21 EVALUATION OF RUNOFF DEPTH FOR AL-ADEEM … · International Journal of Civil Engineering and...

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308 (Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December (2013), © IAEME 208 EVALUATION OF RUNOFF DEPTH FOR AL-ADEEM RIVER BASIN BY USING REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUE AND GIS INTEGRATION Dr. GhassanAl-adeem AL-Dulaimi* *Institute of Technology\Baghdad ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to determine runoff depth for Al-adeem river basin in north eastern part of Iraq by using remote sensing and Geographic information system (GIS) integration. Various data sets were used such as Landsat7-ETM satellite image, 1:25000 standard topographic map and soil map data. The basin area and physical characteristics of the studied area such as slope and aspect maps were determined with the help of DEM (Digital Elevation Model)by using Global Mapper 11 software. Supervised classification process was used in this research to drive the land cover map by using ERDAS 8.4 program. A hydrological model US Soil Conservation Service method or (SCS) method was used to determine curve numbers and runoff depth distribution on the entire studied basin. Results obtained from this research coincide with varying morphology of studied basin. High runoff depth obtained in the middle parts of the basin that consist mainly from soil with low infiltration rate(clayey soil) and pasture land cover that has an ability of high retention. Low runoff depth obtained in the north parts of the basin that consist mainly from soil with high infiltration rate(course sand and gravel soils) and shrub land cover that has an ability of low retention. Keyword: Runoff depth, ERDAS, SCS Model 2. INTRODUCTION For the last years, engineers and planners have been working on the modeling of environmental system. An accurate modeling of basin will require determination of the spatial and temporal distribution of hydrological parameters. Remote sensing and Geographic Information system within creasing the advancement of the computer technology have been applying to extract land surface properties at spatial and temporal scales which are very useful input data for hydrological model. Land use and land cover have several impacts on the hydrological cycle such as floods, droughts, runoff, water-quality. Rainfall-Runoff model play an important role to understand hydrological condition of basin area and predict their behavior over time. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJCIET) ISSN 0976 – 6308 (Print) ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December, pp. 208-213 © IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijciet.asp Journal Impact Factor (2013): 5.3277 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com IJCIET ©IAEME

Transcript of 21 EVALUATION OF RUNOFF DEPTH FOR AL-ADEEM … · International Journal of Civil Engineering and...

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308

(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December (2013), © IAEME




Dr. GhassanAl-adeem AL-Dulaimi*

*Institute of Technology\Baghdad


The aim of this study is to determine runoff depth for Al-adeem river basin in north eastern

part of Iraq by using remote sensing and Geographic information system (GIS) integration.

Various data sets were used such as Landsat7-ETM satellite image, 1:25000 standard

topographic map and soil map data. The basin area and physical characteristics of the studied area

such as slope and aspect maps were determined with the help of DEM (Digital Elevation Model)by

using Global Mapper 11 software. Supervised classification process was used in this research to

drive the land cover map by using ERDAS 8.4 program. A hydrological model US Soil Conservation

Service method or (SCS) method was used to determine curve numbers and runoff depth distribution

on the entire studied basin.

Results obtained from this research coincide with varying morphology of studied basin. High runoff

depth obtained in the middle parts of the basin that consist mainly from soil with low infiltration

rate(clayey soil) and pasture land cover that has an ability of high retention. Low runoff depth

obtained in the north parts of the basin that consist mainly from soil with high infiltration rate(course

sand and gravel soils) and shrub land cover that has an ability of low retention.

Keyword: Runoff depth, ERDAS, SCS Model


For the last years, engineers and planners have been working on the modeling of

environmental system. An accurate modeling of basin will require determination of the spatial and

temporal distribution of hydrological parameters. Remote sensing and Geographic Information

system within creasing the advancement of the computer technology have been applying to extract

land surface properties at spatial and temporal scales which are very useful input data for

hydrological model.

Land use and land cover have several impacts on the hydrological cycle such as floods,

droughts, runoff, water-quality. Rainfall-Runoff model play an important role to understand

hydrological condition of basin area and predict their behavior over time.



ISSN 0976 – 6308 (Print)

ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online)

Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December, pp. 208-213

© IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijciet.asp

Journal Impact Factor (2013): 5.3277 (Calculated by GISI)




International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976

(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November

Conventional hydrological model, to estimate runoff model input parameters

through ground truth measurements which still need

Therefore remote sensing can also provide

and large-land coverage.

Direct measurement of runoff is the accurate way of measurement but in most it is not

possible at desired time and location, thus use of hydrological model for estimating run

become increasingly popular.

Al-adeem River basin lies in the

of Iraq, from the southern foots of (Karadagh),

in Sulaymania governorate. The height of these mountains varies from 1400 to 1800m above sea

level. Studied area is about 13000km²; Al

tributaries. It occupies most of Kirkuk governorate area and discharges in Tigris River so

Ballad city .The basin extends between the two basins of Lesser Zab River at the north and Diyala

River at the south in the region located between the latitudes 34

longitudes 43030

’ and 45

0 30

’ east . The important valleys

Chai), (Tawok Chai),and (Quri Chai).

The area of this region is about (11000km

The basin has an erodible and weak top soil which is easily washed out towards the strea

storms, thus causing an increase of sediments loads in River water. So, Al

badly influences domestic water at Baghdad city, especially when Tigris has low levels because of

the difficulties of purifying the water from fin

All Iraqi rivers are considered as mixing river where they are fed by rain, ice and ground water,

except Al-adeem River which is classified as a rain

in feeding its basin [2].


A Satellite image of Landsat7

The satellite data was visually interoperated and accuracy was checked on the ground. Digital

Elevation Model (DEM) was created using Global Mapper.11

Fig. (1) Satellite image Landsat 7

for studied basin

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976

6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December (2013), © IAEME


to estimate runoff model input parameters have to be determined

truth measurements which still need huge economic and time labor consuming.

Therefore remote sensing can also provide information about runoff input data most cost

Direct measurement of runoff is the accurate way of measurement but in most it is not

possible at desired time and location, thus use of hydrological model for estimating run

adeem River basin lies in the Iraqi land. It originates at mountainous parts in north eastern

from the southern foots of (Karadagh), (Skermahdagh), (Tasslugga) and (Shwan) mountains

rnorate. The height of these mountains varies from 1400 to 1800m above sea

level. Studied area is about 13000km²; Al-adeem River is considered one of the main Tigris

tributaries. It occupies most of Kirkuk governorate area and discharges in Tigris River so

Ballad city .The basin extends between the two basins of Lesser Zab River at the north and Diyala

River at the south in the region located between the latitudes 340 and 35

0 34

east . The important valleys that the river originates from (Khassa

(Tawok Chai),and (Quri Chai).

The area of this region is about (11000km2) which forms (85%) from the whole basin area.

The basin has an erodible and weak top soil which is easily washed out towards the strea

storms, thus causing an increase of sediments loads in River water. So, Al-adeem River peak flow

badly influences domestic water at Baghdad city, especially when Tigris has low levels because of

the difficulties of purifying the water from fine sediments [1].

All Iraqi rivers are considered as mixing river where they are fed by rain, ice and ground water,

adeem River which is classified as a rain–fed river due to its main dependence on rainfall


A Satellite image of Landsat7-ETM corrected was used in this research as shown in Fig. (1)

The satellite data was visually interoperated and accuracy was checked on the ground. Digital

Elevation Model (DEM) was created using Global Mapper.11 Fig. (2).

Satellite image Landsat 7-ETM Fig (2) Digital elevation model

for studied basin Global Mapper 11

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308

December (2013), © IAEME

have to be determined

huge economic and time labor consuming.

information about runoff input data most cost-effective

Direct measurement of runoff is the accurate way of measurement but in most it is not

possible at desired time and location, thus use of hydrological model for estimating runoff depth has

Iraqi land. It originates at mountainous parts in north eastern

(Tasslugga) and (Shwan) mountains

rnorate. The height of these mountains varies from 1400 to 1800m above sea

adeem River is considered one of the main Tigris

tributaries. It occupies most of Kirkuk governorate area and discharges in Tigris River south of

Ballad city .The basin extends between the two basins of Lesser Zab River at the north and Diyala

34’nourh and the

that the river originates from (Khassa

) which forms (85%) from the whole basin area.

The basin has an erodible and weak top soil which is easily washed out towards the stream after rain

adeem River peak flow

badly influences domestic water at Baghdad city, especially when Tigris has low levels because of

All Iraqi rivers are considered as mixing river where they are fed by rain, ice and ground water,

fed river due to its main dependence on rainfall

ETM corrected was used in this research as shown in Fig. (1)

The satellite data was visually interoperated and accuracy was checked on the ground. Digital

Digital elevation model (DEM)

for studied basin Global Mapper 11

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976

(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November

The DEM map used for drive slope map for the catchment area by using the same software

(Global Mapper .11), Fig.(3) shows the slope map for the studied catchment area.

Fig. (3) Slope map for studied basin Global Mapper 11.1

ERDAS 8.4 software used for p

Hydraulic Soil Group map (HSG) for the catchment area that constructed by using Arc

software depending on the soil data for the catchment area as shown in Fig.(4) and Fig.(5). The basin

dived into four sub-basins according to the variety in soil type,

Fig.(4) Hydraulic soil group (HSG)

map for studied basin ArcVeiw GIS 3.3

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976

6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December (2013), © IAEME


The DEM map used for drive slope map for the catchment area by using the same software

(Global Mapper .11), Fig.(3) shows the slope map for the studied catchment area.

Slope map for studied basin Global Mapper 11.1

ERDAS 8.4 software used for produce supervised classification map[3] depending on the

Hydraulic Soil Group map (HSG) for the catchment area that constructed by using Arc

software depending on the soil data for the catchment area as shown in Fig.(4) and Fig.(5). The basin

basins according to the variety in soil type, land cover and divide flow Fig.(6).

Hydraulic soil group (HSG) Fig.(5) Supervised classification map

map for studied basin ArcVeiw GIS 3.3 for studied basin ERDAS 8.4

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308

December (2013), © IAEME

The DEM map used for drive slope map for the catchment area by using the same software

roduce supervised classification map[3] depending on the

Hydraulic Soil Group map (HSG) for the catchment area that constructed by using Arc Veiw GIS 3.3

software depending on the soil data for the catchment area as shown in Fig.(4) and Fig.(5). The basin

land cover and divide flow Fig.(6).

Supervised classification map


International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308

(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December (2013), © IAEME


The Soil Conservation Model (SCS)[4]was used in this research as a hydrological model to

drive the runoff depth in catchment area, the main input data in this model is the rainfall data which

collected from Kirkuk metrological station. Average rainfall data found by using Isohyetal method.

The soil conservation model (SCS) developed by United states Department of Agriculture (USDA)

computes direct runoff through an empirical equation that requires the rainfall and a watershed

coefficient as inputs. The SCS has developed an index, which is called the runoff curve number

(CN), to represent the combined hydrologic effect of soil, land use, agricultural, land treatment class

hydrologic condition, and antecedent soil moisture condition.

General equation for the SCS curve number method is as follows [5]:




P � I……… . . 1�

Where P: rainfall depth (mm), F: actual retention (mm), S: watershed storage (mm), Q: actual direct

runoff (mm), I: initial abstraction.

From the continuity principle:

F � P � I� � Q………2�

The SCS method defined the value of initial abstraction (I) to be approximately equal to 20% of

watershed storage (S).

� � 0.2 � S………………… . 3�

Solving equation (1) and (2)


� �� � 0.2���

� � 0.8� …… . . 4�

The watershed storage S and curve number CN are related

� �25400

��� 254………5�

The parameter CN, having a range of value between 0 and 100, called the curve number. In

this method a curve number (CN) assigned to each watershed or portion of watershed based on soil

type, land use and treatment .Fig.(7) shows curve number (CN) value for each sub-basin depending

on soil type and land cover by using SCS tables.

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976

(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November

Fig.(6) Sub-basin number


The curve number value (CN) that obtained from Fig.

watershed storage (S).Runoff depth (Q) calculated by substitute watershed storage (S) and rainfall

depth (P) values in equation (4).Table (1) shows the calculation process

each sub-basin, from this table it’s obviously that the value of curve number (CN) have a direct

proportion relationship with runoff depth. High runoff depth can be obtained with high curve number

value and vice versa.

Fig.(8) shows the average runoff depth (Q) for each sub

to be most rainy month.

Table (1)


basin No. month







II 177

III 182

IV 181

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976

6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December (2013), © IAEME


basin number Fig.(7) Curve number(CN) map

studied basin


number value (CN) that obtained from Fig. (7) substitute in Equation (5) to obtain

watershed storage (S).Runoff depth (Q) calculated by substitute watershed storage (S) and rainfall

depth (P) values in equation (4).Table (1) shows the calculation processto determine runoff depth for

basin, from this table it’s obviously that the value of curve number (CN) have a direct

proportion relationship with runoff depth. High runoff depth can be obtained with high curve number

shows the average runoff depth (Q) for each sub-basin in February month that expect

Table (1) Runoff depth (mm)




CN S Ia (P-Ia)²

175 65 136 27.2 21844.84

177 82 55.7 11.14 27509.5

182 68 119.5 23.9 24995.61

181 75 84.6 16.92 26922.2

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308

December (2013), © IAEME

Curve number(CN) map For

studied basin

(7) substitute in Equation (5) to obtain

watershed storage (S).Runoff depth (Q) calculated by substitute watershed storage (S) and rainfall

determine runoff depth for

basin, from this table it’s obviously that the value of curve number (CN) have a direct

proportion relationship with runoff depth. High runoff depth can be obtained with high curve number

basin in February month that expect

Runoff (Q)






International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976

(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November

Fig. (8)


In this research showed that the remote sensing and

determine the runoff depth in Al-adeem River basin. The result obtained from this research coincides

with the diversity in soil type and land cover of the basin. High runoff depth obtained in sub

(II) that has a hydraulic soil group Type (D) which specified by a very slow infiltration rates and

pasture land cover that has an ability of high retention.

of the basin (sub-basin II) that consist mainly from hydraulic soil

a high infiltration rate(course sand and



1. Ali, S.H.,The hydrology of Tigris river

University Of Baghdad , Iraq.1981.

2. Sanad, A .E. Simulation of hydrological processes by using digital computers.

Dissertation .Civil department,

3. Kenie T.J.M, Remote sensing in civil engin

4. Ponce,V.M,Engineering Hydrology Principles And Practices, Prentice

5. Mccuen R.H.,A Guide To Hydrologic Analysis Using SCS Method,2nded.,University of

Maryland, Prentice-Hall,1992.

6. Mohammed Hashim Ameen a

Potential and Land Use/ Land Cover

International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Volume

pp. 1 - 11, ISSN Print: 0976 –

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976

6316(Online) Volume 4, Issue 6, November – December (2013), © IAEME


Fig. (8) Runoff depth map for studied basin

In this research showed that the remote sensing and GIS technique are very useful tools to

adeem River basin. The result obtained from this research coincides

with the diversity in soil type and land cover of the basin. High runoff depth obtained in sub

hydraulic soil group Type (D) which specified by a very slow infiltration rates and

pasture land cover that has an ability of high retention. Low runoff depth obtained in the north parts

that consist mainly from hydraulic soil group Type (A) which specified by

a high infiltration rate(course sand and gravel soils) and shrubland cover that has an ability of low

Ali, S.H.,The hydrology of Tigris river basin in Iraq, PhD Dissertation, College of Arts ,

ersity Of Baghdad , Iraq.1981.

Sanad, A .E. Simulation of hydrological processes by using digital computers.

Dissertation .Civil department, College of engineering. University of Baghdad,Iraq. 1985.

Kenie T.J.M, Remote sensing in civil engineering, Surrey university press, 1992.

Ponce,V.M,Engineering Hydrology Principles And Practices, Prentice-HallLondon,1989.

Mccuen R.H.,A Guide To Hydrologic Analysis Using SCS Method,2nded.,University of

and Dr. R. K. Pandey, “Delineation of Irrigation Infrastructural,

nd Land Use/ Land Cover of Muzaffarnagar by using Remote Sensing

International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Volume

– 6308, ISSN Online: 0976 – 6316.

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308

December (2013), © IAEME

GIS technique are very useful tools to

adeem River basin. The result obtained from this research coincides

with the diversity in soil type and land cover of the basin. High runoff depth obtained in sub-basin

hydraulic soil group Type (D) which specified by a very slow infiltration rates and

Low runoff depth obtained in the north parts

group Type (A) which specified by

gravel soils) and shrubland cover that has an ability of low

College of Arts ,

Sanad, A .E. Simulation of hydrological processes by using digital computers. Msc.

College of engineering. University of Baghdad,Iraq. 1985.



Mccuen R.H.,A Guide To Hydrologic Analysis Using SCS Method,2nded.,University of

f Irrigation Infrastructural,

sing Remote Sensing and GIS”,

International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Volume 4, Issue 3, 2013,