2015 CACTE Summit program Final

Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education “Experience the Next Level of CTE” July 13-16, 2015

Transcript of 2015 CACTE Summit program Final

Colorado  Association  for  Career  and  Technical  Education

“Experience the Next Level of CTE”

July 13-16, 2015

�2 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Acronyms Used ACE: Alternative Cooperative Education ACTE: Association for Career and Technical Education CACTE: Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education CACTA: Colorado Association for Career and Technical Administrators CATFACS: Colorado Association Teachers of Family and Consumer Science CVATA: Colorado Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association CCCS: Colorado Community College System CBE: Colorado Business Educators CMEA: Colorado Marketing Education Association CSU: Colorado State University CTSO: Career and Technical Student Organization ICAPS- Individual Career and Academic Plans T & I: Trade and Industry division STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering Math STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math

2015 CACTE Board

Darrell Green PhD Executive Director Brenda Rhodes President Katy Blatnick-Gagné President-Elect Jennifer VanderMeer Past-President Brandee Gallegos Secretary Michelle Koch Treasurer Sarah Heath PhD CCCS Liaison Renee Kuharski PhD CACTA President Mimi Leonard CACTA President-Elect Michelle Koch CATFACS President Tracy Thompson Guidance and Career Development President Karen Sheff Business Division President

Lindsay Edy Marketing Division President Lance Jagers CVATA Representative Holly Smith Special Populations (ACE) President Ken HolmesPhD Trades and Industry President Rob Martin STEM, Arts and IT President-Elect Sarah Heath PhD ACTE President

Be Involved! Make a Difference! CACTE Day at the Capitol and CTE Month

February 2016 2016 ACTE National Policy Seminar

February 29-March 2 • Crystal Gateway Marriott

CACTE  Summer  Conference  2015  Sunday,  July  12,  2015  

4:00  pm-­‐7:00  pm    Board  mee?ng  Conference  Packet  setup  Registra?on  Area,  Registra?on  Desk  CACTE  Board  Only!    


 Monday,  July  13,  2015  

7:15  am  –  3:00  pm  Registra?on  Registra)on  Desk  

9:45  am-­‐  10:45  am  Snack  for  All-­‐  Concourse  Hall  

7:30  am  –  4:00  pm  Goldenglow  EDU  251  CTE  Capstone    This  capstone  course  in  the  secondary  CTE  creden)aling  sequence  offers  an  in-­‐depth  analysis  of  secondary  career  and  technical  student  organiza)ons  and  compe))ons,  the  Colorado  Technical  Act,  working  with  excep)onal  students,  crea)ng  and  effec)vely  deploying  program  advisory  commiEees,  and  an  overview  of  educa)onal  and  poli)cal  systems  in  Colorado.  The  final  project  is  an  analysis  of  the  efficiency  with  which  one's  employing  school  district  funds,  operates  and  assesses  CTE  programs.  Mary  Stecklein/  Joan  Root  

7:30  am-­‐  4:00  pm  Lake  Loveland  B  EDU  253  Academic  Instruc?on  in  CTE    This  course  is  for  Math,  Language  Arts  and  Science  teachers  who  want  to  gain  an  Integrated  Academic  CTE  Creden)al  approved  by  the  Colorado  Department  of  Educa)on.  It  is  also  for  CTE  teachers  who  wish  to  partner  with  core  academic  teachers  and  receive  assistance  on  lessons  integra)ng  academic  standards.  Mary  Stecklein/  Joan  Root  

11:30  am  -­‐1:00  pm  Lunch  for  All  Mountain  Holly/Pinyon  Pine  

�3 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

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1:00  pm-­‐  4:00  pm  Elderberry  Become  a  Principles-­‐Based  Work  Ethic  Educa?on  Program  Instructor.  

To  beEer  prepare  teachers,  trainers,  and  facilitators  of  Bring  Your  A  Game  to  Work,  the  Center  for  Work  Ethic  Development  offers  a  half-­‐day  Train-­‐the-­‐Trainer  cer)fica)on.    Led  by  one  of  the  experts  on  the  staff  of  The  Center,  this  workshop  serves  as  a  companion  to  the  Curriculum  Guide  and  includes  both  instruc)on  and  prac)cal  applica)on.    Specifically,  the  workshop  includes:  •  An  introduc)on  to  the  Work  Ethic  gap  in  America  and  the  impact  it  has  on  individuals,  organiza)ons,  and  the  country  •  The  keys  to  the  philosophy  and  applica)on  of  the  Bring  Your  A  Game  to  Work  curriculum  •  Examples  of  the  experien)al  exercises  designed  to  engage  and  inspire  par)cipants  •  Skills  prac)ce  and  coaching  where  each  par)cipant  presents  one  of  the  experien)al  exercises  from  the  Curriculum  Guide  At  the  comple)on  of  the  workshop,  each  par)cipant  is  cer)fied  with  a  fully  portable  Na)onally  Cer)fied  Work  Ethic  Trainer  cer)fica)on.    Josh  Davies    CEO-­‐  Center  for  Work  Ethic  Development  

1:00  pm  -­‐  4:00  pm  River  Birch  C  Industry  to  Educa?on-­‐  Developing  STEM  and  Fabrica?on  Labs  

Consider  developing  a  state  of  the  art  Digital  Fab  Lab  by  offering  students  the  opportunity  to  create  real  parts.  Let’s  start  working  with  Aluminum,  Carbon  Fiber  and  Kevlar.    Learn  how  to  create  contrast  cut  parts  and  expand  your  capabili)es  and  crea)ng  a  state  of  the  art  Digital  Fab  Lab.  Jeff  Slupe  CATT  LLC  

1:00  pm  -­‐  2:15  pm  Goldenglow  EDU  250  Career  and  Technical  Educa?on  in  Colorado  (Joining  EDU  251,  253)    

Creden)aling  course  for  CTE  Teachers  and  School  Counselors.    Mary  Stecklein/  Joan  Root/  Lauren  Jones  

2:30  pm  -­‐  3:30  pm  A\ernoon  Snack    Conven)on  Center  Hallway  

3:00  pm-­‐  4:00  pm  Lake  Loveland  A  EDU  260  Adult  Learning  and  Teaching  

Examines  the  philosophy  of  community  colleges  and  the  roles  and  responsibili)es  of  the  faculty  member  within  the  college  community.  Introduces  basic  instruc)onal  theories  and  applica)ons,  with  par)cular  emphasis  on  adult  learners.  Includes  syllabus  development,  learning  goals  and  outcomes,  and  lesson  plans.  Emphasizes  teaching  to  a  diverse  student  body,  classroom  management,  assessment  and  instruc)onal  technology.  Lauren  Jones  

3:00  pm-­‐  6:00    pm  Vendor  Setup-­‐  Conven?on  Center  Hallway  

�4 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015



�5 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

All  Conference  A_endees  are  Welcome  (Others  will  need  a  Special  Ticket)    CACTE  Summit  2015    Kick  Off  Night  at  Pelican  Lakes    6:00-­‐10:00  PM  Music  By  “Stumble  Monkey”  Food,  Drinks,  Wine  and  Beer    Sponsored  By  CATT-­‐LLC  Board  the  buses  by  the  Conven?on  Center  main  doors  star?ng  at  5:45.  Last  bus  returning  at  10:00  PM

Tuesday,  July  14,  2015  7:15  am–  2:00  pm  Registra?on    Registra)on  Desk  


10:00  am  Conven)on  Center  Hallway  Coffee  with  Exhibitors  



�6 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

8:00  am  -­‐  8:30  am  CACTE  Meet  &  Greet    

CACTE  President-­‐Brenda  Rhodes  CACTE  Secretary-­‐  Michelle  Koch  CACTE  Execu?ve  Director-­‐Darrell  Green  PhD  

Mountain  Holly/Pinyon  Pine      

 8:30  am  -­‐9:00  am    Mountain  Holly  CACTE  Opening  Session                                      

Introduc?ons  and  Logis?cs,Sarah  Heath  PhD-­‐    ACTE  President  

Colorado  Assistant  Provost  for  Career  and  Technical  Educa?on  Membership,  ACTE  Career  Tech  Vision  2015,  CCCS  Update  and  Future  CTE  Plans  

9:00  am  -­‐10:00  am    Mountain  Holly/Pinyon  Pine  

CACTE  General  Session        Chaos  Theory  of  Career  in  a  Changing  World  Jon  Schiesinger-­‐  Assistant  Director  for  Strategic  Planning  &  Communica?on  Career  Services,  University  of  Colorado  Boulder    Chaos  Theory  of  Careers  provides  an  updated  framework  for  understanding  career  development  in  a  modern  work  environment.  Discover  the  founda)ons  of  Chaos  Theory  of  Careers  with  a  new  integrated  model  suitable  for  use  in  21st  century  careers  and  with  diverse  popula)ons.  

Visit our Sponsors and Exhibitors

Presentation by

Sarah Heath PhD

ACTE President

Presentation by Jon Schiesinger

Tuesday  July  14,  2015  10:00  am  -­‐  12:00  pm  

Division  Sessions  and  Workshops  

Health  Division  Sessions  Stacey  Hervey  Ac?ng  President  Big  Thompson  A      

CACTA  Division  Sessions  Renee  Kuharski  PhD  President-­‐  Administra)on  Division  Elderberry      

10:15  –  11:30  noon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Creden.aling  Discussion  -­‐                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Facilitators:  David  Barnes,  CCCS  and  Chris  Hill,  CDE  11:30  –  12:30  pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CACTA  Business  Mee.ng  and  Installa.on  of  CACTA  officers  for  15-­‐16  Facilitator:  Renee  Kuharski,  Ph.D.  President  and  Execu.ve  CommiQee  12:30  –  1:15  pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lunch  –With  CACTE  –  Canyon  Maple  A-­‐C    1:30  pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Car  pool  to  Front  Range  Jersey  Dairy  -­‐  hQp://www.touradairyfarm.com      28615  CR17  Windsor;  hQp://www.mapquest.com/?q=28615+County+Road+17%2C+Windsor%2C+CO+80550-­‐3505#f557680d8715e5a6367dd6e4  2:00pm  –  4:00  pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tour  of  Front  Range  Jersey  Dairy:  including:  Dis.llery  presenta.on-­‐cocktails  made  with  dairy  products;  Cheese  presenta.on-­‐Longview  Creamer;  Tas.ng-­‐cocktails,  local  cheeses,  fruit;  Tour:  Milking  parlor,  Baby  animals,  Dairy  cows-­‐one  poses  for  selfies,  Tour  Longview  Creamery  (on  property)  5:00pm  –  6:30  pm      Embassy  Suites  Managers  Special      “Happy  Hour”  with  CACTE  and  relax  before  dinner  6:00pm  –  7:00pm                                  Embassy  Suites  shuQle  to  Bent  Fork  the  Grill                                                                                                                                                                                                          The  Embassy  Suites  provides    a  complimentary  shuQle  and  will  provide  transporta.on  to  the  restaurant,  which  is  2.6  miles  from  hotel.  7:00pm  –  9:00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dinner  at  Bent  Fork  the  Grill  Join  your  colleagues  for  dinner!  RSVP’s  are  a  must.  Bent  fork  is  a  locally  owned  independent  restaurant;  Bent  Fork  the  grill  serves  a  diverse  offering  of  tradi.onal  dishes  that  are  inven.ve,  fresh,  and  flavorful  in  a  dis.nc.ve  environment  of  casual  sophis.ca.on.    

�7 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

CATFACS  Division  Sessions  Michelle  Koch  President-­‐  Family  and  Consumer  Sciences  Division  River  Birch  C      

10-­‐11:15  Update12:00-­‐  12:30  Lunch/Networking-­‐  Embassy  Suites 12:30-­‐1:00  Travel  )me 1:00-­‐2:00  Rice's  Honey  Tour,  Greeley2:00-­‐2:30  Travel  )me 2:30-­‐3:30  Distor)ons  Unlimited  Tour,  Greeley3:30-­‐4:00  Back  to  Windsor4:00-­‐5:00  Shopping  in  Windsor,  Memory  Lane  An)ques   5:00        Dinner  at  Chimney  Park  Bistro    

Guidance  and  Career  Development  Division  Sessions  Tracy  Thompson  President-­‐  Guidance  and  Career  Development  Division  Lake  Loveland  B      

9:00  -­‐  10:00                    Keynote  10:30  –  12:00              John  Schlesinger  (Con)nue  Chaos  Theory  of  Careers  in  a  Changing  World)                    12:00  –  1:15                  Lunch  with  CACTE  in  Canyon  Maple  A-­‐C  1:15  –  2:15                      Guidance  and  Career  Development  Division    Mee)ng            2:15  –  3:00                      ICAP,  career  pathways,  etc…    (ACE  Division  joining)  3:30  -­‐  5:00                        Break/Tour  High  Hops  Brewery  and  Garden                                                                Dinner  on  your  own  

Guidance  and  Career  Development  Division  Sessions  Holly  Smith  President-­‐  ACE  and  Special  Popula)ons  Division  Lake  Loveland  A      

10:15  –  10:30  Introduc?ons  (All  aEendees)  Name,  City,  School,  What  they  want  out  of  Division  Day    10:30  –  12:00  State  of  ACE  -­‐-­‐  State  of  ACE:  Let’s  reconnect.  Whether  you  are  new  to  Alterna)ve  Coopera)ve  Educa)on  (ACE)  or  have  been  in  for  years,  our  purpose  con)nues  to  evolve.  During  this  session  we  will  discuss  what  is  happening  on  a  na)onal,  state,  and  local  level  with  ACE.  This  will  provide  an  opportunity  for  aEendees  to  understand  our  respec)ve  responsibili)es  including  working  with  our  CTSO  (SC)2,  working  with  our  community,  VE135,  etc.  and  how  they  affect  us  on  a  local,  state,  and  na)onal  level.  1:00  –  2:00  CDE:  Indicator  13,  Transi?on,  Post-­‐School  Outcomes  -­‐  Gail  Lo_  (CDE)    Your  program  is  integral  in  mee)ng  Federal  Post-­‐School  Outcomes  and  Tier  2  RtI  requirements.  Gloria  Howell,  Gail  LoE,  and  Linda  Tegtmeier  from  the  Colorado  Department  of  Educa)on  (CDE)  will  speak  to  how  you  can  advocate  to  your  administra)on  and  team  about  the  role  ACE  plays  in  your  district  mee)ng  Federal  regula)ons  and  improving  student  outcomes.  They  will  discuss  CDE’s  expecta)ons  in  their  mission  to  support  students  to  effec)vely  promote  their  post-­‐secondary  success.  Parameters  will  be  provided  of  what  appropriate  Indicator  13  compliant  goals  around  career  employment  look  like  and  how  post  school  outcome  data  is  used  to  improve  student  success.    Join  Counseling  (Our  mee)ng  rooms  are  right  next  to  each  other.)      

�8 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

2:15  –  3:15  ICAP  –  Lauren  Jones  (CCCS)    Individual  Career  and  Academic  Plan,  ICAP,  is  becoming  founda)onal  as  we  look  at  student  career  pathways  and  academic  scheduling  for  our  students.  As  ICAP  is  integrated  more  effec)vely  into  our  schools,  it  is  important  to  know  how  you  support  this  within  your  ACE  classroom.  The  goals  of  ACE  and  the  philosophy  behind  ICAP  are  synonymous.  Lauren  Jones  from  the  Colorado  Community  College  Systems  (CCCS)  will  speak  to  the  changes  in  ICAP  and  how  you  can  use  your  curriculum  to  help  meet  ICAP  requirements.    3:30  -­‐  Tour  at  High  Hops-­‐-­‐  Goats,  Garden,  and  Brews    (which  is  a  5  minute  drive  from  our  hotel).  

 Trades  and  Industry  Division  Sessions  Ken  Holmes  PhD  President-­‐  Trades  and  Industry  Division  Goldenglow      

10:00      T&I  Division  Business  Mee)ng10:30    Electude  Oline  Learning  Tools              Presenta)on  via  Face)me              Game-­‐Based  Learning      

11:00   Sessions  and  Workshops  

Session  #1:  Habitat  for  Humanity  Presenta?on-­‐  Habitat  for  Humanity,  Denver,  will  be  here  to  discuss  opportuni)es  for  your  students  to  get  involved  in  helping  others  and  doing  some  real  prac)cal  hands  on  work.  A  workshop  designed  to  assist  you  in  providing  real  life  learning  experience.  Not  just  trades  but  marke)ng  and  enterprise  skills.

Session  #2:  Teaching  Mixed  Genera?ons  in  the  Classroom-­‐  Today’s  classroom  popula)on  comes  with  a  variety  of  genera)onal  learning  processes.  In  this  workshop,  par)cipants  will  learn  how  their  genera)on  learning  process  can  influence  or  detract  from  effec)ve  learning  to  take  place.  For  those  who  work  with  a  college  popula)on,  your  class  room  may  have  mixed  genera)onal  learning  processes.  Get  some  ideas  how  to  work  with  this.  

Session  #3:  Update  Your  Ligh?ng-­‐  A  short  hands-­‐on  workshop  to  teach  you  about  LED  ligh)ng  and  how  to  retrofit  your  home  or  lab  with  the  newest  ligh)ng  on  the  market.  I  felt  that  this  presenta)on  was  worthwhile  as  you  can  use  the  informa)on  to  upgrade  your  home  ligh)ng  in  a  very  simple  way  and  save  money.  For  those  in  the  construc)on  trades,  you  will  learn  the  new  ways  ligh)ng  is  changing  for  new  work  or  retrofit  situa)ons.    

12:00   Lunch  With  CACTE  in  Canyon  Maple  A-­‐C        

1:00   Tours                                        Anheuser-­‐Busch  Tour,  Art  Cas)ng  Studio  of  Colorado,  Solar  and  Sustainable  Energy  Tour  

�9 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Business  Educa?on  Division  Sessions Karen  SheffPresident-­‐  Business  Educa)on  DivisionCarter  Lake  A  

10:00am          WELCOME,  CBE  Business  Division  Sessions  (Marke)ng  Divison  welcome  to  join  us)  10:15am          Stephanie  Murphy,  Junior  Achievement,  Digital  Presenta)ons  

Learning  by  doing:  Students  run  a  business  from  start  to  finish  Now  digi)zed,  the  updated  JA  Company  Program  includes  13  new  modular  experiences  as  part  of  a  blended-­‐learning  approach  that  offers  students  the  opportunity  to  launch  a  business  while  learning  the  basics  of  entrepreneurship,  financial  literacy  and  business  success.  

11:00am          Break  11:15am          Sara  Harville,  Cengage,  Financial  Literacy  12:00pm          Lunch  (provided  by  CACTE  included  in  your  registra)on);  CBE  Update  1:00pm              Business/FBLA  Update  from  Laurie  Urich  and  Jacqui  Geiselman  2:45pm            Colorado  Business  Educators  (CBE)  Board  Mee)ng  4:45pm            Take  free  hotel  shuEle  downtown  to  Happy  Hour/Brewery  Tour    

(Heavy  appe)zers  sponsored  by  Sara  Harville  from  Cengage/Na)onal  Geographic)  

Stem,  Arts  &  IT  Division  Sessions  Rob  Mar?n-­‐  President-­‐  STEM,  Arts  and  IT  Division  River  Birch  B  (Anernoon  split  with  Elderberry  )  See  Separate  Division  Schedule  in  conference  bag  

Marke?ng  Educa?on  Division  Carter  Lake  B  See  Division  Schedule  

Agricultural  Educa?on  Division  Big  Thompson  B  (  May  join  any  of  the  other  Divisions)  See  Division  Schedule  

12:00  pm  -­‐1:15  pm  Mountain  Holly/Pinyon  Pine  

CACTE  LUNCH  for  All  -­‐  Exhibitor  Presenta?ons          

1:15  pm  -­‐  5:00  pm  Division  Sessions  and  Tours  Con?nue  


2:30  pm  -­‐  3:00  pm  Dessert  with  the  Vendors  

Conven)on  Center  Hallway  

5:00  pm-­‐  10:00  pm    Division  Dinners  (See  Division  Officers  for  informa?on)  

�10 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Dessert with Vendors

2:30- 3:00

 Wednesday,  July  16,  2014  8:00  am  –  12:00  pm  Registra)on    Registra)on  Desk  

8:00  am  –  5:00  pm  Vendor  Exhibits    

Conven)on  Center  Hallway


9:30  am  –  9:45  am  Snack  with  Vendors    Conven)on  Center  Hallway      

Wednesday  July  15,  2015  9:45  am  -­‐  10:45  am  

Professional  Development  Sessions  Session  1  River  Birch  C  Aluminum  /  Carbon  Fiber  /  Kevlar  Rapid  Prototyping    

Consider  developing  a  state  of  the  art  Digital  Fab  Lab  by  offering  students  the  opportunity  to  create  real  parts.  Let’s  start  working  with  Aluminum,  Carbon  Fiber  and  Kevlar.    Learn  how  to  create  contrast  cut  parts  and  expand  your  capabili)es  and  crea)ng  a  state  of  the  art  Digital  Fab  Lab.      Forrest  Hicks,  

  Sales/Service/Training     Career  and  Technical  Training,  LLC    

8:00  am  -­‐9:30  am    Mountain  Holly/Pinyon  Pine  

CACTE  General  Session        

Reading  the  Tells  –  Learning  How  to  Read  Body  Language  Jerry  Balistreri,  M.S.,  M.Ed.,  ASTD  Cer)fied  Trainer,  Professional  Trainer,  Speaker  and  Author                                          

Reading  the  Tells  is  a  powerful  training  seminar  that  gives  you  prac)cal  techniques,  tools,  and  strategies  for  understanding  and  using  non-­‐verbal  communica)on  for  the  highest  impact  and  effec)veness.    Become  a  highly  respected,  highly  influen)al,  and  highly  successful  communicator!    Whether  you  are  a  teacher,  manager,  principal,  supervisor,sales  rep,  aEorney,  or  HR  professional,  the  degree  of  career  success  you  enjoy  is  virtually  dictated  by  your  skills  in  communica)ng  with  others.  

�11 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Snack Time9:30 am- 9:45 am

Visit with Exhibitors while enjoying your morning snack!

Session  2  Elderberry  Gaps,  Cracks  and  Weeds:  Equity  in  our  classrooms  &  career  development  

Apply  knowledge  of  implicit  bias  and  micromessaging  to  iden)fy  strategies  that  increase  the  par)cipa)on,  persistence,  and  comple)on  of  students  in  CTE  programs  that  lead  to  nontradi)onal  careers.  Experience  and  learn  about  micro  inequi)es,  micro  affirma)ons,  toolkits  for  implementa)on  of  curriculum,  program  improvement  strategies  and  collabora)ve  prac)cal  take-­‐aways  that  will  leave  you  with  an  increased  consciousness,  awareness  and  a  desire  to  begin  cultural  change.  Lauren  k  Jones    

CTE  Program  Director  for  Career  Guidance,  Counseling  &  ACE  Colorado  Community  College  System  

Session  3    GoldenGlow  EDU  251and  EDU  253  CTE  Capstone  

Career  and  Technical  Student  Organiza)ons  (CTSO's).  Open  to  everyone!  Tony  Raymond/  Mary  Stecklein/Joan  Root  

Session  4  River  Birch  B  Workforce  Innova?on  and  Opportunity  Act  (WIOA)  101  (How  does  this  impact  your  Programs?)  

Curious  about  the  new  Workforce  Innova)on  and  Opportunity  Act  (WIOA)  and  how  it  impacts  your  programs  and  work?    Some  common  themes  of  this  new  law  include  coordina)on  and  integra)on  across  core  programs,  u)liza)on  of  sector  partnerships  and  career  pathways,  stronger  business  engagement,  and  enhanced  focus  on  those  with  barriers  to  employment.  AEend  this  session  if  you  want  to  learn  more  about  these  themes  and  what  they  mean  for  your  work  and  for  Colorado!  Mary  Probst-­‐    Project  Coordinator  Colorado  Workforce  Development  Council    

Session  5  Lake  Loveland  B  ”Thinking  Outside  of  Your  Program  Box”    

CTE  is  changing!  CTE  is  recognized  as  a  viable  career  op)on  for  ALL  students  and  an  important  component  of  educa)onal  reform.  This  session  will  explore  changes  occurring  in  CTE  and  why  administrators  and  instructors  should  have  an  understanding  of  how  they  affect  CTE  programs.  Topics  covered  include:  sector  partnerships,  career  pathways,  appren)ceships  and  work-­‐based-­‐learning  (WBL).  Ben  Nesbi_  Program  Director,  Skilled  Trades  &  Technical  Sciences  Colorado  Community  College  System  


�12 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015


Session  6  Carter  Lake  A  Creden?als  for  a  Digital  World  

"Effec)ve,  high-­‐quality  CTE  programs  are  aligned  with  college-­‐  and  career-­‐readiness  standards  as  well  as  the  needs  of  employers,  industry,  and  labor.”    Strengthen  the  substance  and  value  of  your  curriculum  by  delivering  real-­‐world,  recognized  creden)als  and  promo)ng  career  and  college  readiness  among  your  students. Come  see  how  cer)fica)on  can  give  your  students  the  edge!  The  session  will  focus  on  cer)fica)ons  for  MOS,  Adobe,  Autodesk,  QuickBooks,  IC3,  MTA  and  HP.  Bob  Imhoff                                                                                                                    Territory  Manager  Cer)port  

Session  7  Lake  Loveland  A  Disaffected  Youth  and  the  Road  to  Trouble  (How  do  your  students  use  Technology  and  Social  Media?)  

Find  out  how  students  u)lize  the  web  and  an  overview  of  social  media,  what  schools  need  to  be  aware  of  (from  bullying  to  extremist  groups)  and  quick  ways  to  incorporate  technology  into  your  classroom.  The  presenta)on  will  cover  disaffected  youth  rela)onships,  causa)on  and  preven)on  and  will  focus  on  the  lure  of  the  internet.  Stacey  will  cover  why  students  are  suscep)ble,  what  teachers  and  schools  need  to  be  aware  of  with  social  media,  and  easy  ways  to  create  resiliency  in  students  to  avoid  the  pixalls.  Special  aEen)on  will  be  paid  to  recent  developments  in  extremist  groups  targe)ng  students.    Stacey  Hervey  Criminal  Jus)ce  and  Forensic  Instructor  CEC  Middle  College  of  Denver  

Session  8  Big  Thompson  B  Integra?ng  21st  Century  Skills  into  Everyday  Lessons  

As  the  call  for  whole  student  development  increases,  educators  are  expected  to  develop  more  than  academics  and  specific  work  skills.  Learn  how  to  inten)onally  integrate  the  development  of  20  essen)al  skills  like  teamwork,  leadership,  and  grit  into  your  every  day  lessons,  and  measure  the  effec)veness  of  your  programs.  Tara  Laughlin,  Ed.  D                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Readiness  Curriculum  Guru  Michael  L  Simpson,  PCC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Co-­‐founder  and  CEO  Pairin,  Inc.  

Session  9  Carter  Lake  B  Adding  Cyber  Security  to  your  IT  Program  

Cyber  Security  is  the  fastest  growing  segment  of  the  IT  market  with  more  than  1  million  unfilled  jobs  worldwide.  This  presenta)on  will  focus  on  what  Cyber  Security  is,  the  career  paths  available  in  the  Cyber  Security  job  market  and  how  to  begin  or  incorporate  a  Cyber  Security  program  into  a  new  or  exis)ng  IT  program.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Steve  Beaudry                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Regional  Sales  Manager                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Marcran  

�13 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Wednesday  July  15,2015  11:00  am  -­‐  11:55  pm  

Professional  Development  Sessions  Session  1  River  Birch  B  Reading  the  Tells  -­‐  Detec?ng  Decep?on  &  Lying  for  Educators  

Many  school  personnel  assigned  the  responsibility  of  student  discipline  have  received  training  in  the  Reid  Interview  &  Interroga)on  Techniques.    This  training  is  specialized  and  targeted  to  go  beyond  Reid,  addressing  body  language,  the  science  of  lying,  and  examina)on  of  the  content  and  structure  of  interviewees  that  may  be  decep)ve.    This  training  will  have  u)lity  and  value  in  dealing  with  students,  teachers,  and  parents.      Jerry  Balistreri  M.S.,  M.Ed.,  ASTD  Cer)fied  Trainer,  Professional  Trainer,  Speaker  and  Author  

Session  2  Carter  Lake  A  The  Newest  Innova?ons  in  Workplace  Ethics  

•  An  introduc)on  to  the  Work  Ethic  gap  in  America  and  the  impact  it  has  on  individuals,  organiza)ons,  and  the  country.  •  The  keys  to  the  philosophy  and  applica)on  of  the  Workplace  Ethics  curriculum,  newest  developments  in  curriculum  design.  Josh  Davies    CEO-­‐  Center  for  Work  Ethic  Development  

Session  3  Lake  Loveland  A  Pathway  to  a  CTE  Bachelor  of  Applied  Science  (BAS)  Degree      

CTE  has  come  a  long  way!  Gone  are  the  days  when  an  Associate  of  Applied  Science  degree  is  the  end  of  a  pathway.  Colorado  Mountain  College  has  a  NEW  Bachelor  of  Applied  Science  degree  that  is  a  seamless  pathway  from  any  AAS  degree.  Come  learn  about  this  new  degree,  a  first  in  Colorado,  and  how  it  can  propel  students  into  leadership,  management  and  supervisory  posi)ons  within  their  chosen  CTE  field.    Dr.  Renee  Kuharski Assistant  VP  Academic  Affairs  -­‐  Career  &  Technical  Educa)on  Colorado  Mountain  College  

Session  4  Goldenglow  EDU  251  CTE  Capstone-­‐Crea)ng  Integrated  Lesson  Plans  with  CTSO  Ac)vi)es  and  Rubrics  

This  capstone  course  in  the  secondary  CTE  creden)aling  sequence  offers  an  in-­‐depth  analysis  of  secondary  career  and  technical  student  organiza)ons  and  compe))ons,  the  Colorado  Technical  Act,  working  with  excep)onal  students,  crea)ng  and  effec)vely  deploying  program  advisory  commiEees,  and  an  overview  of  educa)onal  and  poli)cal  systems  in  Colorado.  The  final  project  is  an  analysis  of  the  efficiency  with  which  one's  employing  school  district  funds,  operates  and  assesses  CTE  programs.  Mary  Stecklein-­‐   Strategic  Decisions  Consul)ng  LLC  

Session  5  �14 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Lake  Loveland  B  Colorado's  Talent  Pipeline    (Come  and  see  the  data  to  use  in  your  programs!)  

This  session  will  provide  a  snapshot  of  Colorado's  current  and  future  talent  pipeline-­‐  both  by  reviewing  data  and  understanding  demand  directly  from  businesses.  Learn  about  sector  partnerships  and  career  pathways,  strategies  being  implemented  to  ensure  Coloradan's  have  access  to  meaningful  employment  and  that  Colorado  businesses  have  the  talent  they  need  to  thrive.  Emily  Lesh-­‐   Assistant  Director  Colorado  Workforce  Development  Council  

Session  6  Elderberry  Deep  Dive  into  the  Colorado's  ICAP  Toolkit  (Help  guide  your  students  through  the  ICAP  process!)  

ICAP  is  a  mul)-­‐year  process  that  inten)onally  guides  students  and  families  in  the  explora)on  of  career,  academic  and  postsecondary  opportuni)es.  With  the  support  of  adults,  students  develop  the  awareness,  knowledge,  aytudes,  and  skills  to  create  their  own  meaningful  and  powerful  pathways  to  be  career  and  college  ready.  Bring  your  handheld  devices,  laptops  or  other  internet  accessible  plaxorms  so  to  explore  the  online  toolkit  for  ICAP  implementa)on.  We’ll  explore  quality  indicators,  standards  crosswalks,  promising  prac)ces,  growth  models,  readiness  &  development  tools  and  more.  Lauren  Jones-­‐   CTE  Program  Director  for  Career  Guidance,  Counseling  &  ACE  Colorado  Community  College  System  

Session  7    Big  Thompson  B  Teaching  the  Hybrid/  Online  Course  

Whether  we  like  it  or  not,  the  future  of  CTE  is  going  to  be  a  combina)on  of  hybrid/online  learning.  This  workshop  will  discuss  the  process  of  teaching  this  way  and  what  you  as  an  educator  should  do  to  prepare  for  this  change.  It  will  be  an  interac)ve  presenta)on  so  bring  your  IPads  and  laptops.  Ken  Holmes  PhD  Adjunct  Industrial  Robo)c  Instructor  Pikes  Peak  Community  College  Colorado  Springs  Centennial  Campus  

Session  8  Big  Thompson  A  Real  Career  Welding  Solu?ons:  Tools  Designed    to  Improve  your  Program  

Create  beEer  welders  quicker!  Give  your  students  hands-­‐on  experience  to  gain  proper  welding  techniques  with  welding  simula)on  and  real  welding  guidance!  Experience  the  NEW  RealCareer  Welding  Solu)ons  including  guideWELD  VR  welding  simulator  and  guideWELD  LIVE  real  welding  guidance  system  to  see  how  this  solu)on  combina)on  will  benefit  your  program.      Cathy  Stenger  Field  Account  Manager  Realityworks,  Inc.    

Session  9  

�15 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

River  Birch  C  How  might  we  fulfill  today’s  students’  need  for  a  real-­‐world,  relevant,  visually  s?mula?ng  and  digitally  engaging  exemplary  learning  Ecosystem?  

Join   us   to   immerse   in   exemplary   prac)ces   and   connect  with   leaders   of   the   transforma)ve   STEM  innova)ons  at  Otero  J.C.,  LaJunta,  CO,    and  explore  the  “Design  Thinking  Process”  underlying  the  groundbreaking   NSF-­‐funded     hEp://inspires.umbc.edu/module/hemodialysiscs.html   project   to  learn  how  to  empower  youth  in  STEM  careers  and  drama)cally  deliver  equity  and  excellence    to  all  students.  Sheila  Lucas,  M.A.,  M.Ed.  and  Dave  Lucas  Professional  Development  Consultants  and  TrainersNxGenLearning.net  

Session  10  Carter  Lake  B  EDU  253  Academic  Instruc?on  in  CTE  (AICTE)      

Academic  Instruc)on  in  CTE...Prac)ce  of  LArts,  Math  or  Science  Integrated  Lesson  Plans  in  CTE    Joan  Root      CTE  Director  Brighton  School  District  


�16 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

12:00 pm- 1:20 pm Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine Ballrooms

Legislative Day Luncheon

Legislative Update Stacey Lestina

Colorado Consulting LLC

Legislative Panel Attracting, Training, and Developing CTE Educators in Colorado 

CACTE Merit Award

Wednesday  July  15,  2015  1:30  pm  -­‐  4:30  pm  

Professional  Development  Tours  Front  Range  Community  College-­‐  Larimer  Campus  

Manufacturing  Energy  &  Technology  Facilitator:  Ken  Floyd  Ac)vity:  TBA      

Natural  Resources  &  Wildlife  Facilitator:  Jennifer  Lee      

Nursing  Lab  Facilitator:  Lori  Cicero,  Kacee  Scheidenhelm,  Terri  Rostad  Ac)vity:  Par)cipants  will  get  to  use  stethoscopes,  Birthing      

Virtual  Welder/  Welding  Shop  Session  Facilitator:  Thompson  Tindall  Ac)vity:  Par)cipants  will  get  to  try  the  Virtual  Welder  and  have  a  walkthrough  of  the  Welding  Shop  

Aims  Community  College  1:30  –  1:45pm:  Travel  to  AATC  1:45  –  2:25pm:  AATC  Automo)ve  Technology  tour  2:25  –  2:40pm:  Travel  to  Greeley  2:40  –  3:20pm:  Communica)ons  Media  tour  3:20  –  4:00pm:  AVT  -­‐Avia)on  tour  4:00  –  4:30pm:  Industrial  Technology  tour  

O_erBox  Manufacturing  OEerBox  -­‐  Salazar  Facility.    OEerBox  is  one  of  the  largest  cell  phone  and  computer  case  manufacturers.  The  Salazar  Facility  is  a  very  large  scale  opera)on  that  ships  directly  to  stores  like  Walmart,  Best  Buy,  Amazon,  and  Sprint.  There  is  also  a  very  heavy  manufacturing  presence  at  Salazar.    

New  Belgium  Brewery  Green  Technology  is  the  norm  at  New  Belgium  Brewery.  They  prac)ce  99%  Recycling.  They  are  one  of  the  largest  private  brewers.    Find  out  what  Sustainability  Management  System  (SMS)  is.    

�17 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Buses  leave  from  the    Conven?on  Center.  

Don’t  be  late.  We  have  to  leave  on  Pme!  

ALL  Buses  must  leave  by  1:40  PM  

Advanced  Technology  Center-­‐  Boulder  Campus                                  Par)cipants  will  be  split  into  two  Groups-­‐  A  and  B.  This  will  be  a  hands  on  tour.  Par)cipants                                  will  have  )me  to  try  some  of  our  manufacturing  and  matching  tools.                                  2:00-­‐2:15-­‐  ATC  Tour  for  Groups  A  and  B                                  2:15-­‐2:45-­‐  Group  A  in  Room  C1774  for  presenta)ons-­‐  Nicole  Gervace-­‐  Employer  Outreach                                                                        Coordinator,  Jennifer  Fyhrie-­‐  Navigator,  George  Newman-­‐  Machining  Program                                                                        Director                                  2:15-­‐3:15-­‐  Group  B  in  Shop  for  Manufacture  of  FRCC  Key  Chain-­‐  Larry  Hartman-­‐  Machining                                                                        Faculty,  George  Deeb-­‐  Machining  Instructor,  Harold  Meloy,  Jr.-­‐  Shop  Technician                                  2:45-­‐3:45-­‐  Group  A  in  Shop  for  Manufacture  of  FRCC  Key  Chain-­‐  Larry  Hartman-­‐  Machining                                                                        Faculty,  George  Deeb-­‐  Machining  Instructor,  Harold  Meloy,  Jr.-­‐  Shop  Technician                                  3:15-­‐3:45-­‐  Group  B  in  Room  C1774  for  presenta)ons-­‐  Nicole  Gervace-­‐  Employer  Outreach                                                                        Coordinator,  Jennifer  Fyhrie-­‐  Navigator,  George  Newman-­‐  Machining  Program                                                                        Director                                  3:45-­‐  Both  Groups  in  C1774  or  in  Shop  for  Wrap  Up    Budweiser  Brewery  Tour-­‐  You  must  provide  your  own  transporta?on  to  this  tour.  

The  brewery  tour  is  an  immersive  experience  where  you  can  hear,  smell,  touch  and  taste  the  components  that  go  into  some  of  the  world’s  most  popular  beers.  The  Clydesdales  are  in  town!  Fort  Collins  is  the  home  to  the  world-­‐famous  Budweiser  Clydesdales  West  Coast  Team.  You  can  get  an  up-­‐close  and  personal  encounter  and  have  your  picture  taken  with  these  iconic  horses  right  here  in  Fort  Collins.    


�18 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Voice Your CTE Issues and Policy Priorities at 

National Policy Seminar 2016February 29-March 2 • Crystal Gateway

MarriottArlington, Virginia

Your Professional Organization

Be Involved! Make a Difference! CACTE Day at the Capitol and CTE

Month February 2016

Arlington, Virginia

No B


�19 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Wednesday Evening CACTE Networking

Staying at the Hotel?

Join us at the 5:30-7:30 Embassy Suites Managers Reception

in the Atrium

The  Summit  Entertainment  Center  

All  Conference  A_endees  are  Welcome  

Must  show  CACTE  Summit  Badge  

7:00-­‐10:00  PM  

Music,  Bowling,  Laser  Tag,  Arcade  Games  

Pizza,  Salad,  So\  Drinks,  Cash  Bar    

The  first  200  in  the  door  receive  a  $20  Summit  Pass  to  

use  toward  games,  Laser  Tag  and  Bowling  

Just  Three  Blocks  East  of  ConvenPon  Center  

Main  Doors  

Hotel  ShuWle  Available  upon  request!  





�20 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Snack Time9:25 am- 10:00 am

Last time to Visit with Exhibitors!

8:35  am  -­‐9:25  am    Pinyon  Pine  

CACTE  General  Session        You’re  awesome…But,  who  knows  it?  How  to  maximize  the  VALUE  of  CTE  programs  for  students  and  teachers.  Edson  Barton  :  CEO,  Founder  Precision                                          Data  showing  the  value  of  CTE  educa)on  is  growing  daily.  So,  why  are  CTE  teachers  constantly  being  asked  to  defend  the  value  of  what  they  provide  to  students?  Mr.  Barton  will  bring  industry  insights  and  real-­‐world,  prac)cal  advice  on  how  to  improve  student  performance,  increase  teacher  sa)sfac)on,  and  tell  the  world  how  great  you  and  your  students  really  are.  

7:45  AM-­‐  8:30  AM  

Pinyon  Pine  

CACTE  Business  MeePng  

Don’t  Miss  Thursday,  July  16,  2015  

Share your Leadership Skills!

Become a CACTE officer!

Thursday  July  16,  2015  9:45  am  -­‐  10:45  pm  

Professional  Development  Sessions  

Session  1  River  Birch  B  Plan  of  Study  ReDesign  Think  Tank  

It’s  )me  to  re-­‐think,  re-­‐shape,  re-­‐design  our  Plans  of  Study  templates!  Join  this  very  interac)ve,  safe,  thinking  environment  as  we  take  apart,  piece  together  and  create  a  new  POS  template  for  both  secondary  and  postsecondary  u)liza)on  in  Colorado.  Be  a  PoWeR-­‐ful  addi)on  to  a  poten)al  ‘oversight’  commiEee  with  POS  development,  lend  your  ideas,  voice  and  crea)ve  thinking  as  we  begin  to  cran  a  new  template  for  Colorado  POS.  Lauren  k  Jones  CTE  Program  Director  for  Career  Guidance,  Counseling  &  ACE  Colorado  Community  College  System  

Session  2  Carter  Lake  A  Career  Explora?on/Concentra?on  Tool  for  Middle/High  School  Teachers  

Careers  4  Me™  (www.elcie.com)  uses  a  simple  inventory  to  determine  your  student’s  Working  personality  and  present  congruent  occupa)ons.    The  free  website  requires  registra)on!    Teachers  can  register  for  access  to  their  class’s  results.  Their  interes)ng  occupa)ons  (10-­‐15)  are  grouped  by  Career  Cluster  (recommended  for  Middle  School  students)  or  by  Job  Family.      Larry  Gabbard      eLCie  Owner  

Session  3    Lake  Loveland  A  Andy  Griffith,  Fly  Fishing  and  High  Speed  Motorcycles:  Secrets  to  engaging  students  and  marke?ng  your  program  during  a  ?me  of  CTE  instability.    

How  keys  to  successfully  growing  your  CTE  program  during  a  )me  of  declining  FTE  from  the  state  of  Colorado.    I’ll  share  insights  into  interac)ons/policies  with  students,  counselors,  parents,  administrators,  and  local  businesses  that  have  helped  me  offer  a  quality  CTE  program  to  students  of  all  backgrounds.      Dave  Dillman  Marke)ng  Instructor  Durango  High  School  

Session  4  Carter  Lake  B  Launch  Your  CTSO's  School  Year  with  a  Summer  Officer  Retreat  

Create  a  Summer  Officer  Retreat  to  develop  a  cohesive  team  and  hit  the  ground  running  when  the  new  school  year  starts.  Stephanie  S)ger  served  as  Longmont  High  School’s  FBLA  President  for  the  last  2  years.  She,  along  with  re)red  FBLA  Adviser,  Donna  Sorensen,  will  share  their  plan.  Donna  Sorensen    Re)red  Business  TeacherSt.  Vrain  Valley  School  District  

�21 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Session  5  Lake  Loveland  B  Beyond  the  Job  Search  

LinkedIn  is  more  than  a  job  recruitment  site  –  it’s  also  powerful  professional  development  tool.    This  session  will  de-­‐mys)fy  LinkedIn  by  highligh)ng  ways  to  instantly  get  connected  and  showcase  your  own  and  your  students’  work!    In  this  interac)ve  session,  learn  to  maximize  your  profile,  document  projects,  and  enhance  your  networking  by  becoming  a  LinkedIn  super-­‐user.        Richard  Wisco_  Vice  President  &  Dean  of  Academic  Affairs      VA  Hayman  Barber  Director  of  Experien)al  Educa)on  &  Career  Services                                                                                                                                                                              Johnson  &  Wales  University  Denver  Campus    

Session  6  River  Birch  C  Calling  All  CTE  Rookies  (New  to  CTE?  You  are  going  to  want  to  aWend  this  one!)  (Get  your  Free  copy  of  "The  First  Year  in  CTE,  10  Things  to  Know”)  

Are  you  new  to  the  CTE  profession?  Feeling  lost  and  alone?  Come  join  us!  Celebrate  CTE  and  being  a  new  professional  by  learning  about  the  benefits  of  geyng  involved.  We  will  share  with  you  a  “Top  Ten”  list  to  help  you  gain  some  insight  from  our  experiences  and  collaborate  about  ways  to  help  others  in  your  posi)on  become  as  excited  about  CTE  as  you.  All  are  welcome  but  new  teachers  are  encouraged  to  aEend.  Autumn  Francis    Shelley  Goerdt    CTE  Superstars    Family  and  Consumer  Sciences  

Session  7  Big  Thompson  B  SteAm into successful Health Careers

We  will  revisit  the  basic  rules  of  muscle  form  and  func)on  in  a  unique  way  that  engages  all  learning  styles  for  maximum  reten)on.    We  will  build  muscles  in  clay  on  a  “living  skeleton”  model,  showing  the  importance  of  good  framework  and  synergy  of  the  human  body.  We  will  also  showcase  how  you  can  build  body  systems.    Direc)onal  terminology  and  assessments  become  easy  using  the  model  as  your  base.    This  inquiry  based  learning  system  is  a  great  way  to  integrate  NGSS  and  STEM  prac)ces  into  your  classroom  focusing  on  healthcare  careers.  Kelly  Canino  Western  Regional  Educa)on  Consultant    Zahourek  Systems,  Inc.  


Session  8  Elderberry  Bully  Proofing  You:  Improving  Confidence  and  Personal  Value  From  the  Inside  Out    Bullying  is  a  global  problem  with  an  individual  solu)on.  We  can  no  longer  pay  for  the  trauma  caused  by  bullies  with  the  lives  of  our  loved  ones.  Learn  a  proven  step  by  step  method  for  dealing  with  bullies  that  will  empower  your  students  and  staff.  Jeanie  Cisco-­‐MethLNJ  Enterprises,  LLC  

�22 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Thursday  July  16,  2015  11:00  am  -­‐  11:50  am  

Professional  Development  Sessions  Session  1  River  Birch  B  Sector  Partnership  Led  Career  Pathways  

One  of  the  most  advanced  sector  partnerships  in  the  state,  Northern  Colorado  Manufacturing  Sector  Partnership  is  developing  sector  partnership  led  career  pathways  for  manufacturing.  This  project  involves  numerous  public  and  private  partners  from  around  the  region  including  secondary  and  post  secondary  schools  and  a  large  group  of  industry  representa)ves.  Come  learn  about  this  fascina)ng  process  and  how  industry  is  driving  the  development  of  its  future  talent  pool.  Mary  Probst  Project  Coordinator  Colorado  Workforce  Development  Council  

Session  2  Carter  Lake  A  Role  Models  Ma_er    

If  STEM  occupa)ons  are  growing  faster,  pay  more,  and  have  lower  unemployment  rates,  then  why  are  so  few  pursuing  them?  We  believe  the  first  step  is  awareness  of  careers  through  real  role  models  and  engaging  experiences.  Hear  how  educators  are  using  next  genera)on  career  explora)on  to  inspire  students  and  boost  STEM  inten)on.    Melissa  Risteff,  CEO  Laura  Farrelly,  COO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Couragion  Corpora)on  

Session  3    Lake  Love  A  Engaging  Students  and  Building  Postsecondary  Workforce  Skills  Through  Cross-­‐Program  Collabora?on  

Educators  struggle  to  engage  students  in  learning  in  ways  that  cover  both  curriculum  and  Postsecondary  &  Workforce  Readiness  skills.  Crea)ve  partnering  is  crucial  to  the  success  of  CTE  programs.    A  successful  model  for  partnering  is  a  cross-­‐program  partner  whereby  CTE  programs  work  together  to  build  curriculum  and  provide  students  to  work  with  a  variety  of  students  who  may  not  be  enrolled  in  their  program.  The  Healthcare  &  Medical  Sciences  and  Criminal  Jus)ce  Programs  at  WarrenTech,  have  teamed  together  to  create  classroom  learning  environment  that  addresses  the  individual  needs  of  each  program  but  engages  students  in  learning  the  importance  of  using  teams  in  both  the  Healthcare  and  Criminal  Jus)ce  arenas.  Linda  Efird,  MSN,  BSN,  RN,  MA  Healthcare  &  Medical  Sciences  Program  Director  WarrenTech    

�23 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Want to develop your Leadership Skills?

Join the CACTE Officer Team!

Session  4      Big  Thompson  B  Generous  Leadership  in  the  classroom  through  the  Big  Idea  Project  

Why  is  Big  Idea  Project  impac)ng  students  and  communi)es?  Students  are  developing  as  generous  leaders  through  Big  Idea  Project,  which  is  a  service  learning  experience  inside  the  classroom  that  challenges  students  to  find  a  need  in  society  and  do  something  about  it!  Big  Idea  Project  engages  students  beyond  the  classroom  and  helps  them  to  give  back  to  the  community.  Bryan  Halsey  Co-­‐Founder  of  Big  Idea  Project  and  Bus/Marke)ng  Teacher  at  Columbine  Big  Idea  Project  and  Columbine  HS  

Session  5      Lake  Loveland  B  Teach  STEM  concepts  through  EverFi's  free  interac?ve  online  courses  

Would  you  like  a  way  to  engage  your  students  in  STEM  concepts  with  interac)ve  online  courses?  In  this  session,  we’ll  explore  EverFi’s  free  online  courses  in  STEM,  such  as  the  new  Hockey  Scholar  course,  which  teaches  5-­‐7  grade  students  about  STEM  through  the  exci)ng  game  of  hockey.    Liz  Foreman                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Implementa)on  Manager  EverFi  

Session  6    Carter  Lake  B  "Teamify"  Solu?ons  for  the  Classroom  and  Educa?on  

Teamify  is  a  suite  of  simple  and  effec)ve  collabora)on  tools.  This  tool  will  help  take  CTE  and  STEM  to  the  next  level  in  any  classroom  and  educa)onal  organiza)on.  This  powerful  tool  will  create  a  virtual  maker  space  in  your  classroom  and  increase  your  students’  academic  and  career  success.                  Marc  Sotkin  Co-­‐Founder  and  Consultant  Teamify                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Session  7  River  Birch  C  "CEEK"  Your  Leadership  Skills  in  All  you  Do  

We  will  Journey  through  a  review  of  balance  and  purpose  as  we  move  into  Leadership  Quali)es,  Plans  and  Culture  of  your  organiza)on.    You  can  ‘simplify  and  amplify’  your  leadership  and  your  team  dynamics.  Join  us  for  this  energe)c  presenta)on  as  we  mo)vate  you  in  order  to  mo)vate  your  teams.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jeffrey  Lund  Co-­‐Founder  Lead  Consultant  CEEK    a  Subsidiary  of  Sxtant  Universal  Corp                                                                                                                                                                                                                

   Session  8  Elderberry  Bully  Proofing  You:  Improving  Confidence  and  Personal  Value  From  the  Inside  Out    Bullying  is  a  global  problem  with  an  individual  solu)on.  We  can  no  longer  pay  for  the  trauma  caused  by  bullies  with  the  lives  of  our  loved  ones.  Learn  a  proven  step  by  step  method  for  dealing  with  bullies  that  will  empower  your  students  and  staff.  Jeanie  Cisco-­‐MethLNJ  Enterprises,  LLC

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�25 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

12:00  pm-­‐  1:20  pm  Pinyon  Pine  

Awards  Luncheon  Annual  Colorado  AssociaPon  For  Career  and  Technical  EducaPon  Awards  

 Mimi  Leonard    Coordinator-­‐  Career  and  Technical  Educa?on,  

Li_leton  Public  Schools  and  President-­‐Elect  Administra?on  Division  

Darrell  Green  PhD  Execu?ve  Director  CACTE  


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Innovative Industrial Resources

Thank You to our Exhibitors! We have a great group of exhibitors this year! Please visit our exhibitors during your breaks and networking times! Our exhibitors have been very generous in providing refreshments and donations.

Center for Work Ethic Development www.workethic.org

Career and Technical Training LLC www.catt-llc.com

Colorado Mountain College www.coloradomtn.edu

Colorado Comm. College System www.cccs.edu

Certiport, Inc. www.certiport.com

National Geographic Learning www.cengage.com

NxGenLearning.net www.NxGenLearning.net

FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising www.fidm.edu

High Country Technology Consultants www.hctcinc.com

Johnson & Wales www.jwu.edu

Paxton/Patterson www.paxpat.com

Precisions Exams www.precisionexams.com

Technical laboratory Sys. X-Cal www.tech-labs.com

Regis University College for Professional Studies www.transfertoregis.org

Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education www.cacte.org

Association for Career and Technical Education www.acteonline.org

Front Range Community College www.frontrange.edu

Aims Community College www.aims.edu

Advanced Technology Center www.frontrange.edu/machining

Couragion www.couragion.com

Realityworks http://realityworks.com

3d Proshare www.3dproshare.com

Anatomy in Clay Learning Systems www.anatomyinclay.com

Independent Living Experience IndependentLivingExperience.com

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver Branch www.kansascityfed.org/denver

Exhibitors—Thank  you  for  your  support  

�26 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015


Jerry Balistreri Jerry Balistreri is a professional educator, administrator, author, and trainer.  His training on how to read body language leaves participants wanting more and creates a memorable experience.  Jerry gets the participants involved with fun learning experiences that leave them with concrete knowledge of how to read body language and what the "tells" mean.

Edson Barton Mr. Barton worked as a senior director with Certiport where he directed client activities for Adobe, Autodesk, Intuit, and Microsoft, drove world-wide Authorized Courseware programs, and directed North American Sales. Additionally, he worked as a Vice President of Sales for Imergent; Executive Director of Kids Voting Utah; and a Business Development Consultant for Genesis Laboratories.

Steve Beaudry Steve has over 20 years experience in applied technology as a Field Service Engineer, Systems Analyst and Sales Executive for Technical Education programs across the country. He has degrees in Electronics Engineering and Automated Manufacturing Technologies.

Kelly Canino Western Regional Education Consultant, Zahourek Systems, Inc

Jeanie Cisco-Meth As a high school educator for more than 17 years, Jeanie witnessed firsthand what bullying can do to a person, a family, and a community. Her solution was to design a program and book to improve confidence and personal value. Bully Proofing You is the result of that effort.

Josh DaviesJosh is passionate about helping others make a difference in their lives, jobs, and community. Through his work as a speaker, trainer, and mentor he has produced results around the country. He has made presentations to a wide variety of organizations across all 50 states. Josh is the CEO of The Center for Work Ethic Development, is the past President of the Council of Hotel and Restaurant Trainers (CHART), and was recently appointed to the Colorado Workforce Development Council as chairman of the State Youth Council.

Dave Dillman Dave has a BA in Business Administration and a Marketing Major from Miami University in Oxford Ohio. Enjoyed a successful career in professional sales and Marketing in the early 1990s. Began his teaching career in 1997 and has also served 4 years as CTE Director for Thompson School District. Currently teach marketing at Durango High School.

Linda Efird, MSN, BSN, RN, MA Linda is a Master’s prepared Registered Nurse and is currently in the final stages of earning her PhD in Psychology. She has been a secondary CTE educator for 11 years. Her areas of specialty are psychology both with adolescents and adults; she is also passionate about her teaching career and enjoys program and curriculum development.

Laura FarrellyLaura has passionately thrived over the last 15 years in the technology sector. Frustrated by the inability to fill positions in a timely manner and to hire and retain diverse teams – she started Couragion to inspire students to pursue STEM careers that fit the vision of their lives.

�27 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Liz Foreman EverFi Inc. is the leading critical skills organization focused on teaching, assessing, and certifying students in the skills they need for life. EverFi has reached more than 7 million students through its digital learning platform. EverFi teams with major corporations and foundations to provide the programs at no cost to schools. Learn more at www.everfi.com.

Larry Gabbard Larry Gabbard: M.A., Regis University; M.S.E., Purdue University, eLCie Owner, Career Counselor and Researcher. MBTI and Strong qualified. Researched and taught Enneagram. His latest Careers 4 Me is web based (www.elcie.com). Recipient 2005 APTi National Merit Award. Recipient of CCDA 2013 Rich Feller Award. Retired Mechanical Engineer, Supervisor AT&T-Bell Labs.

Forrest Hicks Forrest has been with Career and Technical Training for almost 7 years now. He has worked in the CTE arena for over 12 years first starting with DEPCO in Pittsburg, Kansas. He has supported TSA by judging the video production events for those twelve years. He chaired the mechanical drafting competition for Kansas SkillsUSA for 5 years and was asked to sit on the Kansas Teacher of the Year selection committee for 3 years. His pursuit of technology resources for CTE led the Roland Subtractive Rapid Prototyping machines to the education world in 2011.

Bryan HalseyCo-Founder and President of Big Idea Project, which is a nonprofit that certifies educators to implement a service learning experience in the classroom call Big Idea Project. I am also currently a Business/Marketing teacher at Columbine HS, where I have been teaching for 9 years. I love the topic of leadership.

Sarah Heath PhD Sarah is the ACTE President. Sarah also is the Assistant Provost for Career and Technical Education at the Colorado Community College System.

Stacey Hervey Stacey Hervey has worked at Denver Public Schools for15 years and currently serves as the Teacher Leader in charge of culturally responsive practices at CEC Middle College of Denver. She also teaches adjunct courses for MSU and UCCS specializing in Hate Crimes, group violence and juvenile delinquency. She is a strong advocate for young people and in 2009 received the FBI Leadership award for her contributions to the community. She has received numerous teaching recognitions including the Mile High Teaching award and Distinguished Teacher commendation. She is a mayoral appointee to the City of Denver Crime Prevention and Control Commission and has been featured on NPR and local news agencies for her expertise on school issues impacting youth. She has presented recently with Homeland Security on issues facing youth in society today.

Kenneth R. Holmes PhD Earned his PhD at the University of Windsor in the field of psychology. Region 5 Fellow year 2. Has been teaching industrial technology for over 30 years. At present, the Chair of the Electrical Technology Division Advisory Board at PPCC. Developed the new PPCC Industrial Robot program over the past 2 years. Believes that teaching needs to be fun, interesting and challenging the student to become self-learners.

Bob Imhoff Bob manages the distribution and implementation of Certiport’s certification exams for nine western states. For the past three years, he has been assisting CTE directors and instructors in the implementation of programs that will allow their students to enhance their education with certification and give them relevant real world skills.

�28 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Lauren JonesLauren K Jones, MA NCC, a trained school counselor, nationally certified counselor, past expeditionary learning instructor and past Statewide Outreach Coordinator for Colorado’s free guidance website: CollegeInColorado. Currently, she is the CTE Program Director for Career Guidance, Counseling and ACE with the Colorado Community College System (CCCS). Lauren also coordinates the implementation of Middle School CTE programs as well serves as Project Manager for the Workplace Gender Balance Grant, supervisor of Colorado’s ICAP Implementation Specialist and constant advocate for ACE and everything CTE!

Renee Kuharski, PhD Renee has served in CTE roles at Colorado Mountain College for over 15 years. She holds a Ph.D from CSU in Community College Leadership; an MA from CU – Denver and a BS from the UW – La Crosse. CTE, showing her dogs in competitions and living life in the mountains are a few of her passions. Renee is the President of the CACTA Division. Thank you for all of tour hard work this year.

Michelle Koch As a Colorado native, I feel so fortunate to have enjoyed the beauty of this state my entire life. Growing up in rural Adams County, I participated in 4-H, and focused on FACS projects.  I graduated from Colorado State University, with a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences in 1991. When time allows, I enjoy creating new recipes, reading, movies, traveling and doing it all with those I love. Michelle is the Secretary of CACTE. Thank you Brenda for all of your hard work this year.

Tara Laughlin, Ed. D Dr. Tara Laughlin received her Masters degree in divergent learning, and her doctorate degree based on years of real world research and application in integrating 21st Century Learning into everyday lesson planning.

Emily Lesh Emily initially came to CDLE as the Green Jobs Coordinator, which gave her opportunity to work closely with Governor's Office. Prior to her work with CWDC, she worked for National Conference of State Legislatures. Emily holds a Master's in Public Administration from University of Washington.Sheila Lucas, M.A., M.Ed. and Dave LucasSheila is a former teacher/media center director and has two master’s degrees from the University of Chicago and Antioch. And NxGenLearning.net is a Lakewood-based consulting and training firm focused on discovering and delivering the most rigorous, relevant, innovative STEM resources (created by educators) designed to radically advance student learning and motivation to deliver equity and excellence in STEM careers for students.

Jeffrey Lund A Relationship Improvement Motivational Trainer, dedicated in helping ALL who cross his path find true joy, peace and happiness. An MBA with years of leadership experience in education, corporate settings and training others. Developing individual and team strategies for ALL to find success in leadership and life.

Ben Nesbitt Ben is Program Director for Skilled Trades & Technical Science. The position enables him to provide leadership and technical assistance for CTE programs across Colorado. With over twenty years in CTE education, Ben is a strong believer in life-long learning, and understands the important role CTE plays in today’s “global economy.”

�29 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Mary Probst Mary came to the CWDC after several years working for a large educational nonprofit agency where she specialized in serving families with disabilities and refugee populations in job preparation and job development. Mary has a Master's Degree in Public Affairs from University of Colorado.

Tony Raymond Tony has been a technology education teacher for more than 11 years. He has served as a chapter advisor for TSA at both the middle and high school levels and knows the challenges and rewards of implementing a CTSO. For the past six years, he has served as Assistant Program Director for Skilled Trades and Technical Sciences, State Director for SkillsUSA Colorado and the State Advisor for the Colorado Technology Student Association. Thanks to Tony for filling in the vacancy of Program Director for STEM, Arts and IT!

Brenda Rhodes Brenda is a Professor for Accounting and Business at Northeastern Junior College. She is also Department Chair for Business and Cosmetology. She is the CACTE President and is very active in the CACTE organization. Thank you Brenda for all of your hard work this year.

Melissa Risteff Melissa has passionately thrived over the last 15 years in the technology sector. Frustrated by the inability to fill positions in a timely manner and to hire and retain diverse teams – they started Couragion to inspire students to pursue STEM careers that fit the vision of their lives.

Sonya Sallak Sonya is a Certified School Counselor, CTE Specialist and is a member of the CDE ICAP Work Group. Through her role as a Graduation Coach she has increased scholarship dollars, accepted seniors and concurrent enrollment annually.

�30 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Jon Schlesinger Jon has a M.Ed. in Counseling from DePaul University, is a licensed professional counselor, and is perusing his Ph.D. in Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership at UNC. His focus is on career development and assessment. He has worked in career services at Northwestern University and the University of Florida. Karen Sheff President of the Business education Division. She brings expertise in ACE and Special Populations and Business Education. Karen is the President of the Business Education Division. Thank you for all your hard work this year.

Michael Simpson Michael is co-founder and CEO of Pairin, the provider of the science behind this initiative. His 20+ year background in the software industry, 12 years as an executive coach, and his mother’s experience as a Community College professor, led to his company’s commitment to improving career readiness for CTE providers.

Donna Sorensen Donna retired last year after teaching Business at the high school level for 25 years. She is joined today by recent graduate Stephanie Stiger who served as FBLA Chapter President at Longmont High School for the past 2 years.

Marc Sotkin Marc is the Co-Founder & SVP Education & Strategic Partnerships at Teamify.io and EMMY® Award Winning TV writer & producer.

Mary Stecklein Mary is teaching the EDU 251 course again this year here at the conference. Mary has her own business, Strategic Decisions Consulting LLC and is consultant for several school districts in Colorado for Career and Technical Education. Mary has an extensive background in CTE in Colorado. Thank you Mary!

Cathy Stenger Cathy is the Field Account Manager for Realityworks, based in Topeka, KS.  Her territory includes Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and New Mexico.  Cathy has a passion for educating and assisting teachers implement our Total Parenting Experience and RealCareer Welding Solutions to make a difference in students’ lives.

Richard WiscottVA Hayman Barber Wiscott & Barber help to lead student-centered initiatives on the Johnson & Wales University Denver Campus. Dr. Wiscott holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from the University Of Akron and Mrs. Hayman-Barber holds Masters in both Higher Education and Applied Communication & Organizational Leadership.

�31 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015Thursday-Sunday, November 19-22, New Orleans

Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education Presidents

1917-1920 Harry A. Tiemann 1971-1972 Jo Ellen Zgut 1920-1930 (unknown) 1972-1973 Sidney Koon Jr. 1930-1931 Elmer Johnson 1973-1974 Don Richardson 1931-1932 W.C. Nel 1974-1975 Walt Taylor 1932-1933 Mary Inman 1975-1976 Sam Samuelson 1933-1934 Don Malcolm 1976-1977 Larry Siegfried 1934-1935 Frank Hafner 1977-1978 Carroll Harr 1935-1937 Thomas Vanderhoof 1978-1979 May Howell 1937-1939 Lucile C. Fee 1979-1980 Merle Rhoades 1939-1940 Robert H. Pollard 1980-1981 Larry Steele 1940-1941 Robert H. Pollard (resigned) 1981-1982 Bob Hamblen 1940-1941 Harold F. Johnson (assumed) 1982-1983 Russell L. Blackman 1941-1943 Charles E. Swisher 1983-1984 Bill Smith 1943-1945 Ruth Densmore 1984-1985 Ron Preston 1945-1946 A.C. Erickson 1985-1986 Lyle Bowen 1946-1947 Leon L. Hopkins 1986-1987 Nancy J. Bailey 1948-1949 Russell K. Britton 1987-1988 Frank Paulovich 1949-1950 M. Serliida Gray 1988-1989 Helen Gabriel 1950-1951 Louis A. McElroy 1989-1990 Dan R. Lucero 1951-1952 John Harvey 1990-1991 Mary Lou Nelson 1952-1953 Carl Prior 1991-1992 Donna House 1953-1954 Rhoda Foss Hall 1992-1993 Steve Kindsfather 1954-1955 William E. Ratekin 1993-1994 James Foster 1955-1956 John L. Cameron 1994-1995 Deanna Strait 1956-1957 Fred A. Picks 1995-1996 C. Alan Nelms 1957-1958 Earl Wells 1996-1997 Peg Morelli 1958-1959 Pauline Bateman McKean 1997-1998 Mary Stecklein 1959-1960 Alvin G. Erickson 1998-1999 Allen Meyer 1960-1961 Eugene R. Daise 1999-2000 Sherrie Schneider 1961-1962 Dustin R. Scudder 2000-2001 Bob Jager 1962-1963 Margaret Holsclaw Morgan 2001-2002 Chris Barnes 1963-1964 Joe Cook 2002-2003 Glen March 1964-1965 Robert Datteri 2003-2004 Teresa Yohon 1965-1966 Bill Fintzell 2004-2005 Art Bogardus 1966-1967 Doris Walters 2005-2006 Mimi Leonard 1967-1968 Bill Arnold 2006-2007 Kathryn Gaasvig 1968-1969 Gene Ruby 2007-2008 Karla Rodie 1969-1970 Betty Stephenson 2008-2009 Steve Kindsfather 1970-1971 Glen Sowder 2009-2010 Katy Blatnick-Gagné 2010-2011 Mark Bell 2011-2012 Steve Alkire 2012-2013 Michael Siegrist PhD 2013-2014 Jennifer VanderMeer 2014-2015 Brenda Rhodes

�32 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015

Join us for the CACTE 2016 Collaborative Summit Steamboat Springs Sheraton Resort

July 18-21, 2016 Steamboat Springs, Colorado

�33 CACTE Summit - July 13-16, 2015