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P H A S E 2 CHECKLIST Student Name: _____________________ Group: _______ Your portfolio must include, the student agreement (signed) and the portfolio checklist Act Description Generic Competences/ Attributes and Disciplinary Competences Activi ty Points Earned Points 1 Sign Agreement 2 Diagnostic Activity CG 4.1, 6.2 3 Knowledge Acquisition CG 4.1, CD 6 25 4 Organization Activity CG 4.1, CD 6 10 5 Application Activity CG 4.1, CD 6 10 6 Metacognition CG 4.2 CD 6 20 7 Integrative Activity 1 CG 4.1, 4.5 CD 1, 2, 6 30 8 Lab. CG 8.1 CD 17 5 2

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Student Name: _____________________ Group: _______

Your portfolio must include, the student agreement (signed) and the portfolio checklist

Act Description

Generic Competences/ Attributes and

Disciplinary Competences

Activity Points

Earned Points

1Sign Agreement

2Diagnostic Activity CG 4.1, 6.2

3Knowledge Acquisition

CG 4.1,

CD 625

4Organization Activity

CG 4.1,

CD 610

5Application Activity

CG 4.1,

CD 610


CG 4.2

CD 620

7Integrative Activity 1

CG 4.1, 4.5

CD 1, 2, 630


CG 8.1

CD 175

Total 100STUDENT’S REFLECTIONS ABOUT HIS/HER WORK:Presentation/Content/Activities_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Feedback to Teacher:___________________________________________________________Students’ Signature____________________________________ Date:____________


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General skills and attributes 4. Listen, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts through the use of media, tools codes and appropriate tools. • Expresses ideas and concepts through linguistic representations, mathematics or graphics.• Applies different communicative strategies depending who is the speaker, the context they are using and the objective they are looking for.• Identify the key ideas in a text or oral speech and infer conclusions from them. • Manages information technology and communication to obtain information and express ideas.

6. Supports a personal stand on issues of interest and general relevance, considering other points of view critically and reflectively.• Choose information resources for a specific prototype and discriminates between them by relevance and reliability.• Evaluates arguments and opinions and identifies prejudices and fallacies.• Recognizes its own prejudices, modifies its point of view by discovering new evidence and finds new knowledge.• Structures ideas and argument in a clear, coherent and synthetic.

8. Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams. • Suggests ways of solving a problem or develop a team project, defining a course of action with specific steps.

Disciplinary competencies6. Values the common preconceptions about various natural phenomena on the basis of scientific

evidence.7- Explains the concepts underlying scientific notion that support the processes to solve everyday

problems.12.Applies safety standards in the handling of chemicals, instruments and equipment in carrying out their

daily life activities.

Elements of competence:

P H A S E 2 A G R E E M E N T

I ______________________________________________________ understand that my portfolio is a collection of my school work and related achievements. The contents exhibit my effort and progress as these elements relate to the goals represented in my instructional program.

I agree to accept the responsibility for creating and managing my portfolio as I complete each requirement. I will submit its content for periodic review to my instructor. In doing so, I understand that the contents of my portfolio, as well as the way in which I have presented the contents, will be evaluated for the purpose of judging my performance in school.

Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________

Parent Signature:

I have read and understand the above portfolio agreement and have reviewed my child’s portfolio requirements.

________________________________ Date: _____________________

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Stage 3: Introduction to Genetics

Diagnostic ActivityEstudio de caso

FLO HYMAN, ágil, atlética y de más de 1.80 de alto, era una de las mejores jugadoras de voleibol de todos los tiempos. Hyman, la estrella del equipo olímpico estadounidense de voleibol ganadora de la medalla de plata, se incorporó después a un equipo profesional japonés. En 1986, luego de salir de un partido para tomar un breve descanso, murió mientras estaba sentada silenciosamente en la banca. ¿Cómo pudo sucederle esto a alguien de apenas 32 años y en excelentes condiciones físicas?

Flo Hyman padecía un trastorno genético llamado síndrome de Marfan, que es sorprendentemente común y afecta a una de cada 5000 personas. Quienes padecen el síndrome de Marfan por lo general son altos y delgados, con largas extremidades y con manos y pies inusualmente grandes. Estas características ayudaron a Flo Hyman a convertirse en una extraordinaria jugadora de voleibol. Pero por desgracia, el síndrome de Marfan también puede conducir a la muerte.

La autopsia reveló que Hyman murió por una ruptura en la aorta, la gran arteria que transporta la sangre del corazón a casi todo el cuerpo. ¿Por qué la aorta de Hyman se rompió? ¿Qué tiene en común una aorta débil con la altura y las manos grandes? El síndrome de Marfan es causado por una mutación en el gen que codifica una proteína llamada fibrilina, que forma fibras largas que dan elasticidad y fuerza al tejido conectivo. Muchas partes del cuerpo contienen tejido conectivo, incluidos los tendones, los ligamentos y las paredes arteriales. Las moléculas de fibrilina defectuosa debilitan el tejido conectivo, en ocasiones con trágicas consecuencias. Al parecer, las mutaciones en la fibrilina también estimulan el crecimiento, lo que hace que las personas con el síndrome de Marfan sean altas y muy delgadas.

¿Cómo adquirió este padecimiento Flo Hyman? ¿Heredó este síndrome de sus padres? ¿O fue una nueva mutación (quizá en el ADN del óvulo de su madre o en el espermatozoide de su padre que lo fertilizó)?

Puesto que las nuevas mutaciones son casos poco comunes, formulemos la hipótesis de que Hyman heredó un gen defectuoso de sus padres. Los genetistas pueden hacer experimentos, en el sentido habitual, en los seres humanos; pero también reúnen otras evidencias que los ayudan a determinar las formas en que se transmite la herencia. ¿Qué evidencias se necesitarán para determinar si el síndrome de Marfan de Hyman era resultado de una nueva mutación o si lo heredó de sus padres? Si fue heredado, ¿provino de ambos progenitores o pudo heredarlo sólo de uno? Si Hyman hubiera tenido hijos, éstos tendrían probabilidades de padecer el síndrome de Marfan? ¿Flo Hyman sufrió una nueva mutación o heredó el síndrome de Marfan? Los exámenes médicos revelaron que su padre y su hermana tenían el síndrome de Marfan, a diferencia de su madre y su hermano. ¿Este hallazgo prueba que Hyman heredó el alelo defectuoso de su padre? Los organismos diploides, incluidas las personas, generalmente tienen dos alelos de cada gen, uno en cada cromosoma homólogo. Por muchos años se ha sabido que un alelo defectuoso de fibrilina es suficiente para causar el síndrome de Marfan. Más aún, los hijos de una persona con el síndrome de Marfan tienen un 50 porciento de probabilidad de heredar la enfermedad.

¿Qué podemos concluir a partir de estos datos? En primer término, si sólo un alelo defectuoso defi -brilina produce el síndrome de Marfan, entonces la madre de Hyman debió ser portadora de dos alelos normales, porque no tenía tal síndrome. Segundo, puesto que las nuevas mutaciones ocurren pocas veces y el padre de Hyman tiene el síndrome de Marfan, es casi seguro que Hyman heredó un alelo defectuoso de fibrilina de su padre.

Tercero, el síndrome de Marfan se hereda ¿Cómo una condición dominante o recesiva? Una vez más, si un solo alelo defectuoso es suficiente para provocar el síndrome de Marfan, entonces este alelo debe ser dominante y el alelo normal debe ser recesivo. Por último, si Hyman hubiera tenido hijos, ¿habrían heredado de ella el síndrome de Marfan? En el caso de un trastorno dominante, cualquier

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hijo que heredara su alelo defectuoso habría desarrollado el síndrome de Marfan. Por consiguiente, en promedio, la mitad de sus hijos habrían te nido el síndrome de Marfan (intenta deducir esto con el cuadro de Punnett).

Piensa en esto. Es imposible detectar el síndrome de Marfan en un embrión median te una simple prueba bioquímica (hasta ahora). Sin embargo, la mayoría de las mutaciones de fibrosisquística se detectan fácilmente tanto en heterocigotos como en homocigotos, ya sea en adultos, niños o embriones. Hace algunos años, ciertas entidades de Estados Unidos consideraron hacer obligatorias las pruebas de fibrosis quística a las parejas que deseaban contraer matrimonio. Si dos heterocigotos se casan, cada uno de sus hijos tiene un 25 por ciento de probabilidad de padecer la enfermedad. Aunque no existe cura, es probable que se disponga de mejores tratamientos dentro de algunos años. ¿Crees que las pruebas para identificar a los portadores deberían ser obligatorias? Si tú y tu cónyuge fueran heterocigotos, ¿solicitarías un diagnóstico prenatal de un embrión? ¿Qué harías si tu embrión estuviera destinado a nacer con fibrosis quística?

Answer the following questions1- How is the genetic information of a generation transmitted to the next?


2- What are genes?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Quick Lab

Trait SurveyFeature Dominant Trait Number Recessive trait Number

A Free ear lobes Attached ear lobesB Hair on fingers No hair on fingersC Widow’s peak No widow’s peakD Curly hair Strait hairE Cleft chin Smooth chin

1- Write a prediction of whether the trait listed in the table will be evenly distributed or if there will be more dominant than recessive traits.


2- Interview at least 14 other students to find out which trait they have. Record the totals in each column.


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3- Calculate the percentage of each trait in your total sample. How do these numbers compare to your predictions?


4- Why do you think recessive traits are more common in some cases?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Inquiry Into Scientific Thinking

Classroom Variations Some traits are controlled by a single gene. Humans inherit genes from their parents. Children who exhibit a dominant allele such as freckles must receive the dominant allele from one of their parents.

Analyze and Conclude

The following table shows some Mendelian traits exhibited by Julia and her parents.

Julia’s Dad Julia’s Mom Julia

Freckles yes Yes yes

Cheek dimples yes No yes

Free ear lobes yes No no

Use the table to answer the questions.1. Which statement is true about Julia and her parents? Circle the correct answer.

A. They all have at least one dominant allele for freckles.B. They all have at least one dominant allele for cheek dimples.C. They all have at least one dominant allele for free ear lobes.

2. In the future, Julia will marry a man with freckles. However, her daughter will not have freckles. How is that possible?


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Knowledge Acquisition Activity

The Experiments of Gregor Mendel

Match the term with its definition.

Term Definition

_____ 1. genes A. Specific characteristics that vary among individuals

_____ 2. hybrids B. The offspring of true-breeding parents with different traits

_____ 3. traits C. Factors that determine traits

_____ 4. alleles D. Sex cells, egg or sperm

_____ 5. gametes E. The different forms of a gene

6. Why are peas a good model system for studying heredity?

7. How did Mendel cross-pollinate flowers?

8. What is the difference between a gene and an allele?

9. State the principle of dominance.

The table shows some crosses between true-breeding parents that carry pairs of dominant alleles (such as SS) or pairs of recessive alleles (such as ss). Complete the table to show the combination of alleles in the offspring. Then use it to answer Questions 10–11.

Dominant and Recessive Forms of Pea Plant Traits

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Trait Parent Plants (P Generation) Offspring(F1 Generation)

Seed Color YellowYY




Seed Coat Color





Pod Shape Constrictedss




Pod Color GreenCC




10. What is the dominant shape of a pea pod? How do you know?

11. What symbol represents the recessive allele for pod color?

Segregation12. What is segregation? What is the result of segregation?

13. The capital letter G represents the allele in peas that causes the dominant trait, gray seed coat. The lower-case letter g represents the recessive allele that causes the recessive trait, white seed coat.

In the circles, show the alleles in the gametes of the parent generation. Show how the alleles recombine in the F1 plants.


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14. A black cat and a white cat have four black kittens in the F1 generation. In the F2 generation, there are three black kittens and one white kitten. Explain how the F2 generation proves that genetic information passes unchanged from one generation to the next, even when a specific trait is not exhibited.

Probability and Punnett Squares15. What is probability?

16. In a parent pea plant with the allele pair Gg, what is the probability that one gamete will contain the G allele?

17. Complete the graphic organizer to define the characteristics of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes and phenotypes.

Apply the Big idea

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Homozygous Heterozygous



18. The dominant allele for smooth pod shape in peas is S. The recessive allele for constricted pod shape is s. In the Punnett square, show the result of crossing two heterozygous parents (Ss). Write the genotype and the phenotype of each type of offspring in the space provided.

S s

S Genotype: Phenotype:

Genotype: Phenotype:

s Genotype: Phenotype:

Genotype: Phenotype:

For Questions 19–23, refer to the Punnett square above.

19. What is the probability of a heterozygous offspring? Explain your answer.

20. What is the probability of a homozygous offspring? Explain.

21. What is the probability of a homozygous recessive offspring?

22. What is the probability of a smooth phenotype?

23. What is the probability of a homozygous recessive individual (ss) producing a gamete with a dominant allele (S)? Explain.

Independent Assortment24. State the principle of independent assortment below.

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25. Using the principle of independent assortment, complete the Punnett square to show the results of an F1 cross between two individuals heterozygous for both pod color (C = green and c = yellow) and pod shape (S = smooth and s + constricted). The gametes and some of the genotypes of the F2 offspring are given.

CS cS Cs cs


cS ccSs

Cs CCss

cs ccSs

For Questions 26–29, refer to the Punnett square above.

26. Which genotype belongs to an offspring that is homozygous recessive for both traits? What is the probability of that genotype?

27. What is the phenotype of an individual heterozygous for both traits?

28. What is the probability of an F2 offspring having the green pod color and smooth pod shape? Explain. (Note: Remember that more than one genotype can produce this phenotype.)

29. The Punnett square predicts a 9:3:3:1 ratio for phenotypes. Explain what that ratio means.

Summary of Mendel’s PrinciplesFor Questions 30–34, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words

30. The units that determine the inheritance of biological characteristics are .

31. A form of a gene is a(n) .

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Mendel’s experiments cannot predict the outcome of traits that involve

Incomplete dominanceExample:

Example: Speckled chicken feathers from solid-color-feather parents

Multiple allelesExample:

Example: Variety of skin color in humans

32. If two or more forms of a gene exist, some may be dominant and others may be .

33. The offspring of most sexually reproducing organisms have two copies of each gene. One came from each .

34. Alleles from different genes usually independently from each other when gametes form.

For Questions 35–39, match the term with its description.

35. Determine traits A. parents

36. Can be two of these in one gene B. alleles

37. Allele that is expressed C. dominant

38. Where genes come from D. segregate

39. What genes do during gamete formation E. genes

40. Explain the importance of Thomas Hunt Morgan’s experiments with fruit flies. Why was his work an important addition to Mendel’s research?

41. Four sisters begin attending your school. One has brown hair and brown eyes. Another has brown hair and blue eyes. The third also has blue eyes, but blond hair. The fourth has blond hair, too, but she has brown eyes. Explain how the principle of independent segregation accounts for these sisters having four different phenotypes for two traits.

Beyond Dominant and Recessive Alleles

42- Complete the graphic organizer to summarize exceptions to Mendel's principle.

Apply the Big idea

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43.When offspring show a blend of the parents’ traits, one allele is dominant over the other.

44.In complete dominance, the heterozygous phenotype lies somewhere between the two homozygous phenotypes.

45.A heterozygous individual that exhibits the traits of both parents is an example of codominance.

46.Many genes exist in several forms and are said to have codominant alleles.

47.While multiple alleles may exist in a population, an individual usually carries only two alleles for each gene.

48. Traits produced by two or more genes are codominant.

49. Polygenic traits often show a wide range of phenotypes.

50- A plant breeder produced a purple flower by crossing a red parent with a blue parent. Use RR as the genotype for the red parent and BB for the blue parent. Complete the Punnett square to show the resulting genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.

Gamete allele: Gamete allele:

Gamete allele:

Genotype: Phenotype:

Genotype: Phenotype:

Gamete allele: Genotype: Genotype:

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Phenotype: Phenotype:

For Questions 51–53, refer to the Punnett square above.

51- What type of inheritance is the example in Question 9?

52- If the offspring had been red and blue spotted flowers, what kind of inheritance would be most likely?

53- Explain the difference between multiple alleles and polygenic traits.

Genes and the Environment

For Questions 54–57, complete each statement by writing in the correct word or words.

54- An organism’s results from its genotype and its environment.

55- Some produce variable traits depending on environmental conditions.

56- Western white butterflies vary in their wing color because their varies depending on when they hatch.

57 is an environmental variable that affects wing color in western white butterflies.

For each of the following examples, write G if the trait is determined by genotype, and E if it is determined by environment.

58. Turtles whose eggs hatch at higher temperatures tend to be female.

59. A blue-eyed girl is born to two blue-eyed parents.

60. Bees in a colony are assigned different jobs. As they develop, workers begin to look dramatically different.

61. A pair of twins is separated at birth. They grow up in different countries and speak different languages.

62. A litter of puppies is born. They are all gray except one, which is brown.

63. Tall pea plant seeds are planted in different locations around a yard. They produce plants of different heights.

64. A kitten is born with six toes.

65. A rabbit is born weak with hunger.

Apply the Big idea

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A change in phenotype results. A gene’s DNA sequence changes. The amino acid sequence that alters a protein changes.

66- A dog gave birth to four puppies. The father has brown eyes, and the mother has green eyes. Two puppies have brown eyes. One has green eyes. One puppy has blue eyes. What does this tell you about how the cellular information for eye color is passed on? Explain.

From Molecule to Phenotype

67. The boxes below each show a step to explain how genetic disorders have a molecular basis. Number them so that the steps are in the correct order.

For Questions 2–7, write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.

68. How many human genetic disorders are known?A. threeB. about 20C. about 100D. thousands

69. The inherited disease in which hemoglobin molecules clump into long fibers, changing the shape of blood cells isA. cystic fibrosis.B. sickle cell disease.C. Huntington’s disease.D. Klinefelter’s syndrome.

70. What happens to the CFTR gene in individuals who have cystic fibrosis?A. The entire gene is deleted.B. The entire gene is duplicated.C. Three bases are deleted, causing one amino acid to be missing.D. Three bases are duplicated, causing one amino acid show up about 40 times.

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Definition: Sketch of Process:

Example of Outcome (in genotype): Example of Outcome (in phenotype):


71. Why are individuals who are heterozygous for the cystic fibrosis allele unaffected by the disease?A. They have an extra copy of the allele on their X chromosome.B. Cystic fibrosis only occurs in males, so females are unaffected.C. They make enough of a particular protein to allow their cells to work properly.D. Their cells can transport chloride ions through diffusion channels.

72. How might the allele that causes a disease stay in the population if it is fatal to those who have the disease?

A. It is present only in heterozygotes.B. It makes the heterozygote resistant to a fatal disease.C. It disappears but is continuously replaced by mutations.D. It occurs only in certain geographic areas.

73. What advantage do individuals with one sickle cell allele have?A. a stronger resistance to malariaB. immunity to typhoid feverC. more rigid red blood cellsD. no advantage

Chromosomal Disorders

74. Complete this graphic organizer to explain the process and outcomes of nondisjunction.

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Apply the Big idea

75. What is trisomy?

76. What happens when a male has XXY sex chromosomes?

77. Most of the genetic disorders you have learned about are the result of a change in DNA sequence, as with cystic fibrosis, or the presence of an extra chromosome, as with Down syndrome. The exception is Turner’s syndrome. Women with Turner’s syndrome have only 45 chromosomes. They are missing an X chromosome. This disorder is the only case in which a person can survive with one less chromosome. What does this tell you about how genetic information is inherited in humans?

Organization Activity

Answer the following

In teams of 5 answer the following punnett squares.

Once you are done, it will be shared during plenary.

1- Information: In horses black color (N) is dominant over white (n). The trot (T) walk is dominant over the fine (f) walk.

Results: 50% heterocygous for black

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50% heterocygous for White.

What is the mistake in the punnet square?




9 black horses with trot.3 black horses with fine walk3 white horses with trot.1 white horse with fine walk

What is the mistake in the punnet square?



Gene = Albinism. A = Normal melanin production a = Albino (abnormal melanin production ) In the following crosses, two parents have a particular genotype for the gene “Albinism,” where the letter A represents the allele “Normal” and the letter a represents the allele “Albino.” Figure out the potential offspring for each cross below, indicating the genotypes and phenotypes and their ratios on the lines below.

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4-Solve the following two-factor cross.In summer zucchini, yellow fruit color (W) is dominant over yellow (w). Zucchini with a disc form (D) is dominant over spherical fruit (d). An homozygous plant for a white and spherical zucchini crosses with a heterozygous plant with yellow and spherical fruit.

What are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?

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Genotypes Phenotype_________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________

5-An homozygous plant yellow and spherical fruit was crossed with a homozygous plant with a white and disc fruit.

Genotypes Phenotype_________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________

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6-A male hamster has the genotype Dd and has straight fur. A female hamster has the genotype dd and has curly fur. Complete the Punnett square to show the possible offspring of these hamsters.

D d



Use the Punnett square to answer questions A and B. Circle the correct answer.

A. What is the probability that the hamsters’ offspring will have straight fur?

25% 50% 75% 100%

B. The owner of the female hamster wants offspring with curly fur. What genotype will a male hamster need to have in order to produce only offspring with curly fur?

dd Dd DD

C. Explain the principle of dominance.

Application ActivityPractice Punnett Squares: Draw all Punnett Squares with a ruler. Each side of the square should be at least 4 cm long.

1- A common recessive trait in dogs is deafness. A homozygous line of normal- hearing dogs was crossed with a homozygous line of deaf dogs. F1 and F2 generation were produced. a- What percentage of the F1 generation is expected to have normal hearing?b- What is the phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation?

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2- Black color in horses is dominant over chestnut color. If a homozygous black horse is mated to a chestnut horse, what percent of the offspring will be chestnut colored? Use a Punnett square to show how you derived your answer.

3- A gene that codes for black fur color in guinea pigs has two alleles. Two recessive copies of this allele will result in a guinea pig that cannot produce balck fur; it will therefore hace white fur. Construct a Punnett Square to show all possible combinacions of gametes that could result from the cross of heterozygous black guinea pig with white guinea pig.Construct a Punnett Square to show all possible combinations of gametes that could result from the cross of a black guinea pig that is heterozygous for black fur and a guinea pig that is homozygous recessive for black fur (which results in white fur coloration).a- What is the probability that the offspring will hace black fur? (Answer should be a

ratio.)b- What percent of the offspring will be homozygous recessive?

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4- George is the youngest child in a family that includes 4 children. All of the children have the recessive phenotype – attached earlobes. Yet both parents hace unattached earlobes, the dominant trait. What are the possible genotypes for the parents? Use Punnett square to prove your answer.


Answer correctly all of the Chapter 11 Assessment.11.1 T he Work of Gregor MendelUnderstand Key Concepts1. Different forms of a gene are calleda. hybrids. c. alleles.b. dominant factors. d. recessive factors.

2. Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to bea. hybrid. c. homozygous.b. heterozygous. d. dominant.

3. Mendel had many stocks of pea plants that were true-breeding. What is meant by this term?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Explain how Mendel kept his pea plants from self-pollinating.

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Think Critically5. Design an Experiment In sheep, the allele for white wool (A) is dominant over the allele for black wool (a). A ram is a male sheep. How would you determine the genotype of a white ram?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Infer Suppose Mendel crossed two pea plants and got both tall and short offspring. What could have been the genotypes of the two original plants? What genotype could not have been present?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11.2 Applying Mendel’s PrinciplesUnderstand Key Concepts7. A Punnett square is used to determine the

a. probable outcome of a cross.b. actual outcome of a cross.c. result of incomplete dominance.d. result of meiosis.

8. The physical characteristics of an organism are called itsa. genetics. c. phenotype.b. heredity. d. genotype.

9. The probability of fl ipping a coin twice and getting two heads isa. 1. c. 1/4.b. 1/2. d. 3/4.

10. List the four basic principles of genetics that Mendel discovered in his experiments. Briefl y describe each of these principles. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. In pea plants, the allele for yellow seeds is dominant over the allele for green seeds. Predict the genotypic ratio of offspring produced by crossing two parents that are heterozygous for this trait. Draw a Punnett square to illustrate your prediction.

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Think Critically12. Apply Concepts In guinea pigs, the allele for a rough coat (R) is dominant over the allele for a smooth coat (r). A heterozygous guinea pig (Rr) and a homozygous recessive guinea pig (rr) have a total of nine offspring. The Punnett square for this cross shows a 50 percent chance that any particular offspring will have a smooth coat. Explain how all nine offspring can have smooth coats.

11.3 Other Patterns of InheritanceUnderstand Key Concepts13. A situation in which a gene has more than two alleles is known as

a. complete dominance.b. codominance.c. polygenic dominance.d. multiple alleles.

14. A pink-fl owered Mirabilis plant (RW) is crossed with a white-fl owered Mirabilis (WW). What is the chance that a seed from this cross will produce a red-fl owered plant?

a. 0 c. 1/2b. 1/4 d. 1

15. What is the difference between multiple alleles and polygenic traits?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16. Why can multiple alleles result in many different phenotypes for a trait?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

17. Are an organism’s characteristics determined only by its genes? Explain._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Think Critically

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18. Interpret Visuals Genes that control hair or feather color in some animals are expressed differently in the winter than in the summer. How might such a difference be beneficial to the

ptarmigan shown here?


14.2 Human Genetic DisordersUnderstand Key Concepts8. A mutation involving a change in a single DNA base pair

a. will defi nitely result in a genetic disease.b. will have no effect on the organism’s phenotype.c. will produce a positive change.d. may have an effect on the organism’s phenotype

9. Cystic fi brosis is caused bya. nondisjunction of an autosome.b. a change of three base pairs in DNA.c. nondisjunction of a sex chromosome.d. deletion of an entire gene from a chromosome.

10. Malaria is a disease caused by aa. gene mutation.b. defect in red blood cells.c. bacterium found in water.d. parasite carried by mosquitoes.

11. Analyze the human karyotype below. Identify the chromosomal disorder that it shows.

12. What is a chromosomal disorder?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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13. Describe two sex-chromosome disorders._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Think Critically14. Infer Can a genetic counselor use a karyotype to identify a carrier of cystic fi brosis? Explain._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Integrative Project1- In teams of 5 research on the genotype and phenotype of the following sicknesses.

a- Albinismb- Hemofiliac- Cystic fibrosisd- Tay- shachse- Huntingtonf- Sickle Cell Disease

2- Make a PPT presentation that must have the following:a- Introduction. When was this sickness discovered and how?b- Genotype and phenotypec- Method to diagnosed- Advantages or disadvantages of this disorder.e- Treatment or medication.f- Conclusion. Reflect on the benefits and risks of the knowledge of genetics.g- Bibliography


CriteriaPPT presentation

The PPT presentation must include in every slide background color combination. Letter size good for clear reading. Make

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sure the letters can be read clearly even if you have a background.

Introduction Presents an introduction using information taken from publications.

Presents an introduction of the topic.

Presents an introduction that talks on how the disease was discovered and was written in their own words.

Presents an instruction that includes a reflection on how the disease was discovered written in essay.

Genotype and Phenotype.Method of diagnose.

Interprets the phenotype.Interprets in a simple way the diagnose method.

Interprets the genotype and phenotype incorrectly.

Interprets the genotype and phenotype. Interprets the diagnostic method.

Interprets the genotype and phenotype defining the cause of the disease. Interprets the diagnostic method explaining all steps and pictures on how it is done.

Advantages and disadvantages

Evaluates the disease.

Evaluates the disadvantages.

Evaluates the advantages and disadvantages.

Evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of having the disease with all of the possibilities.

Treatment or medication

Describes the treatment.

Describes the treatment and medications.

Describes the treatment of medication needed to treat the disease.

Describes the treatment or medication needed to treat this disease including age and prognoses of the patient.

Conclusion Gives a simple conclusion.

Reflects on the benefits of genetics.

Reflect on the benefits and risks on the knowledge of genetics research.

Reflect on the benefits and risks of the knowledge of genetics giving reasons why this kind of research

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is important.Bibliography Quotes less than

5 books or internet sites.

Quote at least 5 books and internet sites.

Quote at least 5 books and internet sites Appling correctly the APA style.

Quote at least 5 books and internet sites Appling correctly the APA style. It also quotes 1 library book.

Laboratory Practice

Investigación sobre los rasgos hereditariosIntroducciónLa herencia es la transmisión de los rasgos de los padres a sus descendientes. La estructura genética de un individuo se conoce como genotipo. Las características físicas de un individuo, que son el resultado de su genotipo y su entorno, se conocen como fenotipo.Algunos alelos se manifiestan sólo cuando el genotipo es homocigótico. Se dice que estos alelos producen fenotipos recesivos. Los alelos que se manifiestan tanto si el genotipo es homocigótico o heterocigótico producen fenotipos dominantes. Un alelo que codifica para un rasgo dominante se representa con una letra mayúscula, mientras que un alelo que codifica para un rasgo recesivo se representa con una letra minúscula. Algunas veces, cuando el genotipo es heterocigótico, no se produce un fenotipo recesivo ni uno dominante. En esta situación, llamada dominancia incompleta, se produce un fenotipo intermedio.En los seres humanos, el sexo de un individuo está determinado por la combinación particular de dos cromosomas, llamados cromosomas sexuales. Los individuos que tienen dos cromosomas X (XX) son mujeres, mientras que los que tienen un cromosoma X y uno Y (XY) son hombres. En esta práctica observarás cómo diferentes combinaciones de alelos dan como resultado ciertos rasgos.Problema¿Cómo se heredan los rasgos?Discusión previaLee toda la práctica. Después trabaja con uno de tus compañeros para responder lassiguientes preguntas.1. ¿Qué representa uno de los dos lados de una moneda o de un disco?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. ¿Cuál es la probabilidad, en porcentaje, de que al lanzar una moneda al airecaiga cara? ¿Y de que caiga cruz?____________________________________________________________________

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3. ¿Por qué el lanzamiento de una moneda es una buena manera de representarlas combinaciones de alelos que ocurren en la naturaleza?____________________________________________________________________

4. Para todos los rasgos explorados en este laboratorio, ¿todos los pares de alelosheterocigóticos producen un fenotipo intermedio?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ¿Puedes determinar con exactitud el genotipo de un organismo con sólo observarsu fenotipo? Explica tu respuesta.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Materiales (por equipo)• 3 libros de texto • 2 monedas

Procedimiento1. Coloca los libros de texto en la mesa de laboratorio de manera que formen un triángulo.2. Determina qué estudiante lanzará la moneda por la mujer y quién la lanzará por el hombre. Recuerda que son dos genes por rasgo.3. Pide al compañero que represente al hombre que lance la moneda de manera que caiga dentro del triángulo para determinar el sexo del descendiente. Si cae cara, el descendiente es mujer; si cae cruz, es hombre. Registra el sexo del descendiente al inicio de la página anterior.4. Ahora, todas las veces que lances la moneda, la cara representará el alelo dominante y la cruz el alelo recesivo.5. Ahora tú y tu compañero deben lanzar las monedas dentro del triángulo al mismo tiempo para determinar el fenotipo del primer rasgo, la forma de la cara. (Nota: Sólo deben lanzar las monedas una vez para cada rasgo).6. Continúen lanzando las monedas para cada rasgo listado en la tabla de la siguiente ilustración. Cada vez que lances la moneda, registra el rasgo de tu descendiente mediante una paloma en el cuadro correspondiente de la tabla. (Nota: Se ha simplifi cado alguna información de la ilustración. En realidad, algunos rasgos listados son producidos por dos o más genes).7. Con los rasgos listados, dibuja las características faciales de tu descendienteen el espacio de la página anterior.

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Sexo del descendiente____________________________________________________________________

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Dibujo del descendiente

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Análisis y conclusiones1. Inferir ¿Cuáles son los posibles genotipos de los padres de un descendienteque tiene cabello ondulado (Hh)?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Predecir ¿Puedes predecir que otro par de estudiantes en tu clase tendrían undescendiente genéticamente idéntico al tuyo? Fundamenta tu respuesta.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Sacar conclusiones ¿Crees que alguno de tus compañeros de clase tiene losmismos rasgos genéticos que tú? Explica tu respuesta.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Comparar y contrastar ¿En qué es similar este modelo de lanzar la moneda ala manera en que los seres vivos heredan sus rasgos? ¿En qué es diferente elmodelo?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________