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Date 07/06/1984

Time 00:50:00

Day Thursday

Place Chennai

Chitrapaksh Ayanamsa 23:38:06

Lat 13:05:00 North

Long 80:18:00 East

Zone 82:30:00 East

Time Corr - 0:08:48

Avakahada ChakraGan...................:Manushya







Name Alphabet.:Too-Tushar



You are born in Pisces,the 12th sign of the

zodiac which is ruled by jupiter. You will have large,

impressive eyes. You have an impressive personality. You are

very loving. You are very attached to your spouse. You will

have a large head and will derive happiness from children.

Sometimes you feel very unhealthy and uneasy. You are very

passionate and fond of physical pleasures. You may have

sudden setbacks. You would have had ordinary success in your

childhood. You may face some hindrances in the middle of

your life but will have lot of pleasures later in life. You

will be lucky after 21 years. You have a chubby face,pale

complexion and sleepy and dull eyes. You will have a long

life. You drink a lot of water. You should be careful of

drowning accidents. You are god fearing. You are very

hospitable. You follow family traditions and are fluent

in speech. You will be wise and are not very tall. You are

good looking, have a prominent nose,a good set of teeth,

curly hair and are far sighted. You will be happy from the

family point view. You may get some difficulty in earning

money. You may earn well but will have very heavy expenses.

You are religious and helpful even to your rivals. You and

your partner are interested in science. You are also

interested in poetry and literature.





As you were born in this nakshatra you will be

soft spoken, religious, brave, generous, victorious over

enemies but cunning. You will be passionate and proud.

Financially your position is not too good. You will be lucky

between 33 to 38years of age.

SUN Sun in the 3rd house indicates that there will be

a lot of misunderstandings with your father and you will not

be present at the time of his death. You will incite

quarrels in the family. You will prosper more than your

father. You will eat

more snacks than a proper meal. You are brave and firm in

views. You will win over your enemies. You will be very

wealthy and famous. You will keep good health but your

brother will not keep good health. You will have many

children early in life.You know many rich people. You will

have few brothers who will be well placed.

Sun in Taurus indicates you are very obstinate

and will stick to an idea once conceived. You do not like

other people contradicting you and you do not accept your

faults. But sometimes if your mistakes are pointed out

tactfully you do try to rectify your faults. You are

authoritative and patient. You are fond of art and science.

You like luxury and comfort. You may have an inheritance and

are very fortunate. You are materialistic. You have wasteful

habits. You should be careful as you are prone to heart

diseases and of liver.

MON You will suffer from ill health. You may have

skin diseases, bronchitis, stomach problems, nervous

complaints, dysentery, dyspepsia or colic pains. Your mother

too will have ill health. You will get favours from the

govt. There will be pressure from your creditors and

enemies. You will be afraid and anxious. You may lose your


Moon in leo: you will be tall, fair, have big

eyes, a well built body and a smiling face. You are

ambitious, sensitive, candid and have a steady mind. You

will have a hatred for lower class women. You will be very

attached to your mother. You will be strong during daytime.

The 3rd, 8th and 30th hindu are inauspicious for

you. You are pleasure loving and are fond of music,

painting, poetry, perfumes and luxuries. You will die in

some sacred place. You will suffer from tooth aches and

stomach problems and may have deformed limbs. Two women fed

you during your infancy.

MAR Mars in the 8th house: you suffer from blood

pressure, extravagance and accidents. You will be wealthy

in later part of your life. Such Mars causes ill health of

spouse and unhappiness.

Mars in Libra: you travel a lot. You are

passionate. You enjoy others' property.

MER You are cunning, have knowledge of astrology, are

interested in occultism, are fond of physical pleasures. You

like cosmetics and sweet fruits. Your life is comfortable but some time you can feel disturbe. Your voice is subdued. Mercury causes birth of brothers. Sometimes you feel weak, fatigued and unhappy. You will travel. You will have good brothers and sisters, will be hardworking and will have good connections with business person. You will love the opposite sex. Your handwriting is good. You enhance your wealth through travels. Sometimes you indulge with undesirable people.

Mercury in Taurus: you are interested in the

shastras and literature. You like physical exercise, are rich

and of serious nature. You are sweet spoken, very passionate,

and are knowledgeable about physical pleasure.

JUP You will adore shiva. reputed and capable of finishing any work you undertake. You will head your department and enjoy promotion in profession or success in business. You will be famous for your virtuous acts. Your income will increase. You will have a high reputation and will excel your fore fathers. You will enjoy the confidence of the public. Your activities will be praise worthy. You will enjoy conveniences and comforts.

You will be ahead in religion, be proud clever

and fond of pleasures.


Venus in the 3rd house indicates that you are a

very timid person. You are fond of poetry and literature.

You will earn by your hard work and intelligence and will

enjoy luxuries. You will be very fond of milk. You will most

probably have a tense relationship with your spouse. You

have a jovial nature. Venus in the 3rd house also causes hardships, poverty and misery. You will have children but will get unhappiness from them. You will be courageous. You will not be very wealthy. You will have good friends. You will be fond of luxuries.

You are charitable, good looking and are very

helpful. You have a great knowledge of arts and the sacred


SAT Saturn in the 8th house indicates you will have a

good appetite. You will have a long life. There may be loss

of wealth. You may suffer from piles, constipation or

chronic diseases .Eighth house Saturn causes quarrels and

disputes, criminal tendencies, ill health and prosecution.

You are extremely clever. You have a tendency to put on

weight. Your eyes may be affected. You may have bad habits.

You will face many obstacles and hindrances in getting

success in your projects/profession or job. You may face opposition from your family. You will get unhappiness and will have a bad reputation in the govt. and society. You will spend your paternal property. You will get some unhappiness because of property and children. Saturn in Scorpio indicates bad associates and deficiency in matrimonial happiness. You possess an angry temperament. You are hard hearted and greedy. You are prone to accidents. You possess a vast knowledge of sacred books. You will have a long life. You may suffer from skin diseases. You are lazy.

You are head of projects. Your speech is impressive. You are intelligent. You acquire fame. You are

self respected and progress by your intellectual deeds. You

will enjoy royal favours.

RAH Rahu in 3rd house indicates you are very active

and daring. There will be disputes and quarrels with

brothers and neighbours. You are victorious and peevish.

You will appear as a very simple person in public but

actually you are very wealthy. You are laborious. You may be

irregular in your meals. There may be ill health or death

of brothers and sisters. You will acquire high position

and honours. You will progress by your daring deeds and

earn huge wealth. You will enjoy many physical pleasures.

You are a yogi and a bhogi. You feel some hindrances in

acquiring progress in your occupation with brothers. You

feel some hindrances and obstacles in acquiring education.

You may suffer from ear troubles. You defeat your rivals by

your mysterious and intricate policies. You travel to

distant places and acquire gains. You are a bit carefree.

You command many people. You are happy with wealth and

other necessary things.

You feel some deficiency and weakness in your

physique. Your mind is always wavering. You are fond of arts

and physical pleasures.


Ketu in the 9th house indicates that you will be

henpecked by your spouse. You will manage the affairs of a

town or village or will be the head of a project. You will

travel to many places. You feel some deficiency in the

happiness of brothers and friends. You enjoy high honours

and fame in govt, society and foreign countries. You are

religious and kind hearted. You may be defamed and get

setbacks in honours and respect due to your bad associates.

You are very sharp in your mental work. You are a competent

speaker and very brave and give much importance to self

respect. carrierYour are born in spice lagna and the sign of leo it is good for every thing but control your temptation for every where and Endowed with a shrewd mind, your first life start on a plan job but day after day you can a chance to arise and also after the age of 35 years you can fulfill your desire. You feel save for working condition. In this time, you thought to start a business. After the age of 41 years you can get duel source of income and you can amass wealth in business. Your hard work & labour will give you good results in the sub period of Jupiter at the age of 32 years old . In your business you may get excellent opportunities. An expansion of the existing venture or the starting of a new one in not ruled out. If in service, your working conditions will improve considerably also promotion is possible but in will be some late . You will enjoy very good relations with your superiors and business relational . You may have to travel quite a bit in connection with your business.


Your are born in spice lagna and the sign of leo so you can face liver related problem and some energy loss, indization, bowels related problem so you maintened your general health, take light food, take drinking water, etc. in this kundali your lagna lord placed on 10th house (own house ) so over all your health it good but some time you feel disturbance, after the age of 50years you can feel some disturbance so health needs care li

Also For that you will have to give up an easy way of life and work hard with dedication and purpose. Since most Pisceans will be addicted to alcohol/another type of aditigation that the may invite diseases like gastric trouble and tuberculosis. Heart troubles also cannot be ruled out. To maintain good health, giving up liquor would be ideal; in lieu of that, cutting down consumption is must.

Finance Your finance lord are mars that is placed on 8th house so you can be get money from others but totally it can be expended for luxurious and family metter. savings will be possible after the age of 32 years. your money has be expended for your familys ill health but you can get duel source of income, you can be financial help from your father, mother, also brothers or friend. Some time your financial income are ups and down. After the age 35 years you can get some financial stability and new connaction for business or other source of income. Your income will be possible from scrap item/wasted material etc.

Mars + venus03.06.2010good




Jupiter 15.06.2016bad

Saturn 22.04.2019bad

Mercury 08.11.2011good

Ketu 27.11.2022 bad

Venus 26.11.2025good

Sun 21.10.2026mixed

Moon 21.04.2028good

Mars 10.05.2029mixed