· 2017. 12. 26. · $ \ i-L ' THEEVENING - STAR 1 . < j ' THE...

$ \ i -L ' - 1 . THE EVENING STAR ^ < j ' THE WEEKLY 8TAK. FUBU8HBD EVB&T APTBEL NOON, ^ I ' (SUNDAY EXCEPTED.) m L V / A Wkig mtUm* l^*uT »nd Nm MmlAT THE STAH Bl ILDiKil MM ~ . A A A A . - ^ / M . ^ , ennlalalnf S ffnater TartnSy * lnlere«nt read I rV A'W'V'W rtf W/%^ . w. D. wallaoh. I r |||/|||V|I1 Sw I XI i P.pers .erred 1b packages by carriers «l MI 7 yll jt > M 1 A/WW >W a ' Fire copies'. year, or 37 eents per month. *o mall .uhecriDees ^_/ /%T <W # W ^ ^ Ten onpla. - *he prion Is S3 50 a year, to s4*<m<«; Et fbr tlx "^ ym 1/ ^ *wnn»y-«*. ooptos. » Months; SI tor throe month*; and for lev Uun It lB*ar1ahly contains the" Woshlairoe News' three months at the rate of 14 oents a week. 81s- j that harf cade Tk* Dmiif I*mm( Star circulate fie copies, ons cbht; fcn wrapper*, two cbkts. »o generally throa* hoot the covntry IET Abvbbtibmbst. sheaM he eent to th« T IZT 81a«lecopies (la wrappers) caa he prott"7 °*T V""- XVIII. WASHINGTON. D. C . FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1861. N9. 2.738. ""* %T ""1~ mwawMj. oi me paper rrlce.THRKb CE^ITb. , THE REBEL COMMISSIONERS A«»U«r lee«iit by Marshal Murray. When the prisoners first came on board tha Ban Jaeinto, Captain Wilkes made the following ADDRESS TO THB COMMISSIONERS : 4 Gentlemen . I shall endeavor to make yon as comfortable on board m my means will permit. 1 wish to hare it diatinetly understood, however, that this is a vessel belonging to the Cvernment of the United States. Thera molt no political talk on board.'' Acting upon this hint the eommissioners refrained from political talk, and said little or nothing. They responded to the introduction of theN. Y marshal with a simple nod, and had no conversation with him during the voyage. Slidell kept his room most of the time. Occasionally he and Mason played a game of backgammon. Eastis and McFarlane were frequently in the wardroom, and conversed freely with the officers on general subjects.. They behaved very well. At nine o'clock Sunday morning Com. Wilkes and Marshal Murray went fram the esrel to Fort Warren, and arranged with Col. Dimmick for the transfer. A small steamer was sent out for their baggage. At eleven the debarkation took plaee. Mason and Slidell walked to the gangway, as a person who was on board says, the "meat dilapidated looking roosters" he ever saw. When Mason saw the fort his ehin dropped; the legs of both commissioners were decidedly shalty as they walked to the gangway. They bowed to the officers, and got on the tug with Lieut. Fairfax and the Marshal, and steamed towards shore. THK PROCESSION TO THB FORT. The dock is a quarter of a mile from the fort, and when the party landed, several offi cers were in waiting to receive the prisoners. After their "traps'' were en shore, the cemmissioners were escorted to the fort in the following 0*D«R or PROCB8SIO*: Marshal Murray and Ambassador Sllde'.l. Lieutenant Fairfax and Ambassador Mason. Secretary I Deputy Marabal I Secretary Eaatla. Sampson. | McFarlane. O fleers from the fort. Police from the fort, la cbarge of tbe following "trape" belonging to the commlsaieners, which were conveyed In two carta: Six or eight trunks, »ix vallaes, several caaea of brandies, wlnea and liquora, a dozen or more boxea of clgara, two casks (plnta and quarts) of bottled Scotch ale. Tbe procession went to Fort Warren, and on arriving the prisoners were introduced to Coi. Dimmiek, who said: "Gentlemen,.I am most happy to receive jou in Fort Warren." The marshal informed the prisoners that it would be bis doty to examine their baggage, and requested them to give up their keys A thorough searvli « » their iffects was made in their presence, and no papers or dispatches of any sort were found. Keys and baggage were then delivered to the prisoners, who were shown to their quarters. Commodore Wilkes has not yet made his offioial report of the capture of the rebel commissioners. It is not strange that no dispatches or papers were found in the baggage of the rebel If ik.. »-.k 1 »:_1- -I.L vvHiuiiomvuvtD It VUV/ iwa WVUOUUOIO WlUi them, they wars in the Trent's mail*, or on the persons of the ladies of the party. Heraes la t Gale at Sea. The Oreat Republic, which sailed with the naval expedition for Port Royal, had 530 horses on board The conduct of the beasts during the terrible storm of Friday week is thus described by a correspondent of the Tribune : At 12 M. the wind blew a gale, and continued to increase in violence for 24 hours, some of the waves sweeping clear over our decks and striking the ship with the force of a solid shot. At 8 P. M., for some reason, the Vanderbilt let go our hawsers. It made a fearful commotion among our horses for a few minutes. The effect was like a powerful ooncussion, throwing the horses out of their equilibrium, and some twenty of them were thrown off their feet We then b*gan to pitch and roll at a terrible rate, until we got some sails set, which steadied the vessel very much. We held our coursed, by W. until lo'olock at night, when the sailors having bMed the hawser line, making the ship a little more manageable, we *' tacked ship" and stood more to the east. Then the ship rolled fearfully, the decks at every roll standing at an angle of 45 degrees. The horses plunged madly, as if they would tear everything loose. Many of them gave utterance to most mortal vroamli wHU» a»H. era, in their desperation, buried their teeth io the wood of their stalls and mangers. I waa below through the whole of it, Keeping my men to their duty aa well aa I could, which waa not very well, for they ran for safety every chance they could get One horse, aa I stood by him, turned a complete summerset, bia head striking where hia heels stood. When he came down the horse next to him kioked him in the head, nearly killing him. I oould do nothing but let him straggle till morning, when I had him killed and thrown overboard. Another horae dropped dead without a struggle, and two others were so injured that I had them killed and thrown overboard, makin&the loss in all that night four borsee. a Child fob a Phbasabt..The Wheeling Intelligencer, of Saturday, eays:. A little son of Mr. Kryder, who lives a short dlatadce from Bridgeport, wae ahot yesterday evening under the following circumstances. The child, which was about ten years of ace, was stooping down and picking up chips between two logs in a wood, when a man by the Dime of Crocs, who was out gunning, observed the little fellow, and suppo«in* the dot was a pheasant, took aim and fired, killing the child aead. It was a terrible, and we think a most inezensable, mistake. Gib. Bbowb ahv tbb Pbbsacola Bombabdmb.ii. The New York Past of laat evening ears: Col Brown, the Commandant of Plckena, baa loag been ready for the rebel*; aad felt htmaelf able not only to rfpel an aaaault, but alao to drive them out of tbe tbetr works A gentleman of this city writes ua, on thla point aa foliowa: "I dined with Col Browa in Fort Plckeaa about tea weeka ago; and be abowed me from the parapet of tbe fori after dinner, in wbat manner an* Djr wmi meaae ae couia wnnout great di Acuity, drive the enemy out of every one of h}s works But he said it would taken seven thousand Ift hundred men to hold the shots works sgslnst the rebels,snd until the government was ready to occupy Pensacols It was no use to waste powder aoo shot on Bragg Col. Brown, therefore, did not mean to Are unless first attacked la that esse ha proposed to return the Are of the enemy sad show t^xn his powers." The Immense Crotoa main over high bridge, New York, which It Is calculated will convey one million galloae dally, has jaat been romp.Hod, sad will be ready to receive the water la about two weefca. It Is 1,450 feet In length, and 7# feet la diameter. The old pipes are retalaad a u to receive the water In case it Is foaad SBcssssry at any time to repair the new mala Toe pipe la to be covered with strong rubber packing. IfT milllag match took place at Providence a few days ai nee between two yooag students, one of Southern birth, the other being the son of a popolar clergyman la New York city The gat was eaded after four rounds, one of the youthful belligerents tilling to come to time H7" The sold lass of Qaa Basks's division, la September and October, sent by mall, from headquartera, 06,000 letters ID* The Bufhio Courier aavs that six propellers ere to be built la that eity this wlalsr, far tbe lake trade. They wtll bare a tonnage of sevaa or eight haadred toae, sad will cost aboutWHfiM each. j k Captain Charles Wllkn. The name of Captain Charles Wilkes, who so neatly nabbed Slidell and Mason, is a name known both in navigation and in scienoe. He was born in this state in 1805, and originally entered the naval service of his oountry in 1818, at the early age of thirteen years. Id 1834, having previously distinguished himself by his acientifio ability, he received from the American government the command oHf naval expedition intended to explore the countries bordering on the Pacific and southern ooeans. Ilia command consisted of two sloops of war, a brig and two tenders, and he himself had the grade of Captain. Leaving here shortly after his appointment, he doubled Cape Horn, eroased over Polynesia, Van Dieman's Land and Australia, advancing as far as the sixty-first degree of soath latitude; he then visited the Feejee islands and Borneo, and returned to New York in 1842, after having visited Singapore and the Cape of Good Hope. This memorable expedition of four years was fertile in useful operations, which Captain Wilkes re-oounted in a very able work in five octavo volume?, entitled "A Narrative of the United Statea Exploring Expedition." In 1848 the Geographical Society of London presented him with a gold medal, as a token of their appreciation of his labors. He has also since then published a work entitled "Western America," which contains valuable statistical details and geographical facts, and maps relating to California and Oregon. Commodore Wilkes received his present commission in 1855. He has been in the service altogether forty-three years. Ten of these years he has been on sea service; twenty-six engaged on shore or other duty, and seven years unemployed. For some years latterly he has been assigned to special duty near Washington. He is now returning from the coast of Afrioa with the United States steamer San Jacinto. On bis way home he found orders to cruise for pri- HkWtu ivoovio akvcuipuu^ W X UU lUC UIU*j H" ade, which duty he has been performing for the past six weeks. While engaged in this business ho fell in with the ressel containing the two rebel plenipos. The whele couotry now rings with applause of hiB bold action.. N. Y World. About fifty letters a week ar«» received by the President from ofiirers of the armies of Europe, offering their services to the Government. Tbry came from Great Britain, France, Prussia, the German States, Austria, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and Russia. IP-It la stated that (wo distinguished pugilists of Albany, one c»nn~cted with the Boston and the other with the B ud*on River Railroad, have arranged the preiimina lea for a prize fi*ht for $5,000 aside The fl^ht is to take place in Canada, near Coburg, on the 25th of November. JI^ Predatory binds of rebels are reaming over some of the d-fencelets counties of Western Virginia, murdering Union men, insulting women, stealing horses and robbing hencoops Five loyal men were shot last week Dy these guerrillas in Lewis county. IP" Bonner, of the New York Ledger, one day laat week drove bis horse*.Lady Palmer and his road wagon, in the extraordinary time of 2 27, the last quarter in 34 seconds. This is the fastest mile ever made by a pair of horsea. IThere are in Indiana 20,000 more boys between the ages of five and twenty-one than there are glrla. £E7~T*ne city of Lille, France, is being enlarged and as to be able to contain an entire torpi d'armte. d^The Montreal Advertiser Intimates that overcoata for the southern rebels recently arrived mere in tot iieamer rsova scotian. CI7* A lady who gave her name ai Mra. Sheppard, and claimed to be a native of New York, baa been arrested near Mayfield, Ky., by the rebels, charged with being a apy. Trade on the Connecticut river la now largely carried on by tailing vessels, the government having bought or chartered most of ths steam craft. mr When Queen Victoria travels by railroad, she pays seven shillings sterling (tl OS) per mile for tne special train, nrst class fores for her attendants, and the usual fares for carriages and horses. 117"An army officer Insulted United States Senator Browning, of Illinois, in the cars near Quincv The Senator "pitched In" and severely whipped his antagonist, whose trads Is war. Experiment* with steam canal boats on the Susquehanna canal, Penn , the past season, show a saving of 23 per cent, compared with mule power. E7"Garlbaldl shirts are much worn in Parts. not so much, however, as the "chemises russes," which, with the "celntureSulsie," are described as attaining great favor. d^Rlce it now selling In Philadelphia at 7% a7\ cents per pound, and there are probably not over two hundred tierce* of It In the entire city at that. #Omr* gwrt, C»U, amtimmii, /*was*, ssy Irri:a<\oa sr bort»«'> tf lis IVmu, tkt flKMH Couth in Con* tion, Brrmekuis, Aikmm, 4" Cmtmrrk, Omt mnd »tvs Hrtmgth to th* veil* of PUBLIC SPEAKERS Aim SINGERS. Few are aware of the importance of oheoKing a Couth or "Common Cold1'in its first stue; that which ia the beg mine would yieid to a mild reroe necleoted. soon attaoks the Lanes. "Erown'i B'mukxml Tritkt," oontaim-nc demuToentinjrocianta, allay Palmooary and Bronohial Irritation. "That trouble in my Throat, (foi BIOWNI whioh tbs "IVccJus" are a speoifiel havinemade me often a m#ra wblaVKOCHES perer," N.P.WILLIS. BROWN'S " 1 recommend their aae to PviLit Armm " TROCHES REV. E. H. CRAP1N. TsooflEs ^rs^n^aiafft.ia. BROWN'S Asth**," REV. A. C. E88LE8TON. TROCHES " Contain bo Opiam or anythini BROWN'S WEOOIBB mASTSm-IIST* ,00'bt" bkown e e»u«. r. bibbl^w^ nonue 'iiiT&E, BROWN B . , u B«tm "JH«wwd U«w iXMllontf© HOCUS WBOK-S...*SBOWK f "* "r." BOOBBS JJKftS&'ZGPtgSr* SIOWIC8 otnmoD wtlh Sfiiim ud Sim TROCHES Fi*l M. STAC IT JOHNSON, BEOW.TB tEOCXJBS M ct*« bonaflt takes b«for« dPlflr f:r*oh;a|,fu they frevenl BftOWICB Bo^tmbmC. From Air effeot. I tfuai tU«r will be ofyiiufcpont ftd VBOCAS8 fftflW: tv aw>. BlOWM-fi Prsaufeci ^ Alh.* r boL»f«, Tsnis nwiHyHwKarQ4JNBOATB torn 111 WEBTKAN B1VEHS. Qiummim Sunu'i Omcs, l wZikmtte*. Jwu 17, lMl.f PmoroeAL* are invited lor oonttraotinc tiao IM1W W fetern rhrery iJita ej5SS»i«r»i' t&'^Mn!iraBMt{P7o£e\i bo*t knt^ert ivatf eafwe-bmlM ^hlii will be teles istc "S'la -. tails hsrBsi THE DOLLAR STAR! INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS! NOW 18 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! * The Fullest aad Most Reliable Newt from the Seat of Government! Reading Matter for the Fireside Circle! The present year is undoubtedly the moat eventful In the political history of this country, and the record of occurrences transpiring at the Fedoral Metropolis is naturally ol striking and remarkable interest. The public desire to receive prompt, full and reliable account* of all tkat passes here is most Intense, and we have consequently made alterations and improvements In tko ur^.VI« I.«/ 1*7.VI 1 <J. »- u .lie "VV..J IOTUC VI tuc HUIU^IUll cur W meet thia want most satisfactorily In compliance with the wish of the public the paoer baa been changed from a quarto to the more eonvenlent folio ahape, and now appeara a handsome sheet of thirty-txeo columns, filled with choice and carefully prepared Reading Matter, and bearing the name of the 14 Washington Dollar Weekly Star." Aa indicated by the title, we now furnish the paper at the unprecedented low price of ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR 1! Or barely more than the price of the paper upon which it la printed. It ia our determination to make the Weekly Star not only the largest and handsomest Dollar Newspaper in the United State*, but that It shall absolutely be The Best Family Weeelt Newspaper is the World:!! It contalna the very fullest, freshest, and moat important details of all that tranaplrea at the Seat of Government; editorials on all the impor tant toplca of the times; the newa of the week; Interesting correspondence from all parta of th<» world; capital atories; humoroua and graphic sketches, and the pick of the Coating miscellany of literature and gossip. The Dollar Star haa as a permanent feature a carefully prepared AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT, embodying whatever may be of intereat to farmers in the transactions of the Interior Department, the Smithsonian Institution, and the U. S Agricultural Society Gardening and Horticulture also receive due attention in thia department of the paper, and we also give each week a choice budget of Household Recipes for our lady readers; also, Recipes for the Workshop, together with an official list of all the new inventions Issued from the Patent Office each week. In short, It is our purpose to give our readera a varied, rich, and sparkling variety of the reading that at once Instructs and entertains, but aiming to make Washinstoh News and Gossip our speciality, In accordance with the views aet forth above. Believing it to be better to sell many papers at a low pric« than a few at a high price, we have Extraordinary Inducements to Clubs. To Single Subscriber* 81.00 per year. To Clubs of Five 95 cents. To Cluba of Ten 90 centa. To Cluba of Fifteen 85 centa. To Cluba of Twenty-live 80 centa. To Cluba of Fifty 75 centa. Addreaa W. D. Wallace, Publlaher of the Star, Washington, D. C., with subscription money enclosed, or for specimen copies, which will be forwarded gratis. |7» MILITARY" BOOKS. r RENCH A RICHST1EN have just reoeived a large and oompfet* assortment of Military Hooks of all kiads, which they offer from ten to fifty per oent. below the regular retail pnoes,.in oluding: A new edition of Hardee's Infantry and Rifle Taotios, complete, 31.25 Forces' Volunteers' Manual, 2 vols, 92 Allen's Compendium of Hardee's Taotios, flfto Grass's Military Surgery, 75o Mahau's Field Fortinoation and Outpost, each 71 Hardee'a Taotios, oheap edition, 25c The Soidier'a Guide, a complete manual and drill book for the use of the Volunteer Militia and the Home Guard. 25o The Hand-Book for the U.S. Soldier, oeing first book of instruotion to the U. S. Infantry taotics, 25o Also, Military Maps, Map of the Seat of War, Charts, Guides, Ao. Flags, Badges and Medals of every deaoription. Any of the atove sent by mail free. FRENCH A KiCHSTEIN, IBSW PwnnsT'yama avwnne BILLIARDS! rtjH The lovera ' ^ * of the GAMB OF BILLIARDS will find in EMRICH'S FINE HALL. Corner o Pennsylvania avenue and 11th street, (south aide,) two of the moat admirable TABLES In the United States, with every oomfortand convenience an t tf lor the players. I r>(\ nnn LB* SOAP AND CANDLES for lvUjUuu sale obeap for oash. Also, wanted.400,noo lba. Army Grea<e and Rough Fallow, for whioh the highest prioe will be paid, at the National Soap and Candle works, oor. Green st. and Canal, Georgetown, D. C. no7 1 m O. B. JEWELL, Proprietor. CHEESE! CHEESE!! CHEESE!!! LIQt'ORS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, v* 1 loi hai3hks. uhaukbks. All on baud and tor sale cheap by K. B. HASTINGS A CO , 383 D »t.. faoing Pa. avenue, no 2»-tf Philharigunio Building. ONE VERY NICE SECOND HAND PIANO for 490. Aleo. a large «tock of Raren i. . Bacon A Co.'a and Stem way A t?ou'» bavefMMBI just been received at the Music Store of til * *1 W. 6. METZEROT7. ITT Pi-no- nwl a I SOMETHING NEW ! /~\ Kvl f aJOmiMt Dibcovkkt of\TX / |J At SSI r street, orpostt* ill Tktattr. ^ OYSTERS STEAMED In the Shell and Thoroughly Cooked (far superior to a roast) in Itso the fastest tim* on record. Call and aee. The anderaigned respectfully informs hia friends in the District, and visitors to the city, that he has refitted his old and well-known bstablishmznt in a most thorough manner, and has made complete arrangements to furnish OYSTERS in any style and in any quantity. 400 to 500 ga Ions shuoked per day. SUM to S,00<> cans of Spiced and K'esh put up daily.oans hermetically scaled. Furnished [n the shelf hy the bushel or barrel. Persona wishing to have Oysters furnished regularly through the winter, at Baltimore pnoes, without fear of failure, should call and make arrantementa at onoe. Freight, time, and money saved by purchasing of me, as I furnish an artiole 2ual to the celebrated Baltimore establishments, prioes just as low. TO SUTLERS, Canned Meats, Lobsters, Sardines, Clams, Strawberries. Tomatoes. Pisa* F««t Tn.« a. »o.,Ao. Alao, Pioklea, CaUup, Sajoea, Brandy eaobe*,Ao. Also, Game and Freah Fiah. Turtlee, Terrapina, Freeh Lobetere, Cod. Halibut, Ao. In faot, every thing for aale in the North* rn markete tl way a on hand, at reasonable prioee. Hotela and famlliea supplied with Of iters, delivered without oharm tJ any part of the Dietriot, in aeaeon. if the money ia aent with the order. My etabliahment ia open from i a. m. to 12 at nlcht, ewry day, exoept Sunday, when 1 oloae at 10 o'alook a. m. . ft T. M. HARVEY. COMETHING HEW.SUPERIOR HULLED vj CORN . The eebaoriber, having rot the agency to aapply Washington and Georgetown with thia r°" mdraiiiiDLvfSST" N. B.-M&^?s^5rb,siss^nv menta. Table Tope, Ae. A large assortment a ways on Ktiu}, oo n am I CASH NOTICE, N Conse^saooe or oar having to pay oash for very article of goods we Mrehaaa. wa axe forofd to redooe osr baatneas!to Dash exolsalvely, for the \ SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS I!« HOSPITAL. Publtsktd conformity ttitk tht resolut on / tk4 Senatt if July 16, 1961. At Stminnry Hospital, Georgetown, Nov 22. 'id U. 8. Infantry 3 33d Penn.Volunteer!. 1 2d Maine Volunteer* . 1 35th do do 5 3d Vermont Volunteer! I 36th do do 1 5th do do.... 1'2 42d do do 1 9th Maaaachuaeta Vol.. 1 45th do do......24 'JOth do do (a) 2 A2d do do 2 13th New York Vol... Sjlat do Artillery... 6 15th do do.... 1 lat do Rifle*....... 1 21»t do do.(6) 1 2d do (feTalr?.... 1 22d do do ... 1 4th do do 9 33d do do.... 1 5th do do...... 1 45th do do.... 1 llth do do 6 54th do do.... 1 lat do Reserve.... 2 ?9th do do.... 1 3d do do 3 lat Penn. Volunteers.. 3 4th do do 1 4th do do 3 12th do do...(c) 1 5th do do 4 4th Michigan Vol 2 7th do do 5 id Wlaconcin Vol.... 1 8tt> do do 1 5th do do.... 1 9th do do 2 6th do do.... 6 llth do do 2 7th do do.... 2 12th do do 1 Excelsior Brigade.... 5 26th do do...... 1 i 2*th do do 1 Total 127 (a) Twootflcera. (6) Or.eolficer (e) One officer At General Hospital, Union Hotef, comer Bridge and Washington streets, Georgetown, JVov SI. 11thNew YorkVol.... 3 2d VermontVolunteer* 2 17th do do 17 3d do do.... 4 18th do do...... 1 5th do do....13 19th do do 4 1st Michigan Vol 1 22d do do 4 -2d do do 1*2 21th do do 1 3d do do 2 '26th do do...... 1 4th do do...... 2 27th do do li2d Wisconsin do 1 33d do do 1 6th do do 1 35th do do 1 lit Minnesota do 1 43d do do 7 lit California do 5 45th do do 1 Ut Excelsior Brigade. 5 50th do do 3 2d do do.... 1 79th do do *2 3d do do.... 11 4th Pann. Volunteers. ] lat Maryland Vol 1 6'h do do.,..,. 2 2d Perm Cavalry .... 2 7th do do 1 3d do do 1 8th do do 1 Oneida CountvCavalry 1 11th do do 1 lat Penn Artillery.... 1 12th do do 2 5th U S Artillery.... 1 23d do do 1 5th Rhode Ialand Art. I 26th do do 1 !*t New Jersey do. 1 27th do do 2 lat New York Artillery 4 30th do do 1 2d do do.... 3 45th do do 414th do do.... 1 46th do do 2 lit Indiana Rifle* 1 2d Maine Volunteera. 1 Mott'a Battery 1 7th do do 1 De Kalb Regiment... 1 2dNewHampsL1feVol 2 Engineer Corps 1 3d do do.... 2 4th Rhode Island Vol. 2 Total 137 Hospital at Cokmbin* Cvlugs, Washington, Nov 22 2d Maine Volunteera.. 4 Cth New Jeraey Vol... 2 5th do do 1 7th do do.... 1 7th do do 1 1st Penn. Artillery.... 2 9th do do 1 Harlan's Penn Cavalry 1 Uth do do 2 Chroman'a Rifles 2 2d Vermont Volunteers 2 1st Penn Volunteers.. 1 3d . do do.... 1 3d do do 11 5th do do.... 10 4th do do...... 2 10th Maawichuaetta Vol 5 8th do do 2 14th do do. 1 10th do do...... 1 19th do do. 1 12th do do 1 1st Long Island Vol .. 1 13th do do 1 Harria' Cavalry 2;23d do do 2 1st NewYork Cavalry. 1 27th do do 3 22d^ do Vol 1131 st do 3 wiu uu x «a ao do 1 35th do do 1 Starve** Rifles I 3«th do do 1 1st Michigan Cavalry. 5 3?th do do 7 1st do Vol 2 54th do do 4 2d do do 1 ?9th do do 1 3d do do 10 Anderson Zouavea.... a 4th do do 2 1st Excslsior Brigade. 3 Sth do do...(a) 8 2d do do.... 2 Stockton's Mich Vol.. 2 De Kalb N. Y. Vol ... 2 5th Wisconsin Vol... 1 Lincoln Cavalry...... 1 6th do do.... 3 1st U. 8.Chasseurs.... 1 7th do do.... 3 Berdan'iSharpshooters2 1st Minnesota Vol 1 Oneida NY Cavalry. 1 19th Indiana Vol 2 McClellan's Dragoons. 1 8th Illinois Cavalry... 1 1st New Jersey Cavalry 4 1st California Vol 1 2d do Vol.... 1 1st D. C. Volunteers.. 3 3d do do.... I 5th do do.... 1 Total 153 (a) One officer. At General Hospital, (Circle,) Washington, Nov 22. Officers 218th U.S. Infantry.... 2 Hospital Steward l|22dNew York Vol... 2 Engineer 1 24th do do 2 4th U. S. Cavalry 2 44th do do 1 5th do do 3 2d Penn. Ca*. Vol... 1 6th do do 6 52d Penn. Volunteers. 1 lit do Artillery .... 2 4th N. Hampshire Vol 1 2d do do 2 lit D. C Volunteers.. 1 3d do do 2 1st Michigan Vol 2 4th do do 1 7tb Maine Volunteers. 1 5th do do 3 11th do do 1 2d U. S Infantry 3 . 3d do do 3 Total 47 10th do do 1 At Fifth District School House Hospital, Branch of General Hospital on E street, Nov 22. 3d Michigan Vol 1 2d Vermont Volunteers 1 sth do do 1 5th Rhode Island Vol. 1 5Uth Pennsylvania Vol. 1 2d U. 8. Cavalry 1 23d do do.. 1 1st Kentuck) Cavalry. 1 12th do do.. 1 4th Penn'a do.... 1 mm new tori vol... l unio cavalry (unat).. 1 10th Massachusetts Vol 1 . 1st Excelsior Brigade. 1 Total 14 Sick remaining tit ikt Hospital for Eruptivt Diseastt, at Kalorama, Nov. 22. 3d U. 8. Infantry 1 53d Pennsylvania Vol. S 4th do Cavalry 1 45th do do.. 5 5th do do 1 54th PennsylvaniaVol. 1 6th do do 2 81st do do.. 1 2d Maine Volunteers.. 2 1st do Artillery 1 7th do do 7 Harlan's Cavalry 6 2d Vermont do 1 (Stockton's do 1 1st N. Y. Artillery.... 5 1st Michigan Cavairy . 6 44th New York Vol... 4 3d do Vol 1 3d Excelsior Brigade. 1 7th Wisconsin Vol.... 2 Harris Ligat Cavalry. 8 19th Indiana Vol 4 2d Berdan's Sharpa'rs 1 1st do Cavalry.. 1 1st Pennsylvania Vol. 1 Quartermaster's Dep't 1 8th do do.. 1 . 36th do do(a)2 Total 70 (a) Two officers At St. Elizabeth Hospital, Eastern Branch, Aovember 22. 1st Excelsior Brigade. 4 8th New York Vol... 4 2d do do 2 29th do do.... 1 4th do do 9 5th Vermont do....10 54th N Y. Volunteers. 1 Cameron Rifles 3 8th Penn. do 2 Brickel's Art. BatUl. 3 53d do do 24 . 35th do do 1 Total 64 At Indiana Hospital (Patent Office), Washington, D.C., Nov 22. 19th Indiana Volun...54| Berdan's Sharpahoot's 3 16th do do.... 5 Teamster 1 3d do Cavalry.. 5 . 2l*t New York Volun 1 Total 71 36th Penn. Volunteers 2 At Utmral Hospital, Altxandria, Nov 22 1st New York Cavalry 1 list Rhode Island Art.. 1 15th New York Vol... 2,2d Michigan Vol 14 16th do do....22 3d Michigan Vol 4 17th do do.... 8 5th do do.... S 16th do do.... 3 3d Milne Volunteers. 7 '25th do do.... 7 1th do do S 36th do do.... 5 Sth do do 8 27th do do....10 let New Jersey Vol... 1 Tl»t do do.... 6 Sth do do-... 1 32d do do....l2 1st N. Jersev Cavalry. 1 37th do do.... 1 Cameron Rifles....... 2 38th do do.... 5 2d Fire Zouaves 1 40th do do.... 7 id Vermont Volunteers 1 79th do do.... 1 1st Minnesota Vol 1 1st Massachusetts Art. 3 Harlan Cavalry 7 11th Penn. Cavalry...14 Teamster 1 3aid Penn. Volunteers. 14 Civilian 1 1st do do 2 86th do do 4 Total It# Mth do do t ITT' Washington paper* please copy and send bills to the W ar Department. nov 27.3t NKW CLOAKS Just received. Larf* stoek of all kir.ds of Shawls. WWL* Iks, very oheep, sssnanhrm. I BDH jounsTon, ALIinOR E LOCK HOSPITAL, fill dtttitrti tkt «mii (Vote, Swttdf mmd omlj Efftttmml Rtmudf u tkt world, FOR ALL DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. LET NO FALSE DELICACY PRETEXT. APPLY IMMEDIATELY. A CORE WARRANTED. OR NO CHARGE, JN FROM ONE TO TWO DAYS. Waakoaaa af £ Bt:k, Sinctsraa, Afacuaea af tha Kid' 71 »od Bladdar AitNUiJ Oiacnarfaa, Inpotanca, Gaairal Dabiltty, Nil ohbotM. £>»apapay, Lanraor, ?' Idcu, Low 3-trj, P^piuuau of tha Haart, Timidity* ra.ublinfa, Dimaaaa of B«f ai ot Giddioaaa, fha«m of U>* ad, Throat, Not* or Itln, Aftctiou g( (hi Linp, Stoaaict or Bowal*.tbaaa Tarnbla Ehaordtn anairg (ton S0I1Lary HaMu of Towtb.-Oiaaa Draadfal and Daatracti»a Prattxaa which raodar Marrtaja n»p»»iv la, and daairwy hU Bady and Mind. YOUNG MEN Eapaciilly wbe ha»a bacoma tha victim* af ehury Tlea, that draadfal and daatracti*a habit which a*ioaa)ly awaapa la an anuinaly fraaa thoaaanda of your( Man of tha coat nakad talania and brilliant intallaet, wbo mifht otharwiaa kata aotraoead Itaiamnf 8«ua:ta with tha thandara ot alagaanca or wakld aaatacy tha llrftj lyra, Bay call with fall caoidaoca. MARRTAVE. marbibd pbbloita,or Toaof Kan can tarn plating mu ctra, tainf awara of phyaicai waakoaaa, arfania dabillty, iaforiniuaa, kc~, apaadil? carad. Ha wbo Dlacat hiraaaH aodar tha cara af Dr J. may mlj conSua in hia honcr aa a faotianun and aanftdaMly raly apon hia akill aa a phyaician. OFFICE No 7 SOUTH FREDERICE ST !aft h-.nd aida gnnt from Balnmora atraal, a faw daara fr-iia tha eoruar. Fail not tc cbaaraa nama and oamkai. kautra an; ct piia tuu cw.sin i 1)1^ JOHNSTON, Member of the Royki College of Surfoone, London, rndlate from en* of tfat ruc»t eminent Coilegee >o the Colled tatee, and the fleeter part of whoa* lift bae teen epent id Lhe hoepitale of London, Ptrie, Philadelphia Mi oletwbera, bae effected lorn of the moat aitoniah;nf carta thai vara avar known; many troubled with ringing in the bead and tare wbea aeleep; greet nerTjorrni, being alarmed at isdden toonde, baahfuineee anth frequent blaeLing, attended uoieumei with deruigemeu of mud, were cared must(lately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Teang Men ana oUtere who he»t injurtd themeoleeo by a Itrtain practice ludulgtd in vhtn alor.e.a haUl fre<joeutly learned from evil coiopamone, or at ecbool, the effecte of wbico are nightly felt e*ei. when aeleep, and «f not cured, rtndtra mernage unpoeeit le, and deetroye bath mind and bode, eboald apply immediate!?. Theeo are eome of the ead and melancholy effecte pre Jacod ay early habile of »oath, Ttl: Weakneee cf the B«ck and Limbe, Paine in tht Head, Dimneee of Kifbi, Loaa of Puver Paipiiatiou of me Henrt, Dyepepey, Nereone irritability, Derangement of the Pigeeti»e Piccuoat, Central Dahilitr, Symptorae of Conesmption, Ac M tiULLr.-The feariol e£>cte on tht c*cd art mach t* tt dreaded.Loee of Memory, Confnaiou of Ide^e, Depreeoior f Spirita, E»i! r'orebuiinge. Artreton of Society, self-Die iraet, Lo»e of Solitude, Timidity, ate., are »orre of tba erlle prodsetd. NlBTOl'l Dibilitt..Thontandt can oev )odge vhet It tht caott of thtir dtcliuing health, looing t-htir rigor, becoming areak, pale, ner<uiii ar.d emaciated, boring a eingclat appearance -boot the eyea, cough or tymptomt of contampDISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE When tht itotgaided and irapradent rotary of pieaeare tnde be hue im'ibed the eeerie of thit painful dieeaat, it to* often happtct that an iil-ti-ned tentt nf ehamt or dread if dieco»ery dtttre him from applyinr ** ee from edrtrr-ion and rteptcubility, o«n aiooa uofnend him. He J*.: e .nto tht banda of ignorant Uid d»eig.ung pretendere, arh^, incapable eI caring, filch hie pecuniary ecbataste, k«ei> him tilling month a/ter month, or at long at tut emallte- fee can ba obtained, and in deepair leave him with rained health to eigb ever tue galling dieappoiatmant; or by tht sat of that deadly poiecn.Merearr.haetan tba conetitniior.el tymptomt of t>.:a terrible dieeaee, ifh &e Affeetwieof the Hetrt, Threat, lead. Skin, 4c., progreeon.g with frifhtfal rapidity, till dtath patt t period to hie areadfal oaffenoge by eorimg himt kh»i asduceeered country from wheat War- t i.e traveler rttarnt DR. JOHNSON'S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND 1MPOTENCY. 1 y thit (rati and important rtmtdy weakneee of the organ e aft t/ttdily eared arc fblJ njor rooiered Theaaende of tbt oet norroat and debllitatad, who had loot all fcopa, have I btti immediately relieved. All impedimeote to Marriage, Phretaal at Manual Dtoqaalilaauona, koee of P"rocreau»e rover, *or*oe» lm(ability. Tramblina and Weakuett ar EuaMtita of Ike meet fearfai Had tpeedily cued. ENDORSEMENT OF 7HE PRESS. T*1 Mart Tiorum cared at thie metitatioo within tie iaat eerentaan Tear*, and the camaioae imponani icrgaal operation a parfcrmtd or Dr. Jehretot., vttneeeed by ir>s re pert era eI the papere ana many otter persone, noticee of vaiak have appeared again and again bo/iere the pabUc, be- t'.dtt kit ttuding u a. gtoiitmu «f ikuiewr ul ri«iwii»Ulty, It irfmai pirtmii tti tlitui mr lHy NOTICE. AUAns* EXPm! SlfAJIY " Thia Company offers to the pablio " Unequalled Advantage*'' for the Safe ana Quick iiiapatoh of Heavy F eights Paokaaea, VaiuaKea, Money, /to. Ac., to all parts of the United Statea. Expresses to and f'om the North and West deM'j't fr "in and artive tu W'ashicgton twioe dally. All Expreaaea are tn charge of *xptritmc*d and Ttlxabl« Messengers. Ail Packagea for The Soidiera camea at "on hai.f" our usual rates. All Goods for the so-called "Confederate States" and all Articles * Contraband or War" will be RSTORKS. Ou' Expresses leave New York at 1. $, and I P. M.^arriving in Was tun*ton at 6 A. M. and 6Je Expressee leave Philadelphia at 8JD A. M. and 11 P. M., arriving in Washington e-t i »> P. M. and 6 A* IK. Expreaaea leave Baltimore at « fe) A. M. and S P. M., arriving in Waaiiington at 6 A.M. and S 90 P Mi Expreaaea for all points North and West leave Was'nngton at 7.30 A. M. and 2J0 P M. danr. Special Contraota tor large quantities of Freight oan be made on application to thia < iffioe. All Goods nailed for and delivered Jru of Extra charges. E. W. PARSONS, 8np*t Adams' i.i -r e.-s Company. Washington, August a, 1861. au a-tf YH.... .. WOOD AND COAL. OU Will snrely t?t your money's worth by sailing at the PIONEER MILLS, trmikmsi tm tr v Saeantk ilr««( and Cussi, (GEO. PAGE, Agent) They sell oheaper and give better meaaart than any othera in the wty.out, split, and delivered free of charge. If yoe doc t t elieve , i va the Pioneer Milla a tna., and besatisSad. i-lv.r f£OOiS AMD EtiJW VO SKIT VU Wears sow mamthctmring ail klpd* of BOOT1 u4 SHOES, and ooLstantly receiving a of eastern mads work of every de-HH. sci .»Qon. made expressly to order, ana willf II be soid at a mtoii lower pnoethat aas VVi heretofore oharged in tlua eity for maeh inferiet articles. Persons in want at Boots and Sooea of eeaterc mt eity made work, will aiwarsbediioodaaeorlrc.ea la ste-e ud at tie Iowm* pnoes. 0iveua«!l. IIKFIN * URO., *« « " MIl'flHI A RM V SUPPLIES, A J CSTKECEITED. 4W oans SAUSAGE MEAT, S40caau FRKsH TOMATOES, «8»> e&as FRESH VEAL, 360 cans K EEF lit modi, 94<) C\CB ROAST BEEF. *y>Oftu FRESH MUTTON. MOeans BFEFaud GRAVY, HO can* SOUP and BOUILL1, jnoiwea FRENCH DESS1CATED VE«E TAHLE^t Fer aaie at New York Factory priori. KING k. BURCHELL. M t Cor.r I and Fifteenth »tr»eta. U NEW BOOKS. HISTORY of the United Netherlands, by Johl Lothrop Motley , i voie.; free mail, R4. The Rise of the Dstoh Repabke, a history, by John Lothrop Motley; S to a Cioth; free by nail, Silas Mamer, the Weaver of Ravelol, by the author of ''Adam Be4e , cloth igoents , paper CP orate* Life and Career of Major Andre, by Wintrop Sarseant; After Ioebercs witk a Painter, a Summer Voyage to Labrador and Newfoundland; by Rev Louis L N"b e : #1J0 The Manufacture of Phototenic or Hydro-Car bon Oils, by Thomas Autiaell, M. D.; fl/tt. Any of the abore free by mail. FRENCH A RICHSTEIN, ap » B79 Penca. avenue. W BOYS' CLOTHING. E Have reoeiTod within the last day or two a Iarce assortment of BOYS' SPRING CLOTH ING.enibracinc all styles of low-prioed, median, and tue «a\litiea, wiuoh we are aellmc a t very low fncee for oaah. WALL,.8TEPHEN8 * CO.. svw l*a. » ., between Mb and 10U ik ag ilatellneno^f and RwmMieaa.* WE OPFEK TO MILITARY MEN * lajM Ksaortmentof OKEvaaJ jiL.UE FLANNEL over-shirts, whi rjs fihikts, i>rawers. camp blankets half-H08tOko. vniob we invite all oaah parohaeere to examine before raaki&« theu eeleetHiaa. wall. STEPHENS * COm Stt* Pa. abetween 9th aad 1Mb Ma. mB <Intollifeaow aa«1 lle»ib)ioaa.) _ OUCK WHEAT FLOUR, D bUCK\VHEAT FLOUR. OBRO oe If Otrjur VpTumfit lit* A ^-ALLOWER'B fMQguc* STORE. t HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION* «' HIOHL y COyCESTR A TM D»» Compound Fluid Extract Buchu, A Pottttv and SftctJU Rtmodp For Diwmm of It* BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GR WF.L, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Tin* Mcdieine ino'eaee* the eower of Digeatioa, ard *X0it»* the tKoiion Into healthy HUoi, l.y whio i the waiim os c.unoci depoei ion*, and a 1 cn*»Tra*L urn. istM .mi are reaaoed. m veil rais aad ihwlamuatk}*, and u gooC for MEN. WOMEN. OR CHILDRENUELMBULD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Weaknes ee Ana;a* Lrom Kxe«ee*e, Habit* of DiaeipatioB. Kariy I di»cr*ti«»n rt A'nee Attmdtd trith tkt Foilotnng Symptom*: lodispoMtion to Liertioo, l»»a of Povor, i-"aa of M morr. DiAcolty of Mreatb)ac, Weak N'nri, Tremb lag. Horror of D raw, Wak-f«lr>*ee, Dtoineaa of Viviob. Pan in lb* daok, liiiv<rt» Lassitude of the M"*ruiar *»y.t*m, Mot Hand*. Flashing of the H dy. Dryn**a of the ?k'n, F. up'i.m on the Faoe, Pa lid rorrrbhasck. Thee* *ym»t il a oacd to *o T. whiob thia tn"dictne lnranally remnvee. toon fo Iowa 1MPOTENCY.FATL! rv KPlcEPTICFlTS, In oni of tekick (4* Patient may Who can *a* t'-a* t*"r are rot f'Otaeatly followed by thoM "pirsfcl t!iua>»" INSANITY a Ml CONSUMPTION." Many are a»a-e of t*e *** of th«ir m faring, BVT MONK WILL COKPtftP THE RK?OHlWof THK INSANE ASYLUM* And tk4 Altlnmckoly l)*.atk« ('rmmiMM*, BUR AMPLX WIT>r«« T THI TfcCTH Of TUB UMStUMk THE CO\-»Tin o , u*CE AKKEcTED WITH ORGANIC WKAKNES?. Require the i d o[ m«dieinp to tr'-ecHien and 1 vif. rar? the Sjtiem whioto HbLM HOLD'S fcXTKAOl UlC t \nvar\abi* d*j A TRIAL WILL COHVIWCB TBI H<MT ftKAPTlCaL. FEMA LBS- FEMA LES- FBMA LES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE. MAKRH D. '»R CONTKMPLATING MAKKlAOr In Many Afitttont Pttuiiar <e Ft ma,-1 the Extract Bucun is nue^ual d j auj trier r««n , edy, as id Chlo.oeift ui Kit^iitnn, Irr gu a ity. Painfuinees, or Svp?re*ftion o* ( iiiuinkri fevtouatioLB. U!c rateKJ or **ctur>oa« state uf tti* Ute iui. Leuoor'ti^a or Whitee, Steril-tj. a> d for all oomplainta looidect t > the »*>t, whether anaiac Ifoib indiscretion, Habit* of UiinfaUot, or ta ti>e , DECL1.VE OH CHANGE OF LIFE! ftBR ftTRrtuRI ABOVB NO FAMILY SHOULD BK WITHOUT IT. Tnkt 90 m*r* Balsam, Mtrcurf, or Unpltnm*! Ntdititu Jar UxftMiMl and Danger 1u MMiM. HE LidBOLD 8 EXTRACT BUCUU CCBBS SECRET DISEASES In *11 their Stanza; At little Expenee, Litue or no obange m Diet; No lEOunveaieooe, And no nzporurt. It causes a fre^u n: desire a* d (tree etrencth to UriL.aU>, thecebj Rem vi&g «'bet. uotioi.a, PreveLtinc and lui.ui ^ncturci ui tbe LietSra, Ai!&*inf tsiniid ir.flamm hnn «a frequent in the oUssof au~i aul Peuonout, Instated, and ttorm out Matter. TlfiSlillM t'POS TB0CSA5DS WHO HAVE BE EX THE VICTIMS 0* QUACKS, and who have paid ktavtjets to be cured la a short ume, aavefjund tti< 1 were deceived, auU that the ' mhos" has, by the uui>f"r«w.r/w »ttrtm*mu" bee a dried up m tt e itiUb, to breait oat in aa aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. fee HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU all affe jUoat and diseases of the IKIMABY ORGANS, whether existing in MALI OR FEMALE, from whatever oaaae originating and do matter of HOW LONG STANDING Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a DiV&XT1C. JIHLMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCUV 19 THE Gift AT DIURETIC, sod it is oertain to have tbe oesired effect ia Diseases far Mim it is rttomm*mdui. TIDBJfCB OF THE HOST (^KPrOXSIBLB AMD »»liable cbabactbb wililaooompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES. From 8 to 80 years' standing, "PHYSICIANSn PLEASE "NOTICE." WB MAX I "HO iBCBBT" Or "IMOBBDIBITTt.'' HtLMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCHU is oorapoaed ot Bnchu, Calebs and Jumper Berries, se.ected with treat care bj a oompeteat dufgiet. puvpivm / v r j/»no II T H. T. HELM BOLD, i'ractioal ud Aualyi.oaJ Chatbiat. and bu.e Manufacturer of HELM30LD b GENUINE PREPARATIONS. AFFIDAT1T. Feinonary appeared tiefora me an AldarvM of the oity of Ftn.ade.ftuA, H. T. UaHUi who being duly we a, dotn tay.hia rr*i«(abou«ootain no narootio, no meroar;, or uUtoi injurtuua drugs, but purely vegetable H. T. BELMBOL*. 8wom and tubaoribtd Nf».ra me, it:.- *jc day of November, \W WM. f AlBBfcHi). Aiderman. Ninth at.. a.-OYe Haoe, Phit*. PHYSICIANS lit ATTENDANCE thOM B A. M. TO to P. M. Prica SI ft batUi, or alx tar *. Delivered to My addraaa, Moaraiy pached tnm oh.» a atoo*. Addraaa lattat* for in/ormatinr la aoaidw B. T. BbLMBOLB, Clumi*, Depot, lot 80*th Tomth at., below Cheotnut, Phil*. BEWAKK OP COUNTKBPBITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS who endeavor to diapoeo -of thatr owi" and "oMMr7' aruaia* om taa rofatauua attAUMd by HtimktWt Ommnm « " Eztr+ci Jaato, if m' " u ti ttrtifirilla, 11 " Jwprea id Boaa fait. Won* ft. C. F*u, B. I. Hmwmn, b O. IUjok. iirriu * Unnci, J. SL. Maim Waahingttn mmI ALL DM.U&&18T8 tTMMYWMMMM. ASK VOm EXLMBOLS 'S - tajui IK) OTHML MClto XTwHimm Mi mi tor h. i ahd avoid ivroarioft Mi ixromwx* ' *9+ ^Jl1"

Transcript of · 2017. 12. 26. · $ \ i-L ' THEEVENING - STAR 1 . < j ' THE...

  • $ \i

    -L ' - 1 .


    < j ' THE WEEKLY 8TAK.FUBU8HBD EVB&T APTBELNOON, ^ I '(SUNDAY EXCEPTED.)mL V / A Wkig mtUm* l^*uT »ndNm MmlATTHESTAHBlILDiKilMM~ . A A A A . -̂ / M . ^ ,ennlalalnf S ffnater TartnSy * lnlere«nt readI rV A'W'V'W rtf W/%^

    .w. D. wallaoh. I r |||/|||V|I1 Sw I XI iP.pers .erred 1b packages bycarriers «l MI 7yll jt > M 1A/WW>Wa'Firecopies'.year, or 37 eents per month. *o mall .uhecriDeeŝ _/ /%T.BlOWM-fi Prsaufeci ^ Alh.* r boL»f«, Tsnis

    nwiHyHwKarQ4JNBOATBtorn 111 WEBTKAN B1VEHS.Qiummim Sunu'i Omcs, lwZikmtte*. Jwu 17, lMl.f

    PmoroeAL* are invited lor oonttraotinc tiaoIM1WW fetern rhrery

    iJita ej5SS»i«r»i't&'^Mn!iraBMt{P7o£e\ibo*t knt^ert ivatf eafwe-bmlM

    ^hlii will be teles istc"S'la -. tails hsrBsi



    The Fullest aad Most Reliable Newt fromthe Seat of Government!

    Reading Matter for the Fireside Circle!The present year is undoubtedly the moat eventfulIn the political history of this country, and the

    record of occurrences transpiring at the FedoralMetropolis is naturally ol striking and remarkableinterest. The public desire to receiveprompt, full and reliable account* of all tkatpasses here is most Intense, and we haveconsequently made alterations and improvementsIn tko ur^.VI« I.«/ 1*7.VI 1 srepertera eI the papere ana many otter persone, noticee ofvaiak have appeared again and again bo/iere the pabUc, be-t'.dtt kit ttuding u a. gtoiitmu «f ikuiewr ul ri«iwii»Ulty,It irfmai pirtmii l» tti tlitui mr lHy


    AUAns* EXPm! SlfAJIY "Thia Company offers to the pablio " UnequalledAdvantage*'' for the Safe ana Quick iiiapatoh of

    Heavy F eights Paokaaea, VaiuaKea, Money, /to.Ac., to all parts of the United Statea.Expresses to and f'om the North and West deM'j'tfr"in and artive tu W'ashicgton twioe dally.All Expreaaea are tn charge of *xptritmc*d andTtlxabl« Messengers.Ail Packagea for The Soidiera camea at "on

    hai.f" our usual rates.All Goods for the so-called "Confederate States"

    and all Articles * Contraband or War" will beRSTORKS.Ou' Expresses leave New York at 1. $, and I P.

    M.^arriving in Wastun*ton at 6 A. M. and 6JeExpressee leave Philadelphia at 8JD A. M. and11 P. M., arriving in Washington e-t i »> P. M. and6 A* IK.Expreaaea leave Baltimore at « fe) A. M. and S P.M., arriving in Waaiiington at 6 A.M. and S 90P MiExpreaaea for all points North and West leaveWas'nngton at 7.30 A. M. and 2J0 P M. danr.Special Contraota tor large quantities of Freight

    oan be made on application to thia < iffioe.All Goods nailed for and deliveredJru of Extracharges. E. W. PARSONS,8np*t Adams' i.i -r e.-s Company.Washington, August a, 1861. au a-tfYH.... .. WOOD AND COAL.OU Will snrely t?t your money's worth bysailing at the PIONEER MILLS, trmikmsi tm

    tr v Saeantk ilr««( and Cussi, (GEO. PAGE,Agent) They sell oheaper and give better meaaartthan any othera in the wty.out, split, and deliveredfree of charge. If yoe doc t t elieve , i vathe Pioneer Milla a tna., and besatisSad.i-lv.r

    f£OOiS AMD EtiJW VO SKIT VUWears sow mamthctmring ail klpd* of BOOT1u4 SHOES, and ooLstantly receiving aof eastern mads work of every de-HH.sci .»Qon. made expressly to order, ana willf IIbe soid at a mtoii lower pnoethat aas VViheretofore oharged in tlua eity for maeh inferietarticles.Persons in want at Boots and Sooea of eeaterc mt

    eity made work, will aiwarsbediioodaaeorlrc.eala ste-eud at tie Iowm* pnoes. 0iveua«!l.IIKFIN * URO.,


    4W oans SAUSAGE MEAT,S40caau FRKsH TOMATOES,«8»> e&as FRESH VEAL,360 cans KEEF lit modi,94Oftu FRESH MUTTON.MOeans BFEFaud GRAVY,HO can* SOUP and BOUILL1,jnoiwea FRENCH DESS1CATED VE«ETAHLE^t

    Fer aaie at New York Factory priori.KING k. BURCHELL.M tCor.r I and Fifteenth »tr»eta.

    U NEW BOOKS.HISTORY of the United Netherlands, by JohlLothrop Motley , i voie.; free b» mail, R4.The Rise of the Dstoh Repabke, a history, byJohn Lothrop Motley; S to a Cioth; free by nail,Silas Mamer, the Weaver of Ravelol, by theauthor of ''Adam Be4e , cloth igoents , paper CPorate*Life and Career of Major Andre, by WintropSarseant;After Ioebercs witk a Painter, a Summer Voyageto Labrador and Newfoundland; by Rev Louis LN"b e : #1J0The Manufacture of Phototenic or Hydro-Carbon Oils, by Thomas Autiaell, M. D.; fl/tt.Any ofthe abore free by mail.

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    WALL,.8TEPHEN8 * CO..svw l*a. » ., between Mb and 10U ikag ilatellneno^f and RwmMieaa.*

    WE OPFEK TO MILITARY MEN * lajMKsaortmentof OKEvaaJ jiL.UE FLANNELover-shirts, whi rjs fihikts, i> blankets half-H08tOko.vniob we invite all oaah parohaeere to examinebefore raaki&« theu eeleetHiaa.wall. STEPHENS * COmStt* Pa. abetween 9th aad 1Mb Ma.mB r«« T THI TfcCTH Of TUBUMStUMk

    THE CO\-»Tin o , u*CE AKKEcTEDWITH ORGANIC WKAKNES?.Require the i d o[ m«dieinp to tr'-ecHien and

    1 vif. rar? the Sjtiemwhioto HbLM HOLD'S fcXTKAOl UlC t

    \nvar\abi* d*jA TRIAL WILL COHVIWCB TBI H d for alloomplainta looidect t > the »*>t, whether anaiacIfoib indiscretion, Habit* of UiinfaUot, or ta ti>e ,



    Tnkt 90 m*r* Balsam, Mtrcurf, or Unpltnm*!Ntdititu Jar UxftMiMl and Danger1u



    In *11 their Stanza; At little Expenee,Litue or no obange m Diet; No lEOunveaieooe,And no nzporurt.

    It causes a fre^u n: desire a* d (tree etrencth toUriL.aU>, thecebj Rem vi&g «'bet. uotioi.a,PreveLtinc and lui.ui ^ncturci ui tbe LietSra,Ai!&*inf tsiniid ir.flamm hnn «afrequent in the oUssof au~i aulPeuonout, Instated, and ttorm out Matter.


    QUACKS,and who have paid ktavtjets to be cured la a shortume, aavefjund tti< 1 were deceived, auU that the' mhos" has, by the uui>f"r«w.r/w »ttrtm*mu"bee a dried up m tt e itiUb, to breait oat in aa aggravatedform, and


    fee HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHUall affejUoat and diseases of the

    IKIMABY ORGANS,whether existing in

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    HOW LONG STANDINGDiseases of these Organs require the aid of a DiV&XT1C.JIHLMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCUV

    19 THE GiftAT DIURETIC,sod it is oertain to have tbe oesired effect iaDiseasesfar Mim it is rttomm*mdui.TIDBJfCB OF THE HOST (^KPrOXSIBLB AMD »»liablecbabactbb

    wililaooompany the medicines.

    CERTIFICATES OF CURES.From 8 to 80 years' standing,


    HtLMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCHUis oorapoaed ot Bnchu, Calebs and Jumper Berries,se.ected with treat care bj a oompeteat dufgiet.

    puvpivm / v r j/»no

    II T H. T. HELM BOLD,i'ractioal ud Aualyi.oaJ Chatbiat. and bu.e ManufacturerofHELM30LD b GENUINE PREPARATIONS.

    AFFIDAT1T.Feinonary appeared tiefora me an AldarvM ofthe oity of Ftn.ade.ftuA, H. T. UaHUi whobeing duly we a, dotn tay.hia rr*i«(abou«ootainno narootio, no meroar;, or uUtoi injurtuua

    drugs, but a» purely vegetableH. T. BELMBOL*.

    8wom and tubaoribtd Nf».ra me, it:.- *jc day ofNovember, \W WM. f AlBBfcHi).Aiderman. Ninth at.. a.-OYe Haoe, Phit*.


    Prica SI ft batUi, or alx tar *.Delivered to My addraaa, Moaraiy pached tnmoh.» aatoo*.Addraaa lattat* for in/ormatinr la aoaidw

    B. T. BbLMBOLB, Clumi*,Depot, lot 80*th Tomth at., below Cheotnut, Phil*.


    who endeavor to diapoeo -of thatr owi" and"oMMr7' aruaia* om taa rofatauua attAUMd byHtimktWt Ommnm

    « " Eztr+ci Jaato,if m' " u ti ttrtifirilla,

    11 " Jwprea id Boaa fait.

    Won* ft. C. F*u, B. I. Hmwmn, b O.IUjok. iirriu * Unnci, J. SL. MaimWaahingttn mmI



    MClto XTwHimm Mi mi tor h. iahd avoid ivroarioft Mi ixromwx*

    ' *9+^Jl1"