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Glossary Terms for Glossary Definition Brand Aida model Characteristics that commercial expressions have to meet. Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. 178 A-brand In the consumer goods market, A-brands have high brand name awareness and are a leader as far as price and quality of a particular product is concerned. There is frequent advertising for A-brands in order to enhance brand name awareness and to maintain or enhance the existing reputation. 78 Advertising strategy An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services. This strategy, when built in a rational and intelligent manner, will reflect other business considerations (overall budget, brand recognition efforts) and objectives (public image enhancement, market share growth) as well. 144 Brand alignment Brand Alignment solutions help an organisation close the gap between the brand promise and what is actually delivered. They influence and educate employees to live the brand promise consistently, and influence customers and sales partners to support their brand. 70 Brand association Degree to which a particular brand is associated with the general product category in the mind of the consumer (share of mind). Often a consumer will ask for a product by the specific brand name rather that the general name. 204 Brand awareness Brand awareness is a common measure of marketing communications effectiveness. Brand awareness is measured as the proportion of target customers which has prior knowledge of the brand. 18, 24, 36, 44, 46, 86, 114, 128 , 174 Bonding strategy How to fully exploit customer potentials. 184 Brand activation The objective is to make brands active in their markets, building their reputations along with results. 188 Brand advocates The Brand Advocates will provide consultation on brand development and implementation throughout the network and create popular support in the marketplace. 206 Brand appearance Your brand appearance is your first impression. 184 Brand beliefs The consumer develops a set of brand beliefs about where each brand stands on each attribute. The set of beliefs about a brand make up the brand image. 66, 210 Brand bonding Brand bonding may contribute to higher levels of involvement with a product/brand and brand loyalty. 166, 170, 178, 210 Brand building Brand building from the CEO’s perspective is about business building, generating higher revenues and profits, which in turn will lead to greater shareholder value. To achieve these lofty goals, brands not only need to be built, they must also be continuously reinvented to remain relevant to ever-changing consumer needs and desires. 58 Brand campaign The motivation comes from the belief that the product is more valuable. 50 Brand communication Brand communication is the art of bridging the gap between our target audiences and the organisation (or product or service) we are promoting. It is the ethereal connection between the physical entity, and the audiences we believe are best suited to its purchase or promotion. It can therefore be argued that a brand only exists when this link has been made i.e. a brand is only a brand when it is communicated effectively. 138, 154, 166, 188 Terms for Glossary Definition Brand Brand communities A community formed on the basis of attachment to a product or market. A brand community can be defined as an enduring self-selected group of actors sharing a system of values, standards and representations (a culture) and recognising bonds of membership with each other and with the whole. 66 Brand competition Where products that perform the same function compete against each other. Competition between firms that have developed brands or labels for their products in order to distinguish them from other brands sold in the same market segment. 50, 110 Brand concept The image that the brand sponsor wants a particular brand to have; the desired positioning of the brand in the market and in the minds of consumers. 100, 170 Brand culture Strong brand culture is determined by the internal attitudes towards branding, management behaviour and practices of an organisation. These combined efforts are crucial to build and maintain strong brand equity through competitive advantages from branding. 138 Brand development Brand development involves integrating all elements to create a consistent message that reaches the target consumer. 78 Brand DNA Establishes the blueprint for the customer service and employee brand experience. It is the foundation from which all other elements of the process will be shaped and organised. It helps everyone to understand the brand, at least as well as consumers. 40, 72, 94, 138, 166, 178, 188, 206, 210 Brand driven company Organising your company around the brand. Building the Brand-driven business will be an invaluable aid for the entire organisation to manage and live (not just think about) their brand. 184 Branded house strategy One brand for all its business. 144 Brand essence Brand essence is a way of articulating the emotional connection and lasting impression that defines the qualities, personality and uniqueness of a product. A product’s brand essence characterizes what it stands for in the minds of customers. It embodies core competencies, advantages, culture and values. 36, 66, 100, 104, 170, 184, 188 Brand experience The experience of the core values of a brand and its message in order to anchor these in head and heart. 66, 70, 72, 114, 150, 156, 174, 202, 206, 210 Brand extension strategy Leveraging the values of the brand to take the brand into new markets/ sectors. 22, 122, 144, 166 Brand Gestalt In a brand’s gestalt, all elements including product design, quality, performance, image and communica- tion, contribute to creating and nurturing a brand profile. One can change some of the elements providing that the consumer continues to recognise that the same brand values are still present after the change. 66 Brand icon A brand icon is a name and visual symbol that communicate a market position. An avatar is an icon that can move, morph, or otherwise operate freely as the brand’s alter ego. 72 Brand identity A unique set of functional and mental associations the brand aspires to create or maintain. These associations represent what the brand should ideally stand for in the minds of customers, and imply a potential promise to customers. 18, 22, 28, 58, 66, 86, 94, 105, 114, 120, 130, 144, 204

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Terms for Glossary Definition Brand

Aida model Characteristics that commercial expressions have to meet. Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. 178

A-brand In the consumer goods market, A-brands have high brand name awareness and are a leader as far as price and quality of a particular product is concerned. There is frequent advertising for A-brands in order to enhance brand name awareness and to maintain or enhance the existing reputation.


Advertising strategy An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services. This strategy, when built in a rational and intelligent manner, will reflect other business considerations (overall budget, brand recognition efforts) and objectives (public image enhancement, market share growth) as well.


Brand alignment Brand Alignment solutions help an organisation close the gap between the brand promise and what is actually delivered. They influence and educate employees to live the brand promise consistently, and influence customers and sales partners to support their brand.


Brand association Degree to which a particular brand is associated with the general product category in the mind of the consumer (share of mind). Often a consumer will ask for a product by the specific brand name rather that the general name.


Brand awareness Brand awareness is a common measure of marketing communications effectiveness. Brand awareness is measured as the proportion of target customers which has prior knowledge of the brand.

18, 24, 36, 44, 46, 86, 114, 128 , 174

Bonding strategy How to fully exploit customer potentials. 184

Brand activation The objective is to make brands active in their markets, building their reputations along with results. 188

Brand advocates The Brand Advocates will provide consultation on brand development and implementation throughout the network and create popular support in the marketplace.


Brand appearance Your brand appearance is your first impression. 184

Brand beliefs The consumer develops a set of brand beliefs about where each brand stands on each attribute. The set of beliefs about a brand make up the brand image.

66, 210

Brand bonding Brand bonding may contribute to higher levels of involvement with a product/brand and brand loyalty. 166, 170, 178, 210

Brand building Brand building from the CEO’s perspective is about business building, generating higher revenues and profits, which in turn will lead to greater shareholder value. To achieve these lofty goals, brands not only need to be built, they must also be continuously reinvented to remain relevant to ever-changing consumer needs and desires.


Brand campaign The motivation comes from the belief that the product is more valuable. 50

Brand communication Brand communication is the art of bridging the gap between our target audiences and the organisation (or product or service) we are promoting. It is the ethereal connection between the physical entity, and the audiences we believe are best suited to its purchase or promotion. It can therefore be argued that a brand only exists when this link has been made i.e. a brand is only a brand when it is communicated effectively.

138, 154, 166, 188

Terms for Glossary Definition Brand

Brand communities A community formed on the basis of attachment to a product or market. A brand community can be defined as an enduring self-selected group of actors sharing a system of values, standards and representations (a culture) and recognising bonds of membership with each other and with the whole.


Brand competition Where products that perform the same function compete against each other. Competition between firms that have developed brands or labels for their products in order to distinguish them from other brands sold in the same market segment.

50, 110

Brand concept The image that the brand sponsor wants a particular brand to have; the desired positioning of the brand in the market and in the minds of consumers.

100, 170

Brand culture Strong brand culture is determined by the internal attitudes towards branding, management behaviour and practices of an organisation. These combined efforts are crucial to build and maintain strong brand equity through competitive advantages from branding.


Brand development Brand development involves integrating all elements to create a consistent message that reaches the target consumer.


Brand DNA Establishes the blueprint for the customer service and employee brand experience. It is the foundation from which all other elements of the process will be shaped and organised. It helps everyone to understand the brand, at least as well as consumers.

40, 72, 94, 138, 166, 178, 188, 206, 210

Brand driven company Organising your company around the brand. Building the Brand-driven business will be an invaluable aid for the entire organisation to manage and live (not just think about) their brand.


Branded house strategy One brand for all its business. 144

Brand essence Brand essence is a way of articulating the emotional connection and lasting impression that defines the qualities, personality and uniqueness of a product. A product’s brand essence characterizes what it stands for in the minds of customers. It embodies core competencies, advantages, culture and values.

36, 66, 100, 104, 170, 184, 188

Brand experience The experience of the core values of a brand and its message in order to anchor these in head and heart.

66, 70, 72, 114, 150, 156, 174, 202, 206, 210

Brand extension strategy Leveraging the values of the brand to take the brand into new markets/ sectors. 22, 122, 144, 166

Brand Gestalt In a brand’s gestalt, all elements including product design, quality, performance, image and communica-tion, contribute to creating and nurturing a brand profile. One can change some of the elements providing that the consumer continues to recognise that the same brand values are still present after the change.


Brand icon A brand icon is a name and visual symbol that communicate a market position. An avatar is an icon that can move, morph, or otherwise operate freely as the brand’s alter ego.


Brand identity A unique set of functional and mental associations the brand aspires to create or maintain. These associations represent what the brand should ideally stand for in the minds of customers, and imply a potential promise to customers.

18, 22, 28, 58, 66, 86, 94, 105, 114, 120, 130, 144, 204

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Terms for Glossary Definition Brand

Brand image A unique set of associations within the minds of target customers which represent what the brand currently stands for and implies the current promise to customers. The brand image is what is currently in the minds of consumers, whereas brand identity is aspirational from the brand owners’ point of view.

24, 28, 40, 82, 86, 90, 134, 162, 194, 202

Brand imagery Powerful imagery can make or break a brand. Imagery is the kind of associations a brand could get linked with over a period of time. It has an impact on how consumers perceive the brand and how they will react to it in the long run. Brand imagery plays an important role in shaping the association in the consumer’s psyche.


Branding The means by which names, logos, symbols, trademarks, or product design endow goods or services with a recognisable presence and a set of associated values or expectations on the part of the consumer.


Brand integrated scope Brand Integrated Scope model® is an integrated brand and business model from de Merkcommissarissen® that covers all elementary strategy areas.

178, 184

Brand laws These statutes and (sometimes) administrative regulations establish brand registration systems. These systems require the registration of brands with country or state officials to avoid duplication of brands or brands that are confusingly alike.


Brand loyalty Degree to which a consumer repeatedly purchases a brand. For advertisers to achieve their ultimate goal of brand loyalty, the consumer must perceive that the brand offers the right combination of quality and price. Many factors influence brand loyalty, such as consumer attitudes, family or peer pressure, and friendship with the salesperson. The advertiser must consider all such factors.

86, 134

Brand manual A brand manual is a work and management tool for the people in the company’s international organisation who are responsible for branding. The brand values are described in the brand manual.


Brand perception Brand is essentially the sum of all experiences related to the product, service, and companies that make and deliver the product. Brand perceptions are shaped by functional experiences (i.e. speed, quality, reliability, ease of use) as well as emotional experiences (i.e. make me feel better, improve my performance, make my life/job more gratifying or easier) the customer associates with the product and company.

24, 124

Brand performance Brand performance occurs when a vision is distilled, the story developed and culture aligned to the resulting brand in a well-managed manner.


Brand personality The brand personality is the brand image or brand identity expressed in terms of human characteristics. The brand personality must ideally include distinguishing and identifiable characteristics which offer consistent, enduring and predictable messages and mental perceptions.

54, 82, 100, 110

Brand philosophy Set of principles built around the physical, rational and emotional benefits of the company’s products and how they are portrayed to their market.


Brand portfolio The brand portfolio is the set of all brands and brand lines that a particular firm offers for sale to buyers in a particular category.

32, 110

Terms for Glossary Definition Brand

Brand positioning Brand positioning is the ‘market space’ a brand is perceived to occupy in the mind of the target audience. All strong marketing communications programs need to focus on only few messages to achieve better impact in an increasingly noisy environment. The brand positioning is the part of the brand identity that management decides to actively communicate to the market.

18, 24, 36, 46, 50, 58, 62, 100, 105, 124, 128, 130, 134, 138, 154, 160, 170, 174, 178, 184, 194, 204, 210

Brand promise A brand promise is essentially what the company says it will do for the customer. This promise is what customers perceive they can expect from the company.

14, 22, 24, 28, 30, 44, 46, 54, 58, 62, 70, 86, 90, 114, 120, 122, 124, 128, 134, 150, 154, 156, 160, 162, 174, 192, 194, 198, 202, 204

Brand recognition Brand recognition is the customers’ ability to confirm prior exposure/knowledge of a brand when shown or asked explicitly about the brand (also referred to as aided or prompted awareness).


Brand roots The origin of the brand. 50, 66, 72, 94, 110

Brand smashing The idea of smashing the brand is simple. It’s all about identifying the components you want to be famous for and leverage the fact that the logo is only a very small component of your overall brand visibility. Smashing your brand is in fact all about keeping focus on everything beyond the logo, because a good 90 percent of the real estate on your product or service should also be branded. Smashing your brand requires attention to every signal, every tone, touch or shape of your product, merchandising and even wrapping.


Brand salience The brand’s prosperity to be noticed or come to mind in buying situations. Brand salience reflects the quantity and quality of the network of memory structures buyers’ hold about the brands.


Brand strategy The ‘big picture’ plans and tactics deployed by an organisation/brand owner to create long-term brand equity and competitive advantages from branding.

40, 50, 54, 58, 70, 72, 86, 94, 105, 138, 144, 150, 154, 170, 178, 188, 194, 206

Brand touch points Brand touch points are all the points where the company, company’s employees, products, services or messages touch a prospect or customer.


Brand values Brand value is the financial premium derived from loyal target audiences committed to a brand and willing to pay extra for the brand as compared to a generic product or service in the same category.

14, 22, 24, 28, 30, 40, 44, 46, 50, 54, 58, 66, 82, 86, 94, 100, 114, 120, 122, 124, 128, 130, 134, 150, 154, 160, 166, 174, 178, 192, 194, 202, 204, 206

Brand victory model This model encapsulates ‘the essence’ of a brand’s identity and provides a comprehensive and practical framework for analysing, creating, planning, and evaluating brand concepts.

140, 144

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Terms for Glossary Definition Brand

Customer Based Brand Equity Pyramid

Kevin Lane Keller’s ‘Customer Based Brand Equity’ model maps out the process of building strong brands. The model describes six dimensions of ‘brand-added value’: brand salience, brand performance, brand imagery, consumer judgements, consumer feelings and brand resonance.


Corporate identity a corporate identity (CI) is the ‘person’ of a corporation which is designed to accord with and facilitate the attainment of business objectives, and is usually visibly manifested by way of branding and the use of trademarks. Corporate Identity is often viewed as being composed of three parts: • Corporate Design (logos, uniforms, etc.)• Corporate Communication (commercials, public relations, information, etc.) • Corporate Behaviour (internal values, norms, etc.)


Cross-selling Cross-selling is the strategy of selling other products to a customer who has already purchased (or signalled their intention to purchase) a product from the vendor. Cross-selling is designed to increase the customer’s reliance on the company and decrease the likelihood of the customer switching to a competitor.


Economies of scale Economies of scale characterises a production process in which an increase in the scale of the firm causes a decrease in the long run average cost of each unit.

62, 182

Five (5) P’s Marketing tools from the marketing mix: product, place, price, promotion and personnel. The marketing mix relates to the alignment between the elements that a company has to meet the needs of the target market. The fulfilment of each of these tools and their mutual interrelationship is dependent on matters such as the objectives, the market, the target group and the competition.


Focus groups Focus groups are a data collection tool that gathers the opinions of six to ten people who are carefully selected to freely discuss various topics of interest at length.


Global brand A brand which is perceived to reflect the same set of values around the world. 116, 174, 184, 188

Global branding Global branding is not simply a marketing or advertising program. It is a way of doing business that transcends the requirements of advertising and affects every aspect of the business enterprise.

58, 78, 114

Globalisation Globalisation refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political, and ecological spheres. Globalisation is an umbrella term and is perhaps best understood as a unitary process inclusive of many sub-processes (such as enhanced economic interdependence, increased cultural influence, rapid advances of information technology, and novel governance and geopolitical challenges) that are increasingly binding people and the biosphere more tightly into one global system.


House brands A proprietary brand of merchandise sold by one retailer and often bearing the name of the retailer. 78

Internal branding Internal branding is the process of aligning day-to-day activities, business processes, job design, and recognition & reward with the brand identity to drive business results.


Terms for Glossary Definition Brand

Instrumental values Instrumental values are values like ambition, courage, persistence, politeness etc. They are not the end but a mean of achieving Terminal values.


Line extensions Existing brand name extended to new sizes or flavours in the existing product category. 166

Market penetration Market penetration is one of the four growth strategies as defined by Ansoff. Market penetration occurs when a company enters/penetrates a market with current products. The best way to achieve this is by gaining competitors’ customers (part of their market share). Other ways include attracting non-users of your product or convincing current clients to use more of your product/service.



A marketing driven company recognises that each business activity is essentially marketing in action. From the CEO on down, all are performing a marketing function.

44, 184, 188

Marketing paradigm A marketing paradigm is a set of procedures and attitudes that, taken together, define how marketing is done.


Means-end analysis This analyses lays a link between brand values, consequences or meaning and concrete (tangible) properties.


Mission The mission corresponds to what a company stands for and relates to values and identity. Who are we? What are our values? How do we want to treat our clients? And how do we treat our staff?

30, 58, 82, 86, 144, 154, 160

Monolithic monobrand A single brand name that is used to ‘Masterbrand’ all products and services in a range. 70

Multibrand strategy Marketing of two or more similar and competing products by the same firm under different and unrelated brands.

184, 188

Power brand Brand power: A measure of the ability of the brand to dominate its product category. 184

Premium brand This is a quality brand with considerable brand equity that may command a premium price for the perceived quality.


Product diversification Diversification is a ‘must’. By diversifying a company limits its portfolio risk without to many concessions to returns.


Resource-based view Strategies must be based mainly on a company’s strength, on its core competences. 18

Social responsibility Social responsibility is a doctrine that claims that an entity whether it is state, government, corporation, organisation or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be ‘negative’, in that it is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be ‘positive’, meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance).

144, 204

Top-of-mind awareness Top-of-mind awareness is owning the space that your product or service occupies between your prospects ears. That way, when they’re ready to buy they think of you first.


Total branding Total branding is about unifying the activities of the whole company to win customer preference. By linking brand values with the corporate vision, a company becomes more effective and efficient.


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Terms for Glossary Definition Brand

Up-selling Up-selling is a sales technique whereby a salesman attempts to have the consumer purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. Up-selling usually involves marketing more profitable services or products, but up-selling can also be simply exposing the customer to other options he or she may not have considered previously.


Value chain The value chain, also known as value chain analysis, is a concept from business management that was first described and popularised by Michael Porter. The value chain categorises the generic value-adding activities of an organisation. The ‘primary activities’ include: inbound logistics, operations (production), outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and services (maintenance). The ‘support activities’ include: administrative infrastructure management, human resource management, R&D, and procurement. The costs and value drivers are identified for each value activity. The value chain framework quickly made its way to the forefront of management thought as a powerful analysis tool for strategic planning. Its ultimate goal is to maximise value creation while minimising costs.


Vision (statement) An organisation’s vision is a brief and clear-cut answer to the question: how do we see ourselves in the world of tomorrow? It represents a company’s idea of the developments in its sector and the direction in which the company and staff would like to head.

5, 78, 82, 144, 160


Accenture 178

Alsem, Karel Jan 18


Apple 22, 140

Australian Homemade 14

Bacardi 184

Bakker, Peter 144

Bangle, Chris 66

Bavaria 24

Been, Gonnie 134

Berg, Herwin van den 188

Berssenbrügge, Gerhard 150

Bertolli 78

Bilderberg 28

Bleichrodt, Nico 54

blowUP media 30

BMW 66

Bon-Keul, Koo 50

Bosman, Juriaan 22

Bower, Marvin 210

Brand Bonding Heineken model 188

Brand identity prism 72

Brand Integrated Scope model 178, 184

BrandKey Vision model 78

Brandmanagement as a culture clash 32

Brandmeyer, Klaus 32

Brand Smashing model 110

Brand Victory model 140, 144

Camper 206

Campina 36

Canon 46

Chang, Dae Ryun 40, 50

Choho, Abdeluheb 178

Cloosterman, Raymond 170

Club Med 54

Coca-Cola 18, 58, 110

Coenen, Jeroen 70

Concepting model 170

Cornelis, Frans 162

Customer Based Brand Equity model 50

Customer Based Brand Equity pyramid 94

Customer Experience Management Framework 40

David, Stella 184

Denie, Frenkel 24

DHL 62

Diele, Oscar 122

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Dreteler, Jan Willem 192

DSB Bank 44

Dubbelman, Huub 130

Duurland, Jean Paul 62

5 P’s model 138

Franzen, Giep 66, 72

Garderen, Ton van 22

Google 116

Graaff, Willy de 78

Haas, Rene-Paul 86

Hagenaars, Guido 78

Hagenaars, Hans 104

Haneman, Paul 66

Hazzys 50

Heest, Cocky van 198

Heineken 188

Heineken Brand Idea model 188

Heinz 82

HEMA 100

Herfkens, John 204

Hewlett-Packard 70

Hielkema, Marcel 28

Hol, Jan 114

Holland Casino 86

Houten, Manon 82

Identity based marketing paradigm 18

Identity Marketing 18

innocent 166

Jack Daniel’s 72

Jägermeister 90

Keller, Kevin Lane 94

Kingma, Taco 36

Koningsberger, Menno 124

Kralingen, Roland van 100, 104

Krapp, Norbert 94

Kunisch, Rolf 94

Lamers, Bastian 14

Lanza, Conny 156

Leinders, Paul 14

Leurs, Jacco 46

Light, Larry 138

Lindstrom, Martin 110, 116

Logica CMG 120

Made, Angelique van de 78

Marktplaats 122

MARS® 124

McDonald’s 138

McKinsey & Company 210

Means-end analysis 166

Meeùs 128

Mercedes 130

Microsoft 134

Mignot, Damien 174

Mosmans, Andy 140, 144

Muller, Victor 194

Nespresso 150


Océ 114

Opdam, Monique 154

Panke, Helmut 66

Pet, Richard 44

Philips 18

Popcorn, Faith 110

Postbank 104, 154

Privium 156

Rabobank 160

Randstad 162

Repko, Rene 100

Riezebos, Rik 166

Rikken, Eric 202

Rijkenberg, Jan 138, 170

Rituals 170

Rueck, Joost 120

Samsonite 174

Siemes van der Made, Ingrid 58

Sister, Leo van 178, 184, 188

Sixt 182

SNS Bank 192

Sony Ericsson 202

Spyker 194

Stubbé, Maarten 128

Three fundamental branding laws 206, 210

TNO 198

TNT 144

USG Restart 204

Veraart, Arjan 160

Versluis, Arnoud 128

Visser, Marc 62

Vlist, Menno van der 82

Vorst, Roland van der 206, 210

Vos, Ernst 30

Winter, Bert de 90

Wolters, Thomas 182

Zetten, Ronald van 100

Zijlstra, Peter 130

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