22001155 AAnnnnuuaall RReeppoorrtt · A. Overview – Page 19 B. Sport Science Programs & Services...

2 2 0 0 1 1 5 5 A A n n n n u u a a l l R R e e p p o o r r t t - - M M e e m m b b e e r r s s h h i i p p - - - - P P r r o o g g r r a a m m s s a a n n d d S S e e r r v v i i c c e e s s - - - - S S t t a a t t i i s s t t i i c c s s - -

Transcript of 22001155 AAnnnnuuaall RReeppoorrtt · A. Overview – Page 19 B. Sport Science Programs & Services...

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AAnnnnuuaall RReeppoorrtt


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Table of Contents …..……………………………………………………………………………….2

Introduction .………………………………………………………………………………………….3

Membership .……………………………………………………………………………………….…4

Board of Directors .………………………………………………………………………………….6

President and Executive Director’s Report…….……………………………………………….8

Member’s Annual Reports..…….………….…….……………………………………………….11

Program and Services....…..……………………………………………..……………………….19

A. Overview – Page 19 B. Sport Science Programs & Services – Page 20 C. Sport Medicine Programs & Services – Page 22 D. Major Multi-Sport Games Programming – Page 26 E. Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan – Page 26 F. Marketing, Promotion, Communication, Sponsorship and Fundraising) - Page 28 G. Organizational and Professional Development and Volunteer Recognition – Page 29 H. Sask Sport Inc. Committees – Page 31

Statistical Summary of Service Requests…….…..…………….…………………………….32

2014 Overall Statistical Summary and Comparison (2014) – Page 32

Table 1: Total Requests and Service Areas – Page 34

Table 2: Total Services Provided to Clients – Page 35

Table 3: Percentage of Total Allocated Free Service Utilized by PSGB Clients – Page 37

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INTRODUCTION The Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan are pleased to present this report for the period of January 1 – December 31, 2015. This year's annual report provides comprehensive information on the program and services offered to our clients as well as statistical summaries. The Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan is a multi-sport organization that provides quality evidence based sport medicine and science services and programs to all competitive athletes and coaches in the province with a distinct emphasis on Sask Sport Inc. members. The Council operates under the direction of a volunteer Board of Directors with additional advisement from the Management Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and Past President) and other Standing Committees. The 2015 day-to-day operations of the Council were the responsibility of the following staff:

Mr. Mark Henry, Executive Director

Mr. Scott Julé, Manager, Sport Medicine Programs and Services

Mr. Travis Laycock, Manager, Sport Science Programs and Services

Mrs. Heather Hynes, Nutrition Consultant

Mrs. Lisa Hoffart, Mental Performance Consultant

In addition to the above staff, qualified consultants representing all sport medicine and science areas assisted the Council by providing science and medicine services on a “fee for service” basis.

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MEMBERSHIP The members of the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan (SMSCS) are as follows:

Charter Members Charter Members shall consist of representatives of the two service provider group organizations who founded the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan:

The Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine

Sport Physiotherapy Canada-Saskatchewan Section. Each Charter Member group/association must be a founding member organization of the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan. They must have a nationally registered body and provincial chapters in Ontario, Quebec, B.C. and three other provinces/territories, one of which must be Saskatchewan. They must have a code of ethics and an endorsement or certification of members. They must have qualified sport medicine and science professionals that meet the SMSCS‟s educational standards for their profession. They must contribute to the development of the field of sport medicine and science and actively participate in providing the services of the SMSCS. Each Charter Member shall have the right to two votes at the Annual, Semi-Annual or any other General Meetings of the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan.

Active Members Each Active Member must be either be: (1) an Active User Group/Organization of the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan‟s services or (2) an Active Provider Group/Organization that; (1) has a nationally registered body and provincial chapters in Ontario, Quebec, B.C. and three other provinces/territories, one of which must be Saskatchewan; (2) has a code of ethics and an endorsement or certification of a minimum of 5 members who are qualified sport medicine or science professionals that meet the SMSCS‟s educational standards for their profession; and (4) contribute to the development of the field of sport medicine and science and actively participate in providing the services of the SMSCS. Each Active Member group/association shall have the right to one vote at Annual, Semi-Annual or any other General Meetings of the SMSCS. Active Members shall consist of:

Sask Sport Inc.

Saskatchewan Athletic Therapists Association

University of Saskatchewan, College of Kinesiology

University of Regina, Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies

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Affiliate Members Affiliate members shall consist of organizations/groups who have the potential to be an Active Provider group/organization member. They must have a registered national body and provincial chapters in Ontario, Quebec and B.C. and three (3) other provinces/territories, one of which must be Saskatchewan. Their provincial organization must have a code of ethics and an endorsement or certification of 6 members. They must contribute to the development of the field of sport medicine and science. Each Affiliate Member group/organization shall have no votes but will have a voice at the Annual, Semi-Annual or any other General Meetings of the SMSCS. Affiliate members shall consist of:

Chiropractors Association of Saskatchewan

Canadian Sport Massage Therapists Association – Saskatchewan Chapter

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The Board of Directors manages the property and business of the SMSCS, develops policy and provides leadership, direction and guidance to the Management Committee and Staff in order to fulfill the mission and strategic goals of the SMSCS. The SMSCS Board of Directors for our 2015 fiscal year was as follows:

Ms. Lisa Swallow, President (Saskatchewan Athletic Therapists Association Representative)

Ms. Louise Ashcroft, Vice-President (Sport Physiotherapy Canada - Sask Section Representative)

Dr. Kim Dorsch, Secretary/Treasurer (University of Regina, Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies Representative)

Mr. Scott Anderson, Past President

Dr. Wendy Chrusch, Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine Representative

Dr. Cole Beavis, Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine Representative

Ms. Jill Apshkrum, Sport Physiotherapy Canada - Sask Section Representative

Mr. Doug Hillis, University of Saskatchewan, College of Kinesiology Representative

Mr. Al Bodnarchuk, Director-at-Large

Dr. Brad Waddell, Director-at-Large The following Committees provide advice and guidance to the SMSCS Board of Directors. Sport Medicine Programs Committee This Committee is charged with providing direction to the Board regarding all related sport medicine programs and services the Council offers. In 2015, committee members included; Chairperson, Lisa Swallow, Saskatchewan Athletic Therapists Association, Scott Anderson, Sport Physiotherapy Saskatchewan; Al Bodnarchuk, Canadian Sport Massage Therapists Association-Sask Chapter; Dr. Garth LaPlante, Chiropractors Association of Saskatchewan; Dr. Wendy Chrusch and Dr. Cole Beavis, Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine; Jill Apshkrum and Dale Pitura, Sport Physiotherapy Saskatchewan and Scott Julé, Mark Henry, Staff members. Temporary Concussion Committee This Committee was established as a temporary committee of the Sport Medicine Programs Committee. It is charged with developing the Council‟s Concussion Education Policy. In 2015, committee members included: Rhonda Shishkin, Sport Physiotherapy Saskatchewan, Dr. Kate Thompson, Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine, Trevor Len, Saskatchewan Athletic Therapists Association, Dr. Kim Dorsch, University of Regina, Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies and Scott Jule and Travis Laycock, Staff Members.

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Sport Science Programs Committee This Committee is charged with providing direction to the Board regarding all related sport science programs and services the Council offers. In 2015, committee members included; Chairperson Kim Dorsch, University of Regina, Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies; Doug Hillis, University of Saskatchewan, College of Kinesiology; Heather Hynes, Staff Nutritionist; Lisa Hoffart, Staff Mental Trainer, Travis Laycock, Staff, Mark Henry, Staff. Professional Development Committee The Council officially established this Committee in 2015. This Committee is charged with developing a strategic and operational plan for the provision of professional development opportunities for our members and consultants. In 2015 committee members included; Louise Ashcroft, Vice-President, Dale Pitura, SPC-Sask, Doug Hillis, University of Saskatchewan, College of Kinesiology and Scott Anderson, Past President Constitution Committee This Committee is charged with providing advice to the Board regarding the SMSCS‟s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. In 2015 committee members included; Chairperson Lisa Swallow and Mark Henry, Staff. Communications, Promotion and Sponsorship Committee This Committee is charged with providing advice to the Board regarding promotion, sponsorship and communication issues. In 2015, committee members included; Chairperson Scott Anderson, Mark Henry, Staff and Scott Julé, Staff. Nominations Committee This Committee is charged with soliciting nominations for positions open on the Board of Directors. In 2015, committee members included; Chairperson, Scott Anderson, Past President and Mark Henry, Staff. Dispute Resolution and Harassment Committee This Committee is charged with handling any harassment complaints that may be brought forward by or against any director, officer, volunteer, member or staff of the SMSCS. In 2015, committee members include Chairperson, Lisa Swallow, President and Mark Henry, Staff. Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan Management and Staff Committees This Committee‟s are charged with determining the day to day operations of the Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan. In 2015, CSCS Management Committee members included Dr. Kim Dorsch and Travis Laycock. CSCS Staff Committee Members were, Scott Julé, Staff, Travis Laycock, Staff and Mark Henry, Staff.

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The Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan had a productive and successful year in 2015. The highlights are listed below. We implemented the third and final year of our current three year (2013-2015) strategic plan in 2015. The overall general goal and objective for the three year plan was to increase service provision to our clients. This goal was accomplished thanks in part to the communication and promotion of our services to our clients by Council staff members, Scott Jule and Travis Laycock and the Canadian Sport Centre‟s Targeted Enhanced Sport Science and Medicine Services Initiative (see below and statistics on page 32 for further details). We received 909 requests for our sport science and sport medicine services which resulted in 2608 contact hours (see statistics for further details). These services were provided by a combination of our staff and approved consultants. Staff consisted of Heather Hynes, Nutrition Consultant (Saskatoon) who was on maternity leave for most of 2015. Alison Friesen, Nutritionist Consultant (Saskatoon) was contracted to replace her. Lisa Hoffart, Mental Performance Consultant. She was also on maternity leave in 2015. Her replacements were Rob McCaffrey (Regina) and Kyle McDonald (Regina) who were contracted to share her regular duties and Dr. Jody Burnett who was contracted to manage the Canadian Sport Centre - GAME Plan Athlete Career Transition Program. Consultants consisted of approximately 65 approved sport science consultants and 110 sport medicine consultants (number includes event coverage personnel). From a financial perspective the Council had what would be called a successful year. Total revenue was at $848,392.00 above our 2014 total of $788,850.00. Total expenditures were over $752,000.00 which was an increase when compared with 2014 ($728,962).The increase in both revenues and expenses was mainly due to an increase in funding from the Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan(CSCS) to provide “enhanced services” to targeted provincial sport governing bodies. The CSCS funding also contributed to the Council realizing a substantial budget surplus in excess of $97,000. This significant surplus was mainly due to the following factors; (1) approximately $34,250 in sport science and sport medicine consulting fee savings due to the approximately $84,000.00 in enhanced funding received from the Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan to provide services to targeted provincial sport governing bodies. This funding was utilized first when providing services to the provincial sport governing bodies which resulted in cost savings to us; (2) approximately $34,000 in staff salary cost savings realized due to the maternity leaves of Heather Hynes and Lisa Hoffart; (3) an approximately $25,000 (3% of total revenue) cushion is always allocated into the budget in case of unforeseen expenditures. The financial situation for 2016 and beyond will be far more daunting. The Council‟s staff will be returning from maternity leaves in 2016. The current fees paid to our consultants will be reviewed in 2016 with the distinct possibility of them being increased and finally the hours of “free service” being provided to our clients will be increased in 2016 as well.

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We continued to offer our sport medicine and science high performance programs and our educational and sport safety programs to our main clients the Provincial Sport Governing Bodies (PSGB‟s) provincial athletes and coaches. Sports (PSGB‟s) receive a certain amount of free service from the Council depending on which tier (1-4) they fall into. The tier system was developed by Sask Sport Inc and the Council based in part on the sports annual follow-up to Sask Sport Inc. Sports are evaluated on certain important performance criteria established by Sask Sport Inc and the Council. Sports are then put into a Tier from 1-4 depending on their evaluation score. Sports that score high in their evaluation are categorized as Tier 1 and receive more free service then a sport categorized into a Tier 4. Sports requests for service were steady across all sport science and sport medicine categories. In addition, University athletes and coaches continue to receive a limited amount of free service as well. Finally, grassroots athletes and coaches and schools and community groups across Saskatchewan continued to access our programs on a “fee for service” basis. The Council renewed its service contract with the Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan (CSCS) in 2015. The Council received approximately $194,433.00 in funding for services provided this past year. This was a significant increase when compared to 2014 ($128,583) The increase was mainly due to the $84,000.00 in funding received for high performance enhanced sport science and sport medicine funding initiative established by the CSCS in 2015 with assistance from the Council. This program targeted 27 selected provincial sport governing bodies as determined by the Centre (Sask Sport Inc.). This program‟s objective is to increase the pool of Saskatchewan athletes, coaches, officials and teams who are consistently achieving success at regional, national and international competitions. The main purpose of the program is to increase the strength and conditioning activity of the sports targeted by the program. This includes development, implementation, monitoring and supervision of a comprehensive strength and conditioning program (core strength, weight training, stretching, etc.). Physiological Field and/or Lab Testing are also components of the program. This program was led by the network of strength and conditioning experts currently available to our sports through the Council. Although, strength and conditioning was the primary focus for this new initiative, other service areas were also eligible, including: nutrition, mental training, sport medicine and biomechanical analysis. The Council continued to provide sport medicine and science services to all the Saskatchewan athletes and coaches who are registered with the CSCS. These athletes and coaches are members of Canada‟s national, international and Olympic teams. In addition, we provided service to CSCS recognized Saskatchewan Training Groups and professional development workshops to recognized coaches and athletes. Council Staff also provided administrative support to the Centre by assisting with the athlete intake interview process, medical treatment reimbursements and participation in Centre Staff and Management Committee meetings. Our association with the CSCS has proven very beneficial to the Council, our members and our dedicated consultants. The Council also continued to work with aboriginal groups and organizations to promote and provide sport science and medicine services to aboriginal athletes and coaches in 2015. The purpose of the service is; (1) to raise the performance level of aboriginal athletes, coaches and officials and (2) to increase participation in mainstream sport, aboriginal competitions, and multi-sport games.

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The Council was active with our member and consultant professional development area in 2015. The Council officially established a permanent standing Professional Development Committee. This Committee is responsible to develop a strategic and operational plan for the provision of professional development opportunities for our members and consultants. The Council hosted a very successful Level 1 and Level 2 Functional Movement Screen Course at the end of May in 2015. We had 31 paid registrants and the Council managed a small profit of approximately $500.00. In addition the Council approved nine (9) professional development grants to active consultants and staff who attended various conferences throughout the year.

The Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan Legacy Fund was established in

2015. The Board of Directors approved the program in the spring. An application was then

submitted to Sask Sport Inc. who approved the Council‟s submission in the fall. This program

was developed by Sask Sport Inc. to assist their member organizations in implementing a gift

giving/fundraising campaign. The program encourages individuals who have benefited from

sport or those who believe in the value of sport to give something back for current and future

generations. Cash, monthly or annual contributions, gifts in kind or planned gifts are all

eligible donations. A complementary “donor incentive program” has also been developed to

assist Provincial Sport Organizations in attracting donors. Donor recognition and significant

tax savings further add to the attractiveness of contributing to the Fund. The Council received

its first donation in December 2015 from Dr. Jack and Cheryl Alexander. Dr. Jack Alexander

is one of the founders of the Council and its first President. We will continue to look for new ways to encourage our clients to access our programs and services and look to expand and enhance the programs and services available to our clients where appropriate. Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the Members, Board, Executive, Committee‟s, Consultants and Staff for all your hard work and dedication to the athletes and coaches of Saskatchewan in 2015. It is because of you we have an organization that is one of the leading sport medicine and science service providers in Canada. We are doing our part to educate society that sport is more than “just a game” but is an integral part of an active and healthy lifestyle. Respectfully Submitted;

Ms. Lisa Swallow, President Mark Henry, Executive Director

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MEMBER’S ANNUAL REPORTS 1. Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine (SASM) Executive 2015 brought a year of transition for the Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine with a turnover of the executive. Thank you to Dr. Paul Taillon for his service as President and Chair. SASM looks forward to his ongoing involvement as an active member. The new executive will be formed by Dr. Cole Beavis as President and Dr. Kate Thompson as Vice-President. Education Acting on recommendations from the 2015 spring meeting, a Concussion education newsletter was prepared by Dr. Thompson and distributed via the Sports Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan to provincial coaches. Concussion education for the community remains a priority for SASM. Some preliminary steps are also being taken to improve physician remuneration for concussion assessment to recognize the additional time and physician resources required for complete assessment. Membership and Professional Development Membership numbers have been stable at approximately 40 active members along with 12 student members. Promoting member benefits along with simplifying the dues structure are strategies being implemented to increase membership numbers. Students and resident memberships are complimentary. Past President Dr. Paul Taillon is a member of the organizing committee and will present at an upcoming Continuing Professional Development Course – “Practical Orthopedics” being held May 13-15, 2016. Sport Medicine topics will feature on the meeting program and an announcement will be made regarding the membership benefits of joining SASM. Two annual research grants ($1500 each) are available for all SASM members. The last grant was awarded in 2013. The next SASM meeting will be held May 6th, 2016 in Regina Communication, Promotion and Organizational Development SASM is working towards establishing a website for member‟s use for communications, „cyber‟ journal club and other SASM business. Dr. Ron Ailsby has been leading this initiative and we anticipate further progress in 2016. We are also in the process of reviewing and updating the SASM constitution which was written in 1975 by founding members; Dr. Jack Alexander, Nestor Ficzycz, Walter Hader, Paul Pieron and Terry Henning. Respectfully submitted Cole Beavis President, Saskatchewan Academy of Sports Medicine

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2. Sport Physiotherapy Canada - Saskatchewan

Board Members The current Board members of SPC-Sask are as follows:

Executive Chair- Stephanie Peppler

Membership Coordinator- Jannalee Szymesko

Marketing/communication Coordinator - Leah White

Education Coordinator- Kristie Mueller

Events Coordinator- Nycole Pataki

Treasurer/Secretary- Lindsay Facca

SMSCS Reps- Jill Apshkrum and Louise Ashcroft

Amanda Lloyd-Haubrich – SPA Liaison Event Coverage Fifteen (15) members of SPC-Sask and the Saskatchewan Athletic Therapists Association provided 191 hours of coverage in 2015. Events covered were as follows:

Kim‟s Tae Kwon Do Challenge, Regina

SHSAA Wrestling Provincials, Regina

Tae Kwon Do Provincials, Regina

Saskatoon YMCA Judo Club Tourney, Saskatoon

SunWest School Division, Track Meet, Saskatoon

SHSAA Provincial Track Championships, Yorkton

U19 & U20 Rugby Nationals, Regina

RHSAA Football, Regina

Saskatoon YMCA Judo Club Tourney, Saskatoon

CCA Finals Rodeo Education and Professional Development The following educational sessions were provided for the benefit of the membership:

Prevention of Running Injuries – May 9-10, 2015 in Regina

Sport First Responder – October 2015 in Saskatoon

Sport first responder – March 4-6, 2016 in Regina

SPC Sport Taping and Protective Equipment Courses held in Saskatoon in April 9-10, 2016.

Speaker series – The idea behind the speaker series was to have people of various backgrounds coming in and presenting on topics such as sports massage, sports nutrition, eye/facial/dental injuries, cross fit, sports psychology, biomechanics of sport, or strength and conditioning. The speaker would only present for 30min- 1 hour in a casual environment. This year we had: Alison Frieson speak on the RED Syndrome and Female Athlete Triad September 23, 2015, and John Barden speak at the University of Regina on his research involving use of sensors to capture various aspects of movement in November 2015..

Upcoming Speaker Series include Kyle McDonald speaking on mental training in Regina, and Al Bodnarchuk speaking on Sports Massage in Saskatoon in April or May.

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Other Activities

Selection of 2015 Student Merit Award Winner Canada – Sask Division winner was Nicole Loucks

Two Social Events were held this year: one following the U of S Husky football game in the fall, and a gathering at the Pats Game in Regina

Had a booth in the Student Career Fair at U of S along with a Lunch and Learn for students; speaker was Chuck Armstrong on his Games and Sport Physio Experiences

Creation of a Sports Physio and SMSCS Benefits Document to promote membership

SPS continues to put regular postings on our Facebook and Twitter accounts and continues to update our website material; We are now featuring SPS members in each Newsletter by having a Member Showcase Bio!

Respectfully submitted, Louise Ashcroft SPC-Sask Rep to SMSCS Board of Directors

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3. Saskatchewan Athletic Therapists’ Association (SATA)


SATA member Dale Pitura became president of the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA)

We have experienced growth in our membership. Currently we have 38 members (29 certified, 9 candidates)

SATA members continued their contribution to the SMSCS event coverage program

Trevor Len and Rhonda Shishkin are serving on the Temporary Concussion Committee of the SMSCS looking to develop policies.

Continued attendance of students at Mount Royal Athletic Therapy Program from University of Regina.

University of Regina hired the first full time Athletic Therapists (SATA member Nicole Renneberg, Head Therapist and Nicole Hoiland, Assistant Therapist)


The SATA AGM was held on Thursday May 21st at 7pm via phone conference

Awards and Recognition

University of Regina hired the first full time Athletic Therapists (SATA member Nicole Renneberg, Head Therapist and Nicole Hoiland, Assistant Therapist)

SATA received National Athletic Therapy Month Award for YouTube video and promotional segment on CTV morning live Saskatoon.

Sandy Archer Scholarship presented to Dillon Hunter

Respectfully submitted,

President of SATA- Lauren Lattimer MSc.,CAT(C),ATC

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4. University of Regina, Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies Facilities The Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies continues to support the Council‟s professional development workshops. The University of Regina fitness facility is a recognized SportFit Gym with the Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan (CSCS) which allows the CSCS athletes to work out with no charge. The Sport Psychology Laboratory (SPL) has recently acquired a Neurotracker system. This system is useful in training various types of attention and multiple object tracking. Any interested athletes and/or teams may contact the SPL for information regarding training packages. Faculty/Staff Consultants The following individuals affiliated with the Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies are involved with the Council as consultants/board members: Mental Training: Dr. Kim Dorsch Council Board: Dr. Kim Dorsch Cougar Athletics During the season, eight of the sixteen University of Regina teams used the services of the Council. The percentage of services used allocated to the teams ranged from 100% (women‟s volleyball, hockey, and soccer and men‟s football) to 7% by both the male and female track and field/cross country teams. See the table below for the breakdown of services. It is not known if teams are not utilizing the services of the Council because they have access to sport medicine and science expertise through another venue or if they are not utilizing any services at all. It needs also to be noted that these figures do not include; (a) consulting as a volunteer consultant, (b) sport science service received through a different tier (e.g., Canadian Sport Centre, Provincial team, Canada Games Team), (c) fitness testing as that is provided directly by the Dr. Paul Schwann Centre, or (d) staff consulting over and above the given allocation.

U of R Volleyball - f $500 / $500 34% used for Nutrition; 50% used for Strength; 26% used for Mental

U of R Football $500 / $500 100% used for Nutrition

U of R Hockey - f $500 / $500 77% used for Strength; 23% used for Mental

U of R Track and Field – m/f $130 / $2,000 7% used for Nutrition

U of R X Country Running – m/f

U of R Soccer – f $500 / $500 100% used for Nutrition

Submitted on behalf of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies by Kim D. Dorsch, Ph.D., Professor

c.c. Dr. Harold Riemer, Dean

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5. University of Saskatchewan, College of Kinesiology Sport Science Testing The College continued to provide support in athlete testing services for the Council during the 2015 year. Sport Medicine Programs The College of Kinesiology contributes to the Sport Medicine programs when requested by providing classroom space and audiovisual equipment. Faculty/Staff Consultants and Board Members Several College of Kinesiology faculty and staff support the activities of the Council through their work as consultants and service to the Board. In the past year the following Faculty/Staff provided Council Board representation, consulting services and supported testing services: Board of Directors Strength Conditioning Sport Medicine Mental Training Doug Hillis Jason Weber Rhonda Shishkin Dr. Kent Kowalski Gray Ferguson Dr. Kevin Spink Shane Schwanbeck Bart Arnold Athletic Team Service Provision The Council provided the following sport science services to athletic teams - $500.00/team per year allocated; U of S Basketball – m $130 / $500 26% used for Nutrition

U of S Basketball – f $0 / $500 0% used

U of S Volleyball – m $195 / $500 39% used for Nutrition

U of S Volleyball – f $130 / $500 26% used for Mental Training

U of S Football $245 / $500 49% used for Nutrition

U of S Hockey – m $180 / $500 36% used for Nutrition

U of S Hockey – f $0 / $500 0% used

U of S Track and Field – m

$2000 / $2,000 10% used for Nutrition 16% for Mental 74% for Exercise

U of S Track and Field – f

U of S X Country Running - m

U of S X Country Running - f

U of S Wrestle – m $1000 / $1,000

21% used for Nutrition 71% for Mental 8% for Exercise U of S Wrestle – f

U of S Soccer – m $0 / $500 0% used

U of S Soccer – f $500 / $500 93% used for Nutrition 7% for Mental Training

Respectfully Submitted, Doug Hillis, Assistant Professor c.c. Dr. Carol Rodgers, Dean

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6. Chiropractors Association of Saskatchewan The Chiropractors Association of Saskatchewan (CAS) had forty-four active members in 2015. Event Coverage and Education The CAS had a number of members active throughout the year in medical coverage and the continuing education programs, delivered through the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan (SMSCS). The CAS wishes to thank the members who were involved with the 2015 Western Canada Summer Games providing high quality care for the participants. The CAS encourages members to become involved in the 2016 Saskatchewan Summer Games taking place in Estevan, Sask. The CAS looks forward to continued involvement with the SMSCS in 2016. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Garth LaPlante

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7. Canadian Sport Massage Therapist Association-Sask Chapter (CSMTA)


We had some members volunteer at the 2015 “Mogathon” to provide post race sports massage.

A few of our members are working with the University of Saskatchewan Huskie Teams.

Some of our members worked at the “Saskatchewan Marathon” in Saskatoon.


The CSMTA AGM was held in Edmonton in October in 2015. Many of our members attended and took part in educational sessions.


We are encouraging massage therapists to consider becoming involved with our association and experience the excitement of working with athletes and sports teams.

As always we are happy to of been able to work with the other health care providers of the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan as well as promote our profession to the public. Thank you for your continued co-operation and support. Al Bodnarchuk (SMT©, RMT) Canadian Sport Massage Therapists Association

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A. OVERVIEW The Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan (SMSCS) offers a unique service to Saskatchewan amateur sport by providing high quality evidence based sport medicine and science services and programs. These programs and services are available to all levels and caliber of athletes and coaches throughout Saskatchewan with a specific priority on the Sask Sport Inc. membership. This membership includes:

1) Provincial Sport Governing Bodies (65) 2) Saskatchewan Games Council 3) Coaches Association of Saskatchewan 4) Provincial Districts for Sport, Culture and Recreation (9) 5) Saskatchewan High School Athletics Association 6) University of Regina Athletic Teams 7) University of Saskatchewan Athletic Teams 8) Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan Recognized Athletes & Training Groups 9) Aboriginal Excellence Programs (eg. North American Indigenous Games) Services and programs offered to these groups are mainly “free” or in some instances at a “subsidized cost” thus enabling all designated Sask Sport Inc. members affordable access. Provincial Sport Governing Bodies (PSGB‟s) receive a certain amount of free service from the Council depending on which tier (1-4) they fall into. The tier system was developed by Sask Sport Inc and the Council based in part on the sports annual follow-up to Sask Sport Inc. Sports are evaluated on certain important performance criteria established by Sask Sport Inc and the Council. Sports are then put into a Tier from 1-4 depending on their evaluation score. Sports that score high in their evaluation are categorized as Tier 1 and receive more free service then a sport categorized into a Tier 4. Other clients above also receive some “free service” as well. The amounts are based on our annual budget and by using the Tier system as a reference. Some other groups that utilize our services on a “fee for service” include schools, recreations boards, private business and the general public. The SMSCS Tier Service chart for 2015 was as follows:


PSGB (Tier 1) *See notes below in regards to SMSCS services. *In addition to the SMSCS “service eligibility” may also be eligible for “enhanced services” through the CSCS (see CSCS eligibility above)

$2600 Science Services

$1200 Medicine Services

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TIER (cont’d) ELIGIBILITY (cont’d) SERVICES (cont’d)

PSGB (Tier 2) *See notes below in regards to SMSCS services. *In addition to the SMSCS “service eligibility” may also be eligible for “enhanced services” through the CSCS (see CSCS eligibility above)

$2000 Science Services

$1000 Medicine Services

PSGB (Tier 3) *See notes below in regards to SMSCS services. *In addition to the SMSCS “service eligibility” may also be eligible for “enhanced services” through the CSCS (see CSCS eligibility above)

$1200 Science Services

$800 Medicine Services

PSGB (Tier 4)

*See notes below in regards to SMSCS services $800 for Science or Medicine


Saskatchewan High School Athletic Assoc

Coaches Association of Sask Districts for Sport, Culture and Rec.

Sask Games Council

*See notes below in regards to SMSCS services

$1200 for Science or Medicine Services



Huskie athletes/teams

Cougar/Rams athletes/teams

*See notes below in regards to SMSCS services.

Each Saskatchewan University is allocated a specific dollar allocation, with each team receiving an equal amount of service. (currently $500 per University team per year)

Requests must be made through the Coach.

ABORIGINAL EXCELLENCE Sport Teams preparing for North American Indigenous Games

Other Elite Teams attending Nationals

Each identified PSGB has access to $300 per year

Other reasonable expenses (i.e.: travel) will also be provided on a case per case basis.

GRASS ROOTS Grassroots Athletes, Schools, Club Teams, Rec. Boards, Health Districts, Recreational Athletes, Non-Profits

Corporate, Retail, and for-profit Businesses

Cost of $100/hr (+GST) for Group/Team

Cost of $65/hr (+GST) for Individual

Consulting will be provided as per the SMSCS Policy.

B. SPORT SCIENCE PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The Council offers the following sport science programs and services; Mental Performance Workshops & progressive consulting are available in the areas of:

1. Team building and group dynamics 2. Attention, emotional, and arousal control 3. Self awareness 4. Mental imagery 5. Self-talk 6. Goal setting 7. Routines 8. Ideal performance state 9. Mental toughness 10. Practice effectiveness

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Sport Nutrition Workshops and services are available in:

1. Basic sport nutrition 2. Fluids 3. Weight issues 4. Pre/post event nutrition 5. Nutrition on the road 6. Tournament & multi-event nutrition 7. Supplements & herbal products

Strength & Conditioning Workshops and services are available in:

1. Core strength 2. Concepts in warm-up/cool-down 3. Weight training 4. Resistance training 5. Foot speed & agility 6. Plyometric training 7. Exercise program design 8. Exercise ball training 9. Field physiological tests (eg. physical assessment, Léger, vertical jump, sit-ups)

In addition to the above the Council continued to sell exercise and rehabilitation training equipment and supplies in 2015. Products the Council sold were purchased from Diamond Athletics Medical Supplies as well as Thera-Gear Fitness. We received a discount on all products which allowed the resale to occur at reasonable prices. The products sold included:

Stabilizer Anti Burst Pro Gym Ball

Fit Tubing

Medicine Ball

Therapy Bands (in bulk).

Biomechanics Services are available in:

- Analyzing technical skills through the use of slow motion video analysis Exercise Physiology Services available in:

1. Metabolic condition (aerobic & anaerobic) 2. Physiological program planning and design 3. Field physiological tests (eg. physical assessment, léger, vertical jump, sit-ups)

2015 Summary/Highlights

The Council contracted Alison Friesen, Sport Dietitian from (Saskatoon) to a 1 year contract to fill in for staff member Heather Hynes who went on maternity leave in March 2015.

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The Council also contracted 2 new Mental Trainers; Kyle McDonald from (Regina) & Rob McCaffrey from (Regina) to a 1 year contract to fill in for staff member Lisa Hoffart who went on maternity leave in August 2015.

In 2015 we received 530 total requests for sport science services. This accounted for 58% of the total service requests received. In comparison to 2014, we received 534 total requests for sport science services that also accounted for 58% of the total service requests received.

In 2015 we provided 1932 total sport science consulting hours. This accounted for 80% of the total amount of consulting hours provided. In comparison to 2014, we provided 1644 total sport science consulting hours. This accounted for 74% of the total amount of consulting hours provided.

Sport science requests remained status quo, however a larger number of sport science contact hours were a result of the CSCS “enhanced services” program which targeted many Tier 1 & 2 sports. This is confirmed as Tier 1 & 2 sports had an overall increase in the amount of service provided as indicated in our strategic plan “outcome measurements”. The increase was mainly in the service area of strength and conditioning. (See appendix table #1)

Overall the sport science service usage provided to the provincial sport governing bodies (our priority client group) increased slightly when compared to the previous two (2) years. A three (3) year comparison of the percentage usage is provided below.

PSGB 2015 2014 2013 Tier 1 84% 81% 73.07% Tier 2 80% 63% 72.55% Tier 3 33% 57% 28.22% Tier 4 19% 5% 7%

Note: Tier 4 sports statistics include science and medicine services

C. SPORT MEDICINE PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The Council provides the following sport medicine programs and services; Sport Safety Program

1. Sport 1st Aid Workshop – 7 hour workshop with content consisting of: -Role of the sport first-aider -Liability concerns -Fitness & injury prevention (warm up, cool down, stretching, strength training, -energy systems, nutrition) -Facility Checklist -Protective Equipment -E.A.P.‟s (emergency protocols, pre-season medical, medical history) -Medical kit -Life threatening injuries -Injury recognition -Common injuries

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2. Sport Taping Workshop - 7 hour workshop with content consisting of:

-Injury Assessment and Management -Taping Theory -Taping Techniques (ankle, wrist, thumb, finger) -Functional Wraps (hip)

2015 Summary/Highlights In total 22 Workshops were held in 2015 (8 – Sport 1st Aid and 14 Sport Taping). This is up considerably from just 10 from 2014. This program is used primarily by the Sport Districts and a few PSGB‟s. Sport Medicine Education Sessions Sessions range from one to three hours in length and can be on one topic or a combination of many. Suggested topics include:

-Injury prevention (warm up/cool down and stretching) -Recognition & care of common injuries -Life threatening injuries -Emergency action plans -Concussion Education and Awareness -Concussion Management Plans evaluations/reviews

2015 Summary/Highlights Overall, requests for all types of the Sport Medicine Educations sessions increased significantly in 2015 (32 requests) compared to 2014 (10 requests). A temporary Concussion Committee was established whose primary role was to develop/approve a draft Concussion Policy for the Council. Rhonda Shishkin was contracted to develop the „initial‟ draft Concussion Policy which was reviewed by the Concussion Committee. A final draft will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. Initial Injury Assessments Individual services include:

-Personalized injury assessments. (Note: Must be completed by a qualified SMSCS consultant).

2015 Summary/Highlights These are administered through the SMSCS only for specific high performance athletes and only if the athlete does not have access/funding to their own/parents insurance program. It is only for an „initial‟ assessment not treatment. On average, the Council funds 3 – 4 of these per year.

Sport First Aid Kits & Supplies The SMSCS continued to provide the availability for clients to purchase sport first aid kits and supplies. Items for purchase are wide ranging including everything from tensors and tape to ointments and finger splints. Consultation on developing sport specific kits is also available.

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2015 Summary/Highlights This program continued to provide a valuable service to various user groups and organizations across the province in 2015. 157 sales were made in 2015, compared to the previous four year average of 142. Medical Coverage Program The Medical Coverage Program is made up of three main components:

1. Event Coverage a) Personnel (notification, scheduling, invoicing) b) Equipment loan/usage

2. Equipment Rental and Supplies Sales 3. Consultative Services - administrative in nature relating to the overall development

of the medical protocol (set-up, personnel and equipment requirements, EAP‟s, etc).

On a request basis the SMSCS will make every attempt to provide the above components to

ensure sport and recreation groups provide adequate medical coverage for their athletes, teams and host agencies. Personnel - The SMSCS utilizes five primary medical groups to cover events. They include: medical doctors, physiotherapists, athletic therapists, chiropractors and massage therapists. Each of these medical disciplines has a specialized sport medicine/therapy division. These specialized sport divisions are in essence the primary medical provider groups of the SMSCS. The SMSCS does however use other professionals as well as students in certain situations. Equipment - The equipment we have available includes: Trainers Kits, Trauma Kits, Treatment Tables, Spine Boards, Air Splint Kits, B Splint Kits, CASM Medisac‟s, Muscle Stimulator Units, Tens Units, Ultrasound Unit, Interferential/Ultrasound Unit, and Metal Scoop Stretchers There are established guidelines to ensure there is continuity for all events, user groups, as well as for those providing coverage at the events. It should be noted, that on rare occasions, variations from these guidelines might occur. Every effort is made to provide all sport groups with the coverage they require, however, there may be times when a request cannot be filled or only partially filled. The SMSCS makes every attempt to provide the requesting agency adequate time to make alternative arrangements for event coverage should this problem arise. 2015 Summary/Highlights 2015 saw the Council involved with many events, twenty-two (22) which required personnel coverage. This was the same as the average of the previous two years, but up significantly from 2011-12 average of 11 events.

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Four (4) of the largest events were the Canadian Cowboys Association Finals Rodeo, the Saskatchewan High School Athletic Association (SHSAA) Wrestling Championships and the U20 Rugby Nationals, all three were held in Regina, as well as the SHSAA Track and Field Championships held in Yorkton.

Medical Equipment Loaner/Rental Program Medical equipment and supplies such as ultrasound machines, sport 1st aid „trainers‟ kits, splint kits, and portable treatment tables are available for rent or loan on a first come-first serve basis. Some restrictions apply. 2015 Summary/Highlights Forty two (42) groups utilized this program which is the exact same number as the previous two years, but up from 2012 (27) and 2011 (28). Drug Education & Awareness Program The SMSCS‟s Drug and Awareness Program is designed to enable the Council to:

1) provide workshops to Western Canada and Canada Games athletes and coaches as well as other high performance groups such as University teams, provincial teams, clubs, and nationally ranked athletes and coaches.

2) provide information and in some cases presentations to PSGB‟s & Sask Games teams.

3) act as a resource for all amateur athletes & coaches on drug education issues (i.e. prohibited substances, testing procedures, sanctions, supplement use, fair play and ethics in sport, alternatives to doping, etc).

4) assist all sport clients in the education and promotion of drug free sport and if requested, the development of sport specific educational programming and policy development.

The SMSCS can also assist organizations in developing drug education policies and programming. Workshops consist of information on:

1. Banned substances and methods 2. Doping Control Procedures 3. Exemption procedures/forms 4. Athlete rights and responsibilities 5. Alternatives to doping 6. Fair play & ethics.

2015 Summary/Highlights The SMSCS provided thirty-four (34) workshops/sessions in 2015, nineteen (19) of which were for provincial teams going to the 2015 Western Canada Summer Games, six (6) for provincial teams going to the 2015 Canada Winter Games, three (3) for other PSGB‟s, and the remaining were individual consults.

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D. MAJOR MULTI-SPORT GAMES PROGRAMMING 2015 Canada Winter Games The Council was involved in assisting the athletes and coaches in their preparation for the Games that took place in February 2015 in Prince George, B.C. The majority of the sport science & medicine service was provided in 2014. However some last minute planning did occur during the month of January. Council member A.J. Tabin (physiotherapist) was the Saskatchewan Mission Staff Medical Liaison and the Saskatchewan Mission Staff Science Liaison was Ms. Lisa Hoffart (nee Benz), Staff Mental Performance Consultant. 2015 Western Canada Summer Games The Council had some limited involvement in assisting the athletes and coaches in their preparation for the Games that took place in August 2015 in Fort McMurray, Alberta. The involvement was mainly the provision of Drug Education Workshops in addition to some regular sport science services that were being provided through each PSGB‟s own High Performance Enhanced Services Plan. Council member Nicole Renneberg (athletic therapist) was the Saskatchewan Mission Staff Medical Liaison and the Council contracted Brie Jedlic, Mental Performance Consultant to be the Saskatchewan Mission Staff Science Liaison. (Note: Lisa Hoffart was on maternity leave)

E. CANADIAN SPORT CENTRE SASKATCHEWAN (CSCS) The SMSCS continued its partnership and contract with the CSCS (operated by Sask Sport Inc.) to deliver sport medicine and science services to the following;

CSCS individual registered athletes

CSCS High Performance Enhanced Service Program - Identified Provincial Sport Governing Bodies (PSGB‟s)

CSCS National Training Groups funded by Own the Podium (OTP) The SMSCS provides the following science and medicine services to Centre athletes:

Administration and Financial Management of the Medical Services/Treatment Reimbursement Program

Athlete intake/retake interviews (for southern Saskatchewan athletes)

Sport Nutrition

Exercise Physiology

Strength and Conditioning

Mental Training

Biomechanical Analysis

Sport Medicine (injury assessment and rehabilitation)

Fitness Testing/Athlete Monitoring

Medical Equipment Rental

Sport First Aid Supply Sales

Medical Personnel for Event Coverage

Drug/Supplement and Doping Control Education

Administration of the Vitamins, Advil, Cold Fx, etc. distribution to athletes

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2015 Summary/Highlights The Council received approximately $194,433.24 in funding for services provided this past year. This was a significant increase when compared to 2014 due to the Targeted PSGB High Performance Enhanced Science and Medicine Funding Initiative established by the CSCS in 2015 with assistance from the Council. This programs main objective is to increase the pool of Saskatchewan athletes, coaches, officials and teams who are consistently achieving success at regional, national and international competitions. The main purpose of the program is to increase the strength and conditioning activity of the sports targeted by the program. This includes development, implementation, monitoring and supervision of a comprehensive strength and conditioning program (core strength, weight training, stretching, etc.). Physiological Field and/or Lab Testing are also components of the program. This program was led by the network of strength and conditioning experts currently available to our sports through the Council. Although, strength and conditioning were the primary focus for this new initiative, other service areas were also eligible, including: nutrition, mental training, sport medicine and biomechanical analysis. In total, 24 PSGB groups utilized approximately $84,000 of services through the high performance enhanced science and medicine services through the CSCS. This program primarily only operated for the last 9-months of the calendar year due to the timing as to when it was introduced. The Council Staff participated in the Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan Staff meetings which were held on a monthly basis. Travis Laycock, Scott Julé and Mark Henry represented the SMSCS. As well, Kim Dorsch represented the Council Board on the CSCS Management Committee while Travis Laycock represented the Council Staff on the CSCS Management Committee. Scott Julé also assisted the Centre by providing 10 intake and retake interviews/meetings of athletes from southern Saskatchewan, administered the Medical Services/Treatment Reimbursement Program (60 requests from athletes for reimbursement were received), as well as acted as the South Saskatchewan distributor of Pfizer products. The Council was actively involved in setting up services for nationally recognized athlete teams/groups. National funding from Sport Canada through the Own The Podium (OTP) Program was provided to the following group; Team Laycock Curling Team $3,000. The SMSCS was also involved nationally representing the SMSCS and CSCS with the following:

National Sport Science & Medicine Advisory Committee (NSSMAC), Heather Hynes, Staff Nutrition Consultant.

GAME Plan – National Athlete Career Transition Program. Lisa Hoffart, Staff Mental Performance Consultant

Overall, science requests and consulting hours were down when compared to the previous four (4) years. This was mainly due to a decrease in the number of athletes eligible for service and national funding for training groups.

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Comparison of sport medicine requests and consulting hours are “no longer applicable” since the service of “Injury Assessment / Treatment / Prevention” for the CSCS is no longer available but was included in a previous year. Many of those requests now go through the Medical Reimbursement Program which had a slight increase in requests. CSCS

Science Medicine Medical Reimburse

Athlete Service Manager


Requests Hours Requests Hours Requests Requests

Year 2015

98 590 0 0 60 10

Year 2014

121 636 0 0 80 64

Year 2013

98 674.75 0 0 77 151

Year 2012

125 824.75 0 0 61 61

Year 2011

233 1142 60 302 33 19

F. MARKETING, PROMOTION, COMMUNICATION, SPONSORSHIP AND FUNDRAISING Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan Legacy Fund

The Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan Legacy Fund was established in

2015. The Board of Directors approved the program concept presented by the staff in the

spring. An application was then submitted to Sask Sport Inc. who approved the Councils

submission in the fall. This program was developed by Sask Sport Inc. to assist their member

organizations in implementing a gift giving/fundraising campaign. The program encourages

individuals who have benefited from sport or those who believe in the value of sport to give

something back for current and future generations. Cash, monthly or annual contributions,

gifts in kind or planned gifts are all eligible donations. A complementary “donor incentive

program” has also been developed to assist Provincial Sport Organizations in attracting

donors. Donor recognition and significant tax savings further add to the attractiveness of

contributing to the Fund. The Council received its first donation in December 2015 from Dr.

Jack and Cheryl Alexander. Dr. Jack Alexander is one of the founders of the Council and its

first President. Functional Movement Screen Courses (Level I and II) The SMSCS hosted a Level I and II Functional Movement Screen Course in May that resulted in a profit of approximately $500.00. Web Page & Newsletter

1. The Council began the process of updating and improving our website. The Council hired Scott Gjesdahl (Saskatoon) to develop the new site. He has worked with numerous other sports on their website development.

2. These two communication tools are used to promote our services to athletes, coaches, schools, rec. boards, etc. They also act as a great resource for the SMSCS‟s members and consultants.

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3. The Newsletter is published 3 times per year and is distributed via email and posted on our website.

4. Advertisement revenue from the Newsletter and website in 2015 was $2,900, which is down a bit from $3,200.00 in 2014.

5. The Council‟s web address is www.smscs.ca. Promotional Brochure/Hand-Out The Council continues to utilize a 1-page (two sided) hand-out that outlines our programs and services. Blood and Body Fluids Rules Hand-Out The Council updated our informational handout on Sport First Aid Rules Regarding Blood and Other Body Fluids and distributed it to all PSGB‟s as well as up loaded to our website. SASM Concussion Info Page SASM developed a Concussion Information Page that was distributed to all al the PSGB‟s and also uploaded to the Council‟s website. Display/Promotional Opportunities

1. The SMSCS attends a select number of events each year to promote the Council and our many programs and services. On other occasions when a staff member cannot attend, we provide the hosting agency with information handouts that can be included in registration packages.

2. Annually, the SMSCS also purchases promotional opportunities (eg. promotional flyer

inserts in AGM packages) with selected organizations that have similar clientele to the Council. Examples include the Saskatchewan Physical Education Association and the Saskatchewan High Schools Athletic Association.

G. ORGANIZATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Volunteer Recognition The Council retained the same Board composition in 2015 as it had in 2014. Therefore, there was no volunteer recognition in 2015. Strategic and Long Range Planning The Council implemented the 3rd and final year of our 2013-2015 Strategic and Long Range Plan in 2015. A final copy of the plan including a summary of all outcome measurements is available from the SMSCS office upon request. Members and Consultants Professional Development

1. Professional Development Committee In 2015, the Council established a permanent standing Professional Development Committee. Lisa Swallow, President, along with staff member Scott Julé, initiated this process by meeting with selected individuals from the SMSCS‟s provider groups (medicine and science) to get their input on potential educational opportunities and ideas.

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The Committee will be responsible to develop a strategic and operational plan for the provision of professional development opportunities for our members and consultants. 2. Functional Movement Screen Seminars In May of 2015, the SMSCS hosted a Level 1 & 2 Functional Movement Screen Seminar. The course was facilitated by Diane Vives of Austin Texas. In total 31 attended of which 8 were members/consultants. 3. Grants In 2015, the Council continued to provide professional development grants to our members and consultants. Maximum funding remains at $1,000.00 per request. The following members and consultants were approved for professional development grants in 2015. The total amount awarded was approximately $1,675.00. Note: The total allocated amount does not include the cost share contribution of $2,844.77 from the Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan for the five (5) consultants who received grants to attend the National Sport Performance and Innovation (SPIN) Conference put on by Own the Podium (Sport Canada) in the fall of 2015.

The Council approved 9 professional development grants (1-sport medicine and 8-sport science). The recipients were as follows; 1 - Joel Lipinski, Strength and Conditioning 1 - Carla Coulson, Nutrition (Declined due to work commitments) 1 - Alison Friesen, Nutrition (SPIN) 1 - Nicole Loucks, Athletic Therapist (SPIN) 1 - Brad Posehm, Strength and Conditioning (SPIN) 1 - Mojtabi Kaviani, Strength and Conditioning (SPN) 1 - Heather Hynes, Staff Nutrition Consultant (SPIN) 1 - Shane Schwanbeck, Strength and Conditioning (Declined, other funding) 1 - Robert McCaffrey, Mental Performance Consultant (Declined, work)

Sport Medicine Programs Committee This Committee meets to discuss, recommend and set policy and direction as it relates to the medicine programs and services the SMSCS offers. In some cases, certain issues will need to be directed to the Board of Directors for ratification. There may be instances where the Committee is asked to provide consultation at the request of an outside agency.

2015 Summary/Highlights The Committee met once in 2015. Two of the major issued discussed was the Blood and Body Fluids Information page, as well as the topic of Concussion Education and funding Baseline testing.

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Sport Science Programs Committee This Committee meets to discuss, recommend and set policy and direction as it relates to the sport science programs and services the SMSCS offers. In some cases, certain issues will need to be directed to the Board of Directors for ratification. There may be instances where the Committee is asked to provide consultation at the request of an outside agency. The Committee only meets when required and there were no meetings in 2015.

H. SASK SPORT INC COMMITTEES The Council is involved in the following Sask Sport Inc (and affiliates) Committees; Coaches Association of Saskatchewan (CAS) Conference Committee. The CAS Conference Committee consists of major interest groups within coaching and sport. Sask Sport Inc, National Coaching Institute-Sask, University of Regina Faculty of Kinesiology & Health, University of Saskatchewan, College of Kinesiology, Sask Sport – Aboriginal Sport Division, and the SMSCS all have representatives on the committee. Staff member Travis Laycock represented the SMSCS and Board Member Doug Hillis represented the University of Saskatchewan, College of Kinesiology. The main purpose of the Committee is to plan for the CAS Conference that is normally held in May each year. Sask Sport Inc. Administration Centre Advisory Committee The role of this Sask Sport Committee is to oversee the operational policies, plans, procedures and budgets of the Sask Sport Inc office buildings. The „Administration Centers‟ exist to provide convenient quality office space, administrative services and other common support services at competitive service rates to assist in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of volunteer non-profit organizations in sport, culture and recreation. Staff member Scott Julé is a member of this Committee.

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TIER 1 Sports had a slight increase over the previous year due to the repeated effort of staff meeting regularly with these sports in order to establish service plans.

TIER 2 Sports had a substantial increase over the previous year due to the repeated effort of staff meeting regularly with these sports in order to establish plans.

TIER 3 Sports had a substantial decrease over the previous year due to numerous Canada Winter Games Sports using more service in 2014 versus 2015 in their preparation.

TIER 4 Sports had a substantial increase over the previous year due to 3 sports maximizing their 8 hour of free service hours.

2015 Overall Science

Hours Usage

2015 Overall Medicine

Hours Usage

2015 “Non Consulting Requests”

2014 Overall Science Hours


2014 Overall Medicine Hours


2014 “Non Consulting Requests”

2013 Overall Science Hours


2013 Overall Medicine Hours


2013 “Non Consulting Requests”

Tier 1 84% 15% 13 81% 18% 16 73% 22% 31

Tier 2 80% 26% 12 63% 17% 22 72% 18% 38

Tier 3 33% 10% 13 57% 17% 5 28% 8% 33

Tier 4 19% 6 5% 7%

OTHER major user group requests such as SHSAA, Schools, Districts, Universities, etc

had a decrease in science requests and hours

had an increase in medicine requests and hours (note: includes medical coverage)

had no change in non-consulting requests

OTHER Science

Medicine “Non Consulting”


Hours Requests Hours Requests

Year 2015

87 167 32 276 75

Year 2014

102 231 16 190.25 74

Year 2013

162 274 32 188.25 87

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CSCS requests and hours Science requests and hours were slightly down Medicine requests and consulting hours are no longer applicable since the service of “Injury

Assessment/Treatment/Prevention” for the CSCS now go through the Medical Reimbursement which resulted in no significant change from previous year.

Medical Reimbursements were down from last year. Athlete Service Manager Stat now only tracks “Intake Interview)


Science Medicine Medical Reimburse

Athlete Service Manager


Requests Hours Requests Hours Requests Requests

Year 2015

98 590 0 0 60 10

Year 2014

121 636 0 0 80 64

Year 2013

98 674.75 0 0 77 151

Year 2012

125 824.75 0 0 61 61

Year 2011

233 1142 60 302 33 19

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Table 1: Total Requests and Service Areas

The following table provides a summary of the number of requests provided for each service area with the amount of contact hours for each service.



Hrs 2014


Hrs 2013

Contact Hrs



Hrs 2011



SM -Equipment Rental & Loans 42 * 42 * 42 * 27 * 28 *

SM - Event Coverage – Medical Personnel 22 254 20 486.75 24 513 12 478.5 10 501.5

SM - First Aid Supplies & Kit Sales 157 * 137 * 145 * 141 * 145 *

SM - Sport First Aid 8 56 2 14 2 14 3 21 4 28

SM - Sport Taping 14 98 10 56 9 63 8 56 10 70

SM - Drug Education Workshops/Sessions 34 34 17 22.75 29 42 7 7 24 34

SM - Education Workshops/Sessions (1-4 hrs) 32 47 10 15.5 28 38 14 23.5 22 33.25

SM - Injury Assessments/Prevention Consults 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 61 302

SM - Insurance Reimbursement Program - CSCS 60 * 80 * 77 * 61 * 26 *

SS - Fitness Testing 14 * 0 0 0 0 1 * 3 *

SS - Fitness/Exercise/Rehab Supply Sales 0 0 3 * 4 * 3 * 11 *

SS – Biomechanics 2 24 0 0 2 3.5 1 4 10 22.75

SS - SaskMilk Nutrition Sessions * * * * 26 50 50 123.5 50 115.5

SS - Exercise / Strength 149 1296 153 911.25 153 929 187 986.5 245 1043.75

SS – Nutrition 174 283.25 205 394 162 275 140 239.25 211 325.75

SS - Mental Training 191 328.75 173 338.5 283 577 253 689 217 655.25

Other (new initiatives) * * 64 * 151 61 * 0 *

Meetings/Assistance 1 * 6 * * * 8 * 11 *

Display 1 * 0 * 5 * 1 * 1 *

Resource Material 9 * 6 * 7 * 12 * 18 *

Networking * * 0 * * * 2 1 27 32

TOTAL 911 2422 928 2227.75 1149 2504.5 993 2630.25 1134 3163.75

italicized & underlined is athlete intake interviews & distribution

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Table 2a & 2b: Total Services provided to Clients

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Page 37: 22001155 AAnnnnuuaall RReeppoorrtt · A. Overview – Page 19 B. Sport Science Programs & Services – Page 20 ... Sport Physiotherapy Canada-Saskatchewan Section. ... Nutrition Consultant


Table 3: Percentage of Total Allocated Free Service Utilized by the PSGB Clients