1;: ""

    rasr Us Report. TO BE COMPLETED EV8R.YTIME THE TSER IS ;- ..u);Taser $erial#: 'Cartridge Serial#(s): - , , - J ' : : ! I . f . : f : : . : . . 2 . : + : ; : : : ' : : ~ = I : : :Number It, . ir ... NumberofProbe Confao 5.:

    ~~~~~~:~;~:~~(~~i~';h~e~S-},-:..!.V-:-I-~--~r.;:---ttmn-_.b_~_ro_f_p_ro_b_e_s_,_p_e_~_e_tr_a_ti_n_g~_.~," _._._....;,.-,'~._"~_'.~'_._", - ; ~ ' - , - , ~ ; " " l , ~ = : ; ~ ; ' " " , ~ I . : ; : ~ ~ : : : ~ ' ( ' : ' ~ x : ; . ' J ' ! . ; 'Length of Time for Electrical Current APPlication; (.yP;o~rammed -~sec. If IOngerlShorter::r Il)0re thanone application, exp,lain total time_frame involv~o: ...

    ", '~

    Where Were the 'pr~bes dis osed of?

    I '. .';

    Approximate distance of probe launch: ---:--."-~L.L-:-:---,'-~ __ ---:-:----:':=r~_",---- "Did the application causeiojury to the subjectand/or others? Ye INo' If yes;~:x;plain:-,.- ........;~,;,::-,:--liDid the application of the Taser gain compliance from the subject? Vs/No ~$eeJ)~}op : .c~, : "o scribe the subj S t ' demeanor after the Taser was displayed rd' 'oyed:C ' \ \ /\...- . : : " " - .~ .~ p:ft,,>

    ; -- . - ~ . , . .. ~ r ; . ~ ~ : : ; ; : ' :; ' . ' . ~ . ~ ~ : ; : . : : : ; : : ; ; -~.~ ' ~ ~ ~ : ' . : . ~ ' . ~'~ ...'......n:-~.../~ili~~ ~ . .. -: ( '. ~. ~ . ...: ,. : ; (. i ; ;

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    lU r..Albany Police Dept. Subject Resistance ReportDay/Date/Time of Incident:_04/09/2009@1809_lncident#:_09-125637Location of Incident:

    Supervisor Notified: D/Sgt Roberts _ On Scene? @NoOfficer(s) Deploying Force:Interviewing/Filing Officer (i f Different): ; i : . : . , : ; . '"------ ".....".,--

    " . . , , -f .. ;. ~ ~ ,. _ ,. -- _ ;" '. ' :~ " ,: ", ~ ., , " . _ ." ' ,_ "

    '. ,".,. .. ,,' , '" ,....

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    ~~1. Are you currently under e influence of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCP or other;'Hallucinogens, Heroine tit other Opiates; or Alcohol? __ ~_~..' < . , >;i!;!!;,';U:, ,Yes__ N __ If Yes, Which One{s)? __Refused to Answer: DateITime: ----I

    O.C. Administrative OuesfionsTOO.C . '~,(.~ l ~~~

    ',- ~ , ,.;i.....,.Y,...._,

    -,t:;'. ::.:;~\- , ' t . : ~ ,: i , ; : . ~ , : > l < ~ ~ ; ; . ; ; : ~ r { >f'k): . : ; } ~ , . ~ , ; i ~ : : { ; ; , l J ; ~ : ~ ~ ~ [ ' ~ ; ' . l/'0) f(j1. ~2. Have you taken Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCP orter Halluciiogens,Hroine at' .other LAST 8 .Is : - - - , - - , - , " " , . ~ , . ~ - , - , - t .< \ . ( r : , ? , ~ \ 1 . ~ ~ ~ : f : . . $ ; " , : : ~ j , - : ~ : : ; ~ " : ~ i ~ r . J


    4. Do you problems, lung problems, diabetes, high blood pres~ute, or any other medicalcondition?, '. '.' i : . ' ; < ' { : , ; '. ; c ; ; ; 5 ~ ; J y ~ : : ' ? } i i ' . ~ ' . ~Yes__ No __ 'ItYes, Which One{s)? ',. ..l ,::.,"Refused to Answer: Date/Time: Inltlats: \-- -~---

    Taser Serial # : Cartridge Serial #(s): ,/ . _.Number of Cartridges-Fired: Number of Probe Contacts: __ --'~----,""'""---,--"""'..,-.. ...Nu~ber of Stun Contacts: L Number of probes penetrating skin:_->.;;>.- _La~r sight activated only: ~ ...Loca.tion of each probe contact: _ - l f D d ( ! : j q ~ h . L . f ; . . . . . : S : : : : : . . L , - , ~ e ~ ~ ~ _. Distance between probes (in inches): - - s = d - - - -

    " < . '

    . cl,i =;.a : ~ ; ~. ~ ': ; 7, ,' . . ? ) ,; ", '.

    - .i\ ,~~5. Do you have. any allergies? '--.Yes__ No __ If Yes, Which Ones}? ---~- :---C~-';-'-""'-'..:....--;- ,.Refused to Answer: Date/Trne: ~ __ ---'-'-_--'-- Initials ~=-"'_'-'-' +-.......: ." < , - ; : ; '

    i' ' ; :: . :, ( ': < ~ ; , ' ~ . _ -"1 . .;' ~:;;, " ,~ :,.:,:~".:/ 1 _ _ ~ ~ ~ _ _ - - : the undersigned officer, have comp'let~d~h~ ab()v~}r1tervte",,:Y"ith ./'______ -'---'...:''-"._. --'-_._~_ on this,' 'd~lof' .');~f

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Supervisor Notified: 'S ;T ThOMpson ;OnS~e~e?~o


    -" ,.-

    Albany Police Dept. Subject Resistance ReportDay/~atefTime .of Incident-".'-Il4 \gc,g p'~.s(Jr~~.;;d-h.s SS:cld="c",-,,'-"''''''-l;;; l~d ~e. t Cl~ r ro 68!n:?m~\lo~~>;fum.~') 10'--(- g der'te sh.H), . .' ../ " 1 . ' , : ? r , > : ~ . : ' _ _~ : . ; ~ ' : : , .: : ~ . ~ . ~ , ' , t :......;:;, ";'. '::e:' ~:" > . :.; C. ", .. ", .v

    ..~~-------------------------------------------------::-:-ii---:' ....' 7 . 7 : : . , . . . " , ; r , " " . : ; - ; - , . - - : . : " " '.. . 7, . ~ ; . , ~: ': _ "" ,. ' ' :: D ' :' .' ~. '" .: " :.i>""l,,!)r~, ' , 1 ," ..~ '::'.

    O.C. Administrative Warning ....."..TO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.C.1, You have en contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), a natural product derived frorn.cayenne..peppers. I am going to treat you to reduce the discomfort yo.t..are feeling, as long as you cooperate:2, OC is non-toxic and the effects will dissipate in a short time ..'T h e effects of OC rny,.however , rn~sicorcover other medical conditions, induding overdoses or toxic levels of drugs like cocaine, amphetamines,barbiturates, PCP and other hallucinogens, heroine and other opiates, or alcohol.3. J am going to ask you S questions for your own safety. Not answering my questions, withholding.inrormaton, or giving false or misleadiri.g answers could delay medical treatment and. mayseriquslyjeopardize your health and safety, '. '.' ." .. '., . ..4. Do you understand everything I havetold you? Yes/No

    . ' ::. ,,r

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    , .O.C.AdministrativeQuestiQns", ;,TO BE ASKED a d . , " ' ru ' :; ~. .:~~~~~~~~m TC ; :> ,;0, ;. .~~t$~6~~~.~~~ r~~.... .'., -.. ,

    : : " \ -

    1. Areyou currentlYllndert~e influence of Cocaine,Amphetamines, Barbiturat~s:!PCP,orptDe;,Hallucinogens, HerQinor other Opiates, or Alcohol?, '; """" ."."Yes__ N.o__ ' _ If Yes,Which One(s)? '.'Refused to Answer: DatefTime:2. Haveyou take~GOCine,Amphetamines, Barbiturates; f lCP orother ~~uucr09~hS, H'~;~~::~;:'other Opiates, or Alcohol in the LAST8 HOURS? .."" .,,,' ',.,:' .' ' i ' < . j1:'{\\,\; ',.,o o ~ ! ! I { I ~ ~ ~ ~ l j ~ ~ ; : ~ ~ i l : ~ t ~ ~ ( ; ' r . o. . ; l U t l S : ; ; . : ' ~ ~ : , : > : f . : :

    Re'used to'-.'J\',;:..;swer. .' D'a'tefTl'm'e- \ ... ';-"I':n;-::-"(tla;'''I's:~'-'i:-i,\:'''':,:" . ' . .. ' "- '- .: - . ... -. .. . . . - """. ," :. :. , .: :.;. :,..{..~ ~ . ; : ; . : f . . .. '~;:,"-:"'. 'f'\Il " '-"i:- '.. .r '. .~ . '. .:,.\.,.' , : ' : i : ; . , , ; . . ; ' . . . : ' . ' . : ~ . , . . . , . ' , ) . : ' . ' : : : :, : 1 ' ,1 . , : , i. " . ", . - . . ., I . '.. ""',. -, "j/'~' ; - . ' ; , ~ 1 > " : ' - ' > ' , t ~ b ~ J : ~ d ~ , ; ~ , - o " ' - ; ' - : ' . ' , ; i. ' : .' , r 'f ,- ,~ , : "; ' .: ': :: _ ~ ; .' ;: '~ . _ ' _ "4, Dyou haveheart problems, lung problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, other medicalcondition? ,..>'-:-';~ .' ", .::~:~':'~;j~.,';i;':,. ".::';',,}{'yes_'._ N _ ' _ ' _ ' (fYes, Which One(s)? ~---'-'.'--":"- ..)-'-'.:.:"-:,._,-~_"__Refused to Answer: OatefTime: _ - , " : . . . .5. Doyou haveany allergies? '~".,Yes__ No__ 1fYes,WhichOne(s)? ~ __ ~-- _Refused to Answer: Daternrrie: Initials ..... .." ,..,.i,', ;"':""":"":'::.'~ i- - = = = = - = - = . : . = = = - - - - = = - = . : : . : = = = = = = = - , . . = = = ~ ~ . , = = = ' : . : : : ; . ' 4 L ~ " , ~ ". " ,' ~ ' :. 2 .J : . :' ; . . ' .: . , ' ~ ~ ? h " : ~

    Initials ~\ _r . ' \ ~ . ' 1 " ~ ' hH"

    ~- ,: ~; ...,"., '.!'.

    1 , _ _ --= -t-r- the undersigned officer, have comp(eteditr~abov~.i[lterVi~w,lNi~h "":"',,, ' i . , . ' ,____________ '--_---"---'-_ on this day of .... '"' '" ,20~,fficer,~~.~.atu~e.

    '. .. ' . " ': ,; ~.. . - - . - .~,~" ;: " ' . ' L : , , : : ~ ' . , - " ': ; ' ,f,,,, .: : , \ ' .!: , F, : , ( " , Wtnessd By Jinw 9rQ(pplgtl.~ :'. ",,,, , j,;," ::., ' .".1",..-Did the application of theTase',)gain compliance from the SUbjec:@NoDescribe the subject's demearyorafter theTaser was displayed ordepioyd: ~inp:.(n r -' ' . . . '-'


    .', ."').::

    ; WhereWerethe

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Supervisor Notified: Yes Geraci

    Albany Police Dept. Subject Resistance ReportDaylDatefTime of Incident: FRI 05101 /2009 Incident #: 09-155287Location of Incident:

    On Scene? Yes _Officer(s) Deploying Force:Interviewing/Filing Officer (if Different): - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. ' .... '7 ",~, :. '-- .;',",', ~ : "t~';~

    , ' : ,~- , ( , o .

    . ' ," " .

    : . ' , ' - , '.''3;;~t,

    Subject's Name: ............. Age: 27 DOBJIUlfl_Sex: _M__ Height: __5'7"_' _ Weight: _160__ Race: _~ __~PL 220.03, 220.45205.30 GeO 10S-24A . \ Charge(s):

    ForceUsedlDisplayed by Subject: RUNNING , REFUSING TO RELEASE HANDS FROMWAISTBAND 'Injuries to Subject: NONETreated by: REFUSED Hospital Admission?: --'Subject Under Influence of: Drugs/Alcohol/Other' list, if Known: --..,;;~-'--Narrative Description of Incident (Include actions taken by both the SubJect and the'Officer(s): On 05/01/2009 at approx 2053 hrs undersigned officer observed the defendant,consuming an open alcoholic beverage onthe corner of Uponconfrontation by the Police the defendant did run Westbound orr-SprinqSt, I pursued thedefendant and was able to grab his jacket from behind; when I did the defendant did flail~ his hands in an attempt to keep me from grabbing on to him. I then was ruilningaboutfive feet behind him when I observed him reaching into-the front of his waistband.Fearing.thathe might be grabbing a weapon I deployed the x26 taser striking him in theback, The taser barbs struck him in the right arm and back, due to the heavy clothingthat the defendant was wearing it had a minimal effect. I allowed a five secondcyclefrom the taser. The suspect fell to the ground and continued to bury his hands further inhis waistband. Eventually I pried his hands out of his waistband and placed him in cuffs.The defendant was not in possession of a weapon, he was attempting to destroy twoglassine baggies of heroin which were in his possession

    O.C. Administrative WarningTO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.C.1. You have been contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), a natural product derived from cayennepeppers. J am going to treat you to reduce the discomfort you are feeling, as long as you cooperate.2_ OC is non-toxic and the effects will dissipate in a short time. The effects of OC may, however, mask orcover other medical conditions, including overdoses or toxic levels of drugs like cocaine, amphetamines,barbi turates, PCP and other hal lucinogens, heroineand other opiates, or alcohol.3. l am going to ask you 5 questions for yur own safety. Not answering my questions, withholdinginformation, or giving false or misleading answers could delay medical treatment and may seriouslyjeopardize your health and safety_4. Do you understand everything I havetold you? Yes/No

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    I Re\sed ];100.. I er)O.C. Administrative QuestionsTOBEASKEDOFANYPERSONEXPOS TOO.C.

    I Page l of 2 " 1. Are you currently under the influence of Cocaine, AmpHallucinogens, Heroine or other Opiates, or Alcohol?Yes__ No__ /fYes, Which One(s)?-7------ _Refusedto Answer: Dte/Time:r-______ Initials _

    amines,Barbiturates, PCPor other

    2. Haveyou takenCocaine,Amphetamines, arbiturates, PCPor other Hallucinogens, Heroine orother Opiates,or Alcoho/ in th LAST8 OURS?Yes__ " No__ If Yes,Whi One(s)? _Refusedto Answer: atelTime: Initials----3~ 00 you normally takeanyille / or prescription drugs>Yes__ No__ I es, Which One(s)? - _Refused to Answer: DateITime:~ _ Initials _4. Do you haveheart ob/ems, lung problems, diabetes,high blood pressure, or any other medicalcondition?Yes__ 0__ If Yes,Which One(s)? '\Refused Answer: DateITime: Initials \----5. 00 you h eany allergies?YE7'__ No__ If Yes,Which One(s)? ,--- _Rfusedto Answer: __ DateITime: Initials __ -_


    I, --,...- the undersigned officer, have completed the abovejnterView~ith ._~--------------_ on this" day of; 20:.i.:: .: : ~ .: . ' " - :. '~ , ', : . .

    : : ' : - : : . " < Witnessed By TlmeofCompeton.. .:'~ Taser Use ReportTOBECOMPLETEDEVERYT/METHETASER/SUSED

    Jaser Serial #.NJmberof Cartridges Fired: _ ...._ _N~mber of Stun Contacts: OLaser sight activated on/y: __ ---::-__~f~i:~~:::;=:~~~~e~o(~~~~t~he~~:Mb~LL ~ ..'""Mth ofTIme forEle.ct"ca' Current Application: l.Gg",m~ ff lonqer/shorter o, more thanone applicatlon, explain total time frame Involved: -..,. _

    Cartridge Serial #(s):Numberof ProbeContacts: ...-1.-=- _Numberof probes penetrating skin: - ' O I . . . . L . _

    o" ,

    Approximate distance of probe launch: ---"....~'-""....

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    ~ . ~.) . . .;:..

    ~ ,"." . '.c

    ~;.:, ':.";l) .~.~' . ' ~ ~ ,- ; ' S

    . " :>< ' '.."

    . . : _ ' " , " , ~ " " , 1 ,- . . . " " " . ~ " , .

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    .\, ..~. , .~. . . . . . . . '. ,.,; . , . . ;..:..;.

    ,t'" \' ', "', 0" ", ;,~ . : J ,l' '.0 ,l , . n ,~ ~ ;'/;!fi . Y . . ':.'?,.; +:

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - ~Reportingo'ff.ier:I APD# 422 I


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    ". . . . . . . , . . _ " " . , , ~ .. ' . - ~ ."~ ; : . :~ !. " " , '

    , I""" ..,'

    " ,

    ' \



  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Supervisor Notified: Sri a~r6/?)

    Albany Police Dept Subject Resistance ReportDaylDatemme of Inci~lncident#: ' . ? 9 - /C:.O)Location of Incident: _' ,

    On Scene? Ye~ ", ,



    Officer(s) Deployinq Force:Interviewing/Filing Officer (if Different): _

    Age: I P 008:,_--"",,'" ,Race: c!:: Charge(s): )a,a, !cv",,7':Force UsedlDispfayed by Subject: ZO"(/19 . c a P ? RojCR) b/:\s CO

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    ----- ---------- --------__------


    . . ; ~ ; ? - - ; -.

    . , . : :


    \i\ s ' ;. "",: ,,,.,. '~","',._ . 'o:;

    ,.,o~ ~ . t , . ~ : ~ ,> ; -. ;. ;: . ~ :

    . . 'C - " / ~ . : :,,}.'\", i} ; ; :~ ' : i '; t , i ' i -" "~~ ;.;~

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    O.C. Administrative QuestionsTO BE ASKED OF ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O,C,1, Are you currently under the influence of Cocaine,Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCPor otherHallucinogens, Heroineor other Opiates,or Alcohol? .Yes__ No__ If Yes,Which One{s)? _Refused.toAnswer: Date/Time: ._,._-'_'_,...,..Initials _2. Haveyou takenCocaine,Amphetamines,Barbiturates, PCPor other Ha!!ucinogens,Heroineor.other Opiates,or Alcohol in the LAST8 HOURS?Yes__ No__ If Yes,Which One(s)? --'-- _Refusedto Answer: Date/Time: Initials _3, Doyou normally takeany illegal or prescription drugs>Yes__ No__ ._ If Yes, WhichOne(s)?__ ~ --- __Refusedto Answer: Date/Tme:__ ~ ~ Initials _4, 00 you haveheart problems, lung problems,diabetes, high blood pressure, or any othermedicalcondition?

    Yes__ No__ If Yes, Which One(s)? --'-__ -:-~-:------Refusedto Answer: Datel'ime: Initials _5. Doyou haveany allergies? ..~"'.,Yes__ No__ _ IfYes,WhichOne(s)?_-'-- -'- _Refusedto Answer: Daterl'ime: Initials _

    '\. \. \

    Witnessed By :rimeofGompletion.

    I, ~ the undersigned officer, have completed the above interviewwith_-,-~ on this day of ,

    .... .'.'Pff)c:;erSignature, : .: ' ' ; -" ' ; ,: ) / :" ' ; ; , "_v, . - .; ~ ,>: .++-'---------------------------~-~---:-------,-:---.Taser Use Report

    TO BE COMPLETED EVERY TIME tHE TASERIS USED,... Faser.Serial #:Numberof Cartridges Ired: /Number ofStn Contacts: Q. Lser sight activated only: .-Location of eachprobe contact: ~_- _,Distancebetween probes (in inches): :::::::: _

    /'iLength of Time for Electrical CurrentApplication: programmed 5sec. If long~rishorttf or morethanone application, explain total time frame involved: --'- ~----'--

    CartridgeSerial #(s):__ ""y~~_:.:;_----~---Numberof ProbeContacts; __ - , = O ~ _-=_~ -Numberof probes pnetrating skin: - - 'O " " " - ~ _ _

    Approximate distance of probe launch: .Did theapplication cause injury to the subject and/orothers? ye> If yes, explain: _Did theapplication of the Tasergain compliance from the subject? .yeJDescribe t e subject's demeanor after the Taser was displayed or deployed: _

    o //1 /)/) P 0 : . / 7 .. . r z / -Wherewere theprobes disposed of?.:;; .. ' ~ ,.

    7: ~ b('~ . . '; , .. ~f * ~ , : ,' .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " - ; } " Y ' f ; ; : '1~~~~

    ' ~ .. ~ '. ,~ _ " " " _ .< . ~ . :' :~ " .

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    ~H: .\.:. . .....1t ; ; ; '~ , :.~~ ;~t ~t~>; ~.J:. ' :~':::;;.;.'" . - :;. ;'" ~~:

    ., - - __ o.'

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    . ; .< . ) : ~ : , : , ; J " - ":~

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    ., ',.,.-.:l> (.".. . . . . . .; ~ ~ 1 ) ~ ~ : . ' ~ f W ~ ' J i ; 3 ; i } 1 . * : ; ; i : ; ;i ' i . ;: ';' :: 'e . i,"; :(T;,'''l:f;.J,fi'X~,,;;,;i:-.

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    . ' , I ~' ; :' /i~",_;.:.~;'.~.

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    ' ,": .J ~~~ . "f ~ . :,.~" .;::~ : , : ~; ; ,', .. , '; ;' : :- ~~ - .- e, J~\}.r! " ~ ,. ." ~" .... o. , ~~ "~:~ , : : ; . ( t, >.. ~.;;0., " ;.F'!: ..... ,

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    ''--_ -i":-,,,","

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    05/05/2009 07:48 5184477895 SSTA PAGE 03/17

    Onsne? ~O

    Albany Police Dept Subject Resistance ReportDaylDatemme of incident: t ~} #30,] : "'1- .,lP c ? 3~6location of incident:Supervisor Notified: _ . . . ! . ~ . : : ; ' . ; ; ; .S _Officerts) Deploying Foree:Intervi.ewinglFiling Officer (i ifferent): __ - __ ~----~-~~--~-

    :',008:..... ....Chacge(s): '\? ~ t"tFNH/. ~'Im.j.!f.v'\Subject's Nam:Sex.:.!:L Hight~ s (I) Wti igh t /~{J AJe: 31.Race: wAdec::E~lDisplayed bySubject~ - - - , - - = 5 ' = . . : . ; e - = - - - ; . ; : . . L k ~ J , , ~ : : ! . : : J . . ; " " : " " " " " " ' -injuries to SubjCt: (J Iml- beNc IN..,&r ~ ~ I 'O ' ,; t i ' lPNr n, ct: ,,'!ta/,( I/er ,q, tf cA e.f;/Treated by: /JF/) I/xn rlEf)lCljL Hospital Admission?: > 1 - 5 8!&a,l lY rt./JSubjct Under Influence cohollOther List, if Known: 'Ntf"" k'NdWN' e IJ;~'s.lIme," .:.' '.Narrative Description of Incident (Indude actions taken by both theSUbj~~rldlli~;\:\?:iO f f i C ~ ' J J ~ J 'tut:u' h I/~c/ - ~c~- v, ~s5/r4;,c~ t,.,,!i&l'. ~~.' l 1 ; } ~ / ) : ' .

    r ( J f . .6 " " ' D / I . . .I i)iJ .,J"d ;h'.roN fl/cl.lh j< , t:M (kcA'(' , . . , . . . , . ; . . . ; { j ' ( ' : I tr(Z?/I1('~6,;dqlhc o-; ,d f/1.$Et:. atu' d :o lo y cd . {II (7IW2d:c J){)/(!(r!''''';'JcY Cj . ~ '< Y sr ..v. C tJ h'dnr ' 1t!7'f'd J:.,jJ,( V .u ' ~d'rnt:c/ p".t/~ If" hmN u / A'Atr'J id, d'd' jh, ,1-"1", 'I.A-cl dJl(J a... YI' '" 9:r. d/}t:' arid f~.r je tf' A:' /,l

    O.C. Administrative Wam_gTO BE G IVEN TO ANY PERSON EX POSED TO O .C .1. VOllh ave b ee n co ntamin ate d w ith . O le ore sin c ap sic um ( OC ) , a natural produd der ived from cayennepeppers, Iam going to treat you to reduce the discom fort you are feeling , as 10 ng as you cooperate ,2 . OC is n on -to xic a nd th e e ff ed .s w ill d is slp ate in a short tim e . T he e ffe cts of OC may , however , mask or. c o ve r o th er m ed ic al condlUooS, i nc lud in g overdoses Of t ox ic l eve ls o f dOJgS f ike coca in e , amphe tam ine s. ,bartiturntes,pcp a nd o th er hallucinogeos,h er oin e a nd o th er o pia te s, o r a lc oh ol.3 . I am going to a sk . y ou 5 q ue sti ns fo r yo ur ow n S

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    r ~',."

    ~;,. "'c,.,

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    4. 00 you have heart problems, lung problems. diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other medicalcondition?Yes__ No__ f f Yes, Which One(s}?_~ .,----:---,-,-,---o- _, Refusedo Answer: lJatemme: Initials_--'::-_\'\



    O.C. Administrative QuestionsTO BE ASKED OF ANY PERSON EX POSED TO O .C .1 - Are you ,currently under the influence of Cocaine, Amphetamines IBarbiturates, PCP or otherHallucinogens, Herone or other Opiates, or Alcohol? ,. ,,_" 'Ye$~_ No__ !tYes, Which One(s)? ..,-, _

    R.efusedo Answer: __ DatefTime: Initials ..,.- _2. HaVeyou takenCocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCP or other Hallocll1ogens, Herotnecr 'other Opiates, or Alcohol in the lAST 8 HOURS? 'y~__ No~_ fVes.,Whlcf1One(s)? ~ ~~ _: Refused to Answer. __ oateJTime: l"(tials _3~ Do you normally tak arly Ulegal or prescription dr'!9S>y'es~_ ,No - H'Yes,Which One(s)?_~_~ __ ~...,.............,...;._-.,.. _Refus$d to Answ,er: __ DatefTin: Initi;ls _----...........,.~

    5, Do yoo have any allergies? . '-""Ye$__ No __ If Yes, Which One($}1 _Refused to Answer: DatelTime: Intials

    a , the undersigned officer, have completed the above inteMewwth________________ on thls day of ' ,20_,: . O f f ' i C e r Signature Witnessed By Time of.GQmpltioh'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~

    Taser Use ReportTO BE C OM PLETED EVERY TIME THE TASER IS U SED_Tilsec-:Serial#:Number of Cartfl ' s Fired: _.-:..' _Numb of Stun Contacts: _~/ __,t~sersight activated only: __ --'~:-Location of each probe contact: - : - 4 . : . : ; i . ; : . : d . . , : : d . . : . , I r ; . . . ( -.,;.d.:../--!. 8 1 S 8 j; > :L 0 5 0 0l / 90 / 90

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    ---- -_. - _ .._----_._. ---_ ..

    :~..:.'~,>,/::.. ' , . r. .' . ~ .~ .~:,~,(~ ,Jy:' , '. i ; " ; ' ,f ? ' . t 1 . S , y , , :, , ); ~ ) , j r g ( 0 t ; t; , ) ,# , i .

    ...:~,';'/ ' ,: ' :; " ;1 1 ; ' 2 ;1 . , ': - ' . , '.; . : t ; ! { ; : k ! ~ ; ' f J t I : ' X ' ~ ' ; :

    ,......,...""'''#'':;;;;J"~:~' . . ' ' "" , - . _. ' ~_ . ". : , . . . "" . . ... . '' '. .. - '' :; . ;: . ~~ ,.',"\!,~i;i'~~.'!J,\.,.)Vi;~";J'~,;~~.~.i , ' . , " ' j ;H,~J)E;\t>.~;;1fl 'g : t ; iWF)~ '00~;"": ;~{f ; : . .~:

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    " ~ : . ~ . -~-'.~,,,-~.,. " . , . " " , . , . ' " _",n.... "~""":".,~.""'''::.

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    06/06/2009 07: 48 5184477896 SSTA . PAG E 15/17

    A l b a n y Police D i f i P t .Subect Resistance R e p o r t . .DaylDate!Tin: ' ie of incident: rJ Inc.dent .#: .o9-.d? 2 . . G .l~ol;Q of Incident. _ . '. .. .. .... ..

    supervi~rNOtffied~~' 6\~v/'1 O ~ -S~ne?@NoOfficer(s) Depioying ForeeInterviewing/Filing Officer (if Different): ~ --.:.. ---


    Subjecfs Name: M i 118 4.... , -_.. Age: 3 feSex: H Height: ~ l ' 0 pz~r;,,_ A = f ' : ) cl.}, fspro.). a"l - 3 ? i . . . J . - ; - I 4 . . : .. : . . .. l . . .. . . - : - - 'b . ; . J - , , '" " - - l f - ' - : b ~ \ " " " . . . ; . . , r . : : : : e = + I 4 - ~ ~ +ir,.e-

    A''\ ) S hi\k ~c.A- (\, dOlJ' ,~v: l le.Vi!).: O.C. Admin!strative WarningTO BE G IVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.C .1. You have been coo ta in io ate d w ith O Ie or es i Cap$I,ffi ( OC )j a n atu ra ! p ro du ct d e ve d f rom cayennepeppers. l am 9 0 ( 0 9 to treat you to reduce U le dscom fort you are fe l ing , as long as you cooperate.2_ OC is non-toXic and tfle effects wiD diss ipate lo a short tim e. The e ffe ds o f OC m a y , hO llVeVe r, mask o r

    c ov er o th er m ed ic sj c on dto os , in du din g overdoses or toxic levels of drugs l ike

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    i" ; ; - ; '~1,~~~:t,',

    '. ~" ,:. :- .\p) . .

    > ' . ', { l:.., ,.~ .

    ~' . . ';:1,c. ". . _r , : : : " ,.;""


    ~...,."u:l;~ ","~:" '.~" j

    -..,~",,-,,--'-' :::--::"~~-'

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    05/B5/20B9 07: 48 5184477895 SSTA PAGE 15/17

    O.C. Administrative QueitionsTO BE ASKED O F AN Y PER SO N EX PO SE ;D TO O .C . ~. . . ~ .. . . . . . . . . .. . . - : ...~ .-:,

    - --

    1. Ara you cUlUotJy uoor the influence of Co~lne, Amphet.amins, B~rbiturates. PCP or otherH;g( lulnQgen.s ,Heroine or other Opiates, or Alcohol? . -_. ... .Y$$__ No __ . IfYes, Which One(s }1Refusdto Answar:__ Dat.a/TimQ;--------:in-:::-:t:- a;-!s----

    2. Have you taken Cocaine, Amphetamioos, Ba.biturates, PCP O other Hallucinogens, Heroine '~rQ~r Op~a.tes,or Alcohol in the lAST 8 HOURS?Yes __ No __ If Ves, W hich One(s)?R$fused to .Answer: __ Date!Time: -------::-In'7it~ia-:'-s----,: .3'~ Do you l 'I ( lfmal fy take any mag'l l or prescription. drugs:>. Yes__ No ff Yes, WhichOne(s }? -.-----~-c:-~-----.....--... Refused to Answer. _ Datafrime; Initlals __ ~_4. Do !fou have heart problems, lung problems, diabet$,hi~h blood PN$$Ure, or anyothar medicj:1condition? ., .Ves_ No __ ffVQ$, Which One(s)?RefusedtoAnswer: Datemme: ------,---:I:-n-:-:tj::-a7s-:-\---.~. \5. Do yt J have any allergies? . ''''-~._Yes__ No__ If Yes,Which One{s)? -'- __ ~:::-;----:-- __RaftMiled to Answer: DatelTime: Initials

    I, ~ ~ __ the undersigned officer, have compreted tf1eabove lnte.rvleY/.with" ' ::-.,~,.::-:,-:-- __ ~ ---';- on thls day of . .~?,':,:.:

    , "" "~ . :- j , ' " '. '" . . . . " . : :; , ': : _ ~ ' :\ : > ) ' .- ' ;: " , ,, "- ,, >' }" -" '< "' :' .";;~~t;$ignature. ,:;. , . ' '. / ,: ;' . . ~ -" ', " ~o . ;' .itnessed By .Time (lf~mpletion.

    raser Use ReportTO BE C OM PLETED EVERY TIME THE TASER IS U SDTasarSeriaI f l . ; ~ _ - - " " . . - ~ _ _ - ' - _Num ber of a.rtrldges fired: _Number of Stun Contacts:,las~rsig~tac6vated only:-------/Location of each probecontact:/ Distance between probs (in ioch:-e-s'7)-:------------------~----

    Cartridge Serial #(s): ... _Number of Probe Cqrttacts:Number of probes p e r i e t r a t in - g - - -' s " "1 < ; : : - O - : ~ ~ ~ - - -- -

    .,-.U~ngthof Time for Electrical Currant Application: () Progr.:lmmed 5 sec. 1f longer/shorteri'or more thanQneappllcationf.explain total time frame Involved: ~----_APproximate distancQ of probe launch: -:--:-----,--:-:--_:---:-~:___:;_:__:_:__-_. Did the application c au s e i nju ry to the subjet and/or others? YeslNo If yes, expIa ." : _D~Hhe application of theTase(gain compliance from thesubject? YeslNaDescribe the subject's demeanor after the Taser was displayed or deployed~ _

    .- Where were the fobes dis sedaf? " ~ ~ . . . . ~ . .~;;!( ~ . ~ ~ ' . ' . : : t , ~.. . :;:-~.~~.qii.~~~~ __~... "-f.!'!~.

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    --__ ..__.- ...."" ." L ' ; ~ . ' .

    ,'.. ' ,,"..~ .~~~.

    , ., . :. ', ri " " ," " " " ," " ,:;,;, ~~: ': : : : ; ; : : : : : ~ Z ~ ' ~ ; ~ t l ~ ~ J t " < : : ~ . ' : ' : . ; L ~ ,. " " " " . ' "- .""" ' W : : ': - ! ; ~ : _ ~ ; " ; , . : . ' , \ ;,,,',,.., ':".',.',,~

    ~.,., ".-, .~. "

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    OFUO/Q~ 0(;4 ~.Lqq( {::Jb ::'::'JA t-'A(:!:. !: J: :J (. L (

    Albany Ponce Dept Sub" et Resistance ReportDaylDatf11meoUnciq? 'Jm c '& ' 3 " ant fl: c: i : -.>ba~Locaon of lncident:Supervisor Notified: Y e S , ~ \ ( ; . n < , . < ; l N 'O(lScene?~lNoiOfficer(s) Dep4o~g FO~Snterviewin@~om ~

    -": .. :

    Subjecfs Name~Sex:~~ Heig~: "d I t : >

    " " --_ .Age : sr;,t l;;lo Race: N)\. .OOB:Charge(s)::Mt1L 'f'O'~Foree Used/Displayed by Subject (orWY~ 1 f~J1J : " ; ;Vi - ft.t)CuN "'-.: G"-"..;. f\..:lb A .c:.'n 'I- ~~~ ~ ..J\ ) """I\"":;> ~'-'J " " ' " ' ' ) t : \ ; : > . . : tm l"'4~1'Ci': 5r?'o("l:(>(r'(. )..'f'I"\.~.c.A\MtoJ cl": !. i- - ; ,; j ,z .r . IA . . .. . c w . . - c ; . ; < : ' : ( , \ l ' r.nr\. I- ~ T? Jd('~ ~/.... .-~S.:iN Lt. ; : r H . . V"Fl -;~t-J ' P . : r ' ; 1 l C l : > . ] : > . 1 , , . Jt I~\;) ?~ --'>Jto tVpc,""-fr 1 . . . . 0 / - . 1 ( , . w~)\ L . - ( ; " ' - . ' 7 H . A C X t ..NM -r~...;s 1~",1tc-r~1>,I. \.-\l;.1\ " '--L " ' ! ! ! ! ! ! l l : ! L : . . . : ? t : : : : . : : . . : 1 r : . . . . : o : : . i I - J : : . : D : : . . : v ; ; : . - 7 ) ~ . ~ ~ _ _

    p_c. Administtatve WarningTO BE G IVEN TO ANY PERSO N EX PO SE D TO O .C .1 . Yo u have been con taCT l n a ted w ith Oleoresin C a psic um ( OC ), a n atura product d eliv ed f rom cayennepeppers . I am going to treat y ou to re du ce th e d is comfo rt y ou are fe e fin g , a s long as ) '( )u c o ope ra te .2. o c i s oon- to )Qc andfhe effects w in dissipate in a short tim e. The effects of oc mall', h oWeV er, m as k o rc ove r oth er m ed ica l c ond itio ns , ind uding ov erdo se s or toxIc le ve ls of d ru gs lik e. coca in e , amphe tam ine s.barbiturates, pcp an d o the r h altu nog ens , he ro in e a nd o the r o pa tes , o r a lc oh ol.3 . I am going to ask yo u 5 q ue sf on s fo r your ow n s a fe ty . No t an swe r in g my ques ti oo s "w it tlh o ld in gin fo rm a tio n. o rgM ng ~ Is e O f'm is le ad in g a o5WefS c ou ld d ela y m ed ic al t reatmem.aod may s e r! oo st yje op ar diz ! y ou r h ea lth a n d s af ety .4. Do you l\o~erstaod everything I have told ~? YeslNo


    (over)l Rcvacd : l t 2004 . 1 I Page IQ(2 J

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    .; t)', ', :.'

    , ' ; -E l' i "


    '\ ,.;,\f, ",), ,"


    .';,;i:@~~'~1t~i_~'1~f~!l' ' I . ~ . i . ~ ;...

    } " f. "i ,, J . '. , ~ .'c"'.'1


    ,,,~,..'..~. .. . ~ ' V . - - .. .

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    0 5 / 0 5 / 20 0 9 0 7: 48 5184477895 SSTA PAGE 05/17


    2. Have you taken Cocaine, Amphetamines, Bar:blturates, PCP or other HalluCinogens, Heroine 'o r . .other Opiates, or Alcohol in the lAST 3 HOURS?Yes__ No __ If Yes, WhiYes__ No~' _ If Yest Which Ooe{s)? _. -:--=--:-- __ .,.-_R efused to A nsw er. ~ _ Datamme: _~ Inmals _4. 00 you have heart pflJblems, lung problems, dijabe~S, high blood pressure, Or oy other me

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    , :~,1\1. ' "J~:t

    ,," \.,> .~!,t~

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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    05/89/2009 20: 47 5184477895 SSTA ' PAGE El1/02

    Albany Potlee Dept. Subject Resistance ReportDay/Daternme of incide ' shrs. Incident #~_09.:206675location of lncldent: ....Jt-

    . ,':.

    Supervisor Notified: Sm.RobertsOfflcer(s) Deploying Force: 'Interviewing!FilingOfficer (i f Different:'---On Scene? ~o

    Subject'sName:_18iII~. Age: 18 008: ~Sex: -M - Height: ~5'1~ _Weight: 145 Race: B Charge,Cs):.PL 221.05..,. . . .. .Force UsedIDispl~yed by Subject: Pushing, shoving, and vlolenUlalllng of both armsInjuries to Subject: Sm" laceration on the top of his head. .Treated by: AFD-EMSJAMCH Hospital Admission?: ....:.Y.::::;es=-'-_ --,-..,Subj~ct Under Influence of: Drugs/Aleohof/Other list, i f Known: .. 'ynknown-----:"-----_ . . . . . . . . . . ._ - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . . . . . . ._-_...-..;..... . . . . . . . . - . . - - - . - . - - - ' - ' - ~ ~ "Narrative Description of Incident (Include actions taken byboth .theSubJect andthai:;

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    " .... \ : ; . : " ( - " , : , . : ; -

    ; , ~ " ~ ~ 5 i ~ ; i ~ ; ~ k h

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    B6/B9/20B9 20 :47 5184477896 SSTA "PAGE 02/02

    O.C-,dmlnlstrat!y Questions ,TO BE ASKED OF ANY PERSON EX POS ED 'TO O.C .t. Are you urrently under the Influence 01Cocaine, Amphetamines, Sarbit':9;: Ha llucinogens, Heroine or other Opiates, or A lcohol? .-..Yes__ No __ ff Ves, Which One(s}? ~ __,.~._ -....,.L-----

    Refused to Answer: __ DatelTIme: ------..,1' niUats _es, PCP Oro ther

    2. Have you taken Cocaine; Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCP other Hallucinogens, Heroine Ofother Opiates, or AlcohOl iii the LAST 8 HOURS?Yes~ No, : If Yes, Which One(s)? ---,.L---------,----i=le1l1.1sedo Answer: _'__ Date/Time: Initials _'3. Do you normall~ take any illegal or pr'Scriptin,~s>' .Yes__ N o __ It y~, WhichOne(s)"? .Refused to' Answer: __ o _ DateJTi.,m: . Initials.4. "'" you have . . . : a r t problems, 'ung pro~lm~ diabetes, high blood p r e s s ure, or .ny other medicalcondition? ././Yes__ .. No __ If Yes, W flic:hOne(s)'? _, Refused to Answer: .." Datel"l1~ Inltla.ls _.5 . b o you have any allergies? //...- .. ~f~ .\.Ye.s__ . No __ .lfYes1WhiehOn(s)? _Refused to Answer: ~ OateITlme: ~/ Inltla.ls _

    i," .::.~'

    /iI, ---:- --,'/~ __ the undersigned officer,. have Qmpletedthe above irtf~l!i'Viie.....:WiittL_--::-'- ---,'/~' on this day of __ -----_-~,:'''' ....:.-.Z Witnessed .B y Time'OfficerSI:natu:y. Tasel Use RepogTO B E: COMPLE TED E VERY TIM E TH E T AS ER .IS USED

    Taser.Sedal #:~,: Cartridge Serial #(s}::!!!TI_!lI'I~trlII.L~~----Number of Cartridges Fired: ~O Number of Prone Contacts: ...........o~__ -,---_---Number of S tun Contacts~ ,2 . Number of probes penetrat log akln: ~{J_. __ ~ _,l-aser sight activated only: . Yes .,Loatioilof each probe contact: Probe .s po t deployed ..driVe ston to lower J?uttof,- Distance between probes (In Inches}: {) ,,Length o f Time 10r Electr ical Current Application: (x) Programmed 5 sec. Iflonger/.sbQrter, r more thanone,application, explain total time frame Involved: Two (2)drive stuns Nr' full five (5) seconds each.. Approximat distance of probe launch: -. ;O!:! .. !! ln~e:! .!hl:e:! .s~--:--__::---:-: :___::_::____:_:__ --__;_:__:Did the application cause injury to the subject andlor others? YesINo ,I f yes, expla.ln: ------Oidthe application of the Taser gain compliance from the SUbject? YesINoDescr,ibe the subject's demeanor after the Taser was displayed or deployed: Compliant

    Whete were the robes dis osed of?JrI P~e2of2 I

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~'-t

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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    0 5/ 09 / 28 09 20: 47 5184477895 SSTA 'PAGE 01/02

    Albany Pollee Dept. Subject ReSIs tance ReportDaylDatemme of Incident: T e 1 0 9 f i 91735hrs. Uncident #:_09:20675location of tncldent: ..Supervisor Notified~ Sgt. Robert$Offlcer(s} Deploying Force:Interviewing/Filing Officer (if Different:

    . . c " ' O n Scene?~o

    Subject's Name: Age: 18 008: ~ ..,Sex: -M - .Height:. 5'1t:- eight= -.l45 Race:!l . Charge(s): PL 221.05Force U~edlDisplaved by Subject: Pushing, shoving. and violent.fl~lIIng of both armsInjuries to Subject: Smlliaceratfon on the top of his head,' . '.Tremed by: . AFD-EMS/AMCH Hospital Admission?: Yes .' '~'Subject Under Influence of: Drugs/Alcohol/Other List~ if Known:' . 'ynknowrl . '/ ie , : : : ";i:: ,,;:T,';':: ';'~(Narrative Description of Incident (Includeactions taken by both the Subject and the "\ -: ::, < " 1 . , ' ~ ' : .Officer(s): After "urn in o ff a roof and runnin awa fro seve al officers the above ' ,listd sub"ectfailed to'co wi h mul J le dlreot commands-b to ~~etdown on the round or ou will be lasedi" continued ive loud and clearverbal commands to the sub"eet and then atte ed to fire histaser atthesubOectowever the robes malfunctioned. then rabbedthesubject7s arms and forced him tofu.e ground while continuing to give tlJeverbal. ..comma'nds, "put your hands gehlnd your back!" and '~stopresisting!"The subject .refused o com I clutchln both of his arms under his c e which oint ., emoved the taser cartrid e and delivered o 2 drive stuns to the sub"eo'slower buttocks area. The sUblect1tQ.ally complied and placed his arms behind his backaDd Wf!S glaced In handcuffs. ~~. :- O.C. Administrative Warning.,TO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.Cot..: Y oo ha ve b ea n co ntamin ate d w ith O le ore sin C a ps icum (OC ) , a n atura l prod uct der ived from cayennepeppers. Iam going to trea t you to (educe the discom fort you are fee ling , as . lo ng a s yo u c oo pera te.2. OC is non-toxic and the e ffects w lll diss ipa te in a short tim e. The e ffects of OC m ay, however, mask orc ov er o the r m e dic al condit io ns , i nc lu ding ove rdoses o r to xic le ve ls o f d rug s like co ca in e, amphetamines,b arb itu ra te s, P CP an d other hallucinogens, he ro in e a nd o th er opiat es , o r alcohol.3 . ,I am going to ask you 5 questons for your ow n s af ety . N ot a nswe rin g my q ue stio ns , w ith ho ld in g: In fo rma tio n, or giving f als e o r m is le ad in g answers could 'delay med ica l t re a tmen t an d m ay seriously. '. ,jeoprdize your health and safety.4.', ~o you understand eve'rything I have told you? Yes lNo (over)I Rcv i"cd 312 0 04 : l , [page 1 . of2 I


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    . - ~ , -o : :"


    . . , . ~ . ' .> ' . ,' . ,; r ; 'i . ~ j i ' i; ; ' , . . , , "" . . ,, ', . .. .. , , ., . ,. ./ .; ,i ,: < . : '. ;'. : . . ; :

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    =.....=..~. "~.,~-.._",.,~ ~

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    05/09/2009 20: 4 7 5184477895 SSTA PAGE 02/02

    O.C. Administrative Questions .TO BE ASKED OF ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.C .1. Ai's you c:urrernly under the Influence of Cocaine, Amphetamines, i3arbit';9;: H aU (J cfn og en s, H ero in e o r o th er Op ia te s, or A lcohol? -:Yes__ No __ ifYes, Which One(s)? ----,-,..,:::-;-:-,---..,.L-----Refused to Answer: __ DatelTIme: o _ _ __ o ---r ntlafs _

    es, PCP or other

    . ,3.,

    4 .- ..

    5 .

    2. Have you taken Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCP other Hallucinogens, He ro ine orother Opiates, Ol' Alcohol jn the LAST S HOURS?Yes-----, No.__ : It Yes, Which One{s)? __ ..,.L- ~_Refused to Answer: . Date/Time: Initials..;.. _Do you normall~ take any iIIegalor presoription ~s> - .Yes__ No__ If Y~' Which One(s)1Refused to' Answer: __ o DaterniJf: Initiais _

    qo you have hear t pro6ems, lung prOb_ l ~~ , diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other medicalcondition? / .Yes__ . No.__ If Yes, Wt'ich One(8)1 -::-::-:--:-- __ --. Refused to Aoswer: ../ Paterrlrrv-----,-'--~- .'(rlillals _ho you have any allergies? // J /f ~.\,Yes__ No JfYes1Which One(s)? ~~_------Refused to Answer:L- OateITlme: _-_-'-___ Initials _I

    . : :. :: ;. , :. > ,. . . ": -: .> . . . .. ~ : -. '- . ._ . '

    , Tase! Use 8eporjTO Bl: C OMPLETED EVERY TIME THE TASER IS USED,T.~er.Seflal #: ....: 'I.'.~II~~ _Number of Cartridges Fired: ...;O~__Number o f S tu n C o nta cts ; _;.: :.2 :.....-_L~$er sight activated only: _...!.Y..::::es~_. /Locatiollof each probe contact: PropeS.pol dployed -drive stun to fower);!Uttoks,/ pistance between probes (In inches): ....;O~ _.!.Lengthot Time tor Electrical Current Application: (x) Programmed 5 sec. It longerls~.9,rter, or more thanpne appflcaton, explain total time frame Involved: Two (2) drIve ~tuns for full five (5) secoods each.

    Cartridge Serial #(s): ~ : J I I I a I , I I ,.'I,IP~i----~---Number of probe Contacts: ~~O~ -_----:--Number of probes,penetratlng skin: _O~-~ _

    Approximate distance of probe launch: _0!:L!!ln~eh~e2s-;;:-_::---::-::---;::---:::;-- :-;:~Did. the application causinjury to the subject andlor others? YeslNo 11yes, expla.ln: _-----Oidthe application of the Taser gain compliance from the $upject? YesINoDE!scr.lbe th~ subject's demeanor after toe Taser was displayed or deployed: Compliant.Where Wre the robes dis osed 0 1?


    .., A P D;# 4i1 I ., P~e2ofi I

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    j i . '

    " : > . ' . . ~ r : ;~l:\::.i.



    " .... " .. , . ."."" " ~ . ' " > ~ , " ' . i . ". . : . ; . .!,i

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    '-"'"".",,.-.'"",'-''L"';''':'',.'L':''''.',"'" '''.''.''

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Albany Police Dept. Subject Resistance ReportDay/Date lT ime of Incident: Mon 6/ 5 9 1828 incident #: 09-215100.Location of Incident:Supervisor Notified: Sgt. Roberts On Scsne~_X_esOfficer(s) Deploying Force:Interviewing/Filing Officer (i f Different): ~_--'---: __ ~ _i ~ " ~ " , , , , \ : O : ) ~ ? J i : ' ~ , ] \ ~ i ~ 1~~ , --,~.. r.:\ " . . . ", H ,.. ,. _." " ."... I. ,. , " '_~ ' ' ."" ~ __ _ . Subject's Name: : Age: 32 DOB:~. . ~Sex: Male Height: 6'1" Weight:270 Race: Black Chalge(s)~CPCS\1s , Conspiracy f"'. " \,Force Used/Displayed by Subject: Fied in vehicle, Pusllllng, punching and Kicking'njuries to Subject: contusion and swelling to right eye~abrasion to left side of headTreated by: ~efused Hospital Admission?: NIA .Subject Under Influence of: Drugs/Alcohol/Other List, if Known: ......Narrative Description of Incident (Include actions taken byboth the Subjecfand.ihe ...Officer{ s): :. On The above date during the culmination of a narcotcs investigation, the above...defend.a.nt (.target).was to be arrested durin~. sto. Th.e defendant. refused to.......comply with emergency lights activated b~in a marked polic vehicle,and fled the Scene. Defendant was not pursued, The d~ferldant was then found to have ..abandoned his vehicle in the area of The Defendant was- located in another vehicle as a passenger. Upon attemjJting to stop said vehicle, vehiclebegan to flee,but then stopped. Upon stopping the defundant was observed in the frontpassenger seat. I approached the front passenger sidelof vehicle and attempted to ope .....thedoor, while the defendant was reaching down undet the seat. I struck thewindow andordered suspects to open the door. Doors were then u~(ocked, I believe by the driver,. ,.and I opened the passenger side 'door, The defendant then exited the vehiJe and pushedinto the undersigned officer while swinging his right fist (punching) at the undersigned .."h~ed then ..grabbe.d the defendant in the area of his waist and swept his legs__.."'as..__arrived to assist. Defendant landed on the groundfacefrrstand- continued to fight by swinging his arms and elbows, and kicking trying to crawl away.The undersigned De.tectjVe~stri~e th~ def~ndant several time in ,the .shouldsr, armand Side aS~ld strlke tHedefendant several times with aclosed fist in the back and shOUlder area as additional Detectives arrived and all were .attempting to handcuff defendant as he continued to resist and fight. _ then tasedthe defendant (drive stunned) 4-6 times in the 'ow~r/m;dtlle back and the defendantcontinued to fight and attempted to grab the taser. Defendant was finally handcuffedrequiring the utili2:ation of two sets of handcuffs, and cohtinued to kick and attempftocrawl away requiring the undersigned, to attempt tohold him down.

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    (V-' ....

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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    . = .L Revise< / lr .i n to t a r tim. I n om . ' n""lvod: D.-rv. s tu n n el d ef en .a n , 4-6 t imos .t t .s a achSlunue to defendants fightIng andturniog.

    Taser Use Rep@TO BE C OM PLETED EVERY TIM E THE TASER ISUSEDCartridge Serial # (S} : NIANumber of Probe Pontacts: ONumber of probesi panetratlng skin: O

    Approximate distance of prob .. launch. NIAOld the ' " : : : ' " : ' ~ - : t - : - . : ; - " : : ' : ; ' ;' - \ ~ : . : : . - , ~ ' : : ' C \ : . : : . : : : ' . " - : ': : '- ' , :: ' : ', : , ,~ " . "" " :" " : ': : -. ': ' ; ~ :, - ~ ,. " " : ': . ~ , ~ , ; ,. -7"'..':"'._':_'-'";:'r-:-'.t.~'~'.''''''~''::-''n''''''''''':r~::::~::;-:: : ;~ : . 7 , ; : : : ;: : : \ ; :: ': ; :: " ; . ; , ' ,' : : . . .: ~ . \ : ' >:"'.: .,:. '. ' .'...::::: .'.': .:::.... '..':

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    : ;, !i '' '' . " .~.-",f.-"" , ,- " " : ; , '~!~~.~ ;:'.

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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    ~b/L8/L~~g L2:38 4585652 C E N T E R PAGE 01/02'.

    i l ". ': ~. ~,~l{ - .. ,

    ". 'i.. }~;., " .",1.,. .', ,;,1

    A,I;bany;Po:Hce Dept, Subjec:f'Resls~~tt;ceReportq a x { . > . ? ~ ~ l t i m : ~ : . : o f ' t : t : l e i $ ;O t : : F ' R l tr 6 ~ ' 1 S r o '9 . , . : . ' ~ : ' , ' 5 7 _L 6 c ' : t i n - of Ineiden f :


    Supervisor Notifled: : S G T . CUEHDON .'.~ ' " - . : ' : . . ~ '~.l!, "ewfng/FmngOfficer ( if D iff ere nt):: .: ', . " -. ; i,Officer(s)'Depioying. Force:,ji


    .. jf '1 : {~ot, _ ~.~ -: :":""0- " -.::'." :.' .. ~ ~ : : : ;. ' ,I .: . :



    Sex:M HtH ".: 5~m~~.ilf Rae, HECha ):N NEr, ..,- '". . I --, .~~.Force Used/Display.ed by subf~t: S~PtlitHING P', ,. ''~'fANDTAFFInjuries::to S~ 'lb-e-t:NONE . . .Treated ..v : '. r: l',~ .: \\.. Admi ..n?: ,...{ 1ii' , J.,-" ";": I _ :Subject U'r:l::ddnfluence:df:"'i1~~...; , \ l t : < ~ . her ", . if Knowrr; :1wm~:~"~7'~~~--:-'"'7"-~W~"""~-:'.~""_N~-:"N._~.....,_.'''N':'''''W'''''''' .,,'.,,:: " " M " ~ " ' w , . , w , . , , , , ~ . , ~ , , , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , : ~ w ~ , , : , ~ , , , , , , ~ ~ : " " ' ~ " ~ ' : : " " 7 ~ d ; ' ; \ ; ; 1 ' :' ' . : : . ,. Narrative De$.c.rtptiPoof In 'CJ: t ! ;~rm: t~(~~Q:eactens t :by b:tJ:kt~:S;ltbJecta~I;l~~~.,.::::}\:{.\,,;:;:.:,:r" ' : ', . .' 'TO BE elvEN TO ANY PERt lON EX~'EDTO o.C. : . ...;\< " .',{ :{ 1 .. You have b~ ~'r C o . >a,te-d with O eoreS n C a.PSC U m(O C );~ lia tura l p rod l: lct dM y.~ d from cayefIne : ' ~ I . ; .> . , . : " ; ' :peppers , t amgbing to " tt . reduce the discom fort YOLlIHeelng , a s lo ng S :y . u.G 0 0 p era te , .:::.:?:'. 2 . O C l.s .M 9ri-toxic a n d the e ff cts w lll.d.is . in a s hor t time. i : i :e e ff ec ts o f o c mly , hOW6\1o!f, maskor ..< ' : . / / . , : ;. cover tMr medic l Cbndrtlons., in clud in g oxi~ , '. or to xic r~ ' Is o f dru gs like cocai i1; .~~mpl : le tami.QeS, . f J / ; '; '\ ': ' : o ' : - ' ;" : . , .barbl tur- tE1S. PcP and othe r ha lluclf1ogef1 s ,hero ine an r 'a tes, or a lcohol. ' : , ~ ~ ; ; ; ' i t : : ; . \ ,. ; . . . ' :3 . ! a ~ ' g oi.~ g .~ ?a s~ ou 5 qu estio~ s for .yo ur.o wn sa fe ty, N ota n.., , : l S d . ~~, .q~es t iOJ1s ,w i thho ld ing : i~I:~$n~fU.:rnfo.rmatron, or glv lryg fa lse "O r f:l ' lISleadrng':~m:swers could deI9y'j_1 ? - J l c a T 1 f ' ' l i J l ! - n t a n d ma y s er lo us l .y h\~~ ; \ f , ~ : : ; ' : : ! ; ; j ; :je op ard iz e y ou r h e'a lth a nd ' safety.' ;.: ______. . . : . . , ; < : - ' ; ~ : : : . , ; : : \ : . : ;4, Do yOt! understand 'everything ' have- : t0 ' ld 'you? Yes!No ~ -----~.: :'; ":::'.: ),~.. (over) ~ : 1 : ' . : ; - . ' i

    R,ev l$ad 3/2 0 0 4 , t " \ I pa~ e( of i; ;~ ': '; '' ': :;: :' ; . . ;:- . w ' . . nt" I t ; ~ . , . . . ~ " " , ;. .+ .. +:".,.. G i " '~.:i,"" . . ':.;;'):., .... : '. DIO.tn,e apPFfC

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)



    Supervisor Notified: SGT. CUERDON

    Albany Police Dept. Subject-Resistance ReportDay/Date/Time of Incident:FRI06/19/09 Incident 09#:220957_-,,- __Location of Incident.

    lewing/Filing Officer (if Different):''Officer(s) Deploying Force:

    '::":':.::'.: ' . . '.:" .'" :..: ,,'. < :: '.' ,.'.: ' :,:.".:..:'::\ . , ,.c.. , " ':: '..,: ,. " :,: " ." ,."'. " : ' .. , : .,-, , :-. : .'.. ::, . : : .. :: :.: :: ':: :':\':: ': '::: '} '.::: :/: .. :.:'::: :: ::; .: ,:; :: ::; ::{ :: :

    Sex: M Height:5'09 Weight: 190Race:WHITECharge(s): NONEForce Used/Displayed by Subject: S-PUNCHING PO'S AND STAFFInjuries. to Subject: NONE ~~,s~,.. ~."~i' , : ! ; ? ; ,Treated-by: Hospital Admission?: _,--;...__ "'--__ .""'-.:......;:..: " ' + i . : " " ' . . . , . . . . :. . . . . .. , ' , . - , , - . . ' . . : . e ' " ,

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)



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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)



    Albany Police Dept Subject Resistance ReportDay/Date/Timeof Incident:07104/091912hrs Incident #:09242004Location of Incident:Supervisor Notified: Sgt. Flack On Scene? NoOfficer(s) Deploying Force:Interviewing/Filing Officer (i f Different): ----,

    f i : o r.~~~l"ye..~; y - i ~ ~ - ~ . :fi~~;{~.h~~;lt~:;~-.,.j . ; - ~ . ~ : ' - ~ .;~i

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)



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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Yes__ No__Refused to Answer: If Yes, Which One(s)? --Date!Time: Initials _3. Do y normally take any illegal or prescription drugs>Yes No__ If Yes, Which One(s)? __ -'-- _Refuse o Answer: __ Date/Time: Initials _4. Do you have heartj blems, lung probterns.idiabetes, higli151dpressure, or any other medicalcondition?Yes__ No__ IfRefused to Answer: __ , Which One(s)? _ate/Time: -'--__ Initials _5. Do you have.any allergies?Yes__ No __ If Yes, WhichOne(sRefused to Answer: Date/Time: .;_ - - = : : , - - . . - _ Initials _'~- '- - - :- -" ," : ,-~-~~---------- '~~- -_._~- -_.-_..'-:::;"'. ....._.." ."_~.. F ,_~ __ __ ' , 00 w ----; - - _ _ _ .: ._-._., ... _ ---,-." .. . - - _ . - _ . - . - . ,'.-..-_ .. . _ - .,

    I, _---'- --,. the undersigned officer, have com ted the above interviewwith_,-- on this day of ~_=_------, 20 .Time af Gompletia\1\.- _ _ _ . ._ _ ._ _ ._-- _ .._ _ _ . _ - - . _ _ .._ - - - ' " - ...._ . - .._ - - - - . _ -_.-: _ .............. _ _ _ -_ .. - .._ _ - - - _ .. __ _ ..- - . - . _ - _ .. - . - _ _ _ . _ - _ - _ _ . _ .. '" - . - - _ ..._ . ", - -.,Officer Signature Witnessed By

    Taser Serial #:_na,_ _Number.of Cartridges Fired: _0 __Nmb~rf~tun Contacts:OLasersight activated only: .. noLocation of each probe contact: .;_._.none, --:--,------,-'-~,-,--~~_---:-'___"---,,...c...--:-"'7_~~,c ..,pis.tar:lse.betweenprobes.(in inches): __ O_----'~~ .>:" : : ' 0 ; ' : . . . , . . ' : ; , , . : . .

    Cartridge Serial #(s): na. ~ ..,....-"-;--..,...,..~~~~~:~ ~~:;~~:sC;;~:fr~t~ogg.-;.~ S = = = J t = = : i L 2 = F 8 : ; ( ! ; - i i < ~ ; ~ j 1 !


    ...Lengttr9fTime forElectrical Current Application: (l Programmed 5 s~c.lflng.erlshorter;orTl1orethanne~pplication, explain total time frame involved: _-,-- -----_..,.,.,..~--'-:--. -,.Approximateqistance of probe launch: . ~Did.the-appllcatlon cause injury to the subject and/or others? .Y?~ If yes, explain: -.-:. _

    " " i '

    Didtheapplicationof the Taser gain compliance from the subject? Yes, . .: "- ,Pesrihethe subject's demeanorafter th Taser w~sdisplayed ordeployed:(S) wassil~l)t andb~aniep

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)



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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2009)


    Supervisor Notified: Commander Ryan

    Albany Police Dept Subject Resistance ReportDay/DatefTime of incident: WED 07/08/090658 lncldent #: 09~246724Location of Incident:On Scene? NoOfficer(s) Deploying Force:Interviewing/Filing Officer (ifDifferent): .,.-- __

    ~;~l ...:{':i~\;~.! ' @ :lw;~~~r~;;7t ,.: .;~ ; . . . ~ . - .~t..~,~.r t g' :, r -: ~~;,:t{:~~~~'~~,J . ... :;;I '':': _. :.;

    . , V i. ~! ~ :; .;~/!)~u.:!~.~' I~:'...... .".I~. i~:;~~fl~,~.w;~~~: : ~ ;~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ : ; : . : : m . - i ~ ~ ' . , .\"!ili~#~

    . . . . . . . . . " ', ':..

    -. Subjet1s Name; ~ Age: 28 DOB.*ii_Lf \ .:Sex: Maie Height: 6100" Weight: 180 Race: Hispanic Charge(s): Parol$ WarrantForce Used/Displayed by Subject: Refusal to show hands concealedunder wOQden d oo rafter repeated verbal commands to do so.Injuries to Subject: Minorabrasions due to Taser ProbesTreated by: Engine 11 andA.M,C.H. Hospital Adm;ssion?: EXlminedanddiscf1!rg~2Subject Under Influence of: Drugs/Alcohol/Other List, ifKnovyn: i . ' ; " : ; ' ? ; : \ < : i ' ( ; i ; i : ' , ~ : : ; ; ~

    . :' ,:1 ," -.' -. '," .. .. .. ,.Narratve Descrlption of Incident (Include actions taken by both theSl.lbjecfal1dth~( i"Officer(s):.~as wanted under the strength of a N.Y.S. ParoleWarrant."IltM,attempted to elude capture by refusing to open the door. A key wasobtainedbythfi)landlord at which tim~.!.~",girlfriend came to the doorand;, ..confirmed ~was in the residence, Attempts were made by taskforcmem~rsto .-caU-_hi out however _refused. Entry was made into the seco.l1dfloorapanmentho