206 L29 Energy 2009 - University of Arizona | Ecology … of Arizona, spring 2009 Kevin Bonine,...

1 Please read: EPA website links Fri: EPA Aquatic Threats Links Mon: Second Midterm Exam (material since 1 st exam) Posted for Mon 30 Mar 2009 29 th class meeting Environmental Biology (ECOL 206) University of Arizona, spring 2009 Kevin Bonine, Ph.D. Tuan Cao, Graduate TA Mary Jane Epps, Graduate TA Energy Evolution & Ecology • Evidence • Energy Ethics & Equality Economics Current Events Assignment Due 9am each Friday -See Syllabus for Details -See Rubric on Course Website LAB reading to do BEFORE lab! Please bring Laptop to lab this week

Transcript of 206 L29 Energy 2009 - University of Arizona | Ecology … of Arizona, spring 2009 Kevin Bonine,...


Please read: EPA website linksFri: EPA Aquatic Threats Links Mon: Second Midterm Exam (material since 1st exam)

Posted for Mon 30 Mar 200929th class meeting

Environmental Biology (ECOL 206)University of Arizona, spring 2009

Kevin Bonine, Ph.D.Tuan Cao, Graduate TAMary Jane Epps, Graduate TA


Evolution & Ecology • Evidence • Energy • Ethics & Equality • Economics

Current Events Assignment Due 9am each Friday-See Syllabus for Details-See Rubric on Course Website

LAB readingto do BEFORE lab!

Please bring Laptop to lab this week


EXTRA CREDIT SLOTS (after spring break)

Kim T. (no show)

Enrique S.03 April OPEN

Tommaso C.Mary C.Kim T.

17 April OPEN

Chanelle PatnodeBrandon F.24 April OPEN

27 April OPEN29 April OPEN

04 May OPEN




http://www.earth911.org/master.asp (make every day earthday)

(energy conservation)

(transportation efficiency)

http://earth911.com/?s=energy+facts&category_name=(energy and recycling)

http://arizona.earth911.org/usa/master.asp(where to recycle)




• Where does it come from?• How much do we use?• What are the costs?• What are the benefits?• What is the future?


Miller p. 95

“Cars Rule”

75% Americans drive to work alone5% commute on public transit0.5% bicycle to work

In US we drive 2.5 trillion miles/year(same as all other people combined)

China and others aspiring…

In US, $1 of every $4 related to automobile

Globally: 1.2 million killed each year, 15 million injured

Cars: 25% of CO2 emissionsUrban areas: 33-50% car related

Externalities accounted: + $5-8 / gallon gasoline



Miller 2003


Costs not included:

> $300 billion/year

-Foreign military intervention-Terrorism-Habitat destruction-Oil spills-Health care (smog, accidents,

poor fitness)-Climate change (sea level,

global warming)-etc.

> $300 billion/year

= $600 billion/year

Fossil Fuels

Price of Gas



March 20, 2007, NYTimesMaterial Shows Weakening of Climate Reports By ANDREW C. REVKIN and MATTHEW L. WALD

WASHINGTON, March 19 — A House committee released documents Monday that showed hundreds of instances in which a White House official who was previously an oil industry lobbyist edited government climate reports to play up uncertainty of a human role in global warming or play down evidence of such a role. In a hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the official, Philip A. Cooney, who left government in 2005, defended the changes he had made in government reports over several years. Mr. Cooney said the editing was part of the normal White House review process and reflected findings in a climate report written for President Bush by the National Academy of Sciences in 2001. They were the first public statements on the issue by Mr. Cooney, the former chief of staff of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Before joining the White House, he was the “climate team leader” for the American Petroleum Institute, the main industry lobby. He was hired by Exxon Mobil after resigning in 2005 following reports on the editing in The New York Times. The White House said his resignation was not related to the disclosures.Mr. Cooney said his past work opposing restrictions on heat-trapping gases for the oil industry had had no bearing on his actions once he joined the White House. “When I came to the White House,” he testified, “my sole loyalties were to the president and his administration.” Mr. Cooney, who has no scientific background, said he had based his editing and recommendations on what he had seen in good faith as the “most authoritative and current views of the state of scientific knowledge.” Mr. Cooney was defended by James L. Connaughton, chairman of the environmental council and his former boss.The hearing was part of an investigation, begun under the committee’s Republican chairman last year, into accusations of political interference in climate science by the Bush administration.It became a heated and largely partisan tug of war over the appropriate role of scientists and political appointees in framing how the government conveys information on global warming. The hearing …



March 20, 2007, NYTimesMaterial Shows Weakening of Climate Reports By ANDREW C. REVKIN and MATTHEW L. WALD

The hearing also produced the first sworn statements from George C. Deutsch III, who moved in 2005 from the Bush re-election campaign to public affairs jobs at NASA. There he warned career press officers to exert more control over James E. Hansen, the top climate expert at the space agency. Testifying at the hearing, Dr. Hansen said editing like that of Mr. Cooney and efforts to limit scientists’ access to the news media and the public amounted to censorship and muddied the public debate over a pressing environmental issue. “If public affairs offices are left under the control of political appointees,” he said, “it seems to me that inherently they become offices of propaganda.” Republicans criticized Dr. Hansen for what they described as taking political stances, for spending increasing amounts of time on public speaking and for accepting a $250,000 Heinz Award for environmental achievement from the Heinz Family Philanthropies, run by Teresa Heinz Kerry, the wife of Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts.Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, proposed that Dr. Hansen, by complaining about efforts to present two sides on global warming research, had become an advocate for limiting the debate. Dr. Hansen replied, “What I’m an advocate for is the scientific method.” Mr. Deutsch said his warnings to other NASA press officials about Dr. Hansen’s statements and news media access were meant to convey a “level of frustration among my higher-ups at NASA.” Mr. Deutsch resigned last year after it was disclosed that he had never graduated from Texas A&M University, as his résumé on file at NASA said. He has since completed work for the degree, he said Monday. Democrats focused on fresh details that committee staff members had compiled showing how Mr. Cooney made hundreds of changes to government climate research plans and reports to Congress on climate that raised a sense of uncertainty about the science. The documents “appear to portray a systematic White House effort to minimize the significance of climate change,” said a memorandum circulated by the Democrats under the committee chairman, Representative Henry A. Waxman of California.



Fossil Fuel Dependence

Precautionary Principle



Arizona Daily StarPublished: 02.22.2006Pooches' poo to help power FriscoTHE ASSOCIATED PRESS

SAN FRANCISCO — City officials are hoping to harness the power of dog doo-doo. San Franciscans already recycle two-thirds of their garbage, but in this dog-friendly town, animal feces make up nearly 4 percent of residential waste, or 6,500 tons a year — nearly as much as disposable diapers, according to the city. Within the next few months, Norcal Waste, a garbage hauling company that collects San Francisco's trash, will begin a pilot program under which it will use biodegradable bags and dog-waste carts to pick up droppings at a popular dog park. The droppings will be tossed into a contraption called a methane digester, which is basically a tank in which bacteria feed on feces for weeks to create methane gas.The methane could then be piped directly to a gas stove, heater, turbine or anything else powered by natural gas. It also could be used to generate electricity. Methane digesters are nothing new. The technology was introduced in Europe about 20 years ago, and more than 600 farm-based digesters are in operation there. Nine are in use on California dairy farms, and chicken and hog farms elsewhere in the United States also use them. Neither Norcal Waste spokesman Robert Reed nor Will Brinton, a Maine-based recycling and composting consultant, knew of anyone in the United States who is using the $1 million devices to convert pet waste to energy. But Brinton said some European countries process dog droppings along with food and yard waste. "The main impediment is probably getting communities around the country the courage to collect it, to give value to something we'd rather not talk about," Brinton said. "San Francisco is probably the king of pet cities. This could be very important to them." San Francisco — the city named after St. Francis, patron saint of animals — has an estimated population of 240,000 dogs and cats.

Pooches' poo to help power Frisco



-Solar 99% (not in market place)-Commercial 1% (82% nonrenewable)

(incl. indirect solar: wind, water, biomass)

Miller, 2003Miller 2005, 10-2


(Miller Ch 10)



U.S. 4.6% population, 24% commercial energyIndia 16% population, 3% commercial energy

Miller, 2003 (2005: 10-1)



U.S. Energy Sources

Miller, 2003 (2005: 10-3)

1. Availability2. Net Energy3. Costs to Develop4. Subsidies, Tax Breaks5. National Security6. Terrorism7. Environment, Climate,

Human Health



Net Energy 1. Find2. Extract3. Transfer4. Process5. Transport6. Burn

- 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Energy Efficiency

Miller, 2003(2005: 10-21)

Miller, 2003(2005: 10-25)



Energy Efficiency

- Hybrid Cars

Fuel Efficient and Battery

80-300 miles/gallon

- Hydrogen Cells (cars etc.+)

H2 + O2 = energy + H20

- Cogeneration (heat and power)

- Electric Motors

- Lightbulbs

Incandescent vs. Fluorescent

Miller, 2003



- 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Miller, 2003(2005: 10-19)

U.S. Flow of Energy








Fossil FuelsOilNatural GasCoal

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)- 1/5 land in wildlife refuge system- 19% chance of finding enough oil

to supply U.S. for 24 months- Persian Gulf oil cheaper

- fuel efficiency better route- lots oil spills likely- pipelines vulnerable- fragile tundra- impact acreage

Miller, 2003(2005: 10-6)




Fossil FuelsOilNatural GasCoal


Natural gas

Miller, 2003(2005: 10-9)

Miller, 2003(2005: 10-11)



March 2006










25coalMiller, 2003

(2005: 10-11)

Fossil FuelsOilNatural GasCoal

Coal Gasification

CO2 sequestration



Nuclear Energy

Accidents catastrophicsabotage?

Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island

What to do withRadioactive Waste?- 10k-240k years- bury it (ground) - bury it (ice) - bury it (ocean)- shoot into space- descending subduction zones

Yucca Mountain, NV- leaks, faults, volcanoes- 6 shipments/day for 30 years

Nuclear WeaponsMiller, 2003(2005: 10-17)



Yucca Mountain Potential Leaks…



Yucca Mountain http://www.mapscience.org/

• Number of people in Arizona that live within 1 mile of a nuclear transportation route - 448,024

• Schools within 1 mile of the proposed route in Arizona - 212

• Hospitals within 1 mile - 11

• Fatal tractor-trailer wrecks in Arizona 1994 to 2000 - 513

• Train wrecks in Arizona 1990-2001 - 762

• Nuclear waste shipments in Arizona over the life of the project:

If by truck: 102,018If by train: 13,078

• Nuclear waste in Arizona now - 1,045 metric tons. Nuclear waste in Arizona if Yucca Mt. Project proceeds to completion - 1,899 metric tons.



The Department of Energy’s worst-case scenario predicts 48 radiation-induced deaths in a terrorist incident and 5 radiation-related deaths in a serious truck accident. Other experts estimate thousands of deaths over time if the release is in an urban area. First responders, local police, fire and hazardous materials response teams could easily be exposed to lethal does of radiation. Billions of dollars and many years could be required to clean up the area. Transportation routes, including major interstates and train lines could be closed for months, or even years.

“The important thing now is to recognize that there is no immediate crisis, that there is time to do this and to do a good and responsible job in terms of safety and security and to do it at a much lower cost to ratepayers.” -- Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Commissioner Victor Gilinsky, testimony before the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing, May 22, 2002.




What to Do?? -Free Market, Subsidy, Tax-Efficiency-Renewable-Include all costs in analyses

Miller, 2003(2005: 10-40)

-Conserve-Reduce Consumption


Energy Sources

Solar – passive or activeHydrogen - (green algae??)

need to decompose water

Hydropower WindBiomassGeothermal

Fossil FuelsOilNatural GasCoal


Miller, 2003(2005: 10-25)


Miller, 2003(2005: 10-7)

Miller, 2003(2005: 10-5)


33Greenwatts, Springerville, AZ










http://www.solarstore.com/2833 N Country Club RdTucson, AZ 85716Phone: 520-322-5180FAX: 520-322-9531Toll Free: 877-264-6374


Windfarm off coast of Denmark


Wave Energy


BioMass and Biofuels


Thermal DepolymerizationDiscover May 2003



Thermal DepolymerizationDiscover May 2003



Thermal DepolymerizationDiscover May 2003





Net Energy?



What is a fuel cell? A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water and heat as its by-product. As long as fuel is supplied, the fuel cell will continue to generate power. Since the conversion of the fuel to energy takes place via an electrochemical process, not combustion, the process is clean, quiet and highly efficient – two to three times more efficient than fuel burning.No other energy generation technology offers the combination of benefits that fuel cells do. In addition to low or zero emissions, benefits include high efficiency and reliability, multi-fuel capability, siting flexibility, durability, and ease of maintenance. Fuel cells are also scalable and can be stacked until the desired power output is reached. Since fuel cells operate silently, they reduce noise pollution as well as air pollution and the waste heat from a fuel cell can be used to provide hot water or space heating for a home or office.

http://www.fuelcells.org/ But where to get the H?


