2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx

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  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3.I (Period 8:1945 - 1980)

    Credit to: Adam Norri

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    !"ic# $rite % AP &'ortAner Practice

    “Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respecteveryone; but if someone puts his hand on you, sendhim to the cemetery.” Malcolm X, 19!

    “" refuse to accept the view that man#ind is sotra$ically bound to the starless midni$ht of racism and

    war that the bri$ht daybrea# of peace and brotherhoodcan never become a reality... " believe that unarmedtruth and unconditional love will have the %nal word.”Martin &uther 'in$, (r.

    1. in* t'e e+cerpt a,oe aner ,ot' (a) and (,).

    A) /riey e+pain 2N impication (cone"ence) or t'e AmericanCii 6i*'t 7oement.

    /) Identiy 2N pecic e+ampe o an ac'ieement in t'e Cii6i*'t 7oement t'at came a,o"t ,eca"e o t'ep'ioop'ie,eie ited a,oe.

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    !"ic# $rite % AP &'ortAner Practice - )X)M*&+

    1. in* t'e e+cerpt a,oe aner ,ot' (a) and (,).

    A) /riey e+pain 2N impication (cone"ence) or t'e American Cii 6i*'t


     'e impication a een it' t'ee o"rce i t'at t'e Cii 6i*'t 7oementin t'e 19500 a m"ti-tiered: it conited o ,ot' moderate and radica

    p'ioop'ie and did not ette on one et o"ndation o principe.6epreentin* a more radica approac' 7acom D a een it' 'iE*raeyardF comment a not iin* to epo"e t'e non-ioent peace"protet approac' ,eca"e oten time t'i met'od a met it' eere

    ,ac#a'. A a re"t t'e moement a a 'oe moed orard it' ariedmea*e (Non-ioent Protet to /ac# Poer or intance). timatey moto t'e ictorie o t'e moement (7ont*omery /" /oycott &it-in Greedom6ide etc.) o"d inc' t'e moement coer to t'e 194 Cii 6i*'t Act ater

    "in* E"nconditiona oeF t'an adocate o more radica p'ioop'ie.

    /) Identiy 2N pecic e+ampe o an ac'ieement in t'e Cii 6i*'t

    7oement t'at came a,o"t ,eca"e o t'e p'ioop'ie,eie ited a,oe.

     'e 7ont*omery /" /oycott a an eent t'at ed to t'e Non-Hioent

    Peace" Protet approac' mentioned a,oe ,y Kin*. 'e /oycott 'ic'ated oer a caendar year did to t'in*: 1) it *ot t'e &"preme Co"rt to r"et'at e*re*ation on p",ic ,"e a "ncontit"tiona and ) t'at ciidio,edience a an e>ectie ay o c'aen*in* t'e racia e*re*ation t'at

    'ad ,ecome part o t'e &o"t'. 'e /oycott created a to pron*ed approac'

    iti*ation and peace" protet t'at o"d ead ot'er *ro"p to c'aen*e t'e Jim Cro &o"t'.

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


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    Key Concept 8.3

    =Potar economic demo*rap'ic and tec'noo*icac'an*e 'ad a ar-reac'in* impact on Americanociety poitic and t'e enironment.?

    /i* Idea !"etion:

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3 I

    “apid economic and social chan$es in +mericansociety fostered a sense of optimism in the postwaryears, as well as underlyin$ concerns about howthese chan$es were a-ectin$ +merican values.”

    A: conomic rot' increaed d"e to:

    Gedera pendin* ,a,y ,oom *eneration propero"priate ,"inee

    Impact o t'i *rot'@

    &","r,ani;ation 'i*'er ed"cation opport"nitie =&"n/et? *ainin* in"ence (at e+pene o t'e =Grot /et?)

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


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    Key Concept 8.3 I

    Impact o t'i *rot'@

    &","r,ani;ation 'i*'er ed"cation opport"nitie =&"n

    /et? *ainin* in"ence (at e+pene o t'e =Grot /et?)

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    he BabyBoom

    ata on t'e E/oomF194L  3.8 miion ,a,ieere ,orn

    195  3.9 miion ,a,ieere ,orn

    1954 to 194  4 miionp" eac' year

    'en t'e ,oom nay

    tapered o> t'ere ere L.4miion =,a,y ,oomer? int'e nited &tate.

     'ey made "p amot 40percent o t'e nationFpop"ation.

    /0  'e ,a,y ,ooma ao accompanied,y a "r*e in 'omecontr"ction and amaie 'it toardpeope moin* to t'e","r,.

    1. +pain 'y yo"t'in# t'i a t'ecae.

    /0 2 34+&&)56)7 %A ery ar*epercenta*e o t'oemoin* to t'e ","r,ere 'ite. $'y doyo" t'in# t'i a t'ecae@ $'at doe t'ite yo" a,o"tAmerican ociet at

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


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     'e /a,y /oomer

    /0 2 8rawin$ 3onclusions: % Anay;e t'eine *rap' a,oe concernin* ,irt' rate data.

      $rite a % 3 entence o,eration on 'at yo"are eein* in t'e a,oe data. e pat .&.

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3 I

    B he rise of a homo$eneous mass culture

    $a ca"ed ,y:

    conomic and &ocia C'an*e

    An+iety oer t'e Cod $ar

    $a c'aen*ed ,y artit inteect"a and yo"t'

    /eat 7oement - riter t'at c'aen*ed midde

    ca conormity

     'e AM"ent &ociety (1958) - ,ro"*'t attention toincome diparity in pot-$$II &

    6oc# and ro m"ic - i Preey /eate

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


     'e 1950F 7an $oman

     'e 1950F man aepected to be:

    ectin*American a"e.?


  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3 I

    C: 6ie o a coneratie moement:

    $a ca"ed ,y:

    r,an "nret - riot in citie ($att) increaein ioence

     J"enie dein"ency

    C'aen*e to t'e traditiona amiy - increae

    in diorce rate and ,irt' o"t o edoc#

    Promoted t'eir on a*enda:

    &maer *oernment to"*'er tance on crime

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    6oc# EnF6o

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx



    =Potar economic demo*rap'ic and

    tec'noo*ica c'an*e 'ad a ar-reac'in* impacton American ociety poitic and t'eenironment.?

    1: in* yo"r #noed*e o nited &tate 'itory

    aner part a an ,.

    A) /riey e+pain 'y =5) o t'e ooin* 'epedimpact America ater $ord $ar II.

    •  'e /a,y /oom

    •  'e /eat 7oement

    • 6oc# and 6o

    /) /riey e+pain 'y =5) o t'e ot'er option i not

    a per"aie a t'e one yo" c'oe.

    &$/A anay;econtent romAP&< c"rric""m -Key concept 8.3.I(1945-1980)

    =6apid economic

    and ocia c'an*ein American ocietyotered a ene ooptimim in t'epotar year ae a "nderyin*concern a,o"t

    'o t'ee c'an*eere a>ectin*American a"e.?


  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - I.pptx


    2O=Potar economic demo*rap'ic and tec'noo*ica c'an*e 'ad a ar-reac'in* impact onAmerican ociety poitic and t'e enironment.?

    1: in* yo"r #noed*e o nited &tate 'itory aner part a an ,.

    A) /riey e+pain 'y =5) o t'e ooin* 'eped impact America ater $ord $ar II.

    •  'e /a,y /oom % he Baby Boom of the late 19>?s to the mid 19?sadded over @? million people to the population of the Anited tates.his event would lead to an eplosion in housin$, schoolin$, clothin$,automobile production, and overall consumerism. *olitically, this $roupof people would become very inCuential once they turned of a$e in the

    19@?s and 19D?s. ocially, this $roups would be associated with manysocial chan$es, includin$ the beat Movement and subseEuent non2conformity seen in the 19?s and 19@?s.

    •  'e /eat 7oement

    • 6oc# and 6o

    /) /riey e+pain 'y =5) o t'e ot'er option i not a per"aie a t'e one yo"c'oe.

    At'o"*' in"entia t'e /eat 7oement a in my mind e impact" t'an t'e /a,y/oom *eneration. It i tr"e t'at t'e /eat 7oement 'eped ,rin* a,o"t t'eco"nterc"t"re and 'ippie moement o t'e 19019L0. It i ao tr"e t'at t'i *ro"p opeope oera o"d 'ae a ar*e impact on poitic d"rin* t'e anti-Hietnam $ar year.

     'ey o"d indeed 'ep "e t'e ENe OetF moement o t'e 190 and 19L0.

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