21st Century Learning Presentation November 2015


Transcript of 21st Century Learning Presentation November 2015

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Your Story• Your Name

• Years Teaching

• Courses you currently teach

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What do you teach?

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Stonewall Jackson

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Mission• Who was your best* student last year?

• What word best sums up the kind of teacher you are?

• What is one thing you have learned from teaching?

• What’s the best thing about your vocation**?

• What is your mission?

*You decide what best means. Remember, we are doing all this hard work, growth, and improvement for them. So keep that shining light in your mind as we work together today.

**Vocation comes from the word calling © 2015 Jonathan Milner

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Term In English Current example from your class

Future Example from your class

Critical Thinking




The 4 Cs of Powerful Learning


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What happens without the 4Cs

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Infographics & 4CsTerm When did this

happen?How could you add

more of this?Rank (1-4, 1=Best)

Critical Thinking




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1-Free Daily Infographics

Light a spark in your classroom. Challenge, delight, & excite your students every day.

Project your infographic and let the curiosity & exploration begin.


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Guide to Making Infographics

• Choose a topic –Demographics • Narrow it down-US population changes • Find an infographic on the narrowed topic

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Write a compelling question– What race will be US majority in 2050? Write five analytical (critical) questions* about the topicCritical questions go beyond description: who, what, where, when; towards analysis: why, does it matter, therefore; and into evaluation: what do you think?1. What trends do you see in the charts?2. If you had to draw in a chart for 2095 what would it look like?3. What is causing the changes in the charts?4. What are two consequences of the changes? 5. Explain whether these changes will be good or bad for the US: Allow students to write (create) 1 critical question of their own: Extend – Push students to learn - Learn more about American demographics at the Pew Research Center and to act on their knowledge - Investigate how demographics have changed at your school or in yourcommunity over the past half century through interviews & research. Share - Have students work in teams to find the best answer (collaborate) and share their answers (communicate).

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Infographics & 4CsQuestionsWhat’s the best thing about the infographics? What did infographics teach you about the 4Cs? Infographics work great for any class. What topic in your content area would be especially well suited to an infographic? ExtensionsTeams use data to make infographics about their own class content. Share with class. At Piktochart it’s quick, free, & easy to make your own infographics. http://piktochart.com/


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Data Quest & 4CsTerm When did this

happen?How could you add

more of this?Rank (1-4, 1=Best)

Critical Thinking




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Data Quest: How Do We Vote?

Use your knowledge of US politics, the internet, and any other resources to answer the questions below. Predict how each person below will vote in the 2016 presidential election: D=Democrat; R=Republican. Highlight each demographic feature of each person and put the letter D or R above each feature. Extra: Write the % likelihood of that person’s vote. Use the 2008 Exit Polls and the 2012 Exit Polls to complete this assignment.

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2008 Election Results

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1. I am a female Jewish lawyer who lives in New York City.2. I am a white male Protestant banker who lives in Charlotte, NC.3. I am a male Catholic Latino consultant who lives in Miami, FL.4. I am a male Muslim African-American teacher in Cleveland, OH.5. I am a white male rancher who lives in Cody, Wyoming.6. I am a 72 year-old retiree living on Social Security in Denver, CO. 7. I am a white male entrepreneur from Jackson, MS who earns more than $250,000 a

year.8. I‘m a White pizza delivery high school dropout from Philadelphia, PA.9. Create your own strongly partisan person here: Bonus• Do you think a Republican can win the presidency in 2016?

• Using the demographics of the American electorate and your creativity, create the perfect candidate and the worst possible candidate. Run the perfect candidate for president by making them a campaign slogan, a campaign ad, and then participate in a mock election in class.

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Data Quest & 4Cs

QuestionsWhat’s the best thing about the data quest?

What did the data quest teach you about the 4Cs? ExtensionsData quests work great for any class. What topic in your content area would be especially well suited to a data quest? Teams use data to make a data quest about their own class content. Share with class.

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FISHBOWLAutonomous Research, Communication & Action

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Engage Students with a compelling contemporary Issue

Students pick a topic for the fishbowl

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Students research the topic, form an opinion, then share their research in class or online.

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Students write an editorial on the topic.

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You’ll find this and other professional development materials & support at jonathanmilner.org

Contact Jonathan at [email protected]

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