2016 a year to.... Recalibrate Matthew 3:2 (Amp) Repent [ change your inner selfyour old way of...

download 2016 a year to.... Recalibrate Matthew 3:2 (Amp) Repent [ change your inner selfyour old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way.

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Recalibrate  Recalibrate - to calibrate (something) again  Calibrate – to set your aim or measurement to hit a mark or desired outcome  Recalibrate -To readjust or change your aim or measurements to hit a mark or desired outcome

Transcript of 2016 a year to.... Recalibrate Matthew 3:2 (Amp) Repent [ change your inner selfyour old way of...

2016 a year to... Recalibrate Matthew 3:2 (Amp) Repent [ change your inner selfyour old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek Gods purpose for your life ], for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Recalibrate Recalibrate - to calibrate (something) again Calibrate to set your aim or measurement to hit a mark or desired outcome Recalibrate -To readjust or change your aim or measurements to hit a mark or desired outcome Recalibrate Recalibrate Recalibrate Recalibrate Recalibrating your life, family, church Changes in your aim If you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results that is the definition of insanity! Recalibrate Recalibrate The real issue is change: 1.The knowledge that change is needed 2.The willingness t o change 3.The knowledge of what to change 4.The strategy to change 5.The power to change Recalibrate Why people do not change: fear, the past, preference, pressure to stay the same, uncertain what the change may require of them, unaware that you can access the power of God to be empowered to change. Recalibrate Romans 12:2a (Amp) - And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind Recalibrate The questions persist: What are we doing with our lives? What are the motives that order our days? Where are we trying to go? Where do we put the emphasis, and where are our values focused? For what end do we make sacrifices? Where is my treasure, and what do I love most in life? Recalibrate What are you trying to hit, or what goals do you have? In your life *spiritually *mentally *physically *financially *relationally *ministry change is required Recalibrate Do you ever feel like you just need to recalibrate?... Like youre going about your life and something is just a little off? Its easy to get so sidetracked by the business of living life as it is that we lose our bearing on life as He intended. Think back 10 years. Is the life youre living today what you envisioned then? Maybe you need to recalibrate to get back on track. Recalibrate Sometimes we encounter sudden corrections and unforeseeable detours that jar us from the path we were previously on: Surprise, were pregnant! Im sorry, the chemo doesnt seem to be working as well as wed hoped Were moving you up in the company. Were moving. Recalibrate Big events like these can knock us off track... but they can also help us to shake off everything thats not central to our identity and propel us forward, with new resolve, toward who we will be. But it doesnt have to take a life- altering event to help us do that. Recalibrate We can consistently recalibrate and make sure we are keeping our lives oriented around the mission and glory of God in our lives. We can step out of our routines and examine them. What has crept in that doesnt need to be a regular part of our day? What has distracted us from what we were hoping for (and stolen our hope in the process)? Recalibrate Recalibrate Revelation 2:4 (Amp) But I have this [charge] against you, that you have left your first love [you have lost the depth of love that you first had for Me]. 1.Make your relationship with Him the greatest priority. Recalibrate YOU MUST 1.Pray daily 2.Read the Bible daily 3.Worship daily 4.Journal 5.Assemble together 6.Have accountability 7.Seek discipleship Recalibrate Philippians 3:13b (AMP) -but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 2.Ask God what to remove or to let go of in your life! Recalibrate Isaiah 43:19 (AMP) Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. 3.Be ready to embrace the new from God. Recalibrate Hebrews 11:8 (ESV) "By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going." Grace Foursquare