22, 2018 - Buckingham County, Virginia Commission Packets... · 2020-02-18 · Monday, January...

Buckingham County Planning Commission Monthly Meeting Packet January 22, 2018

Transcript of 22, 2018 - Buckingham County, Virginia Commission Packets... · 2020-02-18 · Monday, January...

Page 1: 22, 2018 - Buckingham County, Virginia Commission Packets... · 2020-02-18 · Monday, January 22,2018 County Administration Building 7:00P.M. I. Call to Order by Chairman Invocation

Buckingham County Planning Commission

Monthly Meeting Packet

January 22, 2018

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Buckingham County Planning Commission Agenda

Monday, January 22,2018 County Administration Building


I . Call to Order by Chairman Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Establishment of Quorum

2. Adoption of Agenda

3. Approval of Minutes

A. Regular Meeting - December 18, 20 17*

4. Public Comment

5. Old Business A. Public Hearing - 17-ZTA251 Business District (B-1) Change *

6. New Business A. Introduction - 18-ZMA252 Rezone from A-1 to R-1 *

7. Reports I Correspondence A. Building Permits* B. Yearly Update*

8. Commission Matters I Concerns

9. Adjournment

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Buckingham County Planning Commission

December 18, 2017

At a regular meeting of the Buckingham County Planning Commission held on Monday, December 18, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Peter Francisco meeting room, located within the Buckingham County Administration Complex, the following members were present: John E. Bickford, Vice-Chairman; Royce Charlton, III; Patrick Bowe; James D. Crews; Sammy Smith and Danny R Allen, Board of Supervisors' representative. Also present were Rebecca S. Cobb, Zoning Administrator and E.M. Wright, Jr., County Attorney. Alice T. Bickford, Chairman and Chet Maxey were absent.

Re: Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

Vice-Chairman Bickford called the meeting to order and Commissioner Crews gave the invocation. Commissioner Charlton led the Pledge of Allegiance and it was said by all who were in attendance.

Re: Quorum Present

Vice-Chairman Bickford certified there was a quorum - six of eight members were present. The meeting could continue.

Re: Adoption of Agenda

Bickford: Adoption of the Agenda. Ms. Cobb is there any changes to the agenda?

Cobb: No sir.

Allen: So moved to approve.

Smith: Second.

Supervisor Allen moved, Commission Smith seconded and was unanimously carried bv the Commission to approve the agenda as presented.

Re: Approval of Minutes- November 20, 2017 Regular Meeting

Bickford: Alright we have approval of minutes for the November 20, 2017 the regular meeting, Planning Commission meeting.

Smith: Move we accept sir.

Allen: Second.

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Bickford: Alright I have a motion and a second. Any discussion? See none we'll vote.

Commissioner Smith moved, Supervisor AUen seconded and was unanimoudy carried by the Commission to approve the minutes o(November 20, 2017 regular meeting as presented.

Bickford: Ok that passes.

Re: Public Comment

Bickford: Public Comment period. If anyone would like to speak on any matter in the County please come to the podium, state your full name and your address. We do ... you can speak on anything other than the three Public Hearings we have tonight that we have scheduled time for those. So I will now open up the Public Hearing any matter other than the Public Hearings. They have their allotted time. Ok we'll close that and move to the first Public Hearing SUP the Bed & Breakfast. Ms. Cobb do you want to introduce that?

Re: Old Business-Public Hearing-17-SUP248 Bed & Breakfast

Cobb: Yes that's Case 17-SUP248. Owner/Applicant Fran Hill, Tax Map Section 189, Lot 46 containing approximately 93 acres on South James Madison Hwy in the Curdsville Magisterial District. Ms. Hill is asking that you approve a Special Use Permit for the purpose of a Bed and Breakfast on the property. There are conditions for you to consider. The applicant is aware of the conditions and the applicant is here if you have questions for her.

Bickford: Ok do any of the Commissioners have any questions for the applicant prior to opening up the Public Hearing?

Smith: Not at this time.

Bickford: Alright we will then open up the Public Hearing. It's the same criteria Please come forward, state your full name, address. You have 3 minutes to speak. I'll now open it up.

Cobb: And I did not have anyone sign up so.

Bickford: Ok. Alright we will close that Public Hearing and then turn it back to the Commission.

Smith: I'd like to move it on to the Board of Supervisors.

Howe: I'll second it.

Bickford: Alright we have a motion and a second. Any further discussions?

Cobb: That's approval with conditions?

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Smith: With the conditions.

Bickford: Alright seeing none we will vote.

Commissioner Smith moved, Commissioner Bowe seconded and was unanimously carried by the Commission to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to approve with conditions of case 17-SUP248 Bed & Breakfast.

Bickford: That moves forward.

Re: Old Business-Public Bearing- 17-SUP249 RV Campground

Bickford: Ms. Cobb we have the SUP for the RV Campground.

Cobb: This is Case 17 -SUP249. Owner/ Applicant Lloyd Buckingham Farm, Tax Map Section 121, Lot 8 containing an approximate 18 acres on Willow Lake Road in the James River & Maysville Magisterial Districts. The property is zoned A -1 Agriculture and he is requesting a Special Use Permit for the purpose of a campground. You do have conditions and the applicant is also aware of the conditions. And the applicant's representative is here if you have any questions.

Bickford: Ok any of the Commissioners have any questions before we open up the Public Hearing? Alright Ms. Cobb has anyone signed up for the Public Hearing?

Cobb: No sir.

Bickford: Ok since that's the case we'll turn it back to the Commission.

Robert Snoddy: May I speak to the conditions Mr. Chairman?

Bickford: Yes sir. Come forward Mr. Snoddy ifyou would please.

Snoddy: I'm Bob Snoddy, Attorney in Dillwyn, and I represent Mr. Lloyd who is the managing member of the LLC which owns the property the Lloyd farmstead. It's not that . . .

Smith: Excuse me sir could you pull the mic to you just a little bit? Thank you.

Snoddy: Ok it is located .. .I'm not too sure that all of you are exactly aware of its location. It' s located off Route 56. If you're aware of where John Kitchen lives, right in that curve just before you get to that the Willow Lake Road off to the left it's the old Stouffer Mill property. The only reason I know about Stouffer Mill is because I live over on 607 and the road that went from 607 to Stouffer Mill goes right by my house. So aware of it and it is in the A-1 zone and therefore it's one of the areas that is already in the Zoning Ordinance as a permitted use with a SUP. Is that correct Ms. Cobb?

Cobb: Yes.

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December 18, 2017

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Snoddy: The two conditions that Mr. Lloyd noted in the documentation he sent to me ... and I'm wondering if the Commission would consider a change there. And the first is the condition dealing with the number of years that the permit will last. And let me see if I can find that.

Bickford: Seven Mr. Snoddy.

Snoddy: Is it number 7? And I think it says 3 years now.

Bickford: Correct.

Snoddy: And he was asking that the Commission would consider amending that to 5. I don't know the justification other than I know he's planning on putting a 5 bedroom home in the same vicinity in about 5 years. And that was the reason he wanted to tie it in there so it would keep both the water and the septic operational for the entire period so that it didn't sit unused for a 2 year period after it went out of use and before he built the house. But that's his time plan now. The other exception that he was taking to the conditions is number 9. The location shown on his sketch I guess for lack of a better word shows that those RV campsites are approximately 30' from the property line rather than the 50' that's being required in the conditions. I think you have a copy of the drawing. And it's not a particularly splendid depiction but it does indicate that the RV's are 60' from the, excuse me are 30' from the farm fence line. And I think it's this one .. .I think you all may have this.

Bickford: That was from the last one. We probably didn't bring it with us. I'm afraid I didn't. It's not attached this time.

Snoddy: Ok. I'll copy it and give each one of you or I can just pass it down.

Allen: Is there any other homes or anything close by? I haven't looked at it that close.

Snoddy: The adjoining owner is Mr. Don Mosley on that side and he had indicated to me, excuse me Mr. Lloyd had indicated to me that Mr. Mosley had no objection to the proximity of the RV's to the property line. I do not have anything in writing in terms of that from Mr. Mosley and if you all want to make that a condition of it making its way to the Board of Supervisors that's fme. But it would be ... each one is approximately 30' off the line and the area where this property is located is not all that close to the Mosely homestead. The Stouffer Mill property is over a knoll and down next to the Slate River as compared to where Don Mosley's property is located. I'd estimate ...

Bickford: Out of sight more or less.

Allen: You're saying it's kinda .. .

Snoddy: It's basically out of sight yes sir

Allen: So we're only talking moving 20' right?

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Snoddy: Yes sir it would bring it 20' closer to the property line if we had the setback there to be 30' instead of 50. Now I don't know is that something built into the ordinance as far as setbacks.

Wright: Setbacks is in the Zoning Ordinance and you would have to get a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals to go outside the setbacks.

Snoddy: Ok is ...

Bowe: What difference does it make to the applicant is to whether it's 30 or 50?

Snoddy: I can't explain that. All I know is that's the communication I received is that he, that his sites he's perked tested the area and the sites that he perked tested were within 30' of the property line. I assume that would require that he move 20' off of that tore-perk test.

Bowe: Might need 20' of piping.

Snoddy: Yes. Tell me this is it in that zone is there .. .ifit's not a structure or a building structure improvement is the setback line applicable to something of this?

Cobb: The setbacks in the Ordinance are for all structures for primary structures and other structures is what it says.

Snoddy: Usually there's a front line and then side lines?

Cobb: Side lines yeah.

Snoddy: And I don't know. And they're usually what 15 and 35 or 50 ...

Cobb: 50 and 25. 50 from the front property and 25 from sides.

Snoddy: Well this you would be approaching these from the front would be on the opposite side of the RV sites from the line with Mosley and so the 30' would not violate your 25' setback. Does that sound accurate?

Cobb: Right the 50' here in #9 is actually taken from other campground applications and conditions that we've had and so that's why I kept it just as the standard 50'.

Bowe: I can't see where it's going to make that much difference to him. You're talking 20' more sewer ptpe.

Snoddy: I understand and I'm just. .. don't shoot the messenger.

Bowe: I don't want to. I don't understand the problem.

Snoddy: Well quite frankly I can't explain it the problem.

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Charlton: It says within 50' of adjoining properties without adjacent landowners written permission. Mr. Mosley is the adjacent landowner.

Snoddy: So if we had the written permission from Mr. Mosley then that would .. .

Charlton: Seem like if I'm not mistaken it would take care of the situation.

Snoddy: Mr. Wright do you have any input there?

Wright: I haven't looked at the Ordinance language so I don't know.

Bowe: I know when you get into putting wells and stuff in they're going to have to be a certain what is it 100 and some feet off of a nearest septic line. So I mean it could drastically effect . ..

Snoddy: The well is going to be a considerable distance from that installation.

Bowe: His well but what if Mosley wants to put in an additional well for some reason? I mean I don't know. I'm just saying that to me you're talking 20' extra pipe per site which ain't no big deal.

Snoddy: I hear you. I have no comeback to that.

Bowe: Ok.

Snoddy: For the first time in my life.

Bickford: Well I think probably being that that's the situation we're not sure about the Ordinance adjustment I would say, recommend we keep it at 50' if this does go to the Board of Supervisors if you could get a letter from Mr. Mosley.

Snoddy: I will.

Bickford: Then you can address it at that time plus it gives you an opportunity to check the variances for a septic line.

Cobb: And I did speak to Mr. Mosley. He did come into the office and take a look at the application and just across this property line is where his airstrip is. So this is right adjacent to his airstrip. He didn't indicate that he had any problems at this time. We didn't talk about footages or anything like that but he didn't say he had any concerns at this point.

Bickford: Well we still don't have anything in writing though at this time.

Snoddy: I understand.

Bickford: So let's leave that at 50 with the understanding we'll get it in writing.

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December 18, 2017

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Snoddy: With the understanding we'll propose if it needs to be changed over we'll have a modification available we'll make that presentation to the Board.

Bickford: How about ... with the circumstances that Mr. Snoddy described I understand why he would like to have it 5 years. I don't really have an issue with it. Does any of the other Commissioners?

Howe: No but if the people are only going to stay 3 years it's still going to sit vacant the other 2.

Snoddy: Well we don't know exactly what's going to happen.

Howe: Right. I agree with that.

Bickford: It's alltentative so. But with the understanding and the way you describe it I don't have a problem. Does any other have a problem?

Howe: I don't have a problem

Bickford: Ok. We will alter that for you Mr. Snoddy.

Howe: That's not bad.

Snoddy: I hear you.

Howe: You've got half of them. Better than VA versus V. Tech.

Snoddy: Boy.

Howe: You knew that had to come up sooner or later.

Snoddy: It's basketball season.

Bickford: Yeah things will be different now.

Snoddy: What goes around comes around.

Bickford: Thank you Mr. Snoddy.

Snoddy: Thank you all.

Bickford: Alright any other discussion on this application? Anyone want to make a motion then?

Allen: I'll make a motion that we move it on to the Board with the change of#7 from 3 to 5 years.

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Bickford: Ok I have a motion.

Bowe: Second.

Bickford: I have a motion and second. Any further discussion? Seeing none we'll vote then.

Supervisor Allen moved. Commissioner Bowe seconded and was unanimously ca"ied by the Commission to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to approve with the change of condition #7 from 3 to 5 years case 17-SUP249 RV Campground.

Bickford: That moves forward Mr. Snoddy. Ms. Cobb that brings us to the Telecommunications Tower.

Re: Old Business-Public Hearing - l7-SUP250 Kidd Property Telecommunications Tower

Cobb: Yes this is Case 17-SUP250. Owner Jenny Kidd Ledford, Applicant Shenandoah Mobile, LLC also known as SHENTEL, Tax Map Section 75, Parcel4 containing approximately 45 acres on S. James River Highway in the James River Magisterial District. The property is zoned (A-I) Agricultural. And they are asking for a Special Use Permit for a monopole telecommunications tower. As you are aware this site was approved previously for a Verizon tower that wasn't built. lbis is a new application now that SHENfEL has put forward. CityScape has reviewed this application and has provided you all with conditions and a recommendation. The applicant is here if you have any questions for them.

Bickford: Ok. Thank you Ms. Cobb. Any questions for the applicant before the Public Hearing?

Smith: Move it forward.

Bickford: Ok. Do you have people signed up Ms. Cobb?

Cobb: Yes.

Bickford: I'll let you call them out in order then.

Cobb: Timothy Fanter.

Timothy Fanter: I'm Timothy Fanter at 2576 S. James River Highway. lbis is my daughter Crystal Fanter. So I don't know ifl've got 3 minutes but I've got a lot. So there was 14 pages that Ms. Cobb had copied the applicant narrative. I have issues with every page on here. The big issue that I have is I was never properly notified ever. Now granted I've only been here a year. I moved in Christmas Eve last year. But I've had I believe three times that we've paid our property tax. Somebody in this office knows exactly where I live. It was only by the former resident, Brenda Kidd, who forwarded me the letter for tonight. Now I know reading through this 14 page document you've had .. .it looks like you've had a number of meetings before.

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You've had a balloon test to where they actually had to notify somebody on the property to take pictures of the balloon. We've been missed out on every one of these. So I cannot speak what the breakdown in communication was. Like I said I've been here for almost a year but apparently you've been sending them to Brenda Kidd. That's the frrst thing, issue that I have. Second issue and I know we've talked ... 1 went in when I got this on the 9th of December I went into Ms. Cobb's office and said what do you have? So she made me copies so. I have two other issues. One is the devaluation of property value. You're going to say that it's in the hands of the accessor here in this office. It's also in the hands of ... l have a VA loan because when I retired from the military and wanted a JROTC job I had 200 to choose from. I chose this place. And of course the house is awesome. My wife fell in love with it. But if you are a VA appraiser or any kind of appraiser you know and you can ask them ... you can ask any realtor it's going to devaluate the property. And I know it is a business here. It may not actually go down by the property accessor here but they're not the ones that are selling the house. It's the realtor and whoever the person who wants to buy the house. If they see a 200' I think it's technically 190' tower and I don't know if it's 650' or 700' there's discrepancies in this report from the backyard I don't know if I would want to purchase a house that has that.

Bickford: Time sir.

Fanter: Ok.

Bickford: Time sir. Thank you very much.

Fanter: Well I don't have more than 3 minutes.

Bickford: I'm sorry.

Fanter: I don't have more than 3 minutes? Ok. I was keeping time from the previous one.

Bickford: Right. It's expired by the clock there so.

Fanter: Ok. I'm just you know ...

Bickford: Ok.

Fanter: I did hear that from the previous one that she just did. Ok thank you.

Allen: So you actually took over the residence that this is going on?

Fanter: No adjacent.

Allen: The adjacent. Ok I'm sorry. I wanted to make sure I was listening right.

Fanter: I wanted to bring that to you attention because I don't see any adjacent owner here.

Allen: Ok.

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Bickford: Ms. Cobb who's the next person please?

Cobb: That's all.

Bickford: Oh just one? Ok. Alright.

Bowe: Mr. Chairman.

Bickford: Yes sir.

Bowe: He had another point he wanted to make and his daughter hasn't talked. Should she get a chance to at least make his third point?

Bickford: Is she on the sheet?

Smith: Did she sign up?

Bickford: Did you sign up the application?

Crystal Fanter From Audience: (Inaudible from audience.) There's a lot to go over. I could spend hours.

Bickford: We don't have hours. I will bend the rules and allow you 3 minutes if you want to speak.

Fanter: Please, we're trying to play catchup.

Bickford: I understand.

Fanter From Audience: I've never been properly notified.

Bowe: Well we're making an exception.

Bickford: We're making an exception to allow you to speak.

Crystal Fanter: Ok well the most important discrepancies ...

Cobb: Could you state you name?

Fanter: Crystal Fanter. Most important was the notification. The second one I just had a lot of frustrations ...

Bickford: Can you get a little closer to the mic? I'm sorry.

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Fanter: A lot of questions in regards to why I was never given proper I'd say paperwork. I was never given an affidavit from SHENTEL engineers. I was never given .. .it says enclosed here is so and so and so and there's so much missing documentation that I don't have an ability to read over it. One of the most important ones that 1 ... 1 know that Ms. Cobb has made a remark that you can't argue about safety issues and one of here .. .let's see .. .it says that SHENTEL did by my knowledge have all the proper protocol and followed the FCC regulations for safety in regards to radiation and that was enclosed in the packet that I've never seen any of that information. So how would I know ifl'm going to go by somebody's word by that. It's just not fair to us that we were never given the proper time to be able to review all this documentation. We've only .. . I've only had about a day since I've flown in here. And for the balloon test I know that we were supposed to be ... SHENTEL said that they requested access to go onto our property. We never got a notice. We never got a letter. So if they did request access from us and they did go onto our property without our permission what else can you guys do? If you guys build that cell phone tower what's going to stop you from building something else? Tltere's an argument in here saying that if they're going to build a SHENTEL cell phone tower that was going to help supporting existing businesses or students with their homework. It's Buckingham. I don't see any businesses around. The reason why we picked this property was because it is rural. It's not where I'm from like New York, Rhode Island area. It's the reason why we picked this place. We don't want a cell phone tower 700' that I can see. Also they said that they gave up pictures of the balloon test that shows the pictures of where it was visible from our property or any other properties like the grave site from what is it Yz mile, Yz mile up the road yeah no pictures so how do I know if it' s visible from my property or not?

Bickford: Ok that's time. The 3 minutes is up.

Fanter: Ok.

Bickford: I appreciate you speaking. Now I'll tum it back over to the Commission for discussion.

Bowe: I have a question as to why 4, 5 and 6 have been added here. Almost get the feeling that CityScape is scratching for reasons to justify their existence at this point. I mean I see no reason for 4, 5 or 6. Talking about 4 if it's an emergency situation obviously they need to use a generator. In an emergency situation where phones are out and electricity's out, cell phones become very important. So worrying about how many dBa's the thing's putting out at the property line is to me is ridiculous.

Smith: I agree.

Bowe: As far as if they're not using space above the antenna having to take the tower down what's that all about?

Bickford: I guess they were concerned for the visual. Ms. Cobb can you give a feedback on that or .. .

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Cobb: That would be yeah I mean that's not taking the entire tower down. That's just taking the top portion down so that it does decrease the visibility which is what the neighbors are concerned about so.

Bowe: And then what happens when somebody wants to add to the tower?

Cobb: They would have to come back with a new application at that point I believe.

Bowe: I personally can't see it. And then #6 outside of Burma Shave I don't know who advertises out in the middle of the woods. I just don't see a need for that. I think we set precedence when we start putting stuff like this in theses cases.

Bickford: How's the other Commissioners feel in regards to these conditions?

Smith: I think Mr. Bowe ought to put it in the form of a motion to scratch 5, 6 and 7.

Bowe: 4, 5 and 6.

Bickford: Right.

Smith: 4, 5 and 6. I'm sorry I had them marked wrong.

Bowe: Ok I make a motion that we delete conditions 4, 5 and 6.

Bickford: Alright. Do you want to incorporate that into a motion to send this forward with deleting those conditions 4, 5 and 6 or you just want to take those out for now?

Bowe: Yeah I'll ... move it forward and delete conditions 4, 5 and 6.

Smith: I'll second that.

Bickford: We have a motion to move this application forward to the Board of Supervisors without conditions 4, 5 and 6 so you know what you're voting on. Any discussion?

Allen: Only discussion I have I hate to see that 31 0' lattice pole laying up there. I just want to make sure that everybody knows it's not supposed to be but 195'.

Bickford: You mean the original tower.

Allen: Yeah the original tower still says 31 0'. I just hate to see that out there knowing that we don't want but a 195 at the most.

Bickford: Right. Well the permit says 190, 199'.

Allen: Don't want to send it back.

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Bickford: I understand what you' re saying.

Smith: Aie you just stating that for the record sir?

Allen: I'm stating it for the record. No changes.

Bickford: Any discussion? Alright seeing none we'll vote then.

Commissioner Bowe moved, Commission Smith seconded and was unanimously carried bv the Commission to recommend to the Board o(Supervisors to approve with conditions 4, 5 and 6 deleted case 17-SUP250 Kidd Propertv Telecommunications Tower.

Bickford: That moves forward to the Board of Supervisors.

Re: New Business - Introduction - Board of Supervisors Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Bickford: Ms. Cobb that brings us to new business the introduction of Board of Supervisors Zoning Ordinance Amendment.

Cobb: Yes during the Board of Supervisors last monthly meeting they made a motion to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance. They are talking about the Business District, the B-1 District, the Special Use list taking out the language that says temporary campground with self­contained camping units. Take that out as a Special Use. And so that Ordinance change requires that it come to you all for consideration and you all would need to set a Public Hearing to hear comments for that.

Bickford: Ok any questions in regards to what we've been charged to do?

Allen: I make a motion that we move on to a Public Hearing.

Bowe: Second.

Bickford: Ok have a motion and a second to move this forward to Public Hearing. Any discussion? Alright we'll vote then.

Supervisor Allen moved, Commissioner Bowe seconded and was unanimously carried bv the Commission to move to Public Hearing Zoning Ordinance Amendment removing Temporary Campground with self-contained camping units as a Special Use in the Business District {B-


Bickford: That will move forward in January.

Smith: Happy New Year.

Allen: Take it back to where it was in the beginning.

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Re: Reports/Correspondence - November Building Permits

Bickford: Ms. Cobb that brings us to your Reports/Correspondence.

Cobb: Yes November there were 39 building permits totaling $5,046.60.

Re: Reports/Correspondence - 2018 Planning Commission Meeting Schedule

Cobb: Then we also have our Planning Commission Meeting Schedule for next year so I do need you all to vote to approve your meeting schedule. The first meeting would be January 16th as a work session. That would be a Tuesday because Monday is a holiday and I am anticipating that at that work session our subcommittee that's looking at the telecommunications will have met and will have hopefully some starter information to consider.

Bickford: Ok. Do we have a motion to approve the schedule?

Allen: So moved.

Smith: Second.

Bickford: Motion seconded. Any discussion? Seeing none we'll vote.

Supervisor Allen moved, Commissioner Smith seconded and was unanimously carried bv the Commission to approve the 2018 Planning Commission Meeting Schedule as presented.

Bickford: We will keep that for next year then. Anything else you have Ms. Cobb that you have?

Cobb: That's all that I have.

Re: Zoning Administrator's Report

There was no Zoning Administrator's Report.

Re: Commission Matters/Concerns

Bickford: Ok. Commission Matters. Any Commissioner have anything you want to discuss or say? I'm going to say something real quick. I have talked to several of you all and what I would suggest come next month in January that we sort of adopt a sort of the same plan for the Chairmanship and Vice-Chair as the Board of Supervisors. I think I talked to several of you all how changing it to make it a 2 year rotation. I think that's important because I don't think you can get a real good handle on the job in one year. You need 2 years. It's also volunteer. If you don't want to do it you just pass on it. If we did that and it won't be decided until January if we were to do it . .. adopt that then Alice being the Chairman would start her 2 year term. What we would have to decide is how we wan~ the Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair would be the next one in

Buckingham County Planning Commission December 18, 2017

Page 381

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line. We've got numerical districts so I guess we could work something like that. Alice is .. . Danny you're 7. I've got to think about that.

Allen: Well you're 7 too.

Bickford: I know I've got to work on that. That's pretty bad isn't it? So it would be 7 we could drop to the commission the Vice-Chair could be 1 and then after that you could go 6 and 2 and 5 and 4 ... anyhow you can decide on that after a while. And it's all just a suggestion. Just think on it over the holidays and when we come back in January we'll if you feel like you want to do it it's fine. If not we'll continue on the same that we've been doing so.

Smith: But your idea is for it not to be mandatory to accept that responsibility you can pass it on if you're uncomfortable.

Bickford: Correct. If you choose not to be Chairman do not want then it's voluntary. It's not mandatory. Alright the only other thing I want to say is I'd like to wish all of the Planning Commission Board Members here a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas as well as the participates that came. Appreciate that.

Re: Adjournment

Bickford: With that do I a motion to adjourn.

Smith: So moved.

Bowe: Second

Bickford: Alright no discussion we'll vote.

Commissioner Smith moved, Commissioner Bowe seconded and was unanimouslv carried bv the Commission to adjourn the meeting.

There being no further business, Vice-Chairman Bickford declared the meeting adjourned.


Rebecca S. Cobb Zoning Administrator

Buckingham County Planning Commission December 18,2017

Alice T. Gormus Chairman

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Buckingham County Planning Commission January 22,2018

Administration Building 7:00PM

Public Hearing - Strike Recent Ordinance Change

INFORMATION-The Board of Supervisors requested that the Planning Commission consider striking the most recent Zoning Ordinance change. The change was to add Temporary Ca.11pground with self-contained camping units as a Special Use in the Business District (B-1). Please hold the scheduled public hearing and consider removing this item from the ordinance.

Excerpt from Business District of the Zoning Ordinance Special Use Permits

The following uses shall be permitted only by special use permit approved by the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors:

Amusement Centers- Bowling Alleys, Pool Halls, Skating Rinks, Swim Clubs, Theaters

Assembly Halls- community centers, lodge halls

Auction Barns

Automotive Wash Operations -10/9/01

Automotive Sales Lot to Include the Sale of Recreational Vehicles, Trailers, and Boats - 8/13/01

Tempf»'ary Campground with self sontained samping t~nits

Clubs, Public & Private - country clubs


Community Centers

Dog Businesses- Kennels, Grooming, Boarding, Training, Trials


Drive-In Restaurants

Drive-in Theatres

Flea Markets

Laundromats & Dry Cleaners

Lodge Halls Parking Facilities, Commercial

Public Facilities

Public Garages

Public Utilities

Radio & TV Stations

Restaurants - With some on Premises Alcoholic Beverage Consumption - 7112/99

Schools, Public & Private

Tattoo Parlors/Galleries- 11/20/03

Telecommunications- non-concealed attached and non-concealed freestanding towers (See Article 9)

Warehousing to include Mini-Storage Facilities - 9/1 I/00

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Buckingham County Planning Commission January 22, 2018

Administration Building 7:00PM

Introduction of Case 18-ZMA252

OWNER/APPLICANT: Steven Conner of STC Investments, Inc. P.O. Box 1091 Appomattox, VA 24522

PROPERTY INFORMATION - Tax Map Section 88, Portion of Lot 7 containing approximately 8.5 acres, on River Rd (Rt. 605), in the James River Magisterial District.

ZONING DISTRICT - Agricultural District (A-I)

REQUEST -Zoning Map Amendment- Mr. Conner is asking the Planning Commission to recommend a Public Hearing date to hear the request for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone three (3) lots from Agriculture (A-1) to Residential (R-1).

BACKGROUND/ZONING INFORMATION: The subdivision ordinance classifies a major subdivision as any parcel divided into four ( 4) or more lots and requires it to be rezoned depending on lot size and restrictions. The subdivision ordinance also states that the ordinance cannot be circumvented by placing together several smaller divisions.

The applicant owns a parcel with 16 acres on the west side of River Rd and wanted to divide the property into 6 parcels. He first divided off 3 parcels and was given administrative approval of a minor subdivision. He has requested an additional 3 parcels but this would be considered circumventing the ordinance and therefore he is here for rezoning and approval of the 3 remaining parcels.

What are the wishes of the Planning Commission?

Set a hearing date and time? February 26th?

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i' ......... \...1 t.,... J. I




p,- inc ipa 1

Date Reg is t.e\- : Trans . #: Dept # t~cct.#

F'r·eviaus Balance

Being Paid $ F'enalty $

InteJ-est. $

Amount. Paid $


. .

*Balance Due $

1/11/2018 TC£~ /TC l

58721 REZONE

550 . 00

~~50. 00 . 00 .00

550 . 00




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CASE NUMBER:------­(Case Number Assigned by Zoning Administrator)

DATE OF APPLICATION: ---'-J_-_4_-_}_~--

Zoning Map Amendment: 1?-.c:_a (J e 5 t: ~ -\ cD ~ --t· 0 r..c_ -\-C) R- \v _;

Purpo~e of Zoning Map Ame_ydment:

I p ba ve 4 T ' \oi-

Zoning District: A - \ Number of Acres: gA 4-,-4 .s-'ftc re.S Po r\i o" o 'F 7

Tax Map Section:~ Parcel : __ Lot :_Subdivision: Magisterial Dist.: ___ _

Street Address=------------'-------Directions from the County Administration Building to the Proposed Site:---------

Daytim~~~!ne : 134 ~ / Q 8 3 8} Cell Phone: 4~34 8 4 ) --£ 3 8 J

Em"ail: .5TC Rect \ e .>+q,:-\-e .. .J?qol ,('~a::'-4 '7

. . · 5 --'----t---... ----=w~c-=-g~(\~y"1~~-Nameof Property Owner: .S ·jc .:I:"r)\16'"5 i-~/l ~ .... ::LY")c_ ~ ·=c-,., <:._~ MailingAddress: p.o, fux /OqS A:-.petr m.ct. tfo·_~l Vf1 L~-J_z_

- +34-- f2>1'() -- ~ 381 Daytime Phone: 42#-_3 _5 ]._-tJ b2_ b Cell Phone: 4.2.4-: f3 4 1, e ~ 8 J ...

Ema~~IT leq/ f:_s;lq ~~ Tn c Fax: _________ _

Signature of Owner:.Jk;.;;;Y'J_J ~a4 f3 C'5 rd ~ate:_/_· -_3_· --~-~-­Signature of Applicant:~;? f. -~ Date: J-y~j g P~ase indicate to whom correspondence should be sent:

/\_owner of Property _Contractor Purchaser I Lessee ~uthorized Agent _ Engineer ~Applicant

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 3

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The applicant shall provide a list of all adjoining landowners, including subject property and all property immediately across the street/road from the subject property. Any body of water does not constitute a boundary line for this purpose, therefore a body of water and the property adjoining the subject property but separated by a

·body of water is still considered an adjoining landowner. County boundary lines and those adjoining property owners in the next County are considered adjoining property owners if the land adjoins the subject's property. Adjoining landowners can be verified through the Buckingham County Clerk of Courts or the Clerk's Office in the adjoining County, or by personal contact. The list shall include the name, address, town/city, zip code, road route number, tax map section number, parcel number, lot number, and subdivision. The list shall be typewritten or printed legibly. Failure to list all adjoining landowners could delay the process.

1. Name: _5 I C ~ vc-s+~ 1-s ) ~ q.. WlE. C,"' s 1- rvc h ~~ 1 Tflc MailingAddress: "P.O 4 Bo-;c J 09/ Apy?D("Y)C<-H-c.X1 VA 2~52.2 PhysicaiAddress: 53 ·~ Lov rt ..:S+ f\;-ppol'"h-citf-cJ-;<. 1 VA 2.4-:5"'22._

Tax Map Section: f5 8 Parcel: · 7 lot: Subdivision:---------

2. Name: J;;1oy I e. E M t:tr h"n1 J r: ):B~rJa'""' ,' ,...,:r(V} ct_rt.·~-+.:f't~~.e 104- 1 ~.-- . ~ret -L~~. Ap~rr-.Gt-ft-o.;c,VA Z.1EJ:i

Mailing Address: -----~-------~~--1 _____ _t_ _ ____._c=_ ___ ___ -I,..~-

Physical Address: I 0 4- ~e ~ rq,~ ~~ • ~pp O('"'r)q 7/ox} VA- 2-4.:>"'2.. 2

Tax Map Section: /3 Parcel: f 5 Lot: Subdivision:-- - ------

3. Name: De.eL €) f Co 1"'\,~e rv~+,"'ol\ + ~ecr~q-\- ia _.., "?{), --:z r:. l) r s+-p · h J , /A . -:;, ,- _ .. ·o

MailingAddress: A . __:.} L96V~n . 1" 1 c nJOr')0.,/y ~ .:;>2._ )" (

PhysicaiAddress: ?-03 L....-:X? \)ernD r61'. B~ ~I"Y:>o0JJ V'f\ 232) CJ Tax Map Section: ~ 8 Parcel: 7 A Lot: _ __ Subdivision: ____ ____ _

4.Name: ____ ~~---~6~t~· L(Y)~·~~~~~----~-· ~. ~~-· V~~~r--------------------------------Mailing Address: - --- - - - - - ------ --------- -----

Physical Address:--------------- - - ------- -----

Tax Map Section: _ ___ Parcel: ___ _ Lot: ___ Subdivision: _ _______ _

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 5

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Ac(_ro.s.5 ~'VCJ

6. Name:

Mailing Address:

Physical Address:

Tax Map Section: Parcel: Lot: Subdivision:

7. Name:

Mailing Address:

Physical Address:

Tax Map Section: Parcel: Lot: Subdivision:

8. Name:

Mailing Address:

Physical Address: 7

Tax Map Section: Parcel: Lot: Subdivision:

9. Name:

Mailing Address:

Physical Address:

Tax Map Section: Parcel: Lot: Subdivision:

10. Name:

Mailing Address:

Physica l Address:

Tax Map Section: Parcel : Lot: Subdivision:

11. Name:

Mailing Address:

Physical Address:

Tax Map Section: Parcel: Lot: Subdivision:

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 6

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This 3 rd dayof Jql'lot("( ~ Z':OI$ ...:ST L: -L f) ve~-\ rY' <!"n 4 ~) ::S:::::n c- (,si-6ft n I ~ ...., Ac-r

____________ ___;_ __________ hereby make oath that (printed name of owner/contract purchaser/authorized agent)

the list of adjoining landowners is a true and accurate list as submitted with my application.

Signed: (to be signed in front of notary public)




please circle one )

Subscribed and sworn to me on the .........,3::....:n.....:;:c!.__-=--- day of Ja.c. 1N:l.A.h(=

of the year ;{ D I~ . My Com mission expires on _. --=-{)~'1..L/...!:3~1:........L./ ~_..::._0-=0}_~0=----Notary Public Signature: -LjJ_,___.~"""""~~~o::..· "-i!!o.....~~\~-.;....,..;........L,. __ J _____ ___ _



Commonwealth of Virginia Rag. #205008

My Commission Expires July 31 , 2.oP.. ()

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 7

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rwl Onthis 3- dayof~ , oftheyear ~DJ? ,

' .. , . --/' t::;r;<.:r"' v~~ &"Ji..s} '"'C;,c.. +-t.;XB ~~1"}-.S h- <J£Jt~c;"~ 1 ~ev'O") \ '\......fOr)l)~ri' (printed name of owner) 7-~L/ hereby make oath that no member of the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors nor the Buckingham County Planning Commission has interest in such property either individually, or by ownership of stock in a corporation owning such land, or by partnership, or as a holder often percent (10%) or more ofthe outstanding shares of stock in or as a director or officer of any corporation owning such land, directly or indirectly by such members of his/her immediate household, except as follows:

Signature of Owner: (to be signed in front of notary public)

-~ \· Orvv.~ NOTARYPUB~ ~ ~ ~r COUNTY OF .....:~=r"r-"""'-"-'=""""-':;;..;....:;;'--------- STATE OF ~.ua..

Subscribed and sworn to me on this 6 tJ._ day of ~

of the year 0? D J f . My commission expires 0 7 h1 J ~a~ D

NotaryPublicSignature: [)~~ '


NOTARY PUBLIC Commonwealth of Virginia

Reg. #~05008 ~ 'd My Commission Expires July 31 , 2~

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 8

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Case Number I File Name: ~~C~v.t!!'";;;,t~'-l\.51~c {6-\ev(Y)

Visual Inspection Findings (describe what is on the property now):

County Records Check (describe the history of this property):


Were any historical sites or gravesites found 2(· site, or be suspected by a reasonable person to be on the site? Yes No --#--'lr--

lf yes, please explain and show on the site plan the location of such and explain any historical significance:

Will this proposal have any impact on the historical site or gravesite? Yes __ No p__ If yes, please explain any impact:

Owner/ApplicantSignature~,M I • ~ Date: } - 3 ~J 8 - A p,..,. ::;:.;;;::p r.,<" ,'..l.,..,t-{!u 0

Printed Name: 6>-\ooo \. ~/l~t(r at!-"" fC' Title: C> VVN 61<.: 3 '.;1 e.1

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 9

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APPLICATION FORA TRAFFIC IMPACT DETERMINATION Please fill out the following information before presenting to VDOT:

Case Number I File Name:----------------------

For VDOT use only:

A Traffic Impact Statement is required per 24 VAC 30-155-60.

----$..- A Traffic Impact Statement is not required. The traffic generated by the proposed zoni.n~ change I development does not exceed normal thresholds.

(f.ltt4r-d~1 lo e24vAe3o -rst;:l/0 fl. J.) ___ The Traffic lr\1pact Analysis has been waived by the Zoning I Planning Department for the following reasons:

Does the existing entrance meet VDOT requirements for the proposed use? Yes No If no, please explain the necessary steps to bring into compliance with the requirements for the proposed use:

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 10

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On this3r..O.. dayof____:~:..-=:..::....:....____;_--'--',~------....J' in the year of {Aol ~

~5~~~-=--r~~cP~~~A~~~~---------- theownerof ____________ __ (printed name of landowner) (Tax Map Number)

5-\e!'e.-, ~ Co.-,1');;+- or-Hereby make, constitute, and appoint _W~:........!-' -.:lc....;l....;..'....;:"'t_~rn~-b-~cc~------­

(printed name)

my true and lawful attorney~in~fact, and in my name, place, and stead give unto him/her said full power and authority to do and perform all acts and make all representation necessary, without limitation whatsoever, to make application for said zoning. The right, powers, and authority of said attorney~in-fact herein granted shall commence and

be in full force and effect on the day of the month ----------in the year of and shall remain in full force and effect thereafter until actual notice by certified mail with return receipt requested is received by the Zoning I Planning Office of Buckingham County stating that the terms of this power have been revoked or modified.

Signature of Landowner (to be signed in front of Notary Public):

~) 1¥1 t

NOTARY PUBLIC ) [ County of ~r('Ahzliu State of V ~ Subscribed and sworn before me on the (JA_ day of~

in the year dOl g . My commission expires {) ?/{;t/~oi)__O

Signature of Notary Public: iJ,.tv..;,_ ,_'l.f:~ Stamp:


Commonwealth of Virginia Reg. #205008

My Commission Expires July 31, 20 ~D

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 11

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WRITTEN NARRATIVE The Written Narrative shall describe the relationship of the proposed project to the relevant components of the Comprehensive Plan. Please be very detailed and describe in depth each and every component 1 through 15. The following outline is provided to aid you in preparing the written narrative:

1. Land Use z·r'\ d \-lo I'Y\eS erf< Rec-reG(-\-,.'~ ;')Qr us e.

2. Community Design NO E t'fec_ ~ @ 3. Cultural Resources N 0 E: +Ct. c:.. + · 4. Economic Development W ~, ~ \ :J.. r-. c_- /'C?C-1 S e tAX B~ se

U <E o-f- IZ} V E/2 5. Environment A\ \ ~UJ fV\..o re J . M ,'Aim q \ ...L rYJpa ,-\-

. ~ - · ) fo NoN IE.-- ·y , ( b\ G:l d .s-\ .cO,.., @_ ,::::, /"~ "f .r:- 1''1_.) tO

6. F1re and Rescue, Law Enforcement , r • • I) t rr>Gt _, r-ItA ~ A I<.. fA-7. Housing J/\ ~Ml ~I l+pp e rAt:J<.t{ e:~ ~cc::.o ""'ol t"t jV' b

s. ubraries N t> c..f'+ec1 9. Parks and Open Spaces V ~,... y 10. Potable Water- p r~ "' CA \ <!.

ll. Sewage P~\vq{~ S"epf,'c

12. Schools l't"\ o 5 +I 'f L rV-e...\'(

13. Telecommunications - L; tf I e ---\c7 N 0 1"\ (!:_.

"· 14. Transportation ...4 L ,· +J J ~ +o· tv ~N ~

15. Solid Waste - 1- ; t\- I~ 4 0 N ° -:[ ~ P q c. +-If this proposal is for an event, describe the handling of the entire event, including but not limited to: number of participants, schedule of events, police, security, food, beverages, water, sanitation, emergencies, crowd control, entrances and exits, traffic control, signage, advertisement, parking, fee collection, control of animals, trash disposal, site clean-up, fighting, alcohol, abuse of alcohol and/or illegal substances

Buckingham County Rezoning Application Page 12

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Page 32: 22, 2018 - Buckingham County, Virginia Commission Packets... · 2020-02-18 · Monday, January 22,2018 County Administration Building 7:00P.M. I. Call to Order by Chairman Invocation

Property Map #: Acct #: Address:

Identification Run Dt: 88 7A

000011685-001 004610 RIVER RD

1/ 0 3/2018 Owner Name / Address DEPT OF CONSERVATION 203 GOVERNOR ST RICHMOND VA 23219

& RECREATION Legal Description001 of 0 2 RT 605 3.227 AC


Occupancy: DWELLING Year Built: Owl Type : CONTEMPRY MH/Type:N / Year Rmld: Use/Class: /EXEMPT: STATE GOVT Year Efft : Year Assd: 2013 Condition: Zoning: On Site Date: Dist: 03 JAMES RIVER Review Date:


1998 AVERAGE (CV ) 1/11/2 013 ( ) .

Deed Bk / Pg:

Acreage: Land Use: Total Mineral: Total Land: Total Imp: Total Value:

388/ 713 /


18100 214 00 0 23210 0

1----------------- Improvement Description ------------------1 I + 17.1

+ PAT16.1 Exteri or Interior





Dwelling Valuation Size 1453 1023 17 97 1797

1 1 3 1 1

403 14

700 330 403 120

36 40

Gr ade Factor ( B Replacement Cost New

Phys Depr. % ( . 080 1998 - AVG Total Bl d g. Value


-------------------- 1 Rate Value 68.73 99864 12.00 12276 2.00 3594 3.00 5391

2500.00 2500 2500.00 2500 3000.00 9000 4000.00 4000 4000.00 4000

15.00 6045 58.80 823 20.00 14000 68.73 22680 5.00 2015

16.00 1920 15.00 540 15.00 600

1.20 230040

18403 211600


12 ·. 2 12 WOK OWL +-12---2-7-2912---+

18 18

2+ 2+ 9 +-8-+

13 : 5 5 :OWL 4--11---28-- --+5-WDK +4+----20----+GRF

:OWL 15 11 11

25 +- -- - 20- - -- + 6 OPF 6 +----2 0-10-+

4.WDK-4-------28-------+ Sec Type Str Description Area OWL DWELLING 1.50 Nl3E2N18El2E19Sl8 1453

E2S9W11S4W20W4 WOK WOOD OECK 1. 00 WN 2, 12NE2,17ES16,2 403

S12W12N2W7S2W12 OWL DWELLING 1.00 N2E7S2W7 H GRF GARAGE FRA 1.00 S15S6S4E28N25W28 700 OWL DWELLING 1.50 SllE20N11W20 330 PAT PATIO 1.00 ES16,2S12W12N2W7S2 40 3

W12WN 2,12NE2 ,17 OPF PORCH FRM 1.00 S66,W20N6E20 120

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Property Map #:


Acct #: Address: City/St:

Occupancy: Owl Type: Use/Class: Year Assd:

73 15 000004177-001 RIVER RD


Run Ot: 1/ 03 /2018 Owner Name /Address

MH/Type:N/ 20-99.99 AC


Year Built: Year Rmld: Year Efft: Condition:

1 &

Zoning: JAMES RIVER FRONTAGE on Site Date: (CV ) 2/12/2013 Dist: 03 JAMES RIVER Review Date: (

1----------------- Improvement Description ------------------1 Exterior Interior Site


1---------------- Other Improvements Valuation --------------1 Desc Length Width Size Grade Rate FV/Pct Value

SHED FV 100 Total Imp Value 100

1------------------ -- -- Land Valuation ---------------------- 1 M Cls Desc G Size Opth Rate FV/Pct Value A 12 W/FRT H/ S F 1.000 A 4 OPEN PAVED~ 24.100 Total Land Value 25.100

30 000 . 00 30000 5000.00 120500


1------------------------- Comments ----- ----- --- ------------ 1 14 REAS:RIVER FRONTAGE 02 5% !NT EACH FM ANNIE TO DOYLE, BENJAMIN & 02 MICHAEL OB273-558 04 5% INT EA - OOYLES, BENJAMIN & MICHAEL MARTIN 04 FM ANNIE MARTIN 06285-776 01/04 3-1/3 INT FM ANNIE MARTIN TO DOYLE, BENJAMIN 01/04 & MICHAEL MARTIN DB 298-380 ASSEMBLAGE P/0 51.1 AC 07 NO CHG BY BOA 14 BOA CHANGE HOMESITE RATE


1 4 BOE NO CHG Land


1- ---------- ------- -- ------- - ------------------- -------------IImprovements Total Property Value 150600 Total

Legal Description001 RT 605 - 6 MI E OF GLADSTONE -PC L 5

of 0 1

25 .1 AC

Deed Bk / Pg:

Acreage: · Land Use: Total Minera l : Total Land: To tal Imp: Total Value:

252/ 88/


15 0 5.0 0 100


Str Description Area

Cur. Value 150500

1 00 15 0600

%Chg . 100 %

% 100%

Average Price Per Acre

Prev. Value 75300

100 75400



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1-\c:u.,ut_' :, _jc\>cn .. ~ F<U rn LLC

d 3~ c) B>u~ff o..1.. ~ S'-t (}..--h. o " {)a.. L,q.--.,vf

Ac,c_ ro_s;:; R~v rr 6\CAdS+une VA -cY'-\ SS3

.S, P I.J.. r c e._

Nc:\sot) co, VA

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January 8, 2018


Ms. Rebecca Cobb Zoning Administrator 13360 W. James Anderson Hwy Buckingham, Va 23921

Dear Ms Cobb:

PHON£ (434) 969-4244 FAX (434) 969-1292

A review of the soil evaluations conducted by Chuck Allison, AOSE # 1940001055 on the lots A, B, & Cat "STC Investments", has been completed by the Buckingham County Health Department.

Based on the report submitted and our review, it appears that lots may be suitable for the installation of subsurface sewage disposal systems, for one (1) bedroom cabins. Also each of the suitable lots will be served by and individual water supply.

1bis approval is based upon the following factors:

1. Each dwelling, sewage disposal system, and well must be specifically located by Permit (CHS-202A & CHS-202B), issued from the Buckingham County Health Department, before any construction begins.

2. The location, construction standards, and system design of each permit will be referenced from the working plat on file at the Buckingham County Health Department. All house sites, drainfield sites, are site specific, any deviation in design, construction standards, or location from the working plat may require additional soil evaluations and reviews.

3. Depending on house location, some lots may require a pump system to convey the effluent to the drainfield area.

4. All drainfields are site specific, and located by survey

5. When a construction permit is issued it may be necessary to have the drainfield site resurveyed to identify the proper location.


rJP~ Paul F. Louis Environmental Health Specialist, Sr.

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Page 37: 22, 2018 - Buckingham County, Virginia Commission Packets... · 2020-02-18 · Monday, January 22,2018 County Administration Building 7:00P.M. I. Call to Order by Chairman Invocation

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Page 38: 22, 2018 - Buckingham County, Virginia Commission Packets... · 2020-02-18 · Monday, January 22,2018 County Administration Building 7:00P.M. I. Call to Order by Chairman Invocation

19 Building Permits were issued in the amount of $2,740.82 for the month of December 2017.

Permit District Name Purpose Cost of Cost of Permit

No. Construction

17221 Francisco Ellington Energy Services Mechanical $526.00 $25.50 17222 Slate River Hunter Hill New Dwelling-Stick Built $70,000.00 $230.76 17223 Maysville Clayton Homes Mobile Home-Singlewide $74,000.00 $290.66 17224 .lames River Alan Binstock Utility Bldg w/ art studio $200,000.00 $269.28 17225 Marshatl Richard Chafe Detached Garage $6,000.00 $102.33 .17226 James River Sigora Solar LlC Commercial Construction $131,479.00 $409.63 17227 Francisco Marcus French Electrical $1,000.00 $25.50 17228 Francisco Elmer Ebersol Farm BuHding-Exempt $25,000.00 $0.00 17229 Slate River fire Solutions tnc. Mechanical $1,400.00 $25.50 17230 James River Craig White Electrical $25.50 17231 Curdsville Joseph Peaks Electrical $3,000.00 $25.50 17232 James River Marton Coblentz Electrical $400.00 $25.50 17233 Marshall Tommy England Modular $175,000.00 $532.44 17234 James River Beverrv McQuary Farm Building-Exempt $2,800.00 $0.00 17235 Francisco Erwin Yoder Farm Building-Exempt $50,000.00 $0.00 17236 James River Wallace Goode Mechank:al $1,500.00 $25.50 17237 Curdsviffe Rock River fnc. New Dwelling-Stick Built $233,900.00 $676.22 1.7238 CUrdsville Edwina Nieuwtand :Electrical $7,500.00 $25.50

17239 Curdsville Myrtle Thompson Electrical $25.50

I j

I 1

$983,505.00 $2,740.82

**Cost of permit is calculated based on square footage of structure**

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December 2017

Improvements by Land District (Magisterial) Singlewide Maysville

L-.- . -- --- ---- - - -- L-- --- -


Total permits issued Total# of Residential Total # of New Dwellings

Total New Dwellings by Land District Curdsville Francisco James River Marshall Maysville Slate River



19 4 4

1 0 0 1 1 1

Doublewide Modular Marshall


Doublewide Modular 0

Stick Built Slate River Curdsville

Stick Built 2

Residential Add's

Residential Add's· 0

Resident Remode AgBid Francisco James River Francisco

Resident Remodel Ag Bid 0 3

Non Ag Sheds Commercial

Non Ag Sheds Commercial 0 0

Page 40: 22, 2018 - Buckingham County, Virginia Commission Packets... · 2020-02-18 · Monday, January 22,2018 County Administration Building 7:00P.M. I. Call to Order by Chairman Invocation

Date: February 12, 2018

To: Rebecca S. Carter, County Administrator Board of Supervisors Planning Commission Members

From: Rebecca S. Cobb, Zoning Administrator/Planner

Re: Yearly Update

During the 20 1 7 calendar year 11 cases were brought to the Zoning Department and the Planning Commission. One additional case was finished from 2016. Below is a breakdown of those cases:

• 2 cases requested Zoning Text Amendment o Campground added as a SUP in the Business (B-1) District o County delete campground as a SUP in the Business (B-1) District of the

Zoning Ordinance (still in process) • 1 cases requested Zoning Map Amendment

o Rezone Wise Ridge Store to Business (B-1) (finished request from previous year)

• 9 cases requesting SUPs o Renewal/reissuance of Telecommunications Tower in Curdsville o Communication Tower for Compressor Station o Telecommunications Tower near Curdsville (withdrawn after CityScape

recommended feasible to collocate on an existing tower) o 60+ space Campground behind Camryn Station and LuckyJs Convenience

Store o 300 acre Solar Facility o Private School o Private Grass Airstrip o Bed and Breakfast (in process) o 5 space Campground (in process) o Telecommunications Tower near Wingina (in process)

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Sixteen ( 16) meetings were held by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission held an information session on Land Use Taxation and has been working on changes to the Telecommunication portion of the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Department approved 51 surveys not including boundary surveys. Most approved surveys were for boundary adjustments and single divisions. A few family divisions and minor subdivisions were approved. There were no applications for major subdivisions in 2017.

Building Permit Report During the 2017 year 355 building permits were issued, predominately these permits are electrical and mechanical. There were 51 permits issued for new dwellings which is a increase from 44 last year. The Curdsville District (land district) saw the most new growth via new dwelling permits this year. The Curdsville and James River Districts (land district) have grown the most in the past five years with the Francisco District (land district) seeing the least. See attached for a break-down of type of dwellings and graphs depicting the change of building permits and growth over the past years.

Map of Magisterial Districts (land districts)

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Singlewide Doublewide Modular Stick Built Residential Add's Resident Remodel Ag Bid Non Ag Sheds Commercial

I all dwellings I 141 131 71 351 I I I I I I I I I I I

20lf Total Dwellings 69 New Dwellings only 51

2017 Past Dwelling Permits 51

Totals by Land District Curdsville 16 Francisco 3 James River 10 Marshall 5 Maysville 7 Slate River 10


2016 44

~~--1 t4o

I 120

1 100

I 80

60 I I




2015 63


2014 53

2013 64

Total Dwelling Permits by Year

2012 61

2011 64


~--~-- _ "".:.-"'"-~ '"'~"_ "".__:'""--"'"~ • row • '"" • "''' ___ _

2010 66

lj 2009

80 2008

135 2007

164 2006 200

2005 185

2017 Type of Dwelling Permits

• l c~


~··:··{• '

. '

• Singlewide

• Ooublewide


• Stick Built

note: 2013-2016 only includes the new dwelling permits, an average of 10-12 replacement dwellings per year during this 1imeframe

2004 185

2003 157

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·····---------------------·--·--·--·--------· -------------------·-·-·-··--------- ·----·-··---2017 New Dwellings by land District



L ____________________ ---



10 r

160 so


130 20


_j l ~ Curdsville

Totals by Land District

Curdsville FranCisco James River Marsh an Maysville Slate River

2017 16

3 10

5 7


County Growth from New Dwellings l

Francisco James River Marshall

-- -------

2016 2015 2014 5 19 6 4 5 5

14 10 8 12 7 14 7 14 6 2 B 14

• 2013


• 2015

• 2016

• 2017

Maysville Slate River .J ----------------·

2013 Total 16 46 11 25 13 45 10 43 11 38 8 32

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! M~n~hly New Dwelling Count l

14 Ill 12 ..... • -----------~ I ·e 10 ... cv Q. 8 ... 0 ... 6 cv


E 4 :I z 2

0 _j__Jan~

9 -2 3 6 I 3

! P'='""' r' r- 5

I j- 2016 1 2

I L. -~~17 4 4

~~:I: 2 I 4Tlill

7 s 4

s 1 5

0 7

"' .'!: E ... cv Q. ... 0

---- -.. _,. __ , __ --------------------------

Total Building Permits

- u r---~ I Mar . ~----+~-a~-~~b --~~ Apnl May June July Aug

1 Sept Oct Nov j Dec

!.=!-201~ r-- 21 26 ' 16 2_:> 23 18 22 18 21 28 28 22

~2014 24 24 17 24 15 27 33 23 25 23 15 17

36 33 E~ - 20:~ 26 23 36

""'*"' 20 16 14 17 33

29 22 20 36 24 27 17

28 I 18 I 17 I 16 I 24 I 24 I 26 I 21 I 20

-+-2017 18 28 38 26 I 35 I 22 I 40 I 38 ! 20 I 32 I 39 I 19 L -

4 I 2

2 I 5


2 I 4 I I 7










Total Building Permits l I

by Year

• 2013

• 2014

• 2015

• 2016

• 2017
